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International Bee Research Association - IBRA September 1 “Selective honey bee breeding is a phenomenon that fascinates beekeepers around the world. They often regard it as one of the most enigmatic and complex aspects of beekeeping. Indeed, according to our experiences in participating in many international projects, both beekeepers and bee experts without a background in plant or animal breeding often have trouble correctly interpreting and conceptually visualizing the breeding process. These difficulties arise partly because of the complex reproductive biology of honey bees, where queens mate with a multitude of drones. Fundamentally the greatest struggle for people to understand is how selection of animals with preferred characteristics in one generation leads to improved progeny in the next”. In a new article published in Bee World, Alexandar Uzunov and colleagues from the Bee Institute, Kirchhain, Germany explain the basic concepts behind honey bee breeding programmes, using the specific example of the German bee breeding programme for varroa resistance. The article: “The basic concept of honey bee breeding programs” can be found here:…/…/10.1080/0005772X.2017.1345427 You can become a Member of IBRA here to gain free access to this and all articles in the current issue 94(3), and the entire back catalogue of Bee World to Issue 1 in 1919:…/2014-12-12-12-06-01 IBRA is a Registered Charity No 209222. You can make a donation to help our work here:
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ISSN: 0005-772X (Print) 2376-7618 (Online) Journal homepage:
The Basic Concept of Honey Bee Breeding
A. Uzunov, E. W. Brascamp & R. Büchler
To cite this article: A. Uzunov, E. W. Brascamp & R. Büchler (2017) The Basic Concept of Honey
Bee Breeding Programs, Bee World, 94:3, 84-87, DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.2017.1345427
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Published online: 11 Aug 2017.
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Page 84 • VOL 94 • September 2017 • Bee World
The Basic Concept of Honey Bee
Breeding Programs
A. Uzunov, E. W. Brascamp and R. Büchler
Selective honey bee breeding is a phe-
nomenon that fascinates beekeepers
around the world. ey oen regard it as
one of the most enigmatic and complex
aspects of beekeeping. Indeed, according
to our experiences participating in many
international projects, both beekeepers
and bee experts without a background
in plant or animal breeding oen have
trouble correctly interpreting and con-
ceptually visualizing the breeding process.
ese diculties arise partly because
of the complex reproductive biology of
honey bees, where queens mate with a
multitude of drones. Fundamentally the
greatest struggle for people to understand
is how selection of animals with preferred
characteristics in one generation leads to
improved progeny in the next.
e leading misconception regarding
honey bee breeding is confusing breeding
with the simple rearing and multiplica-
tion of queens, where individual queens
are evaluated predominantly by their egg
laying ability and body size. ose two
markers of queen quality (fecundity and
size) are certainly important for the prop-
agation of queens, but selective breeding
requires more than propagation. Selective
breeding implies the intentional selection
for genetic improvement of the population
as a whole, with every new generation
improved compared to the previous one,
ideally for all traits of interest.
To achieve such improved selection,
queens and colonies in each generation
must be chosen that exhibit the desirable
properties the breeder wishes to propa-
gate, using these as parents for the next
generation so that on average the next
generation is expected to be better than
the previous one. Breeding success for a
certain honey bee population is thus the
cumulative outcome of many actions,
such as performance testing on the colony,
the selection and mating of individuals.
Our aim with this paper is to help demys-
tify conventional honey bee breeding pro-
grams and highlight the typical features of
successful programs, based on the breed-
ing experiences in Central Europe. We
focus on conceptual aspects beekeepers
and breeders can control without discuss-
ing the underlying theories based upon
population and quantitative genetics.
A Breeding Program and
Its Elements
A breeding program represents a set of
systematically planned and implemented
activities aimed at the sustained genetic
improvement of a honey bee population
(Brascamp, 2014; Tiesler et al., 2016).
us, by continuous implementation of
this selection program it is expected that
the colonies in the next generation will
express improved behavior concerning
targeted traits (for instance: gentleness,
calmness on the comb, reduced swarm-
ing), enhanced production (honey, pollen,
wax, royal jelly) and vitality (resistance to
diseases and pests, prolonged life expec-
tancy, etc.).
A breeding program should include
explicit breeding objectives, performance
testing to evaluate the desired character-
istics, estimation of the breeding values,
selection, mating, multiplication of the
improved genetic stock, and evaluation
(Figure 1).
e rst and very important step is to
dene the breeding objective. us, based
on the economic importance, scientic
evidence and practical experience, breed-
ers must decide which traits they intend to
improve, and what is the relative impor-
tance of improving the dierent traits.
Generally, the preferred traits in selection
for honey bees involve improving honey
yield, gentleness, decreasing the swarming
tendancy and increasing Var r o a resist-
ance. Sometimes traits such as coloration,
which are typical for a particular popula-
tion, can be included in the selection pro-
cess. In principle all traits of importance
should be included, because selection
for too limited a set of traits may lead to
deterioration of other relevant traits. For
example selecting only for Var ro a resist-
ance with no regard for the qualities that
make for productive colonies can result in
queens that are not practical for commer-
cial beekeeping.
e German breeding program for
resistance to Var r o a (AGT) is an example
where the focus is on Var ro a resistance
(Table 1), but other traits are also taken
into account. e decision regarding
which traits to include to achieve the
breeding objective depends mainly on the
interests of a particular group of breeders.
Objectives such as the conservation of an
isolated population or specic research
goals can be relevant too.
Since breeding success is accumulated
genetic improvement over time the
© 2017 International Bee Research Association
Figure 1. Elements of a breeding program and sequence of actions. A continual process
of selecting towards the breeding objective. Mating is carried out to produce a next
generation for performance testing, but also for multiplication of the improved material to
be disseminated and utilized in the broad population.
DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.2017.1345427
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Bee World • VOL 94 • September 2017 • Page 85
© 2017 International Bee Research Association
breeding objective ideally should be con-
sistent from year to year and not subject
to frequent drastic changes. us, before
the objective is dened one should foresee
the needs and demands that might occur
in the future, so that the selection has
long-term relevance. Finally, the breeding
objective should take into account the way
bees are managed and how beekeeping
operations are organized if the goal is
improved stock for beekeepers.
Performance testing requires a standard-
ized methodology for the phenotypic
assessment of traits and accurate data
recording (Büchler et al., 2013; Ruttner,
1972; Uzunov et al., 2015). While in farm
animals performance is generally meas-
ured on individuals (milk production in
dairy cows, egg laying rate in hens), in
honey bees traits are usually observed
on the colony level. is is illustrated in
Figure 2.
On the one hand the workers contribute
to colony’s performance, known as the
worker eect, but the queen (1a) also has
a direct eect (queen eect) on the colo-
ny’s performance. Of course she also con-
tributes indirectly, because she transmits
her breeding value for the worker eect to
the workers. As an example, honey yield is
aected by the ability of workers to collect
nectar, but also by the egg laying capacity
and pheromone production of the queen.
Figure 2 also illustrates that apart from
the queen (1a) that is the mother of the
colony, the drone-producing queens (1b)
also contribute 50% to the breeding value
of the workers. Since drones are haploid
and have no father, it is oen said that
the paternal contributer to the breeding
value of the workers in practice is 4a, the
so-called father colony.
A written guideline for performance
testing (protocol), along with practice
and training of the bee breeders in the
proposed methods (breeders’ capacity
building) are essential so that test colonies
can be evaluated objectively and accu-
rately across apiaries and operations.
Before engaging in a breeding program
and queen evaluation, a number of pre-
paratory activities should be conducted.
ese include establishing test apiaries
and colonies, as well as organizing a
queen exchange among the dierent test
e next step is the estimation of breeding
values. By denition the breeding value
of an individual is the expected perfor-
mance of the ospring when the indi-
vidual is mated to an average mate and
the ospring is performing in an average
environment. Usually these compli-
cated calculations of the breeding value
estimation are conducted by the facility
that manages the database of performance
testing results.
A best case study of such a system is
represented by BEEBREED (www. where via an online web-
based platform the performance testing
data are stored, breeding values are
estimated and subsequently published. In
BEEBREED the estimated breeding value
of an individual takes into account the
colony’s individual performance as well as
the performances of other colonies in the
same environment (test apiary) and per-
formances of colonies that are ancestors
or other relatives (Figure 3). Comparison
of colony’s performance with that of
colonies at the same test apiary takes into
account dierences caused by beekeeping
techniques applied, weather, food sources
etc. For more details, see Bienefeld et al.
(2007), Büchler et al. (2013), Brascamp
et al. (2016) and Tiesler et al. (2016).
Table 1. The weighting of desirable traits in the AGT breeding program.
aA combination of natural mite fall in spring, mite infestation in late summer and hygienic behavior.
Trait Honey yield Gentleness Calmness Swarming behavior Varroa indexa
Weighting of traits (%) in the total breeding value 15 15 15 15 40
Figure 2. Effects of the workers and queen
on the colony’s performance.
Figure 3. Simplied model of the effects contributing to the estimation of breeding
values according to BLUP Animal Model.
DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.2017.1345427
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Page 86 • VOL 94 • September 2017 • Bee World
To obtain reliable breeding values, it is
important that daughters of each breeder
queen are tested at several test apiaries.
e selection of queens based upon
ranking for estimated breeding values is
a further step in the breeding program.
Usually individual breeders not only select
based upon this criterion but include
additional observations such as overwin-
tering ability, colony strength, etc. us
queens are ranked and selected as mothers
for the next generation of queens as well
as queens to produce drone producing
queens. Oen individual breeders decide
what queens they will use to produce the
next generation, while an association is
oen responsible for selecting the queen
that will be the mother of the queens
that head the multiple drone colonies at
a mating station, under the assumption
that such a mating station is not used
by one single breeder. Via instrumental
insemination or private isolated mating
yards, an individual breeder can control
which queen stock serves as the paternal
ancestor of the next generation.
In honey bees mating deserves specic
attention due to the reproductive behav-
ior of the species. Special measures are
required to control mating, for exam-
ple through the use of mating stations
(isolated mainland or island locations) or
instrumental insemination. According to
theory the breeding value of a progeny
equals half the sum of the breeding values
of the parents. As a consequence, parents
can be selected independently and mated
at random when it concerns the average
breeding value of the next generation.
However, the desire of individual breed-
ers to compensate for a weakness in a
selected queen with the strength of the
mate advocates for the combined selection
of a queen and her mates and not just the
individual parents. For example a queen
that has excellent Var r o a resistance and
honey production, but a higher swarm
tendency might be mated with drones that
originated from a queen that exhibited a
very low swarm drive. Another benet of
selecting both partners is that potential
inbreeding of workers can be taken into
Genetic improvement is the ultimate
goal of a breeding program and involves
eventual propagation of the improved
stock in the general honey bee population
(Büchler et al., 2010; Rinderer et al., 2010).
e beekeeping community can incorpo-
rate improved stock on the maternal side
in the form of graed larvae, queens cells,
virgin or mated queens. rough the use
of drone semen in instrumental insemina-
tion or the mating stations where selected
queens produce drones that will mate the
virgin queens, beekeepers can incorporate
improved genetic stock on the paternal
side, helping to improve the quality of the
bee population.
We feel that the topic of propagation
of improved stock does not receive the
attention it deserves. Activities concerning
this goal, like transparent communication,
marketing and ecient delivery systems,
should be well planned and implemented
and require concerted actions of the bee-
keeping community at large.
Finally, a program should systematically
be subjected to evaluation. is should
be recognized as a distinct element. e
rst step is to compare the predicted
and realized selection response or “does
the program meet its promises?. In the
evaluation, all elements and steps of the
breeding program should be scrutinized
and any obstacles should be identied and
Here issues like the accuracy of the meth-
odology for data gathering, the recording
of pedigrees, and the accuracy of breeding
value estimations should be evaluated, as
well as re-evaluating strategic goals and
delineating future expectations. In addi-
tion, breeding programs should consider
if the environments in which the daughter
queens of the breeding program perform
are suciently uniform, such that the col-
onies produced from the better line in one
environment are consistently the better
ones in another environment.
Types of Breeding
In the previous paragraphs we described
a breeding program based strongly on the
results of BEEBREED and the beekeeping
community in Europe. However, the rea-
sons to keep, and possibly improve honey
bees, dier among bee breeders around
the world.
ere is a wide spectrum of breeding pro-
grams. To illustrate this we list the most
common types of breeding programs.
Commercial, aimed to improve the
overall performance of the honey bees
from the population of interest, based
upon the assessment of various traits.
Occasionally, the number of traits is
limited to 3 or 4. However, the main
drive and objective of these commercial
breeding programs is improvement in
commercially important traits (more
honey, less defensive bees, reduced
swarming tendency, etc.). is type of
selection is most common and consid-
ered by us as the most sustainable.
Conservation, aimed at the maintenance
of endangered honey bee populations.
e ultimate goal is maintenance or
enlargement of the population. Genetic
improvement of such populations is a
useful tool in the context of “conser-
vation by utilization, as conservation
by utilization is considered a preferred
mechanism to conserve subspecies or
populations. Along with commonly rec-
ognized traits, relevant on the regional
or local scale, morphological characters
and molecular markers are frequently
the basis for decision-making and selec-
tion, the latter two being used to ensure
that the population is not mixed with
other subspecies.
Research breeding programs can be ini-
tiated for studying certain traits (eects
of the genes, identication of markers,
etc.) of scientic interest as well as
analyzing the eects of hybridization or
inbreeding, assessing the adaptive abil-
ity of populations, resistance to diseases,
genotype by environment interactions,
etc. Generally these breeding programs
are short-term and under the respon-
sibility of research institutes or other
academic institutions.
Whatever type of breeding program is
initialized there is always the question
of the genetic origin of the population
under selection. In general there are two
main approaches. Recently a trend has
emerged for sustainable conservation, a
popular breeding approach to improve
and conserve the native or locally adapted
honey bee populations or subspecies. e
basic philosophy behind this is to reduce
importations and instead utilize and
improve the local populations in compari-
son to the non-local ones.
Alternatively, oen breeders start a breed-
ing program building upon breeds like
Ligustica, Carnica or Buckfast (which can
be considered a breed of recent origin)
with assumed general usefulness accross
environments. From a conservation point
of view the disadvantage of this is that
the mixing of local populations and these
general purpose populations, when kept
in the same area, is dicult to prevent.
Whatever approach is chosen the main
issue during the initiation of the breeding
program is appropriate selection of the
Downloaded by [Aleksandar Uzunov] at 22:27 13 August 2017
Bee World • VOL 94 • September 2017 • Page 87
rst genotypes. Here the best advice is to
choose the best available queens, prefer-
ably based on a breeder’s records, taking
care that the founding queens represent
sucient genetic diversity.
Conducting the Breeding
Breeders, regional groups, scientists,
national and local authorities are the
main partners of a breeding program.
e organization of regular meetings is
important for better coordination of the
activities as well as for exchange of ideas
and overcoming the challenges of imple-
mentation. A close cooperation with sci-
entists can signicantly help the program
achieve its breeding objective, by aiding in
the development of standardized meth-
odology and introducing new approaches
and models of breeding.
Concerning the establishment of con-
trolled mating locations, the cooperation
with local authorities may be important.
If we take in to consideration the above
mentioned elements, the overall success
and sustainability of a breeding program
signicantly depends on the collabora-
tion, communication, transparency and
exchange of ideas among all stakeholders
within and around the breeding program.
We would like to thank Dr. Bjorn Dahle,
Dr. Sreten Andonov, Dr. Eliza Cauia, Egoitz
Galarza, Borce Pavlov, Dr. Andreas Hoppe
and Dirk Ahrens-Lagast for their valuble
comments and suggestions for improvement
of the readability of the article and integra-
tion of experience from various breeding
practices across Europe.
1. Location or apiary where testing of the colonies is
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for honey yield, gentleness, calmness and swarming
behaviour in Austrian honey bees. Apidologie, 47, 739–748.
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Büchler, R., Berg, S., & Le Conte, Y. (2010). Breeding for
resistance to Varroa destructor in Europe. Apidologie, 41,
393–408. doi:10.1051/apido/2010011
Rinderer, Harris, & Hunt, de Guzman (2010). Breeding for
resistance to Varroa destructor in North America. Apidologie,
41, 409–424. doi:10.1051/apido/201001
Ruttner, H. (1972). Technical recommendations for methods
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Retrieved from
A. Uzunov and R. Büchler
Bee Institute in Kirchhain, Erlenstrasse 9,
Kirchhain 35274, Germany
E. W. Brascamp
Wageningen University & Research
Animal Breeding and Genomics,
P.O. Box 338, 6700 AH, Wageningen, e
Downloaded by [Aleksandar Uzunov] at 22:27 13 August 2017
... Challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution and resource depletion have increased bee colonies' susceptibility to diseases, leading to significant losses in beekeeping. The interventions outlined in the "Annual Calendar of Work in the Apiary" and the "Annual Regulation for Taking Measures to Protect Bees from Infectious and Parasitic Diseases" aim to address these challenges 19,35 . ...
... Using this approach, the number of mites in 50 g of worker bees is calculated and represented as the number of mites per 10 g of worker bees (about 100 worker bees), which may also be stated as an estimated percentage of infestation. The infection level of honeybee colonies with Varroa destructor mites was assessed using the procedure published by Uzunov et al 35 . The formula to calculate the infestation level expressed as the number of mites per 10 g of bees is: ...
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Varroa destructor infestations pose a significant global threat to honeybee colonies, affecting bee populations and honey production. The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of Apis mellifera L. honeybee colonies under various control methods with a particular focus on critical parameters like mite dewdrop, honey production and colony growth. The study took place in a normal apiary in the Pelister district for a year from April 2021 to March 2022. There were three treatment groups: Group A got Amitraz (a chemical treatment), group M got formic acid (an organic treatment) and group K got nothing (a control group) to see how the treatments affected the bees. Regular monitoring assessed parameters including dropped mites and Varroa infestation levels with honey production evaluated seasonally. The results showed that both chemical and organic treatments successfully decreased the levels of Varroa mite infestation compared to the control group, while also noting differences in colony growth and honey production. The Amitraz treatment did prevent the mites from dropping, but it also slowed down the young's development. On the other hand, the formic acid treatment kept the brood's development healthy, suggesting that it might be a better way to get rid of varroa. This study shows how important it is to think about how treatments affect important colony parameters. It also calls for more research like longterm observations, to fully understand how treatments affect the health, development and longevity of bee families which will eventually lead to the creation of more effective combined pest control methods.
... Researchers have unravelled the genetic basis of traits such as hygienic behaviour (Patel, 2018), varroa mite resistance (Spotter et al., 2016), and pollen collection efficiency, paving the way for markerassisted selection and genomic selection programmes (Bernstein et al., 2023;Sainsbury et al., 2022). Nowadays, honey bee breeding is a collaborative endeavour, with researchers, beekeepers, and breeding associations working together to develop resilient and productive bee stocks (Uzunov et al., 2017). Breeding programmes focus on enhancing traits that promote colony health and productivity while mitigating the impacts of environmental stressors such as habitat loss, pesticide exposure, and climate change. ...
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Like other animal farming systems that aim for maximum productivity and economic sustainability, the cultivation of insects for food and feed sectors requires the use of high-performance genetic lines that are adapted to specific rearing conditions. Therefore, investing in genetics and breeding programmes to domesticate and develop insect strains suitable for commercial production is imperative: if implemented appropriately, breeding programmes can achieve significant returns on investment. Developing genetic improvement programmes for insects entails considering various factors, including biology, reproduction, production system, and identifying breeding goals optimal for available resources. This review summarises the various techniques available for implementing selective breeding programmes in insects, as well as their current applications and developments in four insect species: the honey bee, silkworm, black soldier fly and mealworm.
... Taking these considerations into account, we judge, that SDI should only be used in specific set-ups and is likely to have its main application in scientific contexts. For decentrally organzied and sustainable honeybee breeding endeavors, that rely on the inclusion of many breeders, it is important that the breeding scheme is easily manageable [26,80,81]. This will rather be the case for MDI or mating on isolated mating stations. ...
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Background: Mating control is a crucial aspect of honeybee breeding. Instrumental insemination of queens gives the breeder maximum control over the genetic origin of the involved drones. However, in addition to the drones' descent, the breeder's control also extends over the number of drones to use for inseminations. Thus far, this aspect has largely been ignored in attempts to optimize honeybee breeding schemes. The literature provides some comparisons between single drone inseminations (SDI) and multi drone inseminations (MDI) but it is unclear whether the number of drones used in MDI is a relevant parameter for the optimization of honeybee breeding programs. Methods: By computer simulations, we investigated the effect of the number of drones per inseminated queen in breeding programs that relied on best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) breeding values. We covered a range of 1 to 50 drones per queen and observed the developments of genetic gain and inbreeding over a period of 20 years. Hereby, we focused on insemination schemes that take the drones for one queen from a single colony. Results: SDI strategies led to 5.46% to 14.19% higher genetic gain than MDI at the cost of 6.1% to 30.2% higher inbreeding rates. The number of drones used in MDI settings had only a negligible impact on the results. There was a slight tendency that more drones lead to lower genetic gain and lower inbreeding rates but whenever more than five drones were used for inseminations, no significant differences could be observed. Conclusion: The opportunities to optimize breeding schemes via the number of drones used in inseminations are very limited. SDI can be a viable strategy in situations where breeders are interested in genetically homogeneous offspring or precise pedigree information. However, such strategies have to account for the fact that the semen from a single drone is insufficient to fill a queen's spermatheca, whence SDI queens will not build full-strength colonies. When deciding for MDI, breeders should focus on collecting enough semen for a succesful insemination, regardless of how many drones they need for this purpose.
... However, the concept of controlled mating in honey bees was first established by attempting the use of isolated mating stations, which were unsuccessful, in Switzerland [24]. Recently, isolated mating stations have become successfully developed and popular in Central European honey bee breeding [25]. Again, the development of artificial insemination techniques for honey bee queens (controlled breeding) in the late nineteen century is now a practical tool in economic bee breeding [14]. ...
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Simple Summary Addressing challenges of controlled breeding in honey bees at natural mating stations is important in controlling and maintaining valuable traits of biological and economic interest. Basically, artificial insemination and natural mating are the two reproductive techniques used by beekeepers in maintaining honey bees’ genetic resources. However, little is known on the various sources of variation affecting breeding success at different mating stations. Our study provides an insight, addressing key questions to improve mating success rate of controlled breeding. Selecting mating stations with the maximum cost benefit return is a motivating tool in maintaining valuable genetic materials of honey bees. Our results demonstrated that breeding success of natural mating at controlled mating stations is influenced by the environmental conditions of the area. Mating success rate was high in mating stations with a high percentage of bare land, coniferous forests, deciduous forests, fields, and mixed forests. We suggest that mating stations with mixed forest and fields are potential sites for successful breeding and maintenance of honey bees’ genetic resources. Abstract Honey bee reproductive behavior involves a complicated mating system that embodies a number of factors, including environmental and human-induced factors. Controlled breeding in isolated mating stations is a prerequisite to maintain the genetic resources of honey bees through natural mating. The concept of controlled mating is a challenge in most beekeeping operations due to its low mating success rate. Therefore, a detailed investigation into the suitability of isolated mating stations is of interest. Thus, we bred two subspecies of honey bees (Apis cerana koreana and Apis mellifera L.) in isolated mating stations (island) from 2021 to 2023 and in an open breeding station in 2023. Our results demonstrate that the highest percentage of the mating success rate in isolated mating stations was recorded in the Wido Island, which had the highest percentage of bare land, coniferous forests, deciduous forests, fields, and mixed forests. The mating success rate was higher in the summer and spring for A. cerana and A. mellifera, respectively. The mating success rate was higher in open mating compared to controlled mating (Island) and did not vary between pure-breeding and cross-breeding lines. Our findings suggested that mating stations with mixed forest and fields are potential sites for the successful breeding of honey bees.
... The productivity of the bees can be improved by breeding and artificial selection of selected traits. To do this, a group of colonies is scored according to desirable traits, and only some colonies with the highest score are selected for the next generation (Uzunov, Brascamp & Büchler, 2017). Repetition of this procedure over numerous generations frequently results in the improvement of some traits (Bienefeld, 2016). ...
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In order to improve the productivity of honey bees ( Apis mellifera ), some of their traits are selected by breeding. On one hand, breeding is mainly based on the natural geographical variation of this species; on the other hand, mass production and distribution of artificially selected queens can significantly affect the natural geographic variation of honey bees. In this study, we have compared honey bee wings originating from breeding and non-breeding populations in Serbia. In the comparison, we have also used data from a large area of south-eastern Europe. The wings were measured using the 19 landmarks indicated on the wing images. The coordinates were analysed using the methodology of geometric morphometrics. We found that honey bees obtained from honey bee queen breeder differed in wing venation from surrounding populations, which are under natural selection. Therefore, we argue against including populations under artificial selection in the analysis of the natural geographical variation of honey bees. In our analysis of non-breeding samples, we found that in south-eastern Europe there is continuous variation in wing venation and no clear boundaries between A. m. carnica , A. m. cecropia , and A. m. macedonica .
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Honey bees are known for their wide global distribution, their ease of handling, and their economic and ecological value. However, they are often exposed to a wide variety of stress factors. Therefore, it is essential for beekeepers to maintain healthy bee colonies. In this context, a balanced diet is recommended to support the growth of strong and healthy honey bee colonies. The purpose of this review is therefore to provide an overview of the nutritional requirements of Apis mellifera and their importance for the maintenance of healthy bee colonies. An adequate diet includes the consumption of sufficient amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, water, and essential sterols, and a diet based on multi-floral pollen is desirable. However, when honey bee colonies are located near agroecosystems with lower resource diversity, both brood rearing and colony longevity may decrease, making them more susceptible to parasites and diseases. On the other hand, efforts have been made to improve the health of honey bee colonies with the help of nutritional supplements consisting of a variety of components. Nevertheless, studies have shown that even with these supplements, a lack of nutrients can still be an issue for honey bee colonies. Furthermore, future research should focus on identifying nutritional supplements that can better replicate natural diet diversity and assessing long-term effects on honey bee colony resilience, especially in low-flowering areas. This review discusses the interaction between nutrient requirements and the effects of supplements on colony health.
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En esta cartilla se describen los procedimientos para la producción de abejas reina seleccionadas. Se incluyen temas como la biología de la colonia, los métodos de reproducción natural, la definición de los objetivos de selección y las estrategias de mejoramiento genético, para lograr comprender el método Doolittle de cría de reinas, uno de los más utilizados a nivel mundial en sistemas de producción a mediana y gran escala.
Technical Report
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This report extends the focus of an earlier Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation project, Genetic Evaluation of Australian Honey Bees using BLUP procedures, by setting out the principles of implementation of genetic and genomic selection in honey bees in Australia. Genetic improvement, whether using modern genetic methods or those methods extended to include use of genomic tools, provides scope for steady and valuable improvement in traits such as honey production, temperament, disease resistance and pollination services. Such improvement can assist in building viability of honey production, increase industry resilience in the face of current and potential disease threats, and enhance pollination efficiency.
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Since the global invasion of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor (Anderson and Trueman), selection of mite-resistant honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies appears challenging and has to date not broadly reduced colony mortality. The low published estimated heritability values for mite infestation levels could explain the limited genetic progresses obtained so far. We hypothesize that intercolonial horizontal mite transmission could differentially affect the single colonies located in a given apiary and therefore invisibly bias colony infestation phenotypes. This bias may be lower in regions with lower colony density, providing suitable conditions to set up evaluation apiaries. To verify these hypotheses, we monitored mite infestation and reinvasion in experimental colonies, as well as infestation in neighboring colonies belonging to beekeepers in three areas with variable colony densities in the canton of Bern, Switzerland during three consecutive beekeeping seasons. Mite immigration fluctuated between apiaries and years and significantly contributed to colony infestation level. Depending on apiary and year, 17–48% of the mites present in the experimental colonies at the time of the summer oxalic acid final treatment potentially derived from mite immigration that had occurred since mid-spring. Mite immigration was not linked to local colony density or the infestation levels of beekeepers’ colonies located within 2 km. Our results do not prove that apiaries for colony evaluation should necessarily be established in areas with low colony density. However, they highlight the high impact of beekeeping management practices on mite colony infestation levels.
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In 2017, the European Commission initiated the EurBeST study to explore the possibilities of using selective breeding of honey bees to increase Varroa resistance traits. One of the specific aims of the study was to assess the process of honey bee queen breeding through an economic analysis. The methodology for calculating the costs of queen production (queen rearing and mating), colony evaluation and expenses for estimating breeding values is based on the Cost of Production (CoP). Cost data were collected via tailor-made questionnaires and interviews performed in five European countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Poland). The sample population consisted of 20 queen producers and 20 performance testers who participated in the study. The results showed that the average costs for queen production amounted to 22.58 € per queen, ranging from 8.22 € in Poland to 37.30 € in France. The difference between the selling price and the production cost was on average 3.08 € per queen, ranging from 15.86 € in Germany to −12.30 € in France. On average, the colony evaluation costs were 193.40 € per colony. The average cost for breeding value estimation per queen was 8.09 €. Thus, the average total cost per selected queen was 224 €. The selective breeding of honey bees is an efficient way to increase productivity, reduce colony losses, improve bee health and enable profitable operations, but it is expensive, is usually promoted, practiced and implemented by scientists and researchers, and in most cases is financed by external sources.
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Heritabilities and genetic correlations were estimated for honey yield and behavioural traits in Austrian honey bees using data on nearly 15,000 colonies of the bee breeders association Biene Österreich collected between 1995 and 2014. The statistical models used distinguished between the genetic effect of workers and that of the queen of the colony. Heritability estimates for worker effect were larger than those for queen effect. Genetic correlations between both effects were negative. Heritability estimates for the sum of both effects (i.e. selection criterion) were 0.27, 0.37, 0.38 and 0.06 for honey yield, gentleness, calmness and swarming behaviour, respectively, indicating that meaningful genetic improvement is possible. Genetic correlations between these traits were generally small to medium, with large standard errors, with the exception of the high genetic correlation between gentleness and calmness. The models we present here can be used to estimate breeding values in honey bees.
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Here we cover a wide range of methods currently in use and recommended in modern queen rearing, selection and breeding. The recommendations are meant to equally serve as standards for both scientific and practical beekeeping purposes. The basic conditions and different management techniques for queen rearing are described, including recommendations for suitable technical equipment. As the success of breeding programmes strongly depends on the selective mating of queens, a subchapter is dedicated to the management and quality control of mating stations. Recommendations for the handling and quality control of queens complete the queen rearing section. The improvement of colony traits usually depends on a comparative testing of colonies. Standardized recommendations for the organization of performance tests and the measurement of the most common selection characters are presented. Statistical methods and data preconditions for the estimation of breeding values which integrate pedigree and performance data from as many colonies as possible are described as the most efficient selection method for large populations. Alternative breeding programmes for small populations or certain scientific questions are briefly mentioned, including also an overview of the young and fast developing field of molecular selection tools. Because the subject of queen rearing and selection is too large to be covered within this paper, plenty of references are given to facilitate comprehensive studies
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Here we cover a wide range of methods currently in use and recommended in modern queen rearing, selection and breeding. The recommendations are meant to equally serve as standards for both scientific and practical beekeeping purposes. The basic conditions and different management techniques for queen rearing are described, including recommendations for suitable technical equipment. As the success of breeding programmes strongly depends on the selective mating of queens, a subchapter is dedicated to the management and quality control of mating stations. Recommendations for the handling and quality control of queens complete the queen rearing section. The improvement of colony traits usually depends on a comparative testing of colonies. Standardized recommendations for the organization of performance tests and the measurement of the most common selection characters are presented. Statistical methods and data preconditions for the estimation of breeding values which integrate pedigree and performance data from as many colonies as possible are described as the most efficient selection method for large populations. Alternative breeding programmes for small populations or certain scientific questions are briefly mentioned, including also an overview of the young and fast developing field of molecular selection tools. Because the subject of queen rearing and selection is too large to be covered within this paper, plenty of references are given to facilitate comprehensive studies.
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The rich variety of native honeybee subspecies and ecotypes in Europe offers a good genetic resource for selection towards Varroa resistance. There are some examples of mite resistance that have de-veloped as a consequence of natural selection in wild and managed European populations. However, most colonies are influenced by selective breeding and are intensively managed, including the regular use of miti-cides. We describe all characters used in European breeding programs to test for Varroa resistance. Some of them (e.g., mite population growth, hygienic behavior) have been implemented in large-scale selection pro-grams and significant selection effects have been achieved. Survival tests of pre-selected breeder colonies and drone selection under infestation pressure are new attempts to strengthen effects of natural selection within selective breeding programs. Some perspectives for future breeding activities are discussed.
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The estimation of breeding value for the honey bee is markedly more difficult than for other agricultural animals as colony traits in honey bees are the expression of the combined activities of the queen and workers. Recent studies have shown strong negative genetic correlations between the contributions of both queens and workers to economically important traits (e.g. honey production). The most advantageous method currently available for evaluating breeding values in other animals, the Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP)-Animal Model, has been adapted to the peculiarities of honey bee genetics and reproduction. This method considers maternal (queen) effects using all available records of relatives and weights these so as to obtain the most accurate prediction of the genotype. It simultaneously considers environmental effects, genetic merit of mates and contemporarily tested colonies, and estimates the breeding values for queen and worker effects on colony traits for each queen.
Breeding for resistance to Varroa destructor in North America
  • Harris Rinderer
  • Hunt
  • De Guzman
Rinderer, Harris, & Hunt, de Guzman (2010). Breeding for resistance to Varroa destructor in North America. Apidologie, 41, 409-424. doi:10.1051/apido/201001
Selection theory, varroa tolerance
  • E W Brascamp
Brascamp, E.W. (2014). Selection theory, varroa tolerance, beebreed. Retrieved from
Performance testing protocol. A Guide for European Honey Bee Breeders
  • A Uzunov
  • R Büchler
  • K Bienefeld
Uzunov, A., Büchler, R., & Bienefeld, K. (2015). Performance testing protocol. A Guide for European Honey Bee Breeders. Retrieved from
Technical recommendations for methods of evaluating performance of bee colonies
  • H Ruttner
Ruttner, H. (1972). Technical recommendations for methods of evaluating performance of bee colonies. In F. Ruttner (Ed.), Controlled mating and selection of the honey bee (pp. 87-92). Bucharest, Romania: Apimondia Publishing House.