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Novelties in Costa Rican Stelis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae): Two new species and a new record in the “Dracontia Group”


Abstract and Figures

Stelis dies-natalis y Stelis aenigma, pertenecientes a un grupo de especies en su mayoría Centroamericanas colocadas alternativamente en el género Dracontia, son descritas e ilustradas basadas en material vivo. Ambas se encontraron en robledales de altura en diferentes picos de la Cordillera de Talamanca en Costa Rica. La primera, S. dies-natalis, se encontró en los Cerros Buena Vista y Urán, es similar a S. hydra pero se puede distinguir por la inflorescencia relativamente corta, las flores morado oscuro con un labelo amarillo cubierto por verrugas morado oscuro, los pétalos apiculados y el labelo con un apículo brevemente acuminado. La segunda, S. aenigma, que se pensaba inicialmente que se trataría un segundo espécimen de S. dies-natalis cuando se colectó en el Cerro Utyum, pero se puede distinguir fácilmente por las inflorescencias con pocas flores que apenas supera el tamaño de la hoja, las flores rojizas, el labelo sigmoideo y la antera obtusa y cuculada. Stelis platystylis, una especie previamente conocida de México a Nicaragua, es ilustraba basada en material vivo de Costa Rica.
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LANKESTERIANA 17(2): 193–202. 2017.
AdAm P. KArremAns1,2,3 & melissA díAz-morAles1
1Jardín Botánico Lankester, Universidad de Costa Rica, P.O. Box 302-7050 Cartago, Costa Rica
2Naturalis Biodiversity Center – Leiden University, The Netherlands
3Author for correspondence:
AbstrAct. Stelis dies-natalis and Stelis aenigma, belonging to a group of mostly Middle American species
alternatively placed in genus Dracontia, are described and illustrated based on living material. They were both
found in oak forests at high elevations on diverse peaks of the Talamanca mountain range in Costa Rica. The
rst, S. dies-natalis, was found on Cerro Buena Vista and Cerro Urán, and is somewhat similar to S. hydra but
can be distinguished by the relatively short inorescence, the dark purple owers with a yellow lip covered by
dark purple warts, the apiculate apex of the petals and the lip with a shortly acuminate apicule. The second, S.
aenigma, was initially believed to be a specimen of S. dies-natalis when it was collected on Cerro Utyum, but it
can be easily distinguished by the few-owered inorescence that barely exceeds the leaf, the reddish owers,
the sigmoid lip and the cucullate, obtuse anther. Stelis platystylis, a species previously known from Mexico to
Nicaragua is illustrated based on living material from Costa Rica.
resumen. Stelis dies-natalis y Stelis aenigma, pertenecientes a un grupo de especies en su mayoría Cen-
troamericanas colocadas alternativamente en el género Dracontia, son descritas e ilustradas basadas en mate-
rial vivo. Ambas se encontraron en robledales de altura en diferentes picos de la Cordillera de Talamanca en
Costa Rica. La primera, S. dies-natalis, se encontró en los Cerros Buena Vista y Urán, es similar a S. hydra
pero se puede distinguir por la inorescencia relativamente corta, las ores morado oscuro con un labelo
amarillo cubierto por verrugas morado oscuro, los pétalos apiculados y el labelo con un apículo brevemente
acuminado. La segunda, S. aenigma, que se pensaba inicialmente que se trataría de un espécimen de S. dies-
natalis cuando se colectó en el Cerro Utyum, pero se puede distinguir fácilmente por las inorescencias con
pocas ores que apenas supera el tamaño de la hoja, las ores rojizas, el labelo sigmoideo y la antera obtusa
y cuculada. Stelis platystylis, una especie previamente conocida de México a Nicaragua, es ilustraba basada
en material vivo de Costa Rica.
Key words: Dracontia, Stelis, S. aenigma, S. dies-natalis, S. hydra, S. platystylis.
Introduction. Luer (1986) proposed Pleurothallis
subgenus Dracontia Luer for a relatively small group
of species mostly from Middle America. The group
was transferred to a broad concept of Stelis Sw. by
Pridgeon and Chase (2001) with support of DNA
evidence (Pridgeon, Solano & Chase 2001). Convinced
that they required recognition as a distinct genus, Luer
(2004) elevated Dracontia (Luer) Luer to generic
level. Karremans (2011) suggested that Dracontia
could be kept separate from Stelis arguing that the
species formed a well recognizable natural group that
could be segregated on morphological and genetic
grounds. A broad DNA-based phylogenetic analysis
by Karremans et al. (2012) conrmed that the species
of Dracontia formed a highly supported monophyletic
group, but also that there were imbedded in Stelis s.l.
together with species placed in the genera Effusiella
Luer, Elongatia (Luer) Luer, Mystacorchis Szlach. &
Marg., Salpistele Dressler and Unciferia (Luer) Luer.
Dracontia cannot be recognized as currently dened
and on its own, and is therefore considered part of a
broad concept of Stelis (Karremans 2016).
Species of this particular group can be recognized by
their successive, frequently undetermined inorescences,
eshy owers with long, thick, three-lobed, movable
lips, convergent sepals forming a synsepal that is similar
Received 8 June 2017; accepted for publication 21 July 2017. First published online: 24 July 2017.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Costa Rica License
LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
to the dorsal sepal, concave, obtuse, papillose petals,
a triangular column that is apically dentate and much
shorter than the lip, an incumbent, helm-like, large
anther (exceeding the column), a ventral stigma covered
by a bubble-like rostellum, and two at caudicles
(Karremans 2011, Karremans et al. 2012). They are
found from Mexico to Panama, with a single species
in the Antilles. The highest species diversity is found
in Costa Rica and Panama. Taking the two described
here into consideration, there are 25 species that can
currently be ascribed to this group, twenty of them are
known to grow in Costa Rica (Luer 1986, Karremans
2011, 2012, Karremans & Smith 2012), a key for all
species was provided by Karremans & Bogarín (2013).
Taxonomic treatment
Stelis dies-natalis Karremans & M.Díaz, sp. nov.
TYPE: Costa Rica. San José: Pérez Zeledón, Cerro de
la Muerte (Cerro Buena Vista), sobre sendero hacia an-
tenas del ICE, 9°40’52.10”N, 83°51’20.11”W, 2715 m,
bosque montano de robledales, 26 mayo 2015. M. Díaz
234, J. Alomía, N. Davin & A. P. Karremans (holotype:
JBL-spirit!; Fig. 1, 2).
Stelis dies-natalis is somewhat similar to Stelis hy-
dra (Karremans & C.M. Sm.) Karremans but can be
distinguished by the short inorescence, with the rst
ower barely reaching the leaf apex (vs. inorescence
far exceeding the leaf), owers dark purple (vs. red-
dish purple) with a yellow lip covered by dark purple
warts (vs. reddish-orange), the apex of the petals with
a small apicule (vs. not apiculate) and the lip with a
shortly acuminate apicule (vs. acute apex, without api-
Plant epiphytic, caespitose, erect, up to 26 cm tall.
Roots basal, liform, exuosus, slender, ca. 1 mm in
diameter. Ramicauls terete, slender, 1.8–15.5 cm long,
1–2 mm in diameter, enclosed by a thin, papyraceus,
tubular, truncate sheath on the middle third of the rami-
caul, and with two basal sheaths. Leaves suberect, co-
riaceous, sessile, elliptic, acute, emarginate, 3.9–10.2
× 0.9–2.9 cm. Inorescence successive, racemose, se-
cund, apical, from a 4–13 mm long, triangular, pros-
trate spathe, peduncle 6.3–7.5 cm long, enclosed in the
middle by a tubular sheet, 5 mm long, rachis 2.1–5.1 cm
long, barely exceeding the leaf apex at anthesis, getting
longer over time. Floral bracts short, hyaline, acute,
4–5.5 mm long. Pedicel cylindrical, 5.5–8.5 mm long,
ovary clavate, 6 mm long. Flowers ve, dark purple
with a yellow lip profusely stained with dark purple on
the warts. Dorsal sepal hirsute, involute, narrowly ovate
to lanceolate, obtuse, concave, 13.8–15.0 × 3.8–4.1 mm,
three-veined, dark purple. Lateral sepals hirsute, invo-
lute, connate to near the apex into an ovate to elliptic,
concave synsepal, acute, bid, 15.6–16.2 × 4.6–5.2 mm,
4-veined, dark purple suffused with white in the base.
Petals concave, embracing the column, obovate, papil-
lose externally, acute, with the apex involute making the
petal look obtuse in lateral view, 4.0–5.3 × 2.6–3.0 mm,
three-veined, yellowish white covered with purple pa-
pillae on the upper half and along the veins. Lip twisted
downward, eshy, three-lobed, 6.5–7.0 × 2.0–2.3 mm,
the midlobe thick, ligulate, acute, apiculate, rugose-
verrucose, yellow covered with dark purple warts, the
lateral lobes basal, suborbicular, erect, hyaline-white,
base of the lip hinged to the tip of the column-foot. Col-
umn semiterete, conical, 2.8–3.1 mm long, with a short,
thick, straight, white column-foot. Anther cap conical,
acute, rostrate, two-celled, ca. 1.2 × 0.6 mm. Pollinia
two, whale tail-like, narrowly ovate-pyriform, 0.7 mm
long, with two at caudicles.
AdditionAl mAteriAl studied: Costa Rica. San José:
Pérez Zeledón, P. I. La Amistad, Cordillera de Ta-
lamanca, sendero Herradura, que sube a la Urán
9°31’47”N, 83°35’30”W, 2600–2808 m, 6 April 1995.
R. Aguilar 3911, O. Garrote (CR!; CR-INB!).
distribution And ecology: The species is currently
known from two localities, the peaks of Urán and
Cerro Buena Vista on the north end of the Talamanca
range, growing in montane oak forest, at an elevation
of about 2700 m. (Fig. 3). It has been recorded to ow-
er in April and May.
etymology: From the Latin dies natalis (birthday, an-
niversary), commemorating Carl Luer’s 95th birthday.
Among the species belonging to the Dracontia
group, Stelis dies-natalis is recognised by the relative-
ly large plants with short, successive inorescences,
born from a small bract, the apiculate petals, the short,
thick, conspicuously apiculate lip that is yellow with
dark purple warts. It is somewhat similar to Stelis hy-
dra but can be distinguished especially by the short in-
Figure 1. Lankester Composite Dissection Plate (LCDP) of S. dies-natalis. A. Habit. B. Inorescence. C. Dissected perianth.
D. Column and lip in lateral view. E. Lip. F. Column in ventral view. G. Pollinia and anther cap. Photographs by A.
Karremans and M. Díaz-Morales based on the plant that served as type (JBL-Spirit).
LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
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LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
Figure 2. Stelis dies-natalis. A. Habit. B. Inorescence. C. Dissected perianth. D. Column and lip in lateral view. E. Lip. F.
Column in ventral view. G. Pollinia and anther cap. Drawing by Sara Díaz Poltronieri based on the plant that served as
type (JBL-Spirit).
orescence bearing dark purple owers, with a yellow
lip covered by dark purple warts, the apex of the petals
apiculate and the lip with a shortly acuminate apicule.
Stelis aenigma Karremans & M.Díaz, sp. nov.
TYPE: Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Buenos Aires, Bue-
nos Aires, camino a Cerros Utyum, 9°19’22.54”N
83°11’30.71” W, 2748 m, bosque pluvial montano,
epíta en bosque secundario, 19 de enero 2017, A. P.
Karremans 8046, D. Bogarín, M. Cedeño, I. Chinchil-
la, M. Díaz, E. Kaes, P. Lehmann & O. Zúñiga (holo-
type: JBL-spirit!; Figs. 4, 5).
Stelis aenigma is somewhat similar to Stelis dies-
natalis but can be easily distinguished by the simulta-
neously few-owered inorescence (vs. successive, ve
or more owers), the reddish (vs. dark purple) owers,
the sigmoid lip (vs. straight) and the cucullate, obtuse
anther (vs. conical, acute).
Plant epiphytic, caespitose, erect, up to 18 cm tall.
Roots basal, liform, exuosus, slender, ca. 1 mm in
diameter. Ramicauls terete, slender, 8.0–8.7 cm long,
1–2 mm in diameter, enclosed by a thin, papyraceus,
tubular, truncate sheath extending in the middle of the
ramicaul, and with two basal sheaths. Leaves erect, co-
riaceous, sessile, elliptic, obtuse, emarginate, 6.8–8.4
× 2.6–3.0 cm. Inorescence simultaneously few ow-
ered, racemose, secund, apical, from a 11 mm long,
triangular, prostrate spathe, peduncle 6.7 cm long, en-
closed in the middle by a tubular sheet, 10 mm long, ra-
chis 1.5 cm long, apparently determinate. Floral bracts
short, hyaline, acute, 5–6 mm long. Pedicel cylindri-
cal, 7-8 mm long, ovary clavate, 4 mm long. Flowers
one to three, reddish purple with a yellow lip, some-
times stained with red. Dorsal sepal involute, ne-hir-
sute on the margins, especially near the apex, narrowly
ovate, obtuse, concave, 14.1–15.5 × 3.0–3.5 mm,
three-veined, reddish purple suffused with white in the
base. Lateral sepals involute, hirsute on the margins,
especially near the apex, connate to near the apex into
an ovate, concave synsepal, acute, emarginate, 14.0–
15.2– × 4.5–4.7 mm, four-veined, reddish purple suf-
fused with white in the base. Petals concave, embrac-
ing the column, obovate, papillose externally, acute,
with the apex involute making the petal look obtuse in
lateral view, 4.2–5.0 × 2.1–2.6 mm, three-veined, yel-
lowish white covered with purple papillae on the up-
per half and along the veins. Lip thick, ligulate, acute,
with a fold at the apical third that makes the apex bend
upward, 6.2–6.8 × 1.8–2.0 mm, rugose-verrucose, with
erect margins near the base, base of the lip hinged to
the tip of the column-foot, yellow suffused with purple
on the basal margins and the lobes. Column semiterete,
conical, 2.8–3.5 mm long, with a short, thick, slightly
incurved column foot. Anther cap cucullate, obtuse,
two-celled, ca. 0.9 × 0.6 mm. Pollinia two, whale tail-
like, narrowly ovate-pyriform, 0.5 mm long, with two
at caudicles.
other records: Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Buenos Aires,
Buenos Aires, close to the continental divide, Cerro
Arbolado, 9°19’3.23”N 83°13’16.58”W, 2435 m.
Photographed by Eberhard Kaes, the 5th of May 2014
(Fig. 6).
distribution And ecology: The only known specimens
were found close to the continental divide between
Cerro Arbolado and Cerro Utyum, southern Talamanca
range, in Costa Rica. The species is found growing in
montane oak forests between 2435 and 2748 m eleva-
tion (Fig. 3). It owered in cultivation in April and in
May in the eld.
etymology: From the Latin aenigma (enigma, riddle),
reecting the unexpected nature of the discovery of
this species which the authors initially believed would
be a specimen of Stelis dies-natalis.
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KArremAns & díAz-morAles – Two new Stelis 197
Figure 3. Distribution map of Stelis dies-natalis, S. aenigma
and S. platystylis in Costa Rica.
LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
Figure 4. Lankester Composite Dissection Plate (LCDP) of S. aenigma. A. Habit. B. Flower. C. Dissected perianth. D.
Column and lip in lateral view. E. Lip. F. Column in lateral and ventral view. G. Pollinia and anther cap. Photographs
by A. Karremans based on the plant that served as type (JBL-Spirit).
LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
KArremAns & díAz-morAles – Two new Stelis 199
Figure 5. Stelis aenigma. A. Habit. B. Flower. C. Dissected perianth. D. Column and lip in lateral view. E. Lip. F. Column
in lateral and ventral view. G. Pollinia and anther cap. Drawing by Sara Díaz Poltronieri based on the plant that served
as type (JBL-Spirit).
When the plant that served as type of Stelis aenig-
ma was found the authors believed it would be a speci-
men of S. dies-natalis; upon owering it was clear that
it was not. It can be easily distinguished from the latter
by the simultaneously few-owered inorescence (vs.
successive, ve-plus owers), the reddish (vs. dark
purple) owers, the sigmoid lip (vs. straight) and the
cucullate, obtuse anther (vs. conical, acute). Among
the species of Dracontia it is recognised by the simul-
taneously few-owered inorescence, the long, nar-
row sepals and yellow, sigmoid lip.
Stelis platystylis (Schltr.) Solano & Soto Arenas, Icon.
Orchid. 10: t. 1097. 2008.
Bas.: Pleurothallis platystylis Schltr., Repert. Spec.
Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 395. 1912.
Syn.: Anathallis platystylis (Schltr.) Pridgeon &
M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 16: 250. 2001. Specklinia
platystylis (Schltr.) Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Mis-
souri Bot. Gard. 95: 263. 2004. Effusiella platysty-
lis (Schltr.) Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 112: 107. 2007.
TYPE: Guatemala: epiphytisch auf der Höhe zwischen
Tactic und Cobán, ca. 2000 m, blühend im Dec
1906, H. von Türckheim II 1600 [holotype, B,
destroyed; illustration of type, AMES-23667,
selected as lectotype by Luer (2000)].
distri bution And eco logy: This species is appar-
ently common in Mexico and Guatemala, and less
frequent in Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.
In Costa Rica, the single known specimen of this
species was found at 1854 m in elevation close to
Tablón, south of San José. It flowered in cultivation
in January.
etymology: From the Greek platystylos, a broad style,
in reference to the conspicuous anther cap that pro-
trudes past the column apex.
costA ricAn mAteriAl stu died: San José: Desam-
parados, San Miguel, entre Tablón y Copalchí, 2
km oeste de Tablón, 9°50’07.10” N 84°01’37.20”
W, 1854 m, epífitas en bosque secundario y árboles
de potreros en bosque muy húmedo montano bajo,
2 octubre 2008, D. Bogarín 5193, R.L. Dressler, R.
Gómez, F. Pupulin, & R. Trejos (JBL-Spirit!; Figs.
7, 8).
This species has wandered in different genera
without being clearly placed amongst its closest rela-
tives. Pridgeon and Chase (2001) believed it to be an
Anathallis Barb.Rodr. However, Luer (2000) treated
it within Pleurothallis subgen. Effusia Luer, which he
latter recognized as a distinct genus under the name
Effusiella Luer. Karremans (2011) believed that the
obtuse petals, three-lobed lip, helm-shaped anther cap
that protrudes beyond the tip of the column, among
other features, were suggestive of a Dracontia afn-
ity. Such an afnity was later conrmed with DNA
data (Karremans et al. 2012). The species’ placement
within a broad sense Stelis was not news, as the both
Dracontia and Effusiella have been mostly considered
synonyms of Stelis, however we can now also point
at Stelis cobanensis (Schltr.) Pridgeon & M.W. Chase
and S. multirostris (Rchb. f.) Pridgeon & M.W. Chase
as being its closest relatives.
LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
Figure 6. Stelis aenigma photographed in situ on Cerro
Arbolado. Photograph by E. Kaes.
LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
KArremAns & díAz-morAles – Two new Stelis 201
Figure 7. Stelis platystylis. A. Habit. B. Flower. C. Dissected perianth. D. Column and lip in lateral view. E. Column in
lateral view. F. Pollinia and anther cap. Drawing by A. Karremans and J. Ramírez based on Bogarín 5193 (JBL-Spirit).
AcKnowledgements. This manuscript was prepared as
part of a dedicatory issue commemorating the 95th birthday
of Carl Luer, whos extensive work on the Pleurothallidinae
is the basis for most current studies in the subtribe, includ-
ing the present. Joan Ramírez and Sara Díaz Poltronieri are
thanked for their help in the illustration of these species.
Eberhard Kaes is thanked for sharing their photographs of
these species. We are also thankful to the Costa Rican Min-
istry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) and its National
System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) for the scientic
literAture cited
Karremans, A. P. (2011). Dracontia, the little-known dragon
orchids. Orchids, 80(9), 560–566.
Karremans, A. P. (2012). Illustrations and studies in Neo-
tropical Orchidaceae. On the identity of Dracontia
pachyglossa and D. ramonensis with a new species, D.
lueriana (Pleurothallidinae). Annalen des Naturhistori-
schen Museums in Wien, B, 113, 119–132.
Karremans, A. P. (2016). Genera Pleurothallidinarum: an
updated phylogenetic overview of Pleurothallidinae.
Lankesteriana, 16(2), 219–241.
Karremans, A. P. & Bogarín, D. B. (2013). Three new spe-
cies of Dracontia (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae)
from Costa Rica. Systematic Botany, 38(2), 307–315.
Karremans, A. P. & Smith, C. M. (2012). A note on genus
Dracontia (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), with a new
species. Harvard Papers in Botany, 17(1), 13–17.
Karremans, A. P., Bakker, F. T., Pupulin, F., Solano-Gómez,
R. & Smulders, M. J. M. (2012). Phylogenetics of Stelis
and closely related genera (Orchidaceae: Pleurothal-
lidinae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, doi: 10.1007/
Luer, C. A. (1986). Systematics of the genus Pleurothallis
(Orchidaceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from
the Missouri Botanical Garden, 20, 1–108.
Luer, C. A. (2000). Icones Pleurothallidinarum. XX. Sys-
tematics of Jostia, Andinia, Barbosella, Barbrodia,
Pleurothallis subgen. Antilla, subgen. Effusia, subgen.
Restrepioidia. Addenda to Lepanthes, Masdevallia,
Platystele, Pleurothallis, Restrepiopsis, Scaphosepal-
um, and Teagueia. Monographs in Systematic Botany
from the Missouri Botanical Garden, 79, 1–140.
Luer, C. A. (2004). Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXVI. Pleu-
rothallis subgenus Acianthera and three allied subgen-
era. A second century of new species of Stelis of Ecua-
dor. Epibator, Ophidion, Zootrophion. Monographs in
Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden,
95, 1–265.
Pridgeon, A. M. & Chase, M. W. (2001). A phylogenetic re-
classication of Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae). Lind-
leyana, 16, 235–271.
Pridgeon, A.M., Solano, R. & Chase, M.W. (2001). Phyloge-
netic relationships in Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae):
combined evidence from nuclear and plastid DNA se-
quences. American Journal of Botany, 88, 2286–2308.
Figure 8. Inorescence of S. platystylis with an open ower.
Photograph by A. Karremans based on Bogarín 5193
LANKESTERIANA 17(2). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
Full-text available
The fourth release of the series "New Species and Records of Orchidaceae from Costa Rica" documents and illustrates 17 taxa of the Costa Rican orchid flora. The new species records belong to the subtribes Pleurothallidinae (9 spp.), Maxillariinae (3 spp.), and Oncidiinae (2 spp.), including the description of two new species in Pleurothallis and Telipogon. Two new forms are described for Isochilus latibracteatus (Ponerinae) and Masdevallia striatella (Pleurothallidinae), and their differences from the typical forms are discussed. Additionally, the first record of a naturalized population of Phalaenopsis stuartiana (Aeridinae) in Costa Rica is discussed. Detailed descriptions, based on selected Costa Rican material, are included for all taxa, along with illustrations or Lankester Composite Digital Plates (LCDP). Information on their etymology , distribution, habitat, phenology, and distinguishing features compared to morphologically similar species is also provided. Finally, following the publication of the most recent Costa Rican orchid catalogue, we have identified some omissions and other new species described, which are discussed here. The orchid flora of Costa Rica now includes 1695 species and nine forms.
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We provide a general introduction to the prodromi to Flora Costaricensis, and an introduction to the precursors of subtribe Pleurothallidinae. We present a systematic revision of the genus Echinosepala for the flora of Costa Rica and a detailed discussion of molecular evidence with regard to most Costa Rican taxa, aimed at phylogenetically framing Echinosepala within the subtribe Pleurothallidinae, recognizing internal relationships among the species in the genus, and proposing evolutionary hypotheses. We recognize 10 species of Echinosepala in Costa Rica. Each species is described and illustrated with one or more botanical drawings and photographs, all based on Costa Rican material. Etymology, distribution, ecology, distinguishing features, and affinities with other taxa in the genus are discussed, taxonomic notes are provided, and a list of selected material examined for this study is included for each taxon. Two new species of Echinosepala, E. glenioides and E. isthmica, are described and illustrated, and their relationships are discussed. New combinations are proposed in Echinosepala for Pleurothallis alexandrae and P. pastacensis, and the former species is neotypified.
The new genus Pridgeonia, and eight new orchid species in the genera Benzingia, Daiotyla, Dichaea, Ixyophora, and Pridgeonia, all belonging to the subtribe Zygopetalinae, are described. Complete descriptions, with notes on etymology, habitat, and ecology, and discussion of phylogenetic affinities, are provided for each new taxon, supplemented with line drawings, photographs, digital composite plates, and distribution maps. New combinations and synonyms are proposed in the genera Aetheorhyncha, Benzingia, Dichaea, and Ixyophora. Dichaea dressleri and Kefersteinia alata are recorded and illustrated for the first time for the flora of Costa Rica. Keys for the genus Benzingia and the Costa Rican species of Dichaea are proposed.
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Lepanthes agatarum, a new species of Orchidaceae from the eastern Andes of Colombia, with cup-shaped flowers, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to Lepanthes calocodon from Venezuela, but can be distinguished from it by its longer petals and a bilaminate lip with the blade apices elongate, long acuminate-slender to filiform. Resumen Lepanthes agatarum, una nueva especie de Orchidaceae de los Andes orientales de Colombia, caracterizada por tener flores en forma de copa, es descrita e ilustrada. Esta nueva especie es similar a Lepanthes calocodon, de Venezuela, pero se puede distinguir de esta última por sus petalos mas largos y el labelo bilaminado con los apices de las láminas alargados, finos y longitudinalmente acuminados a filiformes.
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Subtribe Pleurothallidinae with just over 5000 species is possibly the most species-rich of all orchids. It has been growing steadily for more than two centuries, but the last three decades have been especially active in terms of systematic and phylogenetic studies in the group. The growth in species numbers has been accompanied by the marked increase in generic and infrageneric concepts. Nevertheless, Pleurothallidinae are plagued with cases of convergent and divergent morphology, and phylogenetic relatedness is not always apparent. This opens the door to controversial changes in generic circumscriptions that are considered too inclusive by some and too exclusive by others. A grave consequence of these disagreements is the difficulty of assessing which and how many species actually belong to each genus. Here an attempt is made to place generic names among their close relatives as a first step to re-evaluating the whole subtribe.
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A new species, Dracontia hydra, is illustrated and described from Costa Rica. Dracontia dracontea is characterized and illustrated, discussion is given on its taxonomical status, while Dracontia perennis is added to its synonymy.
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Three new species of Dracontia are described and illustrated from Costa Rica and comparisons with close relatives are made. A short discussion for the preference of describing them in Dracontia instead of Stelis is given. The three species are afterwards described: Dracontia montis-mortense, a species with a unique whitish lip with three purple stripes, which is found along the Pan-American Highway on the Cerro de la Muerte, and has been confused with Dracontia dracontea; Dracontia pileata, recognized by its hat-like dorsal sepal, and Dracontia viridi-flava, recognized by its all green-yellow flowers and erose lip. The latter species are both native to the south-Pacific watershed of the Talamanca Cordillera and closely related to Dracontia conochila and Dracontia hydra. A key to the Costa Rican species of Dracontia is given, accompanied by a discussion of the included species.
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The Costa Rican Dracontia ramonensis is discussed and illustrated. It had been already illustrated as early as 1867 by A.R. Endrés, but only described in 1923 by Rudolf Schlechter. Costa Rican specimens of that species have been misidentified as Dracontia pachyglossa, a species known only from Mexico and Guate-mala. Additionally the name Dracontia ramonensis has been incorrectly applied to an unnamed species from Costa Rica, here described and illustrated as D. lueriana.
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Stelis, one of the largest genera within Pleuro- thallidinae, was recently recircumscribed to include a few hundred more species, most of which had previously been assigned to Pleurothallis. Here, a new phylogenetic anal- ysis of Stelis and closely related genera based on DNA sequences from nuclear ITS and chloroplast matK, based on a much larger sample, is presented; it includes more than 100 species assigned to Stelis and covers all proposed groupings within the genus, many of which have not pre- viously been represented. Clades are proposed to enable easier discussion of groups of closely related species; eachclade is characterized morphologically, ecologically, and geographically to explain the evidence found in the molecular analysis. Discussion of the evolutionary trends of character states found in the genus in its broad sense is given. The current taxonomy of the group is given and the possible taxonomical implications of the findings presented here are discussed.
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To evaluate the monophyly of subtribe Pleurothallidinae (Epidendreae: Orchidaceae) and the component genera and to reveal evolutionary relationships and trends, we sequenced the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and 5.8S gene for 185 taxa. In addition, to improve the overall assessments along the spine of the topology, we added plastid sequences from matK, the trnL intron, and the trnL-F intergenic spacer for a representative subset of those taxa in the ITS study. All results were highly congruent, and so we then combined the sequence data from all three data sets in a separate analysis of 58 representative taxa. There is strong support in most analyses for the monophyly of Pleurothallidinae and in some for inclusion of Dilomilis and Neocognauxia of Laeliinae. Although most genera in the nine clades identified in the analyses are monophyletic, all data sets are highly congruent in revealing the polyphyly of Pleurothallis and its constitutent subgenera as presently understood. The high degree of homoplasy in morphological characters, especially floral characters, limits their usefulness in phylogenetic reconstruction of the subtribe.