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Este artículo resume el estado del arte sobre los espacios y métodos utilizados en el entrenamiento especializado para operarios encargados de ejecutar el mantenimiento a las redes de distribución eléctrica, quienes son designados como linieros e incluyen en sus actividades, practicas de trabajo con tensión. Las condiciones actuales del sistema eléctrico, hacen evidente la necesidad de buscar estrategias que permitan garantizar su funcionalidad permanente, interviniéndolo por medio de trabajos que no comprometan la calidad del servicio de energía, ni la seguridad de quienes lo intervienen. Como resultado de la investigación, se obtiene un panorama que demuestra la urgente necesidad de innovar en las herramientas didácticas utilizadas para el entrenamiento del personal y apoyar los complejos procedimientos de reclutamiento. Por ello, se propone diseñar un sistema emulador, como herramienta pedagógica para las prácticas de capacitación y entrenamiento de línea viva a contacto, restringiendo así los riesgos.

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At the end of 1993 the first dispatcher training simulator of the Hungarian electric power industry began operation in the regional dispatcher centre of the North Hungarian Electricity Distribution Company (EMASZ KDSZ). The simulator performs discrete, event-driven simulation of the network, the protection arrangements and the telemetry system. Its main purpose is to help the dispatchers to cope with complicated, rarely occurring disturbances in the electrical network. During a training session the trainee uses the same type of workstation as in the online system. The instructor’s man-machine interface is implemented in DECWindows using the colour graphics terminal of a VAXstation 3100.
The whole electric power system includes four aspects: generation, transmission, distribution and electricity users. Those four aspects all need maintenance to enhance system reliability and energy efficiency. Under deregulated electricity market, generating unit maintenance scheduling arrangements are very different with the traditional electric power system. In the tradition electric power industry, dispatch agencies unified formulate maintenance scheduling which is not suitable for the electric power market mechanism. Generation maintenance scheduling that is determined by the power companies themselves may pose a threat to the reliability of the system. And the main purpose of transmission line maintenance is to ensure electricity delivery and avoid wasting of energy. Under the electricity market, the transmission line maintenance scheduling needs to cooperate with generation maintenance scheduling and distribution equipment maintenance scheduling. On the basis of the previous research, this paper mainly studies the generation and transmission maintenance scheduling under electricity market, describes the impact of electricity market on transmission maintenance scheduling and focuses on the model of coordination optimization of generation transmission maintenance scheduling.
This article presents a training system for a hydroelectric unit of energy (UHE) by using virtual reality desktop techniques. The system has two training modules: the first one, assembly module, allows the trainer to virtually execute the real assembly sequences of the concrete and the UHE equipments. The second one, maintenance module, which uses the learning approach based on practice, offers different levels of training, divided in three modes: automatic, guided and exploratory. These modes are accessed according to the trainer's acquired degree of knowledge compared to the maintenance procedures. The results of the system implantation show the potentiality of using virtual reality desktop in huge industrial projects training.
This paper presents a new approach to training for hydroelectric unit of energy (HUE) by using virtual reality Non-immersive techniques. The software offers two modules of training: maintenance and operation. The first module, maintenance, uses the learning approach based on practice and offers different training levels, divided into three modes: automatic, guided, and exploratory, in which these modes are accessed according to the acquired degree of knowledge by the trainee in relation to maintenance procedures. The second module, allows the trainee to visualize the operation of HUE during a certain event as the electromechanical dynamics of the turbine-generator assemblage in the virtual world by the visualization of several requisite conditions before the startup-shutdown procedure of HUE.
This article presents a training system for live-line workers. The developed training system is based on immersive virtual reality and automatic speech recognition tech- nology. The training is focused on live-line Cut-Out-Switch (COS) replacement work in a distribution system. Most work in power systems must be free of interruption, so it is carried out by live-line techniques. However, these techniques have increased the number of accidents by electric shock. Because most electric accidents are due to live-line work, it is important to train live-line workers. The proposed training system provides repeated and cost-effective training for a small space. It also guarantees safety during training operations. In this article, the background of live-line tech- niques and the work procedure of COS replacement are presented. The architecture of the developed system, the creation of the virtual work environment, and the collision detection among virtual objects are also described.
Conference Paper
The growing complexity and inherent risks associated with the operation of power transmission and distribution systems have caused personnel training to become a priority for a growing number of electricity utilities. Simulation-based training has the advantage of being safe for both personnel and equipment, while offering the trainee the opportunity to be exposed to a range of scenarios and to exceptional conditions which either occur rarely or are hazardous to reproduce. This paper presents a virtual reality training simulator prototype developed for a local power utility. The architecture and interaction metaphors of this distributed client-server oriented system are described
The wide accessibility and low cost of virtual reality (VR) on the World Wide Web with the advent of the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) and VRML interpreters makes it ideal for use in providing cost-effective training for operators in selected complex technical environments. This paper presents SEDA-VRML, a VR-based learn-by-doing system developed for the training of maintenance workers in the troubleshooting and inspection of power transformers at Hydro-Quebec that is accessible from a Web browser. SEDA-VRML is a prototype application of a reuse-driven design incorporating VRML, Java and an expert system within a user interface system (UIS) architecture. The paper describes the functionality and design principles of SEDA-VRML, with key implementation results, to show how SEDA-VRML's design can indeed answer to the limitations of VRML to act as a cost-effective alternative to traditional operator training systems for operator training in VR, as well as a basis for the rapid development of future operator training systems
The risks to equipment and personnel associated with the manual operation of switching station equipment demand rigorous personnel instruction. Additionally, switching errors reduce customer service quality. With the virtual reality operator-training simulator ESOPE-VR, trainees can practice all necessary switching operations in complete safety, while maintaining a high degree of realism. A speech-recognition system allows for complete control of the training session by the operator trainee, while sound immersion adds a dimension of realism to the virtual world. An expert-system validates the trainee's operations at all stages of the process and provides verbal context-sensitive advice whenever errors are made. A steady-state power-flow simulator recalculates network variables whenever operator actions lead to changes in topology. The automated conversion of station single-line diagrams to realistic three-dimensional models permits an operator to be trained economically for of a large number of stations
There is a need to provide more directed power system operation training than that provided by on-the-job experience. The experiences of New York Power Pool have shown the dispatcher training simulator to be an effective tool in the training of power system operators and dispatchers, particularly in areas such as voltage control, stability, and system restoration. The authors share some thoughts and experiences gained in the area of operator training using a simulator. Detailed descriptions are provided regarding the simulator capabilities, training objectives, and training environment. In addition, a case study is presented which proved the value of the simulator as an operator training tool
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