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Abstract and Figures

In this study we use Landsat 8 OLI satellite imagery in order to identify and map alteration zones in Limnos island (N. Aegean, Greece). Pre-processing included sea and vegetation masking. In order to enhance spatial resolution, data fusion to 15m is performed. A lineament map is extracted from the panchromatic image that gives the general tectonic view of the island. The detection and mapping of alteration minerals is performed using specific band ratios and consequent composite images. The colour composite using bands 10, 11, 7 (RGB) show the spectral signature and general distribution of silica. Band ratios 6/7, 4/2, 6/5, reveal alteration zones containing iron oxides, clay alteration and ferrous minerals correspondingly. The aforementioned analysis has shown that hydrothermally alteration areas in Limnos are located in the west part of the island and at the Fakos Peninsula, Sardes, Roussopouli and Paradeisi hill. These areas are compared and validated with the reported field work. We conclude that hydrothermal alteration zones can indeed be detected and mapped using medium resolution satellite multispectral data. However, for the identification and mapping of specific types of rocks and minerals, a sensor with high spectral resolution is required.
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Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Vol. 50, 2016
Anifadi A. Harokopeio University of
Athens, Department of
Parcharidis Is. Harokopeio University of
Athens, Department of
Sykioti O. Institute for Astronomy,
Astrophysics, Space
Applications & Remote
Copyright © 2016 A. Anifadi, Is. Parcharidis, O. Sykioti
To cite this article:
THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50, 1596-1604. | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, τόμος L, σελ. 1595-1604
Πρακτικά 14ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου, Θεσσαλονίκη, Μάιος 2016
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. L, p. 1595-1604
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress, Thessaloniki, May 2016
Anifadi A.1, Parcharidis Is.1 and Sykioti O.2
1Harokopeio University of Athens, Department of Geography, Εl. Venizelou 70, 176 71, Athens,
2Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing Vas. Pavlou & I.
Metaxa, GR-15 236 Penteli, Greece,
In this study we use Landsat 8 OLI satellite imagery in order to identify and map
alteration zones in Limnos island (N. Aegean, Greece). Pre-processing included sea
and vegetation masking. In order to enhance spatial resolution, data fusion to 15m is
performed. A lineament map is extracted from the panchromatic image that gives the
general tectonic view of the island. The detection and mapping of alteration minerals
is performed using specific band ratios and consequent composite images. The colour
composite using bands 10, 11, 7 (RGB) show the spectral signature and general
distribution of silica. Band ratios 6/7, 4/2, 6/5, reveal alteration zones containing iron
oxides, clay alteration and ferrous minerals correspondingly. The aforementioned
analysis has shown that hydrothermally alteration areas in Limnos are located in the
west part of the island and at the Fakos Peninsula, Sardes, Roussopouli and Paradeisi
hill. These areas are compared and validated with the reported field work. We
conclude that hydrothermal alteration zones can indeed be detected and mapped
using medium resolution satellite multispectral data. However, for the identification
and mapping of specific types of rocks and minerals, a sensor with high spectral
resolution is required.
Keywords: Satellite data, Landsat 8 OLI, Miocene Volcanism.
Στην παρούσα εργασία αναλύθηκαν τα δεδομένα του θεματικού χαρτογράφου Landsat
8, με σκοπό την διάκριση και αναγνώριση ζωνών υδροθερμικής εξαλλοίωσης στην
ευρύτερη περιοχή της νήσου Λήμνου. Η προ-επεξεργασία των δορυφορικών δεδομένων
αφορούσε την δημιουργία μάσκας της βλάστησης και της θάλασσας. Για να βελτιωθεί η
χωρική διακριτική ικανότητα στα 15 m έγινε συγχώνευση δεδομένων. Ένας χάρτης
γραμμώσεων παρήχθη από την πανγχρωματική εικόνα προσδίδοντας τη γενική
τεκτονική άποψη του νησιού. Η ανίχνευση και η χαρτογράφηση των εξαλλοιωμένων
πετρωμάτων πραγματοποιήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας λόγους καναλιών και ακολούθως
σύνθετων ψευδέγχρωμων εικόνων. Η ψευδέγχρωμη εικόνa 10, 11, 7 (RGB) δείχνει την
φασματική υπογραφή και την κατανομή των πυριτικών ορυκτών. Οι λόγοι καναλιών 6/7,
4/2, 6/5, αποκαλύπτουν ζώνες εξαλλοίωσης που περιέχουν οξείδια του σιδήρου,
αργιλική εξαλλοίωση, και σιδρούχα (Fe 2+) ορυκτά. Η ανάλυση έδειξε ότι οι
υδροθερμικά εξαλλοιωμένες περιοχές στη νήσο Λήμνο τοποθετούνται στα δυτικά της
Λήμνου, στη χερσόνησο του Φακού, στις Σάρδες, στο Ρουσσοπούλι και περιμετρικά στο | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
λόφο Παραδείσι. Αυτές οι περιοχές συγκρίθηκαν και τεκμηριώθηκαν με εργασίες πεδίου
που πραγματοποιήθηκαν από προηγούμενους ερευνητές. Συνοψίζοντας, οι
υδροθερμικές ζώνες εξαλλοίωσης μπορούν να εντοπιστούν και να χαρτογραφηθούν
χρησιμοποιώντας μέτριας ανάλυσης δορυφορικά πολυφασματικά δεδομένα. Ωστόσο, για
την αναγνώριση και χαρτογράφηση συγκεκριμένων τύπων ορυκτών και πετρωμάτων,
απαιτείται ένας αισθητήρας υψηλής φασματικής ανάλυσης.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Δορυφορικά δεδομένα, Landsat 8 OLI, Μειοκαινική ηφαιστειότητα.
1. Introduction
The goal of the present paper is to detect the hydrothermal alteration zones in Limnos Island, N. Aegean,
through the application of Landsat 8 OLI band ratios. The key elements in mineral exploration are to
gain understanding of geologic area through lithological mapping and to assist in defining target areas
of potential mineral interest. Remote sensing can assist and provide valuable information in bedrock
mapping, detection, identification and estimating affluence of specific minerals at a specific scale
(Ahmed and Beiranvand Pour, 2014; Sabins, 1999; Parcharidis et al., 1998; Hunt, 1977). In Limnos
Island, field geological studies have referred the detection of hydrothermal alteration zones in several
sites like Sardes, Roussopouli and Fakos peninsula (Papoulis et al., 2014; Fornadel, 2010; Papoulis et
al., 2009; Skarpelis and Voudouris, 1998). Positive results can be obtained using band rationing and
false colour using these ratios. Limnos island is located at the North Aegean sea in Greece. The island
occupies 476 Κm2 with a coastal line of 260 Km.To sum up the hydrothermal alteration zones can
indeed be detected and mapped using medium resolution satellite multispectral data but it is not
possible to identify and map specific types of rocks and minerals.
2. Geologic Settings
Figure 1 - Digitized geologic map of Limnos island (after IGME scale 1:50000). | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
2.1 Stratigraphy
Limnos is an island of Greece in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. The principal town of the island
and seat of the municipality is Myrina. The island is mostly flat (hence its more than 30 sand beaches),
but the west, and especially the northwest part, is rough and mountainous. The main gulfs are
Moundros and Pournia, but the rock weathering creates many coves. The areas with high frequency, a
dense hydrographical system and big slope use to be faults with direction NW-SE, NE-SW. Generally,
at the center and east of the island the rocks are permeable (Quaternary) so the hydrographical system
is poor. On the other hand, at the rest of the island the hydrographical system is dense (volcano rocks).
2.2 Geology
The geology of Limnos Island is characterized by a sedimentary background which is a basin-fill
succession. Hydrothermal alteration in the island is linked to early Miocene volcanism that occurred
in the broader north-eastern Aegean Sea and Western Turkey. The remnants of large stratovolcanoes
are present in specific areas in the islands of Lesvos, Limnos and Samothraki and in western Turkey.
The sedimentary rocks are flysch and molasse. They were deposited in NE-SW trending
postorogenic basin that formed as a result of normal faulting and extension during postorogenic
collapse of the Rhodope-Sakarya zone and were slightly folded prior to igneous activity. The
Tertiary sedimentary basement rocks can be delineated into two discrete units, the Upper Unit and
the Lower Unit. The Upper Eocene to lower Oligocene Lower Unit covers the majority of the island
and is composed of siliclastic continental slope deposits including conglomerates, sandstones,
mudstones, claystones and turbidites. The lower Oligocene Upper Unit has been deposited in a
shallower environment than the Lower Unit. Lower in its section, the Upper Unit is composed of
marine and brackish fluviodeltaic sediments including interbedded claystones and sandstones,
sandstones and sandy limestones. Towards the top of its exposure, the Upper Unit is composed of
terrestrial fluvial sediments including conglomerates and sandstones. The volcanic centers are
located in the western and southwestern portions of the island where volcanic rocks overlie the
sedimentary basement. The presence of the volcanic centers is delineated by domes and lava flows
that are accompanied by lesser agglomerate. The sedimentary basement is exposed at the surface in
the east and northeast of the island, distal to the volcanic centers. The volcanic rocks are divided
into three units: Katakolon, Romanou and Myrina. These rocks are early Miocene (21-18 Ma) and
demonstrate a calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinity. The lower-most Katakolon unit consists of NW-
SE trending K-rich andesitic to dacitic lavas. In places, it is interbedded with or is crosscut by
andesitic lava flows monomineralic breccias, sills and E-W trending dikes. Andesite and dacite in
the Katakolon unit yielded a K-Ar age of 20-21 Ma. The Katakolon unit is overlain by the Romanou
unit that is composed of K-rich dacites and latites. At its base, the Romanou unit is dominated by
ligh- colored lithic and pumice-rich pyroclastic flows that are up to 160m thick. To the west and
upsection, the pyroclastic flows of the Romanou unit are intercalated with volcanic breccias,
banakitic lavas, airfall tuffs and terrigenous sediments. Ignimbrites and andesites from the Romanou
unit yielded K-Ar ages of 19.8 Ma. The uppermost Myrina unit, overlies Romanou unit and is
composed of K-rich dacite with lesser amounts of andesite and trachyte, which are associates with
monomineralic breccias, lava lows, and lahars. Lavas, dackites and andesites of the Myrina unit
yielded K-Ar ages of 19.3 to 18.2 Ma. Both volcanic and sedimentary basements of Limnos Island
are overlain by a Pliocene to recent alluvial sedimentary unit that is composed of conglomerates,
calc-arenites and sandstones. Faults and joints cut-cross both sedimentary and igneous rocks. The
axes trend E-W and WSW-ENE to the WSW. Folding does not affect the Miocene volcanic rocks.
Limnos Island is located in the area of Aegean Sea that is characterized by a moderate positive heat
flow anomaly. This anomaly, in conjunction with active hot springs found on the island, indicate
that a steepened thermal gradient has persisted even after the end of observable igneous activity on
the island (Skarpelis and Voudouris, 1998; Fornadel, 2010). The presence of hot springs on the
island implies that brittle structures on the island play a role in conducting fluids (Fornadel, 2010). | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
2.3 Metal bearing
The area of Fakos peninsula is dominated by two large hills, the western Tourlida Hill and the
Petrospitos Hill both of which are 300 m in elevation. Their prominence is controlled by subvolcanic
intrusions that were emplaced into the sedimentary host rocks. The sedimentary basement on Fakos
peninsula is composed largely of medium-grained quartz - rich sandstones that were subjected to, and
cemented by a hydrothermal silicification event. Finely disseminated sulfides are pervasive in these
sandstones. The extrusive rocks on Fakos Peninsula range from shoshonitic andesites (latites) to
trachyandesites and trachytes. Towards the central portion of Fakos peninsula, the extrusive
sedimentary basement rocks were intruded by subvolcanic microporphyritic quartz monzonite. Much
of the southwestern portion of Limnos Island was subject to hydrothermal alteration along fault zones.
Four discrete zones of hydrothermal alteration based on clay mineralogy were defined as smectite,
illite, hallousite and kaolinite-dickite zones. The Fakos Peninsula like the rest of Limnos island is
crosscut by many major NE-SW and ENE-WSW-trending faults. These structures controlled the
emplacement of the subvolcanic bodies and facilitated the flow of hydrothermal magmatic fluids that
were responsible for metallic mineralization. Fakos quartz monzonite and adjacent host rocks were
locally subjected to intense hydrothermal alteration. In silica zones there is a metal bearing, to the south
of the area and especially to the quartz veins within the sandstones and to the quartz monzonite. At the
western metal bearing zone in the quartz veins with direction N55ο W και N70οE. The east metal
bearing zone, large 1 Km and wide 10m, is located about 600 m SE of the central zone and it is
characterized by the major concentration of gold of the Fakos Peninsula. In the Sardes area, a system
of quartz is developed inside the subvolcanic and sandstones and is connected with faults systems of
direction Ν55ο W, Ν70ο Α (like in Fakos area). In the Roussopouli area: three zones of black silification
are observed in the volcanic breccias. The silification is opaline and is connected with sericitic
alteration of the adjacent rock. The zone of alunite is developed up from the silicification zone. The
metal-bearing includes pyrite, marcasite and veinlets of silica (Voudouris and Skarpelis, 1998).
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Remote sensing data
Landsat 8 is the new product from NASA under Landsat open source series which has been launched
in February 2013. Landsat 8 data consist of 11 bands; 5 in the visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR), 2
in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum, 2 in the Shortwave Infrared
(SWIR) region, and 1 panchromatic band (band 8). The spatial resolution is 15 m for the
panchromatic band, 30 m for VNIR and SWIR bands, and 100 m for the TIR bands. Two additional
bands represent the difference between Landsat8 and the previous product (Landsat ETM+), a deep
blue coastal / aerosol band and a shortwave-infrared cirrus band (table 1).
Table 1 - Bands of Landsat 8.
Band 1 - Coastal aerosol
Band 2 - Blue
Band 3 - Green
Band 4 - Red
Band 5 - Near Infrared (NIR)
Band 6 - SWIR 1
Band 7 - SWIR 2
Band 8 - Panchromatic
Band 9 - Cirrus
Band 10 - Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 1
Band 11 - Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 2
100 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
The Landsat 8 Oli image which has been used in this study cloud free acquired on August 16 2014.
The sun azimuth is about Β139ο and the sun elevation about 57ο.
3.2. Image processing
The initial DN values were converted to reflectance through atmospheric correction of the initial
image. In Fig. 1 a flowchart showing with the processing steps is presented. The following four
images were then produced. A colour composite image with the spectral bands 7, 5, 3 (RGB) in
order to distinguish the lithological units from the vegetation (Fig. 2).
Figure - Flow chart: processing steps.
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in order to discern the vegetation distribution
and consequently mask of vegetated areas. A colour composite image using the thermal bands tir1-
tir2-swir2 (10-11-7) (RGB) for silicate mapping (Fig.3).
The colour composite ratio image 6/7, 4/2, 6/5 (RGB). The ratio 6/7 reveals clays, the 4/2 iron oxides
and the 6/5 the ferrous (Fe2+) minerals. This colour composite was produced after data fusion data
(15m) (Fig. 4) and without data fusion data (30m) (Fig. 5).
Image Landsat 8 Oli
pre-processing of the image: converting the digital numbers of the image to
reflectance through atmospheric correction of the initial image.
Data fusion (Panchromatic and
multispectral bands)
Detect silica and no silica
False composite color image
(FCC) 10,11,7 (RGB)
Color Composite image of
Band Rationing (CCR)
6/7, 4/2, 6/5 (RGB)
Analyse the landscape
False composite color image
(FCC) 5,7,3 (RGB)
Sea mask
Band Ratio Spectral Bands
6/7, 4/2, 6/5
Detection of hydrothermally altered zones
γραμμώσεων | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
Figure 2 - colour composite image 7, 5, 3 (RGB).
Figure 3 - Silica distribution. Silica rocks yellow colour and no silica purple (10-11-7) (RGB).
Figure 4 - composite ratio image 6/7 (clays) 4/2 (FeO) 6/5 (Ferrous) (RGB). After data fusion (15m).
The lineaments that were extracted from the panchromatic image (band 8) provided the general
tectonic view of the island. | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
Figure 5 - composite ratio image 6/7 (clays) 4/2 (FeO) 6/5 (Ferrous) (RGB). Without data
fusion. (30 m) the black area is the vegetation mask and the sea mask.
Figure 6 - Left: the main hydrothermal alteration zone in Fakos Peninsula. Right: Limits of
hydrothermally alteration zones in Fakos Penisnula by Fornadel, 2010.
Figure 7 - Left: Lineaments issued from the panchromatic image of Landsat 8 OLI. Right:
The lineament directions are shown in the rose diagram (by demo surfer 11 golden). | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
4. Results and Discussion
The colour composite image 7, 5, 3 (RGB) can give an analysis of the landcover. The red and
brownish areas correspond to vegetation, while the white colour corresponds to rocks and soil.
Generally, the vegetation in the island is very low, and as it is shown in fig. 2 the vegetation extends
mainly in drainage systems and hills. The colour composite image 10,11,7 (RGB) shows the spectral
signature and distribution of silicate. Yellowish and yellow colours correspond to areas with silica
presence and purple to areas of absence of silica as it is shown in Fig. 2. The Figures 4, 5 and 6 show
the areas with hydrothermal alteration zones.
Alteration in Fakos Cape: A zone about 16 km at the south of Fakos cape which separates the tints of
red-yellow from tints of blue-cyan. Inside the alteration zone the tints of yellow shows the high
reflectance at bands 6 and 4 and low reflectance at other bands 2, 7, 5. The different tints of yellow
indicates the predominance one of the two kind of rock (iron oxides-clay minerals) (Parcharidis et al.,
1998). The tints of blue-cyan perimetricaly external of the alteration zone are referring to ferrous-iron
oxide (high reflectance to band 4). The geological bedrock is characterized by ploutonian rocks that
have intruded in the sediments age Upper Eocene-Oligocene and present strong alteration (granites,
syenites, diorites, biotite). The alteration products of trachiandesites are clays and iron oxides (serikite,
chlorite, calcite, iron oxides). Also, a smaller alteration zone (~3 km) exists at NE of Fakos cape and
the geological bedrock consists of trachiandesites. Unfortunately because of the low spectral analysis
of Landsat 8 OLI it is impossible to detect and map specific rocks. Furthermore, the mask of vegetation
does not allow the possibility of vegetation existence where there is a high reflectance in 5 and 6 bands.
Also in that area the rocks have impregnated with iron oxides (geological map of IGME) which means
high reflectance at band 4. Fornadel, 2010 has mentioned the existence of metallic minerals in the
western ore zone that have been oxidized, as denoted by the abundance of iron oxides (i.e. limonite,
goethite) in the vein material, and largely disseminated in the vein matrix, although locally it forms ≥1
cm wide aggregates or infillings. The metallic minerals include pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena,
arsenopyrite, tetrahedrite, bournonite, hessite, altaite, and native gold. These minerals can be detected
with hyperspectral data. At the NE in Fakos cape there is cyan colour (width ~ 300m and length ~ 2
km) due to the fact that there are iron oxides according to the geological map of IGME. The geological
bedrock consists of silificated volcanic rocks whose initial composition has change from the influence
of hydrothermal fluid which are rich to SiO2 through faults. There are reddish lavas because of the
abidance of iron oxides. Fornadel, 2010 mentioned about a veins system which penetrates the silica
alteration zone and the adjacent rocks. The veins consist of small quantities of tourmaline, barite and
sericite. Ore minerals in the eastern ore zone include galena, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, and bournonite.
The silica distinguishment can be confirmed at the map in fig. 3. The alunitic alteration zone, as well as
the topographically higher silicic alteration zone, is crosscut by hydrothermal breccias in which
alunitized rock fragments are surrounded and cemented by iron oxides. Alunite also occurs in veins,
which consist of alunite, sulfur, and tridymite/cristobalite that crosscut sericitized rock in the northern
part of the study area.
Other alteration in the island: At the NW of the island near Sardes and at the west coast there are
small areas with hydrothermal alteration, as well as, at the east of the island in Roussopouli near
to the contact with the tuffs. Finally, parametrically of Paradeisi hill, is seemed to be an alteration
zone around the vegetation (black color) and at the west Fig.5. At the geological map of IGME
this area is characterized of sediments (Up. Heocene-Oligocene) and at the west there is a contact
with trachiandesites. At Paradeisi hill, geological map shows impregnation of iron oxides and
5. Conclusion
The aim of this study was to conduct an investigation using Landsat 8 data and remote sensing
techniques to map the alteration zones in Limnos Island. The outcome of the remote sensing techniques
such as colour composite and band ratios are promising in mapping lithological and altered rocks. Band | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 28/07/2017 10:16:27 |
ratio technique showed the distribution of the alteration zones. The results showed that Landsat 8 data
have the potential to detect and map hydrothermal alteration zones at a regional scale.
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... The main objective of this article is to identify through remote sensing kaolin occurrences, which are products of the hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks, on the Kefalos peninsula, NW Kos Island, Greece. In the literature, the contribution of satellite imagery in cases of hydrothermal alteration has been extensively appraised [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] since important information about cost-effective mineral occurrences in the earth's surface are often deduced. The spectral properties of target minerals can help us recognise and map sites of interest with potential economic value. ...
... Thus, the presence of minerals indicative of hydrothermal alteration exhibits diagnostic spectral absorption features. ASTER satellite imagery has been thoroughly used to discriminate hydrothermal alteration [2,[4][5][6][7][8][38][39][40][41][42][43][44], considering its wide spectral coverage in the VNIR and SWIR region. ...
... (A) Radiometrically calibrated and atmospherically corrected ASTER image of Kefalos peninsula; (B) Spatial distribution of kaolinite (green), dickite (red) and kaolinite/smectite (blue) derived from MTMF algorithm related with volcanic rocks (in red areas). Areas in numbered white boxes are displayed on the right, on a magnified scale, representing the small occurrence of dickite and kaolinite/smectite compared to kaolinite in west Kefalos (1) and the perlite quarry(2). ...
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The present work aims to map kaolin occurrences on the Kefalos peninsula, SW Kos Island, Greece, through the elaboration of ASTER satellite imagery. The island of Kos is located on the eastern edge of the South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc (SAAVA) and is characterised by its complex geologic structure. During Plio-Pleistocene, the voluminous eruption of the Kos Plateau Tuff was recorded on Kefalos; the largest quaternary eruption in the Mediterranean. Kaolin is the product of hydrothermal alteration of the Pliocene volcanic rocks with rhyolitic composition. Our study emphasises the usefulness of satellite imagery combined with the Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering (MTMF) technique to detect occurrences of industrial minerals, kaolin-group minerals in this case, either in terms of raw mineral exploitation or by mapping hydrothermal alteration.
... The main objective of this article is to identify through remote sensing kaolin occurrences, which are products of the hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks, on the Kefalos peninsula, NW Kos Island, Greece. In the literature, the contribution of satellite imagery in cases of hydrothermal alteration has been extensively appraised [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] since important information about cost-effective mineral occurrences in the earth's surface are often deduced. The spectral properties of target minerals can help us recognise and map sites of interest with potential economic value. ...
... Thus, the presence of minerals indicative of hydrothermal alteration exhibits diagnostic spectral absorption features. ASTER satellite imagery has been thoroughly used to discriminate hydrothermal alteration [2,[4][5][6][7][8][38][39][40][41][42][43][44], considering its wide spectral coverage in the VNIR and SWIR region. ...
... (A) Radiometrically calibrated and atmospherically corrected ASTER image of Kefalos peninsula; (B) Spatial distribution of kaolinite (green), dickite (red) and kaolinite/smectite (blue) derived from MTMF algorithm related with volcanic rocks (in red areas). Areas in numbered white boxes are displayed on the right, on a magnified scale, representing the small occurrence of dickite and kaolinite/smectite compared to kaolinite in west Kefalos (1) and the perlite quarry(2). ...
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The application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) on hornfelses from Kos Island, Aegean Sea, Greece, provided new information about the spectroscopic properties of these rocks, considering the occurring mineralogical assemblages. The oldest lithological units of the island occur at Dikeos Massif and date to Permocarboniferous. These suffered contact metamorphism due to the intrusion of a large Miocene I-type quartz monzonite. Laboratory reflectance spectra were acquired with a portable spectrometer (SM-3500 Spectral Evolution spectrometer) and a range of NIR-active minerals were identified, based on the United States Geological Survey spectral library (USGS). The presence of specific absorption features is attributed mostly to water and hydroxyl groups vibrations such as Al-OH, Fe-OH, Mg-OH. The corresponding wavelength position and the depth of the absorption feature as well as the overall shape of the continuum are influenced by many factors, such as the mineralogical assemblages, the abundance of the minerals, the texture of the sample, the color, etc. The minerals that were spectrally identified focus mainly on amphibole, vezuvianite, cordierite and mica. Optical microscopy (OM) as well as cathodoluminescence (CL) imagery were used complementary in order to gain additional information about their mineralogical paragenesis, textural characteristics and metamorphic grade. X-Ray Powder Diffraction analysis (XRPD) helped us to cross-check the results obtained, whereas the geochemical analysis provided additional information about the bulk-rock chemistry and in combination to the mineralogy, suggests a variety in the protolith of the hornfelses. Near Infrared Spectroscopy proved an economical, promising methodology for a rapid in situ evaluation and screening of the studied lithologies, since no sample preparation is needed.
... It bounds to the SW a structural low hosting the sediments of the Lower Miocene Therma Unit and separates the Myrina and the Katalakkon volcanic units (Fig. 2) (Innocenti et al., 2009). The KAIF cuts primary igneous contacts and several intrusive bodies that crop out along the fault system, where deformed rock volumes are locally strongly silicified by hydrothermal fluids (Papoulis and Tsolis-Katagas, 2008;Fornadel et al., 2012;Anifadi et al., 2017), particularly in the northwestern portion, with silicification fading away to the SE. ...
... The nearby Kondias Artificial Lake (W04; Figures 3 and 4) covering an area of 1,100,000 m 2 in the southeastern part of the island represents together with the Thanos reservoir the largest artificial water bodies on Lemnos [29], formed after the building of a soil dam in 1976. Moving northwards, Road Geo-Archaeo-Route 3 reaches the village of Sardes, where the Metal-Bearing Zone of Sardes (G08; Table 3, Figures 3 and 4), a system of quartz, has been developed in zones within the volcanic rocks and sandstones, in the same direction as that of the Fakos zones [118]. This interesting metal-bearing zone includes pyrite, marcasite and veinlets of silica [114]. ...
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The geosites of Lemnos represent local touristic products that, beyond their high aesthetic value, display significant scientific links to the geological past as well as prehistory and history, archaeology, mythology and religious heritage of the island. The unique wealth of Lemnos geosites in combination with the abundance of archaeological sites, cultural monuments and museums composes the basis of what we define here as “Geo-Archaeo-Routes”: certain routes that can be geographically defined, offered, guided and finally followed by the touristic masses. The outcome of the performed quantitative Lemnos geosite assessment enables decision making, thus providing a toolbox useful for sustainable Geo-Archaeo-tourism development at a local level and forms the basis for designing “Geo-Archaeo-Routes”. “Geo-Archaeo-Routes” are particularly favorable of environmentally friendly alternative types of tourism, attracting naturalists, hikers, fans of cultural or religious tourism and many others who represent a major part of the touristic needs of the 21st century. The established hiking and road “Geo-Archaeo-Routes” on Lemnos Island may represent a distinctive touristic product as they offer a high level of “nalture” entertainment, blending “nature with culture” in the framework of a holistic geotouristic approach.
... of natural processes. The dune deposit, c. 70-cm thick, covers the fissured limestone and sandstone basements (Anifadi et al., 2016), which is typical of the geology of the area (Fig. 4, bottom). ...
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The surveys carried out along the coasts of the island of Lemnos (Greece) have led to the discovery of new Late Epipalaeolithic sites at Agia Marina and Peristereònas. Peristereònas yielded a knapped stone assemblage that is strictly comparable with that from Ouriakos, a site located along the south-eastern coast of the same island, while the artefacts from Agia Marina are more problematic to interpret because they are probably to be attributed to a slightly diferent period. However, the most characteristic artefacts recovered from the sites are represented by microlithic geometrics obtained by abrupt, bipolar, or direct retouch, end scrapers, and diferent types of exhausted cores and technical pieces, which help us reconstruct the operational sequence employed for the manufacture of the armatures. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the interpretation of the characteristics of the Late Epipalaeolithic assemblages discovered on the island and to frame them into the general picture of the end of the Pleistocene in this part of the Aegean. The artefacts from the sites show unique characteristics, without parallels to the knapped stone assemblages of the same period so far recovered along the coasts of the Aegean Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, the Levant, and the Black Sea
... Remote sensing theories in mineral exploration are well established and have been successfully applied to ore prospecting across numerous metallogenic belts around the world (Karimpour et al., 2008;Pour et al., 2013;Takodjou Wambo et al., 2020;Traore et al., 2020;Zoheir and Emam, 2012;Monsef et al., 2015;Zoheir et al., 2019;Bedini, 2017;Crósta et al., 2003;Anifadi et al., 2016). In most cases, evidence from field, geochemical and mineralogical studies have revealed the possible existence of ore deposits in close proximity to hydrothermal alterations (Suh et al., 2006;Vishiti et al., 2017;Yannah et al., 2015). ...
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Remote sensing methods are a vital alternative for regional exploration surveys. Many ore deposits (e.g., epithermal, porphyry-related, volcanogenic massive sulphides, etc.) have distinct distribution patterns of alteration zones that can be used for recognizing this mineralization. Several known goldfields are distributed within the basement rocks of western Nigeria. The area of interest, Malumfashi Schist Belt, is located in NorthWestern Nigeria and is characterized by gneisses and metasediments that were intruded by Pan-African granitoids. Gold mineralization occurs as veins and veinlets that are associated with hydrothermal alteration zones (i.e., argillic, phyllic, and propylitic). Hence, the discrimination of these alteration zones is one of the key indicators for new prospective zones of gold mineralization in this met-allogenic belt. In the present study, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper+ (Landsat-7 ETM+) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data were processed and integrated with the aim to identify possible locations for gold mineralization within the Malumfashi Schist Belt. For this purpose, the band ratio techniques and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were applied to identify, enhance and map the different alteration types, while fractal analysis was utilized to quantify the degree of alteration within each processed image. Using the multi-criteria evaluation method, the discretized images obtained from the fractal analysis were weighted and integrated into an enhanced possible location for gold occurrences. A receiver operating curve/Area under curve analysis was then used to evaluate the reliability of the predictive model. Both spatial and GIS analyses indicate that gold mineralization displays a proximal relationship to hydrothermal alteration data. We can map sets of alteration minerals which mainly represent new and good ore prospects for the investigated area. A sensitivity analysis points out a predictive accuracy of 78%, which suggests the model is capable of predicting gold occurrences within the study region. Besides, the results showed that the prospective zones of gold accumulations mainly occur within metasedimentary units. It is recommended that the studied dataset provide a potential tool for mapping alteration minerals related to gold deposits that can be applied in other regions with analogous geological setting. Ó 2020 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B. V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
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During the last decades, the rapid progress of remote sensing data processing for their utilization in detecting locations of possible sites linked to hydrothermal alteration and ores has gained increasing attention due to significant time and cost savings. In this study, we present the findings of a joint remote sensing and laboratory examination of a mineralization zone induced by a granitoid intrusion onshore the islet of “Koutala”, in Lavreotiki, central Greece. Our objective is to investigate the potential of Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 VNIR satellite data to detect and map oxidized ore zones and alteration minerals that are detected from laboratory analysis of samples and could be linked to Fe-Mn mineralization. Two approaches are followed, namely reflectance spectroscopy and spectral indices. In reflectance spectroscopy, the spectral signatures of all minerals detected in the study area are retrieved from spectral libraries. The signatures are resampled to Sentinel-2 and to WorldView-3 VNIR spectral bands. Continuum-removal is then applied and the diagnostic absorption features of each mineral are detected for each spectral band configuration. The dataset with the best spectral configuration for mineral detection is then used for the production of mineral maps using the corresponding satellite image. The second approach involves the calculation of spectral indices, namely ferric, ferrous iron and hydroxyl-bearing alteration, on reflectance spectra. The ferric iron index is applied to both satellite datasets while the two other indices require the use of SWIR bands and therefore, they can be only calculated on Sentinel-2 data. All results show that laboratory and satellite data analyses results are consistent and complementary. WorldView-3 VNIR data seem to be sensitive only to the ferric and manganese phase. Sentinel-2 data seem to be capable to detect and map all alteration minerals that are potentially linked to Fe-Mn ore, including both ferric and ferrous phases. The mineral absorption and spectral indices maps show that in the investigated area, there is significant mineralization related to the granitoid intrusion. Hydrothermal alteration is observed on the entire surface of the islet but it seems to be stronger at the eastern part of the islet where the granitoid/schist contact is located. It is the first time that (i) minerals linked to a potential Fe-Mn ore are detected on the islet and (b) the corresponding alteration mineral maps are produced from satellite data, revealing their spatial distribution and providing indirect estimations of the degree of their presence.
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The European Union (EU) is highly dependent on critical and rare metals which are very important for a sustainable development. However, European industry is not able to cover its demands from native sources and it imports commodities from third countries. Greece is one of the EU countries with the most potential for supplying these strategic metallic raw materials in the future, since it hosts a large number of ore deposits. The epithermal-and porphyry-type deposits and the reduced intrusion related systems of the Serbomacedonian and the Rhodope metallogenic provinces in Northeastern Greece are promising targets for a future exploitation and exploration in Sb, Te, Mo, Re, Ga, In, REE and PGE. Greece is the leading producer of Ni and Al in the EU from laterites and bauxites of central and northern Greece. These deposits also contain significant amounts of Co or REE which should be considered in the future plans of the processing industries. REE are found in high contents at the placer deposits between Chalkidiki and Kavala (North Greece) and elevated PGE concentrations are associated with the chromitites of northwestern Greece. Therefore, the mineral wealth of Greece can contribute significantly to a sustainable and a competitive economy of Europe.
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The Kehdolan area is located at 20 kilometers to the south-east of Dozdozan Town (Eastern Azarbaijan Province). According to structural geology, volconic rocks are situated in Alborz-Azarbyjan zone, and faults are observed in the same direction to this system with SE-NW trend. The results show that kaolinite alteration trend with Argilic and propylitic veins is the same direction with SW-NE faults in this area. Therefore, these faults with these trends can be considered as the mineralization control for determination of the alterations. Different image processing techniques, such as false color composite (FCC), band ratios, color ratio composite (CRC), principal component analysis (PCA), Crosta technique, supervised spectral angle mapping (SAM), are used for identification of the alteration zones associated with copper mineralization. In this project ASTER data are process and spectral analysis to fit for recognizing intensity and kind of argillic, propylitic, philic, and ETM+ data which are process and to fit for iron oxide and relation to metal mineralization of the area. For recognizing different alterations of the study area, some chemical and mineralogical analysis data from the samples showed that ASTER data and ETM+ data were capable of hydrothermal alteration mapping with copper mineralization. Copper mineralization in the region is in agreement with argillic alteration. SW-NE trending faults controlled the mineralization process.
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The Kahramanmaraş Foreland Basin (KFB) margins are formed by Paleozoic-Mesozoic limestone, metamorphic and ophiolite. This basin contains sandstone and claystone alternations with lesser amounts of reefal limestone, channelized conglomerates, debrites and slump deposits. An irregular topography and absence of path obscured the accurate and complete mapping of the basin. Thus, Landsat TM images were used. The RGB 751 false colour composites were chosen due to abundant claystone and limestone content of the KFB. The RGB PCA 145 was preferred due to high loading of TM bands 5 (clay and iron oxide mineral), 7 (carbonate mineral), 3 and 1 (albedo and topography). The RGB 5/7-5/1-4 (light green dots in 5/7 indicate enhanced claystone area and OH- bearing alteration zone; red dots in 5/1 indicate enhanced iron oxide bearing alteration zone; fourth band for water bearing minerals) shows the transportation way of sediments. The OH- and iron oxide bearing alteration zones are found on older source rocks and younger deposition area. Main lithological boundary, geometry and provenance properties of the KFB were satisfactorily obtained from the Landsat TM images. However, low spatial resolution (30 m) prevents detail facies discrimination that still requires hard field working and/or detailed satellite images.
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Occurrences of halloysite-rich material in altered volcanic rocks, principally trachyandesites, dacites, and tuffs, extend over an area of ∼1 km2 in the southwestern part of Limnos, Island, northeast Aegean Sea, Greece. The present study was designed to investigate the alteration processes which acted on the biotite in these volcanic rocks, to describe in detail the mechanism of formation of the halloysite, and to specify the mechanisms of formation of anatase during the alteration processes. Samples were examined using polarized-light microscopy, X-ray powder diffract ion, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy, and Fourier-transform-Raman techniques. The extensive alteration of the parent rocks, triggered by the circulation of hydrothermal fluids through faults and fractures, resulted in the alteration of biotite to halloysite. Six stages of alteration were recognized. Nanoparticles of halloysite were initially formed on the mica layers, which progressively grew through short-tubular to well formed tubular halloysite, with increasing alteration. In the most altered samples, laths and interconnected laths with the composition (Al3.96Fe0.04)Si4O10(OH)8, were the dominant halloysite morphologies. Anatase was encountered as an alteration product of both ilmenite and biotite. Ilmenite was altered to anatase and Fe oxides. The altered ilmenite crystals constrained most of the newly formed anatase within the space occupied previously by ilmenite, leading to the formation of skeletal anatase. The layered structure of the micas was the main factor governing the morphology of newly formed anatase developed outside ilmenite margins in the form of layers parallel to those of mica. An unusual ring-like structure of anatase was thought to be the result of the uncommon alteration of inner parts of mica folia to tubular halloysite oriented perpendicular to the mica layers. The detachment of the halloysite tubes by circulating hydrothermal fluids was considered to be the reason for the creation of holes which were subsequently surrounded by the anatase ring forms.
We studied the applicability of data from the recently launched Landsat-8 for mapping hydrothermal alteration areas and lithological units associated with porphyry copper exploration in arid and semi-arid regions. Sar Cheshmeh copper mining district in the Urumieh-Dokhtar volcanic belt in south-eastern Iran was selected for a case study. Several red–green–blue colour combination images and specialized band ratios were prepared from Landsat-8 bands. Band ratios derived from image spectra (4/2, 6/7, 5 and 10 in red–green–blue) allow identification of altered rocks, lithological units and vegetation at regional scale. Analytical imaging and geophysical hyperspectral analysis processing methods and mixture tuned matched filtering were applied to Landsat-8 bands to identify alteration zones associated with known porphyry copper deposits. Fieldwork, previous remote sensing studies and laboratory analysis were used to verify the image processing results. We conclude that Landsat-8 bands, especially bands 2 and 4 in the visible and near-infrared, 6 and 7 in the shortwave infrared and 10 in the thermal infrared spectra, contain useful information for porphyry copper exploration. The thermal infrared bands of Landsat-8 significantly improved the quality and availability of remote-sensing data for lithological mapping. The results of this investigation should encourage geologists to use Landsat-8 operational land imager and thermal infrared sensor data for porphyry copper exploration and geological purposes. Keywords: Landsat-8; Operational land imager; Thermal infrared sensor; Hydrothermal alteration mapping; Porphyry copper exploration
This study used the ability of remote sensing technology to identify and map the lithological units and alteration zones in a gold mining area in North-eastern Sudan by using Landsat 8 data source. The Landsat data series has been used widely in mapping lithological and altered rocks and in geology in general. The study area contains three gold mines part of Ariab mining district in Red Sea Hills, Northeastern Sudan. There are three types of gold deposits in the study area (Supergene deposits, polymetallic massive sulphide deposits and The Ganaet deposits) are being mined in Hadal Auatib mine, Hassai mine and Kamoeb mine. The objective of this study was to find new high potential areas for gold mineralization in the area. Conventional image processing methods such as (color composite, principle component analysis and band ratio) and minimum noise fraction have been used in this study for the purpose of lithological and alteration zones mapping. The visible and short infrared region was useful for mapping the iron oxides and the clay minerals, in which the thermal bands were used for silicate mapping. The results of this study showed the distribution of the lithological units and the hydrothermal alteration zones along with new high potential areas for gold mineralization which can be used in the future and proved the ability of Landsat data in mapping these feature.
Trachyandesite rocks, occurring over an area of about 1 km2 in the southwest part of Limnos Island, Greece, are altered mainly to halloysite. The samples were collected and analysed by polarizing microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and chemical analysis. The alteration of plagioclase to halloysite follows seven discrete stages that are described in detail. The geochemical evaluation of the data shows enrichment of the light REE (LREE) over heavy REE (HREE) as expressed by the (La/Yb)n ratio. The ΣLREE range from 206.44 to 272.30, while the sum of HREE varies from 11.01 to 26.26. The (La/Yb)n ratio ranges from 9.72 to 27.64. Fractionation among LREE expressed as (La/Sm)n and between middle REE (MREE) and HREE is shown as (Tb/Yb)n ratios. The most altered rocks close to the fault zone have high (Tb/Yb)n ratios and low (La/Sm)n and Eu/Eu* ratios. Although mineralogy and clay mineral textures indicate hydrothermal genesis of halloysite, the geochemical data are not conclusive due to a secondary weathering effect.
Remote sensing is the science of acquiring, processing, and interpreting images and related data, acquired from aircraft and satellites, that record the interaction between matter and electromagnetic energy. Remote sensing images are used for mineral exploration in two applications: (1) map geology and the faults and fractures that localize ore deposits; (2) recognize hydrothermally altered rocks by their spectral signatures. Landsat thematic mapper (TM) satellite images are widely used to interpret both structure and hydrothermal alteration. Digitally processed TM ratio images can identify two assemblages of hydrothermal alteration minerals; iron minerals, and clays plus alunite. In northern Chile, TM ratio images defined the prospects that are now major copper deposits at Collahuasi and Ujina. Hyperspectral imaging systems can identify individual species of iron and clay minerals, which can provide details of hydrothermal zoning. Silicification, which is an important indicator of hydrothermal alteration, is not recognizable on TM and hyperspectral images. Quartz has no diagnostic spectral features in the visible and reflected IR wavelengths recorded by these systems. Variations in silica content are recognizable in multispectral thermal IR images, which is a promising topic for research.
Reduced intrusion-related gold systems are generally characterized by a Au-Bi-Te-W metal assemblage genetically linked to the emplacement of granitoids. The Palea Kavala ore system, Greece, consists of ~150 minor Fe-Mn (PbyZnyAg), Fe-Mn-Au, Fe-As-Au, Fe-Cu-Au, and Bi-Te-Au ore occurrences that occur primarily in quartz-calcite-sulfide veins (hypogene mineralization), or as supergene bodies, in overlapping zones centered on the ~21-22 Ma granodioritic Kavala pluton, which intrudes metamorphic rocks of the Paleozoic Rhodope metamorphic core complex. The pluton consists mostly of granodiorite with lesser amounts of diorite, tonalite and monzodiorite, which was emplaced along the regional E-W trending Kavala-Komotini fault. The recently discovered, ~4 km long, E-W trending so-called Kavala vein is a sheeted quartz vein system of Bi-Te-Pb-SbyAu mineralization that crosscuts the Kavala pluton and the schists and gneisses of the Rhodope Massif. The Kavala vein system is comprised of quartz with lesser amounts of K-feldspar, plagioclase, and muscovite. Quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration is pervasive but minor kaolinite is also present. Pyrite (~5% of vein volume) contains inclusions of tetradymite (some gold-bearing), bismuthinite, and cosalite. Sulfur isotope values (n = 27) of pyrite from the Kavala and Chalkero veins, as well as pyrite and galena from Garizo Hill Fe-Mn-Pb vein range from -1.9 to 1.0 per mil (with one outlier of -4.6 per mil) and suggest a magmatic sulfur source. Homogenization temperatures (Th) of type I (two-phase aqueous liquid-vapor) and type II (three-phase, H2O-CO2-rich) fluid inclusions that homogenize into the liquid phase in quartz from the Kavala and Chalkero veins range from 216.0y to 420.0yC (n = 216) and 255.7y to 414.0yC (n = 112), respectively. The Th of type III (two-phase aqueous liquid-vapor), which homogenize into the vapor phase, ranges from 210.4o to 323.4yC (n = 28). The salinities of type I and type II inclusions range from 15.9 to 22.6 wt. % NaCl equiv. and 5.5 to 11.2 wt. % NaCl equiv., respectively. Eutectic temperatures of -58.5o to -44.3yC for type I inclusions suggest the presence of appreciable CaCl2 in addition to NaCl. Clathrate melting temperatures for type II inclusions of ~-56.7yC indicate that CO2 is the major component of the gaseous phase. The presence of a zoned metallogenetic district centered on Bi-Te-Pb-SbyAu mineralization within the Kavala pluton and the two high-temperature, high-salinity, immiscible carbonic and aqueous fluids associated with the Kavala and Chalkero veins are consistent with them being part of a reduced intrusion-related gold system. The Fakos porphyry Cu-(Mo) and epithermal-style Au-Te deposit, Limnos Island, Greece, is hosted in ~20 Ma quartz monzonite and shoshonitic subvolcanic rocks that intruded Paleogene sedimentary basement rocks. Metallic mineralization formed in three stages in quartz and quartz-calcite veins. Early porphyry-style (Stage 1) metallic minerals consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, bornite, sphalerite, molybdenite and iron oxides, which are surrounded by halos of potassic and propylitic alteration. Stage 2 mineralization is composed mostly of quartz-tourmaline veins associated with sericitic alteration, whereas stage 3, epithermal-style mineralization is characterized by polymetallic veins containing pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, enargite, bournonite, tetrahedrite-tennantite, hessite, petzite, altaite, an unknown cervelleite-like Ag-telluride, Au-Ag alloy, and native Au. Stage 3 veins are spatially associated with argillic, silicic, and alunitic alteration. Fluid inclusions in quartz from stage 1 (porphyry-style) mineralization contain five types of inclusions. Type I, liquid-vapor inclusions, which homogenize at temperatures ranging from 189.5 to 403.3yC have salinities of 14.8 to 19.9 wt. % NaCl equiv. Type II, liquid-vapor-NaCl, type III liquid-vapor-NaCl-CaCl2, and type IV, liquid-vapor-hematiteyNaCl homogenize to the liquid phase at temperatures of 209.3y to >410.0y C, 267.6y to >410.0y C, and 357.9y to >410.0y C, respectively. The porphyry-style inclusions are associated with type V, vapor-rich inclusions. Stage 3 quartz contains two types of fluid inclusions, type I, liquid-vapor inclusions that homogenize to the liquid phase (191.6y to 310.0y C) with salinities of 1.40 to 9.73 wt. % NaCl equiv., and type II, vapor-rich inclusions. Mixing of magmatic fluids with meteoric water in the epithermal environment is responsible for the dilution of the ore fluids in stage 3 veins. Eutectic melting temperatures of -35.4y to -24.3yC for type I inclusions in both porphyry and epithermal veins suggest the presence of CaCl2, MgCl2, and/or FeCl2 in the magmatic- hydrothermal fluids. Sulfur isotope data from sulfides show a range in δ34S of -6.82 to -0.82 per mil and values overlap for porphyry and epithermal sulfides, which suggest a common sulfur source for the two styles of mineralization. The source of sulfur in the system was likely the Fakos quartz monzonite for which the isotopically light sulfur isotope values arose from changes in oxidation state during sulfide deposition (i.e. boiling) and/or from disproportionation of sulfur-rich magmatic volatiles upon cooling. It is less likely that sulfur was derived from the reduction of seawater sulfate or leaching of sulfides from sedimentary rocks given the absence of primary sulfides in sedimentary rocks in the vicinity of the deposit. Petrological, mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotope data indicate that the mineralization at Fakos Peninsula represents an early porphyry system that is transitional to a later intermediate- to high-sulfidation epithermal gold system. This style of mineralization is similar to porphyry-epithermal mineralization found elsewhere in northeastern Greece (e.g. Pagoni Rachi, St. Demetrios, St. Barbara, Perama Hill, Mavrokoryfi, and Pefka).