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Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.1
Experimenting and working with relational models
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture
Tuspa NK Office for Architectural Design
he setu o satial conurations is an essential toic in architectural desin he loics ehind
this conuration o satial netors are sinicant or architects as it denotes social as ell
as hsical ilications e accet that desin is an eeriential rocess, then eerientin
and roin ain uch roinence in the rocess Eerients lead architects to discover, and
then to redene their desin concets
his stud ocuses on the otentials o analtical ethods via rah theor ased tools and ho
to al netor thinin in architectural desin he stud questions the olloin satial
sstes are rearded as netors, ho do various netor visualiation and assessent tools
are useul to etraolate the inherent attern and the loic o do sace snta, rah theor
ased tools and diaras aid the eterioriation o this loic o does the architect thin
through these tools and learn from them?
he toic ill e eressed resentin an eerient ro architectural ractice his
eerient deals ith an iterative rocess o a hotel secialied on the elderl and the disaled
ith reha centre a iused uildin hich includes a hotel, a rehailitation centre and
assistedcare aartents n the desin schee relationshis ased on circulation scenarios o
dail activities and services are odelled and aniated netor related tools lie ntactic,
the ace nta tool in rasshoer, a luin or the diital desin lator hinoceros a
sotare or netor visualiation and evaluation Ctoscae, and a ind ain sotare
herain his eerient ais to elore ho scientic rah theor ased tools eed desin
thinin and ain
Elorin alternative as to interate theoretical and ractical ilications o netor
thinin in architectural desin is valuale or those in the architectural education and in
ractice indins o the research sho that, rah theor ased tools rovide a useul asis
or architects oth or ain and thinin aout architectural sace eneratin scientic
and nuerical data he stud concludes ith an arra o advantaes in orin ith netor
odels in architectural desin, and suests uture ethods or desin analsis and desin
research ith netor ain tools
atial etor, Architectural esin, ace nta
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.2
esin is understood as a or o thinin ile, his cole conitive thinin can
e descried as a rocess o discover that involves oth eerientin and roin ursun,
he strate o rovidin solution roosals, analsis, evaluation and iroveent o
these roosals until arrivin at a satisin solution is reconiale riht across the desin
roessions orst, n architecture, solution ocused activit ason, involves a
creative rocess that concentrates on a ind o ain chn, hich is larel learned
and racticed throuh action and reection rather than trin to nd out otiu solutions
ion, he architect thins ith dierent desin tools and rins dierent ors o
nolede toether to evaluate desined outcoes durin this rocess n other ords, heshe
reconures desin ideas learnin ro hisher desins, testin and elorin the ossile
eects o hisher decisions
As reorted Cross , , desin ractice has its on intellectual culture his culture
concentrates on desinerl as o noin, thinin, and actin esin research literature
is ull o rearale quotations that tr to ae a distinction eteen science and desin
Accordin to reor the scientic ethod is a attern o rolesolvin ehaviour
eloed in ndin out the nature o hat eists, hereas the desin ethod is a attern o
ehaviour eloed in inventin thinshich do not et eist cience is analtical desin
is constructive ion states that the natural sciences are concerned ith ho thins
aredesin on the other hand is concerned ith ho thins ouht to e iilar ith Crosss
idea, this stud does not intend to hihliht this shar distinction eteen desin and science
once aain accetin that architects have their on a o ercetion, conition and
roduction, the aer ais to elore ho these oosite as o understandin, intuition and
reason, can e rouht toether in a creative rocess to uild u architects on intellectual
desin culture n other ords, it concentrates on alternative as hich science ased
nolede or analtical tools can e used to ae nondiscursive intuition ore rational and
thereore ore discursive illier, illier and anson, in the architectural desin
rocess t is suested that architect is an intellectual actor ho is aare o dierent tools and
nolede resources and has a caailit o usin the to lead hisher desin thinin ursun,
Architectural desin involves conurin cole satial relationshis hese include
sohisticated lins that involve ne social connections and their satial eressions he
architects need to nd alternative as to ras these transitional satial orationscole
relationshis and their ossile social eanins to roduce novel encounters his stud
ocuses on netor thinin in architecture and elores the otentials o analtical ethods
rah theor ased tools in architectural desin n this aer, a sale eeriental case ro
ractice is resented, in hich various netor visualiation and analsis tools hel to deciher
the satial loic o a iused uildin creatin an interactive dialo ith nuerical and
rahical data, it is indented to coe u or discussion on ho architects thin throuh these
tools and learn ro the
ne ain consideration in architectural desin is aout settin satial conurations As
reorted ourian et al a the outcoe o an architectural desin rocess is essentiall
a conuration ace is sustantiall dened the conuration o satial cells ade
oertson, Conuration in architecture descries a set o saces that are connected
to one another as a netor and oints out a relational attern aon these satial eleents
illier elains that conuration eists hen relations eteen to saces are chaned
accordin to ho e relate one or other or oth to at least one other sace Conurational
descritions thereore deal ith the a in hich a sste o saces is related toether to
or a attern rather than ith the ore localied roerties o an articular saces anson,
e can descrie this attern as a ind o netor, hich reveals cole relationshis
interconnections, orders and rules aon the satial eleents he loics ehind conuration
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.3
o a satial netor are sinicant or architects as it ilies social ilications ooloical
descrition o sace can account or asects o architectural eerience constrainin or
eneratin the ossiilit o huan social interaction adeoertson, elationshis
eteen saces once rearded as utale, also constitute the otentials o encounters or
the users throuh connections and orders hereto, the constitute the asis or the social
interactions eteen users, denin oth unctional and latent routes, and indicatin satial
roiities and neihours oiolu and ursun, A sace does not encode inoration
individuall oever, the a in hich a sace coes toether ith other saces to or a
structure or attern reveals inoration and constitutes the core o satial eerience his
structure or satial conuration inuences social, econoic, environental unctionin o
cities and cole uildins ainl conductin huan oveent attern illier et al,
ourian, n other ords, the eanin is structured in architecture throuh the
tooloical conurational relationshis eteen saces that are eerienced hen e ove
throuh sace
esearches on netor sstes ainl ae use rah theor ased tools rahs serve as
atheatical odels o netor structures Easle and leiner, and resent a lanuae
or talin aout structural eatures and otentials o netor sstes Accordin to araasi
rahs or netors have roerties hidden in their construction that liit or enhance our
ailit to do thins ith the he construction and structure o rah or netors is the e to
understandin the cole orld around us all chanes in the toolo aectin onl e
nodes or lins can oen u hidden doors alloin ne ossiilities to eere araasi,
etor in architecture ocuses on ssteaticall ain relations aon satial eleents
throuh their shared and relative characteristics, in other ords, neihourin and attractin
qualities in ruleased dnaic netor odels he relations o the relations and the
rotocol eteen the rules, that reer to the order and the scale that the rules ill e enacted
durin the desin rocess, are o rie iortance in these odels oservin the eects,
the creative rocess can e interreted as a ind o choreorah, one in hich ace is also
interroated or the eleents o the araetric odel oiolu and ursun,
he use o rah theor ased tools in architectural desin is ostl eecuted as descrition o
satial or Aleander, arch and teadan, and the alication o these tools
in enerative desin in a creative a reains liited Attets or searchin ossile satial
ors in an autoated, ssteatic rocedures itchell et al, teadan, are
olloed the evaluative ors illier and anson, , illier, that intent to discover
social erorance ourian et al, o desined saces n recent ears, there have een
attets to rin these ideas toether to transor conurative ideas into desired eoetric
coositions ourian, he ain idea o ourian and his colleaues is aout
oin ro astract rah descrition o satial connections to tooloical lanar eeddin
o that rah, analsin that rah in real tie and ndin easile eoetric cell conuration
that adits the roosed rah connection inicance o this ind o or is coin ro
its ehasies on satial eloration rocess in hich desiners have ull intellectual control
and et oective real tie eedac on the satial qualities o their desin hese aroaches
rovide counicative tools eteen desiner and hisher desin resentin evidences or
searchin eoetric rules and oral ossiilities
Alication o rah ased tools in a creative anner in desin rocess is valuale or architects
ho develo their ideas ain and learn doin chn, his stud ainl
concentrates on rah theor ased tools in enerative desin and elores their contriutions
to desin rocess in oral coositions oth tooloic as ell as eoetric ain interest is
on the dnaic sace ain rocess in hich sace is evolved evidences on interactive
interretations o hat architects desin
e accet architecture as a sste coosed o interlocin eleents, oeratin as a ind
o ioloical echanis and evolvin on an ronts ia, , can this rah theor
ased tools e used as creative thinin achines or architects to la ith in architectural
design process? The authors concentrate on the architectural design practice to put this main
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.4
research aruent into ore corehensive deate he last art o the stud elores ho
these scientic, rah theor ased concets and tools could eed desin thinin throuh an
eerient ro architectural ractice
A is a roect o a centre or health touris in Antala, ure iure he client is the
oner o three acilities totallin eds or entall disaled, elderl care and rehailitation
atients that are distriuted in the sae reion and she as deterined to transer her
eertise into a touristic sta asis he rie o the roect roted the olloin three toics
in one acilit health and touris centre or the disaled or an otiu sta o one ee,
theraeutic sta o iniu ees as ell as lon ter reha rora or orthoaedic and
cancer atients an averae sta o onths coleented ith assisted livin aartents as
nal hoin ostl or atients tied to ed u to ears
iure A, a roect or a centre or health touris or
the elderl and the disaled
Althouh the rora required the siilar, i not the sae roessional care and anaeent
eertise, the satial needs, and neihourin requireents are ver dierentiated eteen,
the ore touristic eel stas o the incoin uests and the theraeutic sta o the cancer or
orthoaedic atients, to the loner sta o elderl care residents here are several locations in
the roect that ill eno coon use, hoever the tranquillit and eerenc requireents
are dierent ro the reha unit hich is asicall a health acilit ith an eerenc hall that
is quite the oosite in atoshere than the entrance hall o the intended star hotel uch
considerations ured or a delierate roin into the roraatic requireents and satial
relationshis toether ith the client
he roect as an econoic odel as ell as an architectural rora challened ulti
rora, ultiteoralit, ultiuser and i use here are several studies that discuss
ae and rora interation or elderl care and disailities and search the relation eteen
hsical eatures o the uildin desin and qualit o lie o the residences anson and ao,
Additionall, studies on ehavioural atterns o elderl care residents have shon a
reerence or laces or hiher trac lie corridors ate entries assaes Aan and Unlu
states that elderl users reerred areas such as corridors and loc entr areas looin toards
the outer sace hich involved activit rather than laces hich ere oriinall lanned to e
the social interaction areas he diversit roraatic requireents as ell as coactness
in services urorted as ossile the client ho had ears o eerience in disaled and
elderl care ured an analtical aroach to the desin o the laout o etter understand ho
the sste ill oerate, the otential relationshis in the list o roos are aed in netor
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.5
diaras durin the initial staes o the desin rocess his heled to etter understand and
sili the requireents
he ethod eeriented in the iterative ae assess sessions or the laout conurations,
in short is listed as stes elo
ste list relationshis eteen roos out o the roo requireents list,
ste a laouts in rah tools and read thresholds and conloerations,
ste analse sntactic ures,
ste odel and etract architectural lans and reeat ,, as necessar
n ste desinated relationshis are listed as sile as roo A connected to roo , the direct
access is considered as a relationshi iure here are ore relational data lie those laces
that are visuall connected or those roos that need to e et a certain distance aart, etc
uch araeters serve the sstes intellience oever, or racticalit onl access ro
one distinct lace to another is the listed araeter User scenarios as ell as reulator needs
are useul inoration in the rearation o this initial list
iure elational list o roo requireents
te is lottin this relational data iure here are various alications or ain
netor data, Ctoscae is used in this rocess Cytoscape is an open source software
platform for visualizing olecular interaction netors and ioloical athas and integrating
these netors ith annotations, ene eression roles and other state data url
Althouh Ctoscae as oriinall desined or ioloical research, no it is a eneral lator
or cole netor analsis and visualiation his core distriution rovides a asic set o
eatures or data interation, analsis, and visualiation
aout aloriths rovided the sotare are used or ain the relational netor
data or eale, the Preuse alorith, or orce directed srin eedded laouts enale
to visualie the netor clusters uch laouts as oosed to the circular or rid laouts or
netors allo readin o coartents, or raents that a turn into searate oors,
searate ins or even distinct uildins his is eseciall iortant in i use uildins here
corridors ris ecoin larinths and uent circulation ecoe too deendent on sinae and
uildin identit on aeu interventions n this second ste, descritive criteria or netors
such as averae shortest ath lenth or ede eteenness allo deeer readin into the
netor o roos
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.6
iure etor ain ith Cytoscape
iure ntactic coutation o relational data, screenshots
te is readin o the sace snta values o the laout or etter understandin the etreities
and distriution or isolation, entro etc iure n this case ntactic, a tool that rins
ace nta theor into araetric desin oros, is used as a calculation lator his
tool as develoed as a luin that is installed on or rasshoer ourian et al, url
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.7
te is odellin, lan etraction and reetition o the revious stes he ecel le needs to
e revised accordin to the lan revisions as it eeds into oth the netor ain and sace
sntactic roras ooin in and out o the relational netor, addindeletin laces,
roos or relationshis, thus the desin eercise is laed out arallel to the d odellin, as
roos or ne relationshis are introduced or deleted andor oors addedsutracted laces
lie elevator hall, staircase halls etc reshae the netor odel
n the secic roect the ethod as eeriented, the initial satial requireents as
resented the client ere unrecedented, aiuous, overlain and colicated he
ethod enaled to seci securit and social thresholds or coartentaliation, vital or
the roects success n a a, iterativel ain, lottin and odellin it is ossile to
visualie the hole oranis and to distinuish the orans the clusters that ere searale
ro one another courtards, or here oldin verticall or oor reetitions is ossile or
here searate uildin arraneents are needed
ne itall a e that the initial netor diara is roduced out o the relationshis that are
listed accordin to a ental reeistin odel, either dened the client or else desined
the architect oever, as the rocess is iterated, ne relationshis are introduced and soe o
the disinterated, or uer saces intervened, so the rocess serves as learnin, neotiatin,
discoverin and, thus, desinin tool Althouh the eort in listin relationshis is a eticulousl
one the eressive qualit is evidentl the stron oint o the ethod he desiner can read
the otential conorations and or on the or those that are not reerale and reor the
odel he odel serves as a desin dialoue eteen the requireents and the ossiilities
iure Closer loo in one snashot ro iterative relational ain
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.8
n this eale o the health touris roect dierent rora clusters eant not onl
circulator arraneents, ut also dierences in needs or chanes in the oods, hsical
qualities, atosheres and erorances, such as the hotel residents are ore oile durin
the da, hoever the reha roos are active the hole tie and in a requent trac, and in
arallel and contrast the dail care housin units are occuied hole da ut are ore tranquil
iure is an eale o the orce directed laout in one o the iterations, in Ctoscae ere
the node sie denotes Averae hortest Path enth lo values to lare sies and their colour
denote eteenness Centralit lo values to riht colours aor clusterin is evident as
the three ranches o the hotel oors ith the edroos on the loer let and the assisted
livin residences at the to, ith the sinn reha eerenc ranches on the loer riht he
three riht red units are ain ate, arcade to the assisted livin and the oadin a to the
technical area eseciall the itchen
he odellin enales to visualie the aor role laers in the netor o relations, as ell
as those rouins that a e translated to secic coort qualities internal rotocols
or heatin, coolin etc as ell as searate uildin or uildin art orations t ust e
noted that these rahs chane in the iterations, even soetie draaticall, ecause each
connection counts iure
iure terative esin essions A later visualisation o the satial relationshis aed in
Ctoscae ode sie is ier or Averae hortest Path and rihter in colour or eteenness
Centralit, in this session searate coartents are ore unied into one estalishent
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.9
n rah theor, eteenness centralit is a easure o centralit in a rah ased on shortest
aths url eteenness centralit easures the etent to hich a verte lies on the aths
eteen other vertices ertices ith hih eteenness a have considerale inuence
ithin a netor virtue o their control over the inoration assin eteen others he
are also the ones hose reoval ro the netor ill ost disrut counications eteen
other vertices ecause the lie on the larest nuer o aths taen essaes
iure eteenness centralit vs nuer o neihours
n the desin rocess those nodes saces ith hiher eteenness centralit are ediated
in a sinal conuration, ith chanes to the eternal saces that connect the three ain
coartents in the acilit includin the underround service distriution t ecae ver
much evident how the services circulation in these facilities as well as the circulation of the
users denes the satial conuration to the etent that the acilit is coact or disinterated
he eeriented ethod revealed that a netor literac is orthhile or the desiner in
understandin, irovisin and elicatin on architectural rora and unctions into satial
conurations his is ossile ith the sace snta criteria and coutation
he ntactic luin or rasshoer enales to desin ith sace nta criteria he rora
reveals deth as or an node, and rovides the nteration, Control, Choice and Entro
values or each node totallin dierentiated saces
iure reveals selected si autoated ustied rahs that visualie distances on deth levels
startin ro dierent oints in the conuration he ustied rah ro ain ate shos
shalloest rah aon the si ith the a deth o his rah reveals that the urtherost
units are the reha roos, hich are deeest as the are conned and concentrated thera
sta areas, the users are ostl orthoaedic uest and do not ove urther than the rst circle
areas hereas the hotel uests arrive and deart ast and requentl and the assisted livin
units need to e ale arrive at the ate ithout disturance in case o an eerenc he
ustied rah ro arcade that connects the assisted livin aartents to the sste as an
interal art also resents a shallo rah ith the a deth o n the other hand, the
ustied rah ro the laundr hall on the hand reveals a deeer structure ith the a deth
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.10
iure Autoated ustied rahs Etracted ro ntactic aundr, o ain, arden, Personnel Parin,
Arcade, ain ate ro let to riht
hrouh eedin realtie data as tales o relations into the snta odellin and analsis
enales iterative shain o the relations nstead o a nished situations analsis, the odel is
dnaicall reoranied
he analtical data derived ro the rocess are interreted or this eedac he luin
returns aor qualiers or sace snta interation, control, choice and entro iure
nteration closeness is a noralised easure o distance ro an a sace o oriin to
all others in a sste and it eresses ho close this oriin sace is to all other saces url
nterated saces tend to dra the entire conuration toards the root shallo ustied
rahs, sereated saces tend to ush ost o the rest o the satial cole dee dee
ustied rahs
ntactic analses sho that in this desin the ost interated saces are ersonnel arin
, ain ate ,, arcade arden assae ,, entrance ersonnel hotel ,,
recetion hotel ,, ersonnel roos hotel ,, entrance ersonnel rehailitation
,, elevator hall hotel , , entrance ersonnel itchen ,, entrance ellness sa
,, lo ain ,, health ersonnel roo elevator hall rehailitation ,, arden
, n the other hand, the ost sereated saces are eerenc oservation c , ,
consultation roo rehailitation hsio theraist roo rou thera roo scholoist
rooedical equientslee la , edroos ,, re eit ,, eerenc
station eerenc treatent eerenc edical storae eerenc c and ,,
eerenc oservation ,
Control easures hat deree o choice each sace reresent or its iediate neihourhoods
as a sace to ove to url t should e reinded that control is a local easure, since it onl
considers relations eteen a sace and its iediate neihourhood, hereas interation is
a loal easure since it considers the relations o a sace to ever other sace in the sste
illier and anson, ntactic analses sho that hotel corridors ,, rehailitation
corridor ,, entrance health centre ,, entras residences ,, storae linen hotel
,, aitin roo rehailitation ,, arden ,, technical courtard , are stron
control saces n the other hand, hotel edroos ,, dinin terrace terrace shared
terrace dinin service area rehailitation ed roos , and assisted care coartents
, aear as ea control saces
Choice eteenness easures ho liel on aial line or street seent it is to e assed
throuh on all shortest routes ro all saces to all other saces in the entire sste url
ntactic analses sho that arcade arden assae , ersonnel arin , ain
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.11
ate , recetion hotel , elevator hall hotel , entrance ersonnel hotel
have hiher values his eans that these saces have the hihest total values o
accuulated o
Entro is a easure o the distriution o locations o saces in ters o their deth ro
a sace rather than the deth itsel url ntactic analses sho that entrance ersonnel
hotel ,, ersonnel arin ,, elevator hall rehailitation ,, entrance ersonnel
rehailitation , , health ersonnel roo ,, oods lit ,, entrance ersonnel
itchen , have loest values his eans that an locations are close to these saces
uch ndins are the looin eedin and eedac in the desin rocess Constant and iterative
assessent o the otentials o a node in the netor and the netors on qualities ascertain
a desin dialoue eteen a desiner tea or a sinular desiner on desin ethodolo
t is ossile to assess all nodes in ersective and eseciall a set o selected nodes and soe
rando selection durin the rocess
o disla a serial disosition o the roect dierentiale staes are descried elo n an
initial setch ro uildin reulations a voluetric coosition that corresonds to the total
area requireents is shon in the initial ure iure ater in the rocess the hierarchical
ind ain via the rain sotare enaled the visualisation o the ranchin qualities, then
the Ctoscae odels are introduced due to laout and the netor and visualisation otential
o the sotare, and in arallel ntactic odellin in rasshoer enale assessent ith
sace snta criteria he roect evolved to a ore raented conuration in the second
iteration, and later, the client ocused on interatin the services, and the assisted livin units
recouled ith the hotel as a ne in, hereas the hsical thera hosital and sa ot
raented onl to reoin aain in the nal stae
ale ndins ro the case stud are
he netor visualiation atterns enale to arehend the nuances eteen clusters o
roos uch as roos around a corridor is dierent in the reha situation than the hotel
and uch to dierent in the orsho roos and assisted livin his is a sound contrast
to artitionin saces in the odern conventions
etor odellin and assessent criteria, and tools lie sace snta are valuale to
assess ultile data structures lie architectural satial relationshis ursun, n
urther analsis one can denote characteristics o these saces in the netor analsis
he ain is a tedious one and atience and rereadin is necessar durin the rocess
n the eelied dnaic sstes ae laed in class, the desiner is ell aare o
the dnaic qualit, and these tools even accentuate that qualit urther
he eerient eresses the iortance o eterior satial eleents that searate
as ell as ind the neihourin orans, hich are usuall not listed in the uilt sace
allocation lists hese units lie the cano, the courtards, even the alles and assaes
la an interal role in the hsical, social and service related qualities n the case o
ore active and less noise ones, the addition o a coact, controlled outer sace that
uers the enales the continuit o services, and searation o the hsical qualities
Evidentl, this ndin suorts the research data o Aan and Unlu reardin on
e role o arden sace or an elderl care institution
atial analses sho that i use rora chanes the a o eeriencin sace
or soe articular rescritive desin roras such as hotels and hositals n this
case, soe service saces and their attached units in the satial conuration such as
ersonnel arin, entrance ersonnel hotel ecoe iortant actors that roduce and
distriute oveent in sace
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.12
iure Uer ro, nstances ro desin evolution, otto ro nstances o satial relations ain in various
n architecture, desin activit eins understandin iortant eatures o the rora and
roect site and continues to enerate an astract idea Architect then transor this idea to
concrete satial orations, a ind o satial conuration that is inhaited and eerienced
eneratin dierent roosals and testin the, the architect consolidates hisher ideas or
redenes the to ain satised satial orations ursun, his stud suests that
rah theor ased tools can e used in to interrelatin odes durin this rocess
o elore the intrinsic nature o uilt environents and to search elanations aout
ho the thins are his ode can e rearded as ore analtic and scientic ut it is
ver useul to corehend the satial dnaics
o evaluate erorance o the uilt environent and to search alternatives in inventin
ain thins n other ords, in this ode, ain eort ould e iven to investiate
ho the desined satial sste iht e his ode can e rearded as ore creative
and intuitive, ut it is ver useul to access desined sace and elore its ossile ors
he authors suested that relevant rah theor concets and roduced data sets reresentin
the satial sstes lead to oerul instiation, anaeent, and assessent o conured
saces As illier and anson indicate, these tools have otentials to e the tools ith
hich e can thin durin the desin rocess hese tools suleent creativit and constitute
a enerative coonent ithin the researchevidenceased desin he also advance desin
thinin, enale interactive eloration o the eects o roraatic relations on or and
suest a ethod to structure corresondence o or and unction oiolu and ursun,
ased on the research ndins, the authors elieve that ied use roras are a aor
trend in todas architectural roras, and roects intentionall dier invarial to hridie
raents o uran roraatic units ntactic easures and desin ethodolo
inor such roects ith thresholds and asins o concentration so that the desiner can
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.13
eed in and et eedac ro the roect aout issues o coort, securit, and scenarios
he netor analsis is intelliile as a atha or the desin o the uture adatations o
the roects Architectural rora shits as technoloies, olicies and needs chane, and
uildin adatailit requireents soeties lead to uildsace ithout identit oever,
an iterative desin rocess that is sntactic, enale road a or adatation ossiilities
ilterin the netor o roos into su netors or otential user ootaths ould e useul
ot all users ste into all roos thereore a control sace or the eneric laout iht not e
as ecient in the scenario o a user en source sotare tools lie Ctorah and ntactic
enale the educators as ell as roessionals to enae readil ith the relativel sohisticated
concets o ace nta
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.14
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illier, Space is the Machine Caride Caride Universit Press
illier, , anson, The Social Logic of Space, Caride Universit Press Caride
illier, , Penn, A, anson, , raesi, , u, atural oveent or, Conuration and Attraction in
Uran Pedestrian oveent, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, , ol , o,
illier, , anson, he easonin Art or, he eed or an Analtical heor o Architecture, Proceedings
of First International Space Syntax Symposium, UC, ondon
oiolu, , ursun, Cei, P hinin and esinin ith the dea o etor in Architecture, ITU A|Z,
ol , o , oveer ,
ia, ecodin etor, in Visual Complexity: Mapping Patterns of Information, Princeton Architectural
arch, , teadan, P The Geometry of Environment, An Introduction to Spatial Organization in Design
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arch, The Architecture of the Form Caride Universit Press
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Environment and Planning B, Planning & Design, ol, o,
ourian, P, evani, , ariildi, a A ntactic Architectural esin ethodolo, Proceedings of Ninth
International Space Syntax Symposium, eoul, orea
ourian, P, evani, , ariildi, esinin ith ace nta, A conurative aroach to
architectural laout, roosin a coutational ethodolo, Computation and Performance, ACAAe ,
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ourian, P ongraphics: raph Theoretical ethods for esign and nalysis of Spatial ongurations,
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teadan, P Architectural orholo ondon Pion
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium
Experimenting and working with relational models 10.15
ile, he Architectural rain, in Network Practices, edited Anthon ure Editor, herese ierne,
Princeton Architectural Press
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