Technology Innovation, Finance, and CRM, their repercussions on Competitiveness is an excellent book for experts, students and entrepreneurs. Into their pages, we can discover different topics about the competitiveness factors like CRM, Marketing, Social Network, Innovation and Technology, CSR, and so on.
In seven chapters, academics and experts explain the situation of the organization. Every part of this book was based on empiric and real evidence from enterprises, universities, governments and institutions. All of these studied organizations are part of the competitive environment that involve the market. The writers believe in the economic progress across of the innovation, the entrepreneurship, the social responsibility and
the international cooperation between regions, countries and corporations. The authors are from Mexico and Spain. Everyone is an expert in economic and business Sciences. The universities that
participate in this project are: Universidad de Guadalajara, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Universitat Politècnica de València and Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. This publication was created under the best practices of
scientific edition. The editorial team analyzed carefully the quality and originality of the contents. Every chapter was selected, evaluated, and modified with the support of international peers. We hope that this book contributes for Publishers, researchers and academics to the advancement of theoretical and practical
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Jose Sanchez-GutierrezAuthor contentAll figure content in this area was uploaded by Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez
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