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The antibiotic course has had its day
With little evidence that failing to complete a prescribed antibiotic course contributes to antibiotic
resistance, it’s time for policy makers, educators, and doctors to drop this message, argue Martin
Llewelyn and colleagues
Martin J Llewelyn professor of infectious diseases 1 2, Jennifer M Fitzpatrick specialist registrar in
infection 2, Elizabeth Darwin project manager 3, SarahTonkin-Crine health psychologist 4, Cliff Gorton
retired building surveyor 5, John Paul consultant in microbiology 6, Tim E A Peto professor of infectious
diseases 7, Lucy Yardley professor of health psychology 8, Susan Hopkins consultant in infectious
diseases and microbiology 9, Ann Sarah Walker professor of medical statistics and epidemiology 3
1Department of Global Health and Infection, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Falmer, BN1 9PS, UK; 2Department of Microbiology and Infection,
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton, UK ; 3Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK; 4Nuffield Department
of Primary Care Health Sciences, Oxford, UK; 5Oxford, UK; 6Public Health England, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, UK; 7Oxford Biomedical
Research Centre, Oxford, UK; 8Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Southampton, UK ; 9Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust,
London, UK ; Correspondence to: M Llewelyn
Antibiotics are vital to modern medicine and antibiotic resistance
is a global, urgent threat to human health. The relation between
antibiotic exposure and antibiotic resistance is unambiguous
both at the population level1 and in individual patients.2
Reducing unnecessary antibiotic use is therefore essential to
mitigate antibiotic resistance.
Avoiding overuse requires healthcare professionals and the
public to be well informed about antibiotic treatment, as set out
in the first objective of the World Health Organization Global
Action Plan.3 Public communication about antibiotics often
emphasises that patients who fail to complete prescribed
antibiotic courses put themselves and others at risk of antibiotic
resistance. For example, in materials supporting Antibiotic
Awareness Week 2016 WHO advised patients to “always
complete the full prescription, even if you feel better, because
stopping treatment early promotes the growth of drug-resistant
bacteria.”4 Similar advice appears in national campaigns in
Australia,5 Canada,6 the United States,7and Europe.8 And in the
United Kingdom it is included as fact in the curriculum for
secondary school children.9
However, the idea that stopping antibiotic treatment early
encourages antibiotic resistance is not supported by evidence,
while taking antibiotics for longer than necessary increases the
risk of resistance. Without explicitly contradicting previous
advice, current public information materials from the US Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Public Health
England have replaced “complete the course” with messages
advocating taking antibiotics “exactly as prescribed.”10 11 We
explore the evidence for antibiotic duration, clinical
effectiveness, and resistance, and encourage policy makers,
educators, and doctors to stop advocating “complete the course”
when communicating with the public. Further, they should
publicly and actively state that this was not evidence-based and
is incorrect.
Origins of the idea
Concern that giving too little antibiotic treatment could select
for antibiotic resistance can be traced back to the dawn of the
antibiotic era. When Howard Florey’s team treated Albert
Alexander’s staphylococcal sepsis with penicillin in 1941 they
eked out all the penicillin they had (around 4 g, less than one
day’s worth with modern dosing) over four days by repeatedly
recovering the drug from his urine. When the drug ran out, the
clinical improvement they had noted reversed and he
subsequently succumbed to his infection.12 There was no
evidence that this was because of resistance, but the experience
may have planted the idea that prolonged therapy was needed
to avoid treatment failure.
Fleming’s early work showed that sensitive bacteria could be
“acclimatised” to penicillin in the laboratory.13 In his 1945 Nobel
prize acceptance speech, Fleming painted a vivid clinical
vignette in which an imagined patient with a streptococcal throat
infection who takes insufficient penicillin, transmits the
infection—now in resistant form—to his wife, and is thus
responsible for her subsequent death from antibiotic resistant
disease.14 Fleming advised, “If you use penicillin, use enough!”
Ironically, Streptococcus pyogenes has never developed
resistance to penicillin, and we now know that for most forms
of antibiotic resistance that currently threaten patients, selection
of resistance in the bacteria being treated is of limited
Antibiotic treatment drives resistance
The scenario envisaged by Fleming was of target selected
resistance (box 1). Infections typically begin when a small
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population of microorganisms gain access to the host and
replicate. Genetic mutations conferring antibiotic resistance
may arise spontaneously during replication and be selected for
during treatment. Target selected resistance can occur with
inadequate antimicrobial dosing or with monotherapy for
infections for which spontaneous resistant mutations arise on
treatment, such as tuberculosis, gonorrhoea, and HIV.
Early trials of tuberculosis treatment showed resistance emerging
during monotherapy15 and underpin the need for combination
therapy for this disease. Transmission of such pathogens during
or following inadequate treatment may allow resistant strains
to spread from person to person.
However, most of the bacterial species now posing the greatest
problems do not develop resistance through target selection.
The clinical threat comes mainly from species such as
Escherichia coli and the so called ESKAPE organisms
(Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella
pneumoniae, Acinetobacter spp, Pseudomonas spp, Enterobacter
spp), which are all found harmlessly in us, on us, or in our
environment. They can also act as “opportunistic” pathogens.
When a patient takes antibiotics for any reason, antibiotic
sensitive species and strains present among commensal flora
on their skin or gut or in the environment are replaced by
resistant species and strains ready to cause infection in the
future.16 This collateral selection (box 1) is the predominant
driver of the important forms of antibiotic resistance affecting
patients today. The longer the antibiotic exposure these
opportunist bacteria are subjected to, the greater the pressure to
select for antibiotic resistance.2 17
Importantly for these opportunistic pathogens, resistant strains
are transmitted between asymptomatic carriers rather than people
with disease. Furthermore, many resistance conferring genes
can pass easily between bacterial strains or species. Thus
antibiotic selection may drive outbreaks of resistant infections
independently of transmission of a specific strain or species.18
From fear of undertreatment to harm from
Traditionally, antibiotics are prescribed for recommended
durations or courses. Fundamental to the concept of an antibiotic
course is the notion that shorter treatment will be inferior. There
is, however, little evidence that currently recommended
durations are minimums, below which patients will be at
increased risk of treatment failure.
Historically, antibiotic courses were set by precedent, driven
by fear of undertreatment, with less concern about overuse. For
many indications, recommended durations have decreased as
evidence of similar clinical outcomes with shorter courses has
been generated (table 1⇓). However, the picture is patchy and
complicated by comparisons of new and established agents that
may have different pharmacological properties (eg, long acting
macrolides versus short acting penicillins).
For most indications, studies to identify the minimum effective
treatment duration simply have not been performed.28 For
example, pyelonephritis has historically been treated for two
weeks. Trials have shown that shorter courses of quinolones are
effective (seven days for ciprofloxacin23 and five days for
levofloxacin24), but no such data exist for β-lactams, which are
the main antibiotic class used. Current international guidelines
recommend 10-14 days’ treatment with β-lactams, based purely
on absence of data for shorter courses.29
Shorter duration of treatment has been shown to reduce clinical
efficacy in a few cases. A notable example is otitis media, where
five days’ treatment is associated with a lower clinical cure rate
(66%) than 10 days (84%) in children under 2 years.19 Even in
this situation though, differences relate to prolongation of
symptoms not treatment failure, disease recurrence, or selection
for resistant pathogens.
For the opportunist pathogens for which antimicrobial resistance
poses the greatest threat, no clinical trials have shown increased
risk of resistance among patients taking shorter treatments.
The key argument for changing how we discuss antibiotic
courses with patients is that shorter treatment is clearly better
for individual patients. Not only does an individual patient’s
risk of resistant infection depend on their previous antibiotic
exposure2 17 but reducing that exposure by shorter treatment is
associated with reduced risk of resistant infection and better
clinical outcome. In hospital acquired pneumonia, for example,
randomised controlled trial data indicate that short treatment
strategies have equivalent clinical outcomes to longer courses
and are associated with lower rates of infection recurrence and
antibiotic resistance.25 26
Is the concept of an antibiotic course still
The concept of an antibiotic course ignores the fact that patients
may respond differently to the same antibiotic, depending on
diverse patient and disease factors. Currently, we largely ignore
this fact and instead make indication specific recommendations
for antibiotic duration that are based on poor evidence. This
situation is changing in hospital practice, where biomarkers of
treatment response such as procalcitonin can guide when to stop
antibiotic treatment.30 Outside hospital, where repeated testing
may not be feasible, patients might be best advised to stop
treatment when they feel better, in direct contradiction of WHO
advice.4 Of note, a recent clinical trial found that using fever
resolution to guide stopping antibiotics in community acquired
pneumonia halved the average duration of antibiotic treatment
without affecting clinical success.21 Further similar studies are
“Complete the course”: a barrier to
antibiotic conservation
The fallacious belief that antibiotic courses should always be
completed to minimise resistance is likely to be an important
barrier to reducing unnecessary antibiotic use in clinical practice
and to developing evidence to guide optimal antibiotic use. The
idea is deeply embedded, and both doctors and patients currently
regard failure to complete a course of antibiotics as irresponsible
behaviour.31 32
In primary care, strategies have been developed to avoid
unnecessary antibiotic courses being started—for example,
through enhanced communication training, point-of-care tests,
and use of delayed prescriptions.33-35 However in secondary care,
strategies to reduce overuse aim to change, or ideally stop,
antibiotics 48-72 hours after they are started, but these are
challenging to implement.36 Reasons for this include diagnostic
uncertainty and team behaviour, but patients’ and healthcare
professionals’ concerns about the risks of incomplete treatment
are likely to contribute. Designing trials of antibiotic sparing
treatment is notoriously difficult,37 particularly if participants
are invited to consent to receiving shortened antibiotic treatment
on the basis that this could reduce their risk of antibiotic
resistance, when they have been taught from school that it
increases this risk.
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Box 1: Selection of antibiotic resistance
Target selection—For certain “professional” pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, spontaneous resistance conferring mutants
may be selected during treatment, can be transmitted before cure is achieved, or can re-emerge after treatment failure. Other professional
pathogens where this may apply include HIV, malaria, gonorrhoea, and Salmonella typhi
Collateral selection—Many bacterial species that live harmlessly in the gut, on our skin and mucus membranes, or in the environment can
also cause disease as opportunist pathogens. For such organisms, resistance selection occurs predominantly during antibiotic treatment of
other infections. Resistance in opportunists may be passed easily to other strains of the same species of bacteria or to different species.
Key examples include methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae and
carbapenem resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae
What should we advise patients?
The “complete the course” message has persisted despite not
being supported by evidence and previous arguments that it
should be replaced.18 38 One reason it may be so resilient is that
it is simple and unambiguous, and the behaviour it advocates
is clearly defined and easy to carry out. Nevertheless, there is
evidence that, in many situations, stopping antibiotics sooner
is a safe and effective way to reduce antibiotic overuse. Daily
review of the continued need for antibiotics is a cornerstone of
antibiotic stewardship in hospitals,39 but in primary care, where
85% of antibiotic prescriptions are written, no such ongoing
assessment is attempted.
There are reasons to be optimistic that the public will accept
that completing the course to prevent resistance is wrong if the
medical profession openly acknowledges that this is so, rather
than simply substituting subtle alternatives such as “exactly as
prescribed.” Completing the course goes against one of the most
fundamental and widespread medication beliefs people have,
which is that we should take as little medication as necessary.40
Concerted and consistent efforts have successfully educated the
public that antibiotics do not treat viral infections, for example.
Research is needed to determine the most appropriate simple
alternative messages, such as stop when you feel better. Until
then, public education about antibiotics should highlight the
fact that antibiotic resistance is primarily the result of antibiotic
overuse and is not prevented by completing a course. The public
should be encouraged to recognise that antibiotics are a precious
and finite natural resource that should be conserved. This will
allow patient centred decision making about antibiotic treatment,
where patients and doctors can balance confidence that a
complete and lasting cure will be achieved against a desire to
minimise antibiotic exposure unimpeded by the spurious concern
that shorter treatment will cause antibiotic resistance.
Contributors and sources: LY, MJL, TEAP, SH, and ASW are
investigators on an on an NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research
(PGfAR) called ARK-hospital, which aims to reduce antibiotic overuse
in hospitals through clinical review of antibiotic prescriptions
[RP-PG-0514-20015]. ASW, STC, TEAP, and SH are investigators in
the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit (NIHR HPRU) in healthcare
associated infections and antimicrobial resistance at Oxford University
in partnership with Public Health England (PHE) [grant
HPRU-2012-10041]. CG is a retired building surveyor. ED is a project
manager for ARK and the HPRU. JP is Public Health England regional
microbiologist for the south east. The article is based on published good
quality randomised clinical trials and observational cohort studies. All
authors have contributed to this paper and concur on its content. MJL
is guarantor. The views expressed in this publication are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of their employers.
Competing interests: We have read and understood BMJ policy on
declaration of interests and have no relevant interests to declare.
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Key messages
Patients are put at unnecessary risk from antibiotic resistance when treatment is given for longer than necessary, not when it is stopped
For common bacterial infections no evidence exists that stopping antibiotic treatment early increases a patient’s risk of resistant infection
Antibiotics are a precious and finite natural resource which should be conserved by tailoring treatment duration for individual patients
Clinical trials are required to determine the most effective strategies for optimising duration of antibiotic treatment
30 Schuetz P, Chiappa V, Briel M, Greenwald JL. Procalcitonin algorithms for antibiotic
therapy decisions: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials and
recommendations for clinical algorithms. Arch Intern Med 2011;171:1322-31. doi:10.1001/
archinternmed.2011.318 pmid:21824946.
31 Brookes-Howell L, Elwyn G, Hood K, et al. ‘The body gets used to them’: patients’
interpretations of antibiotic resistance and the implications for containment strategies. J
Gen Intern Med 2012;27:766-72. doi:10.1007/s11606-011-1916-1 pmid:22065334.
32 McCullough AR, Parekh S, Rathbone J, Del Mar CB, Hoffmann TC. A systematic review
of the public’s knowledge and beliefs about antibiotic resistance. J Antimicrob Chemother
2016;71:27-33. doi:10.1093/jac/dkv310 pmid:26459555.
33 Little P, Moore M, Kelly J, et al. PIPS Investigators. Delayed antibiotic prescribing strategies
for respiratory tract infections in primary care: pragmatic, factorial, randomised controlled
trial. BMJ 2014;348:g1606. doi:10.1136/bmj.g1606 pmid:24603565.
34 Little P, Stuart B, Francis N, et al. GRACE consortium. Effects of internet-based training
on antibiotic prescribing rates for acute respiratory-tract infections: a multinational, cluster,
randomised, factorial, controlled trial. Lancet 2013;382:1175-82. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(
13)60994-0 pmid:23915885.
35 Butler CC, Simpson SA, Dunstan F, et al. Effectiveness of multifaceted educational
programme to reduce antibiotic dispensing in primary care: practice based randomised
controlled trial. BMJ 2012;344:d8173. doi:10.1136/bmj.d8173 pmid:22302780.
36 Llewelyn MJ, Hand K, Hopkins S, Walker AS. Antibiotic policies in acute English NHS
trusts: implementation of “start smart-then focus” and relationship with Clostridium difficile
infection rates. J Antimicrob Chemother 2015;70:1230-5.pmid:25538165.
37 Davey P, Brown E, Charani E, et al. Interventions to improve antibiotic prescribing practices
for hospital inpatients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;4:CD003543.pmid:23633313.
38 Lambert HP. Don’t keep taking the tablets?Lancet 1999;354:943-5. doi:10.1016/S0140-
6736(99)01139-3 pmid:10489971.
39 UK Government. Start smart then focus. Antimicrobial stewardship toolkit for English
40 Horne R, Chapman SC, Parham R, Freemantle N, Forbes A, Cooper V. Understanding
patients’ adherence-related beliefs about medicines prescribed for long-term conditions:
a meta-analytic review of the necessity-concerns framework. PLoS One 2013;8:e80633.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080633 pmid:24312488.
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Table 1| Indications for which duration of antibiotic treatment has been evaluated by randomised controlled trial
Evidence on resistanceMain evidenceNo of days treatmentIndication
Similar short term selection of resistance in
nasopharyngeal organisms
Clinical failure higher with 5 days than 10 days treatment (1 trial)510Otitis media19
Not assessedComparable effect of 3-6 days oral antibiotics to 10 days penicillin
in children with streptococcal throat infection (Cochrane review of
20 studies)
3-610Streptococcal pharyngitis20
Not assessed. β-lactam treatment >5 days
associated with greater carriage of resistant
S pneumoniae
Non-inferiority of 5 day course once afebrile and clinical stability
improving compared with physician guided therapy (median 10
days) for clinical success (1 trial)
57-10Community acquired
Not assessedNon-inferiority of 5 day course compared with 10 days for clinical
resolution (1 trial)
Not assessedNon-inferiority of 7 v 14 days ciprofloxacin for cure12 and 5 days
levofloxacin v 10 days ciprofloxacin for eradication of infection
and clinical cure13
5-714Pyelonephritis23 24
Lower risk of further or resistant infection in
patients receiving shorter duration therapy
Non-inferiority of short course treatment of suspected pneumonia
among critical care patients on ICU mortality and infection
recurrence (multiple trials)
7-810-15Nosocomial pneumonia25 26
Non-significantly lower rates of
extra-abdominal resistant infection in short
course group
Non-inferiority of fixed 4 day course compared with physician
guided therapy (median 8 days) for surgical site infection, recurrent
intraabdominal infection, or death (1 trial)
47-14Intra-abdominal sepsis27
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