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Sugarcane is a perennial grass belonging to Poaceae family and it has been cultivated worldwide more than 90 countries because of its economical and medicinal value of high-yielding products. Refined sugar is obtained as a primary product from sugarcane juice, an eminent raw material of sugarcane. Other commercial value-added by-products such as brown sugar, molasses, and jaggery are also obtained during the process in an unrefined form. The expensive carnauba wax is produced from sugarcane wax and utilized in cosmetics and pharmaceutical applications. Sugarcane juice is widely used in traditional medicine system of several countries mainly in India, to treat several health issues such as jaundice, hemorrhage, dysuria, anuria, and other urinary diseases. In this chapter, various types of phytoconstituents and health benefits of sugarcane and its valuable products are summarized. The phytochemistry of sugarcane juice, sugarcane wax, leaves, and its products also established the occurrence of various fatty acids, alcohol, phytosterols, higher terpenoids, flavonoids, -O- and -C-glycosides, and phenolic acids. Necessity on advanced research for the production of various medicinal products from sugarcane and its phytopharmacological study has been summarized.
1© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
C. Mohan (ed.), Sugarcane Biotechnology: Challenges and Prospects,
Chapter 1
Potential Health Benets ofSugarcane
Abstract Sugarcane is a perennial grass belonging to Poaceae family and it has
been cultivated worldwide more than 90 countries because of its economical and
medicinal value of high-yielding products. Rened sugar is obtained as a primary
product from sugarcane juice, an eminent raw material of sugarcane. Other com-
mercial value-added by-products such as brown sugar, molasses, and jaggery are
also obtained during the process in an unrened form. The expensive carnauba wax
is produced from sugarcane wax and utilized in cosmetics and pharmaceutical
applications. Sugarcane juice is widely used in traditional medicine system of sev-
eral countries mainly in India, to treat several health issues such as jaundice, hemor-
rhage, dysuria, anuria, and other urinary diseases. In this chapter, various types of
phytoconstituents and health benets of sugarcane and its valuable products are
summarized. The phytochemistry of sugarcane juice, sugarcane wax, leaves, and its
products also established the occurrence of various fatty acids, alcohol, phytoster-
ols, higher terpenoids, avonoids, -O- and -C-glycosides, and phenolic acids.
Necessity on advanced research for the production of various medicinal products
from sugarcane and its phytopharmacological study has been summarized.
Keywords Medicine • Molasses • Pharmacological properties • Phytochemical
prole • Sugarcane juice
1.1 Introduction
Sugarcane is a tall perennial true grass belonging to the genus Saccharum and tribe
Andropogoneae. It originated in Southeast Asia and is now cultivated in tropical and
subtropical countries throughout the world for sugar and by-products. The genus
Saccharum contains ve important species, viz., Saccharum ofcinarum, Saccharum
sinense, Saccharum barberi, Saccharum robustum, and Saccharum spontaneum.
C. Chinnadurai, Ph.D. (*)
Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Life Sciences, The University of the West
Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
The cultivation of S. ofcinarum and its hybrids is mostly used for the production
of sugar and ethanol and other industrial applications in more than 90 countries
around the world. The stems and the by-products of the sugar industry are also used
for feeding livestock. S. ofcinarum was originally grown in Southeast Asia and
Western India. Around 327B.C. it was an important crop in the Indian subcontinent.
It was introduced to Egypt around 647A.D. and about one century later, to Spain
(755A.D.). Since then, the cultivation of sugarcane extended to nearly all tropical
and subtropical regions around the world. Portuguese and Spaniards introduced
sugarcane to the New World early in the sixteenth century. S. ofcinarum L. more
recently is utilized as a replacement of fossil fuel for motor vehicles.
Worldwide, sugarcane inhabits 20.42million ha area with a total production of
1900 million metric tons (FAO 2014). Sugarcane area and productivity differ widely
from country to country. Brazil occupies the highest sugarcane-growing area (5.343
million ha) followed by India, China, Thailand, Pakistan, and Mexico. Sugarcane is
a best example for renewable natural agricultural resource since it provides sugar,
besides biofuel, ber, fertilizer, and a myriad of by-products/coproducts with eco-
logical sustainability. White sugar, brown sugar (Khandsari), jaggery (Gur), and
ethanol are obtained from sugarcane juice and bagasse and molasses are the main
by-products of the sugar industry. Molasses are the chief by-products used as main
raw material for the production of alcohol. Excess bagasse is now being used as raw
material in the paper industry. In addition, cogeneration of power using bagasse as
fuel is considered feasible in most sugar mills.
Sugarcane holds potential health benets and generally most of them are not
aware of it. Sugarcane can be edible in the form of either pieces of stem or juice.
Sugarcane juice extracted from the cane is nutritious and refreshing. It contains
about 15% natural sugar that helps to rehydrate the human body and gives instant
energy. Sugarcane juice is rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
iron, and magnesium and vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, and
E. About 100 mL of sugarcane juice contains 39 calories of energy and 9 g of
1.2 Health Benets ofSugarcane
Sugarcane juice is used to cure several types of human diseases in different parts of
the world. It has been used in Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine in India
since time immemorial either as single drug or in combination with other plant
products. Sugarcane extracts were established with a wide range of biological
effects such as immunostimulation (El-Abasy etal. 2002), anti-thrombosis activity,
anti-inammatory activity, vaccine adjuvant, modulation of acetylcholine release
(Barocci etal. 1999), and anti-stress effects. Sugarcane juice has broad biological
effects on raising innate immunity to infections (Lo etal. 2005).
Jaundice patients and people having liver-related disorders have been encour-
aged to consume sugarcane extract in traditional system of medicine in curing
C. Chinnadurai
diseases. Sugarcane juice is also used as aphrodisiac, laxative, demulcent, antisep-
tic, and tonic (Xu etal. 2005). According to the Unani system of medicine in India,
sugarcane juice is considered benecial for the liver by regulating the bilirubin lev-
els and it is recommended that consumption of large amount of sugarcane juice
helps for an immediate relief from jaundice. These assumptions have also been
supported by modern pharmacological studies, which revealed that sugarcane con-
tains various bioactivities like anti-inammatory, analgesic, antihyperglycemic,
diuretic, and hepatoprotective effects. Although apigenin, tricin, and luteoline gly-
cosides like orientin, vitexin, schaftoside, and swertisin were reported as the main
constituents in sugarcane juice, various policosanols and steroids were also reported
in different parts of S. ofcinarum. Based on these bioactivities and chemical con-
stituents of sugarcane, great attention has been given for the investigation of some
lead molecules of this cheapest crop for various diseases.
Sugarcane juice regulates natural immunity of host cells against different micro-
bial infections such as viral, bacterial, and protozoan having effects on the levels of
macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells (El-Abasy etal. 2002, 2003; Lo
etal. 2005). A wide range of biological activities are observed with by-products of
sugarcane juice including antioxidant activities (Tanaki et al. 2003), prophylactic
activities, and other physiological functions (Takara etal. 2002).
Sugarcane juice is a rich source of antioxidants. Free radicals have been con-
cerned in the etiology of several human ailments and many antioxidants are being
considered as potential therapeutic agents (Sies 1996; Spiteller 2001). The mecha-
nism involved in many human diseases such as hepatotoxicities, hepatocarcinogen-
esis, diabetes, malaria, acute myocardial infarction, and skin cancer includes lipid
peroxidation as a main source of membrane damage (Yoshikava et al. 2000).
Antioxidants are molecules capable of terminating the chain reaction of free radi-
cals before vital molecules are damaged. Supplementation of these antioxidants
became an attractive therapeutic strategy for reducing the risk of diseases caused by
free radicals (Brash and Harve 2002). Recent studies on the role of phenolic com-
pounds from foods and beverages against free radical-mediated diseases became
more signicant due to the nding of association between lipid peroxidation of
LDL and arthrosclerosis. Antioxidant properties of phenolic compounds can be
attributed to a wide range of pharmacological activities. These compounds in gen-
eral act by quenching free radicals, inhibiting the activation of pro-carcinogens, or
binding carcinogens to macromolecules. The phenolic and avonoid contents of
sugarcane juice were found with equal proportion of antioxidant effects
(Krishnaswamy 1996).
The polyphenols in sugarcane juice also induce metabolism and help keep weight
gain during pregnancy and its low glycemic index helps to maintain energy levels.
A glass of sugarcane juice with a dash of ginger helps to reduce morning sickness
of pregnant women. Small doses of sugarcane juice more than twice a day are rec-
ommended for morning sickness, a common complaint among pregnant women.
Since sugarcane juice is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, and iron, regular
consumption can help boost immunity and keep mineral deciency at bay during
pregnancy. Constipation is also an issue with pregnancy. The juice can also be used
1 Potential Health Benets ofSugarcane
to boost digestion and treat constipation due to the presence of potassium. It helps
in proper functioning of digestive system and prevents stomach infections.
Sugarcane juice has been recommended for its diuretic property (Karthikeyan
and Simipillai 2010; Cáceres etal. 1987). Regular use of sugarcane juice leads to
clear urinary ow since it aids kidneys to perform their function properly. With
addition of lime juice and coconut water, sugarcane juice helps in reducing burning
sensation which is commonly associated with urinary tract infections, sexually
transmitted diseases, kidney stones, and prostatitis.
Intake of sugarcane juice is recommended for diabetic patients. It comprises
natural sugar which has low glycemic index that prevents steep rise in blood glucose
levels in diabetics. Noni fruit juice was mixed with sugarcane juice and kukui nuts
(Aleurites moluccana (L.) Wild, Euphorbiaceae) to be used as purgative, or diluted
with spring water to treat diabetes and high blood pressure or prevent intoxication
from kava (McClatchey 2002; Chun 1994). However, type 2 diabetes patients are
recommended to consume it in moderate levels after doctor consultation.
Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Sugarcane juice comprises
high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese since it
is proven that regular consumption of sugarcane juice is effectively ghting against
cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.
Studies established that sugarcane juice protects against tooth decay and bad
breath due to its high mineral content. Deciency of nutrients in the body can easily
be recovered by including sugarcane juice in our diet. Febrile disorder is quite com-
mon in infants and children resulting in fevers, which can lead to seizures and loss
of proteins in the body. Sugarcane juice helps in compensating the lost protein and
helps in recovery.
Alpha hydroxy acids help ght acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing, and keep
the skin hydrated. One of the most effective alpha hydroxy acids is glycolic acid and
is present in sugarcane and considered as one of its few natural sources. Even though
sugarcane juice has many advantages, it is also important to consume the juice as
soon as it is extracted because it tends to get oxidized within 15min. As it is rich
with medicinal values, sugarcane juice is considered as a miracle drink.
1.3 Phytochemical Prole ofSugarcane andIts By-products
1.3.1 Sugarcane Leaves
Sugarcane leaves are naturally coated with waxes which are considered as an impor-
tant source of various policosanols and D-003. In addition, various avones -O- and
-C- glycosides were isolated from methanolic extracts of sugarcane leaves through
HPLC microfractionation techniques.
C. Chinnadurai
1.3.2 Sugarcane Wax
Sugarcane wax deposits on the surface of stalks and leaves seem whitish to dark
yellow in color and are extracted from the sugarcane lter residue, the so-called
bagasse, during sugar production and utilized for industrial, cosmetic, and pharma-
ceutical applications (Hoepfner and Botha 2004). It is one of the important com-
mercial sources of long-chain fatty alcohols, acids, esters, aldehydes, and ketones.
Apart from that policosanols and D-003, some steroids and terpenoids have also
been isolated as by-products from sugarcane wax. Policosanols range from 2.5 to
80% and are a blend of long-chain primary aliphatic alcohols. Octacosanol consti-
tutes 50–80% of the total policosanols (Awika and Rooney 2004). Other active com-
ponents of sugarcane wax are long-chain aliphatic fatty acids that occur at lower
concentrations. The blend of these acids is known as D-003 (Mas 2004). Several
phytosterols, steroids, and higher terpenoids were also reported (Georges et al.
2006; Bryce etal. 1967) apart from the major constituents of fatty acid and fatty
alcohol in sugarcane wax (Goswami etal. 1984). The quantity of wax derived from
sugarcane is between the range of 0.1 and 0.3% and it differs from variety to variety
(Laguna Granja etal. 1999). The sugarcane wax is considered as a possible substi-
tute for the expensive carnauba wax.
1.3.3 Sugarcane Juice
Sugarcane juice is extracted by grinding the sugarcane stems for the production of
white/brown sugar, jaggery, and molasses. Sugarcane juice holds water (70–75%),
sucrose (13–15%), and ber (10–15%). Several color components with chlorogenic
acid, cinnamic acid, and avones were identied from sugarcane juice during 1971
(Farber etal. 1971). Further, all the colored components were categorized into four
major classes: plant pigments, polyphenolic compounds, caramels, and degradation
products of sugars condensed with amino derivatives.
The presence of phenolic acids such as hydroxycinnamic acid, sinapic acid, and
caffeic acid, along with avones such as apigenin, luteolin, and tricin, was also
identied in high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection
(HPLC-DAD) analysis of phenolic compounds from sugarcane juice. In that, tricin
derivatives were obtained with highest concentration (Maurício Duarte-Almeida
et al. 2006). Further, detailed chromatographic and spectroscopic studies estab-
lished the presence of various -O- and -C- glycosides of the above-mentioned a-
vones (Vila et al. 2008). Apart from that few minor avones swertisin,
tricin-7-O-neohesperoside-4-O-rhamnoside, tricin-7-O-methylglucuronate-4-O-
rhamnoside, and tricin-7-O-methylglucuronide (Colombo et al. 2009) and some
novel acylated avone glycosides, such as tricin-7-O-β-(6-methoxycinnamic)-
glucoside, luteolin-8-C-rhamnosyl glucoside, and
1 Potential Health Benets ofSugarcane
tricin-4-O-(erthroguaicylglyceryl)-ether, were isolated, along with orientin, from
sugarcane juice (Duarte-Almeida etal. 2007).
1.3.4 Sugarcane Products
Brown sugar, molasses, syrups, and non-centrifugal sugar are the several important
by-products of sugarcane (Balasundaram etal. 2006). Apart from some identied
compounds of sugarcane juice, three new avonoid glycosides, tricin7-(2-
rhamnosyl)-α-galacturonide, orientin-7,3-dimethyl ether, and iso-orientin-7,3-O-
dimethyl ether, were isolated from mill syrups (Mabry etal. 1984). Along with the
already stated isoorientin-7 and 3-O-dimethyl ether, a novel O-glycoside and
dehydroconiferylalcohol-9-O-β--glucopyranoside were also isolated from sugar-
cane molasses and have been validated as antibacterial compounds (Takara etal.
2007). Through liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis of
aqueous and dichloromethane extracts of brown sugars, the presence of various
phenolic acids and eight major volatile constituents has been described.
1.4 Pharmacological Properties ofSugarcane andIts
Various phytochemicals including phenolic compounds, plant sterols, and polico-
sanols are present in sugarcane and help in defense against pest and diseases. Several
studies have proven the biological activities of sugarcane products including anti-
oxidant activity, cholesterol-lowering properties, and other potential health
1.4.1 Antithrombotic Activity
Antithrombotic activity was examined with policosanols and D-003 for their plate-
let aggregation and in rats. Plasma level of 6 keto-PGF1-α (a stable metabolite of
prostacyclin PGI) was signicantly increased with oral administration of D-003 at a
single dose of 200mg/kg and policosanols at a concentration of 25mg/kg in rats,
compared to control. In addition, D-003 signicantly reduced the thromboxane
plasma levels and weight of venous thrombus in collagen-stimulated whole blood of
rats (Molina etal. 2002). Also, the pharmacokinetic study established that the effect
of D-003 was detected after 30min of dosing and the maximal effect exhibited after
1–2h of treatment (Molina etal. 2000).
C. Chinnadurai
1.4.2 Diuretic Activity
Intragastric application of ethanol extracts (50%) of fresh leaves to rats at a dose of
40mL/kg was found with diuretic activity, while its decoction was not found with
any diuretic activity (Ribeiro Rde etal. 1986; Cáceres etal. 1987).
1.4.3 Analgesic andAntihepatotoxic Activity
Ethanol extracts (95%) from sugarcane leaves and shoots were recorded with anal-
gesic activity in mice with intragastric application at a dose of 1g/kg. The ethanol
extract of sugarcane shoots was found active only against the tail-ick method while
leaf extracts were active against benzoyl peroxide-induced writhing and tail-ick
response (Costa etal. 1989).
Intraperitoneal application of aqueous extract of dried stems to mice, at a dose of
25mg/kg, was found active against chloroform-induced hepatotoxicity (Jin et al.
1.4.4 Antihypercholesterolemic Effect
Oral administration of sugarcane policosanols (5–200mg/kg) on normocholesterol-
emic New Zealand rabbits revealed a signicant decrease in the level of total cho-
lesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in a dose-dependent
manner. It also reduced the level of serum triglyceride, but it was not found as dose
dependent. However, the high-density lipoprotein levels remained unchanged
(Arruzazabala etal. 1994).
Policosanols also prevented atherosclerosis in male New Zealand rabbits fed on
a cholesterol-rich diet for 60days at doses of 25 or 200mg/kg. Interestingly, hyper-
cholesterolemia was not found in policosanol-treated rabbits and the intima thick-
ness was also found signicantly less compared to control animals (Arruzazabala
etal. 2000).
1.4.5 Antihyperglycemic Activity
Intragastrical application of ethanol extract of leaves at a dose of 1g/kg and 60mg/
animal, respectively, produced weak activity against alloxan-induced hyperglyce-
mia (Arruzazabala etal. 1994). Further, intraperitoneal application of juice of dried
stems exhibited hypoglycemic activity at a dose of 200mg/kg (Takahashi et al.
1 Potential Health Benets ofSugarcane
1.4.6 Anti-inammatory Effect
Oral administration of the mixture of fatty acids isolated from sugarcane wax
showed anti-inammatory activity in the cotton pellet granuloma assay and in the
carrageenan-induced pleurisy test, both in rats and in the peritoneal capillary perme-
ability test in mice (Ledón etal. 2003).
1.4.7 Acetylcholine Release
The study on the effect of policosanols on the release of acetylcholine (ACh) at the
neuromuscular junction in mice revealed that policosanols enhanced a slight extent
of either the spontaneous or the evoked ACh release. Additionally, it was found that
increment in the level of conformational changes induced at the nicotinic receptor
channel complex, which established the release of Ach (Re etal. 1999).
1.5 Toxicity Prole ofSugarcane Juice
Incomplete combustion of the organic matter develops polycyclic aromatic hydro-
carbons (PAHs) in sugarcane juice at harvesting season and their presence origi-
nates mainly from processing and cooking of food. The presence of four PAHs,
benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)uoranthene, benzo(k)uoranthene, and benzo(a)
pyrene, was conrmed in HPLC analysis of sugarcane juice collected during differ-
ent harvesting period (Silvia Tfouni etal. 2009).
1.6 Conclusion andFuture Perspectives
This chapter provides a detailed analysis on health benets of sugarcane, its phyto-
chemical prole, and pharmacological applications. Sugarcane extract is utilized as
a regular nutritional drink in several Asian countries since it comprises signicant
amount of minerals, vitamins, and hydrophilic compounds with essential biological
activities. The presence of pharmacological activities is proven in sugarcane juice
and its unrened products such as brown sugar, molasses, and jaggery are consid-
ered as richest sources of phenolic compounds, such as phenolic acids, avonoids,
and different glycosides. The lipophilic compounds including various policosanols,
D-003, and phytosterols are the important components of sugarcane wax present in
sugarcane leaves and shoots are observed with several pharmacological effects such
as sympathomimetic, antihypercholesterolemic, and antithrombotic activities.
C. Chinnadurai
Further there is a wide scope for investigation to identify the presence of new
compounds with more activities in S. ofcinarum and its products. Even though the
presence of carcinogenic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was
reported in S. ofcinarum, yet advanced research associated with recent technolo-
gies has to be made. Further, a detailed examination has to be made in future in
sugarcane and its products since there is a lack of comprehensive investigation on
the large number of identied compounds and their pharmacological activities.
Although the chemical composition is known for several compounds of sugarcane,
future research has to be made to understand the metabolic pathways of these com-
pounds. Additional verication is needed to understand the phytochemistry of sug-
arcane products such as jaggery and thermostable chemical components of
sugarcane juice.
There is a need for further improvement on sugarcane production since there is a
product diversication and sugarcane has the potential to supply high-value niche
markets with a variety of products (Hildebrand 2002). Hence, recent researches
have been made to achieve cane improvement and industry diversication through
the application of biotechnology to make more protable sugarcane production.
Such new approaches to plant improvement might enable the cane plant to store
higher levels of sucrose or to produce and store new products with wider markets
than sugar.
Transgenic plants have been developed with new genes incorporated by genetic
engineering for the improvement of yield and enhance resistance to pests, diseases,
and herbicides and production of value-added traits (James 2011; Potrykus 2001).
In case of sugarcane, the rst successful transformation of sugarcane with reporter
genes using particle inow gun appeared in 1992 (Bower and Birch 1992). Later,
there has been several reports of genetically engineered sugarcane plants using par-
ticle gun and agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation methods including with
improved disease, pest and herbicide resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus (Joyce
etal. 1998), leaf scald (Zhang etal. 1999), stalk borers (Arencibia etal. 1999), and
herbicide resistance (Enriquez-Obregon etal. 1998; Manickavasagam etal. 2004)
were produced.
Transgenic sugarcane plants with altered metabolic pathways were developed
with a view to improve sucrose accumulation (Botha etal. 2001), sugar characteris-
tics (Vickers etal. 2005), as well as novel sugars (Basnayake etal. 2012) but none
are commercially available. Nevertheless, transgenic canes could have a key role in
industrial applications and in crop improvement.
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1 Potential Health Benets ofSugarcane
... Sugarcane juice contains zero fat, cholesterol, fiber, and protein [11]. This is the healthiest and the most nutritious drink one can think of consuming [12]. The latest research showed that both sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and LCS beverages were linked with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. ...
... The latest research showed that both sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and LCS beverages were linked with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Sugar percent in different fruits has been presented in Table 1 [12]. Some forms of sugar are produced from palm trees, sugar maple, sweet sorghum, maize, sugar beet, and sugarcane ( Table 2) [2]. ...
... In present-day agriculture, the word "favorable climate" has been replaced by "favorable environment" [8,34]. High yields of cane and sugar are obtained under such dry environments where satisfactory soil water balance can be achieved by irrigation water under optimum soil and crop management practices [12,13]. The sugarcane varieties have been developed, which owing to their great adaptability can be cultivated under a wide range of climate and soil conditions [16]. ...
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Sugarcane is mainly cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and nearly 85% of sugar is used worldwide. The area, production, and yield of sugarcane has been increased worldwide as well as in Pakistan as compared to other crops. It is the second largest economically important crop after cotton. It is a high-value cash crop that has significance for sugar industries in Pakistan. It contributes about 0.6% to the GDP and 2.9% of the total value added in agriculture. It creates huge revenue for the government and is used as a source of energy/power. The climate of Pakistan is favorable for sugarcane production in Punjab and Sindh provinces. Different climatic factors, i.e., sunlight, temperature, germination, tillering, growth, humidity, dew, frost, hailstorm, windstorm, sunburn, and drought, significantly affect the production of sugarcane. Pakistan is a principal cane-growing country and stands at the fifth position in the area, sixth position in cane sugar production, and ninth largest sugar producer in the world. This chapter describes the economic importance, climate, and yield potential of sugarcane in Pakistan.
... Some studies promote NCS as an active ingredient with anticancerogenic, antidiabetic, and anti-Alzheimer disease properties (Cifuentes et al. 2021;Revathi and Rani 2021); and (viii) The cluster, including food applications in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Brown sugar has been widely used for cosmetic industries (Chinnadurai 2017;Bahari et al. 2021). (2021) Research Line 1-NCS uses as a functional and nutraceutical food and food input (red cluster) embrace research on sugar cane juice and NCS bioactive compounds research, uses as a food input for jams, bakery products, juices or spirit beverages, input on dietary supplements, enhancing its conception from "healthy or traditional sweetener" to a key food functional and nutraceutical input in a wide variety of meals, as an ingredient in beverages and desserts, and as part of dietary regimes. ...
... Research Line 2-NCS as a healthy compound in pharmaceutic and cosmetic products (red cluster) comprises specialized research on NCS application on medicine, pharmacology, and cosmetic industries due to its phenolic, flavonoids, minerals, phosphates, anthocyanins, oligosaccharides, and vitamins content. Seven research documents (2,5%) present this emerging focus of NCS uses mainly due to policosanol content Gayathry et al. 2021); phenolic content (Wijayanti et al. 2021); health effects (Chinnadurai 2017;Yang et al. 2020), and cytoprotective functions (Jaffé 2012;Pandiar et al. 2017). ...
... These technologies contribute to aligning products with specialized market niches, characterized by quality standards (Gómez and Espinosa 2017), the traceability of bioactive compounds (Meerod et al. 2020), being organic, engaging in fair trade, being ecological, providing origin appellation, and engaging in best manufacturing practices (García et al. 2017). Likewise, specialized market niches promote innovation in the food sector (juices, biscuits, sauces, desserts, preserves, herbal teas, wines, and jams) (Cervera-Chiner et al. 2021), feed sector (molasses, feed blocks, dietary supplements, and soil amendments) (Raza et al. 2021), energy sector (biomass and second-generation biofuels) (Raut and Bhagat, 2021), cosmetics (beauty creams, lipstick, scrub creams, and powder make up) (Chinnadurai 2017), and pharmaceuticals (Chinese traditional medicine, policosanol-based products, and antioxidant and anticancerogenic products) . ...
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Food science innovation depends on consumers' needs and is currently seeking functional food with health effects. Non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS) is known for its potential health effects, but there is a lack of holistic analysis on technological advancement and socio-economic and market trends for decision-making in the development of the technology. The aim of this article was to analyse the research trends, recent patents, and market trends and niches for NCS to structure an NCS technological roadmap. Scientometric, bibliometric methods, and global and local market information on NCS were used. Comprehensive analysis of the worldwide research trends and patents on NCS processing and of the growth of the main niche markets for Colombian NCS exports in the last five years was conducted. Finally, with the information obtained, an NCS technological roadmap was structured, which can be used as a tool for planning innovation processes and supporting the development of new research using market information and new norms forged by the COVID-19 pandemic for Colombian case. Furthermore, the methodological design could be used for other NCS producer countries. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12355-022-01200-9.
... It is one of the most important crops grown worldwide and is cultivated in more than 90 countries, primarily in tropical and subtropical regions. Sugarcane is valued for its high sugar content, which is extracted from the stalks and used in a variety of applications, including the production of sugar, ethanol, and molasses 10 . Sugarcane, which is a robust crop known for its thick, fibrous stalks rich in sucrose that can reach heights of up to 6 meters, undergoes a process where the stalks are harvested and transported to processing facilities, where they are crushed to extract the sugary juice that is then filtered, purified and ultimately crystallized to yield sugar 12 . ...
The current research endeavor involved a meticulous analysis of the expression of MYB genes in the Saccharum officinarum Co86032 cultivar under abiotic stress conditions. The study utilized tailored primers designed to target the ScMYB protein mRNA expressed during abiotic stress like drought, which enabled successful amplification of the ScMYB60 gene in Saccharum officinarum Co86032. To quantify gene expression levels in both leaf and stem tissues, real-time PCR analysis was employed, and the specificity and accuracy of the PCR reaction were ensured through melting temperature analysis. The outcome of this study shows that the specified MYB gene got expressed even on the 18th day of the stress which is a significant advancement in comprehending the role of MYB transcription factors in sugarcane in tolerating drought condition, and its findings may have far-reaching implications in improving sugarcane growth and development and augmenting its resilience to environmental stressors. Future investigations could potentially involve in-depth inquiries into MYB genes in sugarcane and other crops, using a diverse range of methodologies to characterize their function and regulation, with the goal of creating more robust and adaptable crops that can effectively withstand shifting environmental conditions.
... The cryoprotective properties of natural extenders are associated with their strong antioxidant ability, protecting spermatozoa during the cryopreservation process from oxidative damage (El-Sheshtawy et al. 2017;Daramola et al. 2016). Sugarcane extract (SE) as a natural product contains appreciable amounts of total sugars, minerals, vitamins, antimicrobial and cytoprotective effects, and antioxidants (Chinnadurai 2017;Islam 2017;Akandi et al. 2015;Abbas et al. 2013) for the protection of sperm viability and motility. The suitability of SE-based extenders for processing semen has been demonstrated in fish by Muchlisin et al. (2010) and Onyia et al. (2017). ...
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The experiment was designed to test the suitability of sugarcane extract (SE) as a local extender for the cryopreservation of the Banaba native chicken semen by comparing the effects of different cryoprotective agent concentrations [i.e. glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)] and thawing temperatures on the post-thaw semen quality. Twelve (12) 29-month-old Banaba native roosters served as semen donors. Only samples that passed the preliminary semen quality assessment of > 70% motility and morphology were further processed and analyzed using a computer-assisted semen analyzer (CASA). Pooled ejaculate samples were cryopreserved with SE extender containing 3, 5, 7, or 9% (T3%, T5%, T7%, and T9%) glycerol or DMSO concentration levels. The results showed that the inclusion level of cryoprotectants and thawing temperatures have no significant effect on the percent motile sperm, percent progressive sperm, percent normal morphology, and percent viability. The type of cryoprotectant used in cryopreservation of the semen had a significant effect on all the semen quality parameters. Semen cryopreserved with glycerol had significantly higher values compared to DMSO in all semen quality variables.
... Sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum L., is an important industrial crop cultivated in more than 90 countries of tropical and subtropical regions for sugar and ethanol production (Chinnadurai, 2017;FAO, 2020). India is the second-largest producer of sugarcane in the world and the crop is cultivated in over 4.73 million hectares with a production of 376.91 million tons and productivity of 79.60 t/ha (FAO, 2020). ...
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The egg parasitoid, Trichogramma chilonis Ishii (Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae), is an important biocontrol agent of lepidop-teran pests and is generally mass-reared on the eggs of Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera Pyralidae). In this study, eggs from two factitious hosts, eri silkworm (ESW), Samia cynthia ricini Drury (Lepidoptera Saturniidae), and C. cephalonica, were used for mass rearing T. chilonis. The field efficacy of T. chilonis reared from the two different hosts was evaluated against sugar-cane borers, Chilo infuscatellus Snellen (Lepidoptera Crambidae) and Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) (Lepidoptera Crambi-dae). Weekly releases of T. chilonis reared from ESW and C. cephalonica eggs showed a similar parasitism rate and were effective in reducing crop damage by both sugarcane borers. We found no significant difference between the parasitism levels by T. chilonis reared from ESW (10.53%) and C. cephalonica (7.81%). A higher percentage of millable canes was obtained when parasitoids from either kind of eggs were released in a field compared to no release of parasitoids. There was no significant difference in the percentage of millable canes obtained from the fields with T. chilonis reared from ESW (77.99%) or C. cephalonica (70.23%). Producing T. chilonis from ESW eggs reduced rearing costs by 50% compared to using C. cephalonica eggs. Consequently, the production of T. chilonis using large-sized ESW eggs is more suitable for on-farm production and C. cephalonica could be used for commercial insectaries or research institutes.
... Sugarcane polyphenols stimulate metabolism and aid in weight gain during pregnancy. Its low glycemic index has also contributed to maintaining energy levels [29]. Policosanols and D-003 from sugarcane wax were used to test the effect of antithrombotic activity on platelet aggregation in rats. ...
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Sugarcane is a tall, stout, perennial grass with fibrous stalks rich in sucrose used for sugar production. Sugarcane is widely used to produce sugar, ethanol, and other bioactive compounds. However, the processing of sugarcane and its byproduct bagasse can result in negative environmental impacts and safety hazards. Therefore, safe, and sustainable processing methods are crucial for the generation of biofuels and bioactive compounds. Sugarcane and its by-products contain high levels of phytochemicals such as phytosterols, terpenoids, flavonoids, fatty acids, and phenolic acids. The phytochemicals and the microbial populations associated with sugarcane that live in the soil (rhizosphere) and on the surface (phyllosphere) contain a wealth of potentially valuable microbes for industrial applications. Using metagenomics and meta-omics techniques, various microbes have been identified and characterized for their role in breaking down sugarcane bagasse, a substantial source of lignocellulosic biomass. Other valuable products of sugarcane include molasses, which offers an intense flavor, whereas bagasse is used to produce paperboard products, reconstituted panelboard, agricultural mulch, and fuel for the kilns. The sugarcane has tremendous applicability in biofuel production, animal feed additive, and electricity production. Furthermore, the paper provides insights into the challenges and opportunities for the safe and sustainable processing of sugarcane and bagasse. Overall, this review highlights the importance of safe and sustainable processing methods for the generation of biofuels and bioactive compounds from sugarcane and its byproduct bagasse.
... Traditionally, industrial interest has focused on the stalks since it is there where sucrose accumulates. However, recent studies have shown that agro-industrial residues from different crops, including sugarcane, should be considered a renewable source of BCs with added value [4,6]. ...
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Here, a comprehensive review of sugarcane industrialization and its relationship with bioactive compounds (BCs) detected in various products and by-products generated during its processing is presented. Furthermore, it is discussed how these compounds have revealed important antioxidant, antineoplastic, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial activities. From this bibliographic research highlights the significance of two types of BCs of natural origin (phenolic compounds (PCs) and terpenoids) and a group of compounds synthesized during industrial transformation processes (Maillard reaction products (MRPs)). It was found that most of the studies about the BCs from sugarcane have been conducted by identifying, isolating, and analyzing ones or a few compounds at a specific period, this being a conventional approach. However, given the complexity of the synthesis processes of all these BCs and the biological activities they can manifest in a specific biological context, novel approaches are needed to address these analyses holistically. To overcome this challenge, integrating massive and multiscale methods, such as omics sciences, seems necessary to enrich these studies. This work is intended to contribute to the state of the art that could support future research about the exploration, characterization, or evaluation of different bioactive molecules from sugarcane and its derivatives.
Waste products from natural sources are vital for extracting and recovering natural compounds. Transforming these wastes into valuable products requires specific methodologies and approaches. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is one of the biomaterials which can be developed from natural sources. This study will show how natural resources can be converted into helpful biomaterial that can be applied in various fields of science and technology. One of the main challenges in orthopedics and dentistry is the surgical site infection. The application of plant sources at the surgical site can act as antifungal and antibacterial compounds, thereby inhibiting infection at the surgical site. Hydroxyapatite, a widely used calcium phosphate bioceramic, is often used in dentistry and orthopedics as a biomaterial. In recent days, the synthesis of hydroxyapatite has been done using natural sources as a capping agent. This is more advantageous than conventional methods because it can cure surgical site infection and positively impact the environment without using expensive chemicals. This article aims to be a comprehensive, critical, and accessible review of general interest to the chemistry community.
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Foods as medicine have been utilized from ancient civilizations and shared from generation to generation as dietary health practices. It provides therapeutic assistance along with nutrition and health benefits. Presently, food products, diet, and individual health are receiving a lot of attention and are in high demand. In this context, jaggery is an important part of food and diet in the rural areas of many regions/countries. It is made up of sugarcane juice and is recognized as a natural source of nutraceuticals due to the presence of different types of essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidant potential along with other biological applications. In this updated review article, we discussed the newest research and information on traditional uses, nutraceutical profiling, chemical composition, and biological applications of jaggery. The published data were collected from different scientific search engines including PubMed, Springer Link, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Wiley online library. Given these findings, we can conclude that jaggery is a strong source of nutraceuticals and its nutraceutical potential can be enhanced with value addition and other scientific interventions. Detailed investigations on preclinical (in silico, in vitro, and in vivo) studies along with its actual mechanism of action in depth are required. Additionally, clinical trials also should be conducted to validate the preclinical studies. The main objective of the present study is to provide a systematic and updated review of the scientific data regarding traditional, nutritional, and biological activities of sugar cane jaggery.
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A atividade antioxidante do suco de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.) frente ao reagente DPPH foi avaliada (EC50) e as principais substâncias com atividade seqüestradora de radicais livres do suco e extratos de folhas foram identificadas por CLAE-UV/DAD combinada com CLAE-microfracionamento monitorado por CCD, usando β-caroteno e DPPH como reagentes de detecção. As substâncias mais importantes com atividade seqüestradora de radicais livres foram: nas folhas, luteolina-8-C-(ramnosilglucosídeo) (1); no suco, as flavonas diosmetina-8-C-glucosídeo (2), vitexina (3), schaftosídeo (9), isoschaftosídeo (10) e 4',5'-dimetil-luteolina-8-C-glucosídeo (11). O conteúdo de flavonóides totais do suco (0,241 ± 0,001 mg flavonóides totais/mL suco), comparável ao de outras fontes de flavonóides, sugere o potencial da cana-de-açúcar como fonte alimentícia de antioxidantes naturais. Porém, a baixa capacidade antioxidante da garapa (EC50 = 100,2 ± 2,6 g L-1) indica a necessidade de estudos sobre o consumo na dieta e seus efeitos na saúde humana.
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Este trabalho apresenta a identificação "on line" de flavonas minoritárias do suco da cana-de- açúcar (Saccharum officinarum) , por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector UV acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CL/UV/EM) com ionização química à pressão atmosférica, dissociação induzida por colisão (IQPA-DIC-EM/EM) e derivatização pós-coluna utilizando reagentes de deslocamento de UV. As análises CLAE-UV com reagentes de deslocamento forneceram informações sobre a posição da substituição no esqueleto dos flavonóides e, em combinação com dados de EM, estas técnicas permitiram a identificação "on-line" de cinco flavonas da garapa: luteolina-8- C-glucosil-7-O-glucuronídeo; tricina-7-O-neoesperosideo-4'- O-ramnosídeo; tricina-7-O-metilglucuronato-4'-O-ramnosídeo; tricina-7-O-metilglucuronídeo; swertisina; e outras quatro substâncias foram parcialmente identificadas como flavonas glicosiladas. Somente a swertisina (7-O-metilapigenina-6-C-glicosídeo) foi anteriormente descrita no bagaço da cana-de-açúcar. This work describes the on-line characterization of minor flavones from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum ) juice by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array UV detection and mass spectrometry (LC/UV/MS) using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization- collision-induced dissociation (APCI-CID-MS/MS) and post-column derivatization using UV shift reagents. HPLC-UV analysis with shift reagents provided information about the substitution pattern in the flavonoid skeleton and, combined with MS data, these techniques allowed for the on-line identification of five "garapa" flavones: luteolin-8- C-glucosyl-7-O-glucuronide; tricin-7-O-neohesperoside-4'-O-rhamnoside; tricin-7-O-methylglucuronate-4'-O-rhamnoside; tricin-7-O-methylglucuronide; swertisin, while four other compounds were partially identified as glycosylflavones. Only swertisin (7- O-methylapigenin-6-C-glucoside) was reported previously in sugarcane molasses.
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is generally popular as a major cash crop, from the view point of yielding white sugar. For the natives and traditional healers of the world, sugarcane (Ganna) is a valuable medicinal herb finding a significant place in alternative healing methods. In India, Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine recognize the invaluable medicinal properties of sugarcane and its derivatives. According to Ayurveda, it is oleaginous, diuretic, tonic, cooling, aphrodisiac and useful in fatigue, thirst, anaemia, ulcers etc., while according to the Unani system it is a laxative, diuretic, aphrodisiac and good for lungs. The sugarcane plant in its entirety is known to possess great therapeutic utility, the details of which are furnished in this paper. The recent researches on the by-products of sugarcane in medicine / therapeutics are highlighted.
Color intensity of raw sugar is, in part, a result of the activity of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO) acting on phenolic compounds to produce dark colored polymers when sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is crushed to release the juice. Paler colored sugar has a potential market premium over darker sugar. In an attempt to alter the level of PPO activity in transgenic plants, sense and antisense constructs containing the native sugarcane PPO gene were introduced into sugarcane by biolistics. In a series of field experiments, it was demonstrated that PPO activity among clones correlated significantly with juice color. In laboratory crystallizations of raw sugar using juice derived from clones with high and low PPO activity, the juice with the higher PPO activity produced darker colored crystals. PPO activity was elevated and juice color was darker in all types of transgenic plants. However, clones derived from a sense construct had higher PPO activity than the other transgenic clones, tissue culture control clones, or cultivars. Furthermore, northern blot analysis demonstrated that PPO sense transgenics had much higher levels of PPO transcripts in the stem than other clones. This is the first targeted manipulation of an endogenous metabolic enzyme-encoding gene in sugarcane that leads to altered enzyme activity. Although low PPO lines with good agronomic performance were not generated, this research demonstrates the principle that juice and sugar color are correlated with PPO activity, consistent with the hypothesis that lowering PPO activity in sugarcane could reduce the color intensity of juice and raw sugar.
Sugarcane mosaic potyvirus (SCMV) is an important pathogen of sugarcane (Saccharum L. interspecific hybrids) and can cause significant yield losses in susceptible cultivars. Pathogen-derived resistance using the viral coat protein (CP) gene has been successfully demonstrated in other host/virus combinations and is being evaluated in sugarcane. Sugarcane plants were cotransformed with the CP gene of sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) and the neomycin phosphotransferasell (nptll) (selectable marker) gene by microprojectile bombardment. These genes were constructed with either the Emu (an artificial promoter) or the ubiquitin (Ubi) promoter. Over 80 transgenic lines were assessed for nptll activity by dot-blot and ELISA. There was considerable variability between lines in npt expression, with the most active Ubi line producing npt enzyme to a level equivalent to 0.03% of total soluble protein. Initial results show no correlation between the number of copies of the transgene and the level of npt expression. Plants containing the CP transgene have been selected, propagated and challenged with SCMV in glasshouse trials. Ten lines were resistant to challenge inoculation with the virus and these lines are being further characterised.
A mixture of triterpene methyl ethers obtained from the leaf wax of Cuban sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) has been shown to consist predominantly of arundoin (fernenol methyl ether) and sawamilletin (taraxerol methyl ether), by means of preparative GLC, mass spectrometry and direct comparison with authentic specimens. Evidence for the presence, in trace amounts, of a third component having identical gas liquid chromatographic retention times with bauerenol methyl ether, was also obtained by GLC, but it did not prove feasible to further characterize this substance. Retention times, relative to 5α-cholestane are reported for nine triterpene methyl ethers which were subjected to GLC on 0·5% Apiezon L, 1·5% SE-30, 1·5% QF-1 and 1·0% CDMS columns. The mass spectra of triterpene methyl ethers are discussed.
Two new flavonoid glycosides, tricin 7-(2″-rhamnosyl)-α- galacturonide (2) and orientin 7,3′-dimethyl ether (4), were isolated from sugarcane (Saccharum) mill syrup. In addition, five other flavonoid C- and O-glycosides were identified, including swertisin (3), iso-orientin 7,3′-dimethyl ether (5), schaftoside (6), isoschaftoside (7), and tricin 7-glucoside (1). Their structures were established using spectroscopic and chemical evidence.