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Who Drive Company-Owned OSS Projects: Employees or
Luiz Felipe Dias1, Jhoylan Santos2, Igor Steinmacher1, Gustavo Pinto2
1Universidade Tecnol´
ogica Federal do Paran´
a (UTFPR) – Campo Mour˜
ao – PR – Brazil
2Federal University of Par´
a (UFPA) – Bel´
em – PA - Brazil,,
Abstract. It is well known that Open-source software (OSS) communities leverage
the workforce of volunteers to keep the projects sustainable. Some companies sup-
port open-source software projects by paying developers to contribute, while others
share their products under open-source licenses keeping their employees in charge
of maintaining the projects. In this paper, we investigate who drives open-source
products: paid (internal) or non-paid (external) developers. We explore two well-
known, open-source software: atom and hubot. Using a mix of quantitative and
qualitative approaches, we found that both internal and external developers are
rather active, when it comes to pull-requests submitted, and that the projects are
very receptive for external developers. Considering both projects, internal devel-
opers are responsible for 45.54% and external developers placed 54.46% of the
pull-requests. Finally, we observed that external developers’ contributions range
from documentation to complex code.
Keywords: Company-Owned OSS Projects, Employees, Volunteers.
1. Introduction
Open-source software is one of the cornerstones of modern software development prac-
tice. Many existing software projects rely on open-source solutions either at compile
time (e.g., IDEs, build tools, or testing tools) or runtime (e.g., webservers, databases, or
queues). In spite of its ubiquitousness, several open-source software rely on a single con-
tributor to perform most of the needed tasks [Avelino et al. 2016]. Due to this unfriendly
scenario, it is not uncommon core developers becoming tired and abandoning their own
software projects [Coelho and Valente 2017]. To make the matters worse, only few open-
source projects are sponsored by some organization [Choi 2012].
Although few software companies support open-source activities [Choi 2012],
there is a recurrent belief that most of the open-source contributions software are made by
paid developers. Indeed, a recent article pointed out that: “More than 80 percent of kernel
development is done by developers who are being paid for their work.”1While commer-
cial contributions to the Linux kernel have been widely acknowledged, in a large-scale
study of more than 9,000 open-source projects, Riehle and colleagues [Riehle et al. 2014]
observed that about 50% of the open-source contributors are actually paid ones. However,
in this work, the authors consider “paid developers” the ones that performed commits from
linux-foundation-releases-linux-development- report
9am to 5pm, local time. Using this simple rule, students, unemployed, or workers with
flexible time schedules could be wrongly sampled as “paid developers”.
We believe it is important to shed additional light on this direction, due two at
least two reasons:
1. If there are, indeed, too many paid developers, open-source communities may
need to better explore these workforces. For instance, instead of concentrating too
many paid developers in one single open-source project, open-source communities
could try to gather some paid developers to well-needed open-source projects.
2. On the other hand, if there are too few paid developers, this finding might not only
refute previous studies, but yet can be used to better motivate software companies
on the importance of supporting open-source projects.
It is important to note that the source of payment can vary greatly. For instance,
one can get payed to fix a bug, whereas others can be full time open-source contribu-
tors. In this study, we pay particular attention to developers that contribute to open-source
as part of their daily job (e.g., the company that they work for maintain an open-source
software project). Throughout this paper, we refer to them as “internal developers”. De-
velopers that do not work for the company that maintains the open-source project are
refereed as “external developers”.
Although in its early stages, this paper provides an investigation about the con-
tribution behavior of pull-requests provided by internal and external developers in two
well-known, non-trivial open-source software products: atom and hubot. We chose
these projects because they were initially developed by (and are maintained at) GitHub,
therefore we could take advantage of GitHub features to understand whether a contributor
is a internal or external one (more details at Section 2). Through a set of quantitative and
qualitative analysis, this paper makes the following contributions:
•Bringing a quantitative analysis on the contributions performed by internal and
external developers on company-owned OSS projects;
•Understanding the receptivity of external developers on company-owned OSS
•Shedding the light that the contribution behavior is project-dependent, and it is
necessary to study the projects individually to better understand the phenomenon.
2. Method
Studied projects. We provide an in-depth investigation on the contributions (i.e., a pull-
request) made at two well-known open-source projects.
•hubot, a customizable life embetterment robot. It has ∼2,000 commits, ∼700
pull-requests, 248 source code contributors, ∼13,000 stars, and ∼3,000 forks. It
is mostly written in JavaScript, and has ∼5 years of historical records.
•atom, a cross-platform text editor. It has ∼32,500 commits, ∼3,500 pull-
requests, 363 source code contributors, ∼38,500 stars, and ∼6,800 forks. It
is mostly written in CoffeScript and JavaScript, and has ∼6 years of historical
We chose these projects because they were initially developed by a software com-
pany (GitHub), but became open-source at some point of their life-time. The focus of this
paper is to better understand the contribution behavior of paid developers (internal) and
non-paid developers (external) in company-owned open-source software projects.
Since these projects are developed by (and maintained at) GitHub, we reduce false
positives by taking advantage of GitHub features used to identify developers roles. For
instance, within GitHub organizations, one coordinator can set the site admin flag true
for another user. If enabled, this flag promotes an ordinary user to be a site administrator.
According to GitHub official documentation, a site administrator can “manage high-level
application and VM settings, all users and organization account settings, and repository
data”2. Therefore, for each pull request investigated, we verified whether the author has
the site admin flag enabled. If so, we marked she as internal,external otherwise.
To avoid false negatives (a paid developer that does not have its site admin flag en-
abled), we also manually match their GitHub profiles with their LinkedIn profile (details
at Section 5).
Approach. For the two analyzed projects, we start by investigating all performed pull-
requests. A pull request can be found in three different stages:
•open: waiting for code reviews and/or a final decision;
•closed: the code reviews were done, but the pull-request was not accepted;
•merged: the code reviews were done, and the pull-request was accepted.
We studied the contribution behavior of internal and external developers taking
into account each possible stage of a pull-request. We also investigated additional char-
acteristics such as the number of commits per pull-requests and the number of com-
ments of code reviews per pull-request. The data reported in this paper are based
on pull-requests that were performed from the very beginning of the projects, up to
June, 2017 — when we collected data. Still, in order to uncover the reasons for ac-
ceptance, we selected a representative sample (confidence level of 95% with a ±5%
confidence interval) of 334 accepted pull-requests at atom for manual analysis. We
also validated this analysis with another manual analysis in a random sample of 150
pull-requests accepted at hubot. All data used in this study is available online at:
For statistics, we used Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (MWW) tests [Wilks 2011] and
Cliff’s delta effect-size measures [Grissom and Kim 2005]. We used MWW tests to verify
if two distributions come from the same population (α= 0.05). We used Cliff’s delta to
verify how often values in one distribution are larger than values in another distribution.
The thresholds are defined as follows: delta < 0.147 (negligible), delta < 0.33 (small),
delta < 0.474 (medium), and delta >= 0.474 (large) [Romano et al. 2006].
3. Results
Generally speaking, both internal and external developers are rather active, when it comes
to pull-requests submitted. On atom, internal developers submitted 1,772 pull-requests
whereas external ones submitted 1,574; on hubot external developers submitted 692
pull-requests, and internal provided 123. If we consider both projects, we come to
1,895 pull-requests provided by internal developers (45,54%) and 2,266 by external ones
(54.46%). However, the number of contributors are much lesser than the number of contri-
butions: While 664 external developers performed contributions to atom, only 33 internal
developers were found (for hubot, the numbers are, respectively, 355 and 19). That is,
although the number of external developers are up to 20×greater than internal ones, the
amount of contributions is somewhat similar. Interestingly, we found that casual contrib-
utors (developers that made only one contribution [Pinto et al. 2016]) are commonplace
in our dataset, even for the internal group (21% are internal casuals and 76% are external
To provide a more detailed overview, Figure 1 depicts the evolution of pull-
requests, grouped by its state (open, closed, and merged).
open closed merged
open closed merged
Figure 1. Figures on the top are for project atom, whereas figures in the bottom
are for hubot. From the left to right, each figure shows the number of pull re-
quests open, closed, and merged. Orange lines represent internal developers,
whereas blue lines represent external developers.
From the figures, one might believe that external developers have more open pull
requests than internal ones. However, this hypothesis was refuted (p-value: 0.9169, effect-
size: -0.01 (negligible)), which suggests feedback might be provided for both groups
(which is not always the case in open-source communities [Dias et al. 2016]). Although
some old pull-requests are still open, ultimately pull-requests ended up being closed or
As regarding closed – but unmerged – pull-requests (the ones that were not ac-
cepted), we could notice that many external developers are having a hard time attempting
to get their contributions accepted (for atom, internals have 157 pull-requests not ac-
cepted, whereas externals have 508 ones). In fact, for atom, the hard time of external
developers is statistically significant (p-value: 0.0002366), although with a small effect
size (0.152628). For hubot, the rate is similar.
Finally, when studying the merged pull-requests (the accepted ones), we can see
that both groups are also fairly active (for atom, internals have 1,603 pull-requests ac-
cepted, whereas externals have 957 ones). However, a negligible, negative effect size
(-0.09482301) refutes the hypothesis that most of the work is done by internal developers
(p-value: 0.0005615). To better understand the characteristics of the accepted contri-
butions, we conducted a qualitative analysis aimed at investigating the reasons for pull-
request acceptance, in particular, the ones proposed by external members.
For the atom project, before creating a pull-requests, internal members create
an issue that describes what are the project needs. Therefore, most of the pull-requests
proposed are accepted because internal members were expecting it. Pull-requests that fix
documentation problems are the most common ones (we found 27 instances of them).
Some example include: broken URL3, not enough information4, and code comments5. In
addition, contributions from external members are shorter than internal ones. As noted
elsewhere, smaller changes can reduce the chance of breaking the continuous integration
build [Rebouc¸as et al. 2017]. Notwithstanding, non-trivial code changes often come with
a detailed description (images are common). However, all pull-requests are subject to
rigorous code review process. We found a similar pattern for hubot. Most of the pull-
requests from external members are related to documentation issues6, although complex
code changes exist7. Finally, these two projects seem to welcome external users: they
not only answer most of the requests from external members, but they also guide their
contributions to an acceptable state.
We also investigated how these two group of contributors differ in terms of num-
ber of commits per pull-request and the number of comments received during pull-
request’s code review. Figure 2 shows the distribution of these two metrics, while Table 1
shows some descriptive statistics.
Atom Hubot Atom Hubot
Figure 2. Distribuition of commits and comments (code reviews) per accepted
As we can see, both groups have similar behavior regarding the number of com-
mits performed and comments received. The result is statistically significant (p-value <
0.01) for first three boxsplots, with a small effect size. As for the number of commits,
this finding suggests that both groups follow well-known guidelines for contributing to
open-source (few commits per pull-request [Gousios et al. 2014]). Moreover, although
internal developers might be more aware of project domain, the integration process, and
their peers, they face a similar pull-request review process (in terms of number of com-
ments), when compared to external developers. This last finding corroborates with our
previous one: our studied projects seem to welcome external developers.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics about the number of commits and comments.
Commits Comments
1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile 1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile
Internals 1 3 8 0 1 3
Externals 1 1 3 1 1 4
4. Related Work
In this section, we discuss some of the studies that relate with the scope of this work,
which deal with proprietary software projects on GitHub, commercial involvement in
OSS projects, and paid developers in OSS.
Proprietary Software Projects on GitHub . Kalliamvakou et al. [2015] examined how or-
ganizations with projects producing proprietary software use GitHub to develop software.
They found that these projects apply typical software development practices used in OSS
projects, including reduced communication, independent work, and self-organization. In
our study, we also analyze proprietary projects that use GitHub. However, we are in-
terested in those projects that became open-source, while Kalliamvakou and colleagues’
work focused on the use of GitHub infrastructure to produce closed source, proprietary
software in private repositories.
Commercial Involvement/Paid Developers in OSS Projects . It is possible to notice an
increase in the participation of companies in OSS and in the contributions of employees
paid to work on OSS projects [Riehle et al. 2014, Zhou et al. 2016]. Zhou et al. analyzed
how commercial involvement in OSS communities influenced the onboarding of new de-
velopers. By studying OpenStack, Docker, and Android, they found that the way the
commercial involvement takes place is associated with developers participation. Hom-
scheid and Schaarschmidt [2016] investigated the role of external developers who are
paid by third-party companies (“firm-sponsored developers”). By conducting a survey
with Linux developers, they found that the perceived external reputation of the employ-
ing organization reduces turnover intention towards the company, and the perceived own
reputation dampens turnover intention towards the OSS community. Atiq and Tripathi
[2016] explored how the developers perceive the differences of rewards in OSS projects,
by analyzing their opinion on how project’s financial resources influences the progress of
the project. By analyzing an open question sent to OSS developers, they found that OSS
projects where only some people get directly paid may fail if they are mismanaged.
Riehle et al. [2014] analyzed more than 5,000 active open-source projects, from
2000 to 2007, and found that around 50% of all contributions have been paid work. Their
perspective is that any contribution made from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm
are paid contributions. However, as highlighted by Crowston [2016], even employed
developers are not paid directly by the projects to which they contribute, so from the
project perspective, they are volunteers. Thus, differently from Riehle and colleagues, we
analyzed the amount of effort put by the developers of the company that open-sourced
the project – directly paid by the “owner” – comparing with the contributions made by
any external developer. Our results showed that, for the analyzed projects 45% of the
pull-requests are placed by internal developers (GitHub employees). The results seem to
be inline with previous work, except for the fact that the concept of paid developers used
previously, is not the same as the concept of external developers applied here.
5. Limitations
First, we rely on our inference algorithm to verify whether a contributor is an internal
or external one. We made use of a flag made available in the pull-request to make this
decision. We acknowledge that this can be a threat. To minimize this, we investigated
the affiliation of the contributors. We found that two members we classified as external
presented GitHub as their organizations. We further analyzed their profile, and found that
they left GitHub and are now working in other companies. For those classified as internal
members, all listed themselves as GitHub staff in their profile. Second, one might argue
that we could differentiate paid and non-paid developers by looking at the email address
used at their contributions (if it is a corporative email, then the developer is a paid one).
We argue that developers are free to choose whenever email account they want to use
at the git repository. Therefore, a paid developer can also contribute with her personal
email account (which would represent a false positive). We use the site admin flag to
mitigate this threat. Finally, as we analyzed just two projects from the same company, we
understand that the results cannot be generalized. However, a small sample enabled us to
validate the algorithm used to classify the contributors manually, and to manually analyze
some of the pull-requests.
6. Conclusions
In this paper we analyzed the contribution behavior of internal (i.e., paid) and external
(i.e., non-paid) developers of atom and hubot projects. We found that these projects
are very receptive for external developers. We also found that internal and external devel-
opers placed around 50% of the pull-requests submitted when considering both projects
together (45% from internal members vs. 55% from external). However, analyzing just
hubot, which is smaller project, we observed that only 18% of the pull-requests had
been placed by internal members. These differences indicate that it is necessary to ana-
lyze each project individually to better understand this phenomenon, since there can be
different factors influencing the behavior, like: the priority the company is giving to the
project; the project attractiveness; and vendors who make use of the project. We also
noticed that, contribution from external developers are shorter than those sent by internal
ones, and that external developers contribute more documentation related pull-request,
although we also found complex code pull-request.
This study can be a fruitful research area which can benefit companies willing to
open-source their codes, and developers who are afraid of contributing to recently open-
sourced projects. For future work, we plan to expand the scope of this study by investi-
gating additional OSS projects. In addition, we plan to conduct surveys and interviews
with developers in order to cross-validate the findings from the repositories.
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