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A Survey of Datasets for Biomedical Question Answering Systems


Abstract and Figures

The massively ever increasing amount of textual and linked biomedical data available online poses many challenges for information seekers. So, the focus of information retrieval community has shifted to precise information retrieval, i.e. providing exact answer to a user question. In recent years, many datasets related to Biomedical Question Answering (BioQA) have emerged which the researchers can use to evaluate the performance of their systems. We reviewed these biomedical datasets and analyzed their characteristics. The survey in this paper covers these datasets for BioQA and has a two fold purpose: to provide an overview of the available datasets in this domain and to help researchers select the most suitable dataset for bench-marking their system.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 7, 2017
A Survey of Datasets for Biomedical Question
Answering Systems
Muhammad Wasim, Dr. Waqar Mahmood, Dr. Usman Ghani Khan Al-
Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
Abstract—The massively ever increasing amount of textual
and linked biomedical data available online poses many chal-
lenges for information seekers. So, the focus of information
retrieval community has shifted to precise information retrieval,
i.e. providing exact answer to a user question. In recent years,
many datasets related to Biomedical Question Answering (BioQA)
have emerged which the researchers can use to evaluate the
performance of their systems. We reviewed these biomedical
datasets and analyzed their characteristics. The survey in this
paper covers these datasets for BioQA and has a two fold purpose:
to provide an overview of the available datasets in this domain
and to help researchers select the most suitable dataset for
benchmarking their system.
KeywordsBiomedical; QA system; review; survey
The massive amount of textual data on web makes finding
information a challenging task. Although Information Retrieval
(IR) systems are developed to cater this problem, such systems
just provide a list of documents instead of precise information
[1]. The information seeker thus needs to process the provided
document list to filter the required information. To overcome
this problem, the research and development in the area of ques-
tion answering is in progress [2]–[4]. To accelerate research
in this area, many research initiatives including Text Retrieval
Conference(TREC)1have been taken to develop benchmark
datasets for open domain question answering [5]–[12]. Early
research focused on heuristic based methods such as patterns
for specific question types or redundancy of data over web to
answer questions mostly from textual documents [13], [14].
The current focus in question answering systems is to use
statistical learning approaches and neural networks to answer
questions [15]–[19] both in textual and linked data. Moreover,
the trend in question answering is changing from open domain
to restricted domains such as biomedical [20], [21]. Focusing
on restricted domains makes finding solution to specific answer
types easy as different patterns can be used to determine
question and answer types and domain knowledge can be
incorporated [22].
The biomedical data on web can be broadly divided into
two main categories i.e. textual data and linked data [23].
Textual data includes scientific literature published by biomed-
ical journals and may include other authentic websites on
biomedical domain. Linked data provides information about
how different biomedical entities are related to each other and
provides mechanism to inference and derive new knowledge.
Linked biomedical data is one of the most important types of
data in linked data world as around one-tenth of all linked
data available online is biomedical data [10]. It may include
drugs, compounds, diseases, genomics, proteomics or other
nomenclature/lexical ontologies. Fig. 1 depicts the general
categorization of available biomedical data. Biomedical experts
usually publish their research both in the form of research
articles and submit their experimental results to linked data
repositories. To validate their hypothesis during any further
experimentation, biomedical experts need to consult both tex-
tual and linked data sources manually. Biomedical question
answering systems should be able to derive such answer
automatically by combining evidence from both textual and
linked data sources.
Types of Biomedical Data
Textual Data
Scientific Articles Authentic Websites
Linked Data
SNOMED CT Disease Ontology
Other ...
Fig. 1. Information sources in biomedical domain.
To tap the real potential of this heterogeneous data,
techniques need to be developed and biomedical question
answering datasets play an important role in this process
as researchers can use it to evaluate the performance of
their systems. Question answering datasets usually contain
two main components: 1) Information Need or question in
natural language and 2) the corpus or linked data which will
help in answering the questions to fulfill some information
need. Questions may also have additional information such as
question types such as passage, factoid, list or summary. The
focus of passage type question is to return relevant passages.
The factoid type questions deal with single entity such as
genes, proteins, disease, symptoms etc. List questions typically
return list of factoids. The answer of yes/no type question is
either yes or no. Finally, the aim of the summary question
is to provide answer in a summarized form and may include
definitional questions. Such questions typically start with What
is phrase. There are also datasets available where question type
is multiple choice question. The focus of such type of questions
is to improve the passage comprehension and inferencing
capabilities of question answering systems. Question types
may help a QA system to focus on one particular answer 484 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 7, 2017
strategy [24] and following are some typical questions asked
in biomedical domain:
Passage Question
Factoid Question
List Question
Multiple Choice Question
Yes/No Question
Summary Question
Biomedical experts have certain information needs. They
might be interested in knowing how genes interact with or-
gan functions or what role some genes play in a particular
disease.They might be further interested in proteins,protein-
protein interactions,mutations,drugs,adverse effects,cell or
tissue types and signs or symptoms. Other entities of interest
might be chemicals,species,pathways,genetic variations, and
patient characteristics. Heterogeneous biomedical sources are
normally required to fulfill an information need as shown
in Fig. 2. Identifying them early in the question answering
pipeline helps narrow down candidate answers in later stages
Cell or Tissue Type
Adverse Effect
Molecular Function
Protein-Protien Interaction
Drug Discovery
Gene-Disease Relation
Information Needs
Compounds Ontologies
Disease Ontologies
Genomics Ontologies
Proteomics Ontologies
Lexical Ontologies
Drug Ontology
Authentic Websites
Scientific Articles
Information Sources
Fig. 2. Mapping biomedical information needs to sources.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes
different biomedical question answering datasets and their
specific characteristics. A comparative study of such datasets is
presented in the next section and finally the paper is concluded
in the last section.
This section enlists the biomedical question answering
datasets in chronological order.
A. TREC Genomics Track
Genomics corpus provided by TREC was one of the pio-
neer datasets developed for Biomedical Question Answering.
The dataset was prepared for TREC Genomics track held
in 2006 and 2007 [20], [21]. The challenge was to retrieve
relevant passages against a topic question from a corpus of
162,259 documents. The corpus was collected by crawling 49
biomedical journals and covered various biomedical categories.
A set of 28 and 36 topic questions was assembled in 2006
and 2007 respectively. Some example questions from both
collections are shown in Tables I and II. The biomedical
entities covered in these two years included: genes,proteins
and gene mutations in 2006; and antibodies,cell or tissue type,
disease,drug,gene,molecular function,mutations,pathways,
proteins,symptoms,toxicities, and tumor types in 2007.
Example Questions
How does L2 interact with L1 to form HPV11 viral capside?
How does p53 affect apoptosis?
How do mutations in the Pes gene affect cell growth?
What serum [PROTEINS] change expression in association with high disease activity
in lupus?
What [MUTATIONS] in the Raf gene are associated with cancer?
What [DRUGS] are associated with lysosomal abnormalities in the nervous system?
The dataset was focused on scientific articles only and
limited number of questions were not sufficient to evaluate
the performance of large-scale QA system. Moreover, no
annotations were provided with the corpus or questions so
machine learning algorithms could not be effectively used.
B. Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation
(QA4MRE): Biomedical Text about Alzheimer’s Disease
QA4MRE2for biomedical data [25] differs from TREC
datasets because the focus of the dataset is on passage com-
prehension and multiple answers are already provided with
each question. Corpus is used as a background knowledge i.e.
it is used to acquire knowledge instead of directly answering
the question. Collection developed as a background knowledge
for the task was named Alzheimer’s Disease Literature Corpus
(ADLC corpus) was collected from different sources: 66,222
pubmed abstracts were from PubMed, 8249 open access full
articles from pubmed central, 1041 full text articles from
pubmed central in HTML and text format. Moreover, 379 full
text articles and 103 abstracts were added in this collection
from a list of popular articles on Alzheimer disease. The
test set is composed of four reading tests where each test
consists of one document and 10 questions related to that
document and five answer choices per question. Table III
shows some sample questions from the collection. The systems
had to either select answer from the given list of possible
answers or leave the question unanswered. The background
collection, test documents and questions were annotated with
word,lemma,chunk,part of speech,named entity,parent node
in the dependency tree,dependency syntax label,UMLS entity
name, and named entity.
2 485 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 7, 2017
Questions Options
Which CLU isoform has a consistently higher gene expression?
ribosomal protein L13A
Which hormone can control the expression of CLU isoforms?
real-time PCR
What effect do androgens have on CLU2 gene expression?
These annotations were performed automatically using
state of the art tools such as GDep parser,CLiPS NE Tagger,
and ABNER tagger. The named entities considered for the task
were genes and gene products,chemicals,drugs,symptoms,
experimental methods,species,pathway,cellular,genetic vari-
ation,adverse effect,dose,timing,patient characteristics etc.
The challenge was more about checking the inferencing capa-
bilities of the system and multiple choice question proposed a
new dimension of research. Moreover background collection
was also different in the perspective. There was no retrieval
sub-system and linked data was not used as a source in the
C. QALD-4: Biomedical Question Answering over Interlinked
Question Answering over linked data (QALD)3started in
2011 viewing the wide spread of linked data over the web and
focused on converting information need into standard semantic
query processing and inferencing. The objective of the dataset
is to establish a standard against which question answering
systems over structured data can be evaluated and compared.
The fourth year competition had three tracks i.e. multilingual
question answering,biomedical question answering over inter-
linked data, and hybrid question answering. Biomedical data
was selected as there are many structured datasets available in
this domain and answer to information need can be satisfied
only if evidence is combined from multiple sources. Three
biomedical datasets were combined for this competition i.e.
1) SIDER, which describes drugs and it’s side effects; 2)
diseasome, which provides information about diseases and
genetic disorders; and 3) drugbank, which provides FDA-
approved active compounds of medication. There were a total
of 25 training questions and 25 similar test questions. Some
example questions from the dataset are shown in Table IV.
There are very limited number of test and training questions
and the only target of dataset is on three ontology sources.
The questions were prepared in a manner that multiple sources
needed to be inquired to find answer to a question. The systems
using this dataset should address the problem of converting
natural language questions to SPARQL queries efficiently.
Which genes are associated with Endothelin receptor type B?
Which genes are associated with subtypes of rickets?
Which drug has the highest number of side-effects?
List drugs that lead to strokes and arthrosis.
Which drugs have a water solubility of 2.78e-01 mg/mL?
D. BioASQ large-scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and
Question Answering
The focus of BioASQ challenge has been to assemble
information from multiple heterogeneous sources in order to
answer real-life biomedical experts’ questions. The compe-
tition is being held every year since 2013. The challenge
consists of two tasks 1) Biomedical semantic indexing; and 2)
Semantic question answering: semantic answering is further
divided into two tasks i.e. retrieval of relevant documents,
snippets and triplets (Phase A) and finding the precise answer
of the question (Phase B). The focus of the challenge is on
drugs, targets, disease and covers both textual and linked data.
The selected sources for these categories are shown in Table
Focus Resources
Drugs Joche
Targets Gene Ontology, UniProt
Diseases Disease Ontology
General Purpose MeSH
Document Sources PubMed, PubMed Central
Linked Data LinkedLifeData
The challenge involves text/passage retrieval, RDF triplet
retrieval, QA for exact answer, multi document summarization
and natural language generation. The answer of any question
may be factoid or passage depending on the type of question.
The system could provide exact answer or ideal answer where
ideal answer is paragraph-sized summary of the answer. The
dataset contained development and test questions. There are
four type of questions in dataset 1) Yes/No; 2) factoid; 3) list;
and 4) summary. All questions expect exact and ideal answer
except summary question where only ideal answer is expected.
Table VI shows example questions for each type. The training
and test questions for each year are: 29, 282 in 2013; 310, 500
in 2014; 810, 500 in 2015; 1307, 500 in 2016; and 1799, 500
in 2017 [26].
Question Type Example Question
Yes/No Is miR-21 related to carcinogenesis?
Factoid Which is the most common disease attributed to malfunction or absence of primary cilia?
List Which human genes are more commonly related to craniosynostosis?
Summary What is the mechanism of action of abiraterone?
Biomedical data is available in both textual and linked
formats. Therefore, the question answering datasets should
also provide good coverage of both of these sources. Fig. 3 486 |Page
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 7, 2017
shows the number of datasets which provide linked, textual
and heterogeneous biomedical data. Only one dataset provides
linked data source. Three datasets provide textual data out
of which two use the same corpus with different question
sets. The third textual dataset uses background collection as
data source. The four datasets provided by BioASQ provide
heterogeneous data. The dataset mostly targets open and
publicly available textual and linked datasets and provides
good number of training examples. Textual datasets can be
searched using keywords based IR techniques. Linked data
requires specific query format conversion supported by linked
data repositories known as SPARQL. Heterogeneous datasets
require both keyword based queries and linked data specific
query formats. Moreover, to produce answer in natural lan-
guage, answers from linked data are normally required to
pass through natural language generation module. The datasets
providing heterogeneous sources are most effective as both
sources are equally important in the context of biomedical
Linked Textual Heterogeneous
Fig. 3. Datasets with respect to type of data.
The number of questions provided with each dataset have
increased over years. Initially, only 28 questions were pro-
vided in TREC Genomics track with no training set. Training
question were first introduced in QALD-4 with 25 training
questions. The trend from then has only increased and current
year’s BioASQ track contained 1307 training questions. This
increase in information needs of real world biomedical experts’
needs is essential to build practically usable QA systems. More
training data may greatly aid in building machine learning
based algorithms. Fig. 4 shows the number of training and
test questions in all presented datasets.
Table VII shows a comparative table comparing all the
datasets presented in this paper. Each dataset’s strength and
weakness are also mentioned to help researchers select appro-
priate dataset for their research. To summarize:
If the QA system is to be built upon IR system, TREC
dataset for 2006 and 2007 with a total of 64 questions
provide a good starting point.
To build and test a QA system which queries multiple
linked data sources, QALD dataset can be used.
State-of-the-art dataset is provided by the recent
BioASQ challenge. The dataset can be used to evalu-
TREC 2006
TREC 2007
BioASQ 2013
BioASQ 2014
BioASQ 2015
BioASQ 2016
BioASQ 2017
Test Questions
Training Set
Fig. 4. Datasets - training vs test questions.
Performance of system on heterogeneous data
Inferencing capabilities of a QA system.
Ability to generate natural language answer.
The quality of summarized answers.
Question answering aims to provide a practical solution to
the information overload problem. The availability of biomed-
ical dataset highlights both the challenges and opportunities
present in this domain. The availability of training data pro-
vides the opportunity to tailor systems in learning from exam-
ples. Moreover, the initiatives from BioASQ on heterogeneous
dataset is paving the way towards better datasets to evaluate
the effectiveness of biomedical QA systems on a larger scale.
BioASQ provides the opportunity to exploit heterogeneous
sources, perform inference, and produce summary for ideal
answers. All the datasets have their strengths and weakness
but overall BioASQ provides heterogeneous sources and more
training data. In future, we shall investigate the systems (and
their characteristics) which work best for each dataset.
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2017. 488 |Page
Dataset Questions (Train+Test) Textual Data Linked Data Factoid List Paragraph/Summary Yes/No No. of Entities
TREC 2006 Genomics 28 4
TREC 2007 Genomics 36 10
QA4MRE about Alzheimer’s disease 40 11
QALD-4 25+25 3
BioASQ 2013
BioASQ 2014
BioASQ 2015
BioASQ 2016
BioASQ 2017 1799+500
... The second row shows a question, Q 2 , belonging to the MetaQA (Zhang et al., 2018) database, which can be answered by inferring several neighboring triples from one KB dataset. The third row, Q 3 , is a question from the biomedical QALD (Wasim, Waqar & Usman, 2017) dataset that to answer the question, triples from two different KB datasets must be considered. Both questions are 3-hop and require inference on three triples to arrive at the correct answer. ...
... Figures 11 and 12 present the graphical representation of the two proposed variations. (Bordes, Chopra & Weston, 2015) and 3-hop questions from the MetaQA (Zhang et al., 2018) and biomedical QALD (Wasim, Waqar & Usman, 2017) datasest along with the triples needed to inference the relevant sources containing the answer. Q 1 : Which forest is Fires Creek in? ...
... To assess the tasks in the literature's related works, two types of benchmarks are employed: (i) benchmarks used for question answering systems based on KBs, such as simpleQuestions (Bordes, Chopra & Weston, 2015), webQuestions (Xu et al., 2016), webQuestionsSP (Sun, Bedrax-Weiss & Cohen, 2019), ComplexQuestions (Bao et al., 2016), ComplexWebQuestions (Talmor & Berant, 2018), WikiMovies (Miller et al., 2016), MetaQA (Zhang et al., 2018), LC-QUAD, and LC-QUAD 2.0 (Fu et al., 2020), multi-hop Biomedical datasets in QALD challenge ( (Wasim, Waqar & Usman, 2017) and (ii) benchmarks used for hybrid question answering systems, such as SPADES (Das et al., 2017) and hybrid dataset in QALD challenge (Usbeck et al., 2018). For its evaluation of schema extraction, question level classification, and source prediction, the current work employs the ComplexWebQuestions, which is constructed over webQuestions with additional constraints and SPARQL logical forms. ...
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Today, several attempts to manage question answering (QA) have been made in three separate areas: (1) knowledge-based (KB), (2) text-based and (3) hybrid, which takes advantage of both prior areas in extracting the response. On the other hand, in question answering on a large number of sources, source prediction to ensure scalability is very important. In this paper, a method for source prediction is presented in hybrid QA, involving several KB sources and a text source. In a few hybrid methods for source selection, including only one KB source in addition to the textual source, prioritization or heuristics have been used that have not been evaluated so far. Most methods available in source selection services are based on general metadata or triple instances. These methods are not suitable due to the unstructured source in hybrid QA. In this research, we need data details to predict the source. In addition, unlike KB federated methods that are based on triple instances, we use the behind idea of mediated schema to ensure data integration and scalability. Results from evaluations that consider word, triple, and question level information, show that the proposed approach performs well against a few benchmarks. In addition, the comparison of the proposed method with the existing approaches in hybrid and KB source prediction and also QA tasks has shown a significant reduction in response time and increased accuracy.
... Increasing the amount of textual and linked biomedical data has many challenges as created a Biomedical Question Answering (BioQA) and [Wasim, Mahmood, and Ghani 2017] [18]. The authors have found the types of biomedical datasets which are: textual data (scientific article, authentic websites) and linked data(drug, compound, disease, and other types of the medical dataset [18]. ...
... Increasing the amount of textual and linked biomedical data has many challenges as created a Biomedical Question Answering (BioQA) and [Wasim, Mahmood, and Ghani 2017] [18]. The authors have found the types of biomedical datasets which are: textual data (scientific article, authentic websites) and linked data(drug, compound, disease, and other types of the medical dataset [18]. In this survey, they have also listed the types of questions as Passage Question, Factoid Question, List Question, Multiple Choice Question, Yes/No Question, Summary Question [18]. ...
... The authors have found the types of biomedical datasets which are: textual data (scientific article, authentic websites) and linked data(drug, compound, disease, and other types of the medical dataset [18]. In this survey, they have also listed the types of questions as Passage Question, Factoid Question, List Question, Multiple Choice Question, Yes/No Question, Summary Question [18]. In conclusion, they have found BioQA that ensures to exploit heterogeneous sources, perform inference, produce a summarization of answers against a given question. ...
Conference Paper
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Manufacturing technologies have evolved with advancements of Industry 4.0 about big data systems, generation system for linked data from unstructured data sources, and streaming data pools. A heterogeneous data source is still problematic for restricted domain question answering due to the nature of unstructured data in manufacturing companies and data-intensive applications in smart factories. Smart factories have emerged with data-intensive operations that are occurring from manufacturing monitoring systems, hand terminals, mobile tablets, and assembly line controllers. Today, human operators experience an increased complexity of the data-intensive applications in the smart factory. Fetching data from various data sources brings a necessity of decreasing data size and derive an idea regarding what is happening by inductive reasoning at the smart factory. Heterogeneous data source occurs adversity in converting linked data to get answers asked questions by human operators, experts, workers through question answering systems. When dealing with a large amount of linked data, we need to design and implement a software solution that should enhance human operators' and experts' capabilities. In this study, we propose a semantic question answering that connects with heterogeneous data sources from different areas and devices of a smart factory. In the end, we will perform qualitative and quantitative evaluation regarding the semantic question answering that exploits heterogeneous data sources, as well as findings and conclude the main points concerning our research questions.
... The BioASQ-QA dataset that is generated for Task B, contains questions in English, along with golden standard (reference) answers and supporting material. The BioASQ data are more realistic and challenging than most existing datasets for biomedical expert question answering 6,7 . In order to achieve this, BioASQ employs a team of trained experts, who provide annually a set of around 500 questions from their specialized field of expertise. ...
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The BioASQ question answering (QA) benchmark dataset contains questions in English, along with golden standard (reference) answers and related material. The dataset has been designed to reflect real information needs of biomedical experts and is therefore more realistic and challenging than most existing datasets. Furthermore, unlike most previous QA benchmarks that contain only exact answers, the BioASQ-QA dataset also includes ideal answers (in effect summaries), which are particularly useful for research on multi-document summarization. The dataset combines structured and unstructured data. The materials linked with each question comprise documents and snippets, which are useful for Information Retrieval and Passage Retrieval experiments, as well as concepts that are useful in concept-to-text Natural Language Generation. Researchers working on paraphrasing and textual entailment can also measure the degree to which their methods improve the performance of biomedical QA systems. Last but not least, the dataset is continuously extended, as the BioASQ challenge is running and new data are generated.
... Literatürde QA sistemleri üzerine birçok derleme çalışması bulunmaktadır. Wasim ve arkadaşları (2017) Biyomedikal Soru Cevaplama (BioQA) sistemlerine odaklanmış ve sistem performanslarını değerlendirmek için kullanılan veri kümelerinin incelemesi ve özelliklerini analiz eden bir çalışma yapmıştır [13]. Kolomiyets ve arkadaşları (2011) QA sistemlerinde bilginin çıkarılması, NLP ve bilgi erişimi ile etkileşimlere odaklanmıştır [14]. ...
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Soru Cevaplama (QA) sistemleri, kullanıcıların doğal dilde sordukları sorulara belge veya bağlantıları listelemek yerine doğrudan cevap almalarını sağlayan sistemlerdir. Bu çalışmada, QA sistemlerinde yaygın kullanılan veri kümeleri tanıtılmış ve çeşitli özelliklere göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, QA alanındaki diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak bu çalışmada son yıllarda literatürde yer alan QA sistemlerinin arkasında kullanılan yöntemlere odaklanılmıştır. Bu yöntemler dört farklı grupta ele alınmış olup literatürdeki güncel çalışmaları ve teknolojileri içermektedir. Bu modeller kullanılan teknikler, harici bilgi kaynaklarının veya dil modelinin kullanılıp kullanılmadığı gibi faktörlere göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Dikkat mekanizmasının, dil modellerinin, çizge işleyen ağların, harici bilgi kaynaklarının, kolektif öğrenmenin ve derin öğrenme mimarilerinin QA sistemlerinin başarısı üzerinde genel olarak olumlu etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca, bu çalışmada QA sistemlerinin günümüzdeki açık araştırma alanları ve olası çözüm yolları belirlenerek gelecekteki QA sistemleri için önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Gelecekteki araştırma alanları olarak yeterli veriye sahip olmayan diller üzerindeki sistemler, birden fazla dil üzerinde çalışabilen sistemler, çok sayıda bilgi kaynağının kullanılmasının gerekli olduğu sistemler ve karşılıklı konuşmaya dayalı sistemler öne çıkmaktadır.
Conference Paper
Nowadays, the majority of users try to move in the right direction for information that is available over the internet. A question-answering system that can grasp the user's natural language query and offer a prompt, accurate response is therefore necessary. In this paper, question answering system that employs a variety of approaches, namely a QA system has been reviewed that provides responses for a variety of question kinds and on a domain basis. In addition to this, the study draws attention to the gaps that were found in the previously published research. Reviewing the different working systems in the medical sector, namely HONQA, EAGLi, and askHERMES, revealed that HONQA delivers a one-line solution for the inquiry, however with EAGLi, we need to validate the answer that was provided by it. askHERMES provides an answer that is needed to be validated. In the healthcare industry, the askHERMES question and answer platform is by far the most popular and widely used option. In contrast, all of the responses that EAGLi provides are to inquiries of the definition types of questions.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that involves the design and implementation of systems and algorithms able to interact through human language. Thanks to the recent advances of deep learning, NLP applications have received an unprecedented boost in performance. In this paper, we present a survey of the application of deep learning techniques in NLP, with a focus on the various tasks where deep learning is demonstrating stronger impact. Additionally, we explore, describe, and revise the main resources in NLP research, including software, hardware, and popular corpora. Finally, we emphasize the main limits of deep learning in NLP and current research directions.
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Passage retrieval is an important stage of question answering systems. Closed domain passage retrieval, e.g. biomedical passage retrieval presents additional challenges such as specialized terminology, more complex and elaborated queries, scarcity in the amount of available data, among others. However, closed domains also offer some advantages such as the availability of specialized structured information sources, e.g. ontologies and thesauri, that could be used to improve retrieval performance. This paper presents a novel approach for biomedical passage retrieval which is able to combine different information sources using a similarity matrix fusion strategy based on convolutional neural network architecture. The method was evaluated over the standard BioASQ dataset, a dataset specialized on biomedical question answering. The results show that the method is an effective strategy for biomedical passage retrieval able to outperform other state-of-the-art methods in this domain.
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We present a new reading comprehension dataset, SQuAD, consisting of 100,000+ questions posed by crowdworkers on a set of Wikipedia articles, where the answer to each question is a segment of text from the corresponding reading passage. We analyze the dataset in both manual and automatic ways to understand the types of reasoning required to answer the questions, leaning heavily on dependency and constituency trees. We built a strong logistic regression model, which achieves an F1 score of 51.0%, a significant improvement over a simple baseline (20%). However, human performance (86.8%) is much higher, indicating that the dataset presents a good challenge problem for future research.
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Our goal is to answer elementary-level science questions using knowledge extracted automatically from science textbooks, expressed in a subset of first-order logic. Given the incomplete and noisy nature of these automatically extracted rules, Markov Logic Networks (MLNs) seem a natural model to use, but the exact way of leveraging MLNs is by no means obvious. We investigate three ways of applying MLNs to our task. In the first, we simply use the extracted science rules directly as MLN clauses. Unlike typical MLN applications, our domain has long and complex rules, leading to an unmanageable number of groundings. We exploit the structure present in hard constraints to improve tractability, but the formulation remains ineffective. In the second approach, we instead interpret science rules as describing prototypical entities, thus mapping rules directly to grounded MLN assertions, whose constants are then clustered using existing entity resolution methods. This drastically simplifies the network, but still suffers from brittleness. Finally, our third approach, called Praline, uses MLNs to align the lexical elements as well as define and control how inference should be performed in this task. Our experiments, demonstrating a 15% accuracy boost and a 10x reduction in runtime, suggest that the flexibility and different inference semantics of Praline are a better fit for the natural language question answering task.
Factoid question answering (QA) has recently benefited from the development of deep learning (DL) systems. Neural network models outperform traditional approaches in domains where large datasets exist, such as SQuAD (ca. 100,000 questions) for Wikipedia articles. However, these systems have not yet been applied to QA in more specific domains, such as biomedicine, because datasets are generally too small to train a DL system from scratch. For example, the BioASQ dataset for biomedical QA comprises less then 900 factoid (single answer) and list (multiple answers) QA instances. In this work, we adapt a neural QA system trained on a large open-domain dataset (SQuAD, source) to a biomedical dataset (BioASQ, target) by employing various transfer learning techniques. Our network architecture is based on a state-of-the-art QA system, extended with biomedical word embeddings and a novel mechanism to answer list questions. In contrast to existing biomedical QA systems, our system does not rely on domain-specific ontologies, parsers or entity taggers, which are expensive to create. Despite this fact, our systems achieve state-of-the-art results on factoid questions and competitive results on list questions.
BioASQ is a series of challenges that aims to assess the performance of information systems in supporting two tasks that are central to the biomedical question answering process: (a) the indexing of large volumes of unlabelled data, primarily scientific articles, with biomedical concepts, (b) the processing of biomedical questions and the generation of answers and supporting material. In this paper, the main results of the first two BioASQ challenges are presented.
This report describes the task Machine reading of biomedical texts about Alzheimer's disease, which is a pilot task of the Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation (QA4MRE) Lab at CLEF 2012. The task aims at exploring the ability of a machine reading system to answer questions about a scientific topic, namely Alzheimer's disease. As in the QA4MRE task, participant systems were asked to read a document and identify the answers to a set of questions about information that is stated or implied in the text. A background collection was provided for systems to acquire background knowledge. The background collection is a corpus newly compiled for this task, the Alzheimer's Disease Literature Corpus. Seven teams participated in the task submitting a total of 43 runs. The highest score obtained by a team was 0.55 c@1, which is clearly above baseline.
In this paper, we train a semantic parser that scales up to Freebase. Instead of relying on annotated logical forms, which is especially expensive to obtain at large scale, we learn from question-answer pairs. The main challenge in this setting is narrowing down the huge number of possible logical predicates for a given question. We tackle this problem in two ways: First, we build a coarse mapping from phrases to predicates using a knowledge base and a large text corpus. Second, we use a bridging operation to generate additional predicates based on neighboring predicates. On the dataset of Cai and Yates (2013), despite not having annotated logical forms, our system outperforms their state-of-the-art parser. Additionally, we collected a more realistic and challenging dataset of question-answer pairs and improves over a natural baseline.