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Objective This study aims to describe child homicide perpetrators and estimate their global and regional proportion to inform prevention strategies to reduce child homicide mortality worldwide. Design A systematic review of 9431 studies derived from 18 databases led to the inclusion of 126 studies after double screening. All included studies reported a number or proportion of child homicides perpetrators. 169 countries and homicide experts were surveyed in addition. The median proportion for each perpetrator category was calculated by region and overall and by age groups and sex. Results Data were obtained for 44 countries. Overall, parents committed 56.5% (IQR 23.7–69.6) of child homicides, 58.4% (0.0–66.7) of female and 46.8% (14.1–63.8) of male child homicides. Acquaintances committed 12.6% (5.9–31.3) of child homicides. Almost a tenth (9.2% (IQR 0.0–21.9) of child homicides had missing information on the perpetrator. The largest proportion of parental homicides of children was found in high-income countries (64.2%; 44.7–71.8) and East Asia and Pacific Region (61.7%; 46.7–78.6). Parents committed the majority (77.8% (61.5–100.0)) of homicides of children under the age of 1 year. For adolescents, acquaintances were the main group of homicide perpetrators (36.9%, 6.6–51.8). There is a notable lack of studies from low-income and middle-income countries and children above the age of 1 year. Conclusion Children face the highest risk of homicide by parents and someone they know. Increased investment into the compilation of routine data on child homicide, and the perpetrators of this homicide is imperative for understanding and ultimately reducing child homicide mortality worldwide. Trial registration number PROSPERO registration number: CRD42015030125.
StöcklH, etal. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2017;1:e000112. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000112
Objective This study aims to describe child homicide
perpetrators and estimate their global and regional
proportion to inform prevention strategies to reduce child
homicide mortality worldwide.
Design A systematic review of 9431 studies derived
from 18 databases led to the inclusion of 126 studies
after double screening. All included studies reported a
number or proportion of child homicides perpetrators. 169
countries and homicide experts were surveyed in addition.
The median proportion for each perpetrator category was
calculated by region and overall and by age groups and
Results Data were obtained for 44 countries. Overall,
parents committed 56.5% (IQR 23.7–69.6) of child
homicides, 58.4% (0.0–66.7) of female and 46.8% (14.1–
63.8) of male child homicides. Acquaintances committed
12.6% (5.9–31.3) of child homicides. Almost a tenth (9.2%
(IQR 0.0–21.9) of child homicides had missing information
on the perpetrator. The largest proportion of parental
homicides of children was found in high-income countries
(64.2%; 44.7–71.8) and East Asia and Pacic Region
(61.7%; 46.7–78.6). Parents committed the majority
(77.8% (61.5–100.0)) of homicides of children under the
age of 1 year. For adolescents, acquaintances were the
main group of homicide perpetrators (36.9%, 6.6–51.8).
There is a notable lack of studies from low-income and
middle-income countries and children above the age of 1
Conclusion Children face the highest risk of homicide
by parents and someone they know. Increased investment
into the compilation of routine data on child homicide,
and the perpetrators of this homicide is imperative for
understanding and ultimately reducing child homicide
mortality worldwide.
Trial registration number PROSPERO registration
number: CRD42015030125.
Child homicide is the most extreme form
of violence against children and a tragic
event with serious effects on families and the
community. Approximately 95 000 child are
murdered each year globally,1 and the risk
of being murdered in childhood is strongly
associated with age, gender and geography.
The distribution of child homicides by age is
U-shaped and skewed towards adolescence.
Children aged 15–19 years constitute 57% of
the global child homicides, followed by chil-
dren under the age of 5 years (20%).1 The
majority of child homicide victims (90%) live
in low-income and middle-income countries,
with the highest child homicide rates found
in Latin America.1 The risk of homicide is
particularly high for boys, who account for
70% of all child homicides and for whom
homicide rates dramatically increase in late
adolescence.1 Evidence beyond the mere
prevalence of child homicide, the sex and age
of the victims however remains sparse.
In general, homicides are likely to be
under-reported, particularly in countries with
poor monitoring systems and suffering from
conflict. In many settings, homicide data is
often incomplete, and information on the
victim–perpetrator relationship is lacking,
seriously limiting the evidence base needed
for devising effective prevention strategies.
Existing studies on child homicide perpetra-
tors often focus on a particular age group or
What this study hopes to add?
Children face the highest risk of homicide by parents,
followed by acquaintance.
The limited availability of data on victim perpetrator
relationships of child homicides in many regions,
even within countries with well-established
homicide monitoring systems, is concerning.
Open Access
Child homicide perpetrators worldwide:
a systematic review
Heidi Stöckl,1 Bianca Dekel,2 Alison Morris-Gehring,1 Charlotte Watts,1
Naeemah Abrahams2
To cite: StöcklH, DekelB,
Morris-GehringA, etal.
Child homicide perpetrators
worldwide: a systematic
review. BMJ Paediatrics Open
2017;1:e000112. doi:10.1136/
Additional material is
published online only. To view
please visit the journal online
(http:// dx. doi. org/ 10. 1136/
bmjpo- 2017- 000112).
Received 29 May 2017
Revised 26 June 2017
Accepted 29 June 2017
1London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, London, UK
2South African Medical Research
Council, Cape Town, South Africa
Correspondence to
Dr Heidi Stöckl; heidi. stoeckl@
lshtm. ac. uk
Original article
What is already known on this topic?
Child homicide is the most extreme form of violence
against children and a tragic event with serious
effects on families and the community.
Approximately 95 000 child are murdered each
year globally (UNICEF 2014), and being murdered
in childhood is strongly associated with age, gender
and geography.
In many settings, homicide data are incomplete, and
information on the victim–perpetratorrelationship is
lacking, seriously limiting the evidence base needed
for devising effective prevention strategies. on August 11, 2017 - Published by from
2StöcklH, etal. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2017;1:e000112. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000112
Open Access
Box 1 Detailed search terms
(‘perpetrators’ or ‘perpetrator’ or ‘offender’ or ‘offenders’ or
‘aggressor’ or ‘aggressors’ or ‘father’ or ‘fathers’ or ‘mother’ or
‘mothers’ or ‘parent’ or ‘parents’ or ‘brother’ or ‘brothers’ or ‘sister’
or ‘sisters’ or ‘aunt’ or ‘aunts’ or ‘uncle’ or ‘uncles’ or ‘grandmother’
or ‘grandmothers’ or ‘grandfather’ or ‘grandfathers’ or ‘grandparent’
or ‘grandparents’ or ‘stranger’ or ‘strangers’ or ‘acquaintance’ or
‘acquaintances’ or ‘friends’ or ‘friend’ or ‘partner’ or ‘partners’ or
‘victim-offender relationship’ or ‘victim offender relationship’ or
‘victim-offender relationships’ or ‘victim offender relationships’ or
‘ex-partners’ or ‘ex-partner’ or ‘husband’ or ‘husbands’ or ‘wife’
or ‘wives’ or ‘couple’ or ‘couples’ or ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ or
‘spouse’ or ‘spouses’ or ‘lover’ or ‘spousal’ or ‘boyfriends’ or
‘girlfriends’ or ‘relative’ or ‘relatives’ or ‘family member’ or ‘family
members’ or ‘maternal’ or ‘parental’)
AND (‘siblicide’ or ‘neonaticide’ or ‘Infanticide’ or ‘fratricide’ or
‘victim-perpetrator relationship’ or ‘victim perpetrator relationship’
or ‘sororicide’ or ‘family homicide’ or ‘familicide’ or ‘licide’ or
‘fratricides’ or ‘family murder’ or ‘family homicide suicide’ or
‘familicy’ or ‘family suicide’ or ‘fatal child abuse’ or ‘infant baby
dumping’ or ‘child abuse murders’ or ‘child abuse fatalities’ or
‘child abuse fatality’ or ‘parental homicide’ or ‘parental homicides’
or ‘parents who kill’ or ‘mothers who kill’ or ‘fathers who kill’ or
‘grandparents who kill’ or ‘uncles who kill’ or ‘siblings who kill’ or
‘aunts who kill’ or ‘brothers who kill’ or ‘sisters who kill’ or ‘family
murder’ or ‘family killing’ or ‘adolescent homicide’ or ‘adolescence
homicide’ or ‘adolescent murder’ or ‘adolescence murder’ or
‘adolescent killing’ or ‘adolescence killing’ or ‘child murder’ or ‘child
homicide’ or ‘child killing’ or ‘children murder’ or ‘children killing’ or
‘children homicide’ or ‘sibling murder’ or ‘sibling killing’ or ‘sibling
homicide’ or ‘infant murder’ or ‘infant killing’ or ‘infant homicide’ or
‘toddler killing’ or ‘toddler murder’ or ‘toddler homicide’ or ‘young
adult murder’ or ‘young adult killing’ or ‘young adult homicide’
or ‘sister murder’ or ‘sister killing’ or ‘sister homicide’ or ‘brother
murder’ or ‘brother homicide’ or ‘brother killing’ or ‘boy murder’
or ‘boy killing’ or ‘boy homicide’ or ‘girl murder’ or ‘girl killing’ or
‘girl homicide’ or ‘child abandonment’ or ‘infant abandonment’ or
‘toddler abandonment’ or ‘girl abandonment’ or ‘baby abandonment’
or ‘homicide death rates in childhood’ or ‘unnatural sudden infant
death’ or ‘unnatural sudden infant deaths’ or ‘childhood homicide’
or ‘childhood homicides’ or ‘child killers’ or ‘fatal maltreatment’)
type of homicide, for example, filicide or neonaticides;
are restricted to high income countries; or rely on small
sample sizes or outdated data.2–5 This systematic review
presents a synthesis of existing global data to describe
child homicide perpetrators and to estimate their global
and regional proportion.
Our systematic review was conducted in accordance with
PRISMA guidelines6 and registered at PROSPERO (Regis-
tration number: CRD42015030125) on 9 December
2015. To obtain representative data on the victim–
offender relationship of child homicides, we searched
the following databases and electronic resources from
first record to the 25 April 2017: Medline, Global Health,
Embase, PsycINFO, Social Policy, Popline, Pubmed, Web
of Science, LILACS, Medcarib, ADOLEC, Cumulative
Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Biosis
Citation index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, SciELO
citation Index, Western Pacific Region Index Medicus,
Index Medicus for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean
Region and International Bibliography of Social Sciences
IBSS. Controlled vocabulary terms specific to each
database were used. For each database, terms included
those designed to capture ‘child homicide’ and, where
possible, terms to capture perpetrators and to exclude
non-relevant article types, such as commentaries. The
search strategy is displayed in box 1.
Studies were eligible for inclusion if they stated a number
or proportion of children murdered by distinctly stated
perpetrator(s). The definition of homicide followed the
definitions used in the individual papers or official statis-
tics. The sample could be based on a country, province
or town and be derived from national databases, national
representative studies, police, court, mortuary or prison
data. Studies were excluded if they only reported data
collected from newspaper reports or did not differentiate
between attempted and completed homicides. Estimates
that combined child homicides with adult homicides
were excluded. The citations of included articles were
also searched. Two authors (HS and AM-G) screened
the 6096 abstracts, and the resulting 563 full texts inde-
pendently and resolved any disagreements by discussion.
One hundred twenty-three studies were finally included
(see flow chart in figure 1). HS extracted the data and BD
verified each data extraction point for accuracy.
In addition to the systematic review, we surveyed
country statistics offices, ministries of justice, home offices
or police headquarters of 169 WHO-listed countries to
further identify country-level data for child homicide
perpetrators and victim–perpetrator relationships. We
received responses from 90 countries. Additionally, we
made contact with homicide research experts to ask for
unpublished data on child homicide perpetrators in
their studies. In total, this lead to an additional inclusion
of data for 24 countries.
The analysis consisted of two main steps—the selec-
tion of one estimate per country year and the calculation
of the proportion of child homicides committed by
different perpetrator categories for different age groups
and by gender separately.
As several countries had more than one estimate avail-
able, an algorithm was used to develop a single estimate
per country for each of the types of homicide and age
group or gender analysed, to avoid potential double
counting and to ensure to use the best quality estimates
available. Where possible, comparable, non-overlapping
data were combined. Otherwise, we chose an estimate
according to the following hierarchical order: (1) nation-
ally representative estimates were preferred to provincial
estimates, which in turn were prioritised over estimates
representing a single town or mortuary, as national studies
or larger regional samples would be more generalisable on August 11, 2017 - Published by from
StöcklH, etal. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2017;1:e000112. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000112
Open Access
Figure 1 Flow chart of the systematic review.
to a country and even out local differences across regions
or towns; (2) we chose estimates with more detailed infor-
mation on the victim–perpetrator relationship, estimates
that captured children of varied age groups as this would
allow us to group them in a way that would allow compar-
isons with data from countries that had few perpetrator
categories and age groupings; (3) studies that were more
recent as it is unknown whether child homicide perpe-
tration trends changed over time across the world; (4)
estimates directly from statistics offices were preferred as
we assumed that they would have received more checks
than data from other sources; and (5) we preferred esti-
mates that covered more years to estimates based on a
few years as we assumed they would also be more general-
isable and not be influenced by single events.
Approximately two-thirds of the studies only reported
combined estimates for up to 20 years on the propor-
tions of child homicide perpetrators, starting with 1970
onwards. The included estimates yielded 51 different
victim–perpetrator categories. To facilitate comparisons
across countries, we grouped the perpetrators of child
homicide into distinct, broad categories: parents, other on August 11, 2017 - Published by from
4StöcklH, etal. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2017;1:e000112. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000112
Open Access
family members, acquaintances (meaning someone they
knew), strangers (capturing people they had no prior
contact with) and unknown (not documented perpetra-
tors). As countries used different age categories, countries
that only considered children up to age 12 years are also
included, if no age category up to 18 years was available.
To calculate the percentage of child homicide perpetra-
tors by country, we divided the total number of homicides
in each perpetrator category by the total number of
child homicides in that country. To establish the global
and regional estimates, the relevant available national
percentages were added and divided by the number
of countries with available data. For the regional esti-
mates, we grouped countries as per the six WHO regions
(Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, low-income
and middle-income Europe, Southeast Asia and Western
Pacific). A seventh region was made of the high-income
countries from all regions.
After conducting the primary descriptive analysis,
secondary analyses investigated parental homicides sepa-
rately to explore how many children murdered by parents
were murdered by their mother or father. Additional
analyses investigated the child homicide perpetrators of
children below the age of 1 year, neonaticides, adoles-
cents and by gender.
Data were analysed with Stata V.12. Traditional
meta-analysis techniques could not be used because
nearly all studies were representative of the whole popu-
lation and not restricted to population samples. Details
on individual studies are reported in the supplement
(see online supplementary file 1). Because the percent-
ages were skewed, we report the median percentage and
the IQR.
Overall, 9431 abstracts and 565 full texts were screened,
and 126 studies were included into the study (see flow
chart). In addition to information received from statis-
tical offices and experts, 1031 estimates on perpetrators
of child homicides across 44 countries informed our
estimates, 22 countries in the high-income countries, 6
countries in the Western Pacific region, 5 countries in
the low-income and middle-income European region,
4 countries in the African region and the Americas
and 3 countries in the Mediterranean region. No data
were found for the South Asia region. Information on
perpetrators of all child homicides of children under 18
years was available for 35 countries, compiling data for
73 242 homicides. Data on parental homicides, distin-
guishing between mothers and fathers, were available
for 33 countries, for children under 1 year including
neonaticides for 20 countries and for adolescents for 10
countries only. Few data were available for the Americas,
the Eastern Mediterranean and the African region. Most
data outside high-income countries came from cities or
individual mortuaries and were therefore based on small
numbers of child homicides.
Across all 35 countries with data on homicide perpe-
trators for all children under the age of 18 years, we
found that more than half (median percentage 56.5,
IQR 23.7–69.6) were murdered by a parent, 3.0% (IQR
0.0–7.1) by another family member, 12.6% (5.–31.3) by
an acquaintance, for example, a neighbour or friends,
2.1% (0.0–11.1) by a stranger and perpetrator remained
unknown for 9.2% (0.0–21.9). The percentage of girls
murdered by their parents was 58.4 (IQR 0.0–66.7)
versus 46.8 for boys (IQR 14.1–63.8), while the median
percentage for boys murdered by strangers was 9.2 (IQR
4.2–38.6) versus 6.5 (IQR 3.6–6.7) for girls. The total
number of child homicides reported and the prevalence
by perpetrator categories across region is reported in table
1. The largest proportion of parental homicides among
all child homicides was found in high-income countries
(64.2%; 44.7–71.8) and the East Asia and Pacific region
(61.7%; 46.7–78.6).
Data from 33 countries distinguishing the perpetra-
tors of parental homicides of children under the age of
18 years showed that mothers committed just over half
of all parental homicides (median 54.7%, IQR 36.7–
68.8); in high-income countries, the median percentage
was 44.4% (IQR 36.7–66.7), in the East Asia and Pacific
region, 64.6% (IQR 59.0–69.3), in the Americas, 15.4%
(IQR 13.3–17.4), in Africa, 88.6% (IQR 71.1–100.0), in
low-income and middle-income Europe, 60.4% (IQR
45.8–75.0) and in the Mediterranean region, 7.4% (IQR
0.0–14.8). Only 12 countries had available data on how
many parental homicides were committed by step-par-
ents, with 7.2% (IQR: 5.7–14.5) of parental homicides
committed by step-parents. Out of them, nine studies
reported a breakdown, with the median percentage of
stepmothers committing homicides among parental
homicides being 1.0% (IQR: 0.7–3.3) and for stepfathers
7.4% (IQR: 3.1–17.4).
Only 14 countries have data on homicide perpetra-
tors of children under 1 year of age, excluding studies
investigating neonaticides only. These show that parents
are the most common perpetrators of homicides of chil-
dren under 1 year (77.8, IQR: 61.5–100), followed by
unknown perpetrators with 7.5% (IQR: 0.0–24.0). The
12 countries with detailed data on parent as perpetrators
showed mothers commit the majority of parental homi-
cides of children under 1 year (71.7% (IQR: 50.2–75.7)).
Seven studies investigated perpetrators of neonaticides
(defined as the murder of an infant within 24 hours of
giving birth with the exception of a study in France and
Denmark, which extended it to 1 month after birth),
without considering the mother as the default perpe-
trator. They found that parents committed 100% of
neonaticides (IQR 62.0–100.0). If studies only consid-
ering parents were examined, 13 countries had data
and the vast majority of neonaticides are committed by
mothers (100%, IQR 92.9–100). Fathers committed very
few neonaticides (0.00%, IQR: 0.0–6.7).
Data on homicide perpetrators of adolescents, aged
10–17 years, was only available for 10 countries, with only on August 11, 2017 - Published by from
StöcklH, etal. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2017;1:e000112. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000112
Open Access
table 1 Distribution of child homicide perpetrator proportions by perpetrator and region
homicides Parents
Family no
parents Acquaintances Stranger Unknown
All children<18(n=35) 75 496 59.7 3.0 12.6
73 242 64.2
East Asia and
559 61.7
Americas(n=3) 121 27.6
LMIC Europe(n=3) 71 16.7
Africa(n=3) 1042 23.6
Mediterranean(n=2) 461 17.8
Girls(n=9) 21 800 58.4
Boys(n=8) 44 714 46.8
Under 1year(n=12) 5529 77.8
5131 77.9
East Asia and
40 96.3
Americas(n=0) – –
LMIC Europe(n=0)
Africa(n=2) 358 40.7(9.5–71.8) 1.5
Mediterranean(n=0) – –
Adolescents(n=12) 34 599 11.0
34 280 19.0
East Asia and
50 3.1
Americas(n=1) 68 0.0
LMIC Europe(n=0)
Africa(n=1) 195 0.0
Mediterranean(n=2) 6 16.7
Data are number of homicides or median (IQR).
n=number of countries with existing data.
*The high-income countries (classied by the World Bank15) included Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, England and Wales, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Isle of Man, Japan, Korea Rep., Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Scotland,
Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA.
LMIC,low-income and middle-income countries.
three presenting data for the whole age group of 10–18.
The most common perpetrators among adolescent
homicides were acquaintances (36.9%, IQR 6.6–51.8),
followed by family members (17.5%, IQR 4.3–33.3) and
strangers (6.6%, IQR 0.0–25.0). A percentage of 9.6 (IQR
1.0–32.8) of perpetrators of adolescents were unknown. on August 11, 2017 - Published by from
6StöcklH, etal. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2017;1:e000112. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000112
Open Access
This trend was supported by one study each in Latin
America or Africa, the two areas with the highest preva-
lence of male adolescent homicides worldwide.
This systematic review and survey of statistical offices
found that contrary to media portrayal and therefore
public perception, children face the highest risk of
homicide by parents. The limited availability of data on
victim–perpetrator relationships of child homicides in
many regions, even within countries with well-established
homicide monitoring systems, is concerning. The poor
state of data is of particular concern in regions that have
among the highest child homicide rates and the highest
rate of homicides among adolescents. Where countries
collect data on the perpetrator, often this is not disaggre-
gated by sex and age. This is an important omission, as
studies suggest that child abuse-related homicides have a
distinct gender pattern.7 8 Lack of disaggregation by age
and varying age ranges also prevented a meaningful anal-
ysis of perpetrators of murdered children aged between
1 and 10 years.
There are many reasons for the identified data gaps.
Homicide data are generally collected by the police,
mortuaries or court statistics, and there is a lack of collab-
oration between those institutions. A separate homicide
analysis for homicides involving victims under the age of
18 years is rarely conducted or published in most offi-
cial statistical reports. With increased investment into
administrative data systems, including systems to facili-
tate improved linkage of different data sources, it would
be feasible to address these issues. Internationally agreed
standards of documentation of age and victim–perpe-
trator categories would further facilitate cross-country
comparisons. Future studies on child homicide should
also not be restricted by default to a certain type of
victim–perpetrator relationship, for example, filicide
or homicides by mothers only as our systematic review
found studies showing that other family members might
also be involved in neonaticides.
The regional differences found in this study might
represent real differences in patterns of child homicide9
or be a product of differences in the existence, complete-
ness and quality of data for homicides among countries
and regions. Data on the victim–perpetrator relationship
is often only available if the information is reported.
Some murders will never be resolved, which is strongly
correlated with the quality of police investigations. In
the case of child homicides, in particular, it is estimated
that a significant number of child homicides are not
recognised as homicides and therefore do not appear in
official statistics. Studies on neonaticides, in particular,
show that nearly all of them follow concealed pregnan-
cies and lone births10 and that there often are difficulties
in distinguishing death due to natural disorders from
non-natural causes, especially in cases labelled sudden
infant death syndrome.11 Routine surveillance systems
have a poor record to capture homicides due to omission
of care or deliberate neglect. Abrahams et al, for example,
found in their South African study that a number of
mothers abandoned their babies with the intention that
they would die or with the hope that they would be found
alive. As the motive behind this kind of abandonment is
often not known, official statistics often do not capture
them as homicides.10 There are also other limitations to
this study. Averaging the proportion of perpetrators of
child homicides across years to generate one estimate by
country could have led to an overestimation or underesti-
mation of certain types of perpetrator.10 12 Vast differences
in the definitions of perpetrator categories only allowed
crude comparisons across countries. Categorisation
of perpetrators into parents, other family members,
acquaintances, strangers and unknown did not capture
nuances such as, for example, mothers’ boyfriends, who
were considered as acquaintances as there was a lack of
information on whether they were solid family members
or casual relationships. The restricted availability of data
and age breakdowns also meant that the analysis could
not be done for every age group or by gender.
Our study is the first to provide global evidence on
the perpetrators of child homicide. Our findings high-
light the gaps in data on child homicide that need to be
addressed. Contrary to common perceptions that risk
lies outside the household, the findings underscore that
parents commit a high proportion of child homicides.
The reasons for each are likely to be complex and relate
to broader family, community and cultural contexts.13 14
In all contexts, the murder of children needs to be better
documented, prevented and addressed.
Acknowledgements None of the authors has a conict of interest. This paper was
prepared under the Know Violence in Childhood: Global Learning Initiative ( http ://
www. knowviolencei nchi ldho od. org/). The authors acknowledge the support and
internal review provided by the Initiative and its funders.
Contributors HS and NA conceived the study. HS, BD and AM-G searched the
literature and screened the abstracts and full-texts. HS and BD extracted the data.
HS, NA and CW wrote the nal draft. All authors approved the nal manuscript.
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http:// creativecommons. org/
licenses/ by- nc/ 4. 0/
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
expressly granted.
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April, 2016). on August 11, 2017 - Published by from
systematic review
Child homicide perpetrators worldwide: a
Naeemah Abrahams
Heidi Stöckl, Bianca Dekel, Alison Morris-Gehring, Charlotte Watts and
doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000112
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... Homicide against children is considered the most violent form of criminal behaviors (Stöckl, Dekel, Morris-Gehring, Watts, & Abrahams, 2017). Nevertheless, children have for various reasons been subjected to inflicted lethal violence throughout history. ...
... Child homicide victims display characteristic features that differ from other forms of homicidal violence (Adler & Polk, 2001;Hwa et al., 2015). In Sweden, as in many other high-income countries, the perpetrator is most likely a biological parent (also denoted as filicide) (Somander & Rammer, 1991;Stöckl, Dekel, Morris-Gehring, Watts, & Abrahams, 2017). Filicide acts may involve more than one child victim and in rare cases all members of a family (also denoted as familicide). ...
... Despite being a rare phenomenon, several studies have raised concerns regarding an undisclosed figure of child homicides (Brookman & Nolan, 2006;Frederick et al., 2013;Stöckl, Dekel, Morris-Gehring, Watts, & Abrahams, 2017;Tursz et al., 2010;Wilczynski, 1994). There are a number of putative factors that contribute to the under-reporting of official statistics. ...
... Experts such as Adinkrah (2005Adinkrah ( , 2014, Chimbos (1998), and Websdale and Alvarez (1997) have all effectively employed this technique to understand homicides in different societies. Relying on media reports for data on ritual pedicide is almost unavoidable in developing countries such as Ghana and Kenya, where homicide data are generally poorly documented or non-existent (Adinkrah, 2005;Owusu, 2022;Sto ckl et al., 2017). Since media reports are the primary means through which ritual murder cases come to the attention of the public in African settings (Adinkrah, 2005;Owusu, 2022), it would be extremely difficult presently to ascertain the magnitude, motivations, and characteristics of ritual pedicide in Ghana and Kenya without recourse to media publications. ...
... Research shows that relatives and acquaintances perpetrate most child homicides (Sto ckl et al., 2017;UNICEF, 2014;UNODC, 2019). However, the present data show that unlike other major categories of homicide where victims and offenders are usually related or acquainted, ritual pedicides involve nearly equal numbers of strangers and relatives (and acquaintances). ...
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Child homicide is a frequent occurrence in many African communities, and juju beliefs trigger a sizable proportion of this crime. Yet a systematic and critical analysis of juju’s impact on pedicides is lacking in the literature. The sparse extant studies on juju-driven homicide or ritual murder mainly offer historical perspectives rather than criminological analysis of the phenomenon. The present study explores the magnitude, characteristics, and motivations, as well as the socio-cultural and economic contexts of ritual child homicide or juju-driven pedicide (i.e., the killing of children for ritual or occult purposes) in Ghana and Kenya. This aim is achieved by conducting an in-depth analysis of ritual murder reports publicized on the websites of eight major news/media outlets between 2012 and 2021. The content analysis results are complemented by semi-structured interviews involving 28 academics and experts. The data show that ritual child homicide usually involves multiple offenders, primarily unemployed young adult males aged between 20 and 39 years. Most perpetrators are motivated by pecuniary gain and the desire to protect themselves against perceived spiritual attacks. The body parts primarily extracted from victims for rituals are the head, limbs, private parts, and blood. The major factors contributing to the persistence of ritual pedicides are obsession with juju, economic hardship, illiteracy, inefficient criminal justice system, authorities’ failure to bring juju practitioners under closer scrutiny, and the emergence of a new consumerist ethos—the unrestrained quest for luxurious effects.
... Tursz et al. (2010) conducted a 5-year retrospective study in three French departments between 1996 and 2000 and estimated the average annual number of infanticides to be about 255 nationwide. Stöckl et al. (2017) found that across all 35 countries with data on homicide perpetrators for all children under the age of 18 years, more than half were murdered by a parent (median percentage 56.5). Children are most likely to be murdered by someone that they know, with parents being the highest threat risk, followed by acquaintances (Dixon et al., 2014;Stöckl et al., 2017). ...
... Stöckl et al. (2017) found that across all 35 countries with data on homicide perpetrators for all children under the age of 18 years, more than half were murdered by a parent (median percentage 56.5). Children are most likely to be murdered by someone that they know, with parents being the highest threat risk, followed by acquaintances (Dixon et al., 2014;Stöckl et al., 2017). ...
... 23 Nearly 57% of child homicides are thought to be perpetrated by one or both parents. 24 The "Our World in Data" report 25 provides evidence of elevated levels of child abuse and neglect in various countries, as indicated by the United Nations data. The report highlights the high prevalence of physical punishment and psychological aggression by caregivers toward children aged 1 to 14 years old in specific countries, including Ghana, Nigeria, and Central African Republic. ...
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Child abuse and neglect (CAN) significantly impact health, the economy, and society. This narrative review examines CAN in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) region, comparing it with national and international levels. The review highlights high CAN rates in the DMV, driven by factors such as socioeconomic status, parental substance abuse, and child vulnerabilities. Screening and reporting challenges, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, impede accurate data collection. This review emphasizes the need for standardized reporting mechanisms, economic investment in public health, and intersectoral collaboration. It recommends targeted support for at-risk families, specialized care for vulnerable children, and the development of predictive screening tools. Continuous research on regional and cultural factors and the pandemic’s impact is crucial for future resilience. Addressing CAN requires a comprehensive approach involving prevention, early detection, intervention, and policy reform to safeguard the well-being of children.
... The findings of this study provide a national-level overview of trends in perpetrator characteristics and firearm involvement in infant and toddler, child, and adolescent homicides. The findings add to the body of evidence on the changing epidemiology of pediatric homicide perpetration in the US [1,16,26]. Results reveal developmental differences in pediatric homicide circumstances, notably the perpetrators' sex, age, relationship to victim, and firearm use. Perpetrator characteristics appear to differ across pediatric groups in ways that align with developmental changes in family dependency and interaction, peer and romantic relations, and age-related role independence [27]. ...
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Background Describe trends in perpetrator characteristics and firearm use in pediatric homicides across the United States. Methods Multiply-imputed data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s 1976–2020 Supplementary Homicide Reports were used to estimate perpetrator characteristics (sex, age, and relationship to victim) and firearm use in pediatric homicides. Descriptive analyses were stratified by victim age group, sex, race, and five-year time periods. Results Family members were the most common perpetrator of infant and toddler (ages 0–4) and child (ages 5–12) homicides, whereas acquaintances accounted for the majority of adolescent (ages 13–19) homicides. Perpetrator characteristics vary across victim sex and race, particularly among adolescents. Despite overall stability, there were changes in perpetrator characteristics from 1976 to 2020. There was a sustained increase in the proportion of homicides committed with a firearm. In 2016–2020, the proportion of firearm-involved homicides was an all-time high for infant and toddler (14.8%), child (53.1%), and adolescent victims (88.5%). Conclusions Policy interventions that improve family stability and well-being may be most effective at preventing infant, toddler, and child homicides, whereas programs that target peer and community relationships, as well as policies that focus on firearm access, may be more crucial for preventing adolescent homicides.
... committed by females in Canada are also more likely to involve a victim who is a family member than those committed by males (54% versus 30%) (Savage, 2019). Interestingly, women's offending is more often discussed in relation to filicide (deliberate killing of their children) and neonaticide (the killing of a child less than 24 hours old) (Milia & Noonan, 2022;Stöckl et al., 2017). When it comes to a homicide of the intimate partner, female perpetrators are primarily discussed as victims of domestic violence who kill their abusers in self-defense or in an attempt to escape the abuse (Browne, 2008;Scott et al., 2022). ...
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Female perpetrators of intimate partner or spousal homicide are a significant and under-recognized issue. The fact that women are much less likely than men to perpetrate violent criminal offenses, and are more likely than men to become victims of spousal homicide, has diverted attention of the public, academics, and practitioners away from women who kill their intimates. A dominant perspective in the field—a gender paradigm—has focused on female victims who kill their male abusers primarily in self-defense or in an attempt to escape the abuse, and thus has also hampered our understanding of female perpetration of intimate partner homicide in its full complexity. This chapter provides a summary of contemporary views of the female perpetrator in the context of intimate partner homicide, including various perspectives that explain it, differential (more lenient) treatment of female perpetrators in the criminal justice system, and more favorable public perception and media portrayal of women who kill their partners.
This secondary analysis used cross-sectional baseline data from a previous longitudinal study exploring the mental health of 303 postpartum adolescents to examine associations and predictors reflecting the perception of the birth experience among three race–ethnic groups. Analysis of two key variables, partner violence and loss of control (LOC) during labor, revealed no association. Race–ethnic differences were noted for demographic variables (marital status, birth mode, and stress level) and perception of the birth experience. Black ethnicity, multiparity, LOC, and vaginal birth were found to predict a negative perception of the birth experience. Health-care provider awareness of risk factors can guide perinatal assessments and supportive and educational interventions to promote a positive perception of birth.
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Background: Homicide of children is a global problem. The under-5-y age group is the second largest homicide age group after 15-19 y olds, but has received little research attention. Understanding age and gender patterns is important for assisting with developing prevention interventions. Here we present an age and gender analysis of homicides among children under 5 y in South Africa from a national study that included a focus on neonaticide and infanticide. Methods and findings: A retrospective national cross-sectional study was conducted using a random sample of 38 medico-legal laboratories operating in 2009 to identify homicides of children under 5 y. Child data were abstracted from the mortuary files and autopsy reports, and both child and perpetrator data data were collected from police interviews. We erred towards applying a conservative definition of homicide and excluded sudden infant death syndrome cases. We estimated that 454 (95% CI 366, 541) children under the age of 5 y were killed in South Africa in 2009. More than half (53.2%; 95% CI 46.7%, 59.5%) were neonates (0-28 d), and 74.4% (95% CI 69.3%, 78.9%) were infants (under 1 y), giving a neonaticide rate of 19.6 per 100,000 live births and an infanticide rate of 28.4 per 100,000 live births. The majority of the neonates died in the early neonatal period (0-6 d), and abandonment accounted for 84.9% (95% CI 81.5%, 87.8%) of all the neonates killed. Distinct age and gender patterns were found, with significantly fewer boy children killed in rural settings compared to urban settings (odds ratio 0.6; 95% CI 0.4, 0.9; p = 0.015). Abuse-related killings and evidence of sexual assault were more common among older girls than in all other age and gender groups. Mothers were identified as the perpetrators in all of the neonaticides and were the most common perpetrators overall (71.0%; 95% CI 63.9%, 77.2%). Abandoned neonates were mainly term babies, with a mean gestational age of 38 wk. We did not have information on abandonment motives for all newborns and did not know if babies were abandoned with the intention that they would die or with the hope that they would be found alive. We therefore considered all abandoned babies as homicides. Conclusions: Homicide of children is an extreme form or consequence of violence against children. This national study provides one of the first analyses of neonaticide and infanticide by age and gender and shows the failure of reproductive and mental health and social services to identify and help vulnerable mothers. Multi-sectoral prevention strategies are needed.
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Systematic reviews should build on a protocol that describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review; few reviews report whether a protocol exists. Detailed, well-described protocols can facilitate the understanding and appraisal of the review methods, as well as the detection of modifications to methods and selective reporting in completed reviews. We describe the development of a reporting guideline, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses for Protocols 2015 (PRISMA-P 2015). PRISMA-P consists of a 17-item checklist intended to facilitate the preparation and reporting of a robust protocol for the systematic review. Funders and those commissioning reviews might consider mandating the use of the checklist to facilitate the submission of relevant protocol information in funding applications. Similarly, peer reviewers and editors can use the guidance to gauge the completeness and transparency of a systematic review protocol submitted for publication in a journal or other medium.
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To describe age- and sex-specific rates of child homicide in South Africa. A cross-sectional mortuary-based study was conducted in a national sample of 38 medicolegal laboratories operating in 2009. These were sampled in inverse proportion to the number that were operational in each of three strata defined by autopsy volume: < 500, 500-1499 or > 1499 annual autopsies. Child homicide data were collected from mortuary files, autopsy reports and police interviews. Cause of death, evidence of abuse and neglect or of sexual assault, perpetrator characteristics and circumstances surrounding the death were investigated. An estimated 1018 (95% confidence interval, CI: 843-1187) child homicides occurred in 2009, for a rate of 5.5 (95% CI: 4.6-6.4) homicides per 100 000 children younger than 18 years. The homicide rate was much higher in boys (6.9 per 100 000; 95% CI: 5.6-8.3) than in girls (3.9 per 100 000; 95% CI: 3.2-4.7). Child abuse and neglect had preceded nearly half (44.5%) of all homicides, but three times more often among girls than among boys. In children aged 15 to 17 years, the homicide rate among boys (21.7 per 100 000; 95% CI: 14.2-29.2) was nearly five times higher than the homicide rate among girls (4.6 per 100 000; 95% CI: 2.4-6.8). South Africa's child homicide rate is more than twice the global estimate. Since a background of child abuse and neglect is common, improvement of parenting skills should be part of primary prevention efforts.
Published jointly by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, this document presents information drawn from a nationally representative sample of state prisoners and from existing homicide data assembled by law enforcement agencies. It sheds new light on the most serious types of child abuse and victimization--those offenses for which a term of imprisonment was imposed or in which a child was murdered. The document contains detailed statistical information on the following: (1) violent offenders who committed crimes against children; (2) criminal histories and characteristics of offenders who have victimized children; (3) characteristics of child victims of violent crime; (4) characteristics of the violent crimes experienced by children; and (5) the victims and offenders in child murder. The document also includes a section offering explanatory notes, including a discussion of methodological issues involved in the study and listings of the numerical data from which 24 graphs presented are drawn. (JW)
This paper presents comprehensive and up-to-date data covering 4 years of Serious Case Reviews into fatal child maltreatment in England. Information on all notified cases of fatal maltreatment between April 2005 and March 2009 was examined to obtain case characteristics related to a systemic classification of 5 broad groups of maltreatment deaths (severe physical assaults; covert homicide/infanticide; overt homicide; extreme neglect/deprivational abuse; deaths related to but not directly caused by maltreatment). A total of 276 cases were recorded giving an incidence of 0.63 cases per 100,000 children (0-17) per year. 246 cases could be classified based on the data available. Of these the commonest specific group was those children who died as a result of severe physical assaults. Apparently deliberate overt and covert homicide was less common, while deaths as a direct consequence of neglect were rare. In contrast, some evidence of neglect was found in at least 40% of all cases, though not the direct cause of death. Class characteristics differ between the different categories of death and may suggest the need for different strategies for prevention.
Recent years have seen major advances in our understanding of the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), including the discovery that the prone sleep position more than triples the risk of SIDS. This finding has led to a worldwide campaign advocating the supine sleep position for infants, which has been associated with a decrease of 50 to 90% in the SIDS rate. This review considers demographic and pathophysiological factors and current concepts about SIDS.
This article explores the phenomenon of neonaticide, the murder of an infant during the first day of life. Characteristics of maternal neonaticide offenders in industrialized countries were identified based on a systematic literature review. Neonaticides were most often committed by poor, relatively young, single women who lacked prenatal care. Efforts to better prevent these tragedies should include improved sex education and contraceptive access. Two legal responses to the problem of neonaticide, Safe Haven laws utilized in the United States, and anonymous birth options in Europe are discussed.
The author reviews 131 cases of child murder and proposes a new classification of filicide by apparent motive: altruistic, acutely psychotic, unwanted child, accidental, and spouse revenge. The high frequency of altruistic motives distinguishes filicide from other homicides. The psychodynamics of the filicidal impulse are explored: displacement of the murderer's original aggression from his parents, spouse, or sibling is documented. The author offers some considerations for prevention.