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Using the Socio-Ecological Model to Frame Agricultural Safety and Health Interventions


Abstract and Figures

The Socio-Ecological Model (SEM) is a conceptual framework depicting spheres of influence over human behavior that has been applied in public health settings for nearly five decades. Core principles of all variations of the SEM are the multiple influences over an individual's behaviors, the interactions of those influences, and the multi-level approaches that can be applied to interventions intended to modify behaviors. A project team modified the standard SEM to address interventions for protecting children from agricultural disease and injury. The modified SEM placed the "child in the farm environment" at the core with five inter-related levels (spheres) of influence over the child. This framework provides guidance on how a multi-faceted, multi-level intervention can maximize the potential for impact on behaviors and decisions made by parents/adults responsible for the safety of children on farms. An example of how this model could work to safeguard youth operating tractors is provided.
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Journal of Agromedicine
ISSN: 1059-924X (Print) 1545-0813 (Online) Journal homepage:
Using the Socio-Ecological Model to Frame
Agricultural Safety and Health Interventions
Barbara C. Lee, Casper Bendixsen, Amy K. Liebman & Susan S. Gallagher
To cite this article: Barbara C. Lee, Casper Bendixsen, Amy K. Liebman & Susan S. Gallagher
(2017) Using the Socio-Ecological Model to Frame Agricultural Safety and Health Interventions,
Journal of Agromedicine, 22:4, 298-303, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2017.1356780
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Accepted author version posted online: 01
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Published online: 01 Aug 2017.
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Using the Socio-Ecological Model to Frame Agricultural Safety and Health
Barbara C. Lee
, Casper Bendixsen
, Amy K. Liebman
, and Susan S. Gallagher
National Childrens Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin, USA;
Environmental and
Occupational Health, Migrant Clinicians Network, Salisbury, Maryland, USA;
Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School
of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The Socio-Ecological Model (SEM) is a conceptual framework depicting spheres of influence over
human behavior that has been applied in public health settings for nearly five decades. Core
principles of all variations of the SEM are the multiple influences over an individuals behaviors,
the interactions of those influences, and the multilevel approaches that can be applied to
interventions intended to modify behaviors. A project team modified the standard SEM to address
interventions for protecting children from agricultural disease and injury. The modified SEM
placed the child in the farm environmentat the core with five interrelated levels (spheres) of
influence over the child. This framework provides guidance on how a multifaceted, multilevel
intervention can maximize the potential for impact on behaviors and decisions made by parents/
adults responsible for the safety of children on farms. An example of how this model could work
to safeguard youth operating tractors is provided.
Agriculture; safety; socio-
ecological model; theory
Occupational safety and health advocates are con-
stantly searching for strategies that offer sustain-
able interventions that reduce risks of injury and
disease. These strategies are often based on educa-
tion, engineering, environmental, and/or enforce-
ment approaches. To strengthen and potentially
measure their impact, they can be based on prin-
ciples of safety and hygiene, past experience, and
sometimes a theoretical model. Agricultural safety
and health interventions have lagged behind other
occupational safety and public health approaches
but increasingly are adopting evidence-based stra-
tegies guided by theories and models that have
demonstrated success in changing unsafe tradi-
tions into safe behaviors. This paper describes
how a well-known public health model has been
modified for agricultural safety and health to mul-
tiply and maximize the impact of agricultural
safety interventions.
Introduced in the 1970s, the Socio-Ecological
Model (SEM) is a broad-based conceptual model
depicting basic ecological principles of human
The SEM has undergone numerous
updates and modifications for different
The World Health Organization and
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
are among the many users of this model, which
illustrates multiple dimensions and complex
human interactions that influence behaviors.
the core of the model is an individual whose beha-
vior is the primary interest. A figure of enlarging
circles added above the core individual demon-
strates how spheres of increasing influence have
higher degrees of impact on individual behavior
(Figure 1). The next level of influence is his/her
interpersonal relationships such as relatives, peer
groups, or healthcare providers. Following this is
the organizational level, which includes organiza-
tions, schools, churches, and workplaces. Next is
the community level, which represents relationships
between organizations. Finally, at the outer sphere
of the figure, is the public policy level that includes
federal/state regulations with enforcement options.
Terminology for the middle levels of the model is
CONTACT Barbara C. Lee National Childrens Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, Marshfield Clinic,
1000 N. Oak Avenue, Marshfield, WI 54449, USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
2017, VOL. 22, NO. 4, 298303
© 2017 Taylor & Francis
Downloaded by [University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire] at 07:41 30 August 2017
typically altered depending on the usersneedsand
the models application.
In an extensive review of various ecological
models of health behaviors published in 2008,
authors explain that the core principles of an eco-
logical model are: (1) there are multiple influences
on an individuals behaviors, including factors at
the intrapersonal level, interpersonal level, with
increasing influence at levels of organization, com-
munity, and public policy; (2) influences interact
across these different levels or spheres of influence;
(3) use of this model should be applied to specific
behaviors; and (4) multilevel approaches can be
the most effective interventions for changing
The evolution of the SEM is based in
part on five different theories explaining human
behavior, dating from 1951 to 2006, as well as
eight different theories used to guide behavior
change, dating from 1953 to 2005. The influence
of different theorists and their applications of con-
ceptual models over time can explain both the
strength and the various visual depictions of the
SEM for different audiences.
Modified model
In 1996, the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH) launched its National
Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention
As a component of that initiative, the
National Childrens Center for Rural and
Agricultural Health and Safety (NCCRAHS) was
established to link public and private sector initia-
tives based upon a national plan of action.
2014, with two decades of experience, the
NCCRAHS wanted to base its current and future
endeavors on a theoretical model that would max-
imize potential impacts. The SEM was chosen as a
logical fit for the centers theme of strengthening
public-private partnerships to address childhood
agricultural injury prevention.
The model has
long-standing acceptance by public health agen-
cies, and it has applications in multiple settings
on topics ranging from adding positive nutritional
habits and physical activity to avoiding risky prac-
tices such as smoking and unsafe sex. To the best
of our knowledge, the SEM had not specifically
and proactively been applied in agricultural safety
and health interventions or program evaluations,
nor has it been modified in any specific way to
address the well-being of children.
A comprehensive review of childhood agricul-
tural safety interventions conducted by Gallagher
in 2012
assessed 26 peer-reviewed studies that
reported the effectiveness of childhood farm safety
interventions. It was determined that most inter-
ventions focused on the individual level of the
SEM and typically used education as the primary
strategy to increase knowledge and influence beha-
vior change. Based upon these findings, the author
provided eight recommendations for the future,
framed around the principles of the SEM, such as
multilevel partnerships; repeated interventions;
approaches beyond education (e.g., engineering,
policy); diversity in funding; and sustained, wide-
spread dissemination.
A planning team at the NCCRAHS reviewed
literature and versions of the SEM and discussed
the impact of the spheres of influence relevant to
the political, social, and individual environment
affiliated with agricultural communities. The
team incorporated concepts from non-agricultural
projects including experiences using the model for
low-income workers.
Our modified version of the SEM (Figure 2)
placed the child in the farm environmentat the
core of the figure, with the knowledge that a child
(up to 18 years) who lives, visits, or works on a
farm is not in a position to change safety practices
Figure 1. Socio-ecological model: framework for prevention,
centers for disease control. Available from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Downloaded by [University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire] at 07:41 30 August 2017
him/herself. Rather, the focus of interventions is to
influence the behaviors of those adults who have
the authority and knowledge to reduce the risk of
injury and disease affecting children. We believe
that all children deserve equal protection from
preventable disease and injury, and adults hold
full responsibility for safeguarding children under
their care.
At the models core is the child under the
influence and protection of the adult(s). There
are five spheres with interrelated-levels of influ-
ence over the child. The adult sphere includes
parents, guardian, farm owners, employers, and
any other individual(s) who may have responsi-
bility for youth in the agricultural production site
or a farm homestead. The next level of influence
is interpersonalthis includes persons with close
relationship to the immediate family such as rela-
tives, friends, and peer groups. It can also include
health care providers and child care providers
who regularly interact with the family. At the
third sphere above the child is the community
level, which can include local businesses such as
farm cooperatives and community-based organi-
zations such as FFA chapters, schools, faith-based
groups/churches, and child care centers. At a
higher level of influence are institutions and orga-
nizations that span beyond the local region. This
includes agricultural companies such as property/
casualty insurance providers, trade associations,
agribusinesses that set standards and guidelines
for purchasing agricultural products, national/
international trade agreements, bankers and lend-
ing agencies, and national media that influence
public opinion. The highest level of influence is
policy. For the most part, this represents federal
and state regulations regarding the role of youth
in agricultural work. It can also represent issues
such as immigration, federal/state workers com-
pensation laws, and Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) enforcement
Degrees of influence of the various spheres are
subject to many factors. Each superordinate level
influences the subordinate level. For example, a
public policy may influence a community program
that influences an adult to make responsible deci-
sions regarding work assigned to a child living on
a farm.
When applying this modified SEM concept to
agricultural safety and health interventions, the
ideal approach is to have an interrelational link
that crosses through as many spheres as possible.
We have solid evidence from interventions in non-
agricultural settings that a multilevel approach
with repeated interventions has the greatest like-
lihood of achieving the desired outcome. For
example, a 2014 report described how the SEM
was used in a multilevel intervention to reduce
health inequities among low-income workers.
Another example is an assessment to propose
community outreach interventions to improve
Figure 2. Socio-ecological model modified to address agricultural safety and health interventions.
300 B. C. LEE ET AL.
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fruit and vegetable intake among inner-city
African Americans. Literature was reviewed on
past interventions addressing this topic. Relevant
interventions were categorized by SEM level then,
based upon intervention effectiveness, and recom-
mendations for a multifaceted community-based
approach became the basis and rationale for Best
Practicesecological nutritional programs for
African Americans.
Applying the SEM for agricultural safety
What would an ideal intervention based on this
SEM concept look like? For explanatory purposes,
consider an unsafe practice that puts youth at high
risk of an agriculture-related injury. What is the
desired behavior change? And what approach
could be used at multiple levels to influence the
adults that bear primary responsibility for youth
involved in that unsafe practice?
Agricultural safety
Equipment manufacturers and safety professionals
recommend that all tractors used for production
activities include basic safety principles of seatbelts
and Rollover Protection Structures (ROPS). It has
been shown that this safety standard of a tractor
being equipped with a seatbelt and ROPS (or
enclosed cab) can virtually eliminate tractor-
related fatalities when the operator appropriately
uses these safety features.
For youth working in agriculture, tractors are the
leading cause of death. An analysis of occupational
fatality cases from 2001 to 2013 among U.S. work-
ers under the age of 18 revealed that of the 406
recorded fatalities across all occupations, about
50% of deaths occurred in agricultural jobs, of
which nearly all were associated with transporta-
tion and equipment.
Young workers are often
asked to operate tractors that do not meet safety
standards, because the older unsafe tractors may
be smaller, less expensive, and less complicated to
operate, and farm owners do not want young
people operating their high-powered, expensive
equipment. There are no child labor regulations
that mandate safety standards of tractors operated
by youth. Further, in the United States, family
farms are exempt from child labor in agriculture
regulations. In occupational settings, the parent or
work supervisor bears responsibility for ensuring
that a young worker is safeguarded. However,
agricultural work activities can be complicated,
making close supervision and oversight difficult
to maintain, especially when workers are doing
field operations with tractors and trailed
To minimize the toll of serious injuries and deaths
among young workers in agriculture, a solution
would be to ensure that youth (1418 years) who
are assigned agricultural work involving tractor
operations be allowed only to operate tractors
equipped with ROPS, and that these youth be
required to wear the tractor seatbelt at all times.
Implementing this solution would entail a multi-
level, integrated approach that alters long-standing
practices and might challenge family and/or cul-
tural traditions. Applying the SEM to a multilevel,
integrated intervention would involve each sphere
of influence approaching the problem from a dif-
ferent angle, but all with the same desired outcome
of improving safety.
The scenario below (Table 1) describes an inter-
vention, based on the SEM, of a national-level
campaign to Safeguard youth operating tractors.
The scenario above is an idealistic picture of how
the SEM could work, involving entities at all levels
of the SEM, and proposing they would agree and
engage in a unified way. Realistically, this would be
time and resource intensive and difficult to exe-
cute. But undoubtedly, if this scenario were set
into operation, there could be a profound change
that would drastically reduce the toll of injuries
and deaths to youth operating tractors.
Putting the SEM into practice in agriculture is
possible. Over the past five decades, much has
been learned about the etiology of farm injuries
through data on the incidence of injuries and
details on changing trends in types of injuries.
Downloaded by [University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire] at 07:41 30 August 2017
Our biggest challenge moving forward is
improving safety interventions and taking
approaches that will have the biggest impact on
reducing the toll of injuries. These multilevel
and interrelated interventions have the potential
of shifting the cultureof agriculture to have a
greater emphasis on and respect for a safety
culturein agriculture. It also broadens the gen-
eral publics perspective on the issue, rather than
solely relying on direct interventions by parents
or policy-level changes. The diversity of indivi-
duals and organizations involved strengthens the
capacity to change practices, resulting in lives
Public health demonstration programs have shown
us the SEM is a strong and effective way to change
individual behaviors by influencing those beha-
viors at multiple levels. We propose to modify
the SEM for application in agricultural safety and
health promotion programs. As this model is
applied, evaluated, and improved over time, our
hope is to have a measurable and sustained
improvement in safe practices that create a true
culture of safety in agriculture.
Efforts toward developing this dedicated issue of the Journal
of Agromedicine with a focus on the Socio-Ecological Model
were funded in part by the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health via the National Childrens
Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety (NIOSH
2U54OH009568) and the National Farm Medicine Center.
1. Brofenbreener U. The Ecology of Human Development:
Experiments by Nature and Design. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press; 1979.
2. Images of Socio-ecological model.
g&biw=1152&bih=616. Accessed May 22, 2017.
Table 1. An intervention, based on the SEM, of a national-level campaign to Safeguard youth operating tractors.
Policy Federal child labor laws in agriculture would be changed to set a minimum age of 16 years to operate tractors on
public roads and 14 years to operate tractors on private land. The family farm exemption would be eliminated.
Federal and state OSHA would establish minimum age limits for all safety standards and would require workers
younger than 18 years to wear seatbelts and operate only tractors with ROPS. OSHA standards regarding tractor
operations would be enforceable on all farms regardless of number of employees.
Institution/organization Tractor manufacturers (e.g., via Association of Equipment Manufacturers [AEM] trade association) would publicly
announce a position statement that supports the OSHA standard. Agribusinesses would require compliance with
federal/state laws and OSHA standards as an expectation of entities from whom they purchase products. National
FFA would set a national standard that their Student Agricultural Experience (SAE) ensure youth are in settings
where they comply with this safety standard and announce their position via National FFA communication
mechanisms that reach advisors, members, and alumni. Other organizations such as the American Academy of
Pediatrics would post a position on this safety standard. The national media would publish stories about this
national campaign to protect young tractor operators. Media stories of lives saved would begin to shift traditional
thinking about guidelines for young people operating tractors.
Community A comprehensive social marketing campaign would be launched to Safeguard Youth Operating Tractors.The
campaign would be crafted with messages and dissemination strategies based on stakeholder input. Using targeted
campaign messages, including social media outlets at the regional and local level, FFA Chapters, schools, and faith-
based groups would facilitate efforts of farm owners to ensure any tractors operated by youth are safely equipped.
Incentives would be provided by local insurers and bankers, offering economic aid for farmers needing financial
assistance to upgrade their tractors operated by youth. These community groups would promulgate the campaign
messages and, where appropriate, the position statements issued by national-level organizations. School-based
activities would no longer promote ride your tractor to schoolevents but would emphasize campaign messages
and facilitate tractor safety certification programs. Community-level advocates for the campaign would be trained to
deal with controversies surrounding the tractor topic.
Interpersonal Peer groups, friends, and relatives would share Safeguard youth operating tractorscampaign materials and openly
encourage farm owners and parents to adopt the recommended practices and OSHA standards. These people would
reach out to underserved, hard-to-reach farm owners (e.g., niche farms, special populations) with the same
information and expectations regarding youth involved in agricultural work.
Adult Farm parents, farm owners, and employers would acknowledge the multilevel pressure being exerted to change
farm practices and comply with the new OSHA standard by not allowing youth to operate tractors unsafely.
Child/youth Young tractor operators would have strict safety standards set, having access only to ROPS tractors as well as
knowing and understanding they are required to wear seatbelts.
302 B. C. LEE ET AL.
Downloaded by [University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire] at 07:41 30 August 2017
3. World Health Organization. The ecological framework.
approach/ecology/en/. Accessed May 22, 2017.
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2015. The
social-ecological model: a framework for prevention.
social-ecologicalmodel.html. Accessed July 3, 2017.
5. Sallis JF, Owen N, Fisher EB. Ecological models of
health behavior. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath
K, eds. Health Behavior and Health Education:
Theory, Research, and Practice. 4th ed. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass; 2008:465485.
6. Castillo D, Hard D, Myers J, Pizatella T, Stout N. A
national childhood agricultural injury prevention
initiative. J Agric Saf Health. 1998;4:183191.
7. National Committee for Childhood Agricultural Injury
Prevention. Children and Agriculture: Opportunities for
Safety and Heatlh. Marshfield, WI: Marshfield Clinic;
8. National Center of Excellence for the Prevention of
Childhood Agricultural Injury (RFA: OH-14-005);
Grant Application Submitted to National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health. Marshfield, WI:
Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation; 2014.
9. Gallagher SS. Characteristics of evaluated childhood
agricultural safety interventions. J Agromedicine.
2012;17:109126. doi:10.1080/1059924X.2012.664033.
10. Baron SL, Beard S, Davis LK, et al. Promoting integrated
approaches to reducing health inequities among low-
income workers: applying a social ecological framework.
Am J Ind Med. 2014;57:539556. doi:10.1002/ajim.v57.5.
11. Robinson T. Applying the socio-ecological model to
improving fruit and vegetable intake among low-
income African American. J Community Health.
2008;33:395406. doi:10.1007/s10900-008-9109-5.
12. Springfeldt B, Thorson J, Lee B. Swedens thirty-year
experience with tractor rollovers. J Agric Saf Health.
1998;4:173180. doi:10.13031/2013.15355.
13. Reynolds SJ, Goves W. Effectiveness of roll-over pro-
tective structure in reducing farm tractor fatalities. Am
J Prev Med. 2000;18:6369. doi:10.1016/S0749-3797(00)
14. Rauscher KJ, Myers DJ. Occupational fatalities among
young workers in the United States: 2001-2012. Am J
Ind Med. 2016;59:445452. doi:10.1002/ajim.v59.6.
Downloaded by [University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire] at 07:41 30 August 2017
... Climate anxiety may manifest in heightened mental health symptoms such as panic, obsessive thinking, and functional impairments that interfere with daily life. (Crandon et al. 2022;Lee et al. 2017) The use of a Climate Anxiety Scale (Clayton and Karazsia 2020) to select our sample ensured that we were talking to youth who were emotionally affected by climate change. To fill an important gap in the current literature, we center the voices of those with lived experience in climate distress, bringing their own words to the forefront. ...
... Once coding was completed, we carried out the thematic analysis by organizing the data according to Crandon et al. 's adapted Social Ecological Model (SEM) for climate distress (Crandon et al. 2022;Lee et al. 2017). This framework was selected as it was specifically focused on youth Table 3. Focus group breakdown for time of school entry and grade level. ...
... Below, we present our findings at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels of influence based on Crandon et al.'s framework (Crandon et al. 2022). Crandon et al. developed an adapted this SEM (Lee et al. 2017) specific to climate anxiety among children and adolescents after a thorough literature review (Crandon et al. 2022). Figure 2 below provides a summary of multi-level experiences on climate distress based on that SEM. ...
... However, such practices cannot be singly intervened, and these practices must also be accompanied by solid social relationship variables, communities, and society that initiate them simultaneously. The approach using the Social Ecology Model (SEM) method was studied by Lee, Bendixsen, Liebman, and Gallagher (2017), Noboru et al. (2020), and Thiagarajan and Jayasingh (2023), which produces several bullying prevention strategies that can be used at every level of the individual, social relations, community, and society at the same time. This method is considered more effective in preventing bullying (Akoto, Nketsia, Opoku, Fordjour, & Opoku, 2022;Patel & Quan-Haase, 2022). ...
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This research aims to find out how to reduce cases of violence among elementary school students by uncovering solutions and their implementation. Currently, violence among students is rampant in Indonesia. The 2018 Program for International Student Assessment data show that students who report having experienced violence are above the average for OECD member countries. This research method uses a qualitative approach supported by focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with elementary school teachers and principals. The research results obtained nine themes: oppression as a problem, causes, impacts of oppression, institutional, curricular, cultural, religious, family intervention, current challenges, and recommendations. Curricular factor interventions include educational curricula and behavioral principles based on culture and customs. Extracurricular interventions include the application of values and norms. Additional interventions include socializing anti-violence values and norms to inspire students to be more enthusiastic about learning and increasing the role of parents at home. This research found an ideal combination of curricular and extracurricular activities to prevent cases of bullying at school. The curriculum on cultural values, customs, and institutions also determines the components that will help students have good morals and avoid violence inside and outside school.
... SEM places individuals and their health behaviors in the broader contexts of interpersonal interactions, social institutions, communities, and public policies. 38 This is not a novel approach; several studies have combined HBM with SEM to understand health behaviors within a cultural context. Authors of a qualitative study about Chinese Americans' attitudes toward obesity risk used this combined framework to identify cultural contributions to obesity prevalence. ...
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Objectives Extended-stay hotels (ESH) are a reliable and accessible housing option for low-income, minoritized renters, who are disproportionately exposed to secondhand and thirdhand cigarette smoke (SHS and THS). This study explores ESH residents’ perceptions of their SHS and THS exposure, harms related to this exposure, their willingness to mitigate these harms, and the contextual factors associated with smoking in hotels. Methods Eighty ESH renters from the metropolitan Atlanta region were recruited to complete a survey about the perceived harm and persistence of tobacco smoke, exposure experiences, knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to protect oneself. Eleven of these participants completed semi-structured interviews, during which they discussed their daily SHS and THS exposure at their ESHs in greater detail. Results Of the survey respondents, 62% reported being bothered by their level of smoke exposure, and 77% said they believed smoke particulates remained in their rooms even after housekeeping cleaned them. Approximately half of survey respondents had attempted to stop smoking in the 3 months prior to the study, and 29 of these individuals were still on their smoking cessation journeys. Most interview participants agreed that SHS and THS exposure exacerbated their existing chronic illnesses and could possibly result in death in the long term. Participants agreed with the benefits of smoke-free policies, but also acknowledged other priorities for ESH living—affordability, safety, and proximity to the workplace—that overshadowed their desires for such policies. Conclusion Overall, study findings suggest that ESH renters understand the dangers of smoking and SHS/THS and want to decrease their exposure, but the persistence of cultural and contextual factors prevents them from fully engaging with 100% smoke-free policies.
... The socio-ecological model provides a critical conceptual framework to understand the multiple influences on individual health [22]. This model provides a holistic understanding of individual health promotion and focuses on the interconnections between individuals, organizations, communities, and societies [23]. ...
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Healthy community assessment standards significantly influence community design and planning and are an important measure of a community’s ability to support health and well-being. Previous studies have mostly focused on built-environment indicators. However, building a healthy community is a complex issue involving multiple dimensions and factors. The consideration of the full range of health promotion factors is the key to determining their potential impact on individuals’ health. It is necessary to consider multiple perspectives to deepen the understanding of community health influences and enhance the effectiveness of the implementation of the assessment standards. The socio-ecological model (SEM) provides a critical framework for understanding the multiple influences on individual health. In this study, a two-dimensional interdisciplinary analytical framework of “socio-ecological factors–development goals” is developed by integrating development goals that summarize building considerations in assessment standards. Contextual analysis is used to examine the provisions of the following assessment standards: Assessment Standard for Healthy Community (ASHC), Assessment Standard for Healthy Retrofitting of Existing Residential Area (ASHRERA), WELL Community Standard (WELL), and Fitwel Certification System of Community (Fitwel). The results show that community and organization factors are used more than interpersonal and policy factors among the four standards. Humanistic constructions lack attention in the ASHC and ASHRERA standards compared with the other standards. The differences between the four standards indicate that there is a need to focus on regional features and develop locally adapted interventions. This study offers a novel exploration of the potential effectiveness of healthy community assessment standards from a multidisciplinary perspective. The results of this study support standard-setters and planners in the development of interventions to improve building healthy communities using intersectionality frameworks.
... The tailoring of occupational safety and health materials for youth should also account for the industrial sectors where most youth work and include relevant and relatable examples. These examples may need to vary by geographic region, especially where agricultural jobs are more common and where young people commonly work on family farms (Kraybill et al., 2012;Lee et al., 2017). Safety Matters is currently being updated with consideration to its relevance for diverse populations to better enable all young workers to obtain the maximum benefit from the program. ...
... Further evidence supports the effectiveness of online interventions for changing attitudes and behaviours within a social network, using a range of behaviour change mechanisms (e.g., social norms, social support, and social learning) [56,57]. These approaches can be understood within the context of the socio-ecological model of human behaviour, which conceptualises behavioural outcomes as stemming from interactions between the individual, their closest social circle, the wider community, and society more broadly [58,59]. According to this model, individuals operate within different social environments (e.g., home, school, workplace, community groups), creating 'spill over' effects, where behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs from one social environment can influence another (or from one social network to another). ...
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Background Farmers face numerous barriers to accessing professional mental health services and instead report a preference for informal support systems, such as lay or peer networks. Farmers also experience barriers to investing time in maintaining or improving their wellbeing, stemming from sociocultural norms and attitudes that are widespread in agricultural communities. The Vocal Locals social network campaign is an ifarmwell initiative that aims to promote conversations about wellbeing and challenge attitudes and behaviours that contribute to farmers’ poor mental health. Methods The Vocal Locals campaign was underpinned by the socio-ecological model which explains human behaviour as stemming from interactions between the individual, their closest social circle, the community, and broader society. The campaign ran in Loxton, South Australia, from June to August 2022. Ten community members (8/10 farmers) became ‘Vocal Locals’ and were supported to share ‘calls-to-action’ to encourage people in their social networks to engage in wellbeing-promoting activities. A broader communications campaign reinforced key messages and amplified Vocal Locals’ activities in the community. The intrapersonal and community-level impacts of the campaign were evaluated via pre- and post-campaign surveys of Vocal Locals and community members respectively. Results Vocal Locals reported significantly lower psychological distress (p = .014), and higher positive mental wellbeing (p = .011), levels of general mental health knowledge (p = .022), and confidence helping someone with poor mental health (p = .004) following the intervention. However, changes in stigmatising beliefs about mental illness, confidence recognising poor mental health, and confidence and comfort speaking to others about mental health were non-significant. Community members who were familiar with the campaign reported having significantly more wellbeing-related conversations post-campaign compared to before (p = .015). Respondents also reported being more comfortable speaking to others about mental health or wellbeing (p = .001) and engaging more in activities to maintain or improve their wellbeing (p = .012) following the campaign. Conclusions The Vocal Locals social network campaign is an example of how science and community can be brought together to achieve meaningful outcomes. The campaign may serve as a model for others who wish to challenge attitudinal or knowledge-related barriers to help-seeking and improve engagement in wellbeing-promoting activities in difficult-to-reach communities.
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Background In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), maternal mental health (MMH) during and after pregnancy is often neglected despite ongoing global efforts to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. The complex nature of MMH problems and their stigmatization require a thorough understanding from the perspective of the different parties involved. Hence, we assessed the drivers of MMH problems, challenges in seeking help, and perceptions towards emotional and psychological support for pregnant women among four stakeholder groups in Western Kenya. Methodology A qualitative approach was taken to examine the perspectives towards MMH among mothers, fathers, nurses and community health workers (CHWs). Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were organized among the four groups. Participants were drawn from three hospitals in Kisumu County, Western Kenya. The socio-ecological model for health behavior structured the analyses, with an initial deductive approach. The identification of specific themes within each level was conducted inductively. Additionally, suggestions for locally acceptable MMH care were collected. Results In total, ten FGDs were held with 73 participants. We found a large level of consensus among stakeholders regarding common causes, consequences and coping strategies for MMH challenges, such as poverty, stigma, intimate partner violence and a lack of social support. In contrast to mothers, fathers also highlighted domestic disputes stemming from disagreements over (resuming) sexual activity. Nurses predominantly mentioned medical consequences of MMH challenges, while CHWs had a more holistic perspective. Participants expressed a need and made recommendations for contextualized MMH care, particularly for a group-based intervention led by CHWs with partner involvement. Conclusions The findings show that there is a need for MMH support in rural, low-resource settings. Mothers and CHWs showed a high level of convergence illustrating the importance of the liaison function of the CHWs between the nurses and mothers. Group-based MMH care was perceived as suitable by all stakeholders. The results of this study guided the design of an MMH intervention that was tested for feasibility and acceptability in the same setting.
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The purpose of this study was to analyze Sweden's experience of farm tractor rollover injuries over three decades during which policy requirements for safety features on tractors were first introduced and then later strengthened. The incidence of fatal and nonfatal tractor rollover injuries was compared with the proportion of farm tractors with and without rollover protective structures (ROPS) at different times from the late 1950s up to 1990. From the period 1957-1964 to the period 1986-1990 rollover fatalities decreased from 12 to 0.2 per 100,000 farm tractors. During that same period, the total number of Swedish farm tractors rose by 275% and the proportion of those tractors equipped with ROPS increased from 6% to 93%. The Swedish approach for prevention of fatal and nonfatal tractor rollover injuries was successful, emphasizing the value of public policy requiring ROPS on farm tractors.
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Background: Nearly one of every three workers in the United States is low-income. Low-income populations have a lower life expectancy and greater rates of chronic diseases compared to those with higher incomes. Low- income workers face hazards in their workplaces as well as in their communities. Developing integrated public health programs that address these combined health hazards, especially the interaction of occupational and non-occupational risk factors, can promote greater health equity. Methods: We apply a social-ecological perspective in considering ways to improve the health of the low-income working population through integrated health protection and health promotion programs initiated in four different settings: the worksite, state and local health departments, community health centers, and community-based organizations. Results: Examples of successful approaches to developing integrated programs are presented in each of these settings. These examples illustrate several complementary venues for public health programs that consider the complex interplay between work-related and non work-related factors, that integrate health protection with health promotion and that are delivered at multiple levels to improve health for low-income workers. Conclusions: Whether at the workplace or in the community, employers, workers, labor and community advocates, in partnership with public health practitioners, can deliver comprehensive and integrated health protection and health promotion programs. Recommendations for improved research, training, and coordination among health departments, health practitioners, worksites and community organizations are proposed.
The problem of children being injured as a result of living, visiting or working on a farm has been recognized for several decades. Although many individuals and groups have crusaded for the prevention of childhood agricultural injuries over the years, until recently, there has not been a national coordinated effort. In fiscal year (FY) 1997 the U.S. Congress provided targeted funding to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to implement a National Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative. NIOSH goals for the initiative are to fill critical data needs; establish an infrastructure which facilitates the use of data to develop and improve upon prevention efforts; encourage the use of effective prevention strategies by the private and public sectors; and, to increase the involvement of the private sector in both prevention and research efforts. A panel of experts in agricultural injury surveillance was convened to evaluate existing surveillance programs and identify the most promising strategies for surveillance. NIOSH has funded research grants in a number of priority areas, including: etiology; outcomes of youth farm work and injuries; intervention strategies; and, evaluation of commonly used educational or training programs. Through a cooperative agreement, the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety was established. The Center will coordinate and promote the use of state-of-the art prevention information and organize multiperspective teams which will use consensus-building to arrive at recommended guidelines. A government agency task force will work toward facilitating a coordinated and informed public response, and a workshop will be held to begin exploring mechanisms for involving the private sector in research and prevention efforts. Language: en
The goal of this paper was to examine interventions focused on childhood agricultural safety since the last general assessment conducted for the 2001 Summit on Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention. The objectives were to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the knowledge base and identify challenges to and recommendations for improving programs, interventions, and policies. Published literature from 2001 to 2009 was identified and reviewed. We found 26 studies evaluating the effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing farm-related injuries to children. There were mixed results in a number of studies, weak methods in many, and a lack of randomized controlled trials, in particular. Most interventions focused on the individual level of the socio ecological model and only on education as a strategy, with behavior change and knowledge acquisition as the objectives. Although more studies have been published in recent years, the quality of the research and intervention design has not necessarily improved. Based upon this review, key recommendations for future childhood agricultural safety interventions are proposed.
Objective: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of roll-over protection structures (ROPS) as an engineering control for prevention of fatalities from farm tractor roll-overs. Methods: Using a systematic approach to literature searching, relevant studies from peer-reviewed journals, technical and government reports, and unpublished reports were retrieved. Studies meeting initial criteria for possible inclusion were screened to determine whether they addressed the review topic (ROPS), included comparison data and included outcomes data such as injury or fatality. Articles that evaluated the use and impact of ROPS on operators of agricultural tractors were reviewed. Outcomes included two primary categories: implementation of ROPS and fatalities. Main results: Of a total 207 citations reviewed, 53 met initial screening criteria and 21 studies were included in this review. Farm tractor roll-overs result in approximately 200 fatalities per year in the United States. ROPS or crush-proof cabs, which are designed to protect the farmer during a roll-over incident, are currently used on only about 50% of the estimated 4.8 million tractors in the United States. A significant proportion of tractors built after 1985 (when manufacturers began implementing a voluntary ROPS standard) have had ROPS removed. Evidence from Sweden and other Northern European countries clearly demonstrates that ROPS can essentially eliminate roll-over fatalities. In the United States, the only fatalities associated with roll-overs of ROPS-equipped tractors occurred when farmers did not use a seatbelt to hold them within the protective envelope of the ROPS. Estimates of costs of programs to retrofit older tractors with ROPS range from approximately 500,000to500,000 to 900,000 per life saved, which is comparable to other accepted life-saving interventions. Conclusions: Future research efforts should include the development of collapsible and telescoping ROPS that can be used in low clearance areas such as dairy barns and fruit orchards. ROPS retrofits also need to be developed for many older tractor models. Effective educational and incentive programs need to be developed to increase the acceptance and use of ROPS among U.S. farmers. A national policy should be implemented to ensure that all tractors operated in the United States are equipped with ROPS or crush-proof cabs.
Despite the growing body of literature that provides evidence of the health benefits of a diet high in fruits and vegetables, most Americans eat much less than the recommended amounts of this food group. Among those who are least likely to meet the USDA guidelines for the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables are non-Hispanic Blacks and individuals with lower incomes. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the dietary behaviors, focusing on fruit and vegetable intake, of low-income African Americans from a socio-ecological perspective, and to offer rationale for and guidance on integrating socio-ecological concepts into health promoting programs intended to improve dietary behaviors among this population. Based on the 12 descriptive studies retrieved in the review, dietary behaviors and fruit and vegetable intake among African Americans are the result of a complex interplay of personal, cultural, and environmental factors that can be categorized and described using the five levels of influence conceptualized by the socio-ecological model: Intrapersonal level (taste preferences, habits, and nutritional knowledge and skills), Interpersonal level/social environment (processes whereby culture, social traditions, and role expectations impact eating practices; and patterns within peer groups, friends and family), and Organizational, Community, and Public Policy levels/physical environment (environmental factors that affect food access and availability). The socio-ecological model provides a useful framework for achieving a better understanding of the multiple factors and barriers that impact dietary behaviors, and therefore can provide guidance for developing culturally appropriate and sensitive intervention strategies for African Americans. It is an integrative framework that shows great promise in moving the field closer to attaining the goal of improving dietary behaviors and nutritional status among African Americans.