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Multi-Step Rearrangement Mechanism for Acetyl Cedrene to the Hydrocarbon Follower†



Conversion of acetyl cedrene (2) to its follower (3) using acetic anhydride and polyphosphoric acid involves a multi-step cationic molecular rearrangement, which is consistent with deuteriation and 1-13C labeling studies of acetyl cedrene. The key step involves cyclopropylcarbinyl cation-cyclopropylcarbinyl cation rearrangement.
10009-3130/17/5304-0000 ©2017 Springer Science+Business Media New York
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol. 53, No. 4, July, 2017
S. K. Paknikar,1* F. S. Kamounah,2 P. E. Hansen,2
and M. S. Wadia3
Conversion of acetyl cedrene (2) to its follower (3) using acetic anhydride and polyphosphoric acid involves
a multi-step cationic molecular rearrangement, which is consistent with deuteriation and 1-13C labeling
studies of acetyl cedrene. The key step involves cyclopropylcarbinyl cation-cyclopropylcarbinyl cation
-cedrene, deuterium exchange, acetylation, cyclopropylcarbinyl cation-cyclopropylcarbinyl cation
rearrangement (CCR).
Fragrance materials derived by the acetylation of the hydrocarbon fractions of cedarwood oils are commercially
available under different trade names. Acetyl cedrene (2) is one of the bulk fragrance materials [1, 2] with annual production
of over 2000 tons in the world. On a commercial scale, it is manufactured from the hydrocarbon fraction of cedarwood oil and
is of environmental concern because it is continuously released down the drain to aquatic systems [3, 4].
The acetylation of cedrene can lead to various products depending on the reaction conditions. Hansen and co-workers
[5] undertook a detailed study on the acetylation of cedarwood oil (Virginia) with (CH3CO)2O and polyphosphoric acid in
CH2Cl2, which leads, besides acetyl cedrene (2), also to a minor product, 1,7,7-trimethyl-2,3-(34-dimethylbenzo)-
bicyclo[3.2.1]-octane (3), called the follower. This product is unambiguously identified by 2D NMR (HMBC, COSY) and
13C-labelling studies. Acetylation of cedrene (1) with (CH3CO)2O using TiCl4 as the catalyst gave acetyl cedrene (2), a vinyl
ether, and a hydroxyketone having a tricyclo[]undecane skeleton [6].
1) Prof. S. C. Bhattacharyya Organic Synthesis Laboratory, VerGo Pharma Research, Verna, Goa 403722, India,; 2) Department of Science and Environment, Roskilde University, P.O. Box 260, DK-4000,
Roskilde, Denmark; 3) Department of Chemistry, University of Pune, 411007, Pune, India. Published in Khimiya
Prirodnykh Soedinenii, No. 4, July–August, 2017, pp. 562–565. Original article submitted December 26, 2015.
Follower 3, label was found at C-(16)
a. PPA, Ac2O, EDC; b. 1-13C labeled Ac2O
Scheme 1. Acetyl cedrene and its follower. In the follower the numbers in brackets are the ones from acetyl cedrene.
Dedicated to Prof. Sukh Dev on his 91st Birthday.
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In the present study we report on the mechanism of formation of the follower 3 based on numerous rearrangements
involving ring expansion and ring contraction and leading to the structure of the follower (3).
The acetylation of cedarwood oil or
-cedrene (1) with 1-13C labelled (CH3CO)2O led to the follower (3) (Scheme 1)
containing the 13C label at C-3. Deuterium labelling using TFAA and D2O resulted in incorporation of only one deuterium
atom shared equally between C-5 and C-6 (Scheme 1) of the follower. Acetyl cedrene-d4 and acetyl cedrene-d6 were also
isolated. Structural analysis of 3 (Scheme 1) shows that rings A, B, C of 2 are rearranged as B, A, C in follower 3. Formation
of 3 from 2 can only be explained by a multistep intramolecular rearrangement. Scheme 1 shows that sequentially: ring C of 2
has undergone initial ring enlargement and subsequent ring contraction; cleavage of the C6–C7 bond of 2 and formation of the
new C6–C2 bond; enlargement of ring A of 2 with concomitant loss of water.
We considered it useful to understand further the mechanistic features of this enigmatic transformation. The mechanism
for the formation of 3 from 2 when 1-13C labelled (CH3CO)2O was used is shown in Scheme 2.
One characteristic feature of the formation of the follower 3 is sluggish reaction rates. DFT calculation of B3LYP/6-31G*
type using the Gaussian version 09 (Gaussian) revealed that the first neutral intermediate III (Scheme 2) is higher in energy
than acetyl cedrene by ~20 kcal. A series of further cascade-like cationic rearrangements is involved with breaking and bond-
forming intermediates. The formation of the neutral intermediate III (Scheme 2) is supported by the observation that this
process is the reverse pathway for the biosynthesis of
-cedrene from farnesyl pyrophosphate, which has been established
previously [7]. Few other feasible mechanisms for the formation of follower 3 could be devised, and only the one presented in
Scheme 1 fits the observation of 13C enriched label at the C-3 position of follower 3. Hence the key rearrangement is
cyclopropylcarbinyl cation-cyclopropylcarbinyl cation rearrangement (CCR) and is well known [8, 9]. During the deuteriation
of commercial acetyl cedrene, the follower was also deuterated, and it was observed that aromatic protons are exchanged.
Interestingly, the product was only monodeuterated (follower-d1) and the isotope was shared equally between the C-5 and C-6
positions of the follower 3 [5]. Scheme 3 shows the mechanism for the conversion of 2 into the monodeuterated follower. This
equal distribution of one deuterium atom between C-5 and C-6 can be accounted for by the facile 1,2-hydride and 1,2-deuteride
shifts and equilibration. Scheme 3 shows the acid-catalyzed conversion of acetyl cedrene-d3 to acetyl cedrene-d4 and acetyl
The most characteristic feature of deuteration experiments was incorporation of a single deuterium atom distributed
equally between C-5 and C-6. It is possible to explain the equal distribution as being due to rapid 1,2-hydride and
1,2-deuteride shifts, as shown in Scheme 3.
Follower 3
i. 1,2-H shift; ii. –H+
Scheme 2. Mechanism for the formation of follower 3 with location of 13C enriched at 3.
i) The labeled 13C enriched carbon is C-3. ii) cyclopropylcarbinyl cation-cyclopropylcarbinyl cation
rearrangement (CCR).
Cedarwood oil (Virginia), D2O, polyphosphoric acid, and HPLC solvents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and
used as received. Acetic anhydride-1-13C (91.4%) was from Prochem (London). Column chromatography was carried out
using Merck Kieselgel 60 (0.015–0.040 mm). Mass spectra were obtained on an Agilent 7890A GC/5975 inert mass spectrometer.
PMR and 13C NMR spectra were recorded in CDCl3 with SiMe4 internal standard on a Varian Mercury 300 spectrometer.
Follower-d1. During the deuteration of commercial acetyl cedrene [5], the follower was also deuterated. The two
compounds were separated by flash chromatography on silica gel and with CH2Cl2 as eluent. The deuterated follower was
isolated (0.13 g), and from the PMR and 13C NMR spectra it was clear that the compound was a mixture of two isotopomers,
both monodeuterated.
Follower-13C. A mixture of polyphosphoric acid (1.2 g), acetic anhydride-1-13C (91.4%) (1.9 mL), CH2Cl2 (1.0 mL),
and cedarwood oil (Virginia, 1.0 mL) was stirred at 50°C under a nitrogen atmosphere for 4 days. After cooling, the mixture
was treated with ice water (10 mL) and extracted with CH2Cl2 (3 × 10 mL). The combined organic extracts were washed with
water (3 × 10 mL) and brine (10 mL) and dried over anhydrous Na2SO4. The solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure.
The recovered yellow oil residue (0.8 g) showed a mixture of acetyl cedrene (65%) and the follower (8%) by CC-MS, the rest
being isomers of acetyl cedrene.
Theoretical Calculations. The molecular geometries were optimized using the Gaussian 09 suite of programs
(Gaussian) of Density Functional Theory (DFT). A. Becke's functional [10] and C. Lee et al. [11] exchange correlation term
(B3LYP) and basis set 6-31G (d) were used [12].
A multistep mechanism consistent with our isotopic labeling studies (13C and 2H) for the conversion of acetyl cedrene
(2) to the follower (3) is presented. The key step consistent with these mechanistic studies is cyclopropylcarbinyl cation-
cyclopropylcarbinyl cation rearrangement (CCR). The present work adds value to terpene chemistry, a ubiquitous source of
exciting molecular rearrangements [13, 14].
shift 1,2-H
Follower 3 (D-6) Follower 3 (D-5)
Scheme 3. Mechanism for the formation of deuterated follower 3.
We express our deep gratitude to Prof. R. B. Bates and Prof. Mar Gomez Gallego for critical evaluation of the
proposed mechanisms and valuable suggestions, and Dr. Nitin Borkar, CEO, VerGo Pharma Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.,
Verna, Goa-403722, India for support.
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... The acetylation of cedrene 1 can lead to various products depending on the reaction conditions. Paknikar et al. [1] undertook a detailed study on the acetylation of cedar wood oil (Virginia) with acetic anhydride and polyphosphoric acid in dichloromethane which leads, besides acetyl cedrene 2, also to a minor product, 1,7,7-trimethyl-2,3-(3′4'-dimethylbenzo) bicyclo[3.2.1]-octane 3, called the follower. Structural analysis of 3 (Scheme 1) shows that rings A, B, C of 2 are rearranged as B, A, C in follower 3. ...
Acetylation of cedarwood oil (Virginia) leads besides acetyl cedrene also to a minor product, 1,7,7-trimethyl-2,3-(3′,4′-dimethylbenzo)bicyclo[3.2.1]octane (follower). This product is identified by 2D NMR. Acetylation of cedarwood oil with 13C-1 labeled acetic acid anhydride leads to a product labeled at the aromatic carbon C-3′. From the 13C-labeled compound 13C-13C coupling constants could be measured. Acetyl cedrene is conveniently deuteriated by an acid-catalysed exchange reaction using trifluoroacetic anhydride and D2O. The product is found to be deuteriated both at the acetyl group and at the methyl group at the double bond (carbon 6). The reaction condition during deuteriation of cedrol leads to the elimination of the hydroxyl group at C-6 with the formation of α-cedrene deuteriated at H-5 and the methyl group at C-6. Deuteriation of the follower leads to deuterium exchange at the aromatic carbons C-5′ and C-6′. Copyright
The gross mechanism of rearrangement of longifolene to isolongifolene has been elucidated by using site-specifically labelled longifolene-4, 4, 5, 5-d4 and shown to follow the pathway proposed by Berson et al., which involves an exo, exo Me shift, in preference to the endo, endo Me migration route proposed earlier. An efficient synthesis of longifolene-4, 4, 5, 5-d4, the key compound in the present investigation, is described.
The acetylation of α-cedrene with acetic anhydride in the presence of titanium tetrachloride affords two new products in addition to acetylcedrene. These materials have been characterised as a hydroxyketone having a tricyclo[,5]undecane skeleton and a vinyl ether derived from it.
Callus cultures from the seedling leaves of Larix leptolepis were able to synthesize p-cymene [1], sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, and some oxygenated sesquiterpenes. Deuterium atoms from RS-[6,6,6-2H3]-, RS-[5,5-2H2]-, and RS-[4,4-2H2]-mevalonate were extensively incorporated into p-cymene [1], α-cedrene [2], 6E-β-farnesene [3], and farnesol [4] by the calli. The isopentenyl origins of these lower terpenoids were confirmed by gc-ms analysis, and no preferential labeling of the isopentenyl-pyrophosphate-derived portions of the molecules was noted. The labeling patterns confirmed on the basis of these ms spectra indicate a 1,2-hydride shift in α-cedrene [2] formation and the loss of the expected hydrogen atom in 6E-β-farnesene [3] formation.
An analytical method was developed and used to measure trace levels of fragrance materials (FMs) in municipal wastewater and treated wastewater. Sixteen FMs were selected as analytes because of their wide range of physical chemical properties. The analytical method included the use of nine perdeuterated FMs as internal standards, a high-flow C18 speed disk for the extraction of FMs from aqueous matrices, and an accelerated solvent extraction system for the extraction of FMs from solid matrices. For aqueous matrices, average FM recoveries (relative to the perdeuterated FM internal standard) were 97−115%, with limits of quantitation ranging from 0.5 to 35 ng/L. For activated sludge solids and primary influent solids, the average FM recovery from the extraction procedure was 81%. Concentrations and removal of FMs at an activated sludge and a trickling filter wastewater treatment plant were determined in the U.S. FM influent concentrations ranged from 0.3 to 154 μg/L, while FM effluent concentrations ranged from 0.005 to 1.7 μg/L. FM removal, following secondary treatment, ranged from 80 to 99.9%, depending on the type of treatment and the fragrance material physical chemical properties and biodegradability. In general, the activated sludge plant had higher removals of FMs than the trickling filter plant. Although acceptable environmental risk assessments have been developed for several of these FMs, these and future environmental risk assessments can be refined and improved using this analytical method.
Current gradient-corrected density-functional approximations for the exchange energies of atomic and molecular systems fail to reproduce the correct 1/r asymptotic behavior of the exchange-energy density. Here we report a gradient-corrected exchange-energy functional with the proper asymptotic limit. Our functional, containing only one parameter, fits the exact Hartree-Fock exchange energies of a wide variety of atomic systems with remarkable accuracy, surpassing the performance of previous functionals containing two parameters or more.
A correlation-energy formula due to Colle and Salvetti [Theor. Chim. Acta 37, 329 (1975)], in which the correlation energy density is expressed in terms of the electron density and a Laplacian of the second-order Hartree-Fock density matrix, is restated as a formula involving the density and local kinetic-energy density. On insertion of gradient expansions for the local kinetic-energy density, density-functional formulas for the correlation energy and correlation potential are then obtained. Through numerical calculations on a number of atoms, positive ions, and molecules, of both open- and closed-shell type, it is demonstrated that these formulas, like the original Colle-Salvetti formulas, give correlation energies within a few percent.
Squalene synthase (SQase) catalyzes the condensation of two molecules of farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) to form presqualene diphosphate (PSPP) and the subsequent rearrangement and NADPH-dependent reduction of PSPP to squalene (SQ). These reactions are the first committed steps in cholesterol biosynthesis. When recombinant SQase was incubated with FPP in the presence of dihydroNADPH (NADPH3, an unreactive analogue lacking the 5,6-double bond in the nicotinamide ring), three products were formed: dehydrosqualene (DSQ), a C30 analogue of phytoene; 10(S)-hydroxysqualene (HSQ), a hydroxy analogue of squalene; and rillingol (ROH), a cyclopropylcarbinyl alcohol formed by addition of water to the tertiary cyclopropylcarbinyl cation previously proposed as an intermediate in the rearrangement of PSPP to SQ (Poulter, C. D. Acc. Chem. Res. 1990, 23, 70-77). The structure and absolute stereochemistry of the tertiary cyclopropylcarbinyl alcohol were established by synthesis using two independent routes. Isolation of ROH from the enzyme-catalyzed reaction provides strong evidence for a cyclopropylcarbinyl-cyclopropylcarbinyl rearrangement in the biosynthesis of squalene. By comparing the SQase-catalyzed solvolysis of PSPP in the absence of NADPH3 to the reaction in the presence of NADPH3, it is apparent that the binding of the cofactor analogue substantially enhances the ability of SQase to control the regio- and stereochemistry of the rearrangements of PSPP.
The concentrations and removals of 16 fragrance materials (FMs) were measured in 17 U.S. and European wastewater treatment plants between 1997 and 2000 and were compared to predicted values. The average FM profile and concentrations in U.S. and European influent were similar. The average FM profile in primary effluent was similar to the average influent profile; however, the concentration of FMs was reduced by 14.6-50.6% in primary effluent. The average FM profile in final effluent was significantly different from the primary effluent profile and was a function of the design of the wastewater treatment plant. In general, the removal of sorptive, nonbiodegradable FMs was correlated with the removal of total suspended solids in the plant, while the removal of nonsorptive, biodegradable FMs was correlated with 5-day Biological Oxidation Demand removal in the plant. The overall plant removal (primary + secondary treatment) of FMs ranged from 87.8 to 99.9% for activated sludge plants, 58.6-99.8% for carousel plants, 88.9-99.9% for oxidation ditch plants, 71.3-98.6% for trickling filter plants, 80.8-99.9% for a rotating biological contactor plant, and 96.7-99.9% for lagoons. The average concentration of FMs in final effluent ranged from the limit of quantitation (1-3 ng/L) to 8 microg/L. Measured FM removal and concentrations were compared to predicted values, which were based on industry volume, per capita water use, octanol-water partition coefficient, and biodegradability.
A possible removal mechanism for fragrance materials (FMs) in wastewater is adsorption to sludge, and sludge application to land may be a route through which FMs are released to the soil environment. However, little is known about the concentrations and fate of FMs in soil receiving sludge application. This study was conducted to better understand the dissipation of FMs in sludge-amended soils. We first determined the spiking and extraction efficiencies for 22 FMs in soil and leachate samples. Nine FMs were detected in digested sludges from two wastewater treatment plants in Delaware using these methods. We conducted a 1-year die-away experiment which involved four different soils amended with sludge, with and without spiking of the 22 FMs. The initial dissipation of FMs in all spiked trays was rapid, and only seven FMs remained at concentrations above the quantification limits after 3 months: AHTN, HHCB, musk ketone, musk xylene, acetyl cedrene, OTNE, and DPMI. After 1 year, the only FMs remaining in all spiked trays were musk ketone and AHTN. DPMI was the only FM that leached significantly from the spiked trays, and no FMs were detected in leachate from any unspiked tray. While soil organic matter content affected the dissipation rate in general, different mechanisms (volatilization, transformation, leaching) appeared to be important for different FMs.