... Basically, the programme The results of the current study are in agreement with the findings of previous studies that on teachers and students' perception of generic skills acquisition in HE. These studies found that students were highly developed and equipped in time management skills, learning skills, self-monitoring skills, technology proficiency skills, research skills, analytical and application skills, communication skills, management skills, and problem solving skills, ability to work under pressure, teamwork/collaborative skills, critical think skills, decision making skills, leadership skills, ethical values (integrity), entrepreneurial skills, motivation, stress-management skills, social skills, interpersonal skills, tolerance skills and negotiation skills (Abayadeera & Watty, 2016;Hussein, 2017;Edjah, 2018;Mah & Ifenthaler, 2017Paramasivam et al., 2018;Chadha & Sachdeva, 2019;Griffin & Coelhoso, 2019;Hill et al., 2019;Aina et al., 2020;Mameche et al., 2020). However, the results of the current study disagreed with the findings of prior researcher that students were lowly prepared and equipped in intellectual skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, creativity skills, initiative/innovation skills, emotional intelligence skills/awareness skills, research skills, IT skills, flexibility and adaptability skills, learning skills and self-management skills (Mah & Ifenthaler, 2018;Naqvi et al., 2018;Douglas & Gammie, 2019;Dsane-Nsor et al., 2019;Griffin & Coelhoso, 2019;Hill et al., 2019;Mameche et al., 2020). ...