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Systolic and Diastolic BP Control in Metabolic Syndrome Patients with Metadichol® a Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid


Abstract and Figures

Metadichol® a nano formulation and mixture of long chain alcohols that is present in many foods like rice and sugar cane. It is derived from the waste of the sugar cane industry and therefore, it is a renewable resource. Most of the clinical data in the literature are from non-nano formulations either in a tablet or a capsule form which has not shown any efficacy. Given its safety profile, we carried out a small open label pilot study on 14 diabetic patients with hypertension. These patients had co-morbidities such as dyslipidemia, obesity and hypertension, but were not on any hypertensive medication. In this open label study, we treated the patients with 20mg of Metadichol per day for 60 weeks. The results showed that it is possible to bring about improvements in Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure in addition to CRP, VLDL, HDL, Triglycerides, waist circumference reduction, and reduction in insulin resistance. Interestingly, the average Vitamin C level for this study group also doubled. This study showed a vast improvement over existing therapies and with no reported side effects (minor or major).
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Case Report
Volume 5 Issue 2 - May 2017
DOI: 10.19080/JOCCT.2017.05.555660
J Cardiol & Cardiovasc Ther
Copyright © All rights are reserved by PR Raghavan
Systolic and Diastolic BP Control in Metabolic
Syndrome Patients with Metadichol® a Novel Nano
Emulsion Lipid
PR Raghavan*
Nanorx Inc., USA
Submission: April 10, 2017; Published: May10, 2017
*Corresponding author: PR Raghavan, Nanorx Inc., PO Box 131, Chappaqua, NY 10514, USA, Email:
It is paradoxical that despite the enormous advances in
antihypertensive drug therapy, the Number of people with
uncontrolled hypertension has continued to rise. A new 2017
study [2] by the American Heart Association, projects that
by 2035, cardiovascular disease (CVD), will become the most
expensive and prevalent killer if left unchecked, will place a
   
and health care systems. According to the study, in the next
two decades, the number of Americans with CVD will rise to
131.2 million-45 percent of the total U.S. population with costs
expected to reach $1.1 trillion. There are many hypertensive
drugs, but prolonged use and multi-drug use does lead over time
to side effects. There is a need for a safe, cheap alternative to
existing drugs. Metadichol is a Nanoemulsion of long-chain lipid
alcohols (C-26, C-28, and C-30), which are commonly known as
Policosanols. and it binds to VDR and which has been shown to
have a role in hypertension [1,3-5].
Open label study
Fourteen patients were enrolled in Nonrandomized, Open,
        
Metadichol in subjects with metabolic syndrome at a hospital
in Bangalore, India. The dosage was 20mg per day. Most of
the patients were on antidiabetic medication Metformin
and Glucophage in addition. None of the patients were on
hypertensive medication.
Diagnosis and main criteria for inclusion
The study population consisted of male or non-pregnant
female patients aged 18 years of age with a previously diagnosed
various medical conditions. All patients provided written
informed consent to participate in the study before being
The patient information sheet detailed the procedures
involved in the survey (aims, methodology, potential risks,
J Cardiol & Cardiovasc Ther 5(2): JOCCT.MS.ID.555660 (2017) 001
Metadichol®, [1] a nano formulation a mixture of long chain alcohols that is present in many foods like rice and sugar cane and is derived
from the waste of the sugar cane industry. It is a renewable resource. Most of the clinical data in literature is a: non-nano formulation either a
                    
morbidities such as dyslipidemia, obesity, and hypertension. None of them were on any hypertensive medication.
Our studies on patients for 60 weeks in an open-label study @20mg per day showed that it is possible to bring about improvements in
Systolic and diastolic pressure in addition to CRP, VLDL, HDL, Triglycerides and waist circumference reduction and reduction in insulin resistance.
Interestingly Vitamin C levels doubled. The study showed a vast improvement over existing therapies and with no side effects minor or major
to report.
Keywords: Metadichol; VDR; Inverse agonist; Protean agonist; CVD; Systolic diastolic; CRP; HDL; LDL; Albumin; Globulin; Vitamin C; Gulo;
Policosanol; TNF alpha; PAI-1; MCP-1
Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular erapy
How to cite this article: P.R. Raghavan. Systolic and Diastolic BP Control in Metabolic Syndrome Patients with Metadichol® a Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid.
J Cardiol & Cardiovasc Ther 2017; 5(2): 555660. DOI: 10.19080/JOCCT.2017.05.555660.
patient. The patient signed the consent form to indicate that the
information had been disclosed and understood. The patient was
then allowed time to consider the information presented before
signing and dating the informed consent form to indicate that
they fully understood the information, and willingly volunteered
to participate in the study. The patient was given a copy of the
informed consent form for their information. The original copy
           
Investigators center records.
Criteria for exclusion from the study included pregnant
or lactating females any serious and uncontrolled medical
conditions interfering with the study or placing the patient at
        
criteria and did not meet any of the exclusion criteria were
enrolled into the study.
Safety Results
       
incidences of adverse events and good compliance. Vital signs
were all within the normal range during the study. There were
         
in the treatment groups. Physical examination was found to
be normal during the study for all the subjects. There were no
Analysis of Variance one way was carried out using JMP
software from SAS showed that the following biomarkers were
a) Systolic and diastolic pressure
b) hS-CRP (high sensitivity C-reactive protein)
c) Experimental VLDL
d) Vitamin C
e) A/G ratio and Globulins
f) Triglyceride/HDL ratios
g) e-GFR a biomarker of kidney function.
Discussion of Results
The key biomarkers that are the subject of this
communication are Systolic, diastolic CRP, VLDL as well as A/G
ratios and Globulin. Table 1, Figures 1 & 2 and Table 2& 3 show
changes with descriptive statistics for Systolic and diastolic
pressures. The most striking result was the normalization of
blood pressure in 3 weeks.
Table 1:
Biomarker Change (%) p value units
Systolic Pressure -20.13 0.0002 mm Hg
Diastolic Pressure -14.2 0.01 mm Hg
VLDL -58.7 0.00065 mg/dl
Triglyceride ratio
(mmol/mmol) -34 0.04 mg/dl
hs-CRP -47.2 0.045 mg/dl
Vitamin C 100 0.00062 mg/dl
A/G ratio -285 0.00 number
Globulin -22.9 0.0029 g/dl
eGFR 42.5 0.0356 ml/min/1.73
HDL 15.4 0.14 mg/dl
Fasting Sugar -10 -- MG/DL
Insulin Resistance -12.5 -number
Figure 1: Average systolic pressure.
Figure 2: Average diastolic pressure.
Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular erapy
How to cite this article: P.R. Raghavan. Systolic and Diastolic BP Control in Metabolic Syndrome Patients with Metadichol® a Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid.
J Cardiol & Cardiovasc Ther 2017; 5(2): 555660. DOI: 10.19080/JOCCT.2017.05.555660.
Table 2: Average systolic pressure.
Analysis of Variance (One-Way)
Descriptive Statistics
Groups Sample size Sum Mean Variance
A14.00 2,096 149.71 320,120
B14.00 1,760 125.71 223,600
C14.00 1,700 121.43 208,000
D14.00 1,695 121.07 207,125
E14.00 1,690 120.71 205,500
F14.00 1,670 119.29 201,900
Total 84.00 126.32 311.43
Source of
Variation d.f. SS MS Fp-value F crit Omega Sqr.
Groups 5.00 9,520.5 1,904.1 9.10 0.00 2.33 0.33
Within Groups 78.00 16,327.8 209.3
Total 83.00 25,848.3
Table 3: Average diastolic pressure.
Analysis of Variance (One-Way)
Descriptive Statistics
Groups Sample size Sum Mean Variance
A14 1,223 87.36 109,083
B14 1,150 82.14 95,100
C14 1,116 79.71 90,296
D14 1,070 76.43 82,700
E14 1,080 77.14 83,800
F14 1,050 75.00 79,700
Total 84 79.63 96.71758
Source of
Variation d.f. SS MS Fp-value F crit Omega Sqr.
Groups 51,454.63 290.926 3.45238 0.00718 2.332 0.127
Within Groups 78 6,572.93 84.268
Total 83 8,027.560
Nesri et al. [6] found that weekly vitamin D supplementation
of blood pressure in type 2 diabetic patients. Another recent
study [7] also showed a use of 2000 IU Vitamin D showed the
drop of 10mm Systolic and 6mm diastolic. Given that Metadichol
binds to Vitamin D the results are not surprising. The effects go
beyond that. Even more remarkable is its effects on lipids VLDL
    
levels. Lieffard et al. [8] showed that higher levels of Vitamin D
are associated with lower levels of C-reactive protein.
Metadichol binds to the vitamin D receptor (VDR) as an
inverse agonist. It is the only known inverse agonist of VDR
known today. Calcitriol (1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D) is the
natural ligand for the VDR and acts as an agonist. Metadichol acts
an inverse agonist but more likely is a Protean agonist. Protean
agonists act as both positive and negative agonists on the same
receptor depending on the degree of constitutive activity that
is present. If there is no constitutive activity, the agonist would
be an active agonist. When constitutive activity is present, the
Protean agonist would be an inverse agonist [9]. In addition
to VDR binding, Metadichol shares cross-reactivity with other
nuclear receptors, like PPAR gamma [10], which may explain its
activity against a broad range of biomarkers.
Even more striking is that Vitamin C levels doubled. It is
well known that our ancestors had a functioning gene GULO
that converted glucose into Vitamin C [11]. Humans once made
Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular erapy
How to cite this article: P.R. Raghavan. Systolic and Diastolic BP Control in Metabolic Syndrome Patients with Metadichol® a Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid.
J Cardiol & Cardiovasc Ther 2017; 5(2): 555660. DOI: 10.19080/JOCCT.2017.05.555660.
vitamin C in their liver by the production of four enzymes
which convert circulating sugars into ascorbic acid (vitamin
C). Humans today only make 3 of the four enzymes required
to convert glucose (sugar) into Ascorbic acid. A progressive
mutation at some time in past generations deactivated the
gene for the enzyme gluconolactone oxidase and slowly as the
mutation progressed the synthesis of vitamin C came to an end
          
exogenous sources today. This has led to inactivity of the enzyme
L-gulonolactone [12].
Mammals who make their vitamin C can live 8-10 times
beyond their age of physical maturity. Mammals without this
        
believe the reinstallation of the guano-lactone oxidase enzyme
in humans would extend the lifespan of humans [13,14].
A study over a 12-16-year period showed that males with
the highest blood serum levels of vitamin C experienced a 57
percent drop in their risk of dying from any cause compared to
males with low circulating levels of vitamin C [15]. Among men
and women ages 45-79 years, just a 50 milligram increase in
vitamin C consumption was enough to reduce the relative all-
cause mortality rate by 20 percent [16].
        
percent decreased all-cause mortality rate among adults with
normal to high circulating levels of vitamin C [17].
Since vitamin C is an antioxidant and reduces C-reactive
protein (CRP)-a substance that can support the progression of
CVD [18]. In fact, in a study of active and passive smokers, vitamin
C supplementation (515mg daily) resulted in a 24-percent
reduction in plasma CRP. Ascorbate stimulates the immune
system and can help those with impaired immunity [19,20]. Low
      
very low density lipoproteins [21].
Today’s approach in drug research is a lock and key, with a
drug target. Given the many side effects of drugs and to overcome
it the search for high selective ligands has been the approach
of the drug discovery community. This has not delivered any
        
multiple proteins rather than single targets. Anti-psychotic
drugs commonly exhibit a broad spectrum of activities across
entire families of serotonin and dopamine receptors. Protein
kinase inhibitors like Sutent and Gleevec, have demonstrated
that their anticancer effects are most likely due to their action
on multiple signaling kinases [22].
         
each lock is more common than one key to open many locks.
Their hypothesis based on available data of drug action using
network biology provided insights into how we can improve
drug discovery for complex diseases. Medicines for many disease
with the observation that perturbed biological networks is more
important than individual targets. Such an approach has been
highlighted and advocated by Andrew Hopkins [24].
Effective drugs act via modulation of multiple proteins
rather than single targets. Metadichol does just that. It seems to
be operate by optimizing multiple activities, and balancing drug-
like properties and eliminating undesirable off target effects.
The inverse/protean activity exhibited by Metadichol leads to it
acting on more than one target, VDR, PPAR gamma as well as
inhibition of cytokines like TNF-alpha, MCP-1, PAI-1 and also the
endogenous increase of Vitamin C levels which we have shown
in our Rat studies [1]. Given the range and breadth of actions of
Metadichol the results suggest that it mimics the effects of 1,25,
dihydroxy Vitamin D3 but without the toxic effect secondary to
calcemia which limits its use as a pharmaceutical agent [25].
          
simultaneously modulate multiple targets which could pave
the way to successful treatment of many of these challenging
diseases [26-31].
The results of this study demonstrate that Metadichol
          
the Improvement of the levels Various biomarkers especially
Systolic and diatonic blood pressure and markers of CVD like
CRP and VLDL. It has the potential to be an effective approach in
overcoming hypertension and markers related to CVD diabetes
and lipid disorders. Metadichol has a particle size of less than
60nm and has the potential to serve as an anti-hypertensive and
       
particularly given that its constituents (long-chain lipid alcohols)
are present in foods commonly daily and has shown any toxicity
even at doses of up to 5000mg/kg [31-33]. Metadichol could
be used as a preventive nutritional supplement as a cheaper
and a far effective substitute to prescription drugs, which have
been largely ineffective in hypertension and many other chronic
diseases and have many side effects that add to health care costs.
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Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular erapy
How to cite this article: P.R. Raghavan. Systolic and Diastolic BP Control in Metabolic Syndrome Patients with Metadichol® a Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid.
J Cardiol & Cardiovasc Ther 2017; 5(2): 555660. DOI: 10.19080/JOCCT.2017.05.555660.
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DOI: 10.19080/JOCCT.2017.05.555660
... Similarly, our results suggest that Metadichol could be useful in inducing apoptosis in cancer cells by increasing Klotho expression and this also has benefits in other diseases. The current study and previously published results (39)(40)(41)(42) suggest that the observed results could have been been due to increased Klotho expression (43). The potential therapeutic utility of Metadichol in elevating Klotho levels warrants further study in vitro and in vivo. ...
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Klotho is a well-known tumor suppressor hormone that exhibits anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. Klotho levels are low or non-existent in cancer patients. Klotho protein levels decrease with aging; maintaining consistent levels may prevent disease and promote healthier aging. Metadichol is a nano emulsion of long-chain alcohols C26, C28, and C30, of which C-28 constitutes over 85%. Any small molecule that can elevate Klotho can, in principle, help reverse many diseases in which Klotho levels are low. Previously, we showed that treatment of the pancreatic cancer cell lines PANC1, MIA-PACA, and COLO-205, combined with Metadichol, a lipid emulsion consisting of long-chain alcohols at 1-100 pg/mL concentrations, resulted in a 4- to 10-fold increase in Klotho expression as determined by qRT-PCR, This study aimed to demonstrate that Metadichol promotes Klotho expression in a wide variety of cell lines, such as primary cancer, stem, and somatic cell lines. Cells were treated with various concentrations of Metadichol ranging from 1 pg to 1 µg. Three to fifteen fold increase in Klotho expression was observed compared with baseline, as measured by qRT-PCR and qualified by western blot analysis. Metadichol is a natural agonist of Klotho expression and is non-toxic at levels up to 5000 mg/kg in rats. and has a potential therapeutic role in cancer and reversing aging.
... Metadichol modulates the cytokine storms as it is an inhibitor of TNF, ICAM1 and also CCL2 which as shown play a key role with other cytokines. Co morbidities associated 82,83 with COVID-19 like Hypertension, diabetes 84,85 are also controlled by Metadichol and this could certainly improve long term prognosis for the effcted patient population. This actions on multiple genes and also via multiple pathways bring about homeostasis and prevent SARS-COV-2 infections. ...
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New pathogenic virus outbreaks with increasing regularity are leading us to explore novel approaches, which will reduce the reliance on a time-consuming vaccine mode to halt the strike. The requirement is to find a universal approach to disarm any new and as yet unknown viruses as they appear. A promising approach could be by targeting the lipids membranes, common to all viruses and bacteria. The ongoing pandemic of the SARS-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has restated the importance of interactions between components of the host cell plasma membrane and the virus envelope as a critical mechanism of infection. Metadichol ®, a nano lipid emulsion, has been examined and shown to be a strong candidate to help stop the proliferation of the SARS-COV-2. Naturally derived substances, such long chain saturated lipid alcohols reduce the infectivity of various types of viruses, including the coronavirus like SARS-COV-2, by modifying the lipid-dependent attachment to human host cells. SARS-COV-2 uses the receptor ACE2 for entry and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming. Metadichol®, a nano lipid formulation of long-chain alcohols, has been shown to inhibit TMPRSS2 (EC50 of 96 ng/ml). Compared to the inhibitor Camostat Mesylate (26000 ng/ml), it is 270 times more potent. Also, Metadichol ® is a moderate inhibitor of ACE2 @ 31 µg/ml. In the SARS-COV2 antiviral assay using CACO2 cells, it has an EC90 of 0.16 µg/ml.
... When constitutive activity is present, the Protean agonist would be an inverse agonist. Metadichol an extract of sugar cane wax exhibits properties that could also be considered as an Adaptogens [33] which are unique in their ability to balance endocrine hormones and the immune system [34][35][36][37]. Adaptogens help maintain optimal homeostasis in the body. ...
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Klotho is an anti-aging protein that is mostly secreted by the kidneys, the brain, and the thyroid. It plays a significant role in regulating kidney function and vascular health. Klotho gene is named after "the Spinner" (Clotho from Greek mythology), the goddess who spins the thread of life. Klotho is a transmembrane protein known to be a co-receptor for Fibroblast Growth Factor-23. Klotho gene is expressed in a variety of tissues changes in the levels are associated with many diseases. Klotho is a tumor suppressor in breast cancer and its expression is reduced in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and treatment with klotho inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Growing evidence suggests that an increase in KL expression may be beneficial for age-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis and diabetes. It remains a challenge today to induce Klotho expression. Herein we show that treating pancreatic cancer cells PANC1, MIAPACA and COLO-205 with Metadichol® a novel food based lipid emulsion of long chain alcohols at picogram/ml, concentration led to a 4-10 fold increase in Klotho expression as seen quantitative RT-PCR. These results suggest the use of Metadichol® given its constituents that are present in foods we consume every day is a novel therapeutic intervention for pancreatic cancer and other diseases.
... When constitutive activity is present, the Protean agonist would be an inverse agonist. Metadichol an extract of sugar cane wax exhibits properties that could also be considered as an Adaptogens [33] which are unique in their ability to balance endocrine hormones and the immune system [34][35][36][37]. Adaptogens help maintain optimal homeostasis in the body. ...
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Klotho is an anti-aging protein that is mostly secreted by the kidneys, the brain, and the thyroid. It plays a significant role in regulating kidney function and vascular health. Klotho gene is named after "the Spinner" (Clotho from Greek mythology), the goddess who spins the thread of life. Klotho is a transmembrane protein known to be a co-receptor for Fibroblast Growth Factor-23. Klotho gene is expressed in a variety of tissues changes in the levels are associated with many diseases. Klotho is a tumor suppressor in breast cancer and its expression is reduced in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and treatment with klotho inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Growing evidence suggests that an increase in KL expression may be beneficial for age-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis and diabetes. It remains a challenge today to induce Klotho expression. Herein we show that treating pancreatic cancer cells PANC1, MIAPACA and COLO-205 with Metadichol® a novel food based lipid emulsion of long chain alcohols at picogram/ml, concentration led to a 4-10 fold increase in Klotho expression as seen quantitative RT-PCR. These results suggest the use of Metadichol® given its constituents that are present in foods we consume every day is a novel therapeutic intervention for pancreatic cancer and other diseases.
... We have already shown how Metadichol affects various diseases. Including Type 2 diabetes [27], decreasing RDW [28], controlling of diastolic and systolic pressure, [29]. The role of Vitamin D in thyroid related diseases is well known, and the effect of, Metadichol on thyroid given its binding to VDR is not surprising [35]. ...
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We recently reported that Metadichol ® [1] brings about a three to four-fold increase in Vitamin C levels in patients without the use of Vitamin C supplementation. In this study of 6 patients who experienced a 5-12 fold increase in plasma Vitamin C levels higher than 80-100 u mol/L level which is the highest reported to date by oral supplementation at high doses of Vitamin C. Metadichol improved in these patients TSH levels, normalized High Blood pressure, fasting glucose levels, reduced eosinophil count, high triglycerides, body fat reduction and increased bone mass, normalized sodium levels, reducing high insulin levels, increased creatinine output in urine and also reducing of Red Cell Distribution width %. Metadichol thus serves as a surrogate for Vitamin C at doses of 5 mg per day as opposed to mega doses that are currently used.
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Increasing outbreaks of new pathogenic viruses have promoted the exploration of novel alternatives to time-consuming vaccines. Thus, it is necessary to develop a universal approach to halt the spread of new and unknown viruses as they are discovered. One such promising approach is to target lipid membranes, which are common to all viruses and bacteria. The ongoing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of interactions between the virus envelope and the host cell plasma membrane as a critical mechanism of infection. Metadichol®, a nanolipid emulsion of long-chain alcohols, has been demonstrated as a strong candidate that inhibits the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2. Naturally derived substances, such as long-chain saturated lipid alcohols, reduce viral infectivity, including that of coronaviruses (such as SARS-CoV-2) by modifying their lipid-dependent attachment mechanism to human host cells. The receptor ACE2 mediates the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host cells, whereas the serine protease TMPRSS2 primes the viral S protein. In this study, Metadichol® was found to be 270 times more potent an inhibitor of TMPRSS2 (EC50=96 ng/mL) than camostat mesylate (EC50=26000 ng/mL). Additionally, it inhibits ACE with an EC50 of 71 ng/mL, but it is a very weak inhibitor of ACE2 at an EC50 of 31 μg/mL. Furthermore, the live viral assay performed in Caco-2 cells revealed that Metadichol® inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication at an EC90 of 0.16 μg/mL. Moreover, Metadichol® had an EC90 of 0.00037 μM, making it 2081 and 3371 times more potent than remdesivir (EC50=0.77 μM) and chloroquine (EC50=1.14 μM), respectively.
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Metadichol®, [1] a nano formulation a mixture of long chain alcohols that is present in many foods like rice and sugar cane and is derived from the waste of the sugar cane industry. It is a renewable resource. Most of the clinical data in literature is a: non-nano formulation either a tablet or capsule which have not shown any efficacy. Given its safety profile, we carried out a small open-label pilot study on diabetic patients with hypertension who had in additional co-morbidities such as dyslipidemia, obesity, and hypertension. None of them were on any hypertensive medication. Our studies on patients for 60 weeks in an open-label study @20mg per day showed that it is possible to bring about improvements in Systolic and diastolic pressure in addition to CRP, VLDL, HDL, Triglycerides and waist circumference reduction and reduction in insulin resistance. Interestingly Vitamin C levels doubled. The study showed a vast improvement over existing therapies and with no side effects minor or major to report.
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Metadichol ® [1] is a Nanoemulsion of long-chain alcohols found in many foods. It is commonly called Policosanol and is present in foods such as rice, sugar cane, wheat, peanuts Metadichol acts as an inverse agonist on Nuclear Vitamin D receptors (VDR) that are present in cells throughout the body to stimulate the immune system and affects many biologIcal processes to modulate many diseases. Branched-chain amino acid transferase (BCAT1) catalyzes the reversible transamination of leucine, isoleucine, and valine branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to their respective alpha-keto acids, liberating L-glutamate. When this gene is inhibited, the amino acid chains accumulated in the tissue triggering longevity in the nematodes. The health and longevity of the nematodes improved when BCAT1 was inhibited. Gabapentin has been shown to inhibit BCAT1, but IC50 is 10000 uM. Metadichol® inhibits BCAT1 with an IC50 of 3.3 um, 3000 times more potent than Gabapentin.
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The inevitable, but unpredictable, appearance of new infectious diseases has been recognized for centuries well before the discovery of causative infectious agents. Today, however, despite advances in development of therapeutics, and vaccines the ease of world travel and increased global interdependence have added layers of complexity to containing these infectious diseases that affect not only the health but the economic stability of societies. Viruses and bacteria and other pathogens impose enormous pressures on their human hosts, and combatting these pathogens is fundamental to the propagation of a species. Innate immunity provides the foundation for pathogen resistance.
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Background and objectives: Evidence suggests associations between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, including hypertension and excessive cortisol levels. Also, vitamin D levels may impact exercise performance. Thus, we aimed to investigate the effects of vitamin D intake on cardiovascular risk factors, free urinary cortisol and exercise performance. Methods: A randomized placebo-controlled single-blinded parallel trial was conducted in healthy participants (n = 15). They received 2000 IU (50 µg) vitamin D3 per day (n = 9) or placebo (lactose) (n = 6) for 14 days. Body composition, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and arterial elasticity (as measured by pulse wave velocity, PWV) were recorded at baseline, day 7 and day 14 of intervention. A total of two 24-hour urine samples were collected to estimate free cortisol and cortisone levels. Exercise performance was assessed at the baseline and day 14 of the intervention using a bike ergometer in which BP and PWV were measured before and after exercise. The distance cycled in 20 minutes and the Borg Scale rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded. Results: In the intervention arm, at day 14, vitamin D supplementation significantly reduced SBP and DBP from 115.8 ± 17.1 and 75.4 ± 10.3 at baseline to 106.3 ± 10.9 (p = 0.022) and 68.5 ± 10.1 mmHg (p = 0.012) respectively. Also arterial stiffness was markedly reduced in the vitamin D group (from 7.45 ± 1.55 to 6.11 ± 1.89, p = 0.049). Urinary free cortisol levels and cortisol/cortisone ratio were significantly reduced from 162.65 ± 58.9 nmol/day and 2.22 ± 0.7 to 96.4 ± 37.2 (p = 0.029) and 1.04 ± 0.4 (p = 0.017) respectively. Exercise-induced SBP and DBP were significantly reduced post vitamin D intake from 130.7 ± 12.2 to 116.1 ± 8.1 (p = 0.012) and from 76.2 ± 8.4 to 70.5 ± 7.7 mmHg (p = 0.042) respectively. The distance cycled in 20 minutes significantly increased from 4.98 ± 2.65 to 6.51 ± 2.28km (p = 0.020), while the Borg Scale RPE reduced from 5.13 ± 1.36 to 4.25 ± 0.71 RPE (p = 0.021). In the placebo arm, no significant effects on CVD risk factors and exercise performance were observed. Conclusion: These results suggest that daily vitamin D supplementation may ameliorate CVD risk factors including a decrease in 11β-HSD1 activity, as evidenced by the decrease in the cortisol/cortisone ratio, and improve exercise performance in healthy individuals. However, large scale studies are required to verify our findings.
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Background Metadichol (1,2) is a Nano emulsion of long-chain alcohols called policosanols which are found in many foods like rice, wheat, grapes, sugar cane, apple and many others (3). It acts on membrane receptors in cells throughout the body to stimulate the immune system and inhibit a variety of disease processes, including those that result in metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Methods A 38-year-old male of middle eastern origin was diagnosed as diabetic after complaining of tiredness and bouts of hunger. He was not on any medication and chose to be treated with Metadichol @ 10 mg per day. Findings Metadichol helped to lower his fasting blood sugar level from 300 mg/dl to normal in 6 weeks. His HBA1C was reduced from 9.8% to 6.2% in 12 weeks. After 32 more months, his diabetic indicators remain normal. Interpretation Metadichol is safe and effective in controlling blood sugar and HbA1C levels in humans. Metadichol has been shown to bind to the vitamin D receptor (2) as an inverse agonist. However, it acts more like a protean agonist ligand (4) to increase or decrease activity depending on the system. Since Metadichol has no known negative side effects and consists of natural components of common foods, Metadichol has the potential to serve as a novel treatment for type 2 diabetes.
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Vitamin D deficiency is widely prevalent and has been associated with many diseases. It has been suggested that vitamin D has effects on the immune system and inhibits inflammation. The aim of our study was to investigate whether vitamin D has an inhibitory effect on systemic inflammation by assessing the association between serum levels of vitamin D and C-reactive protein. We studied the association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and C-reactive protein through linear regression in 9,649 participants of the Rotterdam Study, an observational, prospective population-based cohort study. We used genetic variants related to vitamin D and CRP to compute a genetic risk score and perform bi-directional Mendelian randomization analysis. In linear regression adjusted for age, sex, cohort and other confounders, natural log-transformed CRP decreased with 0.06 (95% CI: -0.08, -0.03) unit per standard deviation increase in 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Bi-directional Mendelian randomization analyses showed no association between the vitamin D genetic risk score and lnCRP (Beta per SD = -0.018; p = 0.082) or the CRP genetic risk score and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (Beta per SD = 0.001; p = 0.998). In conclusion, higher levels of Vitamin D are associated with lower levels of C-reactive protein. In this study we did not find evidence for this to be the result of a causal relationship.
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Background: Vitamin D is an important mediator of calcium metabolism. It has also been implicated as a potential contributor to the pathophysiology of various extra-skeletal conditions, consisting hypertension, renal disease, and insulin resistance. Objectives: The primary objective of this study was to determine whether oral vitamin D (cholecalciferol) supplementation can lead to improvement of blood pressure in type 2 diabetes patients. Patients and methods: This study was a double blind clinical trial conducted on 60 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Exclusion criteria were taking calcium, vitamin D supplements or any drugs effecting calcium and vitamin D metabolism in the past 6 months. Patients were administered weekly vitamin D supplementation (50000 units) for 12 weeks. Serum 25-Hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] level was measured with ELISA method. Results: Five patients (8.3%) had vitamin D deficiency, 27 (45%) had insufficient levels of vitamin D and in 28 (45%) patients vitamin D level was within normal limits. The means of systolic blood pressure (BP) and diastolic BP in patients before intervention were 121 and 80.5 mmHg; after intervention they were 110 and 76.3 mmHg, respectively. After intervention, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels were significantly less than control group (p< 0.01). Conclusions: In this study we found that weekly vitamin D supplementation (cholecalciferol; 50,000 units for 12 weeks) had beneficial effect on the level of blood pressure in type 2 diabetic patients. Thus, oral vitamin D may help in improvement of hypertension in these patients.
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In observational studies, increased vitamin C intake, vitamin C supplementation, and higher blood concentrations of vitamin C are associated with lower blood pressure (BP). However, evidence for blood pressure-lowering effects of vitamin C in clinical trials is inconsistent. The objective was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials that examined the effects of vitamin C supplementation on BP. We searched Medline, EMBASE, and Central databases from 1966 to 2011. Prespecified inclusion criteria were as follows: 1) use of a randomized controlled trial design; 2) trial reported effects on systolic BP (SBP) or diastolic BP (DBP) or both; 3) trial used oral vitamin C and concurrent control groups; and 4) trial had a minimum duration of 2 wk. BP effects were pooled by random-effects models, with trials weighted by inverse variance. Twenty-nine trials met eligibility criteria for the primary analysis. The median dose was 500 mg/d, the median duration was 8 wk, and trial sizes ranged from 10 to 120 participants. The pooled changes in SBP and DBP were -3.84 mm Hg (95% CI: -5.29, -2.38 mm Hg; P < 0.01) and -1.48 mm Hg (95% CI: -2.86, -0.10 mm Hg; P = 0.04), respectively. In trials in hypertensive participants, corresponding reductions in SBP and DBP were -4.85 mm Hg (P < 0.01) and -1.67 mm Hg (P = 0.17). After the inclusion of 9 trials with imputed BP effects, BP effects were attenuated but remained significant. Conclusions: In short-term trials, vitamin C supplementation reduced SBP and DBP. Long-term trials on the effects of vitamin C supplementation on BP and clinical events are needed.
Background: Cross-sectional studies have found an association between deficiencies in serum vitamin D, as measured by 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D), and an atherogenic lipid profile. These studies have focused on a limited panel of lipid values including low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides (TG). Objective: Our study examines the relationship between serum 25(OH)D and an extended lipid panel (Vertical Auto Profile) while controlling for age, gender, glycemic status, and kidney function. Methods: We used the Very Large Database of Lipids, which includes US adults clinically referred for analysis of their lipid profile from 2009 to 2011. Our study focused on 20,360 subjects who had data for lipids, 25(OH)D, age, gender, hemoglobin A1c, insulin, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen. Subjects were split into groups based on serum 25(OH)D: deficient (<20 ng/mL), intermediate (≥ 20-30 ng/mL), and optimal (≥ 30 ng/mL). The deficient group was compared to the optimal group using multivariable linear regression. Results: In multivariable-adjusted linear regression, deficient serum 25(OH)D was associated with significantly lower serum HDL-C (-5.1%) and higher total cholesterol (+9.4%), non-HDL-C (+15.4%), directly measured LDL-C (+13.5%), intermediate-density lipoprotein cholesterol (+23.7%), very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (+19.0%), remnant lipoprotein cholesterol (+18.4%), and TG (+26.4%) when compared with the optimal group. Conclusion: Deficient serum 25(OH)D is associated with significantly lower HDL-C and higher directly measured LDL-C, intermediate-density lipoprotein cholesterol, very low-density lipoproteins cholesterol, remnant lipoprotein cholesterol, and TG. Future trials examining vitamin D supplementation and cardiovascular disease risk should consider using changes in an extended lipid panel as an additional outcome measurement.
The effects of policosanol (50–500 mg/kg) administered orally for 24 months to Sprague Dawley rats of both sexes were investigated. No differences related to daily clinical observations, weight gain, food consumption, or mortality (survival analysis) between groups were found. Histopathological study showed that the frequency of the occurrence of non-neoplastic and neoplastic (benign and malignant) lesions was similar in the control and policosanol-treated groups. The lesions observed in this study were similar to the spontaneous lesions reported in this species in previous studies. Since no drug-related increase in the occurrence of malignant or benign neoplasms was found, nor acceleration in tumors growth in any specific group was observed, this study shows no evidence of policosanol induced carcinogenicity in this strain of rats. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.