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Modeling Perceivers Neural-Responses Using Lobe-Dependent Convolutional Neural Network to Improve Speech Emotion Recognition

Modeling Perceivers Neural-Responses using Lobe-dependent Convolutional
Neural Network to Improve Speech Emotion Recognition
Ya-Tse Wu1, Hsuan-Yu Chen1, Yu-Hsien Liao1, Li-Wei Kuo2, Chi-Chun Lee1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
2Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanomedicine, National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
Developing automatic emotion recognition by modeling expres-
sive behaviors is becoming crucial in enabling the next gen-
eration design of human-machine interface. Also, with the
availability of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
researchers have also conducted studies into quantitative un-
derstanding of vocal emotion perception mechanism. In this
work, our aim is two folds: 1) investigating whether the neural-
responses can be used to automatically decode the emotion la-
bels of vocal stimuli, and 2) combining acoustic and fMRI fea-
tures to improve the speech emotion recognition accuracies.
We introduce a novel framework of lobe-dependent convolu-
tional neural network (LD-CNN) to provide better modeling
of perceivers neural-responses on vocal emotion. Furthermore,
by fusing LD-CNN with acoustic features, we demonstrate an
overall 63.17% accuracies in a four-class emotion recognition
task (9.89% and 14.42% relative improvement compared to the
acoustic-only and the fMRI-only features). Our analysis further
shows that temporal lobe possess the most information in de-
coding emotion labels; the fMRI and the acoustic information
are complementary to each other, where neural-responses and
acoustic features are better at discriminating along the valence
and activation dimensions, respectively.
Index Terms: speech emotion recognition, convolutional neu-
ral network (CNN), affective computing, fMRI
1. Introduction
Imagining humans as complex dynamical systems, i.e., sys-
tems that are characterized by multiple interacting layers of hid-
den states producing expressive multimodal behavior signals
(e.g., body gestures, facial expressions, and speech, etc) have
sparked a variety of computational effort in modeling these in-
ternal states and behaviors using measurable signals resulting in
fields such as affective computing [1], social signal processing
[2], and behavioral signal processing [3]. In fact, a vast amount
of engineering works already exist in automatic recognition of
emotion states from external expressive behaviors, e.g., vocal
characteristics [4, 5, 6] and facial expression/body language
[7, 8, 9]. Past research also shows that physiological signals,
e.g., ECG (electrocardiography) or EEG (electroencephalogra-
phy), are also indicative of emotion states [10, 11].
Researchers in field of neuroscience have been actively ex-
ploring the use of the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD)
signal captured during functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI). The BOLD signal is a proxy measure of neuron acti-
vations providing quantitative evidence into various studies of
neuro-perceptual mechanism. There exists several neuroscience
Thanks to Ministry of Science and Technology (103-2218-E-007-
012-MY3, 104-2420-H-400-001-MY2) for funding
studies in understanding which parts of the human brains are
responsible for processing vocal emotion stimuli. For exam-
ple, Ethofer et al. shows that the activity of superior temporal
gyrus increases when exposed to voice-based emotional stim-
uli [12]; Sander et al. identifies multiple brain areas, e.g., the
right amygdala and bilateral superior temporal sulcus, that are
responsive to anger prosody [13]. In the present work, our
goal is to first investigate whether perceivers internal neural-
responses, i.e., acquired using brain imaging techniques as these
perceivers being auditorily stimulated with external vocal emo-
tion utterances, can be used to decode the emotion labels of
these utterances. We further examine whether such internal
neural-responses would possess complementary information to
acoustic features in tasks of performing emotion recognition.
In the past, principal component analysis (PCA) operated
on BOLD signal time series as feature extractor from fMRI data
has been successfully applied in a variety of machine learn-
ing tasks in neuroscientific studies (e.g., [14, 15, 16]). Re-
cently, convolutional neural nets (CNNs) have been shown to
achieve superior performance in image recognition tasks [17].
Since BOLD signals are derived from the 3-D images, and fur-
ther the neural activations in response to vocal emotion stimuli
have been to shown to be concentrated in specific brain regions,
we introduce a novel framework of lobe-dependent convolu-
tional neural network (LD-CNN). We utilize LD-CNN to learn
the brain region-based, according to the anatomical categoriza-
tion of lobe system of human brain [18], feature representations
from the fMRI 3D-images. We then perform emotion recogni-
tion by fusing the LD-CNN features (internal neuro-perceptual
responses) with Fisher-vector encoding of acoustic features (ex-
pressive acoustic characteristics).
We carry out our experiment in a 36 subjects (perceivers)
database, where each perceiver is presented with three 5-minute
long continuous vocal emotion stimuli that are designed from
the USC IEMOCAP database [19]. In total there are 251 utter-
ances categorized into four emotion classes. The best fusion of
acoustic features and LD-CNN features achieve an unweighted
accuracy (UAR) of 63.17%. This result is an improvement of
9.89% and 14.42% relative to the best acoustic-only and the
best fMRI-only baselines. Out of the four major lobe systems
of human brain, we demonstrate that the temporal lobe carries
the most information about the emotional content of the vocal
stimuli. Furthermore, our results indicate that these perceivers
internal neural-responses seem to possess more discriminatory
information along the valence dimension, where the acoustic
features are better for discriminating along the activation di-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 de-
scribes about research methodology, section 3 details the exper-
imental setup and results, and section 4 concludes with discus-
sion and future works.
Copyright © 2017 ISCA
August 20–24, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Figure 1: A schematic of multimodal emotion recognition from audio (Fisher-vector feature representation) and fMRI (Lobe-depedent
convolutional neural network-derived feature representation) data
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Vocal Emotion Stimuli Design and Collection
In this section, we will describe about the dataset used in this
work including: vocal stimuli design, relevant emotion labels,
and MRI scanning protocols. The vocal emotion stimuli used in
our fMRI experiments are from the USC IEMOCAP database
[19] and was previously used in the joint modeling between
prosody and BOLD signal [20]. They were also used in the
study of brain’s network connectivity of vocal emotion [21, 22].
There are a total of six different stimuli; each stimulus lasts for
5 minute long. These six different 5-minute long stimuli con-
sist of emotional utterances (put together without context) from
a single actor in the database. In total, we use 251 utterances
from the database to construct these six stimuli used for MRI
scanning and subsequently for this emotion recognition work.
2.1.1. Emotion Labels
In our work, our goal is perform automatic emotion recogni-
tion on this set of 251 utterances. While the USC IEMOCAP
database provides an emotion label for each utterance, the de-
sign of these stimuli was originally for the purpose of under-
standing neuro-perceptual mechanism at the level of an entire
stimulus (5-minute long); hence, the distribution of the original
emotion labels is spread across eight different classes. We fur-
ther merge the original eight different emotion labels into four
different classes according to the valence-activation representa-
tion of categorical emotion [23]. Table 1 lists the original and
merged labels and their associated number of samples. These
four emotion classes are the labels of interest for this work.
2.1.2. fMRI Data Collection and Pre-processing
We recruited a total of 36 right-handed healthy subjects (27-
male, 9 female, 20-35 years old) with college-level education to
participate in our study. 18 of them were stimulated using the
same three stimuli, and the rest was stimulated by the remain-
ing three. Each trial included listening to the three 5-minute
long continuous vocal emotion stimuli with 5-minute break in
between. The subjects were not informed about the details of
the experiment a-priori and were only told that this was a study
Table 1: A summary on the number of samples for the origi-
nal labels and the merged labels (used in this work) of the 251
utterances from the USC IEMOCAP data
Original Number Merged Number
Sad 33 Class1 33
Happy 12
Class2 79Excited 64
Surprise 3
Neutral 69 Class3 69
Angry 19
Class4 70Distress 1
Frustrated 50
about perception on vocal sounds. They were also required to
stay awake during MRI scanning. The order in which the stim-
ulus was presented was random across subjects.
MRI scanning was conducted on a 3T scanner (Prisma,
Siemens, Germany). Anatomical images with spatial resolution
of 1×1×1mm 3(T1-weighted MPRAGE sequence) were ac-
quired using an EPI sequence (TR/TE= 3000/30ms, voxel size =
3×3×3mm3, 40 slices, and 100 repetitions). We performed all
necessary pre-processing steps on the collected MRI data using
the DPARSF toolbox [24]. MRI scanning captured one image
every 3 seconds, and we additionally performed interpolation
to generate an image sample at 1 second time step to handle the
varying time-length of utterances within each stimulus.
2.2. Feature Extraction
In this section, we describe briefly our approach of using
Fisher-vector encoding on acoustic feature representation, lobe-
dependent convolutional neural network on fMRI, and finally
the multimodal fusion technique.
2.2.1. Acoustic Feature Representation
We derive a high-dimensional vector as acoustic feature rep-
resentation for every utterance using two steps: 1) extracting
acoustic low-level descriptors (LLDs), and 2) encoding the vari-
Table 2: The detail list of the structure of convolutional neural
network (CNN) for fMRI 3-D brain images used in this work
Index Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3
Layer Convolutional Max-pooling Convolutional
Index Layer 4 Layer 5 Layer 6
Layer Max-pooling Convolutional Convolutional
Parameter Pooling:2,2,2
Index Layer 8 Layer 9 Layer 10
Layer Max-pooling Fully Connect Fully Connect
Parameter Pooling:2,2,2
Stride:2,2,2 Node:2000 Node:1000
Index Layer 11 Layer 12
Layer Fully Connect Softmax Dropout
Parameter Node:500 Node:4 25%
able length sequence of LLDs using Gaussian Mixture Model
(GMM) based Fisher-vector (FV) encoding. The list of LLDs
includes the first thirteen of MFCCs (Mel-scale Frequency Cep-
stral Coefficients), pitch, intensity and their first and second or-
der extracted at 60 Hz framerate using the Praat toolkit [25].
We employ a feature scaling approach based on z-normalizing
these LLDs with respect to the neutral utterances [26, 27].
Since each utterance is of different lengths, we further adopt
the use of GMM-FV approach, i.e., a method that has been
shown to obtain competitive accuracy in various computer vi-
sion tasks [28, 29] and has also recently been demonstrated
to achieve promising accuracies in speech-related tasks [30].
Fisher-vector encoding is operated by first training an overall
background GMM and further calculates the gradient vector
using FIM (Fisher Information Matrix) approximation to de-
scribe the direction changed needed for the trained GMM pa-
rameters, i.e., means and variances, to obtain a better fit on
the data sample of interest, i.e., a sequence of LLDs per ut-
terance. By employing GMM-FV, we encode the temporal in-
formation on the sequence of LLDs into a fixed length vector
representation at an utterance level. We set the mixture num-
ber equals to four generating the final feature dimension of
45 LLDs ×2parameters ×4mixtures = 360 per utterance.
2.2.2. fMRI Feature Representation
We derive our fMRI feature representation by training convolu-
tional neural network (CNN) on 3-D MRI images of each par-
ticipant’s brain scans. We train ve different CNNs per subject:
the whole brain and four major human lobe systems (temporal,
frontal, occipital, parietal lobe). Each individual lobe system
is obtained by applying AAL (anatomical automatic labeling)
mask to first split the whole brain into 90 regions (the entire
brain has a total of 47636 number of voxels) and further merg-
ing the regions into their associated lobe system. The detail list
of our CNN structure is shown in Table 2. We use a total of
eleven hidden layers: including four convolutional layers, three
pooling layers, three fully connected layers, and one softmax
layer. We train the CNNs using error propagation and stochastic
gradient decent with cross entropy as the loss function; dropout
(25%) and regularization are applied to avoid overfitting. Other
hyper-parameters are: activation function: Relu, weight decay:
0.000001, momentum: 0, learning rate: 0.0001, epoch 20 times.
The training accuracy achieved is around 88% to 95%. We ex-
tract the output of the tenth hidden layer (500 nodes) as the fea-
ture per 3-D image scan. Each utterance corresponds to multiple
time points of CNN-features, we then use max pooling over the
temporal dimension to derive the final fixed length representa-
tion at an utterance level (500 dimensions).
2.3. Multimodal Fusion Paradigm
Since LD-CNN fMRI representations are derived per stimulated
perceiver, the technique that we employ to fuse between fMRI
and acoustic data is based on two stage late fusion technique.
For every subject, the first-layer fusion is carried out using de-
cision score derived from audio and fMRI modalities. Then, in
the second layer, we use majority vote over N-fused subjects to
generate our final predictions. The classifier of choice is one-
versus-all multiclass support vector machine.
3. Experimental Setup and Results
We setup 4-class emotion recognition experiments on the 251
utterances using audio, fMRI, and fusion of audio and fMRI.
The evaluation is carried out using leave-one-utterance-out
cross-validation. The CNNs are trained within each of the train-
ing set, and the decision-level fusions are learned solely on the
training set to prevent contamination.
Aside from FV-based representation and LD-CNN-based
representation of acoustic and fMRI information, we further
compare the performances with respect to the following two
conventional baseline systems:
Audio: EmoLarge-method
Computing exhaustive acoustic features using opensmile
toolkit [31] with the emolarge configuration
fMRI: PCA-method
Performing fMRI feature extraction using the conven-
tional principal component analysis method
EmoLarge-method, i.e., exhaustive acoustic features of 6506
dimensions are computed per utterance, is a common baseline
used in speech-based paralinguistic recognition. PCA is a stan-
dard method in dimensional reduction that has been widely used
for machine learning tasks in neuroscience. We use PCA as
baseline feature extractor for fMRI data using Minka’s MLE
method to automatically determine the number of dimensions
retained [32]. Further temporal pooling over an utterance-
length is carried out using max, min, and mean pooling.
3.1. Multimodal Recognition Results
Table 3 summarizes all of our experimental results. Sev-
eral notable recognition results are summarized below. In
the audio modality, FV-encoding on acoustic LLDs achieve
an improved UAR (53.28%) compared to using Emo-Large
baseline (48.84%), i.e., 4.44% relative improvement. In the
fMRI modality, our proposed CNN-based feature representa-
tions show dominantly better recognition rates compared to the
widely-used PCA-based methods in the literature. The best
fMRI-CNN based method is learned from the temporal lobe
system (48.75%), i.e., 9.06% relative improvement over the best
PCA-based method (fMRI-PCA with max temporal pooling:
39.69%). We also observe that fMRI-based features are sig-
nificantly skewed better at recognizing Class2 (happy, excited,
surprise) and Class 3 (neural).
Examining the columns of “Audio and fMRI Multimodal
Fusion” in table 3, we observe that the fusion between the
acoustic information and the fMRI data improves the recog-
nition rates in all cases. Further, the four different lobe sys-
tems achieve similar recognitions when using fMRI-only fea-
tures; however, when fusing with audio information, the tem-
poral lobe (TL) provides the most complementary information
Table 3: It provides a summary of our recognition results using audio-only, fMRI-only, and fusion of the two modalities. The accuracy
is measured in unweighted average recall (UAR). max, min, mean indicates the temporal function that PCA-based method used. Finally,
ALL, TL, FL, OL, PL indicates temporal, frontal, occipital, parietal lobe respectively.
Emotion Audio fMRI-PCA fMRI-CNN Audio and fMRI Multimodal Fusion
Emo-Large Fisher-V max min mean ALL TL FL OL PL PCA ALL TL FL OL PL
Class1 45.45 60.61 9.09 12.12 6.06 18.18 15.15 9.09 15.15 15.15 60.61 24.24 57.58 48.48 45.45 51.52
Class2 51.90 44.30 64.56 59.49 68.35 86.08 84.81 82.28 83.54 83.54 41.77 87.34 79.75 78.48 78.48 74.68
Class3 60.87 76.81 59.42 63.77 26.09 49.28 55.07 49.28 53.62 52.17 76.81 66.67 73.91 73.91 78.26 76.81
Class4 37.14 31.42 25.71 17.14 25.71 40.00 40.00 40.00 38.57 44.29 37.14 40.00 41.43 32.86 35.71 38.57
UAR 48.84 53.28 39.69 38.13 31.55 48.38 48.75 45.16 47.72 48.79 54.08 54.56 63.17 58.43 59.48 60.40
to the acoustic features. The best fusion accuracy achieved
is 63.17% by using acoustic FV representations with CNN-
based representation learned from the temporal lobe, which is
9.89% and 14.42% relative improvement to the best acoustic-
only and fMRI-only, respectively. Furthermore, we observe
that there exists a wide variability in the inter-subject neural re-
sponses to the vocal emotion stimuli. Therefore, the two-stage
fusion techniques that we employ in this work is essential in
obtaining good recognition accuracies. It relies on learning a
CNN representation per stimulated subject and performing ma-
jor votes over the classifiers trained on each audio-fMRI-fused
subject. This particular methodology outperforms learning a
single CNN from all of the stimulated subjects.
3.2. Analysis and Discussion
In this work, we demonstrate that perceivers’ neural responses,
measured through fMRI, of vocal emotion stimuli indeed pos-
sess discriminative power in decoding different emotion classes.
One important thing to note is that since these utterances usually
last only seconds long, the sequence of brain images used for
recognition include little temporal information. The discrimina-
tive power, i.e., through the use of CNNs, is a result from mod-
eling the multi-scaled and the nonlinear spatial-connectivity be-
tween the local regions of voxels within selected parts of brain.
A similar finding is recently shown by using network-based
analysis in the study of the relationship between brain’s spa-
tial connectivity and vocal emotion stimuli [22]. Furthermore,
we show that the temporal lobe possess the most vocal emotion-
related information among the four major lobe systems. Aside
from the fact that since our emotion stimuli are vocal sounds and
the temporal lobe has been known to be in charge of hearing per-
ception in the brain, this result further corroborates well-known
research in identifying several sub-parts of temporal lobe, e.g.,
superior temporal sulcus and amygdala, hold important func-
tions in processing emotion [33, 34].
Another point to make is that by examining the confusion
matrices of Audio Fisher-V and fMRI-CNN-TL (Table 4), it
is evident that expressive acoustic features and internal neural
responses hold complementary information. Audio features are
better at discriminating between Class1 vs. Class3, where fMRI
Table 4: Confusion Matrices of Audio-FV and fMRI-CNN-TL
Audio Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4
Class1 20 7 0 6
Class2 4 35 4 36
Class3 0 0 53 16
Class4 11 30 7 22
fMRI-TL Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4
Class1 5 2 18 8
Class2 1 67 6 5
Class3 11 9 38 11
Class4 9 18 15 28
features are better at discriminating between Class2 vs. Class
4. Acoustic features possess more emotion information along
the axis of arousal dimension compared to the internal neural
responses, and fMRI measurements possess more information
along the axis valence dimension. It is an interesting finding that
may point to the underlying cognitive functioning of higher-
level valence assessment in the brain.
4. Conclusions
In summary, we present a novel study into automatic decoding
of vocal emotion states by fusing expressive acoustic features
and a novel framework of deriving internal neural responses
with lobe-dependent convolutional neural networks (LD-CNN).
The multimodal fusion achieves an improved and promising ac-
curacy in a four-class emotion recognition task, and the LD-
CNN is shown to possess enhanced modeling power compared
to the conventional PCA-based method currently used in many
neuroscientific studies. Our recognition results also corrobo-
rate the finding that processing of vocal-based emotion infor-
mation is mostly concentrated in the temporal lobe system. Fur-
ther analysis reveals that the complementary nature between
acoustic and fMRI features; our fMRI features, i.e., the CNN-
representations, are better at discriminating vocal emotion states
along the dimension of valence, where acoustic features are bet-
ter along the dimension of activation. This result seems to im-
plicate the more complex and higher-level functioning in the
assessment of valence is encoded more in the local spatial coor-
dination (connectivity) of the neural responses within particular
brain regions than just the neural activation in isolation.
There are several future directions. One of them is on tech-
nically deriving and improving the region-based CNNs from
brain imagining with data-driven approach. Our proposed lo-
cal region segmentation in this work is from broad anatomical
structures of human brain. With continuous data collection and
larger availability of vocal emotion stimuli-based brain imag-
ing, our next aim is derive data-driven segmentations through
further algorithmic development on CNNs in order to uncover
the spatial segmentation based on components of emotion func-
tioning in the human brain. Currently, the use of acoustic
features in affective computing tasks has shown its robustness
mostly in assessing the arousal dimensions. Our analysis im-
plicates the possibility that neural responses may relate more
toward the valence dimensions. This insights provides yet an-
other algorithmic venue in deriving robust acoustic representa-
tions of valence substantiated by the quantitative evidence of
brain imagining to further enhance the modeling power of au-
tomatic speech emotion recognizers. Lastly, we plan to collect
vocal emotion stimuli using multi-lingual speech sounds with
associated perceivers neural responses of multi-cultural back-
grounds with an overarching goal to bring additional scientific
insights on neuro-perceptual mechanism in vocal emotion de-
coding with novel algorithmic advancement.
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... Recent research has further demonstrated that not only does the measured BOLD signal correlates to the emotional vocal stimuli, through development of deep learning frameworks, the types of emotion categories of the vocal samples can be automatically decoded by modeling the measured fMRI-perceptual data directly [19,34]. In fact, by integrating fMRI signals, which represents how each audio samples being perceived by multiple subjects, into the speech-based emotion recognition framework, Wu et al. has shown that these two different modalities (expressive acoustic cues and perceptual neuro-responses) provide complementary information to each other. ...
... We performed all necessary pre-processing steps on the collected MRI data using the DPARSF toolbox [35] and additionally performed interpolation to generate a sample at 1 second time step. This parallel dataset is the same dataset used in the previous research [19,34]. ...
Conference Paper
Automatic emotion recognition has long been developed by concentrating on modeling human expressive behavior. At the same time, neuro-scientific evidences have shown that the varied neuro-responses (i.e., blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals measured from the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)) is also a function on the types of emotion perceived. While past research has indicated that fusing acoustic features and fMRI improves the overall speech emotion recognition performance, obtaining fMRI data is not feasible in real world applications. In this work, we propose a cross modality adversarial network that jointly models the bi-directional generative relationship between acoustic features of speech samples and fMRI signals of human percetual responses by leveraging a parallel dataset. We encode the acoustic descriptors of a speech sample using the learned cross modality adversarial network to generate the fMRI-enriched acoustic vectors to be used in the emotion classifier. The generated fMRI-enriched acoustic vector is evaluated not only in the parallel dataset but also in an additional dataset without fMRI scanning. Our proposed framework significantly outperform using acoustic features only in a four-class emotion recognition task for both datasets, and the use of cyclic loss in learning the bi-directional mapping is also demonstrated to be crucial in achieving improved recognition rates.
... This has drawn increasing interest for researchers to model the interrelationship between the measured physiological signals and the psycho-physiological process. For example, research has shown that features derived from EEG and ECG are correlated highly with symptoms of depression [2]; the neuro-perceptual response measured by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) can be used to automatic decoding the emotion stimuli [3]. ...
... Instead of using many handcrafted features, generalization can be increased by learning auditory representations based on the data distribution. Deep neural networks (DNN) have been proposed in emotion-related tasks to automatically learn representations directly from audio signals for certain tasks [30,35,38,58,66]. One of the strategies used by the deep learning community is to bootstrap the learning process by using a spectral representation of the audio, usually with the use of spectrograms or Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) [11]. ...
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In contrast to many established emotion recognition systems, convolutional neural networks do not rely on handcrafted features to categorize emotions. Although achieving state-of-the-art performances, it is still not fully understood what these networks learn and how the learned representations correlate with the emotional characteristics of speech. The aim of this work is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the acoustic and prosodic features that are relevant for the perception of emotional states. Firstly, an artificial deep neural network architecture is proposed that learns the auditory features directly from the raw and unprocessed speech signal. Secondly, we introduce two novel methods for the analysis of the implicitly learned representations based on data-driven and network-driven visualization techniques. Using these methods, we identify how the network categorizes an audio signal as a two-dimensional representation of emotions, namely valence and arousal. The proposed approach is a general method to enable a deeper analysis and understanding of the most relevant representations to perceive emotional expressions in speech.
The goal of this study was a review of trends in non-invasive vocal fold assessment to identify the significance of acoustic analysis within the scope of proposed methods. A review protocol for selected relevant studies was developed using systematic review guidelines. A classification scheme was applied to process the selected relevant study set, data were extracted and mapped in a systematic map. A systematic map was used to synthesize data for a quantitative summary of the main research question. A tabulated summary was created to summarize supporting topics. Results show that non-invasive vocal fold assessment is influenced by general computer science trends. Machine learning techniques dominate studies and publications, i.e., 51% of the set used at least one method to detect and classify vocal fold pathologies.
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Computational Paralinguistics has several unresolved issues, one of which is coping with large variability due to speakers, spoken content and corpora. In this paper, we address the variability compensation issue by proposing a novel method composed of i) Fisher vector encoding of low level descriptors extracted from the signal, ii) speaker z-normalization applied after speaker clustering iii) non-linear normalization of features and iv) classification based on Kernel Extreme Learning Machines and Partial Least Squares regression. For experimental validation, we apply the proposed method on IN-TERSPEECH 2015 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE 2015), Eating Condition sub-challenge, which is a seven-class classification task. In our preliminary experiments, the proposed method achieves an Unweighted Average Recall (UAR) score of 83.1%, outperforming the challenge test set baseline UAR (65.9%) by a large margin.
Conference Paper
We trained a large, deep convolutional neural network to classify the 1.2 million high-resolution images in the ImageNet LSVRC-2010 contest into the 1000 dif- ferent classes. On the test data, we achieved top-1 and top-5 error rates of 37.5% and 17.0% which is considerably better than the previous state-of-the-art. The neural network, which has 60 million parameters and 650,000 neurons, consists of five convolutional layers, some of which are followed by max-pooling layers, and three fully-connected layers with a final 1000-way softmax. To make training faster, we used non-saturating neurons and a very efficient GPU implemen- tation of the convolution operation. To reduce overfitting in the fully-connected layers we employed a recently-developed regularization method called dropout that proved to be very effective. We also entered a variant of this model in the ILSVRC-2012 competition and achieved a winning top-5 test error rate of 15.3%, compared to 26.2% achieved by the second-best entry
Conference Paper
Representation of video is a vital problem in action recognition. This paper proposes Stacked Fisher Vectors (SFV), a new representation with multi-layer nested Fisher vector encoding, for action recognition. In the first layer, we densely sample large subvolumes from input videos, extract local features, and encode them using Fisher vectors (FVs). The second layer compresses the FVs of subvolumes obtained in previous layer, and then encodes them again with Fisher vectors. Compared with standard FV, SFV allows refining the representation and abstracting semantic information in a hierarchical way. Compared with recent mid-level based action representations, SFV need not to mine discriminative action parts but can preserve mid-level information through Fisher vector encoding in higher layer. We evaluate the proposed methods on three challenging datasets, namely Youtube, J-HMDB, and HMDB51. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of SFV, and the combination of the traditional FV and SFV outperforms state-of-the-art methods on these datasets with a large margin.
In this paper, we propose a new approach to emotion recognition. Prosodic features are currently used in most emotion recognition algorithms. However, emotion recognition algorithms using prosodic features are not sufficiently accurate. Therefore, we focused on the phonetic features of speech for emotion recognition. In particular, we describe the effectiveness of Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) as the feature for emotion recognition. We focus on the precise classification of MFCC feature vectors, rather than their dynamic nature over an utterance. To realize such an approach, the proposed algorithm employs multi-template emotion classification of the analysis frames. Experimental evaluations show that the proposed algorithm produces 66.4% recognition accuracy in speaker-independent emotion recognition experiments for four specific emotions. This recognition accuracy is higher than the accuracy obtained by the conventional prosody-based and MFCC-based emotion recognition algorithms, which confirms the potential of the proposed algorithm.
We trained a large, deep convolutional neural network to classify the 1.2 million high-resolution images in the ImageNet LSVRC-2010 contest into the 1000 dif-ferent classes. On the test data, we achieved top-1 and top-5 error rates of 37.5% and 17.0% which is considerably better than the previous state-of-the-art. The neural network, which has 60 million parameters and 650,000 neurons, consists of five convolutional layers, some of which are followed by max-pooling layers, and three fully-connected layers with a final 1000-way softmax. To make train-ing faster, we used non-saturating neurons and a very efficient GPU implemen-tation of the convolution operation. To reduce overfitting in the fully-connected layers we employed a recently-developed regularization method called "dropout" that proved to be very effective. We also entered a variant of this model in the ILSVRC-2012 competition and achieved a winning top-5 test error rate of 15.3%, compared to 26.2% achieved by the second-best entry.