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Abstract and Figures

The paper provides information on butterfies sampled during random surveys from November 2014 to September2016 from eight reserve forest areas and Dehing-Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary, covering three districts (Tinsukhia, Dibrugarh & Sibasagar) in the eastern part of upper Assam which form part of the Indo-Burma hotspot. The survey revealed 237 species which included 33 species a listed as protected under various schedules of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 and 58 species that have distribution restricted to the eastern Himalaya and northeastern India in India. An anotated list of 375 species of butterflies so far recorded from eastern Assam that includes a large number of very rare species (Indian Yellow-vein Lancer Pyroneura margherita; Grey-lined Lascar Pantoporia dindinga assamica; Assamese/Conjoined Lascar Pantoporia assamica; Bi-coloured Hedgeblue Udara selma cerima; Vinous Oakblue Arhopala athada aphade; Magnificent Oakblue Arhopala anarte; White Punch Dodona henrici; Pale Striped Dawnfly Capilia zennara; Andaman Yellowbanded Flat Celaenorrhinus andamanicus hanna; Sikkim Ace Halpe sikkima; Baby Swift Polytremis minuta; Maculate Lancer Salanoemia sala; Veined Palmer Hidari bhawani; Pallid Forester Lethe satyavati; Peal’s Palmfly Elymnias peali; Blue Baron Euthalia telchinia; Blue Nawab Polyura schreiber assamensis; Tytler’s Dull Oakblue Arhopala ace arata; Orchid Tit Hypolycaena othona othona; Purple Brown Tailless Oakblue Arhopala arvina ardea; Malayan Bushblue Arhopala ammon ariel and Broad-branded Brilliant Simiskina phalena harterti) along with their site and month of record, endemicity and relative abundance status in India, is provided.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Butterfles of eastern Assam, Inda
Arun P. Sngh
26 July 2017 | Vol. 9| No. 7 | Pp. 1039610420
Threatened Taxa
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DOI: hp://.3177.9.7.10396-10420 | ZooBank:
Editor: James Young, Hong Kong Lepidopterists Society, Hong Kong.  26 July 2017 (online & print)
Manuscript details: Ms # 3177 | Received 30 November 2016 | Final received 09 June 2017 | Finally accepted 15 July 2017
 Singh, A.P. (2017). Bueries of eastern Assam, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(7): 10396–10420; hp://.3177.9.7.10396-10420
Copyright: © Singh 2017. Creave Commons Aribuon 4.0 Internaonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this arcle in any medium, reproducon and
distribuon by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publicaon.
Funding: Indian Council of Forestry Research& Educaon (ICFRE).
 The author declares no compeng interests.
Author Details: Arun P. Singh is currently working as a scienst with the Forest Research Instute, Dehradun. His experience pertains to the conservaon and
ecology of bueries and birds across the Himalaya, over the last two decades.
Acknowledgments: The author is thankful to the Director, Rain Forest Research Instute (RFRI), Jorhat, Assam, India for providing all the necessary facilies
to carry out the above work. Thanks are due to Abhijit Medhi, Geo-informacs laboratory, RFRI for drawing the GIS map and Monsoon Jyo Gogoi for help in
idencaon of bueries.
Arun P. Singh
Forest Entomology Division, Forest Research Instute, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, Uarakhand 248006, India
ISSN 0974-7907 (Online)
ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420
Abstract: The paper provides informaon on bueres sampled during random surveys from November 2014 to September2016 from
eight reserve forest areas and Dehing-Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary, covering three districts (Tinsukhia, Dibrugarh & Sibasagar) in the eastern
part of upper Assam which form part of the Indo-Burma hotspot. The survey revealed 237 species which included 33 species a listed as
protected under various schedules of the Indian Wildlife (Protecon) Act 1972 and 58 species that have distribuon restricted to the eastern
Himalaya and northeastern India in India. An anotated list of 375 species of bueries so far recorded from eastern Assam that includes
a large number of very rare species (Indian Yellow-vein Lancer Pyroneura margherita; Grey-lined Lascar Pantoporia dindinga assamica;
Assamese/Conjoined Lascar Pantoporia assamica; Bi-coloured Hedgeblue Udara selma cerima; Vinous Oakblue Arhopala athada aphade;
Magnicent Oakblue Arhopala anarte; White Punch Dodona henrici; Pale Striped Dawny Capilia zennara; Andaman Yellowbanded Flat
Celaenorrhinus andamanicus hanna; Sikkim Ace Halpe sikkima; Baby Swi Polytremis minuta; Maculate Lancer Salanoemia sala; Veined
Palmer Hidari bhawani; Pallid Forester Lethe satyava; Peal’s Palmy Elymnias peali; Blue Baron Euthalia telchinia; Blue Nawab Polyura
schreiber assamensis; Tytler’s Dull Oakblue Arhopala ace arata; Orchid Tit Hypolycaena othona othona; Purple Brown Tailless Oakblue
Arhopala arvina ardea; Malayan Bushblue Arhopala ammon ariel and Broad-branded Brilliant Simiskina phalena harter) along with their
site and month of record, endemicity and relave abundance status in India, is provided.
Keywords: endemic, evergreen forests, Indo-Burma Hotspot, northeastern India, protected species, rare.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10397
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
The forests of eastern Assam in northeastern India
are conguous with forests in the northern part of
Myanmar. These semi-evergreen and evergreen forests
form part of the Indo-Burma global biodiversity hotspot
(New & Collins 1991), at its northern limit and harbour
a large number of species ‘rare’ and ‘endemic’ to this
region. Forests once covered most part of Assam but
today exist in small to large fragmented patches, loosely
joined together in four districts of eastern Assam namely
Tinsukhia, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar and part of Jorhat
districts, along the state boundary with Arunachal
Pradesh and Nagaland states (Fig. 1). Due to rapid
urbanizaon and increasing populaon pressure in the
region, however, these forests are today threatened due
to habitat degradaon.
At least half a dozen bueries have been described
from eastern Assam. As far back as in 1865, Hewitson
described the Spoed Royal, Tajuria maculata (Hewitson,
1865) (Lycaenidae). This was followed by descripon of
the White Dawny, Capila pieridoides (Moore, 1878)
(Hesperiidae) then the Pallid Forester Lethe satyava de
Nicéville, 1881 (Nymphalidae) from Sibsagar, the Silver
Spoed Lancer Plasngia naga (de Nicéville, [1884]
(Hesperiidae), and the Blue Quaker Pithecops fulgens
Doherty, 1889 (Lycaenidae) and Yellow-vein Lancer
Pyroneura margherita (Doherty, 1889) (Hesperiidae)
from Margherita area by Doherty. Later, Norman
(1953 & 1956) recorded some ‘very rare’ (as per Evans
1932) species from Sibasagar District in upper Assam,
i.e., Yellow-vein Lancer P. margherita, Veined Palmer
Hidari bhawani de Nicéville, [1889], Broad-branded
Brilliant Simiskina phalena harter (Doherty, 1889), Bi-
coloured Hedgeblue Udara selma cerima (Corbet, 1937),
Wavy Maplet Chersonesia rahrioides Moore, [1899],
Conjoined Lascar Pantoporia assamica (Moore, 1881),
Brown Forest Bob Scobura woolle (Riley, 1923), Baby
Swi Polytremis minuta (Evans, 1926), Maculate Lancer
Salanoemia sala (Hewitson, [1866]), Vinous Oakblue
Arhopala athada aphade Nicéville, 1895, and Isma sp.
Distant, 1886.
The buery diversity of these forests remained
poorly documented unl recently Karthikeyan &
Venkatesh (2011) recorded a ‘very rare’ species generally
found in Southeast Asia in Assam, the Snowy Angle Darpa
pteria (Hewitson, 1868) between 24–29 April 2011 from
Jeypore Reserve Forest, Assam. Gogoi (2013a) listed 292
species from a Jeypore-Dehing forest area in eastern
Assam. This was followed by Singh et al. (2015) list of
211 species from Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary (GWS) (a
remnant semi evergreen forest patch of 21km2 exisng
in Jorhat District of upper Assam, adjoining Sivasagar
District close to Nagaland border) and also a small
pictorial booklet by Neog (2015) from the GWS covering
200 species recorded by him. Singh (2015) also reported
separately a ‘very rare’ species, the Veined Palmer Hidari
bhawani from Sotai in Jorhat District of Upper Assam.
Besides these there are no other comprehensive records
available on bueries of eastern Assam. Most of the
recent focus has remained around Namdapha Tiger
Reserve, which lies 60km east of Tinsukhia District in
Arunachal Pradesh State or around Kaziranga Naonal
Park and adjoining the Karbi Anglong Hills, lying west of
Jorhat District (Gogoi 2013b, 2015).
The study area included eight reserve forest areas
and along the road stretch inside the Dehing-Patkai
Wildlife Sanctuary, covering three districts (Tinsukhia,
Dibrugarh & Sibasagar) all in the eastern part of upper
Assam (Figs. 1,2; Table 1; Images 1–6) situated on the
border with Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland states,
between 26.96805–27.53889 N & 95.29500–95.96333 E.
These reserve forests and Wildlife Sanctuary form small
to large tracts of semi-evergreen and evergreen forests
comprising the dominant tree Dipterocarpus retusus
Blume (Hollong) along with Messua ferrea L. (Indian
Rose Chestnut), Terminalia myriocarpa Van Heurck
& Mull. Arg. (Hollock), etc., intermixed with bamboo
brakes comprising Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Gamble;
Pseudostachyum polymorphum Munro & Raan Canes
(Calamus spp.) in ravines and river banks. Numerous
fresh water perennial streams and rivers (Burhi-Dehing,
Dilli, Tipong, Tirap, and Namsik rivers) transgress these
forest tracts in eastern Assam covering the study area,
while the main river Brahmaputra forms the northern
boundary of these forest ranges (Table 1; Fig. 1).
Random surveys for sampling bueries were carried
out from 18 November 2014 to 09 September 2016
(Table 1). Pollard walk methodology (Pollard 1982) was
used for sampling bueries. This was done by walking
for one hour (approximately 1km) on each transect
inside the forest on trails; 2–11 transects/trails were
covered at each site. A total of 39 hours (approximately)
of sampling was done covering 19 days spread over a
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010398
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
ve month period during most of the seasons of the
year (February: mainly winter; March: spring; June:
pre-monsoon/dry summer; 31 August–September:
monsoon; November: winter). The altudinal range
covered varied from 85m (lowest) in Padumoni RF near
the Bhramaputra River basin to as high as 471m (highest)
in Tipong RF-Lekhapani RF tract, bordering Changlang
District of Arunachal Pradesh.
The relave abundances of all the species sampled
were pooled and ranked from lowest to the highest.
All taxa were then divided into four equal classes or
categories with an equal number of species. Based on
the quarle divisions of their relave abundances, all
these taxa were ranked as Uncommon (Q1) = 1 individual
recorded (minimum abundance); Fairly Common (Q2) =
2–3; Common (Q3) = 4–9; and Very Common (Q4) = 10–
96 (maximum number of a species recorded); Median
value = 3 (Table 2).
Image 1. Tirap Reserve Forest (along the Tirap River on Arunachal
Pradesh border)
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10399
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
no. Sites in upper Assam District Sampling survey
(m) 
1Dilli RF (Near Namrup; Dilli
18 & 19 Nov
2014; 16 Mar
27.10388889 95.29500000 109–170
Semi-evergreen forest,
cane and bamboo
2Abhaypur RF (Assam-
Nagaland border) Sibasagar 26 Mar 2015 27.14333333 95.37305556 354–463 Semi-evergreen forest
and bamboo brakes 2
Padumoni RF (Near Dibru
sikhowa NP-Brahmaputra
Tinsukhia 10 Feb 2015;
20 Mar 2016 26.95972222 94.95777778 85–97 Degraded semi-
evergreen forest 4
Bherjan RF (Near
Dibrusikhowa NP-
Brahmaputra River)
Tinsukhia 10 Feb 2015;
20 Mar 2016 26.97 94.95055556 111–116 Small patch of semi-
evergreen forest 2
5Bhorjan RF (Near Tinsukhia
Town) Tinsukhia
11 Feb 2015;
19 Mar 2016;
07 Sep 2016
27.52222222 95.32083333 102–126
Semi-evergreen forest
patch along the Tea
Tipong RF & Lekhapani RF
(Assam-Arunachal Pradesh
border; Tipong River)
17 Mar 2016;
31 Aug – 03 Sep
27.53888889 95.32444444 261–470
Semi-evergreen &
evergreen primary
foothill forest
Dehing-Patkai Wildlife
Sanctuary (Digboi-Duliajan
Tinsukhia 06 Sep 2016 27.52333333 95.321111111 106–157 Semi-evergreen &
evergreen forest 2
Tinkupani RF (Tirap &
Namsik rivers on Assam-
Arunachal Pradesh border)
Tinsukhia 18 Mar 2016;
05 Sep 2016 27.52444444 95.32555556 161–201
Semi-evergreen &
evergreen forest with
Bamboo & cane brakes
Jeypore RF (Jeypore-
Deomali road on Arunachal
Pradesh border; Burhi-
Dehing river)
Dibrugarh 04, 05 Jun 2015 27.43111111 95.36055555 117–201
Semi-evergreen &
evergreen hill forest
with bamboo & cane
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010400
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
Idencaon of bueries was carried out on the
spot during sampling or from photographs taken in the
eld as the majority of the species was photographed
(Images 7–43 [12-42 are endemic to northeastern
India]). For idencaon the eld guides and papers
(Evans 1932; Wynter-Blyth 1957; Smith 2006; Kehimkar
2008; Singh 2011; Gogoi 2012, 2013a; Sondhi et al.
2013; Sondhi & Kunte 2014; Smetacek 2015) and web
resources (hp://www.ifoundbuer; hp://
u, were used. Nomenclature was followed
using the website hp://www.nc.funet./pub/sci/bio/
life/ insecta/lepidoptera/ ditrysia/ papilionoidea/
A total of 237 species were recorded during the
present survey. Thirty-three species amongst these (Table
2) have been listed as protected under various schedules
of the Indian Wildlife (Protecon) Act 1972 (Anonymous
1997) (2 under Schedule I, 29 under Schedule II, and 2
under Schedule IV) and are protected by law. Seventy-
seven species recorded have distribuon restricted to
the eastern Himalaya and northeastern India (Table
2). Only Blue Quaker Pithecops fulgens, Yellow-vein
Lancer Pyroneura margherita, Wavy Maplet Chersonesia
rahroides and Tytler’s Dull Oakblue Arhopala ace arata
Tytler, 1915 which were recorded a long me back by
Doherty (1889) & Norman (1953 & 1956) from eastern
Assam, were also recorded during the present survey.
As per Evans (1932), species that are noteworthy
from the point of view of conservaon amongst these
(Table 2) are: (i) ‘Very rare’ and ‘endemic’ species:
Yellow-vein Lancer Pyroneura margherita; (ii) ‘Rare’
and ‘endemic’ species: Yellow Fringed Swi Caltoris
aurociliata (Elwes & Edwards, 1897), Wavy Maplet
Chersonesia rahroides, Silver Royal Ancema blanka
minturna (Fruhstorfer, 1912), Spoed Sailer Neps
magadha khasiana Moore, 1872, Pallid Forester Lethe
satyava; Pale Wanderer Pareronia avatar (Moore,
Image 5. 
with Changlang District & Tipong river)
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10401
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
[1858]), Royal Cerulean Jamides caeruleus (Druce,
1873), Blue Quaker Pithecops fulgens fugens, Grey Baron
Euthalia anosia anosia (Moore, [1858]), Great Archduke
Lexias cyanipardus cyanipardus (Butler, [1869]), Eastern
Striped Albatross Appias olferna Swinhoe, 1890, Dot-
dash Sergeant Athyma kanwa phorkys (Fruhstorfer,
1913), Wizard Rhinopalpa polynice birmana Fruhstorfer,
1898, Dark Velvet Bob Koruthaialos butleri butleri
(deNicéville, [1884]), Plain Bushbrown Telinga malsarida
Butler, 1868, Tailed Red Forester Lethe sinorix sinorix
(Hewitson, 1863), Chinese Bushbrown Mycalesis
gotama charaka Moore [1875], Branded Yamy Yasoda
tripunctata tripunctata (Hewitson, 1863), Great Zebra
Graphium xenocles xenocles (Doubleday, 1842), Sylhet
Oakblue Arhopala silhetensis silhetensis (Hewitson,
1862), Unbroken Sergeant Athyma pravara acupennis
Fruhstorfer, 1906, Great Blue Mime Papilio paradoxa
telearchus (Hewitson, 1852), and Watson’s Bushbrown
Mycalesis adamsoni Watson, 1897; (iii) ‘Not rare’ and
‘endemic’ species: Tued Ace Sebastonyma dolopia
Hewitson, 1868, Tiger Palmy Elymnias nesaea
Linnaeus, 1764, Plain Earl Tanaecia jahnu jahnu (Moore,
[1858]), Extra Forest Bob Scobura cephala Hewitson,
1876, Yellow-veined Flat Mooreana trichoneura pralaya
Moore, [1866], Perak Lascar Pantoporia paraka paraka
(Butler, 1879), Plain Sailer Neps carca Moore, 1872,
Black Forester Lethe vindhya vindhya (C. & R. Felder,
1859), Powdered Baron Euthalia monina kesava (Moore,
1859), Glistening Cerluean Jamides elpis pseudelpis
(Butler, 1879), Dark Yellow-banded Flat Celaenorrhinus
auriviata auriviata (Moore, 1878), Pallid Nawab
Charaxes arja arja (C. & R. Felder, [1867]), Courtsean
Euripus nyctelius nyctelius (Doubleday, 1845), Dingiest
Sailer Neps harita harita Moore, [1875], White
Dargontail Lamproptera curius curius (Fabricius, 1787),
Northern Spoed Ace Thoressa cerata Hewitson,
1876, Dusky Diadem Ethope himachala (Moore, 1857),
Common Raven Papilio castor polias Westwood, 1842,
Light Straw Ace Pithauria stramineipennis Wood-Mason
& deNicéville, [1887], Jewelled Nawab Charaxes delphis
delphis (Doubleday, 1843), Dusky Yellow-breast Flat
Gerosis phisara phisara (Moore, 1884), Dark Catseye
Zipaes scylax scylax Hewitson, 1863, Common Tree
Yellow Gandaca harina assamica Moore, [1906], and
Dark Archduke Lexias dirtea khasiana (Swinhoe, 1890),
as compared to the rest of the other species sampled.
Ninteen taxa found during this survey have not been
previously recorded by Gogoi (2013a) from Jeypore-
Dehing forest, eastern Assam, India. These are, Lime
Swallowtail Papilio demoleus demoleus Linnaeus,
1758, Tailed Jay Graphium agamemnon agamemnon
(Linnaeus, 1758), Common Windmill Byasa polyeuctes
polyeuctes (Doubleday, 1842), Eastern Striped Albatross
Appias olferna Swinhoe, 1890, Bright Sunbeam Cures
bulis bulis (Westwood, 1851), Burmese Sunbeam Cures
saronis Moore, 1877, Bhua Line Blue Prosotas bhutea
(deNicéville, [1884]), Forest Pierrot Taraka hamada
mendesia Fruhstorfer, 1918, Royal Cerulean Jamides
caeruleus, Glistening Cerluean Jamides elpis pseudelpis,
Silver Royal Ancema blanka minturna (Fruhstorfer,
1912), Jewelled Nawab Charaxes delphis delphis, Angled
Red Forester Lethe chandica anona Fruhstorfer, 1911,
White-Bar Bushbrown Mycalesis anaxias aemate
Fruhstorfer, 1911, Dark Archduke Lexias dirtea khasiana,
Yellow-veined Flat Mooreana trichoneura parlaya,
Moore’s Ace Halpe porusporus (Mabille, [1877]), Orange
Awlet Burara jaina vasundhara (Moore, [1866]), and
Yellow-Fringed Swi Caltoris aurociliata (Elwes &
Edwards, 1897).
Twenty-ve taxa found during the present survey
have not been recorded earlier by either Singh et al.
(2015) or Neog (2015) from Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary
lying west of the study area in the adjoining Jorhat
district of Upper Assam. These species are: Tailed
Sulphur Dercas verhuelli doubledayi Moore, [1905],
Bright Sunbeam Cures bulis bulis, Burmese Sunbeam
Cures saronis saronis, Glistening Cerluean Jamides
elpis pseudelpis, Blue Quaker Pithecops fulgens fugens,
Scarlet Flash Rapala dieneces (Hewitson, 1878), Silver
Royal Ancema blanka minturna, Jewelled Nawab
Charaxes delphis delphis, Pallid Forester Lethe satyava,
Black Forester Lethe vindhya vindhya, Tailed Red Forester
Lethe sinorix sinorix, Watson’s Bushbrown Mycalesis
adamsoni, Dark Catseye Zipaes scylax scylax, Dusky
Diadem Ethope himachala, Wavy Maplet Chersonesia
rahroides, Yellow Coster Acraea issoria issoria (Hübner,
[1819]), Orange Awlet Burara jaina vasundhara, Sikkim
White Flat Sereria sambara sambara Moore, [1866],
Yellow-vein Lancer Pyroneura margherita, Yellow-veined
Flat Mooreana trichoneura parlaya, Atkinson’s Bob
Amea atkinsoni (Moore, 1878), Dark Yellow-banded
Flat Celaenorrhinus auriviata auriviata, Light Straw
Ace Pithauria stramineipennis, Moore’s Ace Halpe
porusporus, Northern Spoed Ace Thoressa cerata, and
Yellow-Fringed Swi Caltoris aurociliata.
Eastern Assam is home to over 375 species of
bueries (Table 2) of which 1/3 are endemic to this
region and 1/7 are protected under various schedules
of Indian Wildlife (Protecon) Act 1972. The endemic,
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010402
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
A. Family: Hesperiidae
i. Subfamily: Coeliadinae
1Badamia exclamaonis (Fabricius,
1775) Brown Awl June Jeypore Uncommon Common -
2Hasora badra badra (Moore,
[1858]) Common Awl Feb, June Borjan, Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
3Choaspes benjaminii japonica
(Murray, 1875) Indian Awlking Mar, Sep Bherjan, Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare -
4Burara jaina (Moore, [1866]) Orange Awlet Sep Tipong Uncommon Not Rare -
ii. Subfamily: Pyrginae
6 Sarangesa dasahara dasahara
Moore, [1866] Common Small Flat Mar, Dilli, Padumoni, Borjan Fairly
Common Common -
7Celaenorrhinus leucocera (Kollar,
Common Spoed
Flat Feb, Mar Padumoni, Borjan Common Common
8Celaenorrhinus auriviata
auriviata (Moore, 1878)
Dark Yellow-banded
Flat Mar, Nov Dilli, Tinkupani Fairly
Common Not Rare Endemic
9Pseudocoladenia dan fabia Evans,
1949 Fulvous Pied Flat Mar, Sep Tinkupani, Tipong Fairly
Common Common -
10 Tagiades japetus ravi (Moore,
[1866]) Common Snow Flat Feb, Mar, Sep,
Nov Tipong, Tipong Common Common -
11 Tagiades litgiosa lgiosa Möschler,
1878 Water Snowat, Sep Tipong, Tinkupani Fairly
Common Not Rare -
12 Tagiades gana athos Plötz, 1884 Suused Snow Flat Feb, Padumoni, Dehing-Patkai Fairly
Common Not Rare -
13 Gerosis phisara phisara (Moore,
Dusky Yellow-breast
Flat Mar Tinkupani Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
14 Mooreana trichoneura pralaya
Moore, [1866] Yellow-veined Flat Sep Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare Endemic
15 Seseria sambara sambara Moore,
[1866] Sikkim White Flat Sep Borjan Uncommon Not Rare -
16 Odontoplum angulata angulata (.
Felder, 1862) Chestnut Angle Sep Borjan Fairly
Common Not Rare -
17 Psolos fuligo subfasciatus Moore,
Dusky Partwing/
Coon, Mar, Sep Borjan, Dilli, Tinkupani,
Tipong Common Common Endemic
iii. Subfamily: Hesperiinae
18 Ochus subviatus subradiatus
(Moore, 1878) Tiger Hopper Jun, Sep Tipong, Borjan, Jeypore Common - Endemic
19 Ampia dioscorides (Fabricius,
1793) Bush Hopper Sep Borjan Fairly
Common Common -
20 Aeromachus pygmaeus Fabricius,
Pygmy Scrub
Hopper Mar Borjan Fairly
Common Not Rare -
21 Pithauria stramineipennis Wood-
Mason & deNicéville, [1887] Light Straw Ace Nov Dilli, Tipong, Tinkupani Very Common Not Rare Endemic
22 Thoressa cerata Hewitson, 1876 Northern Spoed
Ace Sep Tipong Common Not Rare Endemic
23 Halpe zema zema Hewitson, 1877 Banded Ace Sep Tipong Fairly
Common Common Endemic
24 Halpe aucma Swinhoe, 1893 (IWPA
SchII) Indian Ace Nov Dilli Uncommon Not Rare -
25 Halpe porus porus (Mabille, [1877]) Moore's Ace Nov Dilli Uncommon Not Rare -
26 Halpe kusala Fruhstorfer, 1911 Hill Ace Mar Abhyapur Uncommon Common Endemic
27 Sebastonyma dolopia Hewitson,
1868 Tued Ace Nov Dilli Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
A. 
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10403
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
28 Cupitha purreea purreea (Moore,
1877) Wax Dart, Nov Dilli Uncommon Not Rare -
29 Potanthus pseudomaesa Moore,
[1881] Indian Dart Nov Dilli -
30 Telicota colon (Fabricius, 1775) Common Palm Dart Nov Tinkupani Fairly
Common Not Rare -
31 Telicota bambusae bambusae
Moore, 1878 Dark Palm Dart Nov Dilli Uncommon Common -
32 Oriens gola pseudolus Mabille, 1883 Common Dartlet Mar Tinkupani, Borjan Common Not Rare -
33 Notocrypta paralysos asawa
Fruhstorfer, 1911
Common Banded
Demon Feb Padumoni Uncommon Common -
34 Notocrypta curvifascia curviascia
(C.&R. Felder, 1862) Restricted Demon Sep Tipong Uncommon Common -
35 Notocrypta feisthamelii alysos
Moore, [1866] Spoed Demon Mar Dilli, Borjan Fairly
Common Common -
36 Ancistroides nigrita diocles (Moore,
[1866]) Chocolate Demon Mar, Sep, Nov Tinkupani, Dilli, Borjan,
Tipong Very Common Common -
37 Iambrix salsala salsala (Moore,
[1866]) Chestnut Bob Mar, Sep Abhyapur, Dilli, Tipong,
Tinkupani Very Common Common -
38 Koruthaialos butleri butleri (de
Nicéville, [1884]) Dark Velvet Bob Feb, Padumoni Common Rare Endemic
39 Arnea atkinsoni (Moore, 1878) Atkinson’s Bob Sep Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
40 Scobura cephala Hewitson, 1876 Extra Forest Bob Sep Tipong Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
41 Matapa aria Moore, [1866] Common Red Eye Sep, Nov, Dilli Fairly
Common Common -
42 Borbo cinnara (Wallace, 1866) Rice Swi Sep Tipong Fairly
Common Common -
43 Pelopidas sp. Walker, 1870 Swi Sep Tipong Fairly
Common - -
44 Pelopidas assamensis (de Nicéville,
1882) (IWPA Sch IV) Great Swi Nov Dilli Uncommon - -
45 Boaris farri (Moore, 1878) Paintbrush Swi Nov Dilli Uncommon Not Rare -
46 Parnara guatus (Bremer & Grey,
[1852]) Straight Swi Nov Dilli Uncommon Common -
47 Pseudoborbo bevani (Moore, 1878) Bevan’s Swi Nov Dilli Uncommon Not rare -
48 Caltoris aurociliata (Elwes &
Edwards, 1897) Yellow Fringed Swi Mar, Nov Dilli Uncommon Rare Endemic
49 Baoris chapmani Evans, 1937 Small Paintbrush
Swi Nov Dilli Uncommon - Endemic
50 Pyroneura margherita (Doherty,
1889) Yellow-vein Lancer Nov Dilli Uncommon Very Rare Endemic
B. Family: Papilionidae
i. Subfamily: Papilioninae
51 Graphium eurypylus Cheronus
(Jordan, 1909) Great Jay Jun, Sep Tipong , Tinkupani,
Jeypore Common Not Rare -
52 Graphium chironides chironides
(Honrath, 1884) Veined Jay Mar, Jun, Nov Dilli, Abhyapur,
Tinkupani, Dehing-Patkai Common Not Rare -
53 Graphium agamemnon
agamemnon (Linnaeus, 1758) Tailed Jay Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Borjan, Tinkupani,
Jeypore Common Common -
54 Graphium anphates pompilius
(Fabricius, 1787) Five Bar Swordtail Jun, Sep Tipong, Tinkupani,
Jeypore Very Common Common
55 Graphium xenocles xenocles
(Doubleday, 1842) Great Zebra Jun Jeypore Very Common Not Rare Endemic
56 Graphium cloanthus cloanthus
(Westwood, 1841) Glassy Blue Bole Jun Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010404
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
57 Graphium sarpedon sarpedon
(Linnaeus, 1758) (IWPA SchII)
Common Blue
Feb, Mar, Jun,
Borjan, Tinkupani,
Tipong, Dehing-Patkai,
Common Common -
58 Lamproptera curius curius
(Fabricius, 1787) White Dargontail Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Tinkupani, Borjan,
Jeypore Common Not Rare Endemic
59 Papilio paradoxa telearchus
(Hewitson, 1852) (IWPA SchII) Great Blue Mime Jun, Sep Dehing Paatkai, Jeypore Very Common Rare Endemic
60 Papilio memnon agenor Linnaeus,
1768 (Female- alcanor ) Great Mormon Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Borjan, Bherjan,
Tipong, Jeypore Common Common -
61 Papilio polytes romulus Cramer,
[1775] Common Mormon Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Tinkupani, Tipong,
Jeypore Very Common Very
Common -
62 Papilio helenus helenus Linneaus,
1758 Red Helen Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Borjan, Bherjan,
Tinkupani, Tipong,
Dehing-Patkai, Jeypore
Very Common Common -
63 Papilio nephelus chaon Westwood,
1845 (IWPA SchII) Yellow Helen Sep Dilli Common Common Endemic
64 Papilio protenor euprotenor
Fruhstorfer, 1908 Spangle Feb, Mar, Jun,
Borjan, Dilli, Tinkupani,
Tipong, Dehing-Patkai,
Very Common Not Rare -
65 Papilio bianor ganesa Doubleday,
1842 Common Peacock Sep Tipong, Tinkupani,
Dehing-Patkai Common Common -
66 Papilio paris paris Linnaeus, 1758 Paris Peacock Jun Jeypore Uncommn Common -
67 Papilio castor castor Westwood,
1842 Common Raven Mar, Jun Dilli, Tinkupani, Tipong,
Jeypore Common Not Rare Endemic
68 Papilio demoleus demoleus
Linnaeus, 1758 Lime Swallowtail Mar, Sep, Nov Dilli, Tinkupani Common Very
Common -
69 Atrophaneura aidoneus (Doubleday,
1845) Lesser Batwing Mar, Nov Dilli Fairly
Common Rare -
70 Atrophaneura varuna astroion
(Westwood, 1842) Common Batwing Feb, Mar, Jun,
Padumoni, Abhyapur,
Tinkupani, Tipong,
Common Not Rare -
71 Atrophaneura dasarada dasarada
(Moore, 1857) (IWPA Sch II) Great Windmill Feb, Padumoni Uncommon Not Rare -
72 Atrophaneura polyeuctes polyeuctes
(Doubleday, 1842) Common Windmill Feb, Mar, Jun,
Dilli, Padumoni, Bherjan,
Jeypore Very Common Common -
73 Pachliopta aristolochiae
aristolochiae (Fabricius, 1775) Common Rose Mar, Jun, Sep Podumoni, Tipong,
Jeypore Common Very
Common -
74 Troides aeacus aeacus (C. &R.
Felder, 1860) Golden Birdwing Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Abhyapur,
Podumoni, Tipong,
Borjan, Jeypore
Common Not Rare -
C. Family: Pieridae
i. Subfamily: Pierinae
75 Appias albina darada (C. & R.
Felder, [1865]) Common Albatross Feb, Sep, Nov Dilli, Bherjan, Borjan,
Tipong Common Rare -
76 Appias lyncida eleonora (Boisduval,
1836) Chocolate Albatross Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Bherjan, Borjan,
Podumoni. Tipong,
Tinkupani, Dehing-
Patkai, Jeypore
Very Common Common -
77 Appias olferna Swinhoe, 1890 Eastern Striped
Albatross Jun, Nov, Dilli, Jeypore Fairly
Common Rare Endemic
78 Catopsilia pomona pomona
(Fabricius, 1775) Common Emigrant) Sep, Nov, Dilli, Tipong Very Common Common -
79 Cepora nerissa nerissa (Fabricius,
1775) Common Gull Sep Tinkupani Fairly
Common Common -
80 Cepora nadina nadina (Lucas, 1852) Lesser Gull Jun, Nov Dilli, Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
81 Delias pasithoe pasithoe (Linnaeus,
1767) Red Base Jezebel Feb, Sep, Nov Dilli, Podumoni, Tipong Very Common Not Rare -
82 Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe
(Linnaeus, 1758) Great Orange Tip Mar, Jun, Sep Tinkupani, Tipong,
Dehing-Patkai, Jeypore Very Common Common -
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10405
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
83 Ixias pyrene lafasciata Butler, 1871 Yellow Orange Tip Sep, Nov Dilli, Tinkupani Common Common -
84 Leptosia nina (Fabricius, 1793) Psyche Mar, Jun, Sep,
Nov Dilli, Bherjan, Jeypore Common Common -
85 Pareronia avatar (Moore, [1858]) Pale Wanderer Mar, Bherjan, Tipong Fairly
Common Rare Endemic
86 Pieris canidia canidia (Linnaeus,
Indian Cabbage
White Feb, Mar, June
Podumoni, Bherjan,
Borjan, Dilli, Tinkupani,
Very Common Very
Common -
87 Eurema andersonii jordanii Corbet
& Pendlebury, 1932
One Spot Grass
Feb, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Bherjan, Borjan,
Jeypore Very Common Rare -
ii. Subfamily: Coliadinae
88 Dercas verhuelli doubledayi Moore,
[1905] Tailed Sulphur Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
89 Eurema hecabe hecabe (Linnaeus,
Common Grass
Feb, Mar, Sep,
Dilli, Podumoni, Bherjan,
Bhorjan, Tinkupani,
Tipong, Dehing-Patkai
Very Common Very
Common -
90 Eurema blanda silhetana (Wallace,
Three spot Grass
Feb, Mar, Jun,
Dilli, Bherjan, Borjan,
Jeypore Common Common -
91 Gandaca harina assamica Moore,
Common Tree
Feb, Mar, Jun,
Padumoni, Bherjan,
Borjan, Tinkupani,
Dehing-Patkai, Jeypore
Very Common Not Rare Endemic
C. Family: Riodinidae
i. Subfamily: Nemeobiinae
92 Abisara neophron neophron
(Hewitson, 1861) Tailed Judy Mar, Sept Tipong Uncommon Not Rare -
93 Zemeros egyas egyas (Cramer,
[1780]) Punchinello Feb, Mar, Sep,
Dilli, Padumoni, Bherjan,
Borjan, Tinkupani,
Tipong, Jeypore
Very Common Very
Common -
D. Family: Lycaenidae
i. 
94 Poria hewitsoni hewitsoni Moore,
[1866] (IWPA SchII) Common Gem Nov, Dilli Uncommon Not Rare -
ii. 
95 Taraka hamada mendesia
Fruhstorfer, 1918 Forest Pierrot Mar, Abhaypur, Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare -
iii. 
96 Cures bulis bulis (Westwood,
1851) Bright Sunbeam Sept Tipong Common Not Rare -
97 Cures saronis Moore, 1877 Burmese Sunbeam Sept Tipong Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
iv. Subfamily: Theclinae
98 Arhopala silhetensis silhetensis
(Hewitson, 1862) (IWPA SchII) Sylhet Oakblue Feb, Mar, Bherjan, Dilli, Borjan,
Padumoni Very Common Rare Endemic
99 Arhopala centaurus pirithous
(Moore, [1884]) Centaur Oakblue Feb, Mar Tinkupani, Borjan,
Padumoni, Dilli Very Common Not Rare -
100 Arhopala paramuta paramuta (de
Nicéville, [1884]) Hooked Oakblue Sept Jeypore Uncommon Not Rare -
101 Arhopala ace arata Tytler, 1915
(IWPA1972 Sch I)
Tytler's Dull
Oakblue 09 Sept 2016 One individual at Gibbon
WLS, Jorhat dist. , Assam Uncommon Very Rare Endemic
102 Cheritra freja evansi Cowan, 1965 Common Imperial Feb, Mar, Sep,
Dilli, Borjan, Tinkupani,
Tipong Common Not Rare -
103 Chliaria othona othona Hewitson,
1869 (IWPA SchI) Orchid Tit Jun, Sep Tipong, Borjan, Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
104 Chliaria kina kina (Hewitson, 1869)
(IWPA SchII) Blue Tit Jun, Sep, Nov Dilli, Tipong, Jeypore,
Jeypore Very Common Rare -
105 Zeltus amasa amasa (Hewitson,
1865) Fluy Tit Feb, Jun, Sep Borjan, Tipong, Jeypore Very Common Not Rare -
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010406
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
106 Hypolycaena erylus himavantus
Fruhstorfer, 1912 Common Tit Jun, Sep, Nov Dilli, Dehing-Patkai,
Common Common -
107 Rapala dieneces (Hewitson, 1878) Scarlet Flash Mar, Sept Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare -
108 Rapala pherema petosiris
(Hewitson, 1863) Copper Flash Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
109 Ancema ctesia ctesia (Hewitson,
1865) Bispot Royal June Jeypore Uncommon Not Rare -
110 Remelana jangala ravata (Moore,
[1866]) Chocolate Royal Sept Dilli, Tipong Very Common Common Endemic
111 Ancema blanka minturna
(Fruhstorfer, 1912) (IWPA SchII) Silver Royal Sept Dehing Patkai Uncommon Rare Endemic
112 Surendra quercetorum quercetorum
(Moore, [1858])
Common Acacia
Blue Feb, Sept Borjan, Tinkupani,
Borjan Common Common -
113 Yasoda tripunctata tripunctata
(Hewitson, 1863) (IWPA SchII) Branded Yamy Sept Tipong, Tinkupani Very Common Rare Endemic
114 Loxura atymnus connentalis
Fruhstorfer, 1912 Common Yamy Jun, Sep, Tipong, Dehing-Patkai,
Borjan, Jeypore Very Common Common -
115 Spindasis lohita himalayanus
(Moore, 1884) (IWPA SchII)
Silverline Sep, Nov, Tipong, Dehing-Patkai Fairly
Common Common -
v. Subfamily: Lycaeninae
116 Heliophorus epicles lalimbata
Eliot, 1963 Purple Sapphire Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Podumoni, Bherjan,
Bhorjan, Tinkupani,
Tipong, Jeypore
Very Common Common -
117 Catochrysops strabo strabo
(Fabricius, 1793) Forget-me-not June Jeypore Uncommon Common -
vi. 
118 Anthene emolus emolus (Godart,
Common Ciliate
Blue Sept Tinkupani, Dehing-Patkai Fairly
Common Common -
119 Anthene lycaenina lycambes
(Hewitson, 1878) Pointed Ciliate Blue Sept Tinkupani Uncommon Not Rare -
Prosotas aluta coeless (Wood-
Mason & deNicéville, [1887]) (IWPA
Banded Lineblue Jun, Sep, Nov, Dilli, Tipong, Tinkupani,
Jeypore Common Rare -
121 Chilades lajus lajus (Stoll, [1780]) Lime Blue Sept Tipong Fairly
Common Common -
122 Caleta elna noliteia (Fruhstorfer,
1918) Elbowed Pierrot Jun, Sep
Tipong, Tinkupani,
Dehing-Patkai, Borjan,
Very Common Not Rare -
123 Castalius rosimon rosimon
(Fabricius, 1775) Common Pierrot Feb, Mar, Sept Borjan, Abhaypur,
Tipong, Tinkupani Common Common -
124 Jamides celeno (Cramer, [1775]) Common Cerulean Feb, Mar, Sep,
Dilli, Padumoni, Bherjan,
Borjan Very Common Common -
125 Jamides caerulea (Druce, 1873) Royal Cerulean Sept Tipong, Tinkupani Fairly
Common Rare Endemic
126 Jamides elpis pseudelpis (Butler,
1879) Glistening Cerluean Mar, Padumoni Fairly
Common Not Rare Endemic
127 Prosotas nora ardates (Moore,
[1875]) Common Line Blue Jun, Sep, Nov Dilli, Borjan, Tipong,
Jeypore Very Common Common -
128 Prosotas dubiosa indica (Evans,
[1925]) Tailless Line Blue Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Very Common Common -
129 Prosotas bhutea (deNicéville,
[1884]) Bhua Line Blue Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Common Not Rare -
130 Nacaduba kurava euplea
Frushstorfer, 1916
Transparent Sixline
Blue Sept Tipong Uncommon Common -
131 Megisba malaya sikkima Moore,
1884 Malayan June Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
132 Neopithecops zalmora zalmora
(Butler, [1870]) Common Quaker Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Common Common -
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10407
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
133 Pithecops fulgens fugens Doherty,
1889 (IWPA SchII) Blue Quaker Nov Dilli Uncommon Rare Endemic
134 Acytolepis puspa gisca (Fruhstorfer,
Common Hedge
Blue Feb, Jun, Sep Borjan, Tipong,
Tinkupani, Jeypore Common Common -
135 Udara dilectus dilectaus (Moore,
1879) Pale Hedge Blue Mar Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare -
136 Pseudozizeeria maha maha (Kollar,
[1844]) Pale Grass Blue Nov, Dilli Fairly
Common -
137 Zizina o sos (Fabricius, 1787) Lesser Grass Blue Nov, Dilli Uncommon Common -
E. Family: Nymphalidae
i. Subfamily: Danainae
138 Danaus genua genua (Cramer,
[1779]) Striped Tiger Feb, Mar, Sep,
Dilli, Padumoni, Borjan,
Abhaypur, Tipong,
Very Common Very
Common -
139 Danaus chrysippus chrysippus
(Linnaeus, 1758) Plain Tiger Feb Borjan Uncommon Very
Common -
140 Paranca aglea melanoidesMoore,
1883 Glassy Tiger Mar, Jun, Sep
Dilli, Tinkupani,
Padumoni, Borjan,
Abhyapur, Bherjan,
Tipong, Dehing-Patkai,
Very Common Common -
141 Paranca melaneus plataniston
(Fruhstorfer, 1910) Chocolate Tiger Mar, Tipong Fairly
Common Common -
142 Paranca sita sita (Kollar, [1844]) Chestnut Tiger Feb, Mar, Nov Borjan Uncommon Not Rare -
143 Tirumala septentrionis septentrionis
(Butler, 1874) Dark Blue Tiger Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Tinkupani, Dilli,
Padumoni, Tipong,
Very Common Not Rare -
144 Tirmula limniace exoca (Gmelin,
1790) Blue Tiger Mar Abhyapur Uncommon Very
Common -
145 Euploea algea deione Westwood,
1848 Long-banded Crow Nov, Dilli Uncommon Not Rare -
146 Euploea core core (Cramer, [1780]) Common Indian
Crow Sept Tipong Common Common -
147 Euploea mulciber mulciber (Cramer,
[1777]) (IWPA SchIV) Striped Blue Crow Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Abhyapur, Bherjan,
Padumoni, Tipong,
Tinkupani, Dehing-
Patkai, Jeypore
Very Common Common -
148 Euploea midamus rogenhoferi
C.&R. Felder, [1865] (IWPA SchII) Blue Spoed Crow Mar, Jun, Sep,
Nov Dilli, Bherjan, Jeypore Very Common Rare -
149 Euploea radamanthus radamanthus
(Fabricius, 1793) Magpie Crow Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Abhyapur, Tipong,
Tinkupani, Dehing-
Patkai, Jeypore
Very Common Not Rare -
150 Polyura athamas (Drury, [1773]) Common Nawab Mar, Jun, Sep Borjan, Jeypore Fairly
Common Common -
151 Polyura arja (C.&R. Felder, [1867]) Pallid Nawab Sep, Sept Nov, Dilli, Tipong, Dehing-
Patkai, Borjan Common Not Rare Endemic
ii. Subfamily: Charaxinae
152 Charaxes eudamippus eudamippus
(Doubleday, 1843) Great Nawab June Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare --
Charaxes delphis delphis
(Doubleday, 1843) (IWPA1972
Sch II)
Jewelled Nawab 14 Sept 2014
One individual on the
raod near Rama Kishna
Mission, Deomali RF,
Tirap dist. , Arunachal
Pradesh adjoining
Jeypore RF.
Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
154 Charaxes kahruba (Moore, [1895]) Variegated Rajah Sept Dehing-Patkai Uncommon Rare -
155 Charaxes bernardus hierax (C.&R.
Felder, [1867]) Tawny Rajah Sep, Nov Dilli, Tipong, Tinkupani,
Dehing-Patkai, Borjan Very Common Common -
156 Charaxes marmax marmax
Westwood, 1847 (IWPA SchII) Yellow Rajah Sept Tipong, Tinkupani,
Dehing-Patkai Common Rare -
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010408
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
iii. Subfamily: Satyrinae
157 Elymnias hypermnestra undularis
(Drury, 1773) Common Palmy Mar, Sept Borjan, Tinkupani Common Common
158 Elymnias nesaea Linnaeus, 1764 Tiger Palmy Feb, Bherjan Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
159 Ethope himachala (Moore, 1857) Dusky Diadem Sep, Nov Dilli, Tipong Common Not Rare Endemic
160 Lethe chandica anona Fruhstorfer,
1911 Angled Red Forester Feb, Mar, Tinkupani, Borjan Common Not Rare -
161 Lethe vindhya vindhya (C.&R.
Felder, 1859) Black Forester Sept Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare Endemic
162 Lethe mekara mekara (Moore,
Common Red
Forester Sept Dehing-Patkai Uncommon Common Endemic
163 Lethe satyava deNicéville, 1881
(IWPA1972 Sch I) Pallid Forester Mar, Tinopani; Sibasagar Uncommon Rare Endemic
164 Lethe sinorix sinorix (Hewitson,
1863) Tailed Red Forester Mar, Sep, Nov Dilli, Tipong Common Rare Endemic
165 Lethe verma sinca Fruhstorfer,
Straight Banded
Feb, Mar, Sep,
Nov Dilli, Padumoni, Tipong Very Common Common -
166 Lethe europa niladana Fruhstorfer,
1911 Bamboo Treebrown Sept Tipong, Borjan Fairly
Common Not Rare -
167 Melanis zitenius zitenius (Herbst,
1796) (IWPA SchII)
Great Evening
Brown Feb, Mar, Borjan, Dehing-Patkai Fairly
Common Not Rare -
168 Melanis phedima bela Moore,
1857 Dark Evening Brown Feb, Mar, Borjan, Dilli, Tipong Very Common Common -
169 Melanis leda leda (Linnaeus,
Common Evening
Brown Feb, Mar, Nov
Dilli, Padumoni, Bherjan,
Borjan, Tinkupani,
Very Common Very
Common -
170 Mycalesis perseus blasius (Fabricius,
Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Padumoni, Borjan,
Abhyapur, Tipong,
Tinkupani, Borjan,
Very Common Very
Common -
171 Mycalesis adamsoni Watson, 1897 Watson's
Bushbrown Feb, Mar Tinkupani, Borjan Very Common Rare Endemic
172 Mycalesis anaxias aemate
Fruhstorfer, 1911 (IWPA SchII)
Bushbrown Nov, Dilli Uncommon Not rare -
173 Mycalesis malsarida Butler, 1868
(IWPA SchII) Plain Bushbrown Mar, Sep, Nov Tinkupani, Dilli, Tipong Common Rare Endemic
174 Mycalesis visala visala (Moore,
Bushbrown Mar Dilli Fairly
Common Common -
175 Mycalesis francisca sanatana
Moore, [1858] Lilacine Bushbrown Mar Tipong Uncommon Not Rare -
176 Mycalesis gotama charaka Moore,
[1875] (IWPA1972 Sch II) Chinese Bushbrown Mar Borjan Uncommon Rare Endemic
177 Mycalesis mineus mineus (Linnaeus,
Dark Brand
Bushbrown Feb, Sep, Nov Dilli, Bherjan, Bhorjan Common Very
Common -
178 Orsotriaena medus medus
(Fabricius, 1775) Medus Brown Feb, Jun, Mar, Bherjan, Borjan, Jeypore Fairly
Common Common -
179 Ypthima baldus baldus (Fabricius,
1775) Common Five-ring Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov.
Tinkupani, Dilli, Borjan,
Padumoni, Abhyapur,
Bherjan, Dehing-Patkai,
Very Common Very
Common -
180 Ypthima huebneri huebneri Kirby,
1871 Common Four Ring Nov, Dilli, Fairly
Common -
181 Zipaes scylax scylax Hewitson,
1863 Dark Catseye Mar, Sept Abhaypur, Tipong,
Tinkupani Very Common Not Rare Endemic
iv. Subfamily: Heliconiinae
182 Acraea issoria issoria (Hübner,
[1819]) Yellow Coster Sept Tinkupani, Dehing-Patkai Fairly
Common Not Rare -
183 Cethosia cyane cyane (Drury,
[1773]) Leopard Lacewing Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Bherjan, Podumoni,
Tipong, Tinkupani,
Dehing-Patkai, Jeypore
Very Common Not Rare -
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10409
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
184 Cethosia biblis samena
Fruhstorfer, 1912 Red Lacewing Nov Dilli Fairly
Common Common -
185 Cirrochroa tyche mithila Moore,
1872 Common Yeoman Feb, Mar, Nov Dilli, Bherjan, Borjan Very Common Common -
186 Cirrochroa aoris aoris Doubleday,
[1847] Large Yeoman Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Common Not Rare -
187 Phalantha phalantha (Drury,
[1773]) Common Leopard Sept Dehing-Patkai Uncommon Common -
188 Vagrans egista sinha (Kollar, [1844]) Vagrant Sept Tipong Uncommon Not Rare -
189 Vindula erota erota (Fabricius,
1793) Cruiser Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Bherjan, Podumoni,
Tinkupani, Tipong,
Very Common Not Rare -
v. 
190 Athyma pravara acupennis
Fruhstorfer, 1906 (IWPA SchII) Unbroken Sergeant Feb, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Borjan, Tipong,
Dehing-Patkai, Jeypore Very Common Rare Endemic
191 Athyma kanwa phorkys
(Fruhstorfer, 1913) (IWPA SchII) Dot-dash Sergeant Mar, Sept Bherjan, Tipong Fairly
Common Rare Endemic
192 Athyma ranga ranga Moore, [1858]
(IWPA SchII) Blackvein Sergeant Feb, Mar, Jun,
Bherjan, Abhyapur,
Borjan, Tipong, Jeypore Common Rare -
193 Athyma inara inara Westwood,
1850 Colour Sergeant Jun, Nov Dilli, Tipong, Jeypore Common Not Rare -
194 Athyma perius perius (Linnaeus,
1758) Common Sergeant Mar, Jun, Nov, Tinkupani, Dilli, Dehing-
Patkai, Jeypore Common Common -
195 Athyma cama cama Moore, [1858] Orange Sta
Sergeant June Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
196 Athyma zeroca zecroa Moore, 1872 Small Sta Sergeant Nov. Dehing-Patkai Uncommon Not Rare -
197 Athyma selenophora bahula Moore,
1858 Sta Sergeant Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Borjan, Tipong,
Dehing-Patkai, Jeypore Common Not Rare -
198 Euthalia phemius phemius
(Doubleday, 1848)
White-edged Blue
Baron Sep, Nov Dilli, Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare -
199 Euthalia anosia anosia (Moore,
[1858]) (IWPA SchII) Grey Baron Mar Borjan Fairly
Common Rare Endemic
200 Euthalia monina kesava (Moore,
1859) Powdered Baron Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare Endemic
201 Euthalia aconthea garuda (Moore,
[1858]) (IWPA SchII) Common Baron Feb, Sep Borjan, Tipong, Dehing-
Common Not Rare -
202 Lexias dirtea khasiana (Swinhoe,
1890) (IWPA SchII) Dark Archduke Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Borjan, Tipong,
Tinkupani Very Common Not Rare Endemic
203 Lexias cyanipardus cyanipardus
(Butler, [1869]) Great Archduke Sep Tinkupani Fairly
Common Rare Endemic
204 Lebadea martha ismene
(Doubleday, [1848]) Knight Feb, Mar, Jun,
Tinkupani, Borjan,
Bherjan, Tipong, Jeypore Common Not Rare -
205 Moduza procris procris (Cramer,
[1777]) Commander Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Abhyapur, Tipong,
Tinkupani, Dehing-
Patkai, Jeypore
Common Not Rare -
206 Neps hylas varmona Moore, 1872 Common Sailer Feb, Mar, Sep,
Dilli, Padumoni, Bherjan,
Borjan, Abhaypur,
Very Common Very
Common -
207 Neps harita harita Moore, [1875] Dingiest Sailer Jun, Sep Tipong, Jeypore Common Not Rare Endemic
208 Neps pseudovikasi (Moore, 1899) False Dingy Sailer Mar, Jun, Sep Dilli, Tipong, Tinkupani,
Jeypore Common Not Rare -
209 Neps miah miah Moore, 1857 Small Yellow Sailer Mar Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare -
210 Neps ananta ochracea Evans, 1924 Yellow Sailer Mar, Jun, Sep,
Dilli, Borjan, Tipong,
Jeypore Common Rare -
211 Neps carca Moore, 1872 Plain Sailer Sep Tipong Fairly
Common Not Rare Endemic
212 Neps clinia susruta Moore, 1872 Sullied Sailer Sep Tinkupani Fairly
Common Rare -
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010410
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common name Month of
record Sites
Status as
Evans 1932
restricted to
and eastern
Himalaya in
213 Neps sankara amba Moore, 1858 Broad-banded
Sailer Mar, Abhyapur Uncommon Not Rare -
214 Nepis nata adipala Moore, 1872 Clear Sailer Mar, Nov Dilli Fairly
Common Rare -
215 Phaedyma columella ophiana
(Moore, 1972) Short-banded Sailer Sept Tipong Uncommon Not Rare -
216 Neps magadha khasiana Moore,
1872 Spoed Sailer June Jeypore Uncommon Rare Endemic
217 Pantoporia paraka paraka (Butler,
1879) Perak Lascar Feb Borjan Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
218 Pantoporia hordonia hordonia
(Stoll, [1790]) Common Lascar Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Bherjan, Abhyapur,
Borjan, Tinkupani,
Tipong, Jeypore
Very Common Common -
219 Tanaecia jahnu jahnu (Moore,
[1858]) Plain Earl Sept Dehing-Patkai Uncommon Not Rare Endemic
220 Tanaecia julii appiades (Ménétrés,
1857) Common Earl Mar, Sep, Nov Dilli, Borjan, Podumoni,
Tipong Common Common `-
221 Tanaecia lepidea sthavara
(Fruhstorfer, 1913) (IWPA SchII) Grey Count Feb, Mar, Jun,
Sep, Nov
Dilli, Bherjan, Borjan,
Abhyapur, Tipong,
Tinkupani, Dehing-
Patkai, Jeypore
Very Common Not Rare -
vi. 
222 Cyress thyodamas thyodamas
Boisduval, 1846 Common Map Jun, Sep Abhyapur, Borjan,
Tinkupani, Jeypore Common Common -
223 Chersonesia risa risa (Doubleday,
[1848]) Common Maplet Sep, Nov Dilli, Tipong, Borjan Very Common Not Rare -
224 Chersonesia rahrioides Moore,
[1899] (IWPA SchII) Wavy Maplet Sep Tipong Uncommon Rare Endemic
225 Dichorrhaga nesimachus
nesimachus (Doyére, [1840]) Constable Sep Borjan Fairly
Common Not Rare -
226 Sbochiona nicea nicea (Gray, 1846) Popinjay Sep Tipong, Tinkupani Common Not Rare -
vii. Subfamily: Bibiliinae
227 Ariadne merione tapestrina (Moore,
1884) Common Castor Feb, Nov Dilli, Podumoni, Bherjan Common Common -
viii. Subfamily: Apaturinae
228 Euripus nyctelius nyctelius
(Doubleday, 1845) Courtsean Jun, Sep, Nov, Dilli, Tipong, Jeypore Common Not Rare Endemic
ix. Subfamily: Nymphalinae
229 Junonia iphita iphita (Cramer,
[1779]) Chocolate Pansy Mar, Sep
Bherjan, Tipong,
Tinkupani, Dehing-
Patkai, Borjan
Common Common -
230 Junonia lemonias (Linnaeus, 1758) Lemon Pansy Feb, Nov Borjan, Berjan, Dilli,
Tipong Common Common -
231 Junonia atlites atlites (Linnaeus,
1763) Grey Pansy Mar, Nov,
Dilli, Padumoni, Borjan,
Abhaypur, Tipong,
Very Common Not Rare -
232 Junonia almana almana (Linnaeus,
1758) Peacock Pansy Feb, Mar, Sep,
Tinkupani, Dilli, Borjan,
Tinkupani Very Common Common -
233 Symbrenthia lilaea khasiana
(Moore, [1875]) Common Jester Feb, Mar, Nov
Tinkupani, Dilli,
Padumoni, Borjan,
Very Common Common -
234 Hypolimnas bolina jacintha (Drury,
1773) Great Eggy Feb, Mar, Sep,
Dilli, Podumoni, Borjan,
Tipong, Tinkupani Very Common Common -
235 Doleschallia bisalde indica Moore,
1899 Autumn Leaf Jun, Sep Tipong, Borjan, Jeypore Fairly
Common Not Rare -
236 Kallima inachus inachus (Boisduval,
1846) Orange Oak Leaf Mar, Dilli Fairly
Common Not Rare -R
237 Rhinopalpa polynice birmana
Fruhstorfer, 1898 (IWPA SchII) Wizard Sep, Nov Dilli Common Rare Endemic
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10411
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
B. Other (previous) records from eastern Assam
 Common Name Month Site of record
Status as per
restricted to
Northeast &
Eastern Him.
in India
A. Family: Hesperiidae
i. Subfamily: Coeliadinae
238 Bibasis sena sena (Moore, [1866])
(IWPA1972 Sch II)
Orange-tail Awl, Bibasis
sena sena (Moore, 1865)
(IWPA1972 Sch II)
- Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013
239 Bibasis oedipodea belesis (Mabille,
1876) Branded Orange Awlet - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
240 Choaspes xanthopogon (Kollar, [1844])
(syn. C. similisEvans, 1932) Similar Awlking - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
241 Hasora badra badra (Moore, [1858]) Common Awl Nov–Dec Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
242 Hasora chromus (Cramer, [1780]) Common Banded Awl Apr–Jun GibbonWLS Not Rare - Neog, 2015
243 Hasora taminatus (Hübner, 1818) White-banded Awl - Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013
ii. Subfamily: Pyriginae
244 Gerosis sinica narada (Moore, 1884) White Yellow-breast Flat - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
245 Coladenia agni agni (de Nicéville,
[1884]) Brown Pied Flat Mar–Apr Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
246 Capilia zennara (Moore, (1866]) Pale Striped Dawny - Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
247 Capila pieridoides (Moore, 1878) White Dawny - Assam Rare Endemic Moore 1878
248 Celaenorrhinus nigricans (de Nicéville,
1885) Small-banded Flat - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
249 Celaenorrhinus andamanicus hanna
Evans, 1949
Andaman Yellowbanded
Flat - Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic ?? Gogoi 2013
250 Darpa pteria dealbata (Distant, 1886) Snowy Angle Jul–Aug Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
iii. Subfamily: Hesperiinae
251 Spialia galba (Fabrcius, 1793) Indian Skipper Jan–Nov Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Common - Gogoi 2013; Neog
252 Ampia maroides de Nicéville, [1896] Scarce Bush Hopper Sep-Oct Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Singh et al. 2015
253 Aeromachus sgmata obsoleta
(Moore, 1878) Veined Scrub Hopper Sep-Oct Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
254 Aeromachus jhora creta (deNicéville,
1885) Grey Scrub Hopper Sep-Oct Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Singh et al. 2015
255 Halpe sikkima Moore 1882 Sikkim Ace May-July Gibbon WLS;
Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Neog
256 Halpe kumara de Nicéville, 1885 Plain Ace Jan-Feb Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
257 Potanthus ganda Fruhstorfer, 1911 Sumatran Dart - Jeypore RF - - Gogoi 2013
258 Udaspes folus (Cramer, [1775]) Grass Demon Feb-Oct Gibbon WLS;
Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013;
Neog, 2015
259 Hyaros adrastus (Stoll, [1780])
(IWPA1972 Sch IV) Tree Flier Feb-Oct Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Neog 2015
260 Suada swerga swerga (de Nicéville,
[1884]) Grass Bob Mar-Apr;
Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Neog
261 Scobura isota (Swinhoe, 1893) Khasi Forest Bob Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
262 Scobura cephaloides (de Nicéville,
[1889]) Large Forest Bob - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
263 Scobura phidita (Hewitson, [1866]) Malay Forest Bob - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
264 Suastus gremius (Fabricius, 1798) Small Indian Palm Bob Mar, Sep-
Oct, Nov
Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Common - Singh et al. 2015;
Neog 2015
265 Gangara thyrsis (Fabricius, 1775) Giant Redeye Jun-Nov Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Neog 2015
266 Erionota thrax thrax (Linnaeus, 1767) Palm Redeye - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010412
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common Name Month Site of record
Status as per
restricted to
Northeast &
Eastern Him.
in India
267 Matapa cresta Evans, 1949 Fringed Branded Redeye - Jeypore RF - - Gogoi 2013
268 Caltoris kumara kumara (Moore, 1878) Blank Swi Mar-Apr;
Gibbon WLS;
Jeypore RF - - Gogoi 2013; Neog
269 Baoris pagana (de Nicéville, 1887) Figure of-8 Swi - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
270 Caltoris cormasa (Hewitson, 1876) Full-stop Swi Oct-Nov GibbonWLS;
Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Neog
271 Caltoris cahira carina (Evans, 1937) Colon Swi Sep-Oct Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
272 Caltoris plebeia (de Nicéville, 1887) Tued Swi May-Nov Gibbon WLS;
Jeypore RF - Endemic Gogoi 2013; Neog
273 Caltoris brunnea caere (de Niceville,
1891) Dark-branded Swi - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
274 Pelopidas sinensis (Mabille, 1877)
(IWPA1972 Sch IV) Chinese Branded Swi Jul-Aug Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Common - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
275 Pelopidas mathias mathias (Fabricius,
1798) Small Branded Swi Jul-Dec Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Common - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
276 Polytremis minuta (Evans, 1926) Baby Swi - Sibasagar
District Very Rare Endemic Norman, 1956
277 Salanoemia sala (Hewitson, [1866]) Maculate Lancer - Sibasagar
District Very Rare Endemic Norman 1956
278 Plasngia naga (de Nicéville, [1884]) Silver Spoed Lancer - Assam Rare Endemic De Niceville 1884
279 Hidari bhawani deNicéville, [1889] Veined Palmer June 1952 Sibasagar
District Very Rare Endemic Norman, 1953;
Singh 2015
280 Isma sp. Distant, 1886 - - Sibasagar
District - - Norman 1956
B. Family: Papilionidae
i. Subfamily: Papilioninae
281 Papilio alcmenor alcmenor C. &R.
Felder, [1864] Redbreast Nov-Dec Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
282 Papilio clya Linnaeus, 1758 Common Mime May-Oct Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Neog 2015
283 Troides helena cerberus (C. &R. Felder,
1865) Common Birdwing Mar-Apr;
Jul-Dec Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Singh et al. 2015;
Neog, 2015
B. Family: Pieridae
i. Subfamily: Pierinae
284 Delias acalis pyramus (Wallace, 1867) Redbreast Jezebel Mar-Apr Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
285 Delias descombesi descombesi
(Boisduval, 1836) Red spot Jezebel Sep-Dec;
Mar, Nov. Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Singh et al. 2015;
Neog 2015
286 Delias agosna agosna (Hewitson,
1852) Yellow Jezebel Mar-Apr Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Singh et al. 2015
287 Catopsilia pyranthe minna (Herbst,
1792) Moled Emigrant - Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013
288 Pieris napi montana Verity, 1908 Greenveined White Apr-Aug Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013; Neog
289 Appias libythea (Fabrcius, 1775)
(IWPA1972 Sch IV) Striped Albatross All year Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Neog 2015
290 Appias lalage lalage (Doubleday, 1842) Spot Pun - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
C. Family: Riodinidae
i. Subfamily: Nemeobiinae
291 Abisara fylla (Westwood, 1851) Dark Judy - Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013
292 Abisara echerius (Stoll, [1790]) Straight Plum Judy Mar-Apr;
Gibbon WLS;
Jeypore Common - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
293 Dodona henrici Holland, 1887 White Punch - Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10413
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common Name Month Site of record
Status as per
restricted to
Northeast &
Eastern Him.
in India
D. Family: Lycaenidae
i. 
294 Cures acuta Moore, 1877 Acute Sunbeam - Jeypore RF - - Gogoi 2013
ii. 
295 Spalgis epius (Westwood, 1852) Apey Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Neog 2015
iii. Subfamily: Theclinae
296 Arhopala bazaloides (Hewitson, 1878)
(IWPA SchII) Tamil Oakblue Mar-Apr
District; Gibbon
Rare Endemic
Norman, 1953;
Singh et al. 2015;
Neog 2015
297 Arhopala fulla ignara Riley & Godfrey,
1921 (IWPA1972 Sch II) Spotless Oakblue Mar-Apr Gibbon WLS Rare Endemic Singh et al. 2015
298 Arhopala perimuta perimuta (Moore,
[1858]) YellowdiscTailess Oakblue Mar-Apr
District; Gibbon
Not Rare Endemic
Norman, 1953;
Singh et al. 2015;
Neog 2015
299 Arhopala emolphus eumolphus
(Cramer, [1780]) Green Oakblue Mar-Apr
Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS
Not Rare -
Norman, 1953;
Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015; Neog
300 Arhopala atrax (Hewitson, 1862) Indian Oakblue - Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013
301 Arhopala athada apha deNiceville,
1895 Vinous Oakblue August
Very Rare Endemic Norman 1956
302 Arhopala dispar dispar Riley & Godfrey,
1921 Frosted Oakblue April [Nambar forest] Rare Endemic Norman 1953
303 Arhopala anarte (Hewitson, 1862) Magnicent Oakblue April [Nambar forest] Very Rare Endemic Norman 1953
304 Arhopala arvina ardea (Evans, 1932)
(IWPA1972 Sch I)
Purple Brown Tailless
Oakblue May
Tiru Hills,
Very Rare Endemic Norman 1953
305 Arhopala ammonides (Doherty, 1891) Dark Bushblue Mar, May,
Jun, Jul
District Rare Endemic Norman 1953
306 Arhopala ariel (Doherty, 1891)
(IWPA1972 Sch I) Chocolate Bushblue Mar, May,
Jun, Jul
District Very Rare Endemic Norman 1953
307 Arhopala birmana (Moore, [1884]) Burmese Bushblue - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
308 Arhopala aberrans (deNicéville, [1889]) Pale Bushblue - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
309 Flos adriana (deNicéville, [1884]) Variegated Plushblue - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
310 Simiskina phalena harter (Doherty,
1889) (IWPA Sch I) Broad-branded Brilliant - Sibasagar
District Very Rare Endemic Norman, 1953
311 Ticherra acte acte (Moore, [1858]) Blue Imperial Jan-Apr;
Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare -
Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015; Neog,
312 Sinthusa nasaka amba (Kirby, 1878)
(IWPA1972 Sch II) Narrow Spark - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
313 Sinthusa chandrana grotei (Moore,
[1884]) (IWPA1972 Sch II) Broad Spark - Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
314 Rapala manea schistacea (Moore,
1879) Slate Flash - Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013
315 Rapala iarbus iarbus (Fabricius, 1787) Common Red Flash Nov-Dec Gibbon WLS Common Endemic Singh et al. 2015
316 Rapala rosacea (de Nicéville, [1889]) Rosy Flash - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
317 Catapaecilma major emas Fruhstorfer,
1912 Common Tinsel Mar-Apr,
Nov Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Singh et al. 2015;
Neog 2015
318 Tajuria maculata (Hewitson, 1865) Spoed Royal - Assam Not Rare Endemic Hewitson 1865
319 Rachana jalindra indra (Moore, [1884])
(IWPA1972 Sch II) Banded Royal Mar-Apr Gibbon WLS - - Singh et al. 2015
320 Creon cleobis (Godart, [1824]) Broadtail Royal Apr, Nov Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Neog 2015
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010414
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common Name Month Site of record
Status as per
restricted to
Northeast &
Eastern Him.
in India
321 Dacalana penicilligera (de Nicéville,
1890) Double Tued Royal Jun-Jul Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Neog 2015
322 Horaga onyx onyx (Moore, [1858])
(IWPA1972 Sch II) Common Onyx - Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Neog 2015
323 Mota massyla (Hewitson, 1869) Saron - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
iv. Subfamily: Lycaeninae
324 Heliophorus brahma (Moore, [1858]) Golden Sapphire Nov-Dec Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Singh et al. 2015
v. 
325 Callenya melaena (Doherty, 1889) Metallic Hedge Blue - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
326 Callenya melaena melaena (Doherty,
1889) (IWPA1972 Sch II) Tiny Hedge Blue - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
327 Celatoxia marginata (deNicéville,
[1884]) Margined Hedge Blue - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
328 Lycaenopsis transpectus (Moore, 1879) White-banded Hedge Blue - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
329 Udara selma cerima (Corbet, 1937) Bi-coloured Hedgeblue 20-01-1952 Sivasagar
District Very Rare Endemic Norman 1953 &
330 Udara albocaerulea albocaerulea
(Moore, 1879) (IWPA1972 Sch II) Albocaerulean - Jeypore RF Rare - Gogoi 2013
331 Celastrina lavendularis limbata
(Moore, 1879) Plain Hedge Blue All Year Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013; Neog
332 Celastrina argiolus iynteana (de
Nicéville, [1884]) Jyntea Hedge Blue - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
333 Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus, 1758) Hill Hedge Blue - Jeypore RF Common Endemic Gogoi 2013
334 Monodondes musina musinoides
(Swinhoe, 1910) Swinhoe’s Hedge Blue - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
335 Nacaduba hermus nabo Fruhstorfer,
1916 Pale Four-Lineblue Jul-Aug Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
336 Nacaduba beroe gythion Fruhstorfer,
1916 Opaque Six-Lineblue Jul-Aug Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
337 Ionolyce helicon merguiana (Moore,
1884) (IWPA1972 Sch II) Pointed Lineblue Jul-Aug Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
338 Nacaduba dana (de Nicéville, [1884]) Dingy Lineblue - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
339 Chilades pandava (Horseld, [1829]) Plains Cupid May-Nov Gibbon WLS Common - Neog 2015
340 Jamides alecto eurysaces (Fruhstorfer,
1916) Metallic Cerulean Jan-Feb;
Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Common -
Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015; Neog
341 Jamides bochus bochus (Stoll, [1782]) Dark Cerulean Mar-Apr Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Common - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
342 Zizeeria karsandra (Moore, 1865) Dark Grass Blue Jul-Aug Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Common - Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
343 Lampides boecus (Linnaeus, 1767)
(IWPA1972 Sch II) Peablue May-Nov Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013;
Neog, 2015
344 Syntarucus plinius (Fabricius, 1793) Zebra Blue All Year Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013; Neog
345 Una usta usta (Distant, 1886)
(IWPA1972 Sch II) Singleton - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
E. Family: Nymphalidae
i. Subfamily: Charaxinae
346 Charaxes solon sulphurous (Rothchild,
1899) Black Rajah - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Neog
Polyura schreiber assamensis
(Rothchild, 1899)
(IWPA1972 Sch I)
Blue Nawab - Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
ii. Subfamily: Satyrinae
348 Herona marathus Doubleday, [1848]
(IWPA1972 Sch II) Pasha Mar-Nov Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Neog, 2015
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10415
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
 Common Name Month Site of record
Status as per
restricted to
Northeast &
Eastern Him.
in India
349 Enispe euthymius euthymius
(Doubleday, 1845) Red Caliph - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
350 Amathuxidia amythaon (Doubleday,
1847) Ko-hi-noor - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
351 Thaumans diores Doubleday, 1845 Jungleglory - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Neog
352 Cupha erymanthis (Drury, [1773]) Rusc Jan-Nov GibbonWLS Common - Neog, 2015
353 Discophora sondaica zal Westwood,
1851 Common Duer Jan-Feb;
Sep-Oct Gibbon WLS Common Endemic Singh et al. 2015;
Neog 2015
354 Discophora mora mora Westwood,
[1850] Great Duer Sep-Oct Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Singh et al. 2015
355 Faunis canens arecsilas Schel, 1933 Common Faun July-Aug;
Nov-Dec Gibbon WLS Common Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
356 Ypthima fusca Elwes & Edwards, 1893 Assam Threering Sep-Dec Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
357 Ragadia crito de Nicéville, 1890
(IWPA1972 Sch II) Dusky-Striped Ringlet - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
358 Elymnias pealii Wood-Mason, 1883
(IWPA1972 Sch I) Peal's Palmy - Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
iii. Subfamily: Heliconiinae
359 Acraea violae (Fabricius, 1793) Tawny Coster Mar-Dec Gibbon WLS Common - Neog, 2015
360 Argyreus hyperbius (Linnaeus, 1763) Tropical Frillary - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
iv. 
361 Euthalia lubenna lubenna (Cramer,
[1777]) (IWPA1972 Sch IV) Gaudy Baron Sep-Oct Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS - -
Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015; Neog
362 Euthalia telchinia (Ménétrés, 1857)
(IWPA1972 Sch I) Blue Baron - Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
363 Euthalia alpheda jama (C. &R. Felder,
[1867]) Streaked Baron - Jeypore RF Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
364 Limenis daraxa (Doubleday, [1848]) Green Commodore Mar-Apr;
Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
365 Neps nashona Swinhoe, 1896 Less Rich Sailer - Jeypore RF Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
Neps soma soma Moore, 1858 (syn.
Neps yerburyi sikkima Evans, 1924)
(IWPA1972 Sch II)
Sullied Sailer (Yerbury’s
Sailer) Sep-Oct Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS Not Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
367 Pantoporia sandaka davidsoni Eloit,
1969 Extra Lascar - Jeypore RF - - Gogoi 2013
368 Pantoporia dindinga (Butler, 1879) Grey-lined Lascar - Jeypore RF Very Rare Endemic Gogoi 2013
369 Pantoporia assamica (Moore, 1881) Assamese/Conjoined
Lascar Feb Shivasagar
District Very Rare Endemic Norman 1956
370 Parthenos sylvia (Cramer, [1776]) Clipper - Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Neog 2015
v. Subfamily: Bibiliinae
371 Ariadne ariadne (Linnaeus, 1763) Angled Castor - Jeypore RF Common - Gogoi 2013; Neog
vi. Subfamily: Apaturinae
372 Mimathyma ambica ambica (Kollar,
[1844]) Indian Purple Emperor Mar-Apr Gibbon WLS Not Rare - Singh et al. 2015
373 Hesna nama nama (Doubleday, 1844) Circe - Jeypore RF Not Rare - Gogoi 2013
vii. Subfamily : Nymphalinae
374 Kaniska canace canace (Linneaus,
1763) Blue Admiral Jan-Apr Jeypore RF;
Gibbon WLS - Endemic Gogoi 2013; Singh
et al. 2015
375 Vanessa indica indica (Herbst, 1794) Indian Red Admiral Nov-Dec Gibbon WLS Common - Singh et al. 2015
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010416
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
radamanthusEuploea midamus rogenhoferi)
in Jeypore Reserve forest (June).
Charaxes bernardus hierax & Yellow Rajah Charaxes marmax
marmax Crusier Vindula erotaerota
 Anthene
emolus emolus & Common Tit Hypolycaena erylus himavantus ) in
Jeypore Reserve Forest in June.
Lambrix salsala salsala in
© Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10417
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
Image 13. Great Blue Mime Papilio
paradoxa telearchus
Image 16. Hooked Oakblue Arhopala
paramuta paramuta
Image 19. Scarlet Flash Rapala dieneces
Image 14. Eastern Striped Albatross Appias
Image 17. Sylhet Oakblue Arhopala
silhelensis silhetensis
Image 20. Silver Royal Ancema blanka
minturna 
Image 23. Chinese Bushbrown Mycalesis
gotama charaka
curius curius 
ace arata
tripunctata tripunctata
Image 21. Plain Bushbrown Telinga
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010418
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
Image 25. Dusky Diadem Ethope himachala
Image 30. Dingiest Sailer Neps
harita harita
Image 33. Constable Dichorrhaga
nesimachus nesimachus
intermedia rahroides
Image 26. Black Forester Lethe
vindhya vindhya
Image 31. Perak Lascar Pantoporia paraka
Image 34. Dark Archduke Lexias dirtea
Image 28b. Common Maplet Chersonesia
Image 24. Dark Catseye Zipaes
scylax scylax 
Image 29. Plain Sailer Neps carca
Image 32. Grey Baron Euthalia anosia nosia
Image 27. Pallid Forester Lethe satyava
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–10420 10419
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
Pyroneura margherita
Image 42. Hill Ace Halpe kasula
Image 37. Extra Forest Bob Scobura
Celaenorrhinus auriviata auriviata
Image 35. Yellow Flat Mooreana
trichoneura pralaya
phisara phisara
bordering Changlang Ditrict of Arunachal Pradesh (September) .
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
© Arun P. Singh © Arun P. Singh
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 July 2017 | 9(7): 10396–1042010420
Bueries of eastern Assam Singh
rare and protected species form priority species for
conservaon in this region. The existence of some
‘endemic’ and ‘very rare’ species (Evans, 1932) in
large numbers in these forests, i.e., Yellow-vein Lancer
Pyroneura margherita, Grey-lined Lascar Pantoporia
dindinga assamica (Butler, 1879), Assamese/Conjoined
Lascar Pantoporia assamica (Moore, 1881), Bi-coloured
Hedgeblue Udara selma cerima (Corbet, 1937), Vinous
Oakblue Arhopala athada aphade deNiceville, 1895,
Magnicent Oakblue Arhopala anarte (Hewitson, 1862),
White Punch Dodona henrici Holland, 1887, Pale Striped
Dawny Capilia zennara, Andaman Yellow-banded Flat
Celaenorrhinus andamanicus hanna Evans, 1949, Sikkim
Ace Halpe sikkima Moore 1882, Baby Swi Polytremis
minuta (Evans, 1926), Maculate Lancer Salanoemia
sala (Hewitson, [1866]), Veined Palmer Hidari bhawani,
and some that are also listed in Schedule I under
IWPA 1972, i.e., Pallid Forester Lethe satyava, Peal’s
Palmy Elymnias peali Wood-Mason, 1883, Blue Baron
Euthalia telchinia (Ménétrés, 1857), Blue Nawab Polyura
schreiber assamensis (Rothchild, 1899), Tytler’s Dull
Oakblue Arhopala ace arata, Orchid Tit Hypolycaena
othona othona Hewitson, 1869, Purple Brown Tailless
Oakblue Arhopala arvina ardea (Evans, 1932), Chocolate
Bushblue Arhopala ariel (Doherty, 1891), and Broad-
branded Brilliant Simiskina phalena harter, is a clear
indicator of the rich and unique diversity exisng in
this global biodiversity hotspot, which now needs to be
conserved at all costs. Small reserve forests areas that
are now isolated patches such as Bherjan, Bhorjan and
Podumoni RF’s, which lie in the proximity of Tinsukhia
Town, can be promoted to be taken up as sites for
‘buery inclusive ecotourism’ acvies. This can
be done by developing nature trails, pung up maps,
signages and display boards, preparing and providing
pamphlets on bueries and other biodiversity found in
the area with photographs along with their seasonality
for tourists, training nature guides of these areas
for generang local livelihood opportunies. Lastly,
promong ecotourism through electronic media and
encouraging conservaon eorts for these remnant
forest patches through research and educaonal
programmes and adopng threatened species of ora
and fauna will help in the long term conservaon of
these forests.
Anonymous (1997). The Wildlife (Protecon) Act, 1972 (as amended
up to 1993) with rules upl 1995. Natraj Publishers, Dehradun.
de Nicéville (1881). Some new species of rhopalocerous Lepidoptera
from the Indian Region. Journal of the Asiac Society of Bengal 49 Pt.
II (4): 246.
    On new and lile known Rhopalocera from
the Indian Region Journal of the Asiac Society of Bengal 52 Pt. II
(2/4): 65-91, pl. 1, 9–10.
Notes on Assam Bueries. Journal of the Asiac
Society of Bengal 58: 118–134.
The Idencaon of Indian Bueries - 1st Edion.
Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India, 302pp+32plts.
   A preliminary checklist of bueries recorded
from Jeypore-Dehing forest, eastern Assam, India. Journal of
Threatened Taxa 5(2): 3684–3696; hp://
Notes on some skipper bueries (Lepidoptera:
Hesperiidae) from Panbari Forest and its adjoining areas,
KazirangaKarbi Anglong, upper Assam, India. Journal of Threatened
Taxa 5(13): 4759–4768; hp://
Observaons on lycaenid bueries from Panbari
Reserve Forest and adjoining areas, Kaziranga, Assam, northeastern
India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 7(15): 8259–8271; hp://doi.
   Iolaus maculatus. Illustraons of diurnal
Lepidoptera Lycaenidae. London, van Vorst, 47pp+21pls.
“Snowy Angle Darpa pteria”.
The Wild Wanderer, 07 September2011 (Retrived on 09/July2013
from hp://www. wildwanderer. com /journal/?p= 435).
   The Book of Indian Bueries. Bombay Natural
History Society, Oxford University Press, Mumbai, 497pp.
Descripons of new Asiac Hesperidae. Proceedings
of Zoological Society of London 1878(3): 686–695, pl. 45.
   Bueries of Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary. Bhabani
Books, Guwaha, 112pp.
Swallowtail Bueries-An Acon Plan
for their Conservaon. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
   Notes on the Lepidoptera of Assam-II. Some
addions to Assam list and other notes. Journal of the Bombay
Natural History Society 51: 515–517.
  Notes on the Lepidoptera of Assam-III. Further
addions to the Indian list and other notes. Journal of the Bombay
Natural History Society 53: 738–740.
  Monitoring buery abundance in relaon to the
management of a nature reserve. Biological Conservaon 24: 317–
   Recent record of a rarely recorded species, the
Veined Palmer Hidari bhawani de Nicéville, 1888 (Lepidoptera:
Hesperiidae: Aeromachini) from Jorhat, Assam, India. Journal of
Threatened Taxa 7(1): 6839–6840; hp://
o4031. 6839-40
        The seasonality of
bueries in a semi-evergreen forest: Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary,
Assam, northeastern India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 7(1): 6774–
6787; hp://
Illustrated Checklist of Nepal’s Bueries. Crasman
Press, Bangkok, 129pp.
 Bueries of the Indian Region. Bombay
Natural History Society, Bombay, 523pp.
Threatened Taxa
The Journal of Threatened Taxa is dedicated to building evidence for conservaon globally by publishing
peer-reviewed arcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at All arcles
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July 2017 | Vol. 9 | No. 7 | Pages: 10369–10492
Date of Publicaon: 26 July 2017 (Online & Print)
DOI: 10.11609/jo.2017.9.7.10369-10492
ISSN 0974-7907 (Online); ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)
Threatened Taxa
The status of Arabian Gazelles Gazella arabica (Mammalia:
Cetarodactyla: Bovidae) in Al Wusta Wildlife Reserve and
Ras Ash Shajar Nature Reserve, Oman
-- Mansoor H. Al Jahdhami, Sultan Al Bulushi, Haitham Al Rawahi,
Waheed Al Fazari, Ahmed Al Amri, AbdulRahman Al Owaisi, Salim
Al Rubaiey, Zahran Al Abdulasalam, Metab Al Ghafri, Shaeilendra
Yadav, Sami Al Rahbi & Steven Ross, Pp. 10369–10373
On the occurrence of the Black Spine-cheek Gudgeon
Eleotris melanosoma Bleeker in Sri Lankan waters, with
comments on the Green-backed Guavina Bunaka gyrinoides
(Bleeker) (Teleostei: Eleotridae)
-- Sudesh Batuwita, Sampath Udugampala & Udeni Edirisinghe,
Capve breeding for conservaon of Dussumier’s Caish
(Acnopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae: Clarias dussumieri)
a Near Threatened endemic caish of peninsular India
-- K.G. Padmakumar, L. Bindu, P.S. Sreerekha, Nia Joseph,
Anuradha Krishnan, P.S. Manu & V.S. Basheer, Pp. 10380–10385
Inuence of seasonal and edaphic factors on the diversity of
scolopendromorph cenpedes (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha)
and general observaons on their ecology from Kerala, India
-- Dhanya Balan & P.M. Sureshan, 10386–10395
Bueries of eastern Assam, India
-- Arun P. Singh, 10396–10420
Short Communicaons
Three noteworthy addions to the ora of the western
Himalaya, India
-- Ishwari Da Rai, Amit Kumar, Gajendra Singh, Bhupendra Singh
Adhikari & Gopal Singh Rawat, 10421–10425
New distribuon records of three Sarcophyton species
(Alcyonacea: Alcyoniidae) in Indian waters from
Andaman Islands
-- Seepana Rajendra, C. Raghunathan & Tamal Mondal, 10426–
Addions to the Indian dragony fauna, and new records of two
enigmac damselies (Insecta: Odonata) from northeastern
-- Shantanu Joshi, Joyce Veino, Dahru Veino, Lightson Veino,
Rakoveine Veino & Krushnamegh Kunte, Pp. 10433–10444
Dragonies and Damselies (Odonata: Insecta) of
Keoladeo Naonal Park, Rajasthan, India
-- Dheerendra Singh, Brijendra Singh & Jan T. Hermans,
Pp. 10445–10452
Records of the Indian Sand Snake Psammophis condanarus
(Merrem, 1820) (Replia: Lamprophiidae) in southern India
-- S.R. Ganesh, Vivek Sharma & M. Bubesh Guptha, Pp. 10453–
An ecological note on the new record of Cuora amboinensis
(Riche in Daudin, 1801) (Replia: Testudines: Geoemydidae)
in northeastern India
-- Kulendra Chandra Das & Abhik Gupta, Pp. 10459–10462
A new distribuon record of the European Free-tailed Bat
Tadarida tenios (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from the western
Himalaya, India
-- Rohit Chakravarty, Pp. 10463–10467
Measuring Indian Blackbuck Anlope cervicapra (Mammalia:
Cetarodactyla: Bovidae) abundance at Basur Amruth Mahal
Kaval Conservaon Reserve, Chikkamagaluru, southern India
-- H.S. Sathya Chandra Sagar & P.U. Antoney, Pp. 10468–10472
A new species of Sarcinella (Ascomycetes) from Eturnagaram
Wildlife Sanctuary, Warangal District, Telangana, India
-- Khaja Moinuddin Mohammad, Bagyanarayana Gaddam &
Rana Kausar, Pp. 10473–10475
Re-collecon of the Black Catchy Silene nigrescens
(Caryophyllales: Caryophyllaceae) aer 130 years from Indian
western Himalaya
-- Sash Chandra, D.S. Rawat & P.K. Pusalkar, Pp. 10476–10479
Eight new records of the family Erebidae (Lepidoptera:
Noctuoidea) from India
-- Jagbir Singh Kir, Navneet Singh & Harkanwal Singh,
Pp. 10480–10486
New records of hover wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae:
Stenogastrinae) from Bhutan
-- Tshering Nidup, Wim Klein & Phurpa Dorji, Pp. 10487–10489
Addion of four species to the buery checklist of Kaleshwar
Naonal Park, Haryana, India
-- Sachin P. Ranade, Pp. 10490–10492
... Hence, their diversity and abundance might be an index for the status of a habitat and landscape (Hembrom and Sinha, 2012) [20] . There are good number of study-reports available on butterfly diversity and abundance from different parts of Assam, most of the studies were carried out in the urban landscape (Boruah and Bora, 2022; Bohra and Purkayastha, 2021; Buragohain et al., 2018) [5,2,6] and few were in some protected areas and forest patches (Gogoi, 2015;Sing, 2017;Talwar et al., 2023;Gogoi et al., 2023) [14,37,39,15] . As the large part of the geographical area of Assam is covered by forest, there is a need of further studies on the butterfly diversity of the forest and their adjoining areas those are remained poorly documented. ...
... Based on their sightings in the study area (Table 1), the recoded butterflies were ranked as UC (uncommon=1 individual recorded; minimum abundance), FC (fairly common=2-3), C (common=4-9) and VC (very common=10-96) to indicate the rarest to the most common butterfly species (Sing, 2017) [37] . Statistical Data analysis Richness, diversity, dominance and abundance of the recorded butterfly species were determined through Shannon index (Shannon and Weaver, 1963) [34] , Dominance index (Berger and Parker, 1970) [1] , Simpson's dominance index (Ds) and Simpson index (Simpson, 1964) [35] . ...
... (2018) [6] , Talwar et al. (2023) [39] and Sing (2017) [37] , where they found the same two species of butterflies under Riodinidae from Bongal village of upper Assam, Guwahati City, IIT Guwahati Campus, Loharghat forest range of Kamrup district and eastern Assam respectively. But, Boruah and Bora (2022) [5] spotted only Punchinello from the Dibrugarh City. ...
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The present study deals with the butterfly diversity of Kaziranga National Orchid and Biodiversity Park, Golaghat district, Assam, India which was a survey-based study of five consecutive days from 6 th to 10 th February, 2024. The study recoded 72 butterfly species belonging to 52 genera and six families namely Papilionidae (6 species), Nymphalidae (32 species), Pieridae (17 species), Lycaenidae (10 species), Riodinidae (2 species) and Hesperiidae (5 species). Nymphalidae was the family with 45.91% of total recoded butterfly species, followed by Pieridae (31.54%), Lycaenidae (11.58%), Papilionidae (5.39%), Riodinidae (3.19%) and Hesperiidae (2.40%). Based on the sightings of the butterfly species, 70.86% were found under the very common category, 19.96% under common category, 5.99% under fairly common category and 3.19% under uncommon category. Seventeen species of the recorded butterflies are legally protected under different Schedules as per the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Values of the studied diversity indices such as Shannon's index (H'=3.88) showed the species richness of the butterfly community was high, Pielou's evenness index (J'=0.91) depicted that the recoded butterfly species were evenly distributed in the community, Simpson's index (Ds=0.02) indicated that a high proportion of species abundance persisted in the community. The present study can be considered as a significant taxonomical as well as ecological work which aims to contribute to the development of biodiversity restoration plans, habitat management and conservation of butterfly fauna in Kaziranga National Orchid and Biodiversity Park.
... Illustrious works have been done in Regional Research Laboratory campus of Jorhat (Bhuyan et al., 2005), Jeypur Reserve Forest (Gogoi, 2013b); Barail Wildlife Sanctuary (Gogoi et al., 2016), Dangori Reserve Forest , and Dibru-Saikhowa National Park . Occurrence of 375 species of butterflies was confirmed from the eastern part of Assam, one-third of which is endemic to this hotspot (Singh, 2017). Very recently, Konwar and Bortamuly (2021) recorded 158 butterfly species from non-protected areas of Titabor (in Jorhat district) in Upper Assam. ...
... Nymphalidae was found to be the most dominant family (59 species under 32 genera and accounting 34.50% species richness), followed by Lycaenidae (46 species, 34 genera; 26.90%) ( Table 1). It is interesting to note that though several extensive surveys were conducted from the state of Assam, the very rare (Kehimkar, 2016) and myrmecophagous (Eastwood et al., 2010) Moth Butterfly Liphyra brassolis (Westwood, 1864) was not recorded after the Gupta & Mondal (2005) record (Gogoi, 2015;Mudai et al., 2015;Singh et al., 2015;Singh, 2017;Konwar & Bortamuly, 2021;Bohra & Purkayastha, 2021;Anonymous, 2021). Gupta & Mondal (2005) published the photographs of the specimens (collected from Sikkim and Assam) after D'Abrera's record (1986). ...
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The butterfly checklist of Bongal Gaon village in Assam revealed a total of 171 species which included 20 species listed as protected under the various schedules of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, enacted in India. Fieldwork for butterfly collection took seven years. The checklist comprises six families, 22 subfamilies, and 105 genera. It includes sightings of the ‘rare’ and ‘very rare’ Moth Butterfly, Liphyra brassolis (Westwood, 1864), the Veined Palmer, Hidari bhawani (de Nicéville, 1889), the Colon Swift, Caltoris cahira (Moore, 1877), and the Scarce Rajah, Charaxes aristogiton (C. & R. Felder, 1867), from in and around Dergaon urban areas of upper Assam in north-eastern India.
... The topmost third apical spot on the under-forewing (UNF) may be small (Kehimkar, 2016 (2022) adopted Huang's classification, a view that we are adopting in the present report. Distribution: This species has been documented on the Indian subcontinent, specifically from Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland (Varshney & Smetacek, 2015) and Assam (Singh, 2017) in Northeast India. Van Gasse (2018) further refines this range to south of the Brahmaputra River and includes sightings from southeastern Arunachal Pradesh and northeastern Bangladesh. ...
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A very uncommon species of butterfly, Gold-spotted Ace Halpe aucma Swinhoe, 1893 from the family Hesperiidae has been sighted at Dzongu, Mangan district of Sikkim during a rigorous field survey, on 27.vii.2024. The species was previously not sighted from the state. This report extends the known geographical distribution of H. aucma to Sikkim.
... In a separate study, Kunte et al. (2012) [20] documented 298 species and 3,736 individuals in Garo Hills, Meghalaya, while Malabika Kakati Saikia (2014) [31] [13] reported 116 Lycaenidae butterflies from Panbari Reserve Forest and adjoining areas in Kaziranga National Park. Additionally, 237 species of butterflies were reported in 8 Reserve forest areas and Dehing-Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary, covering three districts in the eastern part of upper Assam (Singh, 2017) [35] . The current study area boasts approximately 700 medicinal plants, including bamboo, cane, orchids, and nectarproviding flowering plants. ...
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The present study investigates and documents the butterfly inventory of the Recreation Park cum Medicinal Garden, Diphu, Karbi Anglong. The study has revealed a total of 59 butterfly species, covering 46 Genera under 5 Families. Nymphalidae Family was found to be dominant with 18 species, followed by Hesperioidae-15, Lycaenidae-11, Pieridae-9, & Papilionidae with 6 species.
... Das et al. (2017) prepared an updated list of butterflies of Dibru-Saikhuwa National Park, Assam but they did not find I. similis in the area. Singh (2017), who studied and reviewed the butterflies of Eastern Assam, which includes Dehing Patkai National Park (DPNP), did not record this species. Recently, Gogoi et al. (2023) studied the diversity and specific richness of butterfly in DPNP, but did not report this species. ...
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The present note reports the first confirmed record of Ideopsis similis persimilis from the Dehing Patkai National Park, Assam. Possibly, this report is the second record for India.
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A survey of Lepidoptera was conducted in habitats including forest trails, nullah, forest gap, and small water bodies, in and around the Udanti-Sitanadi Tiger Reserve (USTR) and agroforest habitats at Nagri block in Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh State between January 2020 and August 2022. The study recorded 95 species belonging to 69 genera. Erionota torus and Rathinda amor although common in the Indian mainland, were not documented by previous researchers. This indicates the necessity for a more thorough survey of Lepidoptera in the region.
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The field survey carried out to document the baseline data of butterfly fauna Dhansiri Reserve Forest of Karbi Anglong District, Assam recorded 106 species belonging to six families. Graphium sarpedon, Appias albina, Spindasis lohita, Charaxes marmax, Athyma ranga, Tanaecia lepidae, Hypolycaena othona and Euploea mulciber are legally protected species under the Indian Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022. Eurema andersonii, Appias albina, Appias galba, Charaxes marmax and Athyma ranga are some of the rare species recorded during the study. Record of rare and endemic species from this Reserve Forest, and presence of species legally protected under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act, marks its importance as an area for butterfly conservation.
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Butterflies are good indicators in terms of anthropogenic disturbance and habitat quality Particularly in forest ecosystems when habitats are fragmented, butterflies that shift from one habitat to another have an increased chance of exposure to predators and are vulnerable to disturbances associated with human activity. In the present study, the butterfly diversity of Ramanathi Dam, Kadayam, Tenkasi District, was studied. The atlas of the butterflies, the diversity indices, Shannon Weiner index , Simpson's dominance, Species evenness, and species richness was calculated. 45 species of butterflies belonging to 5 families were observed during the present study.
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Butterflies play an ecological role in nature by serving as bio-indicators for maintaining habitat quality and ecosystem stability. The diversity and spatial distribution of butterflies in four habitats, i.e., roadside, garden, plantation and forest, were assessed from March to June 2021 to document the checklist of butterfly species on the campus during the spring and the summer seasons in Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat, India. In the present study, 613 individuals from 44 species belonging to five families, i.e., Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Papilionidae and Hesperiidae, were recorded by transect walk method. The maximum richness and abundance of butterfly species was found during the summer season (May–June). The family Nymphalidae recorded the highest percentage of species and individuals among the sampled butterfly families during both the seasons. This family also showed the highest Simpson dominance index, Shannon diversity index and Margalef index during both the seasons. The analysis of alpha diversity indices showed the highest values of Simpson dominance index, Shannon diversity index and Margalef index in the roadside and garden habitat and the lowest in the plantation habitat. The models on abundance distribution (ADM) showed a significant difference in butterfly species composition in the forest habitat during the spring season and both the forest and plantation habitats during the summer season. Among the sampled butterfly species, six were categorized as threatened under Schedules II and IV of India's Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. The outcomes of this study highlight the relevance of this institutional campus as a butterfly's preferred habitat, offering a rich environment for butterfly conservation and future research studies. The study will further aid in the long-term conservation efforts of the butterfly species and their habitats.
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The paper gives the first record of Doherty’s Dull Oakblue, Arhopala khamti Doherty, 1891 from Upper Assam which is a rare species known from the region. The distingusihing features of this species with it congener Hewitson’s Dull Oakblue A. oenea (Hewitson, [1869]) which has an overlapping range with it in NE India are also given.
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The paper deals with a checklist of 137 species of skipper butterfly (Hesperiidae) along with notes on some species from Panbari Forest, Kaziranga, upper Assam, based on surevy conducted during March 2008-November 2011. Important sightings include Purple Lancer Salanoemia fuscicornis, Red-vein Lancer Pyroneura niasana burmana Evans, 1926, Pied Flat Celaenorrhinus moreana Evans, 1949 and many Choaspes, Potanthus, and Halpe species.
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p>A checklist of 116 taxa of Lycaenidae (Blues) along with notes on important species in low elevation forest of Panbari Reserve, Kaziranga - West Karbi Hills, upper Assam is reported in this paper based on surveys conducted during 2007–2012 and some recent sightings till date. Important sightings include Blue Gem Poritia erycinoides elsiei , Square-band Brownie Miletis nymphys porus , Plain Plushblue Flos apidanus ahamus , Blue Royal Ancema carmentalis , Elwes Silverline Spindasis elwesi, Artipe skinneri , etc. </div
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The paper describes some of the rare butterfly species recorded during February 2010-October 2011 in the lowland semi-evergreen Jeypore rainforest of upper Assam along with a preliminary checklist of the area. Altogether, 292 species were recorded based on the survey conducted in different seasons. Important sightings include the report of White Punch longicaudata, Pale Striped Dawnfly Capilia zennara, Blue Quaker Pithecops fulgens etc and range extension of Andaman Yellow-banded Flat Celaenorrhinus andamanicus hanna to northeastern India.
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The paper reports the occurrence of a ‘very rare’ species, the Veined Palmer or the Cresentric Skipper, Hidari bhawani from Jorhat, Assam during March and November’2014,after 6 decades in India. The genera Hidari occurs as only three species that are restricted to southeast Asia and H. bhawani being only species for this genera represented in India
The use of monitoring, by means of transect counts, to assess the effect of management on the butterflies of a nature reserve is described. Trends in numbers at Monks Wood National Nature Reserve over a seven-year period are compared with the trends calculated from the combined data from a number of other sites in eastern England. Departures in the Monks Wood data from wider trends are shown. These departures are shown to be related to management of the rides and fields of the reserve.
The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (as amended up to 1993) with rules uptil 1995
  • Anonymous
Anonymous (1997). The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (as amended up to 1993) with rules uptil 1995. Natraj Publishers, Dehradun. de Nicéville (1881). Some new species of rhopalocerous Lepidoptera from the Indian Region. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 49 Pt. II (4): 246.
Some new species of rhopalocerous Lepidoptera from the Indian Region
  • De Nicéville
de Nicéville (1881). Some new species of rhopalocerous Lepidoptera from the Indian Region. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 49 Pt. II (4): 246.
On new and little known Rhopalocera from the Indian Region Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 52 Pt
  • L De Nicéville
de Nicéville, L. (1884). On new and little known Rhopalocera from the Indian Region Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 52 Pt. II (2/4): 65-91, pl. 1, 9-10.
Notes on Assam Butterflies
  • W Doherty
Doherty, W. (1889). Notes on Assam Butterflies. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 58: 118-134.