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Metadata: MARS multiple stressors and biological dataset of Drava & Mura Basins

  • Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management
MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset,
Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
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General information
name of the dataset:
full name of the dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins
dataset short name: MARS DRAVA stressor and biological dataset
type of dataset (more information): species (taxonomic group) per site database including environmental
specify: Fish ecological data
data type: point data/observation data, vector data (shape files), descriptive data
short description of the dataset/summary:
This work/dataset addresses human stressors and their impacts on fish
assemblages in the Austrian Drava and Mura River Basins. It supports the
EU-project MARS (Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources
under multiple Stress) by analysing single and multiple stressors,
environmental effects and stressor combinations/interactions. Data sources
are mainly shape files and MS ACCESS databases.
With the help of point data on connectivity disruptions (barriers) and line
data on hydromorphological & water quality stressors (on water body level),
six mainly hydromorphological stressors from the national inventory
assessment of the EU Water Framework Directive were recoded and
aggregated into new variables, i.e. stressor metrics. These then were
compared with point data (fish sampling sites) and related information on
fish assemblages (Fish Index Austria and related single metrics as well as
the WFD biological and total status).
science keywords according to GCMD:
topic: Biosphere, Biological Classification, Terrestrial Hydrosphere
keywords: Fish assemblages, metrics, rivers, stressors, impacts, ecological status,
Water Framework Directive, Fish Index Austria, hydromorphological
alterations, barriers
ISO topic category according to ISO 19115:
Biota, Environment, Inland Waters
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
Technical and administrative specifications
data format: others/specify
others/details: shapefiles and MS ACCESS database
operating system: all operating systems
data language: German
current access level: restricted access
web address (URL):
currently available through GBIF:no
exchange planned: no
data in data repository: no
Do you plan to publish the data on the Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal:
comments: River Basin Management Data (including stressor information and
biological quality element monitoring sites) are public data, but have to be
requested from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,
Environment and Water Management (see
The same applies for data on the Fish Index Austria, which have to be
requested from the Institute for Water Ecology, Fish Biology and Lake
Ecology (IGF; see
update level: update planned
others/details: River Basin Management Plan data from 2009 and 2015 available (2015
only as draft), next planning circle will be finished in 2021
type: others/specify
language: German
contact details:
metadata contact person:
first, last name: Helena Mühlmann
phone: +43 1 71100 7158
institution: Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment & Water
address: Marxergasse 2
postal code, city: 1030 Vienna
province, state: Vienna
country Austria
web address:
technical contact person:
first, last name: Helena Mühlmann
phone: +43 1 71100 7158
scientific contact person:
first, last name: Rafaela Schinegger
phone: +43 1 47654 81216
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
Intellectual property rights and citation
(if the dataset is already published):
dataset creator (data compiler):
contact name: Rafaela Schinegger
contact email:
contact institution: Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG)
data contributors to/owners of this dataset:
number: 2
provider 1:
provider institute: Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
contact name: Helena Mühlmann
contact email:
criteria for using the data in a publication/scientific analysis:
The dataset needs to be requested from dataset creator with specific
conditions of use.
provider 2:
provider institute: Institute for Water Ecology, Fish Biology and Lake Ecology (IGF) Scharfling
contact name: Brigitte Sasano
contact email:
criteria for using the data in a publication/scientific analysis:
The dataset needs to be requested from dataset creator with specific
conditions of use.
citation of this dataset:
author(s): Schinegger, R., Aschauer, C., Mühlmann, H., Schmutz, S.
title: MARS stressor and biological dataset on Drava & Mura River Basins
year: 2016
citation of the metadata:
author(s): Schinegger R., Aschauer C., Mühlmann H. & Schmutz S.
title and journal (name, number, pages):
MARS multiple stressors and biological dataset on Drava & Mura River
Basins (Austria). Freshwater Metadata Journal 0: 0-0
year: 0000
doi (if applicable):
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
General data specifications
regional coverage of the dataset:
scale of the dataset: regional
continents: Europe
spatial extent (bounding coordinates):
southernmost latitude [°]: 46.6408
northernmost latitude [°]: 46.76153
westernmost longitude [°]: 12.92196
easternmost longitude [°]: 14.94884
minimum altitude: 237 metres
maximum altitude: 3798 metres
countries: Europe: Austria
comments: Environmental information based on entire Drava/Mura basins in Austria.
comments: Timeframe of biotic data 2006-2014, abiotic/stressor data from Austrian
River Basin Management Plans 2009 and 2015.
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
Site specifications
coordinate system/grid data: latitude/longitude
datum (e.g. WGS84): 31287
grid data available: no
site coding:
site coding available: yes
number of digits: 9
example: ATDRAU738
number of sites: 100 - 1000
exact number of sites: 525
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
Climate and environmental data
climate related data: no data available
environmental data:
available parameters per catchment: catchment size
data source:IHG database
available parameters per catchment: presence of barriers/dams/reservoirs (fragmentation)
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per catchment: hydrological regime/flow regime
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: information on embankment (incl. information on modification)
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: information on channel form (incl. information on modification)
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: information on cross section (incl. information on modification)
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: information on water uses (e.g., irrigation, fish ponds)
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: distance to next migration barrier upstream
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: distance to next migration barrier downstream
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: distance to the next lake upstream
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: river length
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: distance to source
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: distance to mouth
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: stream order (according to Strahler)
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: slope
data source:IHG database
available parameters per site: altitude
data source:IHG database
available parameters per site: hydrological regime/flow regime
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
available parameters per site: information on instream habitat (incl. information on modification)
data source:River Basin Management Plans 2009 & 2015
physico-chemistry data:
other physico-chemical parameters: Chemical status available from River Basin Management Plans 2009 &
2015. Toxic substances available from River Basin Management Plans
2009 & 2015.
comments: Detailed physico-chemistry data available upon request from the Federal
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management.
stressors influencing the sites:
reference sites available: yes
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
stressor restored sites
available data before/after
stressor gradient
available comments
eutrophication no no yes chemical status (WFD)
degradation no no yes hydromorphological status
organic pollution no no yes chemical status (WFD)
toxic stress no no no toxic substances (WFD)
general degradation no no yes measured via ecological
status (WFD)
hydrologic stress
(e.g. impoundment,
flow velocity
hydropeaking, water
abstraction, flow
velocity increase)
no no yes residual flow, hydropeaking,
impoundments (WFD)
comments: Various restoration studies in Upper Drava catchment conducted in the last
20 years, see and
Martina Humpel (2012): Metaanalyse von Eingriffen und deren
Restaurationsmaßnahmen an der österreichischen Drau. Diplomarbeit /
Masterarbeit - Institut für Hydrobiologie, Gewässermanagement (IHG),
BOKU-Universität für Bodenkultur, pp 189.
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
Biological data
biological data origin: from sampling
specify project: "Fish Database Austria" (FDBA, 2015), which is managed by the Institute
for Water Ecology, Fish Biology and Lake Ecology (IGF) of the Federal
Office of Water Management (BAW)
organism group addressed: fish
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
Sample specifications/sample resolution
sample information:
covered timeframe:
year from - to: 2006 - 2014
historical data: no
palaeo data: no
season: spring, summer, autumn, winter
temporal resolution/frequency of sampling:
single date
time series data: no
taxonomic resolution:
percentage of species level data: 100
taxonomic coding:
taxalist according to: Leitbildkatalog (BAW IGF, 2015)
coding system: full latin name
example: Thymallus thymallus
sample specifications:
replicate samples: yes
number of samples: 525
specification of method(s) used for sampling and sorting:
electro fishing, wading
citation: Haunschmid, R., Schotzko, N., Petz-Glechner, R., Honsig-Erlenburg, W.,
Schmutz, S., Spindler, T., Unfer, G., Wolfram, G., Bammer, V., Hundritsch,
L., Prinz, H., Sasano, B. (2010). Leitfaden zur Erhebung der biologischen
Qualitätselemente Teil A1 - Fische. Bundesministerium für Land- und
Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien. ISBN:
comments: The fish based indicators include the Fish Index Austria (FIA) and its single
metrics, an IBI that was developed for the assessment of the fish-ecological
status in Austria according to the WFD needs. The FIA is composed of a
number of core metrics. They include number of dominant species, number
of subdominant species, number of rare species, number of habitat guilds
(rheophilic, limnophilic, indifferent), number of reproductive guilds
(lithophilic, phytophilic, psammophilic), fish region index and population age
structure of dominant and subdominant species.
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Dataset: MARS multi-stressor and biological dataset, Drava & Mura River Basins (Austria)
Other specifications
GIS layers, shapes related to the dataset:
catchments, river-sub-basins
environmental variables (freshwater or terrestrial)
availability of photos: no
availability of maps: yes
quality control procedures:
Were any quality control procedures applied to your dataset?
quality control protocols and comments:
Datasets were screened and data mining was conducted within a related
master thesis and within MARS WP 4 Drava basin analyses.
reference: Aschauer, C. (2016): Distribution and patterns of multiple human stressors
and their impacts on fish assemblages in the Austrian Drava and Mura
River Basins. Master thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences, Vienna.
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... The Drava and Mura river basins together consist of 2590 water bodies in total ( Table 1; for metadata see Schinegger et al., 2017). In addition, the WFD chemical state (C) as well as impacts related to the presence of toxic substances (T) are recorded for the RBMP. ...
... Fish sampling sites cover the biocoenetic regions Epirhithral to Epipotamal (Upper and Lower Trout Region, the Grayling Region and the Barbel Region; Fig. 1). Fish data were obtained from the 'Fish Database Austria' (FDBA) (BAW IGF, 2015; for metadata see Schinegger et al., 2017), which is managed by the Austrian Federal Office of Water Management. Fish sampling was conducted based on a standard sampling protocol by electric fishing (Haunschmid et al., 2010). ...
Full-text available
This work addresses multiple human stressors and their impacts on fish assemblages of the Drava and Mura rivers in southern Austria. The impacts of single and multiple human stressors on riverine fish assemblages in these basins were disentangled, based on an extensive dataset. Stressor configuration, i.e. various metrics of multiple stressors belonging to stressor groups hydrology, morphology, connectivity and water quality were investigated for the first time at river basin scale in Austria. As biological response variables, the Fish Index Austria (FIA) and its related single as well as the WFD biological- and total state were investigated. Stressor-response analysis shows divergent results, but a general trend of decreasing ecological integrity with increasing number of stressors and maximum stressor is observed. Fish metrics based on age structure, fish region index and biological status responded best to single stressors and/or their combinations. The knowledge gained in this work provides a basis for advanced investigations in Alpine river basins and beyond, supports WFD implementation and helps prioritizing further actions towards multi-stressor restoration- and management.
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