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Enhancing resilience to wildfire disasters: From the “war against fire” to “coexist with fire

  • University of Porto, Faculty of Arts and Humanities


INTRODUCTION Wildfires are a societal and ecological issue of global concern (Smith, et al., 2016) for their number, burned surfaces, suppression costs, and mainly because of the escalating direct and cascading effects of very extreme events (e.g., Australia 1983, 1994, 2003 and 2009; Brazil 1998; Canada 2004 and 2016; China 1987; Greece 2007; Indonesia 2015; Italy 2007; Israel 2010; México 1998; Portugal 2003; Russia 2010; South Africa 1998 and 2000; Spain 2005; United States 1991, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2013) which are labeled as mega-fires (Maditinos, & Vassiliadis, 2011; Tedim, et al., 2013; Williams, & Hamilton, 2005; Williams, 2013; Williams, et al., 2011), catastrophic fires (Cruz, et al., 2012; Shvidenko, et al., 2011; Xanthopoulos, 2007), or socially disastrous fires (Gill, & Cary, 2012). These extreme events are rising in occurrence (Moritz, et al., 2014; Olson, & Bengston, 2015), mainly due to land management practices, climate change, urban sprawl in risky areas, and paradoxically, to suppression policies. Mega-fires behave erratically and dangerously (Werth, et al., 2016) and, despite growing wildfire budgets, improved coordination, better equipment and technology, trained workforce, and predictive services, exceed all efforts at conventional control, until there is a break in fuels or relief in weather (Williams, & Hamilton, 2005). Given their behavior, complexity, incapacity to be controlled, and the characteristics of the affected areas, “mega-fires are not solely a fire management problem, they are a societal problem” (Ryan, & Opperman, 2013: p. 208) and a political issue (Attiwill, & Adams, 2013). However, even in extreme weather conditions wildfire disasters are not an inevitability (Calkin, Cohen, Finney, & Thompson, 2014; Cohen, 2008). The current policy of “war against fire” (Arno, & Allison-Bunnell, 2002; Carle, 2002; Omi, 2005; Pyne, 2013), the all-out suppression aimed at intervening on all events, seems more and more inadequate to cope with the complexity of the phenomenon in which ecological, social, economic, and cultural components compound. Although the firefighting response and effectiveness has vastly improved with staggering costs, year after year extreme wildfires events occur with heavy damages and life toll, without evidence of a decreasing trend. Even more, the inadequacy of the “war against fire” (or fire exclusion paradigm) to cope with the incoming challenges and uncertainties imposed by climate change, demands a shift of approach. A wide body of scientific literature, and political strategies, have proposed new directions for wildfire management entailing “more resilience and a less combative relationship with nature” (Olson, & Bengston, 2015). Proposing a shift of paradigm from the “war against fire” to “coexist with fire”, the aim of this chapter is to discuss the concept of resilience, propose an operational framework to enhance wildfire resilience in the context of disaster cycle, and to present an innovative conceptual model to inform policy and practice inspired by the paradigm of “coexist with fire”. THE PARADIGM SHIFT FROM THE “WAR AGAINST FIRE” TO “COEXIST WITH FIRE” The “war against fire” paradigm: a SWOT analysis “Coexist with fire”: a new paradigm ENHANCING RESILIENCE IN WILDFIRE RISK MANAGEMENT: PROBLEMS, AND CHALLENGES Problems and challenges An operational wildfire resilience framework THE FIRE SMART TERRITORY: AN INNOVATIVE STRATEGY OF “COEXIST WITH FIRE” Fire Smart Territory: the concept CONCLUSION
When the wind of change blows,
some build walls, while others build windmills
Chinese Proverb
Wildfires are a societal and ecological issue of global concern (Smith, et al., 2016)
for their number, burned surfaces, suppression costs, and mainly because of the
escalating direct and cascading effects of very extreme events (e.g., Australia 1983,
1994, 2003 and 2009; Brazil 1998; Canada 2004 and 2016; China 1987; Greece 2007;
Indonesia 2015; Italy 2007; Israel 2010; México 1998; Portugal 2003; Russia 2010;
South Africa 1998 and 2000; Spain 2005; United States 1991, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2007, and 2013) which are labeled as mega-fires (Maditinos, & Vassiliadis, 2011;
Tedim, et al., 2013; Williams, & Hamilton, 2005; Williams, 2013; Williams, et al.,
2011), catastrophic fires (Cruz, et al., 2012; Shvidenko, et al., 2011; Xanthopoulos,
2007), or socially disastrous fires (Gill, & Cary, 2012). These extreme events are rising
in occurrence (Moritz, et al., 2014; Olson, & Bengston, 2015), mainly due to land
management practices, climate change, urban sprawl in risky areas, and paradoxically,
to suppression policies.
Mega-fires behave erratically and dangerously (Werth, et al., 2016) and, despite
growing wildfire budgets, improved coordination, better equipment and technology,
trained workforce, and predictive services, exceed all efforts at conventional control,
until there is a break in fuels or relief in weather (Williams, & Hamilton, 2005). Given
their behavior, complexity, incapacity to be controlled, and the characteristics of the
affected areas, “mega-fires are not solely a fire management problem, they are a
societal problem” (Ryan, & Opperman, 2013: p. 208) and a political issue (Attiwill, &
Adams, 2013). However, even in extreme weather conditions wildfire disasters are not
an inevitability (Calkin, Cohen, Finney, & Thompson, 2014; Cohen, 2008).
The current policy of “war against fire” (Arno, & Allison-Bunnell, 2002; Carle,
2002; Omi, 2005; Pyne, 2013), the all-out suppression aimed at intervening on all
events, seems more and more inadequate to cope with the complexity of the
phenomenon in which ecological, social, economic, and cultural components
compound. Although the firefighting response and effectiveness has vastly improved
with staggering costs, year after year extreme wildfires events occur with heavy
damages and life toll, without evidence of a decreasing trend. Even more, the
inadequacy of the “war against fire” (or fire exclusion paradigm) to cope with the
incoming challenges and uncertainties imposed by climate change, demands a shift of
A wide body of scientific literature, and political strategies, have proposed new
directions for wildfire management entailing “more resilience and a less combative
relationship with nature” (Olson, & Bengston, 2015). Advocating a shift of paradigm
from the “war against fire” to “coexist with fire”, the aim of this chapter is to discuss
the concept of resilience, propose an operational framework to enhance wildfire
resilience in the context of disaster cycle, and to present an innovative conceptual
model to inform policy and practice inspired by the paradigm of “coexist with fire”.
The “war against fire” paradigm: a SWOT analysis
The current paradigm generally matches wildfire threat, including mega-fires, with
huge suppression forces (Williams, & Hamilton, 2005), symptomatically acting on the
effects of the events and mitigating their consequences, but with scarce or no influence
on root-causes and on risk reduction, so resulting unfit in abating their number. This
paradigm of fire suppression and exclusion is grounded on a reactive apparatus of early
detection, and aggressive extinction, based on centralized government intervention,
military style organization, specialized fire crews and firefighting machinery (vehicles
and aircraft) owned or contracted, and pre-positioned investments (Lueck, & Yoder,
2015) (e.g., lookout towers; water points; fuel breaks; roads, and tracks; advanced
technology of detection, communication and weather forecast applied to danger
assessment), and passive measures (e.g., thinning, defensible spaces, clearing).
If wildfires are an enemy, addressing them by a “muscled attack” (Pacheco et al.,
2014) or “blunt response” (Guarque, 2014) is more politically expedient than
addressing the long-term fire prevention and management (FAO, 2011). The
suppression oriented model, emphasizing fire exclusion, is thus traditionally prevailing in
the political discourse, and welcome by the public opinion, due to its major politic
“profitability”, because it demonstrates that initiatives are taken (Plana Bach, 2004),
although without assessment about their costs and efficacy. Investments based on this
justification have a generally positive growth trend, mainly after large wildfire episodes
(Plana Bach, 2004). Pressure from the media and the public results in expenditures on
high-tech firefighting solutions, such as helicopters and air tankers, which emotionally
and psychologically resonate with the public opinion (Collins, et al., 2013; Collins,
2012). The suppression oriented model is usually inspired by an urban centric
perspective, where the traditional use of fire in management is excluded if not
criminalized, so rejecting contribution and ability or specific knowledge and strategies
about fire prevention, use and suppression by local communities (FAO, 2011).
The suppression model is efficacious on low-medium intensity fires, but
unresponsive in case of large and extreme fires, where only firing techniques such as
suppression fire (Montiel, & Kraus, 2010) can be decisive. Not fully exploiting the
opportunities and results of fire science knowledge and information, it is moreover
obsolete and unfit to cope the trend toward larger and more damaging fires in a next
future, since “The wildfire threat will worsen, with no end in sight, as long as the
current approach to wildfire management continues. By always aggressively
suppressing fires now, we are transferring worsening fire risks into the future” (Olson,
& Bengston, 2015: p.5). Although it is a common statement that the model is not
sustainable (Olson, Bengston, Devaney, & Thompson, 2015; Tedim, Leone, &
Xanthopoulos, 2015), it fits the public demand for total suppression, driven by an often
irrational assessment of the wildfire risk.
An evaluation of the suppression paradigm in terms of Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats by a SWOT Analysis (Ghazinoory, Abdi, & Azadegan-Mehr,
2011; Lu, 2010; Marino, et al., 2014; Meddour-Sahar, 2015; Suh, & Emtage, 2005) is
exposed in Table 1. In a situation of predominating Weaknesses and Threats, as clearly
shown in SWOT Analysis, where S<W, O<T (their number are 8 v. 20, 4 v. 10,
respectively), a possible strategy, out of the possible four based on pairing of factors
(S,W,O,T), is the WT one (called mini-mini or defending strategy), aimed at
minimizing and exploiting the possible changes of the weaknesses (Vulturescu,
Ghiculescu, & Tîtu, 2011). This strategy is consistent with the shift of paradigm and
alternatives towards more sustainable ways to “coexist with fire” (Moritz, et al., 2014;
Olson, & Bengston, 2015; Paton, Buergelt, Tedim, & McCaffrey, 2015; Smith, et al.,
Table 1. SWOT analysis of “war against fire” paradigm
Coexist with fire”: a new paradigm
In order to reverse the escalating trend of the impacts of wildfires in both social and
ecological systems, the new paradigm assumes that, as a natural process, fire has both
beneficial (e.g., ecological role in sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services, life-
sustaining tool for rural communities), and detrimental effects (e.g., conservation threat,
economic and social disruption, damages and fatalities) (Myers, 2006).
Accommodating these contrasting effects of wildfires is a true challenge for wildfire
management agencies (McGee, McFarlane, & Tymstra, 2015).
Coexist with fire” is a distinctive paradigm from the “war against fire”, because it
adopts a proactive and long term approach and is inspired by the need to look for more
sustainable solutions for the social construct of the wildfire problem. Nay the social
representations attributed to fire, the perceptions and beliefs of societies and
organizations demand a less conflictive coexistence between people and fire, which
involves complex trade-offs (ERIKSEN, & HEAD, 2014) to minimize its detrimental
effects. This requires participatory approaches and shared responsibility between
institutions and actively engaged communities at risk (McCaffrey, 2015; Moritz, et al.,
2014; Smith, et al., 2016), to make them fire-resilient (Olson, & Bengston, 2015;
Smith, et al., 2016) i.e. able to cope with fire “as a natural and inevitable hazard”
(Moritz, et al., 2014: p.64).
Approaches, programs, and policies in line with this perspective of wildfire
resilience are already ongoing (Table 2) and show that wildfire realm did not escape to
the resilience collective surge in science, policy, and practice that is still escalating
(Tierney, 2015). Programs such as FireSmart, Firewise Communities, Fire-Adapted
Communities mainly operate in Wildland Urban Interfaces (WUI), and act on the
characteristics of buildings and vegetal landscape by suggesting: i) protecting structures
by adequately wide defensible spaces around them; ii) eliminating flammable
vegetation in home ignition zone, adjacent to structures, to limit ember sources and
direct flame contact; iii) use of fire-resistant building materials for making buildings
safer and fire resistant (e.g., building codes); and iv) reducing the amount of fuel in
nearby areas, removing trees and brush and choosing suitable fire-resistant plants for a
firewise landscaping (CFA, 2011). A more effective approach is for local governments
to pass building codes, protection zone requirements, standards for subdivision design,
and some minimal land use restrictions to prevent building in very specific, highly
dangerous locations (Olson, & Bengston, 2015), making roads easily accessible to fire-
fighting crews (Kousky, Olmstead, & Sedjo, 2011), having an adequate water supply
and road access (CFA, 2011).
Table 2. Synopsis of approaches of resilient wildfire management frameworks,
programs and strategies
All the above mentioned frameworks neglect that the origin and root causes of
events are in the Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHNS) (Liu, Goodrick,
Stanturf, & Tian, 2007; Spies, et al., 2014) or Social-Ecological Systems (SES)
(Berkes, Colding, & Folke, 2003; Berkes, Folke, & Colding, 1998). They mainly
operate at landscape level, and cover portions of it, which are limited to single assets or
a community and the immediate surrounding spaces (Tedim, Leone, & Xanthopoulos,
2015). These actions realize a patchwork that only reduces the intensity and severity of
fires that enter the treated properties, but have no general effect; they just focus on the
vulnerability of the structures to decrease the WUI wildfire disasters, which are clearly
not a wildfire control problem but a home ignition problem (Calkin, Cohen, Finney, &
Thompson, 2014). Such fire resilience approach proposes fire adaptation, focused on
individual residents’ actions in an institutional vacuum (Abrams, et al., 2015; Steelman,
2008). Resilience programs and strategies appear as a more proactive, positive, and
transformative expression of wildfire disaster reduction; however, the use of resilience
encloses also problems and challenges discussed in the following section.
Problems and challenges
In wildfire scientific literature or political strategies, many times the term resilience
has been used without a clear definition of its meanings (e.g., Forestry Commission,
2014; Olson, & Bengston, 2015; Smith, et al., 2016). This is not a minor issue, for a
term with a long historical etymology (Alexander, 2013), used by diverse academic
disciplines and political arenas with different meanings, and serving different purposes
(Cretney, 2014; Cutter, et al., 2008; Manyena, 2006; Norris, et al., 2008; Reghezza-Zitt,
et al., 2012; Tierney, 2015; Weichselgartner, & Kelman, 2015; Welsh, 2014). The
concept of resilience is increasingly fashionable, attractive, and central to politicians,
stakeholders, and scientists probably due to “the ‘elasticity’ of the term and the
‘flexibility’ of the concept”, although with a danger “that the term becomes an empty
signifier that can easily be filled with any meaning to justify any specific goal
(Weichselgartner, & Kelman, 2015: p.1).
The plethora of scientific definitions of resilience does not diminish its pertinence
and value. Despite the absence of agreement on its definition, there is some consensus
on broad parameters of resilience, namely the capacity to respond to, and recover from,
or re-organize and change (Norris, et al., 2008) after a hazard event to reduce its
impacts (Cutter, 2014; Cutter, et al., 2008; Manyena, 2006; McAslan, 2010). So it can
be seen as a strategy for effective disaster preparedness and response (Cretney, 2014;
Norris, et al., 2008), while in political domain, it has been appropriated by neoliberal
ideology as a form of governance (e.g., Chandler, 2014; Tierney, 2015; Walker, J., &
Cooper, 2011; Welsh, 2014). Resilience can be a positive approach to reduce wildfires
negative impacts but it faces several challenges. The main problem stays on how
resilience is instrumentalized by political and economic elites to serve their powerful
interests, and used by institutional apparatus to fashion their structures just to guarantee
their persistence against external and internal factors of change (Welsh, 2014).
Resilience should neither be imprisoned in ideological constructions nor be a pretext to
legitimize the implementation of neoliberal actions focused on market, which make
citizens simple passive consumers of safety services sold by companies, instead of
political actors (Tierney, 2015). It is of paramount importance to avoid the idea that
resilience can only be built by technocratic expensive solutions. In a context of a
neoliberal technical-reductionist framework and a state-society relationship
characterized by a diminished state and superseded private–public partnerships
(Tierney, 2015; Walsh-Dilley, & Wolford, 2015), a segment of society can become even
more vulnerable due to an irreversible incapacity to prepare and to recover from a
hazard event. Resilience should not be a pretext to facilitate the abdication of
responsibility by the collective relocating it to the individual (Welsh, 2014).
In the process of coping with change and uncertainty crucial features of resilience
are resistance (or persistence), adaptation (or adaptability), and transformation (or
transformability). Resistance (or persistence) is the ability to conserve what we have
and recovering to what we were (Folke, et al., 2010; Pelling, & Manuel-Navarrete,
2011). Adaptation (or adaptability) refers to the capacity of a social-ecological system
to learn, change, and maintain within critical thresholds (Berkes, Colding, & Folke,
2003). Transformation (or transformability) is the capacity to create a new system
involving shifts in its attributes, including values and beliefs, the legislative frame, and
governance model (Olsson, Galaz, & Boonstra, 2014; Walker, Holling, Carpenter, &
Kinziq, 2004; Walker, & Salt, 2006).
A resilient society acquires and develops multiple endogenous abilities to cope with
wildfire, to reduce damages and avoid loss of life, focusing on readiness, on an
improved suppression response, on resisting to the event, and on resources to
compensate people who suffered losses. However, reaching all these goals in the most
efficacious and probably economic way is feasible if resilience building is integrated
with vulnerability and hazard reduction. It takes profit of the valuable research done in
the last decades on vulnerability and, in general, on disaster risk reduction. Anyhow
resilience is not a panacea; frameworks based on better integration of resilience,
vulnerability and hazard reduction could achieve better results. In order to fit with the
inherently wide scope of wildfire resilience and to clear its meaning to policy makers
and stakeholders, we propose the operational definition of wildfire resilience as the set
of capacities and characteristics of individuals and communities to take advantages of
the beneficial use of fire, to cope with its detrimental effects by modifying and
neutralizing the components which make fire a hazard, as well as recovering from such
negative impacts.
Building resilience thus requires: i) to address the structural causes of unwanted
wildfires; ii) to act on the likelihood of extreme behavior of wildfires; iii) to reduce
vulnerability i. e. exposure and fragility or sensitivity of the exposed elements.
Vulnerability and hazard represent different manifestations of disaster risk creation
(Lewis, & CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research -
Oslo), 2012) and influence resilience. Enhancing resilience in wildfire management
means to build strong local capacities supported by a shared governance system, where
people empowered can receive the assistance (e.g., information, resources) they need
from the state and public agencies.
A resilience building program starts with the integration of updated existing
knowledge to guide the operational practices. Resilience building is a dynamic,
complex, and long term social-ecological and behavioral construction, which requires a
comprehensive picture of community to guide the operational practice; it can hardly be
reached by using secondary data (Paveglio, Boyd, & Carroll, 2016; Tedim, 2012;
Tedim, et al., 2014) or a set of pre-determined non-contextual parameters or static
indicators (Coetzee, Van Niekerk, & Raju, 2016; Zobel, 2011). On the contrary, it
requires accurate data and contextual dynamic indicators to identify the fields for
intervention (Miller, et al., 2010). Resilience must be created and maintained by
individual and collective actors (i.e. individual, household, community and society
levels), and supported by an adaptive management process (Coetzee, Van Niekerk, &
Raju, 2016; Pelling, & Manuel-Navarrete, 2011).
An operational wildfire resilience framework
Resilience perspective can be seen in terms of how well society deals with wildfire
disturbances, using a holistic approach integrating ecosystems, the built environment,
the individuals, communities and society in an interrelational and place-based
perspective. Building wildfire resilience requires taking in consideration its different
dimensions: physical (e.g., robustness of buildings and infrastructures); organizational
(e.g., organization of the response apparatus); social (e.g., preparedness shelter, access
for evacuation). This holistic approach requires integrating knowledge from different
scientific domains (e.g., psychology, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, fire
ecology) looking for resilience building measures not just based on enhancing the
ability to withstand shocks (engineering resilience) but also adapting or even
transforming in response to them (Welsh, 2014).
Considering that wildfire can be changed in its characteristics (i. e. intensity and
severity) so reducing fire hazard and decreasing vulnerability, we propose an
operational framework with specific actions to enhance wildfire resilience (Fig.1)
which link it with the components of the disaster cycle (Deeming, 2013; Jakes, &
Sturtevant, 2013). Given the complex and dynamic interdependence between people
and nature in the construction of wildfire, risk should be seen through the lens of
social–ecological resilience (Berkes, Colding, & Folke, 2003; Folke, 2006; Folke, et al.,
2010; Miller, et al., 2010; Walker, B., Holling, Carpenter, & Kinziq, 2004) or
evolutionary resilience (Davoudi, et al., 2012; Simmie, & Martin, 2010), and
management of risk reduction (i.e. hazard and vulnerability) that takes place in the
context of everyday life (Cutter, 2014; Paton, Dougals, & Tedim, 2012).
Fig. 1 Wildfire resilience operational framework.
A resilient society should act on fire hazard by reducing the number of
anthropogenic ignitions, decreasing fire intensity and the rate of spread; on
vulnerability, by lessening the propensity of exposed elements to suffer damage and
loss (Birkmann, Kienberger, & Alexander, 2014) when impacted by a wildfire; and
finally by enhancing the capacity of response and recovery.
Fire Smart Territory: the concept
In the studies and strategies for resilience to wildfire two main scales have been
followed. One focuses on the engineering view of resilience, mainly by adopting
measures for the protection of homes and other assets. The other is referred to
landscape or forest management, based on the use of the term resilience as: (i) the
capacity of ecosystems to bounce-back, reproducing the floristic composition present
before the event (i.e., ecological resilience) (Lloret, Calvo, Pons, & Díaz-Delgado,
2002; Vaz, 2009); or (ii) interventions to reduce intensity and severity of wildfires,
consisting of change of fuel continuity, decrease of fuel load, use of silvicultural
measures, planned burning, grazing, control of access, and firefighting infrastructures
(Forestry Commission, 2014).
In both cases resilience is fundamentally aimed to reduce the impacts of fire, not
certainly to “coexist with fire” which requests an approach addressing all the phases of
disaster cycle and a local intervention at the scale of territory (Fig. 2), the latter
intended as a socially appropriated space, closely “interconnected with society on
different spatial, temporal and social scales” (Raffestin, 1980: p. 12). Territory
encompasses both the human, the natural and the ecological systems, and landscape as
the picture of their interaction (Raffestin, 2015), framed by power relationships and a
system of governance, where the choices and capabilities of the actors, influence the
conditions for wildfires to start and their impacts (Fig. 3). Building wildfires resilience
with a focus on the territory represents the opportunity both to understand the political
and social processes that are responsible for disaster risk creation and to support the
solutions to contain an eminently anthropogenic hazard.
Fig. 2 - Scale of intervention and measures from different approaches and programs
following the perspective of "living with fire" (A-“FireSmart: community protection”,
Firewise Communities”, “Fire adapted communities”; B- “Integrated fire
management”, “Fire smart landscape management”; C-“Community-based fire
management” [Source: (Tedim, 2016) ]
Fig. 3 - Territory, landscape and community relationship
Following such opinion, the novel concept of Fire Smart Territory (FST) has been
developed (Tedim, Leone, & Xanthopoulos, 2015, 2016). FST is “a fire prone territory
in which the integration of economic and social activities aimed at risk reduction and
conservation on natural values and ecosystem services is accomplished by aware and
well trained empowered communities, able to decide the objectives and practices for
preventing, controlling or utilizing fire” (Tedim, Leone, & Xanthopoulos, 2015: p. 224).
FST proposes:
(i) to overcome the general anti-fire bias, and reduction of the conflictive
relationship with fire, so sustaining its beneficial aspects while reducing the risks,
through understanding its role in natural and human systems;
(ii) understanding the wildfire problem in each territory not through sectoral
ecological or social approaches independently considered, but by a holistic approach,
grounded on the concept of CHNS or SES; fire is not a natural process with social
overtones but a social one, culturally framed and transmitted (Pyne, 2000);
(iii) the reduction of unwanted wildfires through the concertation of contrasting
interests (inside communities), the management of conflicts between individuals,
communities, and institutional bodies, and the integration of more wise and authorized
fire use in the daily activities of communities;
(iv) development of synergies and complementarities between prevention,
mitigation, preparedness, and suppression activities; and
(v) a new model of wildfire governance, based on shared and complementary
responsibilities and concerted roles of communities and institutions (Buergelt, & Paton,
2014), which is not shaped by neoliberal discourses and practices conceptions “that
involve symbiotic relationships among market and state actors” (Tierney, 2015: p.
1334) but based on a state-society relationship that recognizes citizens with rights.
The implementation of FST requires an empowered and trained society, assuming a
leading role in containing wildfires through ordinary and routinely actions in the daily
life, and not as an extra and dedicated activity (Paton, & Tedim, 2012; Tedim, & Paton,
2012). FST considers crucial avoiding that communities persist as indifferent or passive
spectators of suppression activities, and reluctant in assuming imposed and frequently
inadequate top-down prevention measures.
FST is not a “one size fits all” check list of procedures, but allows the development
of tailored solutions for building wildfire resilience. It is not based on the development
of technocratic measures but on low cost, nature-based, and social-based ones. It can
vary across space, and its configuration is determined by the choices, behaviors, and
resources of the communities where fires occur. Territories where wildfire problems are
mitigated or solved, could benefit from a certification system and be labeled with the
FST brand. The start of the process of operationalization of FST concept is September
2016, in three pilot areas in Portugal, in the frame of the research project FIREXTR-
Prevent and prepare society for extreme fire events: the challenge of seeing the “forest”
and not just the “trees".
At global or national level a program aimed to eliminate the presence of wildfires is
unrealistic, but at local level some anthropogenic sources of unwanted fires can and
should be eliminated, while in other places it will be just possible to reduce the risk at
an acceptable level. Wildfire hazard refers to a largely expected, predictable, recurrent,
seasonal phenomenon, characterized by concentration and repetition of anthropic
causes in some geographic contexts, resulting from a complex interaction among
anthropogenic actions and environmental predisposing factors. Building resilience can
represent the solutions to such options, but its surge in wildfire field is not accompanied
by a robust conceptualization and operational framework; the scientific community,
closed in disciplinary perspectives, has been unable to offer a proper answer to the
practitioners, creating the occasion for the political appropriation of the term, whose
outcome can be very different from the one communities expect.
A resilient society develops capacities at different scales to cope with wildfire, not
exclusively focusing on preparedness, or on resisting and recover from the event, but
also acting on vulnerability reduction and on the likelihood and behavior of wildfire
hazard. It should be intended as the set of capacities or characteristics of individuals,
assets, and systems to take advantages of the beneficial use of fire and to minimize its
detrimental effects.
FST fits with the need to accommodate resilience in different ways as assumes that:
(i) it is possible to reduce hazard likelihood and intensity, and it is possible to decrease
vulnerability; (ii) resilience is not a simple adaptive process based on the inevitability
of wildfires, but can result from deep changes in the organization an characteristics of
the social-ecological systems at risk. FST proposes low-cost social and nature-based
measures and does not share the resilience discourse as a neoliberal informed form of
governance that supports the shift of the burden of providing security from the state to
the individual. FST as a new strategy of wildfire risk management, adopting a social-
ecological resilience perspective, and establishing a new model of governance, appears
as a promising holistic approach.
This work was prepared in the frame of project FIREXTR- Prevent and prepare society
for extreme fire events: the challenge of seeing the “forest” and not just the “trees", of
which the first author is team leader, co-financed by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE 2020 - Operational Program
Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI Ref: 16702) and national funds by
FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal, (FCT Ref:
PTDC/ATPGEO/0462/2014). We thank both institutions for making possible the project
activities (From July 2016 to May 2019) which will make possible the implementation
of Fire Smart Territory concept in pilot areas in Portugal (
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Table 1- SWOT analysis of “war against fire” paradigm
Aggressive, hard, and fast attack to contain the size of fires, limit damages,
and cascading effects
Symptomatic and sectoral approach where wildfire is considered merely a
civil protection emergency issue
Capacity and priority to protect people and assets
Fits the public demand and expectation for intervention
Gives people a feeling of safety even in high risk areas
Supported by structural prevention measures (e.g., lookout towers, water
points, fire breaks)
Politically expedient and consistent with the short “political life” of
Gets efficacious support from dedicated legislative corpus
A better deployment of resources, equipment and technology can improve
Incapacity to act on the reduction of fire occurrence
Scarce attention to land management measures of prevention (e.g.,
thinning, silvicultural activities), and risk awareness
Criminalization of the use of fire as a management tool
Neglect the fundamental ecological role of fire in ecosystems
Episodic use of prescribed burning, usually by institutional actors without
acknowledging Traditional Ecological Knowledge of rural people
Attack mainly based on water use; no provision and reluctance for use of
fire-for-fire control methods, such as backfire or burning-out (“suppression
Wildfires easily overwhelming the extinction capacity of water use
Excess of expectation on the efficacy of the aerial intervention
Unresponsive during multiple simultaneous emergencies, and in case of
extreme and mega-fires
Difficult and costly intervention in WUI
Reactive in short term response to wildfire events, but diminished
importance as they are distanced by time
Approach to new challenges (e.g. climate change, societal changes) only
based on the reinforcement of equipment and new technologies, with
increases of costs
Resources mobilization concentrates on response instead of reinforcing
prevention and looking for the integration of the two
State centric and top-down legislation with little if any decision-making
powers at the local level
Disaster legislation skewed towards the response focus, with less attention
on the processes to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience
Command-and-control structures akin to civil defence and civil protection
Focus on building more the institutional capacity of firefighters than of
A top-down bureaucratic structure
Scarce concertation with local populations and lack of participatory
The political mandates appreciate and reinforce the suppression
organization, whose short-terms results are visible and politically expedient
The legislative corpus sustains the activity and continuity of the
suppression model
Media and public opinion pressure support the suppression model
The efforts of the organizational system to guarantee its own survival and
resist to accept changes
Potential increase of hazardous landscapes due to the changes of
connectivity of vegetal cover
Expansion of the wildland-urban interface
Increased frequency and intensity of weather extreme conditions (e.g., heat
waves, droughts) and longer fire seasons
Decreasing availability of water resources
Uncertainty on anthropic impacts on wildfire regimes
Uncertainty on the contexts in which wildfire management will operate in
Increased vulnerabilities (e.g., economics, social) to wildfires
Possible decrease of human resources availability in rural areas to support
voluntary firefighters, due to depopulation and ageing
Escalating of mega-fires
Limited financial resources to sustain the increasing and staggering costs of
Table 2 Synopsis of approaches of resilient wildfire management frameworks,
programs and strategies
Fire smart forest/
Use management activities to alter the forest fuels for fire management
purposes also at landscape level (Hirsch et al., 2001; Fernandes, 2008, 2010)
Forest blocks;
Integrated fire
management (IFM)
IFM focuses on fire’s ecological role, and its benefits and risks to society.
This is achieved by preventing damaging fires and maintaining desirable fire
regimes with beneficial ecological and/or economic roles in maintaining
ecosystem stability and sustainable land management and productivity.
(Myers, 2006; Pyeongchang Declaration, Korea, 2015).
conservation area,
landscape or region
FireSmart The approach to make sure that a house can survive a wildfire with little or Single home
no damage ( (Canada)
Ready, Set, Go!
initiative (RSG)
RSG initiative urges WUI residents to prepare their homes and property for
fire season, be prepared if they need to evacuate, and then go at the first hint
of danger (
Single home (USA)
Stay and Defend or
Leave Early Approach
Residents decide whether to stay and defend their property which requires
appropriated preparations in advance or to leave well before a fire threatens
but is not yet in the area (McCaffrey & Rhodes, 2009; Tibbits & Whittaker,
Single home
Firewise Community A community which takes appropriate measures to become more resistant to
wildfire structural damage (
Single home,
community (USA)
Fire Adapted
A knowledgeable and engaged community in which the awareness and
actions of residents regarding infrastructure, buildings, landscaping, and the
surrounding ecosystem lessens the need for extensive protection actions and
enables the community to safely accept fire as a part of the surrounding
landscape (
Assets; surrounding
community (USA)
Community based
A fire management strategy, sometimes independent of state or national
government support (Pronto, 2016) grounded on local communities in the
identification and application of land-use fires, wildfire prevention and
suppression (FAO, 2008).
National Strategy for
Disaster Resilience
In a disaster resilient community empowered people understand the risks
they are exposed to, have anticipated disasters to protect themselves and their
assets and livelihoods, work together with local leaders and in partnership
with emergency services to withstand and recover from emergencies and
disasters (
State; communities;
The National
Cohesive Wildland
Fire Management
Strategy (NCWFMS)
NCWFMS is a strategic push to work collaboratively among all stakeholders
and across all landscapes, using best science, to make meaningful progress
towards the three goals: Resilient Landscapes, Fire Adapted Communities,
Safe and Effective Wildfire Response. To safely and effectively extinguish
fire when needed; use fire where allowable; manage natural resources; and as
a nation, to live with wildland fire” (WFEC 2014;
State; communities;
landscape (USA)
planning program
Guidelines for building wildfire resilience into forest management planning
with the aim to reduce the likelihood and severity of fires in forests and
woodlands (Forestry Commission, 2014)
Forest (United
Fig. 1 Wildfire resilience operational framework
Fig. 2 - Comparison of the scale of intervention and the type of measures from different approaches and
programs following the perspective of "living with fire" (A-“FireSmart: community protection”,
Firewise Communities”, “Fire adapted communities”, “Risk-to-resilience continuum”; B- “Integrated
fire management”, “Fire smart landscape management”; C-“Community-based fire management”
(Source: Tedim, 2016)
Fig. 3 - Territory, landscape and community relationship
... Fire has also been used anthropogenically as an ancestral tool to shape landscapes, resulting in particular fire-dependent ecosystems, such as the UK's heather moorland (Dodgshon and Almered 2006;Yallop et al. 2006) and the Pyrenees grassland (Múgica et al. 2021). However, in recent decades, extreme fires have become more common, resulting in significant damage (Tedim and Leone 2017;Dupuy et al. 2020). In addition, wildfires are becoming increasingly prevalent and severe in temperate regions (Belcher et al. 2021;Stoof and Kettridge 2022). ...
... When combined with the difficulties presented in managing forested lands, particularly in areas experiencing high levels of rural depopulation, these factors have contributed to some of the most disastrous fire seasons on record (Moreira et al. 2011;Turco et al. 2014;Collins et al. 2019;Higuera and Abatzoglou 2021). Recognising that current strategies are not working, perceptions surrounding wildfires are beginning to shift away from just fire suppression-and from this the notion that societies should begin to 'live with fire' is slowly gaining traction (Tedim and Leone 2017;McWethy et al. 2019;Stoof and Kettridge 2022). ...
... Surveys have been commonly utilised in wildfire research to gather opinions on topics such as fuel management (McCaffrey et al. 2008;Fischer et al. 2014), firefighter safety (Flores and Haire 2022) and household preparedness for wildfires (Prior and Eriksen 2013). However, surveys have not been used to explore concepts around fire resilient landscapes, with most research developing theoretical frameworks instead (Smith et al. 2016;Schoennagel et al. 2017;Tedim and Leone 2017). Therefore, the use of survey methodology can address a knowledge gap as it can capture views from the wider fire community, going beyond merely the work published in the scientific literature. ...
Full-text available
The concept of fire resilience has become increasingly relevant as society looks to understand and respond to recent wildfire events. In particular, the idea of a 'fire resilient landscape' is one which has been utilised to explore how society can coexist with wildfires. However, the concept of fire resilient landscapes has often been approached in silos, either from an environmental or social perspective; no integrated definition exists. Based on a synthesis of literature and a survey of scientists and practitioners, we propose to define a fire resilient landscape as 'a socio-ecological system that accepts the presence of fire, whilst preventing significant losses through landscape management, community engagement and effective recovery.' This common definition could help guide policy surrounding fire resilient landscapes, and exemplify how such landscapes could be initiated in practice. We explore the applicability of the proposed definition in both Mediterranean and temperate Europe.
... Resiliência pode ser considerada uma estratégia para uma efetiva resposta à manifestação dos riscos, de modo a reduzir os seus impactos (Cretney, 2014;Norris et al., 2008), enquanto que, no domínio político, tem sido utilizada pela ideologia neoliberal, como uma forma de governança (Chandler, 2014;Tierney, 2015;Walker e Cooper, 2011;Welsh, 2014). Também tem sido instrumentalizada pelas elites políticas e económicas para servir os seus interesses e usada por muitas organizações para reforçar o seu poder (Tedim e Leone, 2017;Welsh, 2014). Resiliência não deve ser aprisionada por construções ideológicas, nem ser pretexto para legitimar medidas neoliberais focadas nas oportunidades de criação de negócios e que torna os cidadãos simples consumidores de serviços de segurança em vez de atores políticos (Tierney, 2015). ...
... Resiliência não deve ser aprisionada por construções ideológicas, nem ser pretexto para legitimar medidas neoliberais focadas nas oportunidades de criação de negócios e que torna os cidadãos simples consumidores de serviços de segurança em vez de atores políticos (Tierney, 2015). É importante evitar a ideia de que a resiliência só pode ser alcançada com mais recursos tecnológicos de custo elevado, ignorando a possibilidade de recorrer a um diversificado leque de soluções, baseadas no contexto social e económico das comunidades ou unidades espaciais que se quer tornar resilientes (Tedim e Leone, 2017). Resiliência não pode ser um pretexto para facilitar a desresponsabilização do Estado e a imposição aos cidadãos de certas responsabilidades (Welsh, 2014). ...
... Não só em Portugal, mas também noutras partes do mundo tem-se constatado que a política assente na extinção parece cada vez mais inadequada para intervir com a complexidade do fenómeno (Arno e Allison-Bunnell, 2002;Carle, 2002;Omi, 2005;Pyne, 2013). A comunidade científica tem demonstrado a necessidade de adotar uma política mais proactiva de gestão dos incêndios (Zimmerman, 2012) e, de uma forma crescente, há uma concordância em propor como alternativa o paradigma de "coexistir com o fogo" (Bovio et al., 2017;Curt e Frejaville, 2018;Moritz et al., 2014;Tedim e Leone, 2017;. ...
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Portugal é o país da Europa mais afetado por incêndios rurais, com uma incidência média anual de 3% da sua área florestal (Mateus e Fernandes, 2014). Contudo, os incêndios rurais não têm de ocorrer com a frequência, intensidade e severidade que têm manifestado. Eles não são uma inevitabilidade ecológica, pois: i) as ignições de causa natural representam <1%; ii) as secas, elevadas temperaturas e ventos fortes não são fatores determinantes pois não originam uma ignição, são apenas fatores predisponentes que facilitam a propagação e influenciam o comportamento do fogo; iii) as florestas não entram em autocombustão, mas a sua composição, estrutura e continuidade facilitam a propagação, influenciam a intensidade do fogo, a frequência e distância das projeções e a extensão da área ardida. 1 Os incêndios rurais são, fundamentalmente, um problema socioecológico (Tedim et al., 2018) pouco compreendido, pois o conhecimento científico proveniente da ecologia do fogo, da engenharia florestal, da silvicultura e das ciências sociais tem evoluído independentemente, sem interação. O conhecimento disciplinar não pode ser simplesmente combinado para compreender um sistema complexo (Norgaard, 2008) como são os incêndios rurais pois, como disse Aristóteles, o todo é maior do que a simples soma das suas partes. Enquanto que países como a Austrália tem uma longa história de incêndios de elevada intensidade e desastres associados a muitas dessas ocorrências (p. ex. Black Saturday, 2009; Black Friday, 1939), em Portugal essa realidade é muito mais recente (p. ex. Valedo Rio em 1961, incêndios ocorridos em 2003, 2005 e, sobretudo, em 2017). O desastre de Pedrógão Grande ocorrido em junho de 2017, isto é, antes do início do designado período crítico de incêndios, é uma das ocorrências com maior número de mortos num único evento a nível mundial. Atingiu uma intensidade de 60 000 kW/m (CTI, 2017), isto é seis vezes mais do que o limite máximo de capacidade de controlo fixado em 10 000 kW/m. O incêndio da Sertã, ocorrido em outubro do mesmo ano, e, consequentemente fora do período crítico, atingiu uma intensidade de cerca de 100 000 kW/m (CTI, 2017). Para além da ocorrência de incêndios com intensidades extremamente elevadas e capazes de provocar desastres, há outras características do atual regime do fogo (Gill e Allan, 2009; Krebs, Pezzatti, Mazzoleni, Talbot, e Conedera, 2010) em Portugal que convém realçar: i) uma significativa variabilidade interanual da área ardida e do número de ocorrências, devido à influência das condições climáticas (p. ex. existência e características das secas) e meteorológicas; ii) aumento da dimensão máxima dos incêndios rurais (no final da década de oitenta do século passado ultrapassou-se o limiar dos 10 000 ha, já no início do seculo XXI atingiu-se mais de 20 000 ha, enquanto em 2017 foram ultrapassados os 30 000 ha); iii) os incêndios com mais de 10 000 ha tornaram-se mais numerosos; iv) maior frequência de incêndios que afetam a interface urbano-florestal; v) a repetição, na mesma região, de incêndios de elevada extensão (p. ex. Arouca 2005 e 2016; Monchique 2003 e 2018); vi) aparecimento de incêndios de grandes dimensões em áreas em que não era comum ocorrerem (p. ex. Picões, 2013). Num contexto de alterações climáticas, são esperadas em Portugal condições meteorológicas e climáticas que favorecem o aparecimento mais frequente de incêndios extremos (EWEs - Extreme wildfires events), que se caracterizam por serem eventos piro-convectivos, que ultrapassam a capacidade de controlo (intensidade do fogo � 10 000 kW/m; velocidade de propagação � 50 m/min), exibem projeções a distâncias superiores a 1 km e um comportamento errático e imprevisível (Tedim et al., 2018). Mas, mesmo em caso de incêndios extremos, os desastres não são uma inevitabilidade (Calkin, Cohen, Finney e Thompson, 2014; Cohen, 2008; Tedim et al., 2018). Com o objetivo de reduzir os custos sociais e económicos associados aos desastres, nas últimas décadas o conceito de resiliência tornou-se muito popular na comunidade científica (Alexander, 2013; Cutter, 2016a, 2016b; Manyena e Gordon, 2015; Weichselgartner e Kelman, 2015), na estratégia política de muitos países (p. ex. National Strategy for Disaster Resilience na Australia; A National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy, nos EUA) e na agenda política internacional (p. ex. Quadro de Sendai para a Redução do Risco de Catástrofes 2015-2030, Acordo de Paris sobre as Alterações Climáticas, Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU). A popularidade do termo resiliência nos círculos políticos explica-se pela sua imprecisão conceptual permitindo que os objetivos e motivações dos proponentes sejam muito variáveis e politizados (Cutter, 2016a). De facto, a plasticidade do termo e a flexibilidade do conceito levam a que o mesmo represente um vazio, que pode ser facilmente preenchido com significados diversos para justificar um determinado objetivo (Weichselgartner e Kelman, 2015). Não obstante a ausência de acordo sobre a definição de resiliência, há algum consenso sobre significar a capacidade para responder e recuperar depois de um perigo natural se manifestar, para reduzir os seus impactos de curto e longo prazo (Cutter, 2013; Cutter et al., 2008; Manyena, 2006; McAslan, 2010). A resiliência tem sido apresentada como uma das componentes fundamentais de uma nova abordagem da gestão do risco de incêndio rural (Olson e Bengston, 2015). Mas, o termo resiliência tem sido utilizado frequentemente quer na literatura científica quer em documentos políticos sem qualquer definição (Olson e Bengston, 2015; Smith et al., 2016). Em Portugal, pelo contrário, o termo resiliência é ainda muito pouco utilizado, quer pela comunidade científica (Mateus e Fernandes, 2014), quer em instrumentos de política (p. ex. o Plano Nacional de Defesa da Floresta Contra Incêndios, 2006, Programa Aldeia Segura, Pessoas Seguras – Guia de Apoio à Implementação, publicado pela ANPC em 2018) e, geralmente, sem ser objeto de definição. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um conjunto de reflexões sobre o conceito de resiliência e demonstrar que é possível construir uma sociedade resiliente, mesmo a incêndios extremos. Primeiramente, apresenta-se uma reflexão sobre o que significa resiliência aos incêndios rurais. Seguidamente, descrevem-se algumas das fragilidades da atual gestão dos incêndios rurais. Na secção seguinte discute-se como construir uma sociedade resiliente aos incêndios rurais. Finalmente, na conclusão sintetiza-se os aspetos fundamentais que mostram que é possível construir uma sociedade resiliente a incêndios extremos.
... O termo resiliência ainda é muitas vezes utilizado sem uma devida clarificação do seu significado (Smith et al., 2016). A ausência de um acordo para a sua definição torna o uso do termo versátil, usado com diferentes significados mesmo entre diferentes áreas científicas (Cutter, 2014;Cutter et al., 2008;Tedim & Leone, 2017a;Weichselgartner & Kelman, 2015). Genericamente entende-se que está relacionado com a capacidade dos elementos expostos ao risco, após a sua materialização responder, recuperar e organizar-se na tentativa de reduzir os seus impactos (Cutter, 2014;Cutter et al., 2008;Manyena, 2006;Manyena, O'Brien, O'Keefe, & Rose, 2011), e não há resistência que é a capacidade de um ecossistema resistir a potenciais mudanças (Torres, Marques, Alves, Costa, & Honrado, 2017). ...
... Pela sua versatilidade e indefinição concreta enfrenta vários desafios (p. ex utilização em interesses políticos ou económicos) (Tedim & Leone, 2017a). A resiliência não deve ser aprisionada em construções ideológicas nem ser um pretexto para legitimar a implementação de ações neoliberais focadas no mercado, o que torna os cidadãos consumidores passivos de serviços de segurança vendidos por empresas, em vez de atores políticos (Tedim & Leone, 2017a). ...
... ex utilização em interesses políticos ou económicos) (Tedim & Leone, 2017a). A resiliência não deve ser aprisionada em construções ideológicas nem ser um pretexto para legitimar a implementação de ações neoliberais focadas no mercado, o que torna os cidadãos consumidores passivos de serviços de segurança vendidos por empresas, em vez de atores políticos (Tedim & Leone, 2017a). ...
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Os incêndios rurais apesar de serem considerados um risco natural a sua origem é maioritariamente antrópica. Ocorrem na complexa interação entre os sistemas Humano e Natural. A atual política de gestão dos incêndios está centrada no paradigma da extinção, suportada numa ação rápida, contundente e musculada de extinção de todas as ignições. Esta política não resolveu nem controlou o problema dos incêndios rurais, evidenciando-se o colapso de todo o sistema quando eventos extremos ocorrem. É necessário encontrar novas medidas preventivas pró-ativas com múltiplos benefícios para o sistema humano e natural. Esta investigação adota uma visão holística do problema dos incêndios rurais e procura demonstrar os benefícios de uma política mais equilibrada entre a extinção e a prevenção capaz de reduzir a incidência dos incêndios rurais sobretudo em áreas de conservação da natureza. O objetivo geral desta dissertação é demostrar como os Serviços de Ecossistema podem ser utilizados para prevenir os incêndios rurais em áreas de Rede Natura 2000 (RN2000) tendo sido utilizado como estudo de caso o município de Arouca. A valorização de Serviços de Ecossistema que têm impactos a diferentes escalas e dos quais a sociedade é dependente para o seu bem-estar, podem ser associados à prevenção e resiliência a incêndios rurais. Desta forma a minimização do risco de incêndio é obtida através do desenvolvimento territorial integrado.
... To manage and solve the wildfire issue, technocratic approaches are often used, such as developing and using high-tech (and highly costly) equipment to detect and fight fire or decisionmaking led exclusively by a select group of experts with techno-scientific knowledge. This model has been amply critiqued in past years for paradoxically exacerbating extreme wildfires (Kreider et al., 2024;Tedim & Leone, 2017), as well as increasing social vulnerability by failing to work on aspects such as community strengths and capacities (Hermans et al., 2022). However, less attention is paid to how it also strongly reduces civil society's (pro)active roles in wildfire management. ...
... Now, rural social movements offer a glimpse of hope despite the major socioenvironmental impacts that wildfires often entail, such as in Villanueva or the Vall d'Ebo. These movements point to a proactive and resilient citizenry, diverging greatly from the social imagery of passive citizens, which predominates in technocratic viewpoints (González-Hidalgo, 2023;Tedim & Leone, 2017). Rather, these movements seek to reclaim local agency in matters directly affecting them, advocating for dialogue and collaboration with all wildfire-related actors to mitigate future wildfire disasters. ...
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In line with global trends, the Valencian Region (Spain) is experiencing increasingly extreme wildfires, exacerbated by entangled socioenvironmental factors like climate change, the human-nature dichotomy, and wildfires managed basically through technocratic approaches. Rural grassroots movements are emerging amid worsening wildfires, advocating for local agency to build socioenvironmental resilience in wildfire-prone territories. Inspired by these movements, we propose a transformative paradigm-a New Fire Culture-to elicit critical reflections on current wildfire management and build socioenvironmental just futures. By drawing on our experiences around the 2022 Vall d'Ebo and 2023 Villanueva de Viver wildfire events and resulting from an interdisciplinary deliberation process, we present a comprehensive analysis of the present wildfire context and suggest guiding principles for a New Fire Culture. Acknowledging its context-specificity, we call for transdisciplinary processes among local actors, academics, and practitioners to collectively explore and build a New Fire Culture within their socioenvironmental systems.
... Chega-se à conclusão da urgência de mudança de paradigma na política de gestão do risco de incêndio. O fogo sempre existiu no clima mediterrânico, era uma ferramenta de gestão da paisagem rural (Coughlan & Petty, 2012), daí a necessidade de acabar com a visão negativa do fogo e ter uma sociedade a "coexistir com o fogo" (Tedim & Leone, 2017a, 2017bTedim et al., 2018. Conciliar a visão negativa do fogo com as vantagens do seu uso é o maior desafio a incutir na sociedade (McGee, McFarlane, & Tymstra, 2015), a par da mudança orçamental que vise maior equilíbrio entre a prevenção e o combate (ICNF, 2014). ...
... Estes processos sociais passam primeiramente por uma mudança de paradigma na política de gestão dos incêndios rurais (Tedim et al., 2018) que pode passar pela valorização de atividades do quotidiano das comunidades, de serviços prestados pelos espaços rurais, serviços de ecossistema, serviços estes prestados para o bem público (Correia, 2017). Estas apostas são um contributo para a redução do número de ignições, da área ardida, e contribui para o desenvolvimento local e para a construção de paisagens e sociedades preventivas e resilientes a incêndios rurais (Correia, 2017;Tedim & Leone, 2017a, 2017b). ...
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Resumo A composição e estrutura da floresta do município de Arouca é relativamente recente. Tal situação deve-se às mudanças socioculturais no espaço rural, às políticas sociais e económicas e à criminalização de hábitos ancestrais, factos que levaram a que houvesse uma rápida alteração destes espaços, não acompanhada pela mentalidade da população residente e idosa. A busca excessiva por serviços de produção a curto prazo, remeteu para o esquecimento, um conjunto de outros serviços que contribuem para a valorização e gestão do espaço rural. Deste modo, pouco resta daquilo que podemos considerar floresta autóctone, tendo em conta as ameaças de incêndios, que se estão a tornar cada vez mais frequentes, de maior dimensão e que assumem características complexas. Por exemplo, em 2005 e 2016, ocorreram incêndios de grande dimensão que afetaram uma grande área de espaço rural. Neste último ano, verificou-se que foram afetados 30 000 hectares no município de Arouca. Decorrente destas situações, importa refletir o conceito de prevenção, nomeadamente, a gestão de combustíveis, a valorização dos recursos endógenos e atividades do quotidiano capazes de reduzir o número de incêndios, inclusive dos grandes incêndios que assumem características extremas. Abstract The composition and structure of the Forest of the municipality of Arouca is relatively recent. This is due to socio-cultural changes in rural areas, social and economic policies and the criminalization of ancestral habits, facts that led to a rapid alteration of these spaces, not accompanied by the mentality of the resident and elderly population. The excessive search for short-term production services has recalled to oblivion a set of other services that contribute to the appreciation and management of rural space. In this way, there is little left of what we can consider indigenous forest, taking into account the threats of fires that are becoming more frequent, more and more large and which take on complex characteristics. For example, in 2005 and 2016, large fires occurred that affected a large area of rural space. In the last year, it was found that 30 000 hectares were affected in the municipality of the county of the district. Due to these situations, it is important to reflect the concept of prevention, in particular the management of fuels, the appreciation of endogenous resources and daily activities capable of reducing the number of fires, including the large fires that take on the characteristics Extreme.
... Behind the reasons for such popularity seem to be a heightened sense of uncertainty (Dovers and Handmer, 1992), and the new challenges it is posing to human wellbeing and development. Wildfire research and practice is no stranger to these calls, and therefore the need for building resilience in the context of increasing wildfire risk is high in the political agenda (Cardoso Castro EFI and INIA, 2019;McWethy et al., 2019;Tedim and Leone, 2017). ...
In the Mediterranean basin, wildfires are a natural disturbance key to ecosystem functioning. But the scene is rapidly changing. Global environmental trends, particularly climate and land use change are increasing wildfire risk, and Extreme Wildfire Events (EWEs) exert an increasing societal impact in the Mediterranean area. These EWEs or “mega-fires” have a very high potential of doing significant harm to both humans and the environment, and they are challenging the fire suppression capacities of countries in Mediterranean Europe, despite the wildfire management expertise they cumulate. Against this backdrop, calls for building more resilient territories are common among practitioners, researchers, and policymakers across the wildfire community. However, attention is often absorbed by the emergency itself (“the flames”) rather than on the structural causes of the wildfire problem, or even the definition of the problem in itself. Consequently, what building more resilient territories means in practice is still largely unexplored territory. Wildfires are the product of complex interactions of social and ecological factors, which is increasingly being acknowledged in the literature. However, there is still limited research taking full accountability of this socioecological nature, and even less which is critically examining the socio-political dimension of the resilience building process. This is the starting point of this thesis. This PhD puts forward a framework that draws on social innovation, resilience theory, rural development, and wildfire literature in order to make socio-ecological resilience in the fire-prone territories of the European Mediterranean basin more concrete. It does so by acknowledging the value of the resilience concept for bringing together different disciplines while bringing on board the criticism that different strands of the social sciences have put forward, and trying to overcome it using social innovation insights. As a result, socio-ecological resilience is conceptualized as a process which is territorially embedded, and which strives to enhance societal well-being and sustainability for all in the face of change, be it expected or unexpected. Such conceptualization puts at the centre the meaning of societal well-being, which is understood to be context-specific, yet grounded on the universal principles of the need for a healthy environment, but also on the ethical imperative of building a more democratic and equal society for all. In applying this understanding to fire-prone territories, this thesis examines what “societal well-being” means in this context. In so-doing, this thesis defines fire-prone territories as the outcome of socio-ecological interactions over space and time, which in Mediterranean Europe are often linked to extractive relationships between the urban and rural realms, or the unbalanced allocation of resources for wildfire suppression versus prevention or forest management activities. This thesis operationalizes this framework across different regions within the Iberian Peninsula, in southwestern Europe, namely Catalonia (Spain), Valencian Region (Spain) and Portugal (country level). Each case serves to further develop the territorially embedded understanding of socioecological resilience, while incorporating nuance and direction with the support of social innovation theory. The results bring to light the importance of defining and delineating “the” wildfire issue by the communities affected, and how rural areas which are highly vulnerable to wildfire risk may not necessarily make wildfires their top priority, but how it is rather transversally connected to other challenges such as depopulation or institutional neglect. They also show how the pathways towards resilience are highly variable across territories, not only due to biophysical characteristics, but also due to cultural, historical or even collectively agreed responsible allocation. Consequently, the role of social innovation in building socio-ecological resilience in fire-prone territories has to do with issues as diverse as the collective deliberation for responsibility allocation (Who owns the risk? Who’s responsible for risk management?), the importance of allowing affected communities to have an active role in delineating the challenges they face and envision ways forward, or the facilitation of cross-scale dialogue through the creation of bottom-linked structures. By looking at socio-ecological resilience though a territorial, social innovation lens, this thesis goes beyond the usual articulations of the wildfire problem and understands it as a “territorially embedded”. In so-doing, wildfires are understood not as “the” problem which needs to be solved, but rather as the symptom of unbalanced human-nature relationships which are global in scope, yet local in their materialization. Consequently, this thesis brings to the table the importance of bridging wildfire governance and management to other sectors which have been traditionally disconnected from the wildfire conversation (i.e. rural development, spatial planning or food production) but with whom dialogue is unavoidable if long-term socio-ecological resilience is to be achieved in a global-to-local scale.
... The FST methodology addresses the physical, biological, and cultural dimensions that define wildfires, underpinning the change in basic assumptions from the current suppression-focused framework (Meyer 2015) to one of coexistence with fire (Tedim and Leone 2017). The FST framework for action values, on the one hand, nature-based solutions, in which ancient wisdom about fire uses is recovered within a planning framework that covers the risks of a major fire, and, on the other hand, social measures that result in reducing the probability of unintentional or deliberate fires occurring. ...
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The severity of the socio-economic, political, and ecological damage caused by forest fires each year requires action plans for disaster risk reduction (DRR). Despite efforts made to incorporate participatory mechanisms into risk governance, much of the research on disaster risk reduction in academia is conducted under the deficit model. This paper proposes public engagement as a mechanism for incorporating community-based knowledge, experiences, and practices into DRR plans. Based on the case study of forest fires in Galicia (Spain), developed within the MITIGACT project, we explore, through the analysis of in-depth interviews, how forest fires are defined, how disaster management plans are evaluated and what concrete proposals are considered. The results highlight the need to strengthen social governance at the local level and to balance the resources dedicated to the three phases of prevention, extinction, and recovery, moving from a linear to a circular model.
... Of particular interest are the diversity of motives behind these attacks, the variable levels of technical expertise displayed by those who plan and execute them, and the individual and collective impacts on victimized organizations. These considerations clarify why, given such a complex and unpredictable risk landscape, the traditional security approach, which rests on the untenable promise of being able to prevent or stop cyberattacks, is futile and should be folded into a more realistic and sober paradigm in which organizations learn to coexist with disruptive hazards [15]. ...
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The growing sophistication, frequency and severity of cyberattacks targeting financial sector institutions highlight their inevitability and the impossibility of completely protecting the integrity of critical computer systems. In this context, cyber-resilience offers an attractive complementary alternative to the existing cybersecurity paradigm. Cyber-resilience is defined in this article as the capacity to withstand, recover from and adapt to the external shocks caused by cyber risks. Resilience has a long and rich history in a number of scientific disciplines, including in engineering and disaster management. One of its main benefits is that it enables complex organizations to prepare for adverse events and to keep operating under very challenging circumstances. This article seeks to explore the significance of this concept and its applicability to the online security of financial institutions. The first section examines the need for cyber-resilience in the financial sector, highlighting the different types of threats that target financial systems and the various measures of their adverse impact. This section concludes that the “prevent and protect” paradigm that has prevailed so far is inadequate, and that a cyber-resilience orientation should be added to the risk managers’ toolbox. The second section briefly traces the scientific history of the concept and outlines the five core dimensions of organizational resilience, which is dynamic, networked, practiced, adaptive, and contested. Finally, the third section analyses three types of institutional approaches that are used to foster cyber-resilience in the financial sector (and beyond): (i) a thriving cybersecurity industry is promoting cyber-resilience as the future of security; (ii) standards bodies are embedding cyber-resilience into some of their cybersecurity standards; and (iii) regulatory agencies have developed a broad range of compliance tools aimed at enhancing cyber-resilience.
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