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RESEARCH ARTICLE Advanced Science Letters
Advanced Science Letters Vol. 23. (5) May 2017
A Literature Review of Spiritual
Psychotherapy Using Quran Recitation in
the Treatment of Drug Addiction
Zohdi Amin MZM1, Abdulloh Salaeh1, Mahsor Yahya1, Zamrie Ibrahim@Musa1, Adnan Mohamed Yusoff1,
Norhasnira Ibrahim1, Syed Najihuddin Syed Hassan1, Robiatul Adawiyah Mohd1, Tazul Islam1, Siti Abas1,
Mohd Syakir Arifin1
1Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, N. Sembilan 71800, Malaysia
The drug addiction issue in this country continues to persist. It does not show any sign of ceasing thus it has been declared as
the number one enemy. Drug addiction is considered to be one of the national security threats and the efforts and measures to
curb this problem often require high costs. The efforts, however, seems to be counterproductive. The high addiction relapse
rates and rising number of addiction cases show that the existing treatments are not really effective. On the other hand,
spiritual therapy is observed to be more effective in the prevention and treatment of drug addiction. It is also capable of
resolving the high relapse rate. The combination of the various methods of spiritual psychotherapy is expected to produce the
best drug addiction therapy model. Due to the expected successful outcome in spiritual therapy, there are efforts to integrate
the spiritual therapy concept and religious belief. Quran recitation has been identified as a cure of physical or mental
illnesses, including drug addiction issue. Studies show that the soul which is calm, promotes the development of a better
person in one self. The root cause of the drug addiction is the lack of sufficient spiritual strength. Thus, the treatment process
will be effective if it involves spiritual healing by counselling and therapy. The qualitative research based on textual analysis
of the library data shows that there is a number of research which has been made on general spiritual psychotherapy for drug
addiction, by understanding its meaning, internalization of hadith, zikir, du’a (prayers) and holistically applying Islamic
teachings in one’s acts. It is also discovered that there are studies conducted on the application of Quran verses in treatment
of other illnesses, but it is not specifically applicable to the treatment of drug addiction. However, there is a gap in the aspect
of drug addiction treatment and relevant Quranic verses to the treatment. Therefore, this study attempts to identify the
appropriate Quran verses to be used in spiritual psychotherapy of drug addiction.
Keyword: Psycho spiritual Therapy, Quran Therapy, Treatment of Drug Addiction, Addicts Relapse
The issue of drug addiction is one of the most
complicated problems globally and it has become a threat
to national security. This provides a sign that the existing
treatment and rehabilitation process is still incapable of
solving the problem satisfactorily.
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The drug addiction issue continues to persist and does not
show any signs of improvement. Based on Maklumat
Dadah 2014, 61 drug addicts are being recorded every
day. Thirty-eight individuals (or 63.3%) are new addicts.
Statistics from National Anti-Drug Agency 2010-2014
shows the number of drug addicts recorded from year
2010 to year 2014 is 343,327 individuals1. This shows
that National Drug Policy that is developed to create
a drug-free nation in Malaysia by year 2015 has failed to
meet its objectives2. Due to this, drug addiction has been
declared as an enemy and it is also a threat to the national
security. By the end of year 2014, 21,777 drug addicts
were recorded. This number however does not include
those that were not recorded and thus the number could
be higher. Most of the addicts (40%) are youth aged from
20 to 29 years old and the rest (52%) are aged 30 years
old and above. The record also shows a worrisome fact
that 97.1% of the individuals are male and 78.2% are
Muslims1. Drug addiction in the community shows that
there is a disproportion between the rapid development of
the country and spiritual values required among the
people today3.
Until today, the efforts to curb the drug addiction
problem remain costly and it is counterproductive. In
order to tackle the issue, Malaysian Government has spent
RM1.56 billion from year 2010-20141. This cost is
actually spent at the expense of the people, instead of
utilizing it for the welfare of the people and nation’s
development. If left unprevented and untreated, drug
addiction can lead to even serious complication to the
people and crimes such as snatch theft, robbery, burglary,
rape and others could increase. Even though after the
RM1.56 billion is completely spent in trying to curb drug
addiction, the statistics shows that the situation still does
not improve and the number of addiction cases even
increased by 4.26%1.
It is alarming to see the high relapse rate as it
continues to rise. Relapse means “the application,
consumption or abuse of psychoactive substances after an
individual has completed the treatment and rehabilitation
in the context of physical and psychological dependencies
to drugs”4. According to the record, there are 8,172
individuals (37.53%) relapsed to drugs in year 2014. It
shows that the relapse rate is 23 individuals per day,
meaning there are 23 individuals returned to drug
addiction every day. It is also alarming to see that the
relapse rate is increasing every year. In year 2010, the
relapse rate is 27% and subsequently increased to 30%
(2011), 31.8% (2012), 35.5% (2013) and finally 37.53%
(2014) 5.
This situation shows that the existing drug
rehabilitation is still not effective. The number of addicts
that are completely cured after the treatment and
rehabilitation is relatively small compared to those
relapsed to drug addiction. According to Wan Mahmood
Pawanteh 90% of 100 addicts are relapsing within 5 years
of treatment and rehabilitation6. In addition to that, the
Social Welfare Department found that only 37% of the
former addicts are totally cured from drug addiction7. This
situation has cast doubt on the effectiveness of the
rehabilitation centres provided 8, 9. These scenarios reflect
the necessity of a better model to effective treatment and
cure to the drug addicts10.
The Government is aware that drug rehabilitation
programme, family education and spiritual therapy are
effective in the prevention and treatment of addiction7.
Therefore, there are a few NGOs and private institutions
that are integrating the spiritual therapy approach in the
treatment of drug addiction. For example, Pondok Remaja
Inabah (PRI) provides drug rehabilitation by using
Islamic spiritual approach11. Other examples include The
House Victory (THV) and Green Pastures that are using
Christianity spiritual approach12. Buddha spiritual
approach is applied in Geha Buddha Care Centre and
Buddhist Care Centre, Kuantan2. In Thailand, there is a
well-known drug rehabilitation centre that effectively
cured the addicts by giving them water chanted over with
mantras by the monks13. However, this method is not
applicable to the Muslim Malays.
Spiritual psychotherapy based on Islamic teachings is
proven to be effective in drug rehabilitation and
preventing the relapse. A few treatment centres that are
identified to use the Islamic spiritual psychotherapy are
effectively successful 3, 10, 11, 15, 16. There are also treatment
centres that are operating privately such as (i) Pusat
Rawatan Traditional Raden Suratman in Kampung Baru
Kuala Lumpur; (ii) Darul Syifa’ in Bangi Selangor; (iii)
Rawatan Traditional Hj. Salleh (iv) Pusat Rawatan dan
Pemulihan Dadah Jabat Sufi in Simpang Pulai, Ipoh,
Perak (v) Pondok Remaja Inabah in Terengganu and
Kedah, (vi) Yayasan Sahabat Islam and Iman Malaysia
(SIDIM) Bukit Beruntung.
There are various methods of spiritual psychotherapy
and if these are combined, the best drug addiction therapy
model can be developed. Each of the treatment centres
uses different approaches and varies from each other. The
application of Quran verses, Zikir, application of Sunnah,
appreciation concept and treatment process are different
from one centre to another. The method that is in used is
based on experience, attempts and repeated improvements
that are made continuously to get a positive output.
Therapy by using Quran verses can produce varying
effects to the patients. Therefore, the selection of verses
for the purpose of the treatment is important to ensure its
effectiveness17. Until today, there is no research conducted
in identifying the Quran verses and Zikir, du’a and hadith
for the Islamic-based spiritual psychotherapy.
In recent years, there are several efforts to integrating
both concepts of spiritual therapy and religious beliefs12.
This involves replacing the wrong beliefs and symbol of
self, others and the world with a more positive faith-based
belief18. This involves replacing the wrong beliefs and
symbol of self, others and the world with a more positive
faith-based belief19.
Spiritual and Religious strength becomes an important
asset in dealing with the problems and healing
improvement20. Verma study reported a case of a 27-year-
old man suffering from schizoaffective in New York was
successfully cured through inclination and encouragement
to Islam at the same time consumed Clozaril (clozapine).
Before this case happened, the use of Clozaril alone did
not bring any healing results21. According to Muhammad
Yusuf Khalid a strong spiritual life can give an effective
treatment towards drug addict22. Study by Sudirman
Abdul Fatah at Pondok Remaja Inabah (PRI) in Kedah
and Terengganu reported on effectiveness of the psycho-
spiritual concept therapy in drug addiction treatment and
The recitation of Quran contains various functions
apart of worship value. It is a solution to all life problems
including physical and spiritual treatment17 such as
cancer22. Reading certain verses of the Quran can be
therapy in disease treatment. Allah said in Quran, “and we
send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy
for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers
except in loss” [Quran, al-Isra’ 17:82].
Haslinda Lukman, Latifah Abd. Majid, & Wan
Nasyrudin Wan Abdullah study in Pusat Rawatan Islam
Manarah (PRIM) to prove that recitation of Quran verses
gives an effective effect in treatment for a disease such as
paralysis, Parkinson (nerve), CD4 enhancement of
HIV/AIDS patient, increase equanimity and guide patient
to be a good Muslim22.
Equanimity in personality formation makes someone
to become a better person, which also influences his body
to be positive to accept a treatment as reported in Clinical
research Ching, Zakaria, Paimin, & Jalalian regarding the
use of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CMA)
among diabetics. Logistic regression analysis shows that a
Muslim has significant positive relationship with CAM22.
According to Seghatoleslam et al. a drug addict
involves in drug abuse because he does not have strong
spiritual belief in his life, that is why a strong religious
therapy can prevent someone from being involved in drug
abuse and give an effective treatment towards drug addict
that is already involved7, 14. Lack of self-confidence is a
high tendency for a drug addict to re-involve in drug
abuse even after a treatment and recovery4.
Drug rehab programs actually have been successful in
physical treatment for drug addict. Seghatoleslam et al.
study reported that 2284 drug addicts or 83.91% from
2721 drug addicts have been fully recovered7. However,
with the case of “addicts relapse” it makes drug
rehabilitation program considered by some researchers as
less effective. It is less effective to give awareness for
drug addicts not to repeats their addiction4.
Drug rehabilitation program will be an effective
method if it involves counselling and spiritual therapy.
Religion is one of the protective factors identified to
produce a positive result. Islamic Psycho spiritual therapy
has shown an effective result in the treatment of drug
rehabilitation holistically. Strong spiritual life is one of
the important elements in treating drugs dependence
Literature studies found that there is no specific
research that includes Quran verses in drug addiction
treatment through the psycho-spiritual therapy concept. A
few researches regarding psycho-spiritual therapy in drug
addiction treatment conducted only look at general
concept in implementation of psycho-spiritual therapy
treatment 3, 10, 11, 15, 16, 22. It includes the recitation of Quran
and appreciation of the understanding and the meaning,
hadith meaning, zikr, prayer and practical devotion to
Islamic teachings and worship holistically. In spite of that,
Andriawan conducted a research regarding Quran verse
and its application in physical and metaphysics disease
treatments by Tabib Dr. M. Komari Saifulloh di
Indonesia. However, the research does not specialized on
drug addiction treatment but the therapy using Quranic
verses successfully proven to have impact on patient
Drug addiction recovery processes are by using
spiritual method such as Zikrullah, appreciation of
Islamic teachings and praying. Experimental study by
Rashid towards drug addict proves that spiritual therapy
can increase the level of acknowledgement. But spiritual
therapy is the Zikr (remembrance of Allah) covering all
the knowledge in religions which involve four elements
such as faith, sharia, fiqh and morals9. Fadzli Adam
stated that prayers, repentance, self-reflection, fard ain
classes and reading al-Quran help to improve drug
The study by Andriawan of Quran being viewed in
physical and metaphysical treatment by Tabib Dr. M.
Komari Saifulloh since 1978 M, found that most of the
verses read out do not relate to hermeneutical sentence
with the disease treatment from the scope of Arabic
language. The use of Quranic verses selected based on the
following factors: (1) the existence of contravention,
conflict-aspirational; (2) Confidence with the Quran (3)
economic factor (4) inner intuition (‘Irfani); (5)
epistemology bayani; (6) Society spiritual education; (7)
possibilities of environmental surrounding, and (8) trilogy
adaptation –which includes three terms, existence,
elimination and protection. There are 11 verses used:
surah al-Fatihah (verse 1-7), surah al-Ikhlas (verse 1-4),
Surah al-Falaq (verse 1-5), Surah an-Naas (verse 1-6),
Surah al-Baqarah (verse 225), Surah an-Naml (verse 30),
Surah at-Taubah (verse 128-129), Surah al-Baqarah (verse
171), and Surah al-Baqarah (verse 18) 17.
Several other researches related with drug
rehabilitation also viewed the value of Islamic spirituality
affects recovery from dependence on drugs. However it
does not specify any verse as therapy. For example,
Rashid et al. study relates that the success of drug addict
treatment is by using methadone, mosque environment,
peers role and religious counselling. Mosque institutions
have a big potential as long term recovery centre for
society16. Adam Bin Mohamed reported a study on 45
respondents who enrolled in drug addiction rehabilitation
program from behaviour perspective of relapse addicts.
Research found that moral support, consistence of
spiritual appreciation from family, society and friend
which could help to avoid relapse. Majority of drug
addicts who are involved in tablighi jamaat program
succeeded in avoiding themselves from going back as
drug addicts again10.
The literature review of spiritual psychotherapy using
Qur'anic recitation to rehabilitate the drug addicts has
found that the use of spiritual psychotherapy can function
effectively to deal with this problem. Consequently, this
approach could leave a huge positive impact on this
disease treatment process, as asserted by Haslinda et al. in
her paper similarly in another study, Adam et al. and
Sudirman at the Inabah Rehabilitation Centre found that
the application of spiritual psychotherapy could give a
good impact on the drug addiction treatment process.
However, these studies have not literally focused on the
application of Quranic verses, but the spiritual
psychotherapy in general which include the application of
doa, zikir, and so on. The same result was found in a
study conducted by Rashid et al.
Table.1. Research on Spiritual Psychotherapy Using
Quran Recitation in Treatment
As a conclusion from the discussion, it is rational to
say that a research on this field must be held to identify
Quranic verses that can be applied from recovery centres
that practice the concept based on Spiritual Psycho
Therapy Using Recitation of Quranic Verse for treatment
of drug addict recovery.
This work is financially supported by USIM’s
Research Management Centre under Grant registration
number: (PPP/USG-0116/FPQS/30/13516) and
(PPP/USG-0116/ FPQS/30/13616)
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not specific on
et al.
Project at
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addiction treatment
(using methadone,
environment, peers
role and religious
Spiritual method
generally, (such
as Zikrullah,
appreciation of
teachings and
n (2013)
Does not
specialized on drug
addiction treatment
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verses from Al-
concept therapy
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not specific on
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