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NETWORK THINKING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Experimenting and working with relational models

  • Urban Atolye

Abstract and Figures

The set-up of spatial configurations is an essential topic in architectural design. The logics behind this configuration of spatial networks are significant for architects as it denotes social as well as physical implications. If we accept that design is an experiential process, then experimenting and probing gain much prominence in the process. Experiments lead architects to discover, and then to redefine their design concepts. This study focuses on the potentials of analytical methods via graph theory based tools and how to apply network thinking in architectural design. The study questions the following: If spatial systems are regarded as networks, how do various network visualization and assessment tools are useful to extrapolate the inherent pattern and the logic? How do space syntax, graph theory based tools and diagrams aid the exteriorization of this logic? How does the architect think through these tools and learn from them? The topic will be expressed by presenting an experiment from architectural practice. This experiment deals with an iterative process of “a hotel specialized on the elderly and the disabled with rehab centre” (a mix-used building which includes a hotel, a rehabilitation centre and assisted-care apartments). In the design scheme relationships based on circulation scenarios of daily activities and services are modelled and animated by network related tools like Syntactic, the Space Syntax tool in Grasshopper, a plugin for the digital design platform Rhinoceros; a software for network visualization and evaluation Cytoscape, and a mind mapping software TheBrain. This experiment aims to explore how scientific; graph theory based tools feed design thinking and making. Exploring alternative ways to integrate theoretical and practical implications of network thinking in architectural design is valuable for those in the architectural education and in practice. Findings of the research show that, graph theory based tools provide a useful basis for architects both for making and thinking about architectural space by generating scientific and numerical data. The study concludes with an array of advantages in working with network models in architectural design, and suggests future methods for design analysis and design research with network mapping tools.
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Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.1
Experimenting and working with relational models
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture
Tuspa NK Office for Architectural Design
he setu o satial conurations is an essential toic in architectural desin he loics ehind
this conuration o satial netors are sinicant or architects as it denotes social as ell
as hsical ilications  e accet that desin is an eeriential rocess, then eerientin
and roin ain uch roinence in the rocess Eerients lead architects to discover, and
then to redene their desin concets
his stud ocuses on the otentials o analtical ethods via rah theor ased tools and ho
to al netor thinin in architectural desin he stud questions the olloin  satial
sstes are rearded as netors, ho do various netor visualiation and assessent tools
are useul to etraolate the inherent attern and the loic o do sace snta, rah theor
ased tools and diaras aid the eterioriation o this loic o does the architect thin
through these tools and learn from them?
he toic ill e eressed  resentin an eerient ro architectural ractice his
eerient deals ith an iterative rocess o a hotel secialied on the elderl and the disaled
ith reha centre a iused uildin hich includes a hotel, a rehailitation centre and
assistedcare aartents n the desin schee relationshis ased on circulation scenarios o
dail activities and services are odelled and aniated  netor related tools lie ntactic,
the ace nta tool in rasshoer, a luin or the diital desin lator hinoceros a
sotare or netor visualiation and evaluation Ctoscae, and a ind ain sotare
herain his eerient ais to elore ho scientic rah theor ased tools eed desin
thinin and ain
Elorin alternative as to interate theoretical and ractical ilications o netor
thinin in architectural desin is valuale or those in the architectural education and in
ractice indins o the research sho that, rah theor ased tools rovide a useul asis
or architects oth or ain and thinin aout architectural sace  eneratin scientic
and nuerical data he stud concludes ith an arra o advantaes in orin ith netor
odels in architectural desin, and suests uture ethods or desin analsis and desin
research ith netor ain tools
atial etor, Architectural esin, ace nta
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.2
esin is understood as a or o thinin ile,  his cole conitive thinin can
e descried as a rocess o discover that involves oth eerientin and roin ursun,
 he strate o rovidin solution roosals, analsis, evaluation and iroveent o
these roosals until arrivin at a satisin solution is reconiale riht across the desin
roessions orst,  n architecture, solution ocused activit ason,  involves a
creative rocess that concentrates on a ind o ain chn,  hich is larel learned
and racticed throuh action and reection rather than trin to nd out otiu solutions
ion,  he architect thins ith dierent desin tools and rins dierent ors o
nolede toether to evaluate desined outcoes durin this rocess n other ords, heshe
reconures desin ideas  learnin ro hisher desins, testin and elorin the ossile
eects o hisher decisions
As reorted  Cross , , desin ractice has its on intellectual culture his culture
concentrates on desinerl as o noin, thinin, and actin esin research literature
is ull o rearale quotations that tr to ae a distinction eteen science and desin
Accordin to reor  the scientic ethod is a attern o rolesolvin ehaviour
eloed in ndin out the nature o hat eists, hereas the desin ethod is a attern o
ehaviour eloed in inventin thinshich do not et eist cience is analtical desin
is constructive ion  states that the natural sciences are concerned ith ho thins
aredesin on the other hand is concerned ith ho thins ouht to e iilar ith Crosss
idea, this stud does not intend to hihliht this shar distinction eteen desin and science
once aain  accetin that architects have their on a o ercetion, conition and
roduction, the aer ais to elore ho these oosite as o understandin, intuition and
reason, can e rouht toether in a creative rocess to uild u architects on intellectual
desin culture n other ords, it concentrates on alternative as hich science ased
nolede or analtical tools can e used to ae nondiscursive intuition ore rational and
thereore ore discursive illier,  illier and anson,  in the architectural desin
rocess t is suested that architect is an intellectual actor ho is aare o dierent tools and
nolede resources and has a caailit o usin the to lead hisher desin thinin ursun,
Architectural desin involves conurin cole satial relationshis hese include
sohisticated lins that involve ne social connections and their satial eressions he
architects need to nd alternative as to ras these transitional satial orationscole
relationshis and their ossile social eanins to roduce novel encounters his stud
ocuses on netor thinin in architecture and elores the otentials o analtical ethods 
rah theor ased tools in architectural desin n this aer, a sale eeriental case ro
ractice is resented, in hich various netor visualiation and analsis tools hel to deciher
the satial loic o a iused uildin  creatin an interactive dialo ith nuerical and
rahical data, it is indented to coe u or discussion on ho architects thin throuh these
tools and learn ro the
ne ain consideration in architectural desin is aout settin satial conurations As
reorted  ourian et al a the outcoe o an architectural desin rocess is essentiall
a conuration ace is sustantiall dened  the conuration o satial cells ade
oertson,  Conuration in architecture descries a set o saces that are connected
to one another as a netor and oints out a relational attern aon these satial eleents
illier  elains that conuration eists hen relations eteen to saces are chaned
accordin to ho e relate one or other or oth to at least one other sace Conurational
descritions thereore deal ith the a in hich a sste o saces is related toether to
or a attern rather than ith the ore localied roerties o an articular saces anson,
 e can descrie this attern as a ind o netor, hich reveals cole relationshis
interconnections, orders and rules aon the satial eleents he loics ehind conuration
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.3
o a satial netor are sinicant or architects as it ilies social ilications ooloical
descrition o sace can account or asects o architectural eerience  constrainin or
eneratin the ossiilit o huan social interaction adeoertson,  elationshis
eteen saces once rearded as utale, also constitute the otentials o encounters or
the users throuh connections and orders hereto, the constitute the asis or the social
interactions eteen users, denin oth unctional and latent routes, and indicatin satial
roiities and neihours oiolu and ursun,  A sace does not encode inoration
individuall oever, the a in hich a sace coes toether ith other saces to or a
structure or attern reveals inoration and constitutes the core o satial eerience his
structure or satial conuration inuences social, econoic, environental unctionin o
cities and cole uildins  ainl conductin huan oveent attern illier et al,
 ourian,  n other ords, the eanin is structured in architecture throuh the
tooloical  conurational relationshis eteen saces that are eerienced hen e ove
throuh sace
esearches on netor sstes ainl ae use rah theor ased tools rahs serve as
atheatical odels o netor structures Easle and leiner,  and resent a lanuae
or talin aout structural eatures and otentials o netor sstes Accordin to araasi
rahs or netors have roerties hidden in their construction that liit or enhance our
ailit to do thins ith the he construction and structure o rah or netors is the e to
understandin the cole orld around us all chanes in the toolo aectin onl e
nodes or lins can oen u hidden doors alloin ne ossiilities to eere araasi, 
etor in architecture ocuses on ssteaticall ain relations aon satial eleents
throuh their shared and relative characteristics, in other ords, neihourin and attractin
qualities in ruleased dnaic netor odels he relations o the relations and the
rotocol eteen the rules, that reer to the order and the scale that the rules ill e enacted
durin the desin rocess, are o rie iortance in these odels  oservin the eects,
the creative rocess can e interreted as a ind o choreorah, one in hich ace is also
interroated or the eleents o the araetric odel oiolu and ursun, 
he use o rah theor ased tools in architectural desin is ostl eecuted as descrition o
satial or Aleander,  arch and teadan,  and the alication o these tools
in enerative desin in a creative a reains liited Attets or searchin ossile satial
ors in an autoated, ssteatic rocedures itchell et al,  teadan,  are
olloed  the evaluative ors illier and anson, , illier,  that intent to discover
social erorance ourian et al,  o desined saces n recent ears, there have een
attets to rin these ideas toether to transor conurative ideas into desired eoetric
coositions ourian,  he ain idea o ourian and his colleaues  is aout
oin ro astract rah descrition o satial connections to tooloical lanar eeddin
o that rah, analsin that rah in real tie and ndin easile eoetric cell conuration
that adits the roosed rah connection inicance o this ind o or is coin ro
its ehasies on satial eloration rocess in hich desiners have ull intellectual control
and et oective real tie eedac on the satial qualities o their desin hese aroaches
rovide counicative tools eteen desiner and hisher desin  resentin evidences or
searchin eoetric rules and oral ossiilities
Alication o rah ased tools in a creative anner in desin rocess is valuale or architects
ho develo their ideas  ain and learn  doin chn,  his stud ainl
concentrates on rah theor ased tools in enerative desin and elores their contriutions
to desin rocess in oral coositions oth tooloic as ell as eoetric ain interest is
on the dnaic sace ain rocess in hich sace is evolved  evidences on interactive
interretations o hat architects desin
 e accet architecture as a sste coosed o interlocin eleents, oeratin as a ind
o ioloical echanis and evolvin on an ronts ia, , can this rah theor
ased tools e used as creative thinin achines or architects to la ith in architectural
design process? The authors concentrate on the architectural design practice to put this main
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research aruent into ore corehensive deate he last art o the stud elores ho
these scientic, rah theor ased concets and tools could eed desin thinin throuh an
eerient ro architectural ractice
A is a roect o a centre or health touris in Antala, ure iure  he client is the
oner o three acilities totallin  eds or entall disaled, elderl care and rehailitation
atients that are distriuted in the sae reion and she as deterined to transer her
eertise into a touristic sta asis he rie o the roect roted the olloin three toics
in one acilit health and touris centre or the disaled or an otiu sta o one ee,
theraeutic sta o iniu  ees as ell as lon ter reha rora or orthoaedic and
cancer atients an averae sta o  onths coleented ith assisted livin aartents as
nal hoin ostl or atients tied to ed u to  ears
iure   A, a roect or a centre or health touris or
the elderl and the disaled
Althouh the rora required the siilar, i not the sae roessional care and anaeent
eertise, the satial needs, and neihourin requireents are ver dierentiated eteen,
the ore touristic eel stas o the incoin uests and the theraeutic sta o the cancer or
orthoaedic atients, to the loner sta o elderl care residents here are several locations in
the roect that ill eno coon use, hoever the tranquillit and eerenc requireents
are dierent ro the reha unit hich is asicall a health acilit ith an eerenc hall that
is quite the oosite in atoshere than the entrance hall o the intended star hotel uch
considerations ured or a delierate roin into the roraatic requireents and satial
relationshis toether ith the client
he roect as an econoic odel as ell as an architectural rora challened ulti
rora, ultiteoralit, ultiuser and i use here are several studies that discuss
ae and rora interation or elderl care and disailities and search the relation eteen
hsical eatures o the uildin desin and qualit o lie o the residences anson and ao,
 Additionall, studies on ehavioural atterns o elderl care residents have shon a
reerence or laces or hiher trac lie corridors ate entries assaes Aan and Unlu 
states that elderl users reerred areas such as corridors and loc entr areas looin toards
the outer sace hich involved activit rather than laces hich ere oriinall lanned to e
the social interaction areas he diversit roraatic requireents as ell as coactness
in services urorted as ossile  the client ho had  ears o eerience in disaled and
elderl care ured an analtical aroach to the desin o the laout o etter understand ho
the sste ill oerate, the otential relationshis in the list o roos are aed in netor
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diaras durin the initial staes o the desin rocess his heled to etter understand and
sili the requireents
he ethod eeriented in the iterative ae assess sessions or the laout conurations,
in short is listed as stes elo
ste  list relationshis eteen roos out o the roo requireents list,
ste a laouts in rah tools and read thresholds and conloerations,
ste analse sntactic ures,
ste  odel and etract architectural lans and reeat ,, as necessar
n ste desinated relationshis are listed as sile as roo A connected to roo , the direct
access is considered as a relationshi iure  here are ore relational data lie those laces
that are visuall connected or those roos that need to e et a certain distance aart, etc
uch araeters serve the sstes intellience oever, or racticalit onl access ro
one distinct lace to another is the listed araeter User scenarios as ell as reulator needs
are useul inoration in the rearation o this initial list
iure   elational list o roo requireents
te is lottin this relational data iure  here are various alications or ain
netor data, Ctoscae is used in this rocess Cytoscape is an open source software
platform for visualizing olecular interaction netors and ioloical athas and integrating
these netors ith annotations, ene eression roles and other state data url 
Althouh Ctoscae as oriinall desined or ioloical research, no it is a eneral lator
or cole netor analsis and visualiation his core distriution rovides a asic set o
eatures or data interation, analsis, and visualiation
aout aloriths rovided  the sotare are used or ain the relational netor
data or eale, the Preuse alorith, or orce directed srin eedded laouts enale
to visualie the netor clusters uch laouts as oosed to the circular or rid laouts or
netors allo readin o coartents, or raents that a turn into searate oors,
searate ins or even distinct uildins his is eseciall iortant in i use uildins here
corridors ris ecoin larinths and uent circulation ecoe too deendent on sinae and
uildin identit on aeu interventions n this second ste, descritive criteria or netors
such as averae shortest ath lenth or ede eteenness allo deeer readin into the
netor o roos
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iure   etor ain ith Cytoscape
iure   ntactic coutation o relational data, screenshots
te  is readin o the sace snta values o the laout or etter understandin the etreities
and distriution or isolation, entro etc iure  n this case ntactic, a tool that rins
ace nta theor into araetric desin oros, is used as a calculation lator his
tool as develoed as a luin that is installed on or rasshoer ourian et al,  url 
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te  is odellin, lan etraction and reetition o the revious stes he ecel le needs to
e revised accordin to the lan revisions as it eeds into oth the netor ain and sace
sntactic roras ooin in and out o the relational netor, addindeletin laces,
roos or relationshis, thus the desin eercise is laed out arallel to the d odellin, as
roos or ne relationshis are introduced or deleted andor oors addedsutracted laces
lie elevator hall, staircase halls etc reshae the netor odel
n the secic roect the ethod as eeriented, the initial satial requireents as
resented  the client ere unrecedented, aiuous, overlain and colicated he
ethod enaled to seci securit and social thresholds or coartentaliation, vital or
the roects success n a a,  iterativel ain, lottin and odellin it is ossile to
visualie the hole oranis and to distinuish the orans the clusters that ere searale
ro one another  courtards, or here oldin verticall or oor reetitions is ossile or
here searate uildin arraneents are needed
ne itall a e that the initial netor diara is roduced out o the relationshis that are
listed accordin to a ental reeistin odel, either dened  the client or else desined 
the architect oever, as the rocess is iterated, ne relationshis are introduced and soe o
the disinterated, or uer saces intervened, so the rocess serves as learnin, neotiatin,
discoverin and, thus, desinin tool Althouh the eort in listin relationshis is a eticulousl
one the eressive qualit is evidentl the stron oint o the ethod he desiner can read
the otential conorations and or on the or those that are not reerale and reor the
odel he odel serves as a desin dialoue eteen the requireents and the ossiilities
iure   Closer loo in one snashot ro iterative relational ain
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n this eale o the health touris roect dierent rora clusters eant not onl
circulator arraneents, ut also dierences in needs or chanes in the oods, hsical
qualities, atosheres and erorances, such as the hotel residents are ore oile durin
the da, hoever the reha roos are active the hole tie and in a requent trac, and in
arallel and contrast the dail care housin units are occuied hole da ut are ore tranquil
iure  is an eale o the orce directed laout in one o the iterations, in Ctoscae ere
the node sie denotes Averae hortest Path enth lo values to lare sies and their colour
denote eteenness Centralit lo values to riht colours aor clusterin is evident as
the three ranches o the hotel oors ith the edroos on the loer let and the assisted
livin residences at the to, ith the sinn reha eerenc ranches on the loer riht he
three riht red units are ain ate, arcade to the assisted livin and the oadin a to the
technical area eseciall the itchen
he odellin enales to visualie the aor role laers in the netor o relations, as ell
as those rouins that a e translated to secic coort qualities internal rotocols
or heatin, coolin etc as ell as searate uildin  or uildin art orations t ust e
noted that these rahs chane in the iterations, even soetie draaticall, ecause each
connection counts iure 
iure terative esin essions A later visualisation o the satial relationshis aed in
Ctoscae  ode sie is ier or Averae hortest Path and rihter in colour or eteenness
Centralit, in this session searate coartents are ore unied into one estalishent
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.9
n rah theor, eteenness centralit is a easure o centralit in a rah ased on shortest
aths url  eteenness centralit easures the etent to hich a verte lies on the aths
eteen other vertices ertices ith hih eteenness a have considerale inuence
ithin a netor  virtue o their control over the inoration assin eteen others he
are also the ones hose reoval ro the netor ill ost disrut counications eteen
other vertices ecause the lie on the larest nuer o aths taen  essaes
iure   eteenness centralit vs nuer o neihours
n the desin rocess those nodes saces ith hiher eteenness centralit are ediated
in a sinal conuration, ith chanes to the eternal saces that connect the three ain
coartents in the acilit includin the underround service distriution t ecae ver
much evident how the services circulation in these facilities as well as the circulation of the
users denes the satial conuration to the etent that the acilit is coact or disinterated
iure 
he eeriented ethod revealed that a netor literac is orthhile or the desiner in
understandin, irovisin and elicatin on architectural rora and unctions into satial
conurations his is ossile ith the sace snta criteria and coutation
he ntactic luin or rasshoer enales to desin ith sace nta criteria he rora
reveals deth as or an node, and rovides the nteration, Control, Choice and Entro
values or each node totallin  dierentiated saces
iure  reveals selected si autoated ustied rahs that visualie distances on deth levels
startin ro dierent oints in the conuration he ustied rah ro ain ate shos
shalloest rah aon the si ith the a deth o  his rah reveals that the urtherost
units are the reha roos, hich are deeest as the are conned and concentrated thera
sta areas, the users are ostl orthoaedic uest and do not ove urther than the rst circle
areas hereas the hotel uests arrive and deart ast and requentl and the assisted livin
units need to e ale arrive at the ate ithout disturance in case o an eerenche
ustied rah ro arcade that connects the assisted livin aartents to the sste as an
interal art also resents a shallo rah ith the a deth o  n the other hand, the
ustied rah ro the laundr hall on the hand reveals a deeer structure ith the a deth
o 
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.10
iure   Autoated ustied rahs Etracted ro ntactic aundr, o ain, arden, Personnel Parin,
Arcade, ain ate ro let to riht
hrouh eedin realtie data as tales o relations into the snta odellin and analsis
enales iterative shain o the relations nstead o a nished situations analsis, the odel is
dnaicall reoranied
he analtical data derived ro the rocess are interreted or this eedac he luin
returns  aor qualiers or sace snta interation, control, choice and entro iure
 nteration closeness is a noralised easure o distance ro an a sace o oriin to
all others in a sste and it eresses ho close this oriin sace is to all other saces url
 nterated saces tend to dra the entire conuration toards the root shallo ustied
rahs, sereated saces tend to ush ost o the rest o the satial cole dee dee
ustied rahs
ntactic analses sho that in this desin the ost interated saces are ersonnel arin
, ain ate ,, arcade arden assae ,, entrance ersonnel hotel ,,
recetion hotel ,, ersonnel roos hotel ,, entrance ersonnel rehailitation
,, elevator hall hotel , , entrance ersonnel itchen ,, entrance ellness sa
,, lo ain ,, health ersonnel roo elevator hall rehailitation ,, arden
,  n the other hand, the ost sereated saces are eerenc oservation c , ,
consultation roo rehailitation  hsio theraist roo rou thera roo scholoist
rooedical equientslee la , edroos ,, re eit ,, eerenc
station eerenc treatent eerenc edical storae eerenc c and ,,
eerenc oservation ,
Control easures hat deree o choice each sace reresent or its iediate neihourhoods
as a sace to ove to url  t should e reinded that control is a local easure, since it onl
considers relations eteen a sace and its iediate neihourhood, hereas interation is
a loal easure since it considers the relations o a sace to ever other sace in the sste
illier and anson,  ntactic analses sho that hotel corridors ,, rehailitation
corridor ,, entrance health centre ,, entras residences ,, storae linen hotel
,, aitin roo rehailitation ,, arden ,, technical courtard , are stron
control saces n the other hand, hotel edroos ,, dinin terrace terrace shared
terrace  dinin service area  rehailitation ed roos , and assisted care coartents
, aear as ea control saces
Choice eteenness easures ho liel on aial line or street seent it is to e assed
throuh on all shortest routes ro all saces to all other saces in the entire sste url 
ntactic analses sho that arcade arden assae , ersonnel arin , ain
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.11
ate , recetion hotel , elevator hall hotel , entrance ersonnel hotel
 have hiher values his eans that these saces have the hihest total values o
accuulated o
Entro is a easure o the distriution o locations o saces in ters o their deth ro
a sace rather than the deth itsel url  ntactic analses sho that entrance ersonnel
hotel ,, ersonnel arin ,, elevator hall rehailitation ,, entrance ersonnel
rehailitation , , health ersonnel roo ,, oods lit ,, entrance ersonnel
itchen , have loest values his eans that an locations are close to these saces
uch ndins are the looin eedin and eedac in the desin rocess Constant and iterative
assessent o the otentials o a node in the netor and the netors on qualities ascertain
a desin dialoue eteen a desiner tea or a sinular desiner on desin ethodolo
t is ossile to assess all nodes in ersective and eseciall a set o selected nodes and soe
rando selection durin the rocess
o disla a serial disosition o the roect dierentiale staes are descried elo n an
initial setch ro uildin reulations a voluetric coosition that corresonds to the total
area requireents is shon in the initial ure iure  ater in the rocess the hierarchical
ind ain via the rain sotare enaled the visualisation o the ranchin qualities, then
the Ctoscae odels are introduced due to laout and the netor and visualisation otential
o the sotare, and in arallel ntactic odellin in rasshoer enale assessent ith
sace snta criteria he roect evolved to a ore raented conuration in the second
iteration, and later, the client ocused on interatin the services, and the assisted livin units
recouled ith the hotel as a ne in, hereas the hsical thera hosital and sa ot
raented onl to reoin aain in the nal stae
ale ndins ro the case stud are
 he netor visualiation atterns enale to arehend the nuances eteen clusters o
roos uch as roos around a corridor is dierent in the reha situation than the hotel
and uch to dierent in the orsho roos and assisted livin his is a sound contrast
to artitionin saces in the odern conventions
 etor odellin and assessent criteria, and tools lie sace snta are valuale to
assess ultile data structures lie architectural satial relationshis ursun,  n
urther analsis one can denote characteristics o these saces in the netor analsis
he ain is a tedious one and atience and rereadin is necessar durin the rocess
n the eelied dnaic sstes ae laed in class, the desiner is ell aare o
the dnaic qualit, and these tools even accentuate that qualit urther
 he eerient eresses the iortance o eterior satial eleents that searate
as ell as ind the neihourin orans, hich are usuall not listed in the uilt sace
allocation lists hese units lie the cano, the courtards, even the alles and assaes
la an interal role in the hsical, social and service related qualities n the case o
ore active and less noise ones, the addition o a coact, controlled outer sace that
uers the enales the continuit o services, and searation o the hsical qualities
Evidentl, this ndin suorts the research data o Aan and Unlu  reardin on
e role o arden sace or an elderl care institution
 atial analses sho that i use rora chanes the a o eeriencin sace
or soe articular rescritive desin roras such as hotels and hositals n this
case, soe service saces and their attached units in the satial conuration such as
ersonnel arin, entrance ersonnel hotel ecoe iortant actors that roduce and
distriute oveent in sace
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.12
iure   Uer ro, nstances ro desin evolution, otto ro nstances o satial relations ain in various
n architecture, desin activit eins  understandin iortant eatures o the rora and
roect site and continues to enerate an astract idea Architect then transor this idea to
concrete satial orations, a ind o satial conuration that is inhaited and eerienced
 eneratin dierent roosals and testin the, the architect consolidates hisher ideas or
redenes the to ain satised satial orations ursun,  his stud suests that
rah theor ased tools can e used in to interrelatin odes durin this rocess
 o elore the intrinsic nature o uilt environents and to search elanations aout
ho the thins are his ode can e rearded as ore analtic and scientic ut it is
ver useul to corehend the satial dnaics
 o evaluate erorance o the uilt environent and to search alternatives in inventin
 ain thins n other ords, in this ode, ain eort ould e iven to investiate
ho the desined satial sste iht e his ode can e rearded as ore creative
and intuitive, ut it is ver useul to access desined sace and elore its ossile ors
he authors suested that relevant rah theor concets and roduced data sets reresentin
the satial sstes lead to oerul instiation, anaeent, and assessent o conured
saces As illier and anson  indicate, these tools have otentials to e the tools ith
hich e can thin durin the desin rocess hese tools suleent creativit and constitute
a enerative coonent ithin the researchevidenceased desin he also advance desin
thinin, enale interactive eloration o the eects o roraatic relations on or and
suest a ethod to structure corresondence o or and unction oiolu and ursun,
ased on the research ndins, the authors elieve that ied use roras are a aor
trend in todas architectural roras, and roects intentionall dier invarial to hridie
raents o uran roraatic units ntactic easures and desin ethodolo
inor such roects ith thresholds and asins o concentration so that the desiner can
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.13
eed in and et eedac ro the roect aout issues o coort, securit, and scenarios
he netor analsis is intelliile as a atha or the desin o the uture adatations o
the roects Architectural rora shits as technoloies, olicies and needs chane, and
uildin adatailit requireents soeties lead to uildsace ithout identit oever,
an iterative desin rocess that is sntactic, enale road a or adatation ossiilities
ilterin the netor o roos into su netors or otential user ootaths ould e useul
ot all users ste into all roos thereore a control sace or the eneric laout iht not e
as ecient in the scenario o a user en source sotare tools lie Ctorah and ntactic
enale the educators as ell as roessionals to enae readil ith the relativel sohisticated
concets o ace nta
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Aan, sut, E, Unlu, A  ehavioural esonses o the Elderl eardin atial Conuration, An Elderl
Care nstitution Case tud, U A, ol, o, 
Aleander, C  Notes on the Synthesis of Form arvard Universit Press
araasi, A  Linked, The New Science of Networks, Perseus Pulishin, Caride, assachusetts
Cross,   esinerl as o noin esin isciline versus esin cience, esin ssues, ol,
uer , uer , 
Cross,   Designerly Ways of Knowing irhauser asel oston erlin
adeoertson,   The Architecture of Information Architecture, Interaction Design and the Patterning of
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ursun, P  ace nta in Architectural esin, Proceedings of Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium,
U acult o Architecture,  une 
orts,   he ature o esin hinin, esign Thining Research Symposium, acult o esin,
Architecture and uildin, Universit o echnolo, dne, ctoer  in  nterretin esin
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, on, A, A ocuents, dne, Australia,  
Easle, , leiner,   etwors, rowds, and arets Reasoning about a Highly onnected orld, Caride
Universit Press, 
reor, A  The Design Method, riner cience  usiness edia, C
anson, , ao,   Conuration and esin in Carin Environents nta and ualit o ie in a ale
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illier,   Space is the Machine Caride Caride Universit Press
illier, , anson,   The Social Logic of Space, Caride Universit Press Caride 
illier, , Penn, A, anson, , raesi, , u,   atural oveent or, Conuration and Attraction in
Uran Pedestrian oveent, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, , ol , o,  
illier, , anson,   he easonin Art or, he eed or an Analtical heor o Architecture, Proceedings
of First International Space Syntax Symposium, UC, ondon
oiolu, , ursun, Cei, P hinin and esinin ith the dea o etor in Architecture, ITU A|Z,
ol , o , oveer ,  
ia,   ecodin etor, in Visual Complexity: Mapping Patterns of Information, Princeton Architectural
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arch, , teadan,  P  The Geometry of Environment, An Introduction to Spatial Organization in Design
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arch,   The Architecture of the Form Caride Universit Press
itchell, , teadan, P, iett,   nthesis an tiiation o all ectanular loor Plans,
Environment and Planning B, Planning & Design, ol, o, 
ourian, P, evani, , ariildi,  a A ntactic Architectural esin ethodolo, Proceedings of Ninth
International Space Syntax Symposium, eoul, orea
ourian, P, evani, , ariildi,   esinin ith ace nta, A conurative aroach to
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issertation or otainin the deree o doctor at elt Universit o echnolo
chn, A  ducating the Reective Practitioneran rancisco osseass, A ile rint
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ile,   he Architectural rain, in Network Practices, edited  Anthon ure Editor, herese ierne,
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url httrasshoerdcorousacesnta, accessed in 
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AA ehavioural essonses oo the Elderl eeardinn atial Confifuration, An Elderll Care nstitution Case tuddd
  • Sut Aaan
AAan, sut, EE, Unlu, AA ehavioural essonses oo the Elderl eeardinn atial Confifuration, An Elderll Care nstitution Case tuddd, U AAA, ollll, ooo,