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The parallel seismic method for foundation depth evaluation: a case study in


Abstract and Figures

A case study on the application of the seismic test of recent use in Brazil, called Parallel Seismic (PS), to evaluate the depth of a 250-mm diameter root-pile belonging to the foundations of a telecommunication steel monopole located in Arthur Alvim, São Paulo, Brazil, is presented. The foundation element is inserted in a sandy clay soil. The estimated depth of the foundation element was obtained by analysis of the results from the PS test. It was evaluated as being equal to 11 m, which was later verified to be in agreement with the pile's design drawings. When the possibility to drill boreholes at a site under investigation exists, the method presented in this article becomes a good option for the determination of the unknown depth of foundation elements.
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Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
The parallel seismic method for foundation depth evaluation: a case study in Arthur
Alvim, São Paulo, Brazil
Otávio Coaracy Brasil Gandolfo* (Institute of Technological Research-IPT); Tiago de Jesus Souza (Aeronautics Institute of
Technology-ITA / American Tower); Paulo Scarano Hemsi (Aeronautics Institute of Technology-ITA); Paulo Cezar Aoki
(American Tower)
Copyright 2017, SBGf - Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica
This paper was prepared for presentation during the 15th International Congress of the
Brazilian Geophysical Society held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 31 July to 3 August, 2017.
Contents of this paper w ere reviewed by t he Technical Committee of the 15th
International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society and do not necessarily
represent any position of the SBGf, its officers or members. Electronic reproduction or
storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent
of the Brazilian Geophysical Society is prohibited.
A case study on the application of the seismic test of
recent use in Brazil, called Parallel Seismic (PS), to
evaluate the depth of a 250-mm diameter root-pile
belonging to the foundations of a telecommunication
steel monopole located in Arthur Alvim, São Paulo,
Brazil, is presented. The foundation element is
inserted in a sandy clay soil. The estimated depth of
the foundation element was obtained by analysis of
the results from the PS test. It was evaluated as being
equal to 11 m, which was later verified to be in
agreement with the pile’s design drawings. When the
possibility to drill boreholes at a site under
investigation exists, the method presented in this
article becomes a good option for the determination
of the unknown depth of foundation elements.
The parallel seismic (PS) test is a geophysical technique
developed in France several decades ago for the
determination of the unknown depth of foundation
elements, which has a methodology similar to that of the
downhole test. Also, studies have been conducted to
develop the PS test for evaluation of pile integrity (Liao et
al., 2006; Huang and Chen, 2007; de Groot, 2014).
Practical advantages of the PS test are the applicability of
the test for different foundation materials (e.g., concrete,
steel, wood or masonry) and the possibility of testing even
when the pile head is not accessible.
Lack of knowledge of the foundation depth is a frequent
problem in Civil Engineering, and arises from the non-
availability of blueprints, the absence of a foundation
project, or existing, but unreliable information. The
geophysical surface methods are generally unsatisfactory
for this type of problem. The PS test, which for its
execution requires a borehole positioned very close to the
foundation element to be investigated, is able to provide
more accurate and reliable results. The length of the
foundation pile is an important parameter for evaluating
bearing capacity, in the case of reusing the structure for
other purposes, for example, when subjected to higher
This work presents the result of a PS test to evaluate the
unknown depth of a 250-mm diameter root-pile belonging
to the foundations of a telecommunications tower located
in Arthur Alvim, municipality of São Paulo, Brazil.
Parallel Seismic test (PS)
The principle of the PS test is quite simple. A pulse is
generated by the impact of a small sledgehammer hitting
against any exposed part of the structure connected to
the foundation (or on the foundation itself if it is available)
producing elastic waves predominantly of the
compressional type (P-wave) that propagate through the
foundation element. Due to the large contrast in elastic
properties existing between the ground and the material
that constitutes the foundation (concrete, in general),
seismic waves are refracted and captured by three-
component geophones (or hydrophones) placed in a
borehole near to the foundation (around 1 m), and
recorded on a seismograph (Figure 1).
Figure 1 - Parallel Seismic method: a) field test (left) and
typical results (right) (Modified from Niederleithinger,
The test may be performed on concrete, steel, masonry
or wood foundations. The hole must have a depth which
exceeds by at least 3 to 5 m the maximum expected
depth for the foundation element. The preparation of the
borehole should follow the guidance similar to those used
to perform the downhole or crosshole testing. A PVC-pipe
casing must be installed in the borehole, with its bottom
end capped and the annular space between the pipe and
the wall of the borehole filled with grout to ensure good
contact with the ground.
Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
If hydrophones are used, the cased borehole should be
filled with water. If geophones are used the borehole must
be dry.
The seismograph records the seismic wave that is
generated on the surface by the impact of the hammer
and captured by the geophones positioned in the
borehole. The procedure is performed starting at the
bottom of the hole to the surface, usually at regular
intervals of 0.5 to 1 m. The test results consist of a
seismogram containing the seismic traces recorded at
different depths tested.
By determining the first arrival time of the wave, a line can
be adjusted, which provides the value of the velocity of
the P-wave (VP) in the material foundation (usually
concrete, which has a high value for VP) and in the
surrounding soil (usually with a VP value lower than the
foundation´s). The depth at which the slope changes is
attributed to the maximum depth of the foundation
The evaluating of the depth of a 230-cm diameter caisson
using the PS test in São Paulo provided good results,
when the obtained depth was compared to the depth
depicted in the caissons documentation (Gandolfo et al.,
Description of the test site
At the investigated site the existing steel monopole has a
dodecagonal geometry and 42 m in height, at the top, an
outer diameter of 0.493 m, and at the base, 1.481 m. The
structure is located at Pierre Fermat Street, Artur Alvim,
São Paulo. Figure 2 shows the monopole with its
antennas and other details.
Figure 2 - Monopole’s view in Artur Alvim, São Paulo.
The structure is fixed on a foundation block with
dimensions (3.1 x 3.1 x 1.1 m), which comprises 8 root-
piles with 250-mm diameter each (Figure 3).
In order to enhance the signal reception for the seismic
test, the borehole was drilled very close to the foundation
(Figure 4).
The borehole for the PS test, at depth of 19 m, was drilled
0.4 m distance from the block. It was cased with a PVC
pipe of 85 mm in diameter (thick wall) and its lower end
capped. The annular space between the pipe and the wall
of the borehole was filled with cement grout.
The stratigraphic profile at the location of the borehole is
depicted in Figure 5. The soil is predominantly sandy clay
with resistance increasing along depth. It is important to
note that in the first 2 m the soil has a soft consistency.
Beyond 4 m, the soil has a firm consistency. The water
level was found to be at 2 m depth on the date of SPT
Figure 3 - Foundation block detail: a) plan view (above);
b) cross sectional view, showing the elevation of the block
depicting three root-piles and the borehole used for the
PS test (below).
Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
Figure 4 - Borehole for the PS test at 0.4-m distance from
the block.
Figure 5 - Stratigraphic profile at the site.
Field data acquisition
For carrying out the PS test at the site, the following
equipment was used (IPT, 2015): a) seismograph
SmartSeis model of 12 channels (Geometrics), b)
downhole geophones (8 Hz) with three components
(triaxial) and pneumatic clamping mechanism in the wall
of the hole and c) 1.8-kg sledgehammer to generate
seismic waves with a coupled transducer (trigger) (Figure
The impact of the hammer was applied directly against
the central portion of the concrete block (Figure 7). The
signal received by the geophone into the borehole was
recorded at regular intervals of 0.5 m, starting at the
maximum depth reached by the sensor (18 m) to the
vicinity of the ground surface (0.5 m).
Figure 6 - Equipment used for the execution of PS test:
seismograph (above on the left); 1.8-kg sledgehammer
with trigger (above on the right); triaxial geophone hole
with pneumatic system to fix in the hole (below on the
left); equipment on the site (below on the right).
Figure 7 - PS test being performed in the telephone tower
Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
Figure 8 shows the seismogram obtained from the PS
test by recording the traces of the vertical component of
the geophone.
Figure 8 - Seismogram obtained from the PS test.
Picking the first arrival times of the P-wave in the
seismogram, the plot of time versus depth was obtained,
allowing the velocities estimation and interpretation of the
unknow depth of the foundation element (Figure 9).
The point of inflection corresponding to the change in
slope of the fitted straight lines, changing from
V1=3733 m/s (velocity of the seismic P-wave in the
concrete foundation) to V2=1956 m/s (velocity of the P-
wave in the saturated soil, below the foundation) was
interpretaded as being the depth of the foundation
Based on the above criterium, the depth of the root-pile
was estimated as being equal to 11 m (Figure 9).
As shown in Figure 10, the actual depth of this foundation
element is precisely 11 m, as obtained by the PS test
carried-out at the site.
Figure 9 - Time versus depth plot obtained from the first
arrival times of the P-wave read from the field
seismogram of Figure 8.
Figure 10 - Foundation design showing the actual depth
of the root-piles (11 m).
Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
The PS test performed in the case study presented here
with a foundation that consisted of a concrete block with
root-piles of a 250-mm diameter provided a very
satisfactory result. As it is still a recent application in
Brazil, it requires methodological improvement.
The test should be used in other types of foundations with
different characteristics in terms of type, building material,
geometry, diameters, etc., for a more thorough evaluation
of the potential of this technique and improvement of the
operational procedures.
de Groot, P. H. 2014. Evaluation of the Parallel Seismic
detection of defects in pile foundations. Masters Thesis,
Geo Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 192p.
Gandolfo, O. C. B.; Souza, T. J.; Aoki, P. C.; Hemsi, P. S.
2015. Evaluation of unknown foundation depth using
Parallel Seismic (PS) Test - a case study. In: 14º
International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical
Society, Rio de Janeiro, Expanded Abstracts.
IPT. 2015. Parallel Seismic testing performed in the site
SPO149NP, at Rua Pierre Fermat, 92 - Arthur Alvim, São
Paulo-SP. REPORT Nº145.639-205, 54p.
Liao, S.-T., Tong, J.-H., Chen, C.-H., Wu, T.-T. 2006.
Numerical simulation and experimental study of parallel
seismic test for piles. International Journal of Solids and
Structures, 43: 2279-2298.
Huang, D. Z. and Chen, L.Z. 2007. 3-D Finite element
analysis of parallel seismic testing for integrity evaluation
of in-service piles. In: Innovative Applications of
Geophysics in Civil Engineering, Geo-Denver 2007,
Denver, CO, USA, American Society of Civil Engineers-
Niederleithinger, E. 2012. Improvement and extension of
the parallel seismic method for foundation depth
measurement. Soils and Foundations, 6, p.1093-1101.
... Estes ensaios vêm sendo aplicados em diferentes tipologias de fundação e distintas condições geológico-geotécnicas, tais como, estaca pré-moldada de concreto em solo mole (Souza et al., 2018a), estaca raiz em argila arenosa saturada (Gandolfo et al., 2017a(Gandolfo et al., , 2017b, estaca raiz em argila silto-arenosa, mole, passando a rija/dura, saturada (IPT, 2019), tubulão de grande diâmetro em silte argilo-arenoso não saturado (Gandolfo et al., 2015;Souza et al., 2018b), tubulão de pequeno diâmetro em areia fina argilosa, medianamente compacta/argila siltosa, pouco arenosa, rija a dura (IPT, 2018), estaca raiz embutida em rocha (metarenito) friável e alterada (Souza et al., 2016). ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The paper presents a case study in which were performed two test: both the “Parallel Seismic” test (PS) and “Borehole Magnetometry” (BM). They were used to determine the unknown depth of a foundation element (root pile), with tip over bedrock, in Niteroi city, state of Rio de Janeiro. The result of the PS test it would not be possible to solve that problem alone. However, the additional use of the BM test, associated to the borehole information (rotary drilling) enabled the correct interpretation of the results, leading to conclusive information regarding the foundation depth.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
This paper presents the results of a seismic test of recent application in Brazil, called parallel seismic. This test is intended to determine the maximum depth of a foundation element. Its application has been tested on a large diameter caisson foundation and the results were very satisfactory.
Conference Paper
The principle and process of the parallel seismic test for the integrity evaluation of in-service piles are introduced in this paper. A 3D finite element model for the pile-soil system is developed for impulse responses. For both saturated and unsaturated soil conditions, velocity-time histories at different depths were obtained using the numerical model. It is shown that the length and one-dimensional P-wave velocity of a pile are easy to determine from the velocity-time histories. By examining the slopes of the first arrival times plotted versus depth or by examining the depth where the amplitude of the first arrival decreases significantly, the bottom or the defect location of the pile can be estimated. The results indicated that the parallel seismic test is a suitable method to evaluate the integrity of in-service piles.
The theoretical capabilities of the Parallel Seismic (PS) test for determining the length of piles and characterizing possible defects are investigated in this paper. In deriving the theory, a correction factor is proposed in this paper to enhance the accuracy of the prediction. An axisymmetric finite element (FE) model was developed to carry out a series of parametric studies which included the effects of the pile length, the pile-to-borehole distance and the stiffness of surrounding soil. A miniature experiment using an aluminum bar embedded in epoxy prism was also designed and tested in the lab to verify the theory and to demonstrate the use of the correction factor. The results from the experiment and the numerical FE model were also compared to expose the potential of this nondestructive method to in situ application. The model was further modified to simulate the PS test on defective piles with axisymmetric necks and bulges. It can be concluded that the geometric configuration of a pile and the possible significant defect can be characterized with this nondestructive test.
The parallel seismic (PS) method is used for determination of the unknown or undocumented depth of foundations, mostly piles. It was developed several decades ago and has not much changed since. PS is based on impulse generation on the pile head and registration of travel times in a borehole parallel to the foundation. The method is applicable to many foundation types, including single piles, pile walls, or sheet piles. While the accuracy is known to be high if the distance between foundation and borehole is small, the foundation length is overestimated with increasing distance. This paper presents the results of a systematic study on the influence of geometric and material parameters on the measurement results and explains the effects by studying the underlying wave phenomena based on numerical studies. It can be shown that several parameters (e.g. borehole inclination) have a strong influence. Foundation flaws and soil layers have also to be taken into account, while the possibilities in the other direction (derivation of soil parameters or detection of flaws from the results) are limited. Based on the simulation results, a new mathematical algorithm for data interpretation has been developed which takes into account the soil layers and the borehole inclination. This novel data interpretation scheme was used in combination with different data inversion methods. The new interpretation method was successfully validated using several sets of simulated data. Not only was it shown to be more accurate than all other available methods, but it also extended the maximum allowable pile–borehole distance to 2–3 m. Today, parallel seismics is the only method applicable on both metallic and non-metallic foundations which can be used without calibration. It has the largest range of all borehole methods. To enhance its efficiency it can be combined with downhole seismic measurements in the very same borehole to retrieve soil parameters
Evaluation of the Parallel Seismic detection of defects in pile foundations
  • P H De Groot
de Groot, P. H. 2014. Evaluation of the Parallel Seismic detection of defects in pile foundations. Masters Thesis, Geo Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 192p.
Parallel Seismic testing performed in the site SPO149NP, at Rua Pierre Fermat, 92 -Arthur Alvim
  • Ipt
IPT. 2015. Parallel Seismic testing performed in the site SPO149NP, at Rua Pierre Fermat, 92 -Arthur Alvim, São Paulo-SP. REPORT Nº145.639-205, 54p.