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J Sci Comput (2018) 74:1480–1503
A Third Order Hierarchical Basis WENO Interpolation
for Sparse Grids with Application to Conservation Laws
with Uncertain Data
Oliver Kolb1
Received: 25 May 2016 / Revised: 8 June 2017 / Accepted: 12 July 2017 / Published online: 19 July 2017
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017
Abstract In this paper, we introduce a third order hierarchical basis WENO interpolation,
which possesses similar accuracy and stability properties as usual WENO interpolations. The
main motivation for the hierarchical approach is the direct applicability on sparse grids. This
is for instance of large practical interest in the numerical solution of conservation laws with
uncertain data, where discontinuities in the physical domain often carry over to the (potentially
high-dimensional) stochastic domain. For this, we apply the introduced hierarchical basis
WENO interpolation within a non-intrusive collocation method and present first results on
2- and 3-dimensional sparse grids.
Keywords Weighted essentially nonoscillatory interpolation ·Sparse grid ·Uncertainty
1 Introduction
In recent years, there has been a rapid development of methods for uncertainty quantification
in the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) with uncertain data. Here, one is typi-
cally interested in the so-called response surface as well as statistics of the solution. Common
approaches are stochastic Galerkin methods/polynomial chaos [9,10,25–27], stochastic col-
location [5,6], Monte Carlo [17,18,22] and sparse grid quadrature [19]. Except for Monte
Carlo methods, which can only be applied for the computation of statistics, all other methods
at least implicitly require certain smoothness assumptions with respect to the considered
random variables. Now, it is well known that in the context of hyperbolic PDEs the solution
of single deterministic problems may contain discontinuities after finite time even for arbi-
trary smooth data, and discontinuities in the physical domain often directly carry over to the
BOliver Kolb
1University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
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