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The Learning Revolution in Digital Era

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) Volume 47 Number 3 May 2017
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 186
The Learning Revolution in Digital Era
Madhuresh Kumar1, Dr. R.B.S. Yadav2, Dr. Abhishek Kumar Singh3
1(Research scholar), 2(Prof. & Ex. Head), 3(PhD, M.Sc., Gold-Medalist)
1, 2, 3University Department of Mathematics, Magadh University, Bodhgaya -824234, Bihar (INDIA)
Abstract - Teaching in a traditional face-to-face
setting is a very complex activity. The complexity is
even further extended when teaching is delivered
online or electronically due to the lack of standard
cues such as tone of voice, eye contact, body
language, and so forth, which are key tools for
human communication. Technology-enhanced
learning is at the core of using innovative and
emerging technologies to facilitate and support
learning in both online and blended settings [13].
The success and promotion of effective learning is
dependent on a range of factors. The learner’s
ability, sound pedagogy, the nature and alignment of
the curriculum, assessment, socio-cultural and
accessibility issues, and so on [2]. Indeed, the
success of technology-enhanced learning is
underscored by sound pedagogy and promotion of
the effective use of technology in teaching and
learning by scholars and practitioners [9]. Drawing
on current knowledge, experience, and evidence-
based practice from a range of perspectives, E-
Learning and E-Teaching focuses on Developing
skills, teaching, Academic development and assessing
online programmes.
Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching in Higher
Education brings together respected practitioners
from across the globe, representing diverse
disciplines and perspectives, to share experience,
knowledge, current thinking about good practice, and
enhancement of the learner experience [14]. The
spotlight on the effective integration of pedagogy and
technology, the use of technology in teaching
research methods at higher degree levels,
collaborative learning within multi professional
teams, and online communities of inquiry.
Keywords - E-Learning, E-Teaching,
Electronically, Pedagogy, Collaborative, Evidence
based, Alignment, Programmes, Socio cultural.
During the last several years, higher education has
shown its sustainability, adaptability and
transformable capability. Today there is increasingly
a need to negotiate the complexities of the
Information Age, which become more and more
demanding as we are influenced by technology and
the greater interconnectedness of nations and their
peoples [1]. Our new knowledge societies require
more flexibility in their educational structures to
adapt more readily to new styles of learning and
teaching, new intellectual and social needs, and new
levels of skills development. Such transformation is
often referred as “The Learning Revolution” and is
taking place in a new era of global digital
competition in higher education. Critical research to
date on the application of theory to E-learning
practice has been epistemic in focus at times, but
widespread and plentiful in addressing such issues as
what is E-learning and E-teaching and how does
online learning occur. Practical case studies abound
in the literatures of learning technologies and e-
learning in higher education [2]. In the broad field of
e-learning, research has demonstrated that problems
have emerged in higher education practice because in
many instances it is based on anecdotal evidence and
minimal theory, there is a questionable validity of
tests, a lack of control groups and objective learning
measures, and difficulty in comparison of results
across domains. Gao and Lehman [12] has given an
investigation on the effects of different levels of
interaction on the achievement and motivational
perceptions of college students in a web- based
learning in environment. Cybinski and Selvanathan
[11] have considered and discussed on learning
experience and learning effectiveness in under
graduate statistics: Modeling performance in
traditional and flexible learning environments.
Darbyshire and Sandy [17] have produced a case
study of „Building an online undergraduate model
from a graduate model.‟ Boson et. al.[10 ] have
discussed on the topic „Excellence in Virtual
Education: The tutor online approach.‟ Green
Hannon [8] has produced a good discussion on
education for a digital generation. Some of the
identified research gaps at the beginning of the new
millennium have been variations in tutor moderation,
online debating, student perceptions of the E-learning
environment, and development of online learning
communities, critical thinking and problem-solving
applications in synchronous and asynchronous
environments, peer tutoring and online mentoring,
student retention, conceptual referencing and online
collaboration [9].
The main purpose of this study is not to compare
online and traditional face-to-face instruction merely
to prove which one is better, but rather it aims to
highlight some of the possible risks and strengths
which may help to improve the role of teachers in
both methods [13]. The scene consisted of various
thematic blocks from a training programme, with
teachers who taught two different groups of students,
one of them face-to-face and the other online [3]. The
study was designed using a quantitative and
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) Volume 47 Number 3 May 2017
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 187
qualitative methodological combination, and focuses
on the dimensions of “theoretical content”, “practical
content”, “tutor/student interaction” and “design” of
the training activity.
E-Learning and E-Teaching focuses on :-
Developing, teaching, and assessing online
Academic development.
The use of technology for collaborative
learning. and
The potential of learning technology for
developing skills transferable to students‟
future professions.
E-learning and E-teaching can be defined “as the use
of ICT in education, which aims mainly the
independent use of technology by students.”
Unfortunately, a consensus definition of good E-
teaching is lacking among teachers in present
scenario, seemingly the result of the subjectivity and
context dependence of the term good „E-teaching.‟
Certainly E-learning and E-teaching in higher
education cover multiple possibilities, including the
interaction between the learner, teacher and a
growing range of technologies available today [6].
This technology should also been implemented in
Elementary as well as upper primary level schools in
new millennium.
Today, organizations worldwide are using a new
way to learning called as E-learning. It makes
learning. “any time, any where”, enabling a whole
new paradigm of “ just-in-time” learning. However,
with the exponential progress of technological
development comes a strong sense that events are
moving too quickly for our schools and that teachers
may be losing co0ntrol of them in the process [4]
,[5]. The aim and objectives of this study is to
innovate the E-learning and E-teaching among the
students and teachers belonging to upper primary as
well as higher education.
Despite opinions to the contrary [7],[16], current
decision makers - at both the student and academic
level draw conclusions and make assessments
based, in large part, on the use of information and
communication technology (ICT) that was not
available to previous generation [8]. As a result, they
will play an instrumental role in the way these
technologies are used going forward, both for the
business world as well as the education system. It is
already apparent that employers today are looking for
individuals that posses different skill sets than
predecessors, and that those skill sets are greatly
enhanced through the use of ICT [9]. Therefore, it is
up to current educators to be at the forefront of the
process of preparing students to enter the workforce
under the existing circumstances. Of course, parent as
well as the students themselves must be aware of the
current environment and be willing to accept the fact
that ICT is here to stay and it will be extremely
instrumental in the future of both business and
education [8 ]. The current level of development of
new technology in the field of learning and education
offers opportunities for collaborative engagement,
access to information, interaction with contents and
individual empowerment [9]. In present scenario
there is swift change in ICT permit teacher to
progress from traditional face-to-face classroom
activities to online classroom, or online activities in
the traditional classrooms that enable E-learning and
In 2004 the university had produced a strategy
for e-learning that required each school to debate and
explore how they could best use technology [14].
Each school was expected to develop, publish, and
maintain their own e-learning strategy, part of which
included the identification of high-impact e-learning
implementations in their own context. The School of
Health and Social Care was committed to providing
opportunities for both staff and students to develop
the necessary skills for continuing professional
development in an increasing technologically
enhanced workplace. The following needs were
A requirement to maximize the use of
available resources and promote efficient
use of resources (both human and physical)
within the school,
A need to develop alternative methods of
delivery to release some of the existing
burden upon limited school resources,
A need for staff development to build up
skills in the use of ICT and educational
technology for e-learning,
Relocation to a single site where room size
posed limitations to the size of teaching
groups, and
Delivering modules containing large
numbers of students.
The influence of ICT on E-learning and E-teaching
in the classroom is having a corresponding influence
on the working, occupational and business worlds as
they create and generate new occupations and
professions, and strengthen other ways of dealing
with continuing education [10] Indeed, concepts that
have long been accepted in the business world such
as adaptability, flexibility, cooperation, and
overcoming barriers are also concepts at the heart of
E-learning and E-teaching [15]. As a result of
technology, it is now possible to become active
participants in a teaching and learning community in
a virtual environment, and can subsequently improve
the course after each edition in a constant pursuit of
quality. This benefit both teacher and learner.
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) Volume 47 Number 3 May 2017
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 188
As a general conclusion, no important differences
were observed in the functions of the teacher in the
two teaching methods, face-to-face and online; any
differences that might exist were usually a
consequence of teacher involvement and of the
commitment of the institution in programming the
learning process .
Acknowledgment :
We are very grateful to Dr. S. K. Tiwari,
Dept. of mathematics, M.U. Bodh-Gaya for helping
us to improve the paper.
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This article examines the promising prospects and potential hurdles associated with the development of MentorAI, a conceptual AI-driven mentorship platform for professional growth yet to be actualized. The article explores the essential characteristics and technological underpinnings required for the successful creation and efficacy of the MentorAI platform in providing tailored mentorship experiences. The article highlights the transformative potential of MentorAI on various dimensions of professional growth, such as boosting career progression, nurturing skill development, and supporting a balanced work-life environment for professionals. MentorAI, through its AI-based approach, aspires to offer real-time guidance, resources, and assistance customized to each individual's specific needs and goals. Furthermore, the article examines the core technologies crucial to MentorAI's operation, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language comprehension. These technologies will empower the platform to process user inputs, deliver context-sensitive responses, and dynamically adjust to user preferences and objectives. The deployment of MentorAI presents potential challenges and ethical concerns, as with any groundbreaking technology. The article outlines critical issues like data protection, security, algorithmic bias, and moral quandaries concerning substituting human mentors with AI systems. Addressing these challenges proactively and deliberately is vital to ensure a positive impact on users.
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This article examines the promising prospects and potential hurdles associated with the development of MentorAI, a conceptual AI-driven mentorship platform for professional growth yet to be actualized. The article explores the essential characteristics and technological underpinnings required for the successful creation and efficacy of the MentorAI platform in providing tailored mentorship experiences. The article highlights the transformative potential of MentorAI on various dimensions of professional growth, such as boosting career progression, nurturing skill development, and supporting a balanced work-life environment for professionals. MentorAI, through its AI-based approach, aspires to offer real-time guidance, resources, and assistance customized to each individual's specific needs and goals. Furthermore, the article examines the core technologies crucial to MentorAI's operation, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language comprehension. These technologies will empower the platform to process user inputs, deliver context sensitive responses, and dynamically adjust to user preferences and objectives. The deployment of MentorAI presents potential challenges and ethical concerns, as with any groundbreaking technology. The article outlines critical issues like data protection, security, algorithmic bias, and moral quandaries concerning substituting human mentors with AI systems. Addressing these challenges proactively and deliberately is vital to ensure a positive impact on users.
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Teaching and learning with ICT requires specific competencies for teachers and lectures. Too much attention was given to the technological aspects. Teachers learned to work with hard- and software. A typical example is the European Computer Driving License (ECDL). A lot of people attend courses on text processing, spreadsheets,… but using a Virtual Learning Environment like e.g. Blackboard or Moodle demands more didactical than technical skills. Especially e-learning and blended learning is too demanding to let teachers learn to use these tools only by experimenting. More and more is generally accepted that the e-learning competencies for teachers require a longer course. Which competences and how these can be realized is the main focus of this paper? Besides the theoretical background, two examples will be showed.
This article examines e-learning in nurse education, specifically in learning disability nurse education, exploring its anticipated impact and discussing the importance of managing its implementation. Ways of utilising new technologies for the benefit of nursing students are analysed. The article also looks at how nurses' use of e-learning can help people with learning disabilities and cautions against relying on an overly technological approach in the humanistic fields of education and nursing.
As teachers become more informed about the affordances of information and communication technologies and take up the new tools in their classrooms, these same technologies are always already informing and reshaping their perceptions and actions in the world. In seizing hold of PowerPoint, a teacher is not only aided, enmeshed, and constrained by the designs of its software script, the teacher is also surrendered to the language, imagery, framing, at-handedness, sensuality, and mediation of its symbolism and materiality. We should not underestimate how new media and educational technologies affect the concrete, subjective, and pre-reflective dimensions of teachers' and students' lifeworlds.
Discourse about the scholarship of teaching and learning appears to represent some views about higher education more than others. For example, disciplinary perspectives have been acknowledged, and ideas from critical theory and phenomenography have been presented, with the role of reflection receiving considerable attention. While approaches to e-teaching have been examined as examples of scholarship, there has been limited exploration of whether e-learning discourse has potential to extend the concept of scholarship. In this paper we ask: Can ideas about e-learning add to current understandings about the nature of the scholarship of teaching and learning? If so, what additional perspectives might they add? We begin by reviewing some conceptual and contextual dimensions of the scholarship of teaching and learning, before exploring the role that understandings from e-teaching and e-learning might play in developing the concept of scholarship. We use an academic professional development programme from our institution as an illustration.
Some researchers and educators contend that distance education is the new, student-centered paradigm for future learning and one of the fastest growing areas in education. Despite its continued growth and popularity, distance education suffers from a number of problems. One of the most troubling is a much higher course “dropout” rate in online courses compared to traditional campus-based education. There are a number of factors that contribute to course noncompletion in Web-based distance education: feelings of isolation, frustrations with the technology, anxiety, and confusion. This article provides a discussion on certain tools used by the author to mitigate these negative factors, such as the use of electronic office hours. Explored in depth, however, is a tool that the author has had the most success using in reducing some of the chronic problems that seem to assail students taking online courses. This same tool promotes learner interaction and collaborative learning at a distance. This “magical” tool the author has created for his online classes is a fictitious virtual student who is “not an ordinary Joe.”
Learning objectives. html
  • D Matheson
Matheson,D.(2009) Learning objectives. html (accessed 15 May 2009)
Integrating Technology Into Teaching (5 th Edn)
  • Robyler
  • A Doering
Robyler. M And Doering A, (2010) Integrating Technology Into Teaching (5 th Edn). Sydney: Allyn & Bacon.
Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching Education
  • Donnelley
  • F Mcsweeney
Donnelley, R And Mcsweeney, F, (2009) Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching Education. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.