The following eight generic names are recommended for conservation: Adelostigma with a conserved type, Bidens with feminine gender, Griselinia G. Forst. against Griselinia Scop., Gynochthodes against Stigmanthus, Halostachys with a conserved type, Sorbus with a conserved type, Sporobolus against Spartina, Crypsis, Ponceletia and Heliochloa, and Stilpnophyllum Hook. f. against Stilpnophyllum (Endl.) Drury. The generic name Aconogonon is not recommended for conservation with that spelling because the orthography is believed to be correctable. The following two generic names are recommended for rejection: Hylococcus and Lassonia. The infrageneric name Polygonum subg. Dioctus is recommended for rejection. The following seventeen species names are recommended for conservation: Bambusa vulgaris with a conserved type, Bignonia magnifica with a conserved type, Dendrobium officinale against D. stricklandianum, D. tosaense and D. pere-fauriei, Erythrina falcata against E. martii, Filago arvensis with a conserved type and against F. montana, Ligustrum sempervirens (Franch.) Lingelsh. against L. sempervirens Lindl., Lycopsis pulla with a conserved type, Momordica lanata with a conserved type and against Citrullus battich, Omphalodes verna against Cynoglossum omphaloides, Orchis italica with a conserved type, Pentaptera arjuna against Terminalia elliptica and T. cuneata, Persicaria maculosa against P. vernum, Senecio doria with a conserved type, Senecio macrophyllus against S. orientalis, Serapias helleborine with a conserved type, Ulmus laciniata Mayr ex Schwapp. against U. laciniata Göpp., and Viola blanda Willd. against V. blanda Salisb. The following nine species names are not recommended for conservation: Anodendron paniculatum against Echites parviflorus and E. manubriatus, Carex laticeps against C. sampsonii, Cliffortia filicaulis with a conserved type, Crataegus laciniata with a conserved type, Micromeria hyssopifolia against Thymus ericifolius, Micromeria varia with a conserved type, Onychium contiguum with a conserved type, Terminalia coriacea (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. against T. coriacea Spreng., and Viburnum betulifolium Batalin against V. betulifolium Ward. The following nine species names are recommended for rejection: Areca glandiformis, Arnica coronopifolia, Bauhinia ruficarpa, Cereus panoploeatus, Dolichos altissimus, Hylococcus sericeus, Panicum polygamum, Plantago recurvata, and Rhytidea bicolor. The species name Euphorbia illirica is not recommended for rejection. It is recommended that two publications of Wallich's List of Indian Woods and two publications of selections from that list, any quarto or folio version of Forster & Forster's Characteres Generum Plantarum dated 1775, and any folio version of that work dated 1776, be added to the "Opera utique oppressa". It is recommended that Bertia and Bertya, Codia and Coddia, Ficus chapaensis and F. chaparensis, Ficus jacobii and F. jacobsii, Hopea and Hopia, Hoppea and Hopea, Otidea and Otidia, Rubus chingii and R. chingianus, Rubus tsangiorum and R. tsangii, and Sacoglottis and Sarcoglottis be treated as not being homonyms.