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Basin-scale reproductive segregation of Pacific halibut ( Hippoglossus stenolepis )

  • Martingale Marine Ecological Research


Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis (Schmidt) is presently considered to consist of a single spawning population extending from California through the Bering Sea. However, this satellite tagging investigation suggests that geographic landforms and discontinuities in the continental shelf appear to limit the interchange of mature Pacific halibut among large marine ecosystems and delineate the boundaries of potential spawning components in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, with smaller components along the Aleutian Islands. The geographic segregation of these spawning components may be reinforced by regional behavioural adaptations and different temperature regimes in each area. These results suggest that the Pacific halibut population may be segregated into somewhat discrete spawning units among which less mixing is likely than that which occurs within them. As such, future stock assessment metrics may be most effective in preserving population function if spawning ecology is treated as a basin-scale process.
Fish Manag Ecol. 2017;24:339–346.  
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1111/fme.12233
Basin- scale reproductive segregation of Pacific halibut
(Hippoglossus stenolepis)
A. C. Seitz1| T. J. Farrugia1| B. L. Norcross1| T. Loher2| J. L. Nielsen3
1College of Fisheries and Ocean
Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Fairbanks, AK, USA
2International Pacific Halibut Commission,
Seattle, WA, USA
3South Sound Research Institute, Longbranch,
Andrew C. Seitz, College of Fisheries and
Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA.
Funding information
Aleutian Pribilof Island Community
Development Association; Central Bering
Sea Fishermen’s Association; Exxon Valdez
Oil Spill Trustee Council; International Pacific
Halibut Commission; North Pacific Research
Board; U.S. Geological Survey–Alaska Science
Center; University of Alaska Fairbanks College
of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis (Schmidt) is presently considered to consist of a
single spawning population extending from California through the Bering Sea.
However, this satellite tagging investigation suggests that geographic landforms and
discontinuities in the continental shelf appear to limit the interchange of mature Pacific
halibut among large marine ecosystems and delineate the boundaries of potential
spawning components in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, with smaller components
along the Aleutian Islands. The geographic segregation of these spawning components
may be reinforced by regional behavioural adaptations and different temperature re-
gimes in each area. These results suggest that the Pacific halibut population may be
segregated into somewhat discrete spawning units among which less mixing is likely
than that which occurs within them. As such, future stock assessment metrics may be
most effective in preserving population function if spawning ecology is treated as a
basin- scale process.
dispersal, electronic tag, migration, population structure, PSAT
Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis (Schmidt) inhabits continental
shelf areas of the eastern Pacific Ocean from California to the Bering
Sea and has experienced sustained commercial exploitation for the
last century (International Pacific Halibut Commission, 1998). Long-
term mean yield in the fisheries of Alaska and Canada over the last
century has been >27,000 t (International Pacific Halibut Commission,
unpublished). However, a 16- year time- series of declining age- 8 bio-
mass (Stewart, Leaman, Martell & Webster, 2013), declining mean
size- at- age and a 5- year trend of declining age- 8 recruitment (Stewart
et al., 2013), ultimately led to 10 consecutive years of harvest reduc-
tions with total fishery removals in 2014 nearing the lowest levels in
over 100 years (Stewart & Martell, 2015). During this period, total
removals declined from a historical high of approximately 45,000 t
to less than 19,000 t. This was accompanied by declines in spawn-
ing stock biomass, which is currently estimated to be near the lowest
levels observed since at least the early 1980s and potentially since
before the initiation of commercial harvests in the late 1800s (Stewart,
2017). These declines in the Pacific halibut stock drew attention to
the need to understand regional population structure more fully and
led to formal recommendations that the International Pacific Halibut
Commission (IPHC) develop spatially explicit approaches to assess-
ment and harvest strategy (Francis, 2008; Medley, 2008).
In particular, the abundance decline did not occur simultaneously
across management areas, but was first noted in the eastern Bering
Sea (BS; Hare, 2006; Hare & Clark, 2006) and the Aleutian Islands re-
gion (AI; Hare, 2006), followed by the western Gulf of Alaska (GOA;
Hare, 2010) and finally the eastern GOA (Hare, 2011). Currently, age
structure within the harvested catch also varies regionally: substantial
abundance of relatively old Pacific halibut (age- 25+) still exists around
the AI, while fish >age- 20 are nearly absent in the eastern GOA, and
intermediate age structure is exhibited in landings from the west-
central GOA and eastern BS (Stewart, 2017). In addition to potentially
resulting from spatially variable exploitation patterns, such obser-
vations are consistent with the hypothesis that recruitment and mi-
gratory dynamics are spatially variable (sensu Webster, 2010). These
observations led to the IPHC to use “areas- as- fleets” (AAF) models
   SEITZ ET al.
(Stewart, Monnahan & Martell, 2016) that allow for regional- scale in-
puts that account for spatial variance in some demographics, produc-
tivity and fleet dynamics.
Despite the spatial dynamics that are accounted for using AAF
approaches, management of eastern Pacific halibut continues under
the assumption that the stock is represented by a single spawning
population from California through the eastern BS, which drives many
fundamental modelling processes and management decisions (Clark &
Hare, 2006; Stewart & Martell, 2015). This paradigm of spawning pop-
ulation structure rests largely upon tagging studies (Hilborn, Skalski,
Anganuzzi & Hoffman, 1995; see review in Kaimmer, 2000; Webster,
Clark, Leaman & Forsberg, 2013) and analyses of larval distribution
(Bailey & Picquelle, 2002; Skud, 1977; St- Pierre, 1989; Van Cleve &
Seymour, 1953) that have indicated dispersal over broad geographic
expanses corroborated by historical genetic analyses (Bentzen, Britt
& Kwon, 1999; Grant, Teel, Kobayashi & Schmitt, 1984) that failed to
demonstrate significant genetic population structure within the east-
ern Pacific Ocean. However, both genetic results and conventional
tagging data are subject to limitations and equating summertime stock
distribution to area- specific spawning contribution fails to account for
seasonal migratory dynamics in adults.
Neither of the genetic studies upon which the single- stock para-
digm currently rests (Bentzen et al., 1999; Grant et al., 1984) reflected
the full geographic extent of known spawning in the eastern Pacific
Ocean and relied upon samples collected on feeding grounds that lead
to ambiguity regarding the relevance of those results to spawning pop-
ulation structure. By contrast, analyses using modern genetic tech-
niques (Drinan, Galindo, Loher & Hauser, 2016; Hauser, Spies & Loher,
2006; Nielsen, Graziano & Seitz, 2010) and samples that were col-
lected at spawning grounds representing most of the managed range
(Drinan et al., 2016) have indicated that at least weak genetic popula-
tion structure exists. Specifically, although even the most- recent anal-
yses have failed to produce evidence of genetic population structure
along a north–south axis extending from the U.S. Pacific Northwest
(PNW) through the south- eastern BS, reproductive isolation is appar-
ent, moving from east to west along the Aleutian Ridge (Drinan et al.,
2016; Nielsen et al., 2010).
Conventional tagging results are subject to biases introduced from
tag shedding, mortality and differential reporting over time and area.
But perhaps their greatest limitation in the current context is that a
relatively small proportion of the available conventional tag data pro-
vides insights regarding spawning dynamics, per se. Specifically, the
vast majority of tag recoveries have occurred via the directed com-
mercial fishery that only occurs during spring through autumn. By
contrast, it is has been generally established that adult Pacific halibut
migrate from their shallow summer feeding grounds to spawn during
the winter from early November to late March (Loher, 2011; Loher &
Seitz, 2008; St- Pierre, 1984) on grounds concentrated along the con-
tinental slope and in depressions on the continental shelf (St- Pierre,
1984). In early spring, these adults migrate back to continental shelf
feeding grounds (IPHC, 1998; Loher, 2011). Because the vast major-
ity of conventional tag recoveries for Pacific halibut have been from
summer grounds, it is possible that conclusions about movement have
been derived from fish from multiple spawning groups that may be
mixed on common summer feeding grounds.
Recent pop- up satellite archival tag (PSAT) studies have generated
a body of winter location data absent of potential recapture or report-
ing biases, but these data have been analysed and reported exclu-
sively within oceanographic basins (Loher, 2008, 2011; Loher & Blood,
2009; Loher & Seitz, 2006, 2008; Seitz, Loher, Norcross & Nielsen,
2011). These studies indicate most Pacific halibut remain in the basin
in which they were tagged, but intra- and inter- regional movement,
depth and temperature patterns have not been quantitatively exam-
ined. Therefore, the goal of this article was to integrate the new in-
sights gained from these satellite tagging investigations to describe
mechanisms of potential population structure for Pacific halibut and to
relate the observed scales of mixing to recent genetic results and the
spatial scales over which it might be appropriate to estimate biological
reference points for stock management. To accomplish this, regional
variation in the environment and behaviour of Pacific halibut is exam-
ined and then interpreted in the context of potential subpopulation
structure with respect to spawning ecology.
2.1 | Study area
Regional spawning characteristics and ecology of Pacific halibut, in-
cluding locations, timing, depth and temperature, were examined
using PSATs. To accomplish this, the geographic range of Pacific hali-
but in the north- eastern Pacific Ocean, which represents the core of
this species’ range, was divided into four regions based upon approxi-
mate boundaries of large marine ecosystems (Figure 1). The PNW
was the northern portion of the California Current Ecosystem, which
approximately corresponds to the area south of the entrance of the
Strait of Juan De Fuca (King et al., 2011). The GOA was the area be-
tween the entrance of the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the south side
of Amukta Pass in the AI (Ladd, Hunt, Mordy, Salo & Stabeno, 2005;
Seitz et al., 2011; Stabeno et al., 2004). The BS was the area between
the north side of Amukta Pass to the US–Russian international border
(Seitz et al., 2011; Stabeno, Schumacher & Ohtani, 1999). The AI were
the area west of Amukta Pass (Ladd et al., 2005; Seitz et al., 2011). In
the context of this study, an important feature is seafloor topography,
which is relatively continuous in the PNW, GOA and BS. By contrast,
the AI have several deep passes, some of which are >800 m, which are
characterised by vigorous tidal mixing (Hunt & Stabeno, 2005).
2.2 | Tagging
From 2001 to 2008, PSATs (Wildlife Computers Mk10) were exter-
nally attached (Seitz, Wilson, Norcross & Nielsen, 2003) to Pacific hali-
but (n = 202) during the summer offshore of the PNW (n = 18 in 2006;
Loher & Blood, 2009), in the GOA (n = 86 in 2001–2002 and 2006;
Seitz et al., 2003; Loher & Seitz, 2006; Loher & Blood, 2009), in the
BS (n = 69 in 2002, 2006 and 2008; Seitz et al., 2011) and near the AI
(n = 29 in 2004 and 2008; Seitz et al., 2011). While attached to fish,
PSATs measured ambient water temperature, depth of the tag and
ambient light intensity. On pre- programmed dates, the tags released
from the fish, floated to the ocean surface and transmitted archived
data, including summarised daily maximum and minimum tempera-
tures and depths, to the Argos satellite system. The tags’ endpoint
positions were determined from the Doppler shift of the transmitted
radio frequency in successive uplinks received during one satellite
pass (Keating, 1995).
To increase the likelihood of the tags collecting information about
spawning characteristics and ecology, two criteria were followed.
First, to ensure a high probability of tagging mature fish that were
likely to spawn, Pacific halibut that were at least 105 cm fork length
(FL) were selected for tagging (Clark, Hare, Parma, Sullivan & Trumble,
1999). To quantify the extent to which this was successful, the total
number of fish tagged, by region and overall, that were likely to have
been immature (Imcum) at time of tagging (sensu Loher & Blood, 2009)
was calculated, using size- specific maturity data collected during IPHC
setline surveys, as follows:
where FLl = fork length of the nth fish and Pil = proportion of the sur-
veyed population at the given length that was determined to have
been immature via macroscopic gonad examination. For each fish in
the sample, its probability of being immature was assigned the rate
of immaturity observed over all Pacific halibut of the same length
sampled during the setline survey conducted during the summer in
which that fish was tagged. Second, most of the tags (n = 162) were
pre- programmed to pop- up and transmit data during the peak of the
winter spawning season, which lasts from late December to mid-
March (Loher, 2011; Loher & Seitz, 2008). As such, pre- programmed
pop- up dates ranged from 15 January to 1 March for these tags. The
remaining tags, all deployed in 2008 in the BS (n = 36) and AI (n = 4),
were programmed to detach 365 days after deployment, during sum-
mer. However, eight tags that prematurely detached during the mid-
winter spawning season were also considered in this study (BS n = 7;
AI n = 1).
2.3 | Data analyses
Of the tags that reported to satellites during the winter spawning
season, putatively spawning fish were identified as those that were
located in water >200 m deep on the pop- up date of the tag, deter-
mined by the maximum depth on the last day of the tag deployment.
This specification for putatively spawning fish was derived from pre-
vious studies based on winter surveys in which it was concluded that
Pacific halibut spawning is concentrated along the edge of the con-
tinental shelf at depths generally >180 m, but could be more wide-
spread and occur along the entire coast (St- Pierre, 1984). Further
evidence from electronic tagging indicates that spawning occurs in
depths >274 m (Loher & Seitz, 2008). Therefore, spawning depths
were specified as those >200 m as this depth typically represents
the edge of the continental shelf and is a compromise between in-
formation from traditional winter surveys and recent electronic tag-
ging. Therefore, in subsequent analyses, an a priori assumption was
made that the data came from PSATs attached to spawning Pacific
Regional spawning characteristics and ecology of Pacific halibut
were analysed using length of tagged fish, winter pop- up locations,
daily maximum depths, and daily maximum and minimum temperatures
of putatively spawning fish tagged in the PNW (n = 10), GOA (n = 48),
BS (n = 24) and AI (n = 12). To examine size of the fish that were tagged
in this study, the mean length of tagged fish in each region was cal-
culated and compared using a Kruskal–Wallis test because of unequal
variance in size among regions. To examine horizontal movement asso-
ciated with spawning, the mean horizontal displacement of all putative
cum =
FIGURE1 Release and pop- up locations of Pacific halibut tagged with pop- up satellite archival tags in the north- east Pacific Ocean. Dashed
lines delineate the boundaries of the four regions used for analyses in this study
   SEITZ ET al.
spawners in a region was the mean great circle distance between the
summer release and final winter locations, calculated in ArcGIS v.10.
Regional mean horizontal displacements were compared using a
Kruskal–Wallis test because of unequal variance among regions.
To examine vertical movement associated with spawning, three
analyses on maximum depths experienced by Pacific halibut were
conducted. In these maximum- depth analyses, it was assumed that
Pacific halibut spend the majority of their time on or near the sea floor,
and therefore, maximum daily depths measured by a tag represent
the depth of the seafloor in the area occupied by the fish that day
(Seitz et al., 2003). To conduct the analyses, daily maximum depths
were categorised as occurring during the non- spawning (before 27
December) or spawning (between 27 December and 8 March) sea-
son (Loher, 2011; Loher & Seitz, 2008). Within the non- spawning and
spawning seasons, daily maximum depths were averaged by month to
produce monthly mean maximum depths, which avoided pseudo repli-
cation and autocorrelation associated with using daily depth informa-
tion. Because portions of December were included in both spawning
and non- spawning seasons, two mean depths were calculated for this
month, one for the non- spawning portion (1–26 December) of the
month and one for the spawning portion (27–31 December). In the
first depth analysis, to determine whether depths occupied by Pacific
halibut differed between non- spawning and spawning seasons in
each region, monthly mean maximum depths of all fish during spawn-
ing and non- spawning seasons were pooled by region and compared
using a Welch’s two sample t test which assumed unequal variances.
In the second analysis, to determine whether spawning- season depths
differed among regions, monthly mean maximum depths during the
spawning season of all fish pooled by region were compared using
a four- level one- way ANOVA with unequal variances. In the third
analysis, to determine whether the difference in non- spawning- and
spawning- season depths varied among regions, monthly mean max-
imum depths of all fish pooled by region during non- spawning and
spawning seasons were compared using a two- way ANOVA and a
mixed- effects model was used to describe the variance in depth ex-
plained by season and region. Statistical analyses were performed
using R version 2.13.2 (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, Vienna
University of Economics and Business, Austria). Statistical significance
was assessed at α = .05.
Regional temperatures experienced by Pacific halibut were qual-
itatively compared by calculating the monthly mean minimum and
maximum temperatures experienced by all fish in each region. In con-
trast to depth comparisons, in which maxima experienced by fish were
quantitatively analysed under the assumption that the fish spent most
of their time near the maxima, temperature minima and maxima were
qualitatively examined because water temperature frequently fluctu-
ates at a constant depth. Therefore, it is not reasonable to assume that
the fish spent most of their time near the minima or maxima, nor is the
proportion of time spent at specific temperatures between the minima
and maxima known, making it impossible to estimate a representative
water temperature for each day.
A total of 94 PSATs provided data about spawning characteristics and
ecology of Pacific halibut throughout their range in the north- east
Pacific Ocean (Table 1). Significant differences in size of tagged fish
existed among regions (Kruskal–Wallis χ2 = 14.483, df = 3, P = .002)
and a post hoc Kruskal–Wallis multiple comparison test showed that
the Pacific halibut tagged in the PNW were significantly smaller than
those in both the AI and GOA. Fish tagged in all regions had a high prob-
ability of being mature; individual maturity probabilities ranged from
78% to 100% while regional means ranged from 89.4 ± 1.5% (PNW) to
94.3 ± 1.7% (AI). Significant differences in mean maturity probabilities
existed among regions (Kruskal–Wallis χ2 = 10.772, df = 3, P = .013), but
due to the conservative nature of the post hoc Kruskal–Wallis multiple
comparison test, no significant differences among regions were identi-
fied in pairwise comparisons. In no region did the cumulative probability
of having tagged immature fish (Imcum) exceed ~10% of the total availa-
ble sample size. Resulting Imcum values were PNW = 1.06 (of n = 10 fish);
GOA = 3.50 (of n = 48), BS = 2.51 (of n = 24) and AI = 0.68 (of n = 12).
During winter, the majority (95.7%) of Pacific halibut tagged
during the summer remained in the region in which they were tagged
TABLE1 Summary of sample sizes and mean (±SE) fish lengths, maturity probabilities, horizontal displacements and maximum non-
spawning and spawning depths of Pacific halibut tagged in four regions
Region # PAT tags
Mean total
length (cm)
Mean maturity
probability (%)
Mean horizontal
displacement (km)
Mean non- spawning
depth (m)
Mean spawning
depth (m)
AI 12 129.0 ± 4.3* 94.3 ± 1.7 62.2 ± 13.7 250.0 ± 18.7 494.2 ± 15.4*
BS 24 114.7 ± 1.7*,† 89.5 ± 1.0 100.8 ± 37.4 312.3 ± 14.6 475.5 ± 23.1*
GOA 48 124.1 ± 1.8* 92.7 ± 0.8 213.6 ± 38.2 237.8 ± 6.4 353.8 ± 8.9
PNW 10 113.4 ± 3.089.4 ± 1.5 415.6 ± 140.5 236.5 ± 11.1 324.4 ± 21.7
AI, Aleutian Islands; BS, Bering Sea; GOA, Gulf of Alaska; PNW, Pacific Northwest.
Asterisks (*) and daggers (†) indicate statistically similar groups determined by post hoc multiple comparison tests (α = .05) when significant differences
were found among mean regional values using ANOVA (mean depth during the spawning season) and Kruskal–Wallis (fish length) tests. A Kruskal–Wallis
test showed significant differences in probability of maturity among regions (P = .013), but multiple comparison tests did not reveal any significant pairwise
differences. A Kruskal–Wallis test showed so significant differences among mean regional horizontal displacements, while mean regional non- spawning-
season depths were not compared. In all regions, mean non- spawning- season depths were significantly shallower than mean spawning- season depths
(Welch’s t test, P < .001).
(Figure 1). The only four fish that emigrated from their tagging region
were all from the PNW; thus, 40% of the fish tagged in this area dis-
persed from it during the winter. Mean horizontal displacement varied
considerably among regions (Table 1), but regional differences were
insignificant (Kruskal–Wallis χ2 = 6.859, df = 3, P = .077). In general,
the PNW fish displayed the greatest mean difference and variability in
distance between non- spawning and spawning locations, while the AI
fish displayed the smallest difference and variability.
A total of 798 monthly mean maximum depths (AI = 95, BS = 191,
GOA = 425, PNW = 87) provided information about seasonal depths
in each region (Table 1, Figure 2). In all four regions, the mean non-
spawning- season depths were significantly shallower than the depths
during the spawning season (P < .001, Table 1, Figure 2). Within the
spawning season, significant differences in monthly mean depths
among regions existed (F3,224 = 27.95, P < .001; Table 1). In general,
the spawning- season depths of Pacific halibut in the AI and BS regions
were deeper than those exhibited by fish in the GOA and PNW regions.
Specifically, a post hoc Tukey HSD test showed that the spawning-
season depths of AI and BS (P = .896), and GOA and PNW (P = .632)
halibut were not significantly different, but spawning- season depths
between AI and GOA, AI and PNW, BS and GOA, and BS and PNW
(P < .001) were significantly different. A significant interaction term in
the two- way ANOVA (F3,790 = 7.11, P < .001) indicated that significant
differences in depths between the non- spawning and spawning sea-
sons existed among the four regions. In general, Pacific halibut in the
AI region showed the greatest difference in depths between spawn-
ing and non- spawning seasons, whereas fish tagged in the PNW re-
gion showed the least difference in depths between the two seasons
(Table 1, Figure 2). Additionally, Pacific halibut in the AI and BS regions
had similar spawning- season depths, but not non- spawning depths,
while fish from the GOA and PNW regions spent the non- spawning
and spawning seasons at similar depths (Table 1, Figure 2). The mixed-
effects model showed that the variability in depth between non-
spawning and spawning seasons (seasonal variance = 9,789.9) had a
greater contribution to the overall depth variance than the variability
among regions (region variance = 2,038.7).
The mean temperature range experienced by Pacific halibut varied
among regions (Figure 3). The PNW and GOA fish experienced rela-
tively constant, warm temperatures throughout the year while BS fish
experienced relatively constant, cool temperatures. By contrast, the AI
fish experienced relatively warm temperatures during the summer and
cool temperatures during the winter. In general, the water tempera-
tures ranged between 6.0 and 7.5°C for PNW and GOA fish during the
winter spawning season. During this same time, water temperatures
occupied by AI and BS fish were much cooler and ranged from approx-
imately 3.5 to 4.0°C.
The low rate of spawning dispersal among regions by Pacific halibut
and the different depths occupied during the spawning season sug-
gest that reproductive segregation of this species occurs among dif-
ferent regions throughout its range. This is consistent with genetic
analyses (Drinan et al., 2016; Nielsen et al., 2010) that have identified
significant genetic structure in the Aleutian Islands region relative to
the remainder of the eastern stock. Differences in probability of ma-
turity among regions were marginal, all tagged fish had a relatively
high probability of being mature, and there was no clear relationship
between fish size and dispersal characteristics. Thus, it is likely the
reproductive segregation observed in this study was not related to
regional differences in fish size and probability of maturity; rather, the
low rate of spawning- season dispersal among regions appears to be
FIGURE2 Monthly mean (±SE) maximum depths of putatively
spawning Pacific halibut in four regions in the north- eastern Pacific
Ocean, measured by pop- up satellite archival tags. Spawning depth
(>200 m) and peak spawning season (shaded area) were delineated
based on previous winter fishing surveys (St- Pierre, 1984) and
electronic tagging (Loher & Seitz, 2008) studies
FIGURE3 Monthly mean minimum and maximum temperatures
experienced by putatively spawning Pacific halibut in four regions
in the north- eastern Pacific Ocean, measured by pop- up satellite
archival tags
   SEITZ ET al.
associated with bathymetric and hydrographic properties in the con-
nections among regions. The horizontal segregation of spawning com-
ponents may be reinforced by vertical segregation as mean spawning
depths differed between northern and southern regions.
Discontinuities in the continental shelf and hydrographic proper-
ties in connections among regions appear to limit the seasonal inter-
change of Pacific halibut among some areas. Specifically, none of the
fish tagged in the AI, BS and GOA dispersed among these tagging areas
between summer feeding and winter spawning seasons, whereas sea-
sonal migration between the GOA and PNW was relatively common.
The AI, BS and GOA are separated from each other by passes, some of
which are deep (>800 m), and all are characterised by swift currents
and strong turbulence (Hunt & Stabeno, 2005). In this study, none of
the tagged fish traversed these passes separating regions. It is not likely
that these passes are complete barriers to dispersal as Pacific halibut
are powerful swimmers that are able to disperse >1,000 km season-
ally (Loher & Seitz, 2006), and previous conventional tagging studies
(Skud, 1977) and PIT tagging studies (Webster, Clark & Forsberg, 2008)
have documented both juvenile and adult Pacific halibut moving across
passes. Rather, these passes appear to reduce the dispersal of adult
halibut among these three regions, relative to the rates that would be
observed in the absence of such features (Seitz et al., 2011). In con-
trast to the AI, BS and GOA, which are all separated by passes, the
continental shelf and slope as well as the hydrography of PNW are con-
tiguous with those of GOA and approximately 40% of the fish tagged
in PNW dispersed to GOA for the winter spawning season. As such,
without strong turbulence and deep passes, Pacific halibut from GOA
and PNW may intermingle more often. Consequently, ocean passes
with strong turbulence may delineate three spawning components of
Pacific halibut in the GOA/PNW, BS and AI.
Although differences in mean regional horizontal displacement of
Pacific halibut were insignificant, intraregional seasonal dispersal dis-
tance appears to be influenced by the distance between major discon-
tinuities in the continental shelf in each region, rather than fish size.
Specifically, the PNW and GOA regions have the longest continuous
continental shelf and slope that are not intersected by passes with
strong turbulence and, as such, the Pacific halibut in these regions had
largest mean and maximum seasonal dispersal distances. By contrast,
the fish along the Aleutian chain, a region characterised by several rel-
atively deep passes formed by discontinuities in the continental shelf,
undertook the smallest mean seasonal dispersals to winter spawning
grounds. Insignificant differences in mean seasonal displacement be-
tween even PNW and AI, the regions with the largest and smallest
mean seasonal displacements, were likely obfuscated by large variance
caused by some fish in PNW that undertook relatively small dispersals
between summer feeding and winter spawning locations. This vari-
ance may be a function of a small number of immature fish that may
have occurred within each sample population, adult skip- spawning
(sensu Loher & Seitz, 2008), or the existence of undocumented local
spawning groups populated by year- round PNW residents (Loher &
Blood, 2009). It is unlikely that these observations of regional mean
horizontal displacement are a result of regional mean fish size, as there
is no obvious relationship between them.
In addition to a lack of intermingling of Pacific halibut from dif-
ferent parts of its range on common spawning grounds, regional dif-
ferences in mean spawning- season depths exist. The winter spawning
locations of AI and BS fish were significantly deeper than those from
PNW and GOA, and there was no clear relationship between regional
mean spawning- season depth and fish size. Rather, regional spawning-
season depths appeared to track geographic trends in ambient water
temperatures, which were relatively cold in AI and BS and relatively
warm in PNW and GOA. It is likely that these regional differences
in spawning depths evolved as local adaptations for maximising the
survival of their progeny, given ambient water temperatures in each
region. If regional differences in spawning depths are heritable, these
may further reinforce the horizontal separation of spawning compo-
nents of Pacific halibut by causing additional vertical spawning segre-
gation among individuals from regions within this species range.
Genetic analyses partially support the findings that basin- scale
reproductive segregation among individual adult Pacific halibut may
occur. Using nuclear microsatellite loci, Nielsen et al. (2010) detected
significant (P < .05) heterogeneity between Pacific halibut from AI
and those from BS and GOA (FST range: .007–.008). Similarly, in a
population- wide analysis that used samples collected in winter and a
substantially larger suite of both anonymous and expressed sequence
tag (EST) linked microsatellites, Drinan et al.’s (2016) pairwise compar-
isons between western Aleutian sampling locations and those in the
BS and GOA were consistently significant (P value range: .001–.011)
at FST values (range: .001–.0103) that were similar to those derived
by Nielsen et al. (2010). These findings of genetic divergence of Pacific
halibut from AI not only imply that adults are reproductively segre-
gated, but that barriers to gene flow also exist for larval and juvenile
stages. These gene flow barriers may result from local retention mech-
anisms (Sponaugle et al., 2002), such as clockwise island circulation
around the Aleutian Islands (Ladd et al., 2005; Stabeno et al., 1999),
that may entrain the Pacific halibut larvae as they drift in the pelagia
for up to 6 months (Thompson & Van Cleve, 1936). Another possible
barrier to Pacific halibut gene flow among regions is contra- natant mi-
gration of juveniles to their natal region after advection among regions
during their 6- month larval drifting phase (Cushing, 1975, 1981).
In contrast to the findings of genetic divergence in adult Pacific
halibut from AI, no evidence has yet been found of genetic divergence
of Pacific halibut in BS and GOA (Drinan et al., 2016; Nielsen et al.,
2010). This may be because of the resolution of reproductive segrega-
tion provided by genetics and tagging studies. Specifically, the sample
size of this study is likely too small to detect infrequent interchange
of spawning adult Pacific halibut between BS and GOA that erases
significant genetic divergence between the two regions. Additionally,
genetic divergence between the two areas may be erased by advec-
tion of larvae between regions during their 6- month pelagic phase
(Thompson & Van Cleve, 1936) without accompaniment by contra-
natant migration by vagrants to their natal region.
To reconcile the contrasting results from this tagging study and
genetic analyses, additional information about Pacific halibut move-
ment is needed. First, because less than a year of data were obtained
from a fish species that may live up to 50 years, longer- term electronic
tag deployments are necessary to capture observations necessary for
maintaining population structure, such as regional fidelity to spawning
areas and interannual dispersal. Second, because tagging large animals
likely results in observations being biased in favour of sexually mature
females (Clark et al., 1999), electronic tag deployments on other de-
mographic components including all males and immature females are
necessary to understand fully dispersal among regions. Unfortunately,
it was not possible to observe the movements of these demographic
components because of the relatively large size of the tags and con-
cern for the health of the fish. However, current efforts using relatively
small electronic tags are underway to understand the movement pat-
terns and behaviour of males and immature females.
Nevertheless, the current analysis provides insight about basin-
scale reproductive segregation of Pacific halibut throughout its range
in the north- east Pacific Ocean. When modelling fished populations,
it is important to consider temporal scales relevant to the prosecu-
tion of their fisheries which are typically subgenerational for long- lived
fishes such as Pacific halibut, as opposed to multigenerational times-
cales at which population- genetic signals evolve. Specifically, Drinan
et al. (2016) demonstrated that even very low levels of migratory
exchange would be sufficient to homogenise allele frequencies and
that reproductive segregation would need to be maintained for >500
generations to reach migration- drift equilibrium. By contrast, the cur-
rent analysis suggests that, even if components of the eastern Pacific
halibut population appear to be mixed fully at genetic timescales, in-
terbasin dispersal among spawning groups may occur at low enough
rates to impede the recovery of spawning stock biomass if spawning
groups are differentially depleted among regions. For example, if the
abundance of spawners in the eastern Bering Sea was depleted to a
low level, there is little evidence that it would increase markedly soon
thereafter as a result of seasonal exchange with the Gulf of Alaska
spawning population. This is corroborated by PIT tag studies that sug-
gested that migration of Gulf of Alaska spawning stock is unlikely to
influence the abundance of Bering Sea spawning stock to any appre-
ciable degree on interannual timescales (Webster et al., 2013).
It is recommended that IPHC further investigate the assump-
tion that the eastern Pacific halibut stock is represented by a single
spawning population from California through the eastern BS. Should
additional evidence be discovered supporting the concept of regional
subpopulations, population function may be best preserved by modi-
fying fundamental modelling approaches and management decisions.
For example, regionally explicit harvest policy metrics could be estab-
lished, including regionally variable target exploitation rates (sensu
Martell, Stewart & Leaman, 2013) that apply spawning stock biomass
of females thresholds as regional components that reflect functional
spawning ecology. Understanding regional productivity, spawning dy-
namics and spawning biomass distribution during the active spawning
season are critical to any such endeavours.
This project was made possible by the captains and crews of the fish-
ing vessels Angela Lynn, Blackhawk, Bold Pursuit, Free to Wander,
Heritage, Kema Sue, Norska, Pacific Sun, Pender Isle, Proud Venture,
Rocinante, Star Wars II, Waterfall and Wind Dancer; International
Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) Sea Samplers R. Ames, K. Attridge,
K. Bareza, D. Barrett, B. Biffard, A. Delisle, E. Ekroth, H. Emberton, A.
Knot, E. Lardizabal, J. Lucke, L. Mattes, M. Monk, D. Rafla, T. Saltau,
J. Spencer, A. Vatter and A. Williams; IPHC Port Sampler L. O’Neil;
IPHC Annual Setline Survey Managers K. Ames, E. Anderson- Chau,
C. Dykstra, T. Geernaert and E. Soderlund for logistical assistance; D.
Wilson of United States Geological Survey- Alaska Science Center; and
P. Lestenkof of Central Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association. Partial
funding for this project was provided by the Aleutian Pribilof Island
Community Development Association, Central Bering Sea Fishermen’s
Association, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, the International
Pacific Halibut Commission, the North Pacific Research Board, the
U.S. Geological Survey–Alaska Science Center and the University of
Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.
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How to cite this article: Seitz AC, Farrugia TJ, Norcross BL,
Loher T, Nielsen JL. Basin- scale reproductive segregation of
Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Fish Manag Ecol.
... a higher probability of remaining within the basins of the eastern Pacific Ocean (defined as the Gulf of Alaska, eastern Bering Sea, and the Aleutian Islands region) to spawn than dispersing among basins to do so [4,5]. Consistent with this, although population genetic analyses have demonstrated little genetic differentiation throughout North American waters [6,7], best-available evidence suggests that the western Aleutian Islands may support a population component that is significantly different than in either the eastern Pacific Ocean [6,7] or in Asian waters of the southern Sea of Okhotsk [7]. ...
... The analyses contained herein are intended to describe dispersal patterns during the summer feeding period, within geographic regions that represent biological subunits at fishery-relevant scales. In particular, prior migratory [4] and genetic [7] research has suggested that east-west movement of Pacific halibut may be limited by deep-water passes through the Aleutian Island Chain (i.e., at Amchitka and Amukta Passes; Fig. 1). Tagging studies have demonstrated different rates and distances of dispersal for Pacific halibut found north versus south of Unimak Pass [9]. ...
... For analyses of interannual dispersal, only fish whose final positions were obtained after 1 full year at liberty were included; herein defined as occurring within a window of 360-370 days after tagging. Positions obtained after shorter or longer periods were omitted, because they had the potential to be biased due to seasonal migration, which may be substantial in magnitude [4,5]. Such endpoints may be more representative of spawning/wintering locations than the locations to which those fish would have migrated the following summer, whether displaying homing behavior [14,17], straying [17], or engaged in ontogenic redistribution [9]. ...
Full-text available
Background Understanding connectivity is critical to the management of exploited fish stocks, but migratory dynamics of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region are not well-understood. In the current study, 145 Pacific halibut ≥ 82 cm fork length were tagged with Pop-up Archival Transmitting (PAT) tags to evaluate interannual dispersal, seasonal migration, and depth-specific habitat use. Results Endpoint locations obtained after 1 year at liberty (n = 79), fishery recoveries after 2–3 years at liberty (n = 5), and at-liberty geopositions based on light data (n = 5313 estimates from 109 fish) indicated geographically distinct movement patterns: Pacific halibut tagged in the Western and Central Aleutian Islands remained within the island groups in which the fish had been tagged; fish in the eastern Bering Sea remained in that ocean basin, moving among International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) regulatory areas and into Russian waters; those tagged south of Unimak Pass in IPHC Regulatory Area 4A displayed the greatest amount of emigration, dispersing eastward both seasonally and interannually to as far south as Washington State. Analysis of daily maximum depth and temperature data from 113 individuals demonstrated group-level variation in summer temperatures experienced by the fish and in the timing, duration, and synchrony of movement to deep-water wintering grounds. Conclusions Depth-specific habitat use was suggestive of regionally explicit migratory contingents, while interannual dispersal patterns were consistent with the existence of multiple functional spawning units. The results may guide future research to examine cross-basin connectivity in the Northern Bering Sea and provide inputs for numerical modelling of individual movements, larval advection, and recruitment analyses.
... Genetic and spawning unit structuring are present, but are relatively low across the extent of the stock in the eastern Pacific (Drinan et al. 2016, Seitz et al. 2017. Low-level genetic differentiation exists between eastern (United States and Canada) and western (Russian) Pacific Ocean sampling locations (Drinan et al. 2016). ...
... Some individuals return to the same feeding grounds in the summer after spawning in winter. Subsequent studies also indicate high rates of interannual homing in conjunction with the potential for basin-scale segregation among spawning groups (Seitz et al. 2017). ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
Hippoglossus stenolepis, Pacific Halibut in The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
... Further, the prominent migrations to Iceland of juveniles tagged at the nursery area around Svalbard would be an indication that they also undertake migrations back to the main spawning grounds at the slope between Norway and Svalbard. We also note that juvenile Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepus), another large flatfish, are known to undergo long migrations (called contranatant migration), while adult migration is localized (Seitz et al., 2017;Carpi et al., 2021). Future studies could investigate whether such a model would be applicable for Greenland halibut. ...
Full-text available
Marine fisheries are often allocated to stocks that reflect pragmatic considerations and may not represent the species’ spatial population structure, increasing the risk of mismanagement and unsustainable harvesting. Here we compile mark–recapture data collected across the North Atlantic to gain insight into the spatial population structure of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), an issue that has been unresolved for decades. The dataset contains 168130 fish tagged from 1952 to 2021, with 5466 (3.3%) recaptured individuals. Our results indicate that fish tagged at <50 cm body length migrate at higher rates, suggesting that mark–recapture studies on adult individuals underestimate population-level migration rates. We find evidence for migrations across management units in the North Atlantic indicating two regional offshore populations: one in the Northeast Atlantic, where the West Nordic and Northeast Arctic stocks, currently managed separately, likely belong to a single population that spans from the Kara Sea to Southeast Greenland; and one in the Northwest Atlantic where migration was observed between the Newfoundland and Labrador stock and the Northwest Arctic stock in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. Our findings indicate complex population structure with implications for international and domestic fisheries management of this long-lived species.
... Notably, the spatial scale at which the models performed best was roughly equivalent to IPHC regulatory areas (Fig. 5). Historically, the Pacific halibut resource has been evaluated and managed at scales that range from IPHC statistical (Kong et al., 2004) and regulatory areas (Gilroy et al., 2011) to broader biological regions (Stewart et al., 2020a) that are defined by basin-scale spawning stock structure (Seitz et al., 2017). Additionally, coastwide metrics (Clark and Hare, 2007) are calculated that represent all US and Canadian waters. ...
Identifying the nursery origins of individual Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is critical to a refined understanding of regional productivity, the effects of environmental forcing on population dynamics, and the spatial impacts of mortality and bycatch. Otolith microchemistry may provide a tool for identifying fish origins, but a precursor to using microchemistry-based assignment models is to evaluate the extent to which there exists detectable spatial structure in these natural tags. Here, we examined assignment accuracy as a function of spatial scale using canonical discriminant function analyses (DFA) applied to microchemical data from age-2 Pacific halibut in the western Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and southeastern Bering Sea (SEBS). Element:calcium ratios were assayed for fourteen trace elements using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O were determined via isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Substantial assignment success (∼75–90 %) was observed at spatial scales that are consistent with stock management. Elemental signatures were defined primarily by δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C, and ⁸⁸Sr:⁴⁸Ca, with a minor contribution from ⁵⁵Mn:⁴⁸Ca. Individuals were most commonly mis-assigned to adjacent locations. However, discontinuities were observed within the western GOA that suggest that elemental signatures do not vary along strictly longitudinal and latitudinal clines. These results highlight the need to exercise caution when attempting to use otolith microchemistry to assign fish to their origins when the baseline elemental data are unable to resolve missing nursery sources from the locations that are included in the discrimination models.
... fecundity, growth, size at maturity, body size, life span) is influenced by how the environment affects survival, reproduction, and the tradeoffs among life history traits (Stearns 2000). Within species, variation in life history traits can arise from populations residing in different environmental regimes or demonstrate phenotypic plasticity, which is the capacity of one genotype to be expressed as multiple phenotypes in response to the local environment (DeWitt et al. 1998) and has been observed in Pacific halibut (Stewart and Martell 2014;Seitz et al. 2017). There can be a genetic basis of intra-species variation. ...
Full-text available
Interactions between spatial dynamics and stock structure in marine fishes have largely focused on stocks in decline; stock structure is rarely re-visited for expanding species. Here, the spatial ecology of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.), managed as four stocks in the Northwest Atlantic, is reviewed. Halibut collapsed under high exploitation in the mid-19th century, but the Canadian fisheries value has increased seven-fold since the early 2000s. Atlantic halibut's thermal habitat has increased due to warming, possibly contributing to its expansion. Genomic evidence differentiates two populations in the four management units, whereas there is non-genetic spatial structure within each of the stock boundaries. There are different core juvenile areas and a diversity of spawning migration patterns influenced by timing, fish size, maturity state, and distance between summer-feeding and over-wintering habitats. From tagging studies, multiple estimates of median distance at recapture (∼3-90 km) are much less than the spatial domain of each stock. Growth rates are faster in the warmer south, as predicted by growing degree day. The current perspective of Atlantic halibut spatial structure is that there are two distinct populations, and within each, there are subpopulations composed of multiple migratory contingents. The level of mixing on common spawning grounds both among and within subpopulations is only partly understood.
... In Pacific halibut, satellite tagging has been used to study a variety of processes, in particular: i) the identification and quantification of homing behavior (Loher 2008;Loher and Soderlund 2018), summer site fidelity (Loher 2008;Nielsen and Seitz 2017), and home-range analyses (Nielsen et al. 2014); ii) the identification of active spawning behavior (Seitz et al. 2005), the characterization of seasonal migration dynamics using depth information (Loher 2011), and date-dependent dispersal (Loher and Blood 2009); iii) the identification of primary spawning grounds (Loher and Seitz 2006;Seitz et al. 2011) and spawning-stock structure (Loher and Clark 2011;Seitz et al. 2017;Loher and Soderlund 2018); and iv) the production of at-liberty movement trajectories by converting daily light curves into longitude estimates . At the population level, satellite tagging consistently supports a model of basin-scale reproductive function, in which the female spawning stock can be viewed as being composed of at least three primary functional components: in the Gulf of Alaska (including the US Pacific Northwest and British Columbia), in the eastern Bering Sea, and along the Aleutian Islands (Fig. 1). ...
Full-text available
Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) supports one of the most valuable groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean and the north American component has been managed by the International Pacific Halibut Commission since 1923. From its establishment, IPHC’s work has been focused on data collection and research programs to better understand stock dynamics, extent, and behavior across its range. In this review we summarize the 100 years of migration research available for Pacific halibut, with a focus on tagging experiments. A visual representation of all tags deployed and recovered is included, and all of the information available from different research (e.g. genetic analyses, oceanographic models, catch trends, IBM) has been unified into a conceptual model of Pacific halibut movement from southern California through the Bering Sea. From spawning grounds in the Gulf of Alaska, eggs and larvae are transported westward, some crossing Aleutian Island passes into the Bering Sea. Once settled, there is compensatory migration as some juveniles move back into the Gulf of Alaska. In the Gulf of Alaska, juveniles and adults exhibit net migration eastward and southward along the continental shelf of the US and Canadian coasts. Adults undertake seasonal migrations from feeding grounds to spawning grounds. While little information is available for the western side of the Pacific halibut range, research suggests a constant exchange across the Bering Sea between the eastern and western grounds. The hypothesis of multiple migratory behaviors is suggested. This review will serve as a guide for current modeling efforts and future research planning.
... The logger indicated that off-bottom frequency and activity of Japanese flounder increased around their spawning season (Shibata et al., 2009;Nakatsuka et al., 2014). Seasonal migration of other flatfishes has been estimated by the loggers and satellite tags (Loher and Seitz, 2006;Florin and Franzén, 2010;Armsworthy et al., 2014;Le Bris et al., 2017;Seitz et al., 2017). Using loggers has many advantages, such as being able to directly record the water temperature experienced by individual fish. ...
The present study aims to clarify the Seasonal bathymetric distributions of three coastal flatfishes (stone flounder, marbled flounder, and Japanese flounder) that are caught mainly by bottom trawls and gillnets off the coast of Fukushima, Japan, by using logbook data. All three species were found to have specific spawning depths, i.e., depths of 40–80 m, 20–40 m, and 10–60 m for stone, marbled, and Japanese flounders, respectively, with extremely high catch-per-unit-effort during their spawning seasons, reflecting spawning ground formation. Furthermore, Japanese flounder showed a tendency to expand their distribution offshore to depths deeper than 100 m after October. These results indicate interspecific variations in migration and aggregation patterns. Using logbook data and considering the seasonal catchability of each fishing gear enabled us to understand the seasonal bathymetric distribution of each species and the depths of their spawning grounds.
... In studying Pacific halibut, this region is of great interest for several reasons. First, this region is home to a number of Pacific halibut spawning areas (Seitz et al. 2011(Seitz et al. , 2017, and there is evidence from historical tagging studies that it is a source of young fish migrating throughout the Gulf of Alaska (Trumble et al. 1990). Major directed and bycatch fisheries occur in the eastern Bering Sea, and monitoring the impacts of these fisheries is of importance for management (Stewart and Webster 2019). ...
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Monitoring distributional shifts in Arctic and subarctic fish species as environmental conditions change can be difficult due to sparse or infrequent surveys. Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) are found as far north as the Bering Strait, and future changes in sea temperatures and prey distribution may lead to an expanded range. For this and other species, it is therefore important to use as much survey data as is available when estimating density indices and other quantities of interest. Setline and trawl surveys in the eastern Bering Sea provide partial coverage each year, but the two gear types capture different size distributions of fish. We apply a calibration method to data from the setline and trawl surveys to produce consistent, spatially indexed estimates of indices of local density. The resulting estimates are then combined through spatiotemporal models that can incorporate environmental covariates to provide reliable density indices and to map the dynamic distribution of Pacific halibut. Such approaches may become increasingly important as climate change affects species distribution relative to historical survey footprints, and scientists must adapt to the use of new and variable data sources.
... A key assumption when defining a fish stock is that the spatial bounds described for the stock reflect actual behavioral phenomena related to distribution so that fisheries science and regulation within those boundaries produce meaningful results. Recent advances in technology related to genetics and electronic tagging (Hauser and Carvalho, 2008;Seitz et al., 2017) have shown that many fish populations are in fact metapopulations (sensu Kritzer and Sale, 2004) comprised of smaller, local units within which demographically meaningful processes occur. Even where stocks are well-defined, there may be multiple "contingents" within a local unit stock, where each contingent displays different migratory behaviors, such as the resident and coastal contingents of the Hudson River striped bass (Morone saxatalis) (Secor, 1999). ...
... In the case of two deep-water flatfishes (Pacific and Greenland halibut), course-scale movement trajectories and temperature and depthrelated behaviours recorded by satellite and archival telemetry clarified the timing and locations of biologically important behaviours with implications for fisheries management. A number of these studies examined the timing and direction of winter spawning migrations and population substructure of Alaskan and Canadian Pacific halibut (Seitz et al., 2017; Table 2), addressing questions which were of critical importance for fisheries management given pressure from NW Pacific fisheries organizations to extend the fishing season into the winter closure period. The earliest of these studies marked the first use of popoff archival transmitting tags (PAT) to examine the movement behaviour of a deep-water demersal species, recording fine-scale vertical behaviours which could not be assessed through traditional sampling methodologies (e.g., stock assessments using benthic fishing gear; Seitz et al., 2003). ...
Advances in biotelemetry have revealed the movement behaviours of many terrestrial and shallow-water organisms, contributing critical insight for their conservation and management. However, persistent technological and logistical challenges have thus far impeded the implementation of biotelemetry in the deep sea. Despite these limitations, innovations in telemetry technology, experimental design, and animal handling have allowed the study of 13 families of deep-water fishes to date, providing movement records spanning from surface waters down to 5900 m depth and across nearly all of the world's oceans. Telemetry devices employed in deep-sea tracking studies have included both commercially available, and custom-built transmitters belonging to multiple tag categories: acoustic transponders/code-activated acoustic transponders, acoustic transmitters (coded and continuous, e.g., ‘pingers’), pop-up satellite archival tags, and archival tags (data loggers). Specially adapted tagging approaches, including in situ methods such as dart tagging via manned submersible, underwater surgical implantation, and the ingestion of baited transmitters have facilitated the monitoring of species that can not survive being brought to the surface, while modified capture, tag, and release approaches have been used for species that can withstand depressurization. These tracking data have revealed patterns in the vertical and horizontal movement behaviours and population connectivity of a number of data deficient species, as well as contributing to management by allowing the effectiveness of reserves, fisheries management boundaries, and fishery closures to be evaluated. With the rapid expansion of fisheries and natural resource exploration to depths beyond the continental shelf, further monitoring of deep-sea habitats and species is essential. By examining these substantial breakthroughs in biotelemetry application, in addition to the range of cutting-edge technologies that could be adapted for use in deep water, we strive to promote the timely advancement of this research in the deep sea. Further diversification of these tools and techniques will be necessary to expand the accessibility of this field to the broader scientific community.
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Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis from 10 sampling locations throughout their range were investigated for signs of population structure. Two genetic data sets were created: (1) all individuals (n = 828) at few anonymous microsatellite markers (number of loci = 16); (2) fewer individuals (n = 435) genotyped at anonymous as well as expressed sequence-tag linked microsatellites (number of loci = 61). A combination of multidimensional scaling plots, discriminant analysis of principal components and pairwise differentiation estimates suggested that samples from the Aleutian Islands, particularly the western Aleutian Islands, were genetically distinct from samples collected in other regions. In addition, outlier analyses found that two markers linked to expressed sequence tags may be under directional selection and could explain the differentiation among samples. These results confirm findings from previous research and suggest that population structure may exist within a current management unit (i.e. International Pacific Halibut Commission Regulatory Area 4B).
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Since the climate regime shift of 1976-1977 in the North Pacific, the individual growth of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) has decreased dramatically in Alaska but not in British Columbia. Recruitment has increased dramatically in both areas. The decrease in age-specific vulnerability to commercial longline gear resulted in a persistent underestimation of incoming recruitment by the age-structured assessment method (CAGEAN) that was used to assess the stock. This problem has been corrected by adding temporal trends in growth and fishery selectivity to the assessment model. The recent sustained high level of recruitment at high levels of spawning biomass has erased the previous appearance of strong density dependence in the stock-recruitment relationship and prompted a reduction in the target full-recruitment harvest rate from 30-35 to 20-25%. The climate regime shift affected a number of other stocks of vertebrates and invertebrates in the North Pacific. While the general oceanographic changes have now been identified, the specific biological mechanisms responsible for the observed changes have not.
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Loher, T. 2011. Analysis of match–mismatch between commercial fishing periods and spawning ecology of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), based on winter surveys and behavioural data from electronic archival tags. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 2240–2251. The fishery for halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the eastern Pacific is closed during the boreal winter, roughly corresponding to the seasonal spawning of the species. Opening and closing dates for each season are stipulated annually based on economics and biology. Historical surveys and data from electronic tags are analysed to assess the extent to which recent closures have encompassed the annual spawning cycle of the species, as defined by migration to offshore spawning sites, active spawning, and return to feeding areas. These were assessed by calculating mean maximum daily depth profiles for fish exhibiting seasonal migration, calculating the date-specific proportions of the tagged population either migrating to or resident on their feeding or spawning grounds, and examining the temporal distribution of spent and running fish in historical surveys along with evidence of spawning contained in high-resolution tag data. The data indicate that fishery closures over the past 20 years have been consistently too short to protect the entirety of a migration period that begins as early as September and is not substantially completed until May. Additionally, some recent season openings have encroached on the active spawning season. Failure to fully protect spawning migrations may allow seasonal interception fisheries, and the selective removal of early and late spawners could cause changes in stock demographics, restrict effective spawning, and influence long-term stock productivity, especially in the face of environmental variability.
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Currently, it is assumed that eastern Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis belong to a single, fully mixed population extending from California through the Bering Sea, in which adult halibut disperse randomly throughout their range during their lifetime. However, we hypothesize that halibut dispersal is more complex than currently assumed and is not spatially random. To test this hypo thesis, we studied the seasonal dispersal and behavior of Pacific halibut in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI). Pop-up Archival Transmitting tags attached to halibut (82 to 154 cm fork length) during the summer provided no evidence that individuals moved out of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region into the Gulf of Alaska during the mid-winter spawning season, supporting the concept that this region contains a separate spawning group of adult halibut. There was evidence for geographically localized groups of halibut along the Aleutian Island chain, as all of the individuals tagged there displayed residency, with their movements possibly impeded by tidal currents in the passes between islands. Mid-winter aggregation areas of halibut are assumed to be spawning grounds, of which 2 were previously unidentified and extend the species' presumed spawning range similar to 1000 km west and similar to 600 km north of the nearest documented spawning area. If there are indeed independent spawning groups of Pacific halibut in the BSAI, their dynamics may vary sufficiently from those of the Gulf of Alaska, so that specifically accounting for their relative segregation and unique dynamics within the larger population model will be necessary for correctly predicting how these components may respond to fishing pressure and changing environmental conditions.
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Results of a coastwide tagging study show that ontogenetic migration of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) continues for larger fish, whereas in recent years the assumption had been that only smaller, younger fish migrated. In 2003–2004, a total of 67 000 Pacific halibut tagged with passive integrated transponder tags were released by the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) from Oregon to the Bering Sea. Portside scanning recovered over 3000 of these tags. Models were fitted that allowed commercial fishing mortality to be a function of fish length, year, and IPHC regulatory area, while migration probability was a function of area and length. Estimates from the models support the view that exploitation rates were much higher in eastern than western areas prior to the reduction of quotas following new results from a coastwide stock assessment in 2007. We explore possible explanations for differences between tagging and IPHC stock assessment results and note that this research provides confirmation of historical inferences regarding patterns of halibut migration based on conventional tagging.