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Metadichol® and Vitamin C Increase In Vivo, an Open-Label Study


Abstract and Figures

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble antioxidant. Today we meet our requirements of vitamin C through consumption of fruits and vegetables or by supplementation. Homo sapiens cannot produce vitamin C like many other species that can convert glucose to vitamin C. The gene for enzyme production is dormant in humans. The gene, GULO, that we all carry converts glucose to Vitamin C. in other species but not in humans and primates. The open-label study showed Metadichol ® raised levels of vitamin C by 3 fold, endogenously without supplementation of Vitamin C. Possible mechanisms for the increased Vitamin C levels through antioxidant pathways are presented. Metadichol ® [1] is a nano-formulation of long chain alcohols derived from sugar cane. In addition to increased Vitamin C levels reduction in Potassium and uric acid, and decreased blood pressure and improvement in quality of life issues were also observed.
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Metadichol® and Vitamin C Increase
In Vivo
, an Open-Label Study
Raghavan PR*
Nanorx Inc., Chappaqua, NY, USA
*Corresponding author: Raghavan PR, Nanorx Inc., Chappaqua, NY, USA, Tel: 9146710224; E-mail:
Received date: July 01, 2017; Accepted date: July 07, 2017; Published date: July 14, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Raghavan PR. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble antioxidant. Today we meet our requirements of
vitamin C through consumption of fruits and vegetables or by supplementation. Homo sapiens cannot produce
vitamin C like many other species that can convert glucose to vitamin C. The gene for enzyme production is dormant
in humans. The gene, GULO, that we all carry converts glucose to Vitamin C. in other species but not in humans
and primates. The open-label study showed Metadichol® raised levels of vitamin C by 3 fold, endogenously without
supplementation of Vitamin C. Possible mechanisms for the increased Vitamin C levels through antioxidant
pathways are presented. Metadichol® [1] is a nano-formulation of long chain alcohols derived from sugar cane. In
addition to increased Vitamin C levels reduction in Potassium and uric acid, and decreased blood pressure and
improvement in quality of life issues were also observed.
Keywords: Vitamin C; Dehydroascorbic acid; Gulo; Pseudogenes;
Metadichol; Nano lipid; Long chain saturated alcohols; VDR; Inverse
agonist; Protean agonist; VDR, Glutathione; Lipoic acid; Coq-10;
Vitamin E; Vitamin C; NRF2; G6PD
Vitamin C for treating scurvy was use was discovered by
Christopher Columbus’s sailors with fresh lime juice, during long sea
voyages. e sailors, of course, did not know the chemical formula
which Linus Pauling discovered in his laboratory. Pauling proclaimed
to the world that ascorbic acid if consumed in massive doses, is the
panacea for all human ills. Literature surveys suggest that ascorbate is
essential for the immune system to work eciently and strengthening
the immune system and can help those with impaired immunity [2-5].
Homo sapiens, monkeys, and a few other species do not produce
their own vitamin C. e rest of the animal kingdom synthesize their
own vitamin C. For animals that synthesize vitamin C it is a hormone,
not a dietary-acquired vitamin. Homo sapiens once made vitamin C in
the liver by the production of four enzymes which converted
circulating sugars into ascorbic acid (vitamin C). e rst three of the
four enzymes required to convert glucose (sugar) into ascorbic acid is
present in humans today, but the fourth, not found in humans is the
enzyme Gulo (gluconolactone oxidase) (Figure 1). A mutation at some
same point deactivated the gene for the synthesis of vitamin C and the
production of the fourth enzyme came to an end in humans [6].
Species that make their own vitamin C, live 8 to 10 times beyond their
age of physical maturity. Species without this ability reach only 3 to 4
times their age of physical maturity. Researchers believe the
reinstallation of the Gulo (gulonolactone oxidase) enzyme in humans
would extend the lifespan to hundreds of years [6].
Can gluconolactone oxidase gene somehow be reinserted into the
human genome? Guinea pigs, lacking gluconolactone oxidase, when
given this enzyme by injection, can live on a diet decient in vitamin C
[7]. Scientists have taken the gluconolactone oxidase DNA from rat
liver and successfully transplanted it into the tomato genome [8]. With
advances in gene therapy, the feasibility of inserting the gluconolactone
oxidase gene into the human genome has not been tried so far.
Figure 1: Glucose to Vitamin C pathway.
Supplementation of drinking water with vitamin C increased the
average life span of mice by as much as 20 percent [9]. Pauling
suggested humans supplement their diet continuously as a substitute to
what the liver would make as if the gene for the gluconolactone oxidase
enzyme were active [10]. Males who have higher blood serum levels of
vitamin C had lower levels of mortality [10]. Men and women ages 40
and above a 50-milligram increase in vitamin C consumption reduced
the death rate by 20 percent [11]. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant
in overcoming the eects of aging. Vitamin C slows down telomeres
decline by 50 to 60 percent [12,13] (Table 1).
Vitamins & Minerals Raghavan, Vitam Miner 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2376-1318.1000163
Research Article OMICS International
Vitam Miner, an open access journal
ISSN: 2376-1318
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000163
Female Age
(Years) Male Age(Years)
N 17 14
Percentage 54.85 45.15
Minimum 31 32
Maximum 65 76
Mean 52 55.4
Std Deviation 10.58 11.78
Height (cm)
Minimum 142 150
Maximum 171 177
Mean 155.76 166
Std Deviation 7.24 7.57
Weight (Kg)
Minimum 52.8 59.7
Maximum 87 116.1
Mean 70.68 75.86
Std Deviation 10.16 15.03
Minimum 22.6 22.9
Maximum 35.3 37.1
Mean 29.1 27.37
Std Deviation 4.12 3.46
Table 1: Gender showing standard deviation results.
Humans who consume 300 milligrams of daily vitamin C appear to
reduce the risk of cataracts [13]. A 500-milligram daily dose of vitamin
C is seen to reduce blood pressure among hypertensive patients who
previously used prescription drugs [14].
A mouse and a 160-pound goat make about 275 and 13000 mg of
milligrams of vitamin C per day respectively. is correlates in humans
to 2,000-20,000 milligrams per day. e recommended dose today is
only about 90 milligrams of vitamin C a day for adults, but that' dose is
the minimum amount to prevent scurvy and promote general health,
but does not achieve optimal health and longevity [15].
To reach Plasma vitamin C concentration of 0.6-1 mg/dl one needs
a minimum of 1000 mg per day of Vitamin C. Less than 5% of US
population have plasma vitamin C level above the 0.6 mg/dl [16].
A study conducted by NIH investigators states that doses of
supplemental vitamin C above 200 milligrams daily are “nearly
completely excreted in urine. Furthermore, the concentration of
vitamin C in blood plasma never exceeds much more than 0.6-1.3
mg/dl regardless of the of vitamin C consumed [17].
Two thousand milligrams of oral vitamin C produced 1.3 mg/dl in
plasma levels [18]. All the work reported so far deal with oral
consumption of Vitamin C, but increasing levels endogenously without
supplementation of vitamin C is rare. A recent study [19] showed that
using hydroxytyrosol, the main phenolic component of olive oil at 45
mg per day, allowed the endogenous levels to increase two-fold. e
impetus for this study was that policosanol, the main ingredient in
Metadichol, is present in olive oil [20]. We reasoned that Metadichol
should show similar eects. We now report that Metadichol raised
Vitamin C levels by 3 to 4 folds without any diet restrictions as was the
case in the hydroxytyrosol study.
Primary objective
Non-randomized, open, single group, study to evaluate the safety
and ecacy of Metadichol in subjects with various medical conditions
to improve vitamin C levels from Day 0 to Day 90.
Secondary objective
To evaluate the safety of Metadichol.
is was a 90-day prospective, non-randomized, open, single-group
study. Subjects aged 18 yrs. of age with had on an average three co-
morbidities received Metadichol. Subject visits were scheduled at
baseline/day O (visit 1), day 30 (visit 2), day 60 (visit 3), and day 90
(visit 4). End of the study. All visits occurred within follow-up visit day
within plus /minus six days.
e study population consisted of male or non-pregnant female
patients aged 18 and over with diagnosed various diagnosed medical
conditions. All patients were provided written informed consent to
participate in the study before screening. Twenty enrolled and 27
completed as per protocol (Table 2).
Patient information Number
Enrolled 31
Completed 27
Per Protocol 27
Safety Population 31
Table 2: Patients list before screening test.
e patient information sheet contained procedures involved in the
study (aims, methodology. potential risks, anticipated benets) and
was explained these to each patient. Signed the consent form to from
each patient was obtained to indicate that the information had been
disclosed and understood. e patient was given a copy of the
informed consent form for their information. e original copy of the
informed consent was kept in a condential le in the investigator's
central records.
Criteria for exclusion from the study included pregnant or lactating
females any serious and uncontrolled medical conditions interfering
with the study or placing the patient at unacceptable risk. Only
patients who fullled all the inclusion criteria and did not meet any of
the exclusion criteria were enrolled into the study. Each patient had on
an average three co-morbidities.
Citation: Raghavan PR (2017) Metadichol® and Vitamin C Increase In Vivo, an Open-Label Study. Vitam Miner 6: 163. doi:
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Vitam Miner, an open access journal
ISSN: 2376-1318
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000163
e primary ecacy endpoint
Improvement (change) in vitamin C levels at the end of day 90 as
compared to baseline safety evaluation.
Safety evaluation analysis of the following parameters: e type of
AE(s), the number of AE (s), the frequency of AE(s) and proportion of
patients with AE(s).
Physical examination.
Assessment of vital signs.
Safety Laboratory tests included complete blood count, liver
function tests, urea, creatinine electrolytes, and urine analysis.
Safety results
Metadichol was safe and tolerated, and this was conrmed by no
incidences of adverse events and good compliance.
No deaths, and or any side eects were seen or reported by patients
in this study.
Vital signs were found normal range during the study. ere were no
clinically signicant abnormal ndings at any of the visits. ere were
no abnormal clinical ndings at any of the visits.
e results of this study demonstrate that Metadichol has a better
ecacy prole as evidenced in the changes (improvement) in the levels
of vitamin C (Figure 2). Lymphocyte, ESR, ACE (absolute Eosinophil
counts), potassium, and other biomarkers (Table 3). Metadichol, at the
end of day 90+6 days, is safe and well tolerated. Analysis of Variance
one way was carried out using JMP soware from SAS.
Figures 2-4: 2) Vitamin C; 3) Patients with Vitamin C; 4) Patient
with Low Vitamin C.
e increase in vitamin C levels was remarkable and statistically
signicant with values <0.00001 as shown in Table 4. Vitamin C levels
below 0.6 mg/dl are considered decient. Comparing patients with
vitamin C below 0.6 mg/dl (17 patients) and those above (10 patients)
the increase was remarkable as shown in Figures 3 and 4. Both sets of
patients reached similar levels 1.06-1.09 mg/dl. All patients were
interviewed at the end of their study, and every patient reported a
quality of life improvement and improvement in medical issues of
concern to them. Patient feedback and observations from the doctors
are summarized in Table 5.
Biomarkers Baseline Day 90
Vitamin C (mg/dl) 0.39 1.06
Potassium (mmol/L) 4.38 3.88
Uric acid (mg/dl) 6.23 4.71
ESR (mm/hr) 22.29 18.14
TSH (µlU/ml) 3.58 3.02
Systolic BP (mm Hg) 129.33 123.3
Diastolic BP (mm Hg) 82.27 79.57
Body Fat (%) 37.4 36.03
Bone Mass (%) 2.59 2.69
Muscle Mass (%) 42.71 44.4
Total Body fat (%) 43.77 41.88
Sodium (mEq/L) 135.6 140.1
HbA1C (%) 6.74 6.4
Mean plasma glucose (mg/dl) 146.6 136.88
Citation: Raghavan PR (2017) Metadichol® and Vitamin C Increase In Vivo, an Open-Label Study. Vitam Miner 6: 163. doi:
Page 3 of 5
Vitam Miner, an open access journal
ISSN: 2376-1318
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000163
Absolute Eisnophil Count (cmm) 390.9 349.9
WBC (thou/µL) 7.25 6.98
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 13.52 13.5
RBC (mil/µlL) 4.9 4.86
Mean plasma glucoe 146.6 136.88
SGPT (U/L) 34 30
SGOT (U/L) 20.45 21.07
Table 3: Biomarkers Baseline.
Baseline Day 90 Total
N 27 27 54
∑X 13.11 29.38 42.49
Mean 0.4856 1.0881 0.7869
∑X2 9.3313 36.7028 46.0341
Std.Dev. 0.3377 0.4267 0.4876
Result Details
Source SS df MS
Between-treatments 4.9021 1 4.9021
Within-Treatments 706987 52 0.1481
Total 12.6008 53 P<0.00001
Table 4: Baseline results.
Antioxidant pathways in humans work synergistically to protect
body systems from free radical damage (Figure 5). Antioxidants
operate in biological systems in a lipophilic phase (example,
membranes or lipoproteins such as vitamin E and ubiquinols) or
aqueous phases such as ascorbate, glutathione, and thioredoxin [21].
e human body has several mechanisms to counteract oxidative
stress by producing antioxidants and recycling them. As part of an
antioxidant defense system. Vitamin E, vitamin C and glutathione play
a signicant role in antioxidant metabolism (Figure 5). Oxidized
glutathione and vitamin E and vitamin C have to be converted to their
antioxidant state, for the completion of the antioxidant cycle to prevent
the build of free radicals [22].
Vitamin C, for example, forms the transient ascorbyl radical which
is either quickly recycled to vitamin C, or when oxidative stress is high,
oxidized to form dehydroascorbic acid. Dehydroascorbic acid is
rapidly transported into cells (example: erythrocytes, leukocytes,
Dehydroascorbic acid) and is recycled by conversion back to vitamin C
by many enzyme systems. e recycling of Vitamin C includes
glutathione-dependent systems or reduced nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-dependent systems [23] (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Metadichol and Cellular Homeostasis.
Antioxidant regeneration pathway is limited by the availability of
glutathione, and vitamin C. We have previously shown that Metadichol
increases glutathione in Zucker diabetic rats [1]. Our explanation for
the observed increase in Vitamin C levels is that Metadichol by binding
with VDR increases glutathione levels and thus increases / maintains
required Vitamin C levels (Figure 5). is is not surprising given that
the natural ligand of VDR, 1,25(OH)2D is also known to participate in
the regulation of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, an enzyme which
up-regulates the glutathione (GSH) pool [24]. is eect was
associated with the activation of the redox-sensitive transcription
factor NRF2 and decreased activation of NF-kB [25,26]. Metadichol
inhibits NF-KB. e glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD or
G6PDH) pathway supplies reducing energy to cells by maintaining
steady levels of NADPH, which maintains the level of glutathione to
protect cells against oxidative damage from compounds like hydrogen
peroxide [27].
Based on the results, we are now exploring the possibility that
Metadichol® perhaps may be activating the Gulo gene in the last step
for formation of Vitamin C (Figure 1). e implications of such a
development would lead that it could in principle to the eradication of
diabetes, blood vessel disease, cataracts, gallstones. e breakdown of
collagen with advancing age will be slowed. Ono can only imagine the
social, political and medical ramications if humans could extend their
lifespan by a decade or decades. We have shown that in this study,
Citation: Raghavan PR (2017) Metadichol® and Vitamin C Increase In Vivo, an Open-Label Study. Vitam Miner 6: 163. doi:
Page 4 of 5
Vitam Miner, an open access journal
ISSN: 2376-1318
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000163
Metadichol® is well tolerated and improves the quality of life of patients
with existing multiple medical conditions.
S.No Feedback and Observations
1 Weakness and tiredness disappeared, Patients felt physically active, and
this was expresses by all.
2 Mental Happiness; Interest in their work, concentration at work. Cooking
etc. Satisfaction was expressed by all people," I am happy".
3 Acidity, Gastritis; Enhanced interest in food intake increased, and food
digestion was complete, and absorption, assimilation, and expulsion was
4 Arthritis; People could walk with ease and briskly with reduced pain.
5 Asthma; some patients cut completely or reduced to great extent their
inhaler use.
6 Back pain; some patients had much-reduced back pain.
7 Dry skin; Cleared in some patents.
8 Tan; Complexion enhancement has been seen in and reported by all
9 Dysuria; urination enhanced, frequent micturition stopped.
10 Headaches reduced.
11 Diabetes Millitus, Glucose and HbA1C levels reduced.
12 Hypertension; Reduction in blood pressure observed.
13 Sweating reduced.
14 Skin allergy; Good results were seen in Atopic Dermatitis, Skin rashes
subsided, Submucosal infection also subsided, Vaginal itching reduction
was also reported.
15 Voice clarity was observed and reported by one patient.
16 Loose motions; total relief reported by a few patients.
17 Constipation issues were resolved.
Table 5: Feedback and Observations.
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Citation: Raghavan PR (2017) Metadichol® and Vitamin C Increase In Vivo, an Open-Label Study. Vitam Miner 6: 163. doi:
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Vitam Miner, an open access journal
ISSN: 2376-1318
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000163
... This induction of the expression of both insulin and __ glucagon in cancer cells might be explored as a novel therapeutic strategy because Metadichol ® is a nontoxic molecule and safe for human use. [62][63][64] ...
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Endocrine gene expression in PANC-1, a type of pancreatic cancer cell, has been studied in the context of their potential to be reprogrammed toward a normal, differentiated state. Alkaline phosphatase activity has also been shown in pluripotent stem cells to differentiate between feeder and parental cells in reprogramming experiments. Metadichol®-based cell program­ming holds promise as a versatile and potentially safer approach for manipulating cellular behavior without the use of viral vectors, gating, or CRISPR. Using qRT‒PCR the results show multifold increase in the gene expression of CA9, GCG, INS MAFA, NEUROD1, NGN3, NKX2-2, PAX6: PDX1, SLC2A2, FOXO1, and SIRT1. ALP levels increased and this activity is often used to distinguish stem cells from feeder cells as well as from parental cells in reprogramming experiments. Pluripotency was confirmed by the presence of islet-like structures on day eight. Metadichol exhibits anticancer activity with a CC50 value of 5.50 µg/ml compared to standard doxorubicin with a CC50 value of 10.28 µg/ml. At 100 ug/ml Metadichol is 82% a MTT assay Anti-tumor gene Klotho’s expression was increased 70fold on day eight. All the genes seen expressed regulate endocrine cell development in the pancreas and are involved in insulin and glucagon secretion. Gene network analysis is presented to show how Metadichol induced expression leads to a closed loop feedback network and biological process that would help in mitigating diabetes and other related disorders.
... Our previous work showed that oral administration of Metadichol® increases ascorbate levels in humans [66,67]. Dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) is the oxidized form of ascorbate and can be transported via glucose transporters of the GLUT family, such as GLUT 4. Metadichol® increases GLUT4 expression [68], suggesting that Metadichol® can enhance the ability of cells to import DHA, and once inside, it is rapidly reduced to ascorbate. ...
... Similarly, our results suggest that metadichol could be useful in inducing apoptosis in cancer cells by increasing Klotho expression, which also has benefits in other diseases. The current study and previously published results [41][42][43][44] suggest that the observed results could have been due to increased Klotho expression [45]. The potential therapeutic utility of metadichol in elevating Klotho levels warrants further study in vitro and in vivo. ...
... Another critical factor needed for the reprogramming of cells is vitamin C. Numerous studies have shown that adding vitamin C to the culture medium of somatic cells during reprogramming improves the e ciency and quality of iPSC formation (18,19). Metadichol, as shown in previous studies, increases vitamin C levels in vivo in patients (21)(22)(23). IPSC generation via the forced expression of OSKM leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause DNA damage and senescence (24). Owing to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C was initially added to the culture medium of mouse and human cells during reprogramming to mitigate the effects of ROS, which can potentially hamper the e ciency and quality of reprogramming (25). ...
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The conversion of somatic cells back into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or embryonic-like stem cells involves the introduction of four genes commonly called Yamanaka factors: SOX2, OCT4, KLF4, and c-MYC. One drawback is that these genes and the viral vectors used to introduce them into cells have the potential to cause cancer, and these iPSC lines are not clinically useful. Most instances of direct reprogramming have been achieved by the forced expression of defined factors using viral vectors. In this paper, we show that Metadichol® has the potential to generate iPSCs non-virally and may be helpful in clinical applications. Metadichol is a Nano formulation of long-chain alcohols derived from food. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and western blotting showed that OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG are expressed when fibroblasts were treated with Metadichol at concentrations of one picogram to 100 nanograms. Reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) resulted in OCT4, KLF4, NANOG, and SOX2 levels increased relative to controls by 4.01, 3.51 and 1.26, and 2.5 times, respectively. Such multifold increases were also seen in A549 cancer cell lines and in Colo-205 cells. Reprogramming human primary cancer cells remains a challenge. We present data that even primary cancer cells show increases in the four Yamanaka factors. Metadichol treatment of triple-negative primary breast cancer (HCAF-TNPBC) primary cancer cells led to increases in OKSM factors by 19.6, 8.07, 2.45, and 6.91 times in concentration ranges of 1 picogram to 100 nanograms. Metadichol induces the expression of Klotho, an antiaging gene, that curbs the expression of the TP53 gene, as this is a pre-requisite for reprogramming somatic cells into iPSCs. Metadichol also increases endogenous vitamin C levels, which is necessary for the efficient reprogramming of somatic cells into iPSCs. Metadichol an extract from food that is nontoxic, which opens the door to direct testing in humans with the potential for applications in stem cell therapy
... Another critical factor needed for the reprogramming of cells is vitamin C. Numerous studies have shown that adding vitamin C to the culture medium of somatic cells during reprogramming improves the e ciency and quality of iPSC formation (18,19). Metadichol, as shown in previous studies, increases vitamin C levels in vivo in patients (21)(22)(23). IPSC generation via the forced expression of OSKM leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause DNA damage and senescence (24). Owing to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C was initially added to the culture medium of mouse and human cells during reprogramming to mitigate the effects of ROS, which can potentially hamper the e ciency and quality of reprogramming (25). ...
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The conversion of somatic cells back into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or embryonic-like stem cells involves the introduction of four genes commonly called Yamanaka factors, i.e., Sox2, Oct4, Klf4, and c-Myc, into the cells. Because these genes and the viral vectors used to introduce them into cells have the potential to cause cancer, iPSC lines are not clinically useful. Most instances of direct reprogramming have achieved have been by the forced expression of defined factors using viral vectors. Here, we show that Metadichol® has the potential to generate iPSCs non-virally and may be helpful in clinical applications. Metadichol is a nanoformulation of long-chain alcohols derived from food. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and western blotting showed that OCT4, SOX2, and Nanog are expressed when fibroblasts were treated with Metadichol at one picogram to 100 nanograms. Reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) also revealed that OCT4, KLF4, Nanog, and Sox2 levels increased compared to controls by 4.01, 3.51 and 1.26, and 2.5-fold, respectively, in A549 cancer cells. In Colo-205 cells, OCT4, KLF4, and Sox2 were increased by 1.79, 13.17, and 2.25folds, respectively. Metadichol treatment with triple-negative primary breast cancer (HCAF-TNPBC) primary cancer cells led to multifold increases of OKSM factors by 19.6, 8.07, 2.45, and 6.91, folds increase in Metadichol concentration ranges one picogram to 100 nano grams. Metadichol is a natural product that induces the expression of Yamanaka factors needed for reprogramming and Klotho, an anti-aging gene, and curbs the expression of the TP53 gene, which is critical for reprogramming somatic cells into IPSCs.Metadichol increases endogenous vitamin C levels, leading to the efficient reprogramming of somatic cells into iPSCs. Metadichol is nontoxic and commercially available as a nutritional supplement. Thus, it can be directly tested in vivo in human subjects to confirm that cells can indeed be programmed into a state of induced pluripotency and cause the mitigation of disease conditions.
... Another critical factor needed for the reprogramming of cells is vitamin C. Numerous studies have shown that adding vitamin C to the culture medium of somatic cells during reprogramming improves the e ciency and quality of iPSC formation (18,19). Metadichol, as shown in previous studies, increases vitamin C levels in vivo in patients (21)(22)(23). IPSC generation via the forced expression of OSKM leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause DNA damage and senescence (24). Owing to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C was initially added to the culture medium of mouse and human cells during reprogramming to mitigate the effects of ROS, which can potentially hamper the e ciency and quality of reprogramming (25). ...
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The conversion of somatic cells back into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or embryonic-like stem cells involves the introduction of four genes commonly called Yamanaka factors, i.e., Sox2, Oct4, Klf4, and c-Myc, into the cells. Because these genes and the viral vectors used to introduce them into cells have the potential to cause cancer, iPSC lines are not clinically useful. Most instances of direct reprogramming have achieved have been by the forced expression of defined factors using viral vectors. Here, we show that Metadichol® has the potential to generate iPSCs non-virally and may be helpful in clinical applications. Metadichol is a nanoformulation of long-chain alcohols derived from food. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and western blotting showed that OCT4, SOX2, and Nanog are expressed when fibroblasts were treated with Metadichol at one picogram to 100 nanograms. Reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) also revealed that OCT4, KLF4, Nanog, and Sox2 levels increased compared to controls by 4.01, 3.51 and 1.26, and 2.5-fold, respectively, in A549 cancer cells. In Colo-205 cells, OCT4, KLF4, and Sox2 were increased by 1.79, 13.17, and 2.25folds, respectively. Metadichol treatment with triple-negative primary breast cancer (HCAF-TNPBC) primary cancer cells led to multifold increases of OKSM factors by 19, 6, 8.07, 2.45, and 6.91folds in concentration ranges one picogram to 100 nano grams. Metadichol is a natural product that induces the expression of Yamanaka factors needed for reprogramming and Klotho, an anti-aging gene, and curbs the expression of the TP53 gene, which is critical for reprogramming somatic cells into IPSCs.Metadichol increases endogenous vitamin C levels, leading to the efficient reprogramming of somatic cells into iPSCs. Metadichol is nontoxic and commercially available as a nutritional supplement. Thus, it can be directly tested in vivo in human subjects to confirm that cells can indeed be programmed into a state of induced pluripotency and cause the mitigation of disease conditions.
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Endocrine gene expression in PANC-1, a type of pancreatic cancer cell, has been studied in the context of their potential to be reprogrammed toward a normal, differentiated state. Alkaline phosphatase activity has also been shown in pluripotent stem cells to differentiate between feeder and parental cells in reprogramming experiments. Metadichol ® -based cell programming holds promise as a versatile and potentially safer approach for manipulating cellular behavior without the use of viral vectors, gating, or CRISPR. This study investigated the multifold increase in the gene expression of CA9 , GCG , INS MAFA , NEUROD1 , NGN3 , NKX2-2 , PAX6: PDX1 , SLC2A2 , FOXO1 , and SIRT1 using qRT‒PCR. These genes regulate endocrine cell development in the pancreas and are involved in insulin and glucagon secretion. Gene network analysis is presented to show how Metadichol-induced expression leads to a closed loop feedback network and biological process that would help in mitigating diabetes and other related disorders.
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Increasing outbreaks of new pathogenic viruses have promoted the exploration of novel alternatives to time-consuming vaccines. Thus, it is necessary to develop a universal approach to halt the spread of new and unknown viruses as they are discovered. One such promising approach is to target lipid membranes, which are common to all viruses and bacteria. The ongoing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of interactions between the virus envelope and the host cell plasma membrane as a critical mechanism of infection. Metadichol®, a nano lipid emulsion of long chain alcohols, has been demonstrated as a strong candidate that inhibits the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2. Naturally derived substances, such as long-chain saturated lipid alcohols, reduce viral infectivity, including that of coronaviruses (such as SARS-CoV-2) by modifying their lipid-dependent attachment mechanism to human host cells. The receptor ACE2 mediates the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host cells, whereas the serine protease TMPRSS2 primes the viral S protein. In this study, Metadichol® was found to be 270 times more potent an inhibitor of TMPRSS2 (EC 50 = 96 ng/ml) than Camostat mesylate (EC 50 = 26000 ng/mL). Additionally, it inhibits ACE with an EC 50 of 71 ng/mL, but very weak inhibitor of ACE2 at an EC 50 of 31 µg/ml. Furthermore, the live viral assay performed in Caco-2 cells revealed that Metadichol® inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication at an EC 90 of 0.16 µg/ml. Moreover, Metadichol® had an EC 90 of 0.00037 µM, making it 2081 and 3371 times more potent than Remdesivir (EC 50 = 0.77 µM) and chloroquine (EC 50 = 1.14 µM), respectively.
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Background. Producing neurons from fibroblast cells has the potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases, characterized by neuron loss. Neurodegenerative diseases are a growing problem in the current aging, developed world populations. Metadichol® is a nontoxic nanoemulsion of long-chain lipid alcohols, currently available as an oral supplement. Methods and Findings. In this study, Metadichol® was used to treat human fibroblasts in vitro; we subsequently evaluated changes in the expression of neuronal transcription factors by qRT-PCR and immunoblotting. We observed increased expression of critical transcription factors for neuronal development, such as ASCL1, NGN2. ND2, NR4A2, LMX1A, LHX3. ISL1, and FOXA2. Conclusions. These data suggest that Metadichol® is a promising putative neuronal remodeling agent. Its current availability and safety profile suggest that it could be rapidly available for in vivo testing, impossible thus far.
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Increasing outbreaks of new pathogenic viruses have promoted the exploration of novel alternatives to time-consuming vaccines. Thus, it is necessary to develop a universal approach to halt the spread of new and unknown viruses as they are discovered. One such promising approach is to target lipid membranes, which are common to all viruses and bacteria. The ongoing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of interactions between the virus envelope and the host cell plasma membrane as a critical mechanism of infection. Metadichol®, a nanolipid emulsion of long-chain alcohols, has been demonstrated as a strong candidate that inhibits the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2. Naturally derived substances, such as long-chain saturated lipid alcohols, reduce viral infectivity, including that of coronaviruses (such as SARS-CoV-2) by modifying their lipid-dependent attachment mechanism to human host cells. The receptor ACE2 mediates the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host cells, whereas the serine protease TMPRSS2 primes the viral S protein. In this study, Metadichol® was found to be 270 times more potent an inhibitor of TMPRSS2 (EC50=96 ng/mL) than camostat mesylate (EC50=26000 ng/mL). Additionally, it inhibits ACE with an EC50 of 71 ng/mL, but it is a very weak inhibitor of ACE2 at an EC50 of 31 μg/mL. Furthermore, the live viral assay performed in Caco-2 cells revealed that Metadichol® inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication at an EC90 of 0.16 μg/mL. Moreover, Metadichol® had an EC90 of 0.00037 μM, making it 2081 and 3371 times more potent than remdesivir (EC50=0.77 μM) and chloroquine (EC50=1.14 μM), respectively.
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Hydroxytyrosol (HT) is a main phenolic component of olive oil. In this study, we investigated the safety and effects produced by HT purified (99.5%) from olive mill waste. HT was administered at a daily dosage of 45mg for 8 weeks to volunteers with mild hyperlipidemia (n=14). We measured markers of cardiovascular disease risk, enzyme markers of several clinical conditions, hematology, antioxidant parameters, vitamins and minerals at baseline (T0), 4 weeks (T4) and 8 weeks (T8). The values obtained at T4 and T8 were compared with baseline. We found that the HT dose administered was safe and mostly did not influence markers of cardiovascular disease, blood lipids, inflammatory markers, liver or kidney functions and the electrolyte balance. Serum iron levels remained constant but a significant (P<0.05) decrease in ferritin at T4 and T8 was found. Serum folate and red blood cell folate levels were also reduced at T4 and T8. Finally, vitamin C increased by two-fold at T4 and T8 compared with levels at baseline. These results indicate a physiologically relevant antioxidant function for HT through increasing endogenous vitamin C levels.
Background: Obesity is associated with hyperleptinemia and endothelial dysfunction. Hyperleptinemia has been reported to induce both oxidative stress and inflammation by increasing reactive oxygen species production. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [1,25(OH)2D3] against leptin-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in human endothelial cells. Methods: Small interfering RNA (siRNA) were used to knock down the expression of vitamin D receptor (VDR) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). HUVECs were pretreated for 4 h with physiologic (10⁻¹⁰ M) or supraphysiologic (10⁻⁷ M) concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D3 and exposed to leptin (10 ng/mL). Superoxide anion production and translocation of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)–like 2 (NRF2) and nuclear transcription factor κB (NF-κB) subunit p65 to the nucleus and the activation of their target genes were quantified. Results: Pretreatment of HUVECs with 1,25(OH)2D3 prevented the leptin-induced increase in superoxide anion production (P < 0.05). Pretreatment with 1,25(OH)2D3 further increased NRF2 translocation to the nucleus (by 3-fold; P < 0.05) and increased mRNA expression of superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2; by 2-fold), glutathione peroxidase (GPX; by 3-fold), NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) 1 (NQO1; by 4-fold), and heme oxygenase 1 (HMOX1; by 2-fold) (P < 0.05). Leptin doubled the translocation of NF-κB (P < 0.05) to the nucleus and increased (P < 0.05) the upregulation of vascular inflammatory mediators such as monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP1; by 1-fold), transforming growth factor β (TGF β by 1-fold), and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1; by 4-fold) (P < 0.05), which were prevented (P < 0.05) by pretreatment with 1,25(OH)2D3. Protective effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 were confirmed to be VDR dependent by using VDR siRNA. Conclusion: Pretreatment with 1,25(OH)2D3 in the presence of a high concentration of leptin has a beneficial effect on HUVECs through the regulation of mediators of antioxidant activity and inflammation.
We assessed the relationship between dietary vitamin C intake and the level of pulmonary function (forced expiratory volume in 1 s, FEV,) in 2526 adults seen as part of the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) between 1971 and 1974. Multiple-linear-regression analysis was performed with In FEV, as the dependent variable. After age, height, body mass index, race, sex, cigarette smoking, and employment status were controlled for, dietary vitamin C intake was positively and significantly associated with the level of FEV, (13 = 0.00132, P = 0.01). Interaction terms for vitamin C intake and smoking and vitamin C intake and respiratory disease were not significant. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that vitamin C intake has a protective effect on pulmonary function.
Despite their importance as bioactive compounds and authentication parameters in olive oil, the response of policosanol aliphatic alcohols to even the most influential sources of variability is practically unknown. To investigate policosanol variation in olive oil as a result of variety, ripening, and oil storage temperature, 36 samples were subjected to gas chromatographic (GC‐FID) and mass spectrometric (GC‐MS) analysis, and results were processed by univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (SLDA) statistics. The concentration (mg/100 g) and relative amount (%) of pentacosanol accounted for the most variation due to variety. The largest influence of ripening was observed for pentacosanol (%) and docosanol (%). Docosanol, tricosanol, and tetracosanol amounts mostly increased during ripening, whereas those of pentacosanol, hexacosanol, heptacosanol, and octacosanol decreased in Črna and Rosinjola oils, whereas Buža showed different patterns in some cases. Variations as a result of storage were lower and inconsistent. Results suggest that the investigated olive oils retained the bulk of their health beneficial features of policosanol origin throughout shelf‐life. Relatively successful differentiation of oils achieved by multivariate models pointed to the potential use of policosanol alcohols as chemical indicators of varietal origin which are independent on ripening degree, and vice versa, applicable both for fresh and stored oils. Practical applications The results obtained may serve producers to assess and optimize the suitability of individual steps in production, and develop strategies aimed at producing olive oils with targeted policosanol composition. More generally, the indicators of variety and ripening degree among policosanol aliphatic alcohols proposed may contribute to the scientific work on the authenticity and quality of olive oil which is an ever‐growing area, and be used for characterization, differentiation, authentication, and certification of olive oils of specific origin and attributes. The approach tested in this work could be utilized for developing more robust olive oil chemical composition specifications for European Union's Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and other designations, because it considers the inter‐relationship between three factors of variability and extracts only the most useful and stable indicators or markers. Policosanol alcohol variation as a result of variety, ripening degree, and storage temperature was investigated. The use of policosanol variation as a chemical indicator and discriminator according to these factors was tested.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is the rate-limiting enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway. Many scientists think that the roles and regulation of G6PD in physiology and pathophysiology have been well established as the enzyme was first identified 80 years ago. And that G6PD has been extensively studied especially with respect to G6PD deficiency and its association with hemolysis, and with respect to the role G6PD plays in lipid metabolism. But there has been a growing understanding of the central importance of G6PD to cellular physiology as it is a major source of NADPH that is required by many essential cellular systems including the antioxidant pathways, nitric oxide synthase, NADPH oxidase, cytochrome p450 system, and others. Indeed G6PD is essential for cell survival. It has also become evident that G6PD is highly regulated by many signals that affect transcription, post-translation, intracellular location, and interactions with other protein. Pathophysiologic roles for G6PD have also been identified in such disease processes as diabetes, aldosterone-induced endothelial dysfunction, cancer, and others. It is now clear that G6PD is under complex regulatory control and of central importance to many cellular processes. In this review the biochemistry, regulatory signals, physiologic roles, and pathophysiologic roles for G6PD that have been elucidated over the past 20 years are discussed.
The inability of humans to synthesize L-ascorbic acid is known to be due to a lack of L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase, an enzyme that is required for the biosynthesis of this vitamin. Isolation of a cDNA for rat L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase allowed us to study the basic defect underlying this deficiency at the gene level and led to isolation of a human genomic clone related to L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase as well as three overlapping clones covering the entire coding region of the rat L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase cDNA. Sequence analysis study indicated that the human L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase gene has accumulated a large number of mutations since it stopped being active and that it now exists as a pseudogene in the human genome.
I previously described that bowel tolerance (the amount that almost causes diarrhea) to oral ascorbic acid, increases in a person somewhat proportionally to the "toxicity" of his disease. Ascorbic acid ameliorates symptoms and sometimes cures certain diseases at high threshold levels near bowel tolerance. High concentrations of ascorbate cause the redox potential of the redox couple (ascorbate/dehydroascorbate, AA/DHA) to become reducing in diseased tissues. Allergic and sensitivity reactions are frequently ameliorated and sometimes completely blocked by massive doses of ascorbate. I now hypothesize that one mechanism in blocking of allergic symptoms is the reducing of the disulfide bonds between the chains in antibody molecules making their bonding antigen impossible. I further hypothesize that antibodies seek to match antigens only in areas where stray free radicals or a relatively oxidizing redox potential exists. The redox state of normal, healthy tissue does not allow for the bonding of antibodies to antigen. When antioxidant, free radical scavenging systems are overwhelmed, inflammatory, hypersensitivity, and "autoimmune" conditions may result.
Gulonolactone oxidase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid, is missing from guinea pigs and certain other scurvy-prone species. Weekly intraperitoneal injections of glutaraldehyde cross-linked immunoprecipitates of this enzyme have been shown to provide guinea pigs with the capability of synthesizing their own ascorbic acid and of surviving without an exogenous source of this vitamin. This protocol, however, was successful in only a small percentage of the animals tested. The reasons for the limited therapeutic success were investigated. Apparently, the gulonolactone oxidase-treated guinea pigs fed without ascorbic acid were receiving insufficient nutrition. By supplementing these enzyme-treated animals with vitamins A, B, D and E and selenium, we successfully maintained a high proportion of guinea pigs fed without vitamin C.