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Technology Innovation, Finance and CRM: Repercussions on Competitiveness


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Technology Innovation, Finance, and CRM, their repercussions on Competitiveness is an excellent book for experts, students and entrepreneurs. Into their pages, we can discover different topics about the competitiveness factors like CRM, Marketing, Social Network, Innovation and Technology, CSR, and so on. In seven chapters, academics and experts explain the situation of the organization. Every part of this book was based on empiric and real evidence from enterprises, universities, governments and institutions. All of these studied organizations are part of the competitive environment that involve the market. The writers believe in the economic progress across of the innovation, the entrepreneurship, the social responsibility and the international cooperation between regions, countries and corporations. The authors are from Mexico and Spain. Everyone is an expert in economic and business Sciences. The universities that participate in this project are: Universidad de Guadalajara, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Universitat Politècnica de València and Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. This publication was created under the best practices of scientific edition. The editorial team analyzed carefully the quality and originality of the contents. Every chapter was selected, evaluated, and modified with the support of international peers. We hope that this book contributes for Publishers, researchers and academics to the advancement of theoretical and practical knowledge.
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El propósito de este artículo es analizar cómo se relacionan las variables de la administración de la relación con los clientes, el desarrollo de nuevos productos y el conocimiento de mercadotecnia, en la industria electrónica en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. También descubrir el impacto que estos factores tienen en la creación de nuevos productos, así como la implementación de información externa e interna en creaciones futuras. El análisis se llevó a cabo por medio de una investigación hecha a 25 empresas de la industria; la encuesta se realizó entre sus directivos. Además, las repercusiones de este estudio son los conocimientos en la práctica sobre la estructura de mk, las decisiones de desarrollo de productos con un enfoque de crm, así como las condiciones organizacionales que participan en el proceso.
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Text in Spanish. Conceptual literature review and analysis on "competitiveness", as well as of the export-oriented garment segment of the global value chain in Central America. Empirical discussion and use of the methodology used by CEPAL with two software: CAN and MAGIC, both developed by CEPAL. Published by Estudios y Perspectivas (CEPAL) 1, pp. 1-57.
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Desde que a principios de los años sesenta empiezan a colocarse los cimientos de la ciencia del proyecto, mediante la transformación de lo que durante muchos siglos fue solamente un arte –el arte de proyectar-, se han ido incorporando a aquella incipiente ciencia ideas y conceptos cada vez más elaborados que han conducido a la construcción de un cuerpo de doctrina que hoy es imprescindible conocer si se pretende afrontar con éxito la amplia diversidad y gran complejidad de los proyectos actuales. Esta ciencia se ha ido formando a partir de dos semiciencias. La primera se ha estructurado en torno a la concepción del proyecto, es decir, la que recoge las metodologías, técnicas e instrumentos con los que un profesional es capaz de idear, concebir soluciones y encontrar la respuesta a un problema complejo, es decir, a un proyecto. La segunda empieza a conformarse a medida que los proyectos emprendidos por los seres humanos han ido creciendo en complejidad pues, como consecuencia de ésta, los problemas de coordinación de actividades, recursos humanos y medios materiales han originado estructuras complejas y exigido la aparición de metodologías, técnicas e instrumentos apropiados a esta nueva realidad. Aunque estas semiciencias han ido evolucionando por separado, lo cierto es que si se desea alcanzar a poseer una visión integral del mundo del proyecto es necesario contemplarlas como una única ciencia. Los autores de este libro se han marcado como objetivo realizar esa integración, apoyándose en la Teoría de las Dimensiones del Proyecto y partiendo de la premisa indiscutible de que no se puede diseñar bien sin conocer los problemas de coordinación y comunicación que entraña el proyecto ni se puede dirigir y gestionar sin ser consciente de las dificultades que contiene el diseño en sí mismo. Por ello, el libro se ha estructurado en doce capítulos: en el primero se explican los conceptos fundamentales de esta ciencia y las teorías que la sustentan, los cuatro siguientes están enfocados al desarrollo de la Ciencia del Diseño (Engineering Design, en la bibliografía inglesa), los tres siguientes se centran en la Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos (Project Management), y en los cuatro últimos se correlacionan los principios del engineering design y del project management en el caso de cuatro importantes tipologías de proyectos (construcción, producto, consultoría e informática). Con el conocimiento de todos ellos un profesional puede adentrarse en el mundo real del proyecto y, con la ayuda de otros técnicos y de la propia experiencia, ir avanzando en la resolución de problemas cada vez más complejos.
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The integration of environmental factors through management systems in the furniture industry is an important process, which is considered vital for the competitiveness of companies through the environmental improvement of this kind of product. The methodology is aimed at the corporate level of companies, through whose leadership it would be possible to involve the whole workforce in the implementation of the methodology. The procedure followed for the elaboration of the methodological proposal can be summarised like this: firstly it is based on the state of the art and on an analysis of the sector where the methodological implantation is proposed. Secondly its interest is validated by the pilot company (and it is modified depending of the situation). Finally, the methodology is implanted, improving the initial proposal. The revision of the state of the art has identified the right methodologies needed, which collect others ecodesign methods already available to the management models. Therefore, the proposed methodology is addressed toward the previous activities, which can be the adaptation, in the management model before to ecodesign new products. The methodology has been based in a special case of study into the furniture industry in Jalisco. It starts with the " improvemen necessityt " continued for the " organizational development " as well as the " improvement execution " , concluding with the " methodological proposal " , applying the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle, and structured in four steps and eight stages. This paper presents a methodology that allows us to integrate the environmental factor in product and process design through the management system. The furniture sector in the state of Jalisco, México, is the case study selected.
Using organizational flexibility as a research lens, we investigate how private firms, especially SMEs, in China cope with the 2008 financial crisis. Testing data from a large sample of private firms (N=3,459) by difference-indifferences analysis, we find that firms with industrial diversification, geographic expansion and political connections perform better during the crisis than those without.
This article examines the coping mechanisms employees used to adapt to a major organizational transition. Research was conducted to assess both coping resources and coping responses. The sample consisted of employees of the Bell Telephone System who had to cope with the company's recent divestiture. The results of a multivariate analysis suggest that perceived uncertainty and fears about the impact of the transition were related to employee stress. This relationship was only moderately affected by the coping mechanisms. Feelings of personal control and the ability to tolerate ambiguity were linked with improved stress levels, whereas active attempts to structure the situation by obtaining information and feedback either failed to affect or actually increased stress levels. The author concludes with implications of this research for the management of change.
Change management research has largely ignored the effects of organizational change history in shaping employee attitudes and behavior. This paper develops and tests a model of the effects of poor change management history on employee attitudes (trust, job satisfaction, turnover intentions, change cynicism and openness to change) and voluntary turnover.
In this chapter you will learn which strategies and measures SMes take to survive crisis. Cases from a sample of 25 companies located in the surrounding area of Argentina’s third biggest city, Rosario, are presented. These SMEs have survived all major crises in the past 15 years and thus, have demonstrated their ability to cope with economic turbulences successfully. In the current economic crisis, many European SMEs are struggling to survive and it seems appropriate that some of these strategies could be applied in the European context. This chapter forms a “trilogy” with the previous chapter on Argentinan economic development and the following chapter which explores the role of owner/mangers in turbulent environments.