
Strategic and finance management – Determining factors for the success of the companies in the business world

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Business leaders are under pressure from stakeholders to comply with their demands while maintaining the organization’s competitiveness in increasingly complex markets. So, leaders are striving to continuously formulate strategies with management elements that will help them deliver more value to their customers and stakeholders. Strategic thinking is important to guide for examining all markets which are relevant to the core business of interest. Also, it is necessary for analyse the relevant forces creating new markets as identifying business strategy requirements. Therefor, are used management elements, management models as guides for managerial activity in the business world for increasing a firm’s competitive advantages. Companies confirm that integrated management model will result in dramatic benefits. In this way, strategy thinking enable company to determines its objectives, purposes, or goals, produces the principal policies and plans for achieving those goals, as defines the range of business the company is pursue and positively affects business performance. This is previous aim for companies in making good decisions in accessing finance. © 2017, SRAC - Societatea Romana Pentru Asigurarea Calitatii. All rights reserved.

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... It should be noted that in practice the CobbDouglas function is more often used since it is the simplest of twofac tor models [15,16]. If the function (2) is determined on reli able statistical information, then being extrapolated, it can also be used for prediction of, for example, the output depend ing on the consumption of planned resources at relatively short intervals of time or for planning the need in resources for a given volume of the output. ...
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Purpose: Research on the influence of factors of production on the efficiency of the information company. methodology. In the course of the research the following methods were applied: theoretical generalization (to cover the theoretical and methodological foundations of production functions), induction, deduction (to study corporations' activity), the systemic approach (to construct an algorithm for determining the optimal values of the average cost of a unit of fixed assets, current assets and average salary), graphic method (for the purpose of visual representation), mathematical modelling (to make a model of optimization of corporation's expenditures management). findings. Resulting from the application of the mathematical apparatus it was found out that to ensure maximum profit it is optimal for the information company to hold fixed assets worth 1125.83 hundred dollars with the payment for the personnel in the amount of 130.96 hundred dollars on average per a single specialist with indexation taken into account. Originality. There has been suggested an algorithm for determining the optimal values of the average cost of a unit of fixed assets, current assets and average salary. There has been made a model of optimization of a corporation's expenditures management using the CobbDouglas production function and the theory of Lagrange multipliers. The analysis of the obtained dependence allows reaching the optimal value of these parameters under which the income function reaches the maximum. practical value. The presented methods for solving the problem can be used to increase the competitiveness of the company by determining the reserves for further improvement of the business. © Sazonets O., Los Z., Perevozova I., Samoilov P., Zhadanova Yu., 2020
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