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Status of Serverless Computing and Function-as-a-Service(FaaS) in Industry and Research


Abstract and Figures

First International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC) 2017 Report from workshop and panel on the Status of Serverless Computing and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) in Industry and Research Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University) Vatche Ishakian (Bentley University) Vinod Muthusamy (IBM) Aleksander Slominski (IBM). This whitepaper summarizes issues raised during the First International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC) 2017 held June 5th, 2017 and especially in the panel and associated discussion that concluded the workshop. We also include comments from the keynote and submitted papers. A glossary at the end (section 8) defines many technical terms used in this report. Panel participants: Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University), Rodric Rabbah (IBM), Garrett McGrath (University of Notre Dame), Edward Oakes (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Ryan Chard (Argonne National Laboratory), and Ali Kanso (IBM)
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First International Workshop on Serverless
Computing (WoSC) 2017
Report from workshop and panel on the Status of
Serverless Computing and Function-as-a-Service
(FaaS) in Industry and Research
Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University)
Vatche Ishakian (Bentley University)
Vinod Muthusamy (IBM)
Aleksander Slominski (IBM)
This whitepaper summarizes issues raised during the  First International Workshop on
Serverless Computing (WoSC) 2017 [1] held June 5th 2017 and especially in  the panel [2–5]
and associated discussion that concluded the workshop. We also include comments from
the keynote [6] and submitted papers [7–10]. A glossary at the end (section 8) defines many
technical terms used in this report.
Panel participants:  Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University), Rodric Rabbah (IBM), Garrett
McGrath (University of Notre Dame), Edward Oakes (University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Ryan Chard (Argonne National Laboratory), and Ali Kanso (IBM)
Panel participants were asked to provide a short presentation for one of suggested topics
Describe current state of field in terms of technology and adoption
Argue that serverless computing is nothing new and point out the relevant literature
and past achievements
Take the position that serverless computing is fundamentally different and requires
revisiting common assumptions.
Discuss challenging real-world problems that could be research issues.
Outline the definition and scope of serverless computing platforms.
Propose a benchmark to compare serverless platforms.
Suggest a timeline for evolution of technology and adoption for area
The panel and workshop presentations are linked from the workshop website.
In this whitepaper we will only summarize and emphasize the themes that were raised
during panel and workshop - the detailed notes are available as a separate document.
We believe that serverless computing [11] is not only an exciting platform for researchers
to explore but also for academia to use. There are upcoming changes in leading cloud
analytics platforms to become more serverless (for example Spark [12]) and some
experiments to use serverless directly as runtime for analytics (for example [13]).
2Basic Definition of Serverless and FaaS
Serverless evolved over time as shown in Fig.
1. The beginning of usage of the term
‘serverless’ can be traced to its original
meaning of not using servers and typically
was applied to peer-to-peer (P2P) software or
client side only solutions [14,15]. In the cloud
context, serverless started to mean that
developers do not need to worry about
servers and in particular just uses SaaS
platforms or services such as Google App
Engine [16–18]. The latest serverless
solutions are really server-hidden and
built to host functions and hide that the
functions runs on servers or how scaling
is done. The functions may be part of a
service (for example Azure Data Lake
Analytics  or Google Cloud Datalab) or
offered as an independent service called
Function-as-a-Service or FaaS. Note that
unlike SaaS or PaaS that are always
running, but scale on-demand, serverless workloads run on-demand, and consequently,
scale on-demand. Summarizing this, we see that the same term serverless is being used to
describe related but different concepts.
From the IBM tutorial at workshop [19,20], we find their definition of FaaS and Serverless as
A cloud-native platform
For short-running, stateless computation
And event-driven applications
which scales up and down instantly and
And charges for actual usage at a
millisecond granularity
Fig. 2 shows the evolution of
Infrastructure or IaaS from an
old data center model with
explicit servers to serverless
which was described by Barga
in his keynote [6] with the tag
line that “No server is easier to
manage than no server”. More
details of this evolution are given in Figs. 3 and 4. Hiding the server infrastructure as in
Serverless is coming to attention just as public clouds  offer an increasingly rich variety of
instances with compute, memory, accelerator, and I/O choices that offer amazing
functionality but at increasing complexity.
Fig. 5 summarizes some of areas
where today serverless may excel
or have limitations. However
discussion at the meeting
suggested that this characterization
could change. For example today
FaaS, Event driven computing,
stateless, and short running are all
associated with serverless. However
we can expect these important
ideas to evolve independently and
not be tied closely together. For example, event driven FaaS could support long running
jobs and/or be offered on explicit IaaS. Contrastly serverless ideas (hiding the details of
server deployment) could be used on many different cloud computing scenarios. In the
keynote, Barga described Amazon Lambda which is their event driven computing model
underlying their serverless offering. The Lambda homepage [21] describes serverless FaaS
Examples of the breadth of serverless included the PyWren MapReduce based on FaaS [13]
and the importance of the event driven computing model to edge computing (see section
5) -- identified as joining serverless as two separate drivers of next generation cloud
3Comments on Serverless and FaaS Technologies: The
State of Serverless Computing
3.1The definition compared to current practice in
serviceless and FaaS
One issue that was raised often was the definition of serverless and Function-as-a-Service
(FaaS) already brought up in section 2. The serverless manifesto poses this well [22]. During
his workshop keynote [6], Roger Barga
defined serverless as the next stage of
in an evolution of cloud computing
from Grid to IaaS Cloud to PaaS/SaaS
to serverless FaaS, where developers
can build services without worrying
about servers; both event driven and
stateless did not seem essential -- just
common features. He used the
graphic shown in Fig. 6. That definition
is much broader than small stateless
functions or FaaS. In contrast the IBM
tutorial [20], defines serverless as
Small Stateless Functions as a  Service,
which fits the current state of Apache
OpenWhisk which was a centerpiece
of their contribution. Note small
functions naturally fit the growing use of microservices. Note the smallness of functions
with short running times (“Kill after 5 minutes” and “transient residency”) is important on
the provider-side as it allows low costing of FaaS which is used to fill the load between
larger jobs on a cloud infrastructure. Still this feature including its important lower cost,
could evolve to just one of several serverless offerings. We can discuss the relation
between Apache Storm (Heron or Amazon Kinesis) compared to Apache OpenWhisk (or
Amazon Lambda). How does the dataflow model in Storm (or Spark and Flink) relate to
FaaS? Eventually FaaS could be an implementation.  We can also compare SaaS with FaaS; is
the latter an advanced subset of former? And in general what are the intersections and
overlaps between traditional serverless (where servers literally are not used instead code is
running peer-to-peer to provide services such as storage, messaging, etc.) and event-driven
computing (see Fig. 7)? And is FaaS limited to event-driven computing ?   Note Figs. 6 and 7
are inconsistent in detail with the nested classifications of Fig. 6 being relaxed in Fig. 7; this
just reflects the typical confusion in an emerging field.
This discussion leads to natural questions such as why serverless is a good name when you
need to explain what it is? And why not just call it function computing or FaaS, if it is all
about stateless functions? Is serverless just a specialized option or is it good for almost
The  Cloud Native Computing Foundation CNCF Serverless Working Group is exploring the
intersection of cloud native and serverless technology and their web resource [23] has a
substantial accumulation of useful information on serverless and FaaS.
The increasing importance of Serverless computing is illustrated by the appearance of the
term “Serverless PaaS” which is "on the rise"  in the 2017 Hype Technologies Report [24]
from Gartner.
3.2What is new about Serverless?
Rodric Rabbah brought forward the recent example of the FCC website that collapsed when
it was unable to handle comments about net neutrality. That is good example where
serverless could be making an immediate real difference - if the FCC used a serverless
platform that would have a better chance to handle the scale of traffic generated. Trying to
decide how many servers to deploy and then maintain their scaling is hard job and unless
substantial expertise is available in-house it is easy to make mistakes. This example brings
up the support of elasticity and cloud-bursting to reach larger capacity sites; scheduling
technology needs to be improved to support this.
What is also making serverless attractive is a cloud offering of an ecosystem of supporting
middleware and artificial intelligence services that integrate seamlessly with the serverless
platform to enable natural language processing, image recognition, manage state, record
and monitor logs, send alerts, trigger events,  or perform authentication and authorization.
The use of such services not only present another revenue stream for the cloud provider,
but also enables application dependency on the provider’s ecosystem and vendor lock-in.
Serverless builds upon technologies that have been subject of previous research in
different computing domains, what is particularly new about serverless? Is Serverless be all
and end all of new technologies? What is the real cost of Serverless?
 
3.3Is Serverless Necessarily Stateless?
The stateless or stateful aspect of serverless produced much discussion. Storing state
external to a “stateless” FaaS could enable many important applications and allow big
datasets to trigger multiple microservice-based FaaS invocations. Here we can look at AWS
Step Functions which can orchestrate a workflow of multiple microservices while RDD in
Spark can store state in an external entity that can easily be accessed by using an
in-memory database. Note the manifesto [22] SLE assertion that in serverless: “permanent
Storage Lives Elsewhere”.
3.4Provider Side view of Serverless
This was discussed in McGrath’s panel presentation [5] with serverless computing allowing
providers to understand customer applications and to deliver value based on this
information. Applications declare behavior such as the triggering events and one can also
predict behavior -- perhaps with machine learning from logs. The serverless fine grained
programming model gives the provider more flexibility to schedule/optimize. There is
perhaps a relation to JIT compilers here.
There are mutual economic pressures as Cloud providers need to cost-compete by running
datacenters more efficiently (utilization, energy-efficiency) while Cloud customers seek to
reduce cost by minimizing resource waste. Both can be satisfied by better matching of
application needs to allocated services. Serverless computing is a large step forward but
we’re not there yet as we ask for “Never pay for idle, or for wait” [25] as time spent waiting
on network (function executions or otherwise) is wasted by both provider and customer.
Here the billing model of serverless is questioned. The simple view is that one only pays for
what one uses but network delay can lead to billing for unused time.
3.5Can serverless work for longer running tasks?
We discussed the compatibility of serverless with long running compute tasks with
different aspects of this being illuminated by the panelists. Long running jobs are of course
well known in High Performance Computing (HPC) with sophisticated scheduling based on
user time estimates: serverless workloads today are very short lived but maybe in the
future will be longer as in HPC. The provider will need to provide a service level agreement
(SLA) and long running tasks give the provider less flexibility in scheduling and more
difficulty in cost-effective SLA’s. Of course, serverless gives the illusion of unlimited
resources and one “just” needs to realize this. One possibility is to handoff long running
jobs to a different container service. Alternatively, AWS Step Functions let you manage long
running flows by combining multiple (small) FaaS invocations.
This question forces one to address the different facets of Serverless independently:
hidden (from user) IaaS, event-based, edge workflows, streaming data, dataflow, micro
(time, size) services. If long running jobs are allowed, you will presumably need
The question of standards was discussed with the clear goal of supporting easy movement
of business logic between different serverless platforms and prevent vendor lock-in. There
are currently no directly applicable standards although it is early days to set standards for a
capability that is still being defined. Further we know that AWS is the market leader of the
field and may not have a clear motivation to develop standards other than the de facto
standard -- their technology. It was noted that a rationale for open sourcing OpenWhisk is
to build a community from which standards can be developed. Further CNCF has a very
relevant working group [15]. Again at this early stage, many smaller players can still upset
the market leader.
Messaging standards, including the machine to machine light-weight pub-sub system MQTT
[18], could relevant while the importance of the generally used Robot Operating System
[19] could lead to standards.
3.7Programming models
We discussed possible programming models (reactive programming, logic programming,
functional, etc.) that could be appropriate to address FaaS including the problem of moving
compute around. Of course as with standards, we are right at the beginning and we can
expect a lot of opportunities for innovation in programming languages and runtime.
Although event-based programming is not totally new, the use in the datacenter is a new
context, while IoT devices need to worry about energy usage. The intersection of FaaS and
traditional Big Data programming environments such as Spark, Flink, Hadoop, Storm and
Heron is discussed in [26,27].
3.8Are there any cons to Serverless and FaaS?
There was a lengthy discussion of the possible negatives and difficulties with FaaS and
serverless. At the highest level there was concern that users (industry) were chasing the
latest fad (in this case serverless) without consideration of the soundness of the approach.
For example, there are still significant challenges in using OpenStack and Docker at scale. In
latter case, OpenWhisk uses Docker at an unprecedented scale and has uncovered many
concurrency bugs.
Concerns were expressed about maintaining the (attractive) pricing model for Serverless.
This is important for keeping cost down for intermittent streaming applications. Note that
as one uses Serverless for more complex applications, the provider will get additional funds
from the incidental activities such as traditional storage (save state), a supporting
ecosystem of available provider functionality, and computing in the cloud at the expense of
vendor lock-in. Also current (lack of) SLA for serverless may make it unattractive for latency
sensitive applications in Government, Healthcare, and Banking. Serverless will not handle
911 in the near future or until SLA’s are addressed seriously. In this case, one might be
forced to doing FaaS oneself in a private cloud -- i.e. In fact worrying in detail about the IaaS
that you tried to avoid.  A different view was expressed that this is not really a con;
serverless promotes separation of concerns between the application logic and the runtime.
Today the runtime is typically in the cloud, but it could be in-house as well.
The panel discussed using Platform as a Service PaaS instead of FaaS. PaaS is compatible
with scaling up the servers as needed to meet demand. For PaaS, the scaling is reactive and
not deterministic as for FaaS. Further, you still need to manage the workflow and minimum
number of instances for PaaS.
A comparison was made with networking with an analogy drawn between FaaS and
network packet switching with both multiplexing demand. QoS is difficult in both FaaS and
network packet switching with latter compared to circuit switching.
3.9Current Serverless Systems
The workshop was not aimed at a comprehensive survey of existing serverless
technologies but it certainly did cover the current technology to some extent. Notably the
IBM Tutorial [20] gave a thorough discussion of what is now Apache OpenWhisk. The
keynote from Amazon [6] naturally covered AWS technologies; important as they are the
current commercial leader. As well as AWS Lambda and Kinesis, Barga covered Greengrass
for IoT and X-Ray for debugging.
The Notre Dame paper [9] described their new serverless system built around Docker on
Azure with Windows. They also compared this with Google, AWS. OpenWhisk, and Azure
serverless systems. The performance results seemed quite erratic in this early stage of the
field. This paper defines a benchmark and here we certainly need community
The Wisconsin paper [10] was mainly based on the Pipsqueak python packaging application
but the open source OpenLambda technology was the environment used.
The value of Google Firebase as a serverless IoT tool was emphasized.
4Use Cases for Serverless and FaaS
Of course the future of Serverless and FaaS will critically depend the application drivers and
the breadth of user cases is driving a lot of the current interest in the field [13]. Amazon
Alexa like chatbots are another example of that interest[28]. The event-based model is
familiar from previous work such as CORBA on distributed object technology with RMI
(Remote Method Invocation) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) implementing FaaS. Rather
old examples of this include “optimization on demand” NEOS [29] and the DoD high level
architecture HLA implementation of distributed simulation [30]. NetSolve and GridSolve
[31]  represent the Grid community approach to RPC.
One can also argue that the cloud provider can influence the use cases for Serverless. The
more self awareness (through monitoring) the cloud has (e.g. traffic patterns, resource
utilization, data transfer size/frequency, ...), the more triggers it can offer to its customers
and the more triggers the customer have, the more functions they can write to react to
those triggers. Serverless is a declarative policy-based approach such that the more
triggers we have, the richer the policies can be.
4.1What are established use cases for serverless?
One major use case motivation as stressed by Barga is user convenience; they do not want
to worry about complex IaaS. A more specific feature is the automatic elastic scaling as is
needed in many e-commerce applications such as ticket sales with surges in popularity. A
broad use case is support of edge computing described in section 5 and in the following we
discuss use-cases covered in papers and presentations.
Barga’s keynote [6] discussed 6 classes of use-cases: web applications, backends including
IoT (section 5), Big Data, Chatbots, Amazon Alexa and IT Automation. Under Big Data, Barga
mentioned PyWren with 600 concurrent functions; he challenged the audience to explore
more sophisticated MapReduce applications. Image thumbnail production; streaming social
media data analysis in Kinesis; data warehouse ETL transformations; e-commerce
recommendations; financial monitoring were discussed. Barga noted that Thomson
Reuters processes 4,000 requests per second and Expedia 1.2 billion requests per month
on Lambda. The video hosting company Vevo handles spikes of a factor 80 using serverless
The Wisconsin Pipsqueak paper [10] describes an interesting application to have a large
number of Python library functions available for serverless FaaS. This was achieved with a
sleeping Python interpreter and the package stored in memory and SSD. The IBM paper [7]
goes through a use case where OpenWhisk is used to process results of Vulnerability scans
on Docker containers managed by Kubernetes. The results of the scan posted on a policy
endpoint to be processed by FaaS.
4.2Can serverless help with scientific research?
The panel considered that serverless and FaaS although currently explored in business, do
have major importance for science and engineering research. For example there are many
scientific Instruments gathering data with custom Laboratory management systems that
could be unified to advantage with FaaS. This is related to applications discussed in section
5 and has been extensively in recent workshops [32,33] on streaming data for science. The
latter raised interesting questions about the functionality of systems like Apache Storm for
science experiments; these typically have events such as huge images that are larger than
those seen commercially. The issues of reproducibility, scalability, and cost need to be
explored for science use cases.
One of the presented papers [8] discussed a science data management use case of
monitoring a HPC storage workload (with over 3 million events/day). The Ripple system
implements a IFTTT (if this then that) model with “that” implemented on AWS Lambda and
using file system event detection for the “this” with Python Watchdog and the Globus
Transfer API. Applications to astronomy and light source data analysis are being
5Edge Computing: A Key Driver for Serverless and FaaS
There is a natural relevance of FaaS and edge computing as latter is inevitably built around
events shared between device and fog; fog and cloud [26]. In fact this link between
serverless and edge computing was an important take-away from the workshop. This
edge-cloud integration can be implemented [34] with Apache Storm (AWS Kinesis) linked to
Apache OpenWhisk (AWS Lambda). It was stressed that we are not proposing to move
computing to the edge but rather to integrate the edge with the cloud. In fact data centers
are getting larger not smaller and we are not moving back to a very distributed core
computing model except for the case where we need to link datacenters to activities at the
edge. Content Delivery Networks, multiplayer games, smart homes [35] and autonomous
vehicles are current important examples, where the latter cases were obviously very hot
with the CES show in Las Vegas January 2017 full of such startups.
iRobot use of Lambda and AWS Step Functions for Image recognition was described by
Barga [6] as an example of inherently distributed serverless application. Barga further
discussed AWS Greengrass [36] extending Lambda to a common cloud-device environment
with interesting quote  Amazon
AWS Snowball edge storage
and compute runs this Lambda@Edge software. Google Firebase is a related product.
6Future: What are low hanging fruits for serverless?
The panelists were asked to discuss a timeline and topics for the evolution of the
technology and a discussion of its adoption by users. The suggestions varied from wide
ranging dreams to detailed nuts and bolts.
Optimistically it was predicted that FaaS will be applied to general purpose computing and
it will grow in capability and limitations such as the “5 minute kill limit” will disappear. It will
be great for end developers as they will not need to know scaling and distributed
computing. A hot research topic will be its use for parallel programming which is Barga’s
challenge to extend the MapReduce use of FaaS. It will be applied to batch processing and
used to reach exascale on supercomputers. Scientific notebooks need to be integrated with
FaaS. FaaS could further help users by making libraries easier to use as one needn’t put
library routines in one’s code; just invoke them as FaaS.
At a more detailed level, debugging was identified as a near term critical problem where we
need to be able to test locally and then deploy on the edge and the cloud.  The debugger
itself should be serverless and support live breakpoints and replay. We can adopt a
test-driven development with unit tests.
Performance is an important issue although not the only one -- usability is for example a
key feature of serverless. More generally, we need to define evaluation metrics [9].
Unikernels are an attractive technology for serverless. There are also security concerns to
be addressed; does one need more than a container for the function and how should
events be made secure?
The billing issues brought up in section 3.4, need to be studied and understood how much
of the delays and overheads are inevitable. It was noted that in AWS Step Functions, one
decouples the billing of the functions from the coordination of the composition.
There was substantial discussion about the programming model and runtime. For runtime,
load balancing (handling communication and computing) and scheduling were identified.
Note the runtime is a provider point of view (allowing magic behind the scenes) and the
programming model the concern of users. Data-locality needs to built into the runtime. The
programming model and runtime need to support key features of serverless: event driven,
hidden servers for users, fine grained billing, implicit distribution, low latency. Analogously
to the Java Virtual Machine JVM, serverless could become a common runtime for multiple
programming models. The fine grain nature of FaaS allows more optimizations than those
conventionally allowed; this needs research. The runtime research needs to understand
what SLA’s are needed and what can be supported.
The identification of common patterns for FaaS is important. This would be coupled to
study of function compositions. Related to composition, we can ask where the “main
program” is located -- does it run (as in some workflow systems) outside the FaaS
environment. Serverless is right at its start; just as Spark improved on the original
MapReduce, we need the next generation FaaS (which is in fact compatible with Spark, Flink
and Heron!)
Both serverless technologies and their evaluation are immature. We need to develop
benchmarks covering both edge computing and other use cases. This workshop attempts
to address another need; the development of a serverless developer community.
To some, serverless and FaaS are the next generation of computing supporting centralized
and edge computing with a common event-driven programming model. Conversely the
drivers of cloud computing are Edge Computing and Serverless. One often discusses
distributed / edge computing versus centralized approaches and wonders how we move
back and forth; the answer is clear -- we have both intrinsically intertwined.  Serverless will
build the long dreamed infinite limitless computing fabric.
This white paper aims to capture the current state of serverless and FaaS and hopefully
inspire a broader community to become involved.
Apache/IBM OpenWhisk: Apache OpenWhisk (Incubating) is a serverless, open source
cloud platform that executes functions in response to events at any scale It builds on IBM Bluemix project
Apache Storm and Heron: Open source programming and execution on the cloud for data
streaming. Systems originally developed by Twitter with Heron improving Storm with same
API.   
AWS Kinesis: collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data in a similar fashion to
Apache Storm  
AWS Greengrass: Amazon Lambda supporting local compute, messaging, data caching,
and sync capabilities on a device at the edge [36]  
AWS Lambda: Event-based computing FaaS from Amazon [21]
AWS Step Functions: lightweight orchestration of Amazon Lambda Functions as
distributed applications using visual workflows. 
AWS X-Ray: analyzes and debugs distributed applications, such as those using
microservices and Amazon Lambda  
Azure Functions: Implementation of serverless FaaS on Azure.
Cloud Native: applications are designed to run on clouds as preferred host, exploiting
concepts such as containers, microservices, elasticity and serverless 
Content Delivery Network CDN: is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers
that distribute information from data centers to spatially distributed users with high
availability and high performance. CDNs serve a large fraction of the Internet content toda
Dataflow: describes a range of computing ideas but here refers to an execution graph
defined by data flowing between nodes as seen in Apache Storm Spark and Flink.
Docker: Open Source container technology for Linux and Windows supporting
operating-system-level virtualization  
Edge Computing: The processing associated with the Internet of Things IoT and including
local computing resources, often termed Fog computing, devoted to give local low-latency
support to IoT devices.  
Function as a Service FaaS: Event based functions typically executed on serverless
infrastructure and described in section 2 of report
Funktion: Open source event driven lambda style programming model on top of
Kubernetes.  
Globus Transfer: cloud-controlled secure high-performance data transfers based on
advanced FTP  
Google Firebase: A mobile development platform linking to the cloud and exploiting
serverless computing Google Functions to process events. 
Google Functions: FaaS provided on Google clouds 
GridSolve: implemented as Netsolve, is an RPC based client/agent/server system that
allows one to remotely access computing functions as a service [31].
High Performance Computing HPC: a community and an approach built to support the
largest scale computational science, especially numerical simulations. Typically uses
supercomputers and achieves very efficient batch scheduled execution. A prominent use of
HPC in Big Data is the training of deep learning networks.
Infrastructure as a Service IaaS:  makes servers explicit for users of cloud computing but
abstracts away the details of infrastructure like physical computing resources, location,
data partitioning, scaling, security, backup etc.
Kubeless: Kubernetes-native serverless framework 
Kubernetes:  Open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of
application containers such as Docker across clusters of hosts
Kubernetes Fission: Serverless Functions as a Service for Kubernetes developed by
Microsoft Logic Apps: provides a visual interface to specify workflows of connected
applications and triggers in the cloud. 
Microservice:  service-oriented architecture (SOA) style that structures an application as a
collection of loosely coupled fine-grained services communicating by lightweight protocols.
OpenLambda:  Open-source serverless computing platform. 
Platform as a Service PaaS: provides a cloud development environment (middleware)
with details of underlying resources often hidden.
Pipsqueak: Serverless package support from the University of Wisconsin - Madison [10]
PyWren: Python MapReduce with stateless maps running under Amazon Lambda [13]
Ripple: Science event based FaaS application for data management [8]
Serverless:  discussed in this whitepaper as a server hidden cloud computing execution
model where provider dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources, and bills
on use rather than on pre-purchased units of capacity.
Software as a Service SaaS: is a cloud computing usage model where providers install and
operate application software in the cloud, which is accessed by cloud users.
Unikernels: are specialised, small specialized high performance single address space
machine images constructed by using operating systems such as MirageOS [38] built as a
library of system capabilities.  
Geoffrey Fox acknowledges support from the Indiana University Precision Health Initiative
and NSF CIF21 DIBBS 1443054. We also acknowledge the contributions of both the panel
members and participants in the workshop which were essential to the ideas described
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... One area of particular interest are applications that must process large quantities of data. Over the last decades, it has become increasingly simple to generate and collect data [2], be it from extensive physics experiments, from IoT, or from logging and monitoring large data processing [10], reducing barriers to entry by sharply separating operational concerns between development matters and those related to usage [9,[11][12][13]. Here, all scaling and infrastructure decisions are made by the cloud provider. ...
... We implement all queries listed in Table B.3 using CREW in a program called corraltpch. 11 The implementation is largely compatible with the original version of Corral and the modified version presented, thus allowing for a comparison between an unmodified Corral version and CREW. We can trigger different design features and other CREW configurations through a config file. ...
Despite significant advances in data management systems in recent decades, the processing of big data at scale remains very challenging. While cloud computing has been well-accepted as a solution to address scalability needs, cloud configuration and operation complexity persist and often present themselves as entry barriers, especially for novice data analysts. Serverless computing and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms have been suggested to reduce such entry barriers by shifting configuration and operational responsibilities from the application developer to the FaaS platform provider. Naturally, “serverless data processing (SDP)”, that is, using FaaS for (big) data processing, has received increasing interest in recent years. However, FaaS platforms were never intended to support large data processing tasks primarily. SDP, therefore, manifests itself through workarounds and adaptations on the application level, addressing various quirks and limitations of the FaaS platforms in use for data processing needs. This, in turn, creates tensions between the platforms and the applications using them, again encouraging the constant (re-)design of both. Consequently, we present lessons learned from a series of application and platform re-designs that address these tensions, leading to the development of an SDP reference architecture and a platform instantiation and implementation thereof called CREW. Mitigating the tensions through the process of application platform co-design proves to reduce both entry barriers and costs significantly. In some experiments, CREW outperforms traditional, non-SDP big data processing frameworks by factors.
... One approach to reducing energy consumption is to schedule parts of workloads to more energy efficient devices [2,3]. The flexible scheduling of fine-grained tasks supported by the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) model [4,5] can, in principle, be helpful in this regard [6]- [8], but in practice the conventional FaaS model also abstracts physical hardware, making it impossible for users to monitor the energy used by applications, and leaving them at the mercy of FaaS providers to mitigate energy use. ...
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Application energy efficiency can be improved by executing each application component on the compute element that consumes the least energy while also satisfying time constraints. In principle, the function as a service (FaaS) paradigm should simplify such optimizations by abstracting away compute location, but existing FaaS systems do not provide for user transparency over application energy consumption or task placement. Here we present GreenFaaS, a novel open source framework that bridges this gap between energy-efficient applications and FaaS platforms. GreenFaaS can be deployed by end users or providers across systems to monitor energy use, provide task-specific feedback, and schedule tasks in an energy-aware manner. We demonstrate that intelligent placement of tasks can both reduce energy consumption and improve performance. For a synthetic workload, GreenFaaS reduces the energy-delay product by 45% compared to alternatives. Furthermore, running a molecular design application through GreenFaaS can reduce energy consumption by 21% and runtime by 63% by better matching tasks with machines.
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Emerging as a transforming paradigm in cloud computing, serverless computing presents a fresh way to create and distribute applications free from the requirement for underlying infrastructure management. This work offers a thorough study of serverless computing with an emphasis on its ability to maximise resource use and improve cost-effectiveness in contemporary cloud systems. We investigate the main features, advantages, and difficulties of serverless platforms as well as how they affect methods of application design and development. By means of a methodical analysis of the body of current research and case studies, we investigate many optimisation strategies and best practices for using serverless computing to enhance resource allocation and lower running expenses. We also go over possible future routes for study and development in this quickly developing subject as well as the present constraints of serverless architectures Although serverless computing has many benefits in terms of scalability, cost-efficiency, and operational overhead, our results show that to fully realise these advantages careful attention must be given to application architecture, workload characteristics, and pricing models.
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Serverless computing has revolutionized the development and deployment of scalable web applications by abstracting infrastructure management and enabling automatic scaling. This article aims to demystify serverless architecture by thoroughly analyzing its core concepts, benefits, and practical implementation strategies. We differentiate between Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) and Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) models and explore how they contribute to scalability and cost efficiency. Deployment best practices are outlined using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions. This article addresses common challenges associated with serverless computing, including cold starts and execution time limitations, and propose solutions to mitigate these issues. Integration with DevOps practices is also discussed, demonstrating how serverless applications can be incorporated into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. Through case studies, this article illustrates the effective utilization of serverless architecture in building scalable and resilient web applications.
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Serverless computing has emerged as a transformative paradigm in cloud computing, offering significant benefits such as reduced operational costs, enhanced scalability, and increased developer productivity. However, the adoption of serverless architectures introduces novel security challenges that differ substantially from traditional application security models. This comprehensive research paper delves into the security landscape of serverless computing, meticulously identifying prevalent security risks and proposing robust best practices for mitigating these risks. By thoroughly examining key components of serverless platforms, analyzing common vulnerabilities, and discussing effective security strategies, this study aims to provide a detailed understanding of serverless security. and guide organizations in implementing comprehensive security measures for their serverless applications. The research draws upon the latest findings and expert insights available, offering a timely and relevant analysis of this rapidly evolving field.
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Serverless computing has emerged as a new compelling paradigm for the deployment of applications and services. It represents an evolution of cloud programming models, abstractions, and platforms, and is a testament to thematurity and wide adoption of cloud technologies. In this chapter, we survey existing serverless platforms from industry, academia, and open-source projects, identify key characteristics and use cases, and describe technical challenges and open problems.
Technical Report
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Data-driven applications are required to adapt to the ever-increasing volume, velocity and veracity of data generated by a variety of sources including the Web and Internet of Things devices. At the same time, an event-driven computational paradigm is emerging as the core of modern systems designed for both database queries, data analytics and on-demand applications. MapReduce has been generalized to Map Collective and shown to be very effective in machine learning. However one often uses a dataflow computing model, which has been adopted by most major big data processing runtimes. The HPC community has also developed several asynchronous many tasks (AMT) systems according to the dataflow model. From a different point of view, the services community is moving to an increasingly event-driven model where (micro)services are composed of small functions driven by events in the form of Function as a Service(Faas) and serverless computing. Such designs allow the applications to scale quickly as well as be cost effective in cloud environments. An event-driven runtime designed for data processing consists of well-understood components such as communication, scheduling, and fault tolerance. One can make different design decisions for these components that will determine the type of applications a system can support efficiently. We find that modern systems are designed in a monolithic approach with a fixed set of choices that cannot be changed easily af-terwards. Because of these design choices their functionality is limited to specific sets of applications. In this paper we study existing systems (candidate event-driven runtimes), the design choices they have made for each component, and how this affects the type of applications they can support. Further we propose a loosely coupled component-based approach for designing a big data toolkit where each component can have different implementations to support various applications. We believe such a polymorphic design would allow services and data analytics to be integrated seamlessly and expand from edge to cloud to high performance computing environments.
Conference Paper
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Chatbots are emerging as the newest platform used by millions of consumers worldwide due in part to the commoditization of natural language services, which provide provide developers with many building blocks to create chatbots inexpensively. However, it is still difficult to build and deploy chatbots. Developers need to handle the coordination of the cognitive services to build the chatbot interface, integrate the chatbot with external services, and worry about extensibility, scalability, and maintenance. In this work, we present the architecture and prototype of a chatbot using a serverless platform, where developers compose stateless functions together to perform useful actions. We describe our serverless architecture based on function sequences, and how we used these functions to coordinate the cognitive microservices in the Watson Developer Cloud to allow the chatbot to interact with external services. The serverless model improves the extensibility of our chatbot, which currently supports 6 abilities: location based weather reports, jokes, date, reminders, and a simple music tutor.
Conference Paper
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The design of a persistent peer-to-peer (P2P) network storage application is presented in the paper. SNS separates the application from the underlying P2P network, i.e. the serverless layer. The serverless layer is responsible for routine networking tasks such as self-organisation and maintaining the network state information. The application specific functions are implemented through the file information protocol e.g. maintaining and synchronizing file and disk space information by using lightweight XML-formatted messages. The distributed storage is made to appear as a single large network drive, with all the main features of a conventional file system being made available to the client nodes.
Conference Paper
Distributed computing remains inaccessible to a large number of users, in spite of many open source platforms and extensive commercial offerings. While distributed computation frameworks have moved beyond a simple map-reduce model, many users are still left to struggle with complex cluster management and configuration tools, even for running simple embarrassingly parallel jobs. We argue that stateless functions represent a viable platform for these users, eliminating cluster management overhead, fulfilling the promise of elasticity. Furthermore, using our prototype implementation, PyWren, we show that this model is general enough to implement a number of distributed computing models, such as BSP, efficiently. Extrapolating from recent trends in network bandwidth and the advent of disaggregated storage, we suggest that stateless functions are a natural fit for data processing in future computing environments.
Technical Report
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) facilities including accelerators, light sources and neutron sources and sensors that study, the environment, and the atmosphere, are producing streaming data that needs to be analyzed for next-generation scientific discoveries. There has been an explosion of new research and technologies for stream analytics arising from the academic and private sectors. However, there has been no corresponding effort in either documenting the critical research opportunities or building a community that can create and foster productive collaborations. The two-part workshop series, STREAM: Streaming Requirements, Experience, Applications and Middleware Workshop (STREAM2015 and STREAM2016), were conducted to bring the community together and identify gaps and future efforts needed by both NSF and DOE. This report describes the discussions, outcomes and conclusions from STREAM2016: Streaming Requirements, Experience, Applications and Middleware Workshop, the second of these workshops held on March 22-23, 2016 in Tysons, VA. STREAM2016 focused on the Department of Energy (DOE) applications, computational and experimental facilities, as well software systems. Thus, the role of “streaming and steering” as a critical mode of connecting the experimental and computing facilities was pervasive through the workshop. Given the overlap in interests and challenges with industry, the workshop had significant presence from several innovative companies and major contributors. The requirements that drive the proposed research directions, identified in this report, show an important opportunity for building competitive research and development program around streaming data. These findings and recommendations are consistent with vision outlined in NRC Frontiers of Data and National Strategic Computing Initiative (NCSI) [1, 2]. The discussions from the workshop are captured as topic areas covered in this report's sections. The report discusses four research directions driven by current and future application requirements reflecting the areas identified as important by STREAM2016. These include (i) Algorithms, (ii) Programming Models, Languages and Runtime Systems (iii) Human-in-the-loop and Steering in Scientific Workflow and (iv) Facilities.
Conference Paper
Voice over IP (VoIP) and Instant Messaging (IM) sys- tems to date have either followed a client-server model or have required the use of clients that do not follow any VoIP or IM standard. We present SOSIMPLE—a fully decentral- ized, P2P, standards-based approach to communications. By building on the existing SIP/SIMPLE infrastructure for VoIP and IM, we support reuse of clients, network infras- tructure, and open-source protocol stacks designed using current standards. By avoiding traditional centralized ar- chitectures, SOSIMPLE addresses corporate privacy con- cerns, eliminates dependency on constant Internet connec- tivity, and supports ad hoc groups. SOSIMPLE implements a DHT overlay based on Chord(24) using SIP messages, replicating location information for reliability. The DHT is used only for lookups, with actual communication passing directly between clients. We discuss important issues for se- curity and authentication, as well as adaptations of conven- tional P2P routing for the social networks typical of per- sonal communications. We are testing a prototype imple- mentation of SOSIMPLE and anticipate a public release in the near future. These private IM realms address their security concerns but may not allow interaction with external customers and can be difficult for small organizations to deploy and maintain. SOSIMPLE combines the SIP/SIMPLE (17) family of IETF standards for VoIP and IM with the Self Organizing properties of a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) P2P mecha- nism. The result is a standards-based, decentralized com- munications system. Our design allows for compatibility with and reuse of existing SIP/SIMPLE network elements. Because the implementation requires only slight modifica- tions to the existing SIP protocol, we maintain compatibil- ity with existing SIP infrastructure, such as SIP-enabled IP phones and gateways. Furthermore, modules can be added to existing IM clients to ensure functionality using a famil- iar interface. The P2P overlay is built using a DHT cre- ated through exchanging SIP messages, which are typically well-supported by existing firewalls, and therefore retain compatibility with current network infrastructure. We have submitted a draft for a P2P SIP protocol based on SOSIM- PLE to the IETF (1). The primary contributions of this work are: • Creating a fully-distributed, open P2P system for VoIP and IM by extending existing standards.