Book Review: A Short Course in the Philosophy of ReligionA Short Course in the Philosophy of Religion, PattisonGeorge (SCM Press2001), 227 pp, £16.95 pbk
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... One of the key findings of the study is that the context of war consistently brings to the forefront ordinary yet profound and deeply human questions about life. From a pastoral theological perspective, these questions can be understood as the praxis of ordinary theology (Astley, 2002). Regardless of whether one identifies as religious, spiritual or atheist, MCs address a form of ordinary theology (Astley, 2002) expressed by military personnel, veterans, and their families and loved ones. ...
... From a pastoral theological perspective, these questions can be understood as the praxis of ordinary theology (Astley, 2002). Regardless of whether one identifies as religious, spiritual or atheist, MCs address a form of ordinary theology (Astley, 2002) expressed by military personnel, veterans, and their families and loved ones. ...
This article is the second in a two-part series on military chaplaincy in war-torn Ukraine. While the first article (Grimell, 2024a) provided background information, including empirical interview data on military chaplaincy in Ukraine, this second article focuses on the lessons learned by Ukrainian military chaplains (MCs). Both articles are based on a recent qualitative interview study exploring the roles, practices and insights of Ukrainian MCs during wartime, addressing a significant gap in existing research. Twelve male MCs (n = 12) participated in the study, with most having served on the frontlines since the onset of the war in 2014. The interview data were analysed using an inductive approach to thematic analysis. This article (Part 2) covers the insights and lessons learned by Ukrainian MCs, detailing their work in morality, ethics and character formation, their supportive presence within military units and the essential role of confidentiality as a release valve for military personnel. The analysis also examines complex spiritual and existential challenges faced by MCs, the personal impacts of the war on them and their methods for sustaining spiritual resilience and well-being. Findings highlight the critical, adaptable support that MCs provide to military personnel under extreme conditions, and they reveal how the wartime context has shaped their collaboration with mental health providers. The study also identifies desired qualities in wartime MCs and underscores the importance of church and religious organizations in supporting grieving families, and in facilitating social and charitable activities. This research provides unique insights into the chaplaincy work of some of the most experienced wartime MCs in Ukraine.
... 32). This quest is what Desiree seeks to undertake together with those confiding in her, as they explore sacred moments and episodes of life, while simultaneously addressing existential and ultimate concerns (tillich, 2014) and life questions (Astley, 2002) during illness, trauma or palliative care. ...
Research on healthcare chaplaincy-identity over the years has to a large extent, been both theory-driven and less pronounced in the field of chaplaincy. While this research has contributed important insights, it has also called for empirical/quali-tative research, which can add to the growing need for research that complements and nuances theoretical frameworks and suggestions. This article presents an in-depth narrative identity analysis of a hospital chaplain who has served two decades within the healthcare context. The rationale for this case was to specifically explore how a full-time position as a hospital chaplain, coupled with extensive experience within a secularized context organized around medical expertise and other important social and spiritual factors, forged a specific chaplain character, which consisted of six overarching core features or identity markers. The findings from this case study broadens existing knowledge , while also confirming existing theoretical positions. Future research is warranted, in order to display potential additional core features of hospital chaplains, explore con-textual identity markers associated to other contexts, and to employ these core features in top-down research or as deductive categories in qualitative research.
Abstrakt (på Svenska): Från teori till praktik i presentationen av kärnegenskaper i en svensk sjukhussjälavårdares identitet: En fallstudieanalys Identitetsforskning om själavårdare i sjukhusmiljö har genom åren i stor utsträckning varit både teoridriven och mindre uttalad inom området sjukhussjälavård. Även om denna forskning har bidragit med viktiga insikter, har den också efterlyst empirisk och kvalitativ forskning som kan öka det växande behovet av forskning som kom-pletterar och nyanserar teoretiska ansatser. Denna artikel presenterar en narrativ identitetsanalys av en sjukhussjälavårdare som tjänstgjort i två decennier inom en sjukvårdskontext. Syftet med fallstudien var att specifikt utforska hur en heltidstjänst som sjukhussjälavårdare i kombination med lång erfarenhet inom ett sekulariserat sammanhang organiserat runt medicinsk expertis och andra viktiga sociala och andliga faktorer, skapade en specifik själavårdskaraktär som bestod av sex övergripande kärnegenskaper eller identitetsmarkörer. Resultatet från denna fallstudie vidgar befintlig kunskap samtidigt som existerande teoretiska ansatser bekräftas. Fortsatt forskning är viktigt för att avtäcka andra möjliga narrativa kärnegenskaper hos sjukhussjälavårdare, utforska kontextuella identitetsmarkörer som hänger ihop med andra kontexter och att använda dessa fynd i kvantitativ forskning eller som deduktiva kategorier inom kvalitativ forskning.
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