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A Third Order Hierarchical Basis WENO Interpolation for Sparse Grids with Application to Conservation Laws with Uncertain Data

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Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we introduce a third order hierarchical basis WENO interpolation, which possesses similar accuracy and stability properties as usual WENO interpolations. The main motivation for the hierarchical approach is the direct applicability on sparse grids. This is for instance of large practical interest in the numerical solution of conservation laws with uncertain data, where discontinuities in the physical domain often carry over to the (potentially high-dimensional) stochastic domain. For this, we apply the introduced hierarchical basis WENO interpolation within a non-intrusive collocation method and present first results on 2- and 3-dimensional sparse grids.
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J Sci Comput (2018) 74:1480–1503
A Third Order Hierarchical Basis WENO Interpolation
for Sparse Grids with Application to Conservation Laws
with Uncertain Data
Oliver Kolb1
Received: 25 May 2016 / Revised: 8 June 2017 / Accepted: 12 July 2017 / Published online: 19 July 2017
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017
Abstract In this paper, we introduce a third order hierarchical basis WENO interpolation,
which possesses similar accuracy and stability properties as usual WENO interpolations. The
main motivation for the hierarchical approach is the direct applicability on sparse grids. This
is for instance of large practical interest in the numerical solution of conservation laws with
uncertain data, where discontinuities in the physical domain often carry over to the (potentially
high-dimensional) stochastic domain. For this, we apply the introduced hierarchical basis
WENO interpolation within a non-intrusive collocation method and present first results on
2- and 3-dimensional sparse grids.
Keywords Weighted essentially nonoscillatory interpolation ·Sparse grid ·Uncertainty
1 Introduction
In recent years, there has been a rapid development of methods for uncertainty quantification
in the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) with uncertain data. Here, one is typi-
cally interested in the so-called response surface as well as statistics of the solution. Common
approaches are stochastic Galerkin methods/polynomial chaos [9,10,2527], stochastic col-
location [5,6], Monte Carlo [17,18,22] and sparse grid quadrature [19]. Except for Monte
Carlo methods, which can only be applied for the computation of statistics, all other methods
at least implicitly require certain smoothness assumptions with respect to the considered
random variables. Now, it is well known that in the context of hyperbolic PDEs the solution
of single deterministic problems may contain discontinuities after finite time even for arbi-
trary smooth data, and discontinuities in the physical domain often directly carry over to the
BOliver Kolb
1University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Multiresolution analysis has been successfully used to develop sparse-grid discontinuous Galerkin methods in [10,11,26]. To develop sparse-grid MRWENO methods along this way, we will use the WENO reconstruction procedure based on the hierarchical basis in [14] and incorporate high-order MRWENO approximations in it. Due to the hierarchical structure of the reconstruction procedure in [14], it can be naturally applied to sparse grids, and a tensor product approach can be used for multidimensional problems. ...
... To develop sparse-grid MRWENO methods along this way, we will use the WENO reconstruction procedure based on the hierarchical basis in [14] and incorporate high-order MRWENO approximations in it. Due to the hierarchical structure of the reconstruction procedure in [14], it can be naturally applied to sparse grids, and a tensor product approach can be used for multidimensional problems. Furthermore, this kind of hierarchical basis WENO methods on sparse grids will be promising to be combined with adaptive approaches, since the hierarchical basis or the hierarchical structure in the schemes provide a convenient way to design error indicators in adaptive methods, as in [1,11]. ...
High-order accurate weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes are a class of broadly applied numerical methods for solving hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs). Due to highly nonlinear property of the WENO algorithm, large amount of computational costs are required for solving multidimensional problems. In our previous work (Lu et al. in Pure Appl Math Q 14: 57–86, 2018; Zhu and Zhang in J Sci Comput 87: 44, 2021), sparse-grid techniques were applied to the classical finite difference WENO schemes in solving multidimensional hyperbolic equations, and it was shown that significant CPU times were saved, while both accuracy and stability of the classical WENO schemes were maintained for computations on sparse grids. In this technical note, we apply the approach to recently developed finite difference multi-resolution WENO scheme specifically the fifth-order scheme, which has very interesting properties such as its simplicity in linear weights’ construction over a classical WENO scheme. Numerical experiments on solving high dimensional hyperbolic equations including Vlasov based kinetic problems are performed to demonstrate that the sparse-grid computations achieve large savings of CPU times, and at the same time preserve comparable accuracy and resolution with those on corresponding regular single grids.
... Recently, an intrusive polynomial moment method which is competitive with non-intrusive collocation methods has been proposed in [21]. In the presence of discontinuities in the random space, promising semi-intrusive approaches are provided by the stochastic finite volume method [1] and a novel hierarchical basis weighted essentially non-oscillatory interpolation method [19]. ...
... where we have used the identity ψ(U h K ) = k=0,...,K (ψ(U h k ) − ψ(U h k−1 )) and the inequalities (18) and (19). There are two different ways to balance the errors on the right-hand side: ...
In this paper, we are concerned with the quantification of uncertainties that arise from intra-day oscillations in the demand for natural gas transported through large-scale networks. The short-term transient dynamics of the gas flow is modelled by a hierarchy of hyperbolic systems of balance laws based on the isentropic Euler equations. We extend a novel adaptive strategy for solving elliptic PDEs with random data, recently proposed and analysed by Lang, Scheichl, and Silvester [J. Comput. Phys., 419:109692, 2020], to uncertain gas transport problems. Sample-dependent adaptive meshes and a model refinement in the physical space is combined with adaptive anisotropic sparse Smolyak grids in the stochastic space. A single-level approach which balances the discretization errors of the physical and stochastic approximations and a multilevel approach which additionally minimizes the computational costs are considered. Two examples taken from a public gas library demonstrate the reliability of the error control of expectations calculated from random quantities of interest, and the further use of stochastic interpolants to, e.g., approximate probability density functions of minimum and maximum pressure values at the exits of the network.
... There are several recent publications on the parameter choice within WENO schemes (cf. [1,11,13,[20][21][22]28]) or adapted approaches (cf. [8,14,18]) to avoid order reduction or delayed convergence in the classical WENO schemes. ...
High order numerical methods for networks of hyperbolic conservation laws have recently gained increasing popularity. Here, the crucial part is to treat the boundaries of the single (one-dimensional) computational domains in such a way that the desired convergence rate is achieved in the smooth case but also stability criterions are fulfilled, in particular in the presence of discontinuities. Most of the recently proposed methods rely on a WENO extrapolation technique introduced by Tan and Shu in [\emph{J.\ Comput.\ Phys.} 229, pp.\ 8144--8166 (2010)]. Within this work, we refine and in a sense generalize these results for the case of a third order scheme. Numerical evidence for the analytically found parameter bounds is given as well as results for a complete third order scheme based on the proposed boundary treatment.
... Thus, to achieve an adequate description of reality, one needs to include non-deterministic effects in the approximation of deterministic systems. In the recent years many approaches, e.g., methods based on Bayesian inversion, Monte Carlo algorithms or stochastic Galerkin schemes, were proposed to quantify the uncertainties in order to account for them in predictions and simulations [1,2,18,25,26,52,58,68]. In the context of these Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) methods, we distinguish between so-called non-intrusive and intrusive approaches. ...
In this article we study intrusive uncertainty quantification schemes for systems of conservation laws with uncertainty. While intrusive methods inherit certain advantages such as adaptivity and an improved accuracy, they suffer from two key issues. First, intrusive methods tend to show oscillations, especially at shock structures and second, standard intrusive methods can lose hyperbolicity. The aim of this work is to tackle these challenges with the help of two different strategies. First, we combine filters with the multi-element approach for the hyperbolicity–preserving stochastic Galerkin (hSG) scheme. While the limiter used in the hSG scheme ensures hyperbolicity, the filter as well as the multi-element ansatz mitigate oscillations. Second, we derive a multi-element approach for the intrusive polynomial moment (IPM) method. Even though the IPM method is inherently hyperbolic, it suffers from oscillations while requiring the solution of an optimization problem in every spatial cell and every time step. The proposed multi-element IPM method leads to a decoupling of the optimization problem in every multi-element. Thus, we are able to significantly decrease computational costs while improving parallelizability. Both proposed strategies are extended to adaptivity, allowing to adapt the number of basis functions in each multi-element to the smoothness of the solution. We finally evaluate and compare both approaches on various numerical examples such as a NACA airfoil and a nozzle test case for the two-dimensional Euler equations. In our numerical experiments, we observe the mitigation of spurious artifacts. Furthermore, using the multi-element ansatz for IPM significantly reduces computational costs.
... Thus, to achieve an adequate description of reality, one needs to include non-deterministic effects in the approximation of deterministic systems. In the recent years many approaches, e.g., methods based on Bayesian inversion, Monte Carlo algorithms or stochastic Galerkin schemes, were proposed to quantify the uncertainties in order to account for them in predictions and simulations [1,2,15,22,23,49,55,64]. In the context of these Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) methods, we distinguish between so-called non-intrusive and intrusive approaches. ...
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In this article we study intrusive uncertainty quantification schemes for systems of conservation laws with uncertainty. Standard intrusive methods lead to oscillatory solutions which sometimes even cause the loss of hyperbolicity. We consider the stochastic Galerkin scheme, in which we filter the coefficients of the polynomial expansion in order to reduce oscillations. We further apply the multi-element approach and ensure the preservation of hyperbolic solutions through the hyperbolicity limiter. In addition to that, we study the intrusive polynomial moment method, which guarantees hyperbolicity at the cost of solving an optimization problem in every spatial cell and every time step. To reduce numerical costs, we apply the multi-element ansatz to IPM. This ansatz decouples the optimization problems of all multi elements. Thus, we are able to significantly decrease computational costs while improving parallelizability. We finally evaluate these oscillation mitigating approaches on various numerical examples such as a NACA airfoil and a nozzle test case for the two-dimensional Euler equations. In our numerical experiments, we observe the mitigation of spurious artifacts. Furthermore, using the multi-element ansatz for IPM significantly reduces computational costs.
... Discretizing the conservation law within the stochastic domain, we consider Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) methods [3,22,37,39,40,45,50] that aim to model the propagation of the uncertainty into the solution of uncertain equations. We distinguish between the so-called non-intrusive and intrusive schemes. ...
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We study an identification problem which estimates the parameters of the underlying random distribution for uncertain scalar conservation laws. The hyperbolic equations are discretized with the so-called discontinuous stochastic Galerkin method, i.e., using a spatial discontinuous Galerkin scheme and a Multielement stochastic Galerkin ansatz in the random space. We assume an uncertain flux or uncertain initial conditions and that a data set of an observed solution is given. The uncertainty is assumed to be uniformly distributed on an unknown interval and we focus on identifying the correct endpoints of this interval. The first-order optimality conditions from the discontinuous stochastic Galerkin discretization are computed on the time-continuous level. Then, we solve the resulting semi-discrete forward and backward schemes with the Runge Kutta method. To illustrate the feasibility of the approach, we apply the method to a stochastic advection and a stochastic equation of Burgers' type. The results show that the method is able to identify the distribution parameters of the random variable in the uncertain differential equation even if discontinuities are present.
... In addition to that, for multi-dimensional stochastic or spatial variables, we have to extend the WENO reconstruction to more than two dimensions. However, ENO or WENO techniques are mainly used for low dimensions and we require the implementation of sparse grids as for example in [23]. ...
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In this paper we extensively study the stochastic Galerkin scheme for uncertain systems of conservation laws, which appears to produce oscillations already for a simple example of the linear advection equation with Riemann initial data. Therefore, we introduce a modified scheme that we call the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) stochastic Galerkin scheme, which is constructed to prevent the propagation of Gibbs phenomenon into the stochastic domain by applying a slope limiter in the stochasticity. In order to achieve a high order method, we use a spatial WENO reconstruction and also compare the results to a scheme that uses WENO reconstruction in both the physical and the stochastic domain. We evaluate these methods by presenting various numerical test cases where we observe the reduction of the total variation compared to classical stochastic Galerkin.
In this paper, we are concerned with the quantification of uncertainties that arise from intra-day oscillations in the demand for natural gas transported through large-scale networks. The short-term transient dynamics of the gas flow is modelled by a hierarchy of hyperbolic systems of balance laws based on the isentropic Euler equations. We extend a novel adaptive strategy for solving elliptic PDEs with random data, recently proposed and analysed by Lang, Scheichl, and Silvester [J. Comput. Phys., 419:109692, 2020], to uncertain gas transport problems. Sample-dependent adaptive meshes and a model refinement in the physical space is combined with adaptive anisotropic sparse Smolyak grids in the stochastic space. A single-level approach which balances the discretization errors of the physical and stochastic approximations and a multilevel approach which additionally minimizes the computational costs are considered. Two examples taken from a public gas library demonstrate the reliability of the error control of expectations calculated from random quantities of interest, and the further use of stochastic interpolants to, e.g., approximate probability density functions of minimum and maximum pressure values at the exits of the network.
In this paper we extensively study the stochastic Galerkin scheme for uncertain systems of conservation laws, which appears to produce oscillations already for a simple example of the linear advection equation with Riemann initial data. Therefore, we introduce a modified scheme that we call the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) stochastic Galerkin scheme, which is constructed to prevent the propagation of Gibbs phenomenon into the stochastic domain by applying a slope limiter in the stochasticity. In order to achieve a high order method, we use a spatial WENO reconstruction and also compare the results to a scheme that uses WENO reconstruction in both the physical and the stochastic domain. We evaluate these methods by presenting various numerical test cases where we observe the reduction of the total variation compared to classical stochastic Galerkin.
Intrusive Uncertainty Quantification methods such as stochastic Galerkin are gaining popularity, whereas the classical stochastic Galerkin approach is not ensured to preserve hyperbolicity of the underlying hyperbolic system. We apply a modification of this method that uses a slope limiter to retain admissible solutions of the system, while providing high-order approximations in the physical and stochastic space. This is done using a spatial discontinuous Galerkin scheme and a Multi-Element stochastic Galerkin ansatz in the random space. We analyze the convergence of the resulting scheme and apply it to the compressible Euler equations with various uncertain initial states in one and two spatial domains with up to three uncertainties. The performance in multiple stochastic dimensions is compared to the non-intrusive Stochastic Collocation method. The numerical results underline the strength of our method, especially if discontinuities are present in the uncertainty of the solution.
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Third order WENO and CWENO reconstruction are widespread high order reconstruction techniques for numerical schemes for hyperbolic conservation and balance laws. In their definition, there appears a small positive parameter, usually called ϵ\epsilon, that was originally introduced in order to avoid a division by zero on constant states, but whose value was later shown to affect the convergence properties of the schemes. Recently, two detailed studies of the role of this parameter, in the case of uniform meshes, were published. In this paper we extend their results to the case of finite volume schemes on non-uniform meshes, which is very important for h-adaptive schemes, showing the benefits of choosing ϵ\epsilon as a function of the local mesh size hjh_j. In particular we show that choosing ϵ=hj2\epsilon=h_j^2 or ϵ=hj\epsilon=h_j is beneficial for the error and convergence order, studying on several non-uniform grids the effect of this choice on the reconstruction error, on fully discrete schemes for the linear transport equation, on the stability of the numerical schemes. Finally we compare the different choices for ϵ\epsilon in the case of a well-balanced scheme for the Saint-Venant system for shallow water flows and in the case of an h-adaptive scheme for nonlinear systems of conservation laws and show numerical tests for a two-dimensional generalisation of the CWENO reconstruction on locally adapted meshes.
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We develop a multi-element generalized polynomial chaos (ME-gPC) method for arbitrary probability measures and apply it to solve ordinary and partial differential equations with stochastic inputs. Given a stochastic input with an arbitrary probability measure, its random space is decomposed into smaller elements. Subsequently, in each element a new random variable with respect to a conditional probability density function (PDF) is defined, and a set of orthogonal polynomials in terms of this random variable is constructed numerically. Then, the generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) method is implemented element-by-element. Numerical experiments show that the cost for the construction of orthogonal polynomials is negligible compared to the total time cost. Efficiency and convergence of ME-gPC are studied numerically by considering some commonly used random variables. ME-gPC provides an efficient and flexible approach to solving differential equations with random inputs, especially for problems related to long-term integration, large perturbation, and stochastic discontinuities.
Recently, we showed in (O. Kolb, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 52 (2014), pp. 2335–2355) for which parameter range the compact third order WENO reconstruction procedure introduced in (D. Levy, G. Puppo, and G. Russo, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 22 (2000), pp. 656–672) reaches the optimal order of accuracy (h 3 in the smooth case and h 2 near discontinuities). This is the case for the parameter choice ɛ = Kh q in the weight design with q ≤ 3 and pq ≥ 2, where p ≥ 1 is the exponent used in the computation of the weights in the WENO scheme. While these theoretical results for the convergence rates of the WENO reconstruction procedure could also be validated in the numerical tests, the application within the semi-discrete central scheme of (A. Kurganov, and D. Levy, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 22 (2000), pp. 1461–1488) together with a third order TVD-Runge-Kutta scheme for the time integration did not yield a third order accurate scheme in total for q > 2. The aim of this follow-up paper is to explain this observation with further analytical and numerical results.
We analyze and apply the high order Stochastic Finite Volume (SFV) and mixed Stochastic Discontinuous Galerkin/Finite Volume (SDG/FV) methods used to quantify the uncertainty in hyperbolic conservation laws with random initial data and flux coefficients. We describe incomplete information in the conservation law mathematically as random fields. The SFVM is formulated to solve numerically the system of conservation laws with sources of randomness in both flux coefficients and initial data. We formulate the Stochastic Discontinuous Galerkin method which we primarily use to solve the multidimensional stochastic conservation laws on unstructured grids. Finally, we compare the efficiency of the SFV and SDG methods with of Monte-Carlo type methods. Finally, we introduce an adaptation technique based on the Karhunen-Loève expansion of the random flux and/or initial data and apply it in order to reduce the computational cost of the SFVM.
Two layer Savage-Hutter type shallow water PDEs model flows such as tsunamis generated by rockslides. On account of heterogeneities in the composition of the granular matter, these models contain uncertain parameters like the ratio of densities of layers, Coulomb and interlayer friction. These parameters are modeled statistically and quantifying the resulting solution uncertainty (UQ) is a crucial task in geophysics. We propose a novel paradigm for UQ that combines the recently developed IFCP spatial discretizations with the recently developed Multi-level Monte Carlo (MLMC) statistical sampling method and provides a fast, accurate and computationally efficient framework to compute statistical quantities of interest. Numerical experiments, including realistic simulations of the Lituya Bay mega tsunami, are presented to illustrate the robustness of the proposed UQ algorithm.
The propagation of statistical model parameter uncertainty in the numerical approximation of nonlinear conservation laws is considered. Of particular interest are nonlinear conservation laws containing uncertain parameters resulting in stochastic solutions with discontinuities in both physical and random variable dimensions. Using a finite number of deterministic numerical realizations, our objective is the accurate estimation of output uncertainty statistics (e.g. expectation and variance) for quantities of interest such as functionals, graphs, and fields. Given the error in numerical realizations, error bounds for output statistics are derived that may be numerically estimated and included in the calculation of output statistics. Unfortunately, the calculation of output statistics using classical techniques such as polynomial chaos, stochastic collocation, and sparse grid quadrature can be severely compromised by the presence of discontinuities in random variable dimensions. An alternative technique utilizing localized piecewise approximation combined with localized subscale recovery is shown to significantly improve the quality of calculated statistics when discontinuities are present. The success of this localized technique motivates the development of the HYbrid Global and Adaptive Polynomial (HYGAP) method described in Sect. 4.4. HYGAP employs a high accuracy global approximation when the solution data varies smoothly in a random variable dimension and local adaptive polynomial approximation with local postprocessing when the solution is non-smooth. To illustrate strengths and weaknesses of classical and newly proposed uncertainty propagation methods, a number of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model problems containing various sources of parameter uncertainty are calculated including 1-D Burgers’ equation, subsonic and transonic flow over 2-D single-element and multi-element airfoils, transonic Navier-Stokes flow over a 3-D ONERA M6 wing, and supersonic Navier-Stokes flow over a greatly simplified Saturn-V rocket.
Recently, Arandiga et al. showed in [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 49 (2011), pp. 893-915] for a class of weighted ENO (WENO) schemes that the parameter e occurring in the smoothness indicators of the scheme should be chosen proportional to the square of the mesh size, h(2), to achieve the optimal order of accuracy. Unfortunately, these results cannot be applied to the compact third order WENO reconstruction procedure introduced in [D. Levy, G. Puppo, and G. Russo, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 22 (2000), pp. 656-672], which we apply within the semidiscrete central scheme of [A. Kurganov and D. Levy, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 22 (2000), pp. 1461-1488], a commonly used scheme for the numerical solution of conservation laws and convection-diffusion equations. The aim of this paper is to close this gap. In particular, we will show that we achieve the optimal order of accuracy in the WENO reconstruction (h(3) in the smooth case and h(2) near discontinuities) for epsilon = Kh(q) with q <= 3 and pq >= 2, where p >= 1 is the exponent used in the computation of the weights in the WENO scheme. Numerical examples showing the predicted order of convergence of the analyzed WENO reconstruction procedure are given as well as results for the presented semidiscrete scheme combined with a third order TVD-Runge-Kutta scheme from [S. Gottlieb and C.-W. Shu, Math. Comp., 67 (1998), pp. 73-85] for the time integration.
The essentially non-oscillatory stencil selection and subcell resolution robustness concepts from finite volume methods for computational fluid dynamics are extended to uncertainty quantification for the reliable approximation of discontinuities in stochastic computational problems. These two robustness principles are introduced into the simplex stochastic collocation uncertainty quantification method, which discretizes the probability space using a simplex tessellation of sampling points and piecewise higher-degree polynomial interpolation. The essentially non-oscillatory stencil selection obtains a sharper refinement of discontinuities by choosing the interpolation stencil with the highest polynomial degree from a set of candidate stencils for constructing the local response surface approximation. The subcell resolution approach achieves a genuinely discontinuous representation of random spatial discontinuities in the interior of the simplexes by resolving the discontinuity location in the probability space explicitly and by extending the stochastic response surface approximations up to the predicted discontinuity location. The advantages of the presented approaches are illustrated by the results for a step function, the linear advection equation, a shock tube Riemann problem, and the transonic flow over the RAE 2822 airfoil.
This paper deals with the formulation of a semi-intrusive (SI) method allowing the computation of statistics of linear and non linear PDEs solutions. This method shows to be very efficient to deal with probability density function of whatsoever form, long-term integration and discontinuities in stochastic space.Given a stochastic PDE where randomness is defined on Ω, starting from (i) a description of the solution in term of a space variables, (ii) a numerical scheme defined for any event ω∈Ωω∈Ω and (iii) a (family) of random variables that may be correlated, the solution is numerically described by its conditional expectancies of point values or cell averages and its evaluation constructed from the deterministic scheme. One of the tools is a tessellation of the random space as in finite volume methods for the space variables. Then, using these conditional expectancies and the geometrical description of the tessellation, a piecewise polynomial approximation in the random variables is computed using a reconstruction method that is standard for high order finite volume space, except that the measure is no longer the standard Lebesgue measure but the probability measure. This reconstruction is then used to formulate a scheme on the numerical approximation of the solution from the deterministic scheme. This new approach is said semi-intrusive because it requires only a limited amount of modification in a deterministic solver to quantify uncertainty on the state when the solver includes uncertain variables.The effectiveness of this method is illustrated for a modified version of Kraichnan–Orszag three-mode problem where a discontinuous pdf is associated to the stochastic variable, and for a nozzle flow with shocks. The results have been analyzed in terms of accuracy and probability measure flexibility. Finally, the importance of the probabilistic reconstruction in the stochastic space is shown up on an example where the exact solution is computable, the viscous Burgers equation.