Metaphors We Live By
The now-classic Metaphors We Live By changed our understanding of metaphor and its role in language and the mind. Metaphor, the authors explain, is a fundamental mechanism of mind, one that allows us to use what we know about our physical and social experience to provide understanding of countless other subjects. Because such metaphors structure our most basic understandings of our experience, they are "metaphors we live by"--metaphors that can shape our perceptions and actions without our ever noticing them.
In this updated edition of Lakoff and Johnson's influential book, the authors supply an afterword surveying how their theory of metaphor has developed within the cognitive sciences to become central to the contemporary understanding of how we think and how we express our thoughts in language.
... Indeed, the two crucial questions that rhetoricians and different scholars of linguistics have sought to answer are: 'what is a metaphor?' and 'what are the main different types of metaphors in both English and Arabic points of view?' The answers, of course, are many and varied ranging from the Rhetoric and Poetics of Aristotle , to Metaphors We Live By by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), to Abdul-Raof (2006).In poetry, however, It is interesting to note that, although English and Arabic are considered incongruous languages, they may share some features in how they utilise metaphors in terms of function and metaphorical components. Unluckily, no study has been conducted to compare metaphors in American and Algerian poetry. ...
... Moreover, metaphors can be used to refer to an expression, an idea, or an entity. Lakoff and Johnson (1980) argued that the classic definition of metaphor misses the fact that metaphor is linked to thought and action besides language. In Metaphors We Live By, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) proposed the Conceptual Theory of Metaphor (CTM) which asserted that "Metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action" (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p.3). ...
... Lakoff and Johnson (1980) argued that the classic definition of metaphor misses the fact that metaphor is linked to thought and action besides language. In Metaphors We Live By, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) proposed the Conceptual Theory of Metaphor (CTM) which asserted that "Metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action" (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p.3). Again, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) added that metaphor in the modern view is seen as an important mode of thinking and understanding of things. ...
... Importantly, metaphor has become a cornerstone of cognitive linguistics, literary studies and second language (L2) pedagogy. Within cognitive linguistics, metaphors are understood through the lens of conceptual metaphor theory (CMT), which posits that metaphors shape our cognitive patterns and promote the transfer of knowledge across fields, enhancing comprehension and analytical reasoning (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). Littlemore (2012) highlights how metaphor use evolves as learners progress in their language proficiency. ...
... As a broad framework for this study, I draw on CMT (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980) and transactional response theory (TRT; Rosenblatt, 1985b). According to CMT, metaphor is a cognitive process that facilitates the comprehension and interpretation of concepts. ...
... However, the classical perspective on metaphor has been challenged by the cognitive linguists George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, who contended that the conventional understanding of metaphor fails to acknowledge its connection to cognition, behaviour and language. In their seminal work, Metaphors We Live By, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) introduced CMT, according to which 'Metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action' (p. 3)-a cognitive process that facilitates the comprehension and interpretation of concepts by shaping our perception and conceptual understanding, linking concrete experiences to abstract ideas. ...
The term ‘metaphor’ resonates strongly with contemporary cognitive linguistics, literary studies, and second language (L2) teaching, but it is minimally employed in the Algerian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) literature classroom as an aesthetic device for the analysis of literature or to aid in understanding literary texts. This study evaluated the aesthetic judgements of Algerian EFL learners when encountering metaphorical images and how these judgements affect their perceptions of literary texts through an empirical assessment (pre/posttest) of the evaluation of two poems by 20 first-year Algerian EFL students, and a paired-samples t-test in SPSS was employed to identify any significant differences in participant grades. The findings indicate that by interpreting metaphors, students come to appreciate the emotional depth of literary texts, thereby influencing their comprehension. This study emphasises the advantages of an integrated framework for teaching metaphors.
... Untuk menganalisis metafora, peneliti menggunakan teori metafora konseptual yang dikembangkan oleh Lakoff & Johnson (2003) dan teori skema citra oleh Cruse & Croft (2004). Metafora konseptual merupakan hasil dari konstruksi mental berdasarkan prinsip analogi yang melibatkan konseptualisasi suatu unsur pada unsur yang lain, meliputi transfer dari ranah sumber (source domain) ke ranah sasaran (target domain). ...
... Lakoff (2016) kemudian menambahkan bahwa konsep-konsep tersebut merupakan perwujudan (embodiment) dari pengalaman sehari-hari manusia yang dituangkan melalui fitur metafora. Lakoff & Johnson (2003) mengatakan bahwa metafora konseptual adalah bagian dari pikiran manusia dan metafora linguistik merupakan bagian alami dari bahasa manusia. Metafora dipengaruhi oleh konsep-konsep dari sifat tubuh, interaksi lingkungan, praktik sosial, dan budaya manusia sehingga metafora disebut sebagai fenomena alam. ...
... Metafora dipengaruhi oleh konsep-konsep dari sifat tubuh, interaksi lingkungan, praktik sosial, dan budaya manusia sehingga metafora disebut sebagai fenomena alam. Lakoff & Johnson (2003) menjabarkan lebih lanjut bahwa metafora memiliki dua komponen yang mendasarinya, yaitu ranah sumber (source domain) dan ranah target (target domain). Ranah sumber merupakan ranah konsep yang menjadi dasar dari konseptualisasi atau refleksi, sedangkan ranah target merupakan area konsep yang menunjukkan area penerapan metafora. ...
Situasi kontestasi politik tahun 2024 di Indonesia memiliki polemik yang kompleks karena bersinggungan dengan kecurangan, ketidakpatuhan pada konstitusi, era Orde Baru, era Reformasi, dan praktik-praktik perebutan kekuasaan. Polemik tersebut direfleksikan oleh media Tempo dengan penggunaan metafora. Metafora membantu menyederhanakan konsep abstrak dan memberikan pemahaman konkret kepada pembaca tentang polemik yang terjadi. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif ini bertujuan menganalisis metafora dan skema citra yang terbentuk dalam artikel majalah Tempo terkait Pilpres 2024 di Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori metafora konseptual dan skema citra. Berdasarkan data, terdapat delapan metafora yang digunakan Tempo. Metafora tersebut dipetakan ke dalam ranah sumber dan ranah target, kemudian ditemukan skema citranya. Delapan metafora yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Tempo menggunakan metafora untuk menjelaskan polemik Pilpres 2024 menjadi sesuatu yang dapat dipahami oleh pembacanya.
... Since AI perceives the world and learns in ways different from humans, it may not possess human-like concepts or the corresponding conceptual adhesion. Unlike humans, who develop concepts through cognitive structuring and social reinforcement (Barsalou, 1999;Lakoff & Johnson, 2008), AI constructs meaning solely through statistical associations and optimization objectives (Clark & Thornton, 1997;Mitchell, 2021). This paper argues that the failure of symbolic constraints is not merely an issue of symbol grounding but stems from the inherent flaws of natural symbolic systems-such as Class-based Symbolic Systems and limited referentialityas well as fundamental differences in how humans and AI form concepts and interpret symbols. ...
... However, just as a normal person and a congenitally blind person can communicate using natural language, due to different perceptual dimensions, some concepts can only be indirectly understood, such as the difference in colors being analogous to the difference in temperatures. This erroneous analogy, reasoning through indirect containers, can lead to misunderstandings (Harnad, 1990;Barsalou, 1999;Lakoff & Johnson, 2008), and such indirect understanding often involves human emotions and morals that do not exist in the objective world. ...
This paper explores the inherent flaws of symbolic systems and their limitations in constraining artificial intelligence (AI). Symbols themselves lack intrinsic meaning; their meaning depends on training, contextual confirmation, and social interpretation. As a product of human cognitive limitations, natural language is a flawed system adapted to human-bounded intelligence. However, in autonomous learning systems, it exposes the deep issues within symbolic systems. For the first time, this paper proposes the Triangle Problem framework, revealing the complex relationship between symbols and conceptual spaces. It argues that symbolic systems cannot effectively constrain learning systems, thereby leading to a new type of principal-agent problem. AI demonstrates deviations from human expectations in areas such as context generation, dynamic adjustment of symbolic meaning, and symbolic jailbreak. By analyzing the ambiguity of natural language, its context dependence, and the differences in AI's perceptual capabilities, this paper proposes a framework for Symbolic Safety Science, which aims to address potential risks related to symbols and context in AI development, providing a theoretical foundation for aligning AI with human goals.
... The approach to metaphor is linked to the cognitive theory of metaphor, as viewed by Lakoff and Johnson [15] and Lakoff [16]. Such approach to metaphor is also in line with the general cognitive linguistics approach in which linguistic meaning is realised as naturally metaphorical, dynamic, perspectival [17][18][19] and embodied [15]. ...
... The approach to metaphor is linked to the cognitive theory of metaphor, as viewed by Lakoff and Johnson [15] and Lakoff [16]. Such approach to metaphor is also in line with the general cognitive linguistics approach in which linguistic meaning is realised as naturally metaphorical, dynamic, perspectival [17][18][19] and embodied [15]. To put it differently, language is naturally metaphorical and can be viewed as a reflection in the way in which its users make sense of the globe [20]. ...
Translating metaphor is a thorny issue within translation studies in general, and within legal religious texts in particular. The present paper addresses translating Quranic explicit and implicit metaphors in legal and non-legal Quranic verses into English. It seeks to explore and analyse the most appropriate translation procedure(s) for translating Quranic explicit and implicit metaphors, which may ensure full conveyance of the ST image and explanation thereof. It uses the Quranic Arabic Corpus to compare and contrast seven translations of Quranic explicit and implicit metaphors in an attempt to find out the similarities and differences between them and the translation procedures adopted by each of them based on Newmark’s [3] types of procedures. The paper argues that one of the most appropriate translation procedures for translating Quranic explicit and implicit metaphors resides chiefly in a combination of literalism and sense-for-sense translation. This may also apply to the translation of the part of the ellipted vehicle mentioned in the verse if the implicit metaphor is personification-based. Such combination ensures keeping the source language image intact in the target text, while uncovering the sense thereof. This would facilitate comprehensibility of the Quranic translated metaphor and make it accessible to both the expert as well as the layman alike. This paper offers a baseline for translating Quranic explicit and implicit metaphors in legal and non-legal Quranic verses into English, which may have implications for translating Quranic explicit, implicit and other types of metaphor in legal and non-legal Quranic verses into other similar Endo-European languages.
... The collected data sample was analysed in the theoretical framework of Conceptual Metaphor theory, the Metaphor scenario theory, as well as certain insights provided by the philosophical, psychological and bioengineering studies into emotions; within the realms of the latter emotions are viewed through the perspective of the changes in one's cardiovascular, sceletomuscular, neuroendocrine, and autonomous nervous system (Alia-Klein et al., 2020; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980;Lakoff & Turner, 1989;Kövecses, 2020;Mussolf, 2006;Nummenmaa et al., 2013). The interdisciplinary perspective taken will ensure an all-embracing and comprehensive scrutiny of the basic emotions addressed in the study. ...
... <…> Cultural categories exist for objects, events, settings, mental states, properties, relations and other components of experience" (Glushko et Theoretical Background al., 2008, p.129). Cultural metaphors are the third analytical tool designed on the basis of the proposal made by Conceptual Metaphor theory that 1) abstractions (abstract concepts and reasoning) are made meaningful by virtue of connecting an abstract concept with a physical one, and that 2) conceptual metaphor consists of a set of correspondences, or mappings, between a "source" and a "target" domain; i.e., the conceptualisation referred to as a "conceptual mapping" (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; Kövecses, 2020). Very much like conceptual metaphors, cultural metaphors involve a form of conceptualisation across different domains, known as the source and the target domain. ...
The present research lies within the realms of cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics and computer mediated communication. It focuses on the negative stances adopted by Lithuanian in-ternet users as a response to certain actions undertaken by Lithuanian politicians. The study seeks to establish the correlation between the negative stances conceptualised in online Lithuanian discourse and the negative emotions rendered by them. On the basis of the analysis carried out, the following conclusion can be drawn: negative stances instantiated in the sample communicate the idea of politicians being unnecessary , harmful to the people of Lithuania, devoid of certain human propensities and lacking certain professional characteristics. The emotions of HATE, ANGER, DISGUST and CONTEMPT appear to be congruent and correlate to the negative stances rendered in the sample. They are conceptualised through one conceptual metonymy and a number of conceptual metaphors, such as POLITICIANS ARE ILLNESSES, POLITICIANS ARE CHILDREN, POLITICIANS ARE ANIMALS, POLITICIANS ARE OBJECTS, POLITICIANS ARE FICTITIOUS CHARACTERS , POLITICIANS ARE ARTISTS, etc. Among the source domains drawn upon in the process of meta-phorical and metonymical conceptualisations of the negative evaluative judgements are the BODY, THEATRE, MEDICINE, GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY, etc. domains.
... The study is based on metaphor theories from scholars such as Siswantoro (2002), Raymond W. Gibbs Jr. (1994), Johnson (1980), andMax Black (1954). However, the research primarily utilizes Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) theory, which categorizes metaphors into conventional, symbolic, dead, extended, and cognitive types. ...
... The study is based on metaphor theories from scholars such as Siswantoro (2002), Raymond W. Gibbs Jr. (1994), Johnson (1980), andMax Black (1954). However, the research primarily utilizes Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) theory, which categorizes metaphors into conventional, symbolic, dead, extended, and cognitive types. ...
This study focuses on the analysis of metaphor of six selected poems by Maya Angelou: A Freedom Fighter, Riot: 60's, The Calling of Names, Caged Bird, Harlem Hopscotch, and Equality. The research aims to explore how metaphors in these poems reflect the concept of freedom. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach combined with the method structuralism element of poem, the study analyzes metaphors based on Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) theory of metaphor. The findings reveal that the metaphors in these poems depict struggles, oppression, and aspirations for freedom, particularly within the African-American community. Symbols such as the caged bird in Caged Bird and social chaos in Riot: 60's highlight profound emotions and collective experiences. This research contributes to the understanding of metaphor in poetry and serves as a reference for future studies on the representation of freedom in literary works.
... Metaphors are a frequently used form of linguistic expression and basic method of thinking regarding human existence (Lakoff and Johnson, 2008). The acquisition and processing of metaphors in a second language involves complex cognitive mechanisms. ...
Metaphorical competence is crucial in the accurate and authentic use of a second language. Processing paths (rational processing verses contextual guessing) and input modalities (unimodal verses multimodal) are major factors that may influence learners' metaphorical acquisition. This study explored how these variables relate to influence Chinese foreign language (CFL) learners' metaphorical competence.
Advanced CFL participants ( N = 60) were divided into four groups using combinations of various processing paths (rational processing and contextual guessing) and input modalities (unimodal and multimodal), and subsequently completed three posttests. The data were subjected to correlation analysis using SPSS software.
Rational processing excelled in metaphor comprehension competence (MCC), particularly with unimodal input, although metaphor production competence (MPC) showed an overall decline, especially in multimodal conditions; the rational processing path significantly outperformed the contextual guessing path in the immediate posttest in the three delayed posttests, but the effect diminished over time; Using the rational processing path, test times significantly affected MCC, whereas, MPC was affected by input modality and test times; Using the contextual guessing path, test times significantly affected MCC; With unimodal input, processing paths and test times significantly affected MCC, whereas processing paths affected MPC; With multimodal input, test times significantly affected MCC. MCC increased with time, whereas MPC decreased.
This research confirms the applicability of Depth-of-processing Theory, Cognitive Load Theory, and spaced learning strategies in enhancing metaphorical competence through different processing paths and input modalities, thereby expanding their relevance in the domain of CFL acquisition.
... Furthermore, the study of integrative complexity in morphology fits into the framework of cognitive linguistics, drawing on ideas from researchers such as Lakoff (1993), Lakoff & Johnson (1980), and Lakoff & Kövecses, (1987). Their idea that language events are reflections of cognitive processes enhances our knowledge of the potential connections between complex morphological patterns in Indonesian and cognitive mechanisms and conceptualizations. ...
This study delved deep into the complex and intricate nature of integrative complexity within Indonesian morphology. The research employed a comprehensive morphosyntax analysis, utilizing corpus data, qualitatives methodologies, and empirical observations to examine the structural interconnections and multifaceted elements that shaped the morphological framework of the Indonesian language. The investigation aimed to unveil the nuanced patterns and layered structures that contributed to the integrative complexity of Indonesian morphology through a thorough examination of the language's morphological processes. The findings showed (1) that the Indonesian language utilized a diverse range of affixes, such as prefixes, suffixes, infixes, and circumfixes, each contributing uniquely to the grammatical and semantic nuances of words; (2) the intricate interplay between full, partial, and iterative reduplication highlighted its crucial role as a significant contributor to the integrative complexity within Indonesian morphology, and (3) the syntactic configurations in Indonesian interacted harmoniously with affixation, reduplication, and other morphological components, thereby uniquely shaping the integrative complexity within Indonesian morphology. These findings helped shed light on the rich and diverse linguistic landscape of Indonesian morphology, offering valuable insights into the complex nature of morphological processes. This study contributed to linguistics, highlighting the importance of integrative complexity and its role in shaping the linguistic landscape of Indonesian morphology.
... The analysis addresses three elements to answer to those questions: rhetorical devices, strategies, and topics. Rhetorical tools, like metaphors, are central to discourse (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980): they shape how speakers connect with listeners and convey ideas. The detection and classification of metaphors is achieved through the utilisation of the «Metaphor Identification Procedure» (Mip), as proposed by the Pragglejaz Group (2007), which has already been employed in Dha studies. ...
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... Jika ranah sumber dan ranah target merupakan hal atau aktivitas yang sama, maka hal tersebut disebut sebagai subkategori. Jika ranah sumber dan ranah target adalah hal yang jelas berbeda, maka akan dikategorikan sebagai metafor (Lakoff, 2003). Konsep PENGALAMAN ADALAH GURU dapat dilihat pada data pengalaman mengajarkan, pengalaman menunjukkan, pengalaman membentuk, pengalaman menggambarkan, pengalaman menyampaikan, pengalaman merefleksikan, terdidik oleh pengalaman, dilatih oleh pengalaman, pengalaman sebagai mentor. ...
Riset ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri konsep pengalaman sebagai dasar pemikiran linguistik kognitif secara umum dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data bebas konteks dalam penelitian ini adalah 300 kata pengalaman yang berasal dari korpus menu kolokasi di laman KOIN (Korpus Indonesia oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi) dan 42 data terikat konteks dari kata pengalaman yang berasal dari cuitan di Twitter. Kategorisasi dianalisis dengan menyusun seluruh data lalu dinalarkan berdasarkan kesamaan dan keterkaitan hal yang melingkupinya. Reduksi data dilakukan untuk data yang tidak memiliki kesamaan dengan yang lain. Setelah itu data disimpulkan dengan menggunakan teori kategorisasi Rosch (1978). Metafora konseptual dianalisis dengan mendaftar ekspresi bahasa yang masuk dalam kategori yang sama. Kemudian unsur dasar pengalaman dipilah sebagai unsur utamanya, dan unsur penjelasnya digunakan sebagai backgrounding. Setelah itu, makna ekspresi kebahasaannya dipetakan satu persatu dan ditarik kesimpulannya. Data dianalisis secara lebih dalam dengan menggunakan teori metafora konseptual oleh Lakoff (1990). Hasilnya ditemukan kategori pengalaman inderawi dan kategori emosi sebagai kategori sentral. Kategori pengalaman inderawi memiliki kategori periferal berupa kategori personal dan kuantitatif, sedangkan kategori pengalaman emosi berupa kategori emosional, spiritual, dan material. Ada enam metafora konseptual pengalaman dalam bahasa Indonesia yang ditemukan, yakni PENGALAMAN ADALAH GURU, PENGALAMAN ADALAH INTERAKSI, PENGALAMAN ADALAH WARISAN, PENGALAMAN ADALAH RUANG, PENGALAMAN ADALAH TAHAPAN, dan PENGALAMAN ADALAH VARIABEL MATEMATIS.
... Зокрема, врахування описаних Людвіґом Віттґенштайном принципів «мовленнєвих ігор» у дослідженні інтелектуальної історії дає змогу зрозуміти, як залежно від контексту змінювалося значення термінів, що їх використовував Михайло Максимович у рецепції біблійних образів. Також ми враховували засадничу метафоричність людської мови та свідомості, що її переконливо показали Джордж Лакофф та Марк Джонсон у своїй знаковій роботі «Метафори, якими ми живемо» (Lakoff, Johnson 2003). Зважаючи на це, ми прагнули з'ясувати, які метафори використовував Михайло Максимович, характеризуючи у своїх рукописах біблійні тексти. ...
У статті здійснено спробу з’ясувати, у який спосіб біблійні образи актуалізуються в рукописах Михайла Максимовича (1804–1873) — видатного українського інтелектуала, першого ректора Київського університету. Проаналізовано зв’язок між сприйняттям Біблії Михайлом Максимовичем та його суспільно-політичними й філософськими поглядами. Дослідження ґрунтується на методологічних підходах Кембриджської школи інтелектуальної історії, теорії метафор та концепції «ми-груп» Ґеорґа Елверта. На основі дослідження рукописних нотаток ученого, що зберігаються в Інституті рукопису Національної бібліотеки України ім. В. І. Вернадського, показано, що Михайло Максимович пов’язував євангельський образ Слова як другої іпостасі Святої Трійці зі специфікою людської словесності, одночасно проводячи паралель між образом «слова» і терміном «слов’яни». Образи Великого Потопу та Вавилонської вежі Михайло Максимович сприймав буквально. При цьому як послідовник Фрідріха Шеллінґа він намагався гармонійно поєднати біблійну історіософію з власними студіями в галузі природознавства, історії та філології. У статті показано вплив романтизму на рецепцію біблійних образів у творчості Михайла Максимовича. Спираючись на протиставлення Духу і Букви в апостола Павла, Михайло Максимович символічно пов’язує образ Духу зі «Святою Руссю», а образ Букви — із Заходом. Характеризуючи історію слов’янських перекладів Біблії, Михайло Максимович перебував під впливом тогочасної дискусії щодо необхідності перекладання Святого Письма сучасними мовами, а також філософських і суспільно-політичних процесів першої половини та середини ХІХ ст. Виявлено подібності в поглядах Михайла Максимовича та Ореста Новіцького на історію слов’янських перекладів Біблії. Показано, в який спосіб характеристики Біблії, що з’явилися в нотатках лекцій Михайла Максимовича (середина 1830-х рр.), пізніше відобразилися в його опублікованих працях.
... Cognitive linguistics, particularly Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) introduced by Lakoff and Johnson [1], provides a useful framework for analyzing Tolkien's metaphors. This approach ...
Abstract J.R.R. Tolkien's works, particularly The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, are rich in metaphorical language that defines the mythopoeic characteristics of the world. This study describes metaphors in Tolkien's novels based on linguistic analysis. The research identifies recurring conceptual metaphors such as "LIGHT-GOODNESS," "DARKNESS-EVIL," and "NATURE AS A LIVING BEING," highlighting their role in shaping the themes and philosophical framework of the works. The findings reveal the uniqueness, types, and thematic significance of these metaphors, supported by visual data such as diagrams and graphs. The conclusions demonstrate that Tolkien employs complex metaphors to deeply engage the reader with the narrative and reflect intricate cultural-philosophical concepts.
... Secondly, it is important to reflect on how engagement with people of a different political orientation is conceptually described and practically realized. Metaphors used to describe argumentation in languages such as English and German are drawn from the field of warfare, which is also reflected in our ideas of argumentation (Lakoff and Johnson 1980). In this sense, there are winners and losers of arguments. ...
... However, with the development of multimedia technology, the expression of metaphors is no longer limited to words but has expanded to multiple modalities, such as images, audio, and video, to form multimodal metaphors. According to conceptual metaphor theory proposed by Lakoff and Johnson [6], metaphors are essentially a cognitive activity, and metaphorical linguistic expressions are the external manifestation of this cognitive activity. Therefore, combining multimodal data for metaphor detection can lead to new perspectives and improvements in recognition and processing. ...
Metaphors are ubiquitous in natural language, and metaphor detection, as an important prerequisite for metaphor understanding, is widely used in natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis, sarcasm interpretation, and text comprehension. Current metaphor detection methods rely mainly on text and identify metaphorical language through language analysis. However, these methods usually focus too much on text content, ignore the importance of visual metaphors, and lack effective multimodal metaphor feature integration methods. This paper proposes a metaphor detection model with visual information enhancement based on multimodal split fusion. Specifically, we first use a multidimensional attention enhancement module to process image information. This module optimizes the recognition and processing of key features by sequentially integrating channel and spatial attention mechanisms, thereby improving the performance of the model in visual tasks. To achieve two-way interaction of multimodal metaphor features, we design a multimodal split-fusion module. This module enhances the model’s metaphor detection ability by dividing each modal data into feature blocks of equal size and aggregating and weighting these blocks. Extensive experimental results on the public multimodal metaphor dataset METMeme and the sarcasm dataset Sarcasm verify the effectiveness of our model.
... With these assumptions in mind, Lakoff & Johnson (1980: 210-223), in their earlier work, Metaphors We Live By, conducted a thorough retrospection about the prevailing trends of disembodied philosophy. They (Lakoff & Johnson 1980: 3) also drew a compelling picture of the 'interwovenness' of human life and metaphor, and so deem it necessary to document the immense metaphor contributions on human cognition. Lakoff & Johnson's work foregrounds the fact that cognition is a highly embodied and situated activity. ...
... 11, No. 44, julio-diciembre, 2015: 11-30 15 Metodología I. Estructura conceptual El lenguaje no es un simple vehículo para transmitir información es la personalización de la verdad, de hecho, las estructuras de conocimiento son convenciones lingüísticas (Gergen, 1982, 10). El significado convencionalmente asociado con palabras y otras unidades lingüísticas, es equivalente a la estructura conceptual (Evans, 2005), en definitiva, se parte de la concepción de que el lenguaje es cognición y no es una facultad autónoma y separada de otras facultades mentales (Lakoff and Johnson, 1981;Lakoff, 1990Lakoff, , 1993Fauconnier, 1994Fauconnier, y 1997. ...
La teoría de la organización (TO) requiere un esfuerzo de renovación para ofrecer una respuesta más robusta a la realidad de las organizaciones en este primer cuarto del siglo XXI. Las teorías de la organización tal como están planteadas no ofrecen una visión holística de la organización ni aportan una respuesta robusta y actualizada. Integrar las teorías en torno a un cuerpo más unificado, modernizar las teorías y paradigmas relevantes a las nuevas corrientes de pensamiento y desarrollar nuevas teorías, son algunos de los retos principales. Muchas de las teorías de la organización no se han actualizado adecuadamente o no están en condiciones de hacerlo, además muchas de las teorías no responden satisfactoriamente al conjunto de los elementos fundamentales de una organización: entidad, gobierno y contexto. Las reflexiones planteadas en este documento pretenden ofrecer una pauta para desarrollar teorías más originales y radicales en la TO.
... Metafora membantu membingkai konsep-konsep abstrak dalam istilah yang lebih konkret sehingga membuat pesan promosi menjadi lebih menarik dan mudah diingat. Lakoff & Johnson (1980) menerangkan bahwa bahasa metaforis menciptakan suasana kegembiraan dan pentingnya promosi, sehingga konsumen merasa terdorong untuk segera berpartisipasi sebelum promosi berakhir. Sebagai contoh penggunaan kata "Puncak" pada Promo Puncak Midnight Sale!. ...
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penggunaan perangkat retoris (rhetorical devices) dalam postingan promosi Instagram Shopee, dengan fokus pada perannya dalam komunikasi pemasaran. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perangkat retoris utama, termasuk metafore, hiperbola, pertanyaan retoris, ajakan bertindak (CTA), insentif dan urgensi dengan memeriksa sejumlah postingan promosi dan keterlibatan pengguna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, menganalisis Bahasa dan strategi yang diguakan dalam konten promosi guna memahami bagaimana perangkat retoris ini dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan konsumen dan mempengaruhi perilaku mereka. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa metafora menciptakan citra yang hidup, hiperbola menarik perhatian, pertanyaan retoris mendorong interaksi, CTA mendorong tndakan konsumen, dan insentif mengatasi kekhawatiran konsumen serta urgensi memotivasi dalam pengambilan keputusan secara cepat. Analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa perangkat retoris ini penting dalam merancang pesan pemasaran yang efektif dan beresonansi dengan konsumen, meningkatkan keterlibatan dan memperkuat dampak keseluruhan promosi.
... Metaphors and language, more broadly, play an important role in the organisation and control of reality [9,10]. In the debates about the ethics of AI, at least two metaphors feature prominently: "computational functions of machines are like human intelligence" and "machine computational functions can be ethical or unethical, like human behaviour". ...
Metaphoric representations of AI and its ‘trustworthiness’ participate in the process of humanisation of technology and dehumanisation of humanity. This process has ideological connotations compatible with the Neoliberal project of enforcing a social order based on instrumental rationality and the survival of the capital through the logic of the ‘self-regulating market’. These metaphors and the process they are part of generate fears that the debate about ‘trustworthy AI’ seeks to address. These efforts, however, are doomed to fail because the mainstream debate about the ethics of AI neglects the ideological dimension. In this paper, we address these concerns and neglect and suggest some practical steps to oppose the ideological appropriation of AI and its ethics.
... It is indeed through bodily experience that we create systems of meaning. Abstract concepts are linked to concrete ones through metaphorical association (Lakoff & Johnson 1980), and spatial concepts in particular are essential to support the meaning-making process of many other domains of human knowledge and experience. As cognitive scientist and linguist Mark Turner argues, «our understanding of social, mental, and abstract domains […] is formed on our understanding of spatial and bodily stories, namely by projection of these spatial and bodily stories onto social, mental, and abstract stories» (Turner in Brandt 2004, 33). ...
While language can be understood as an expression of the phenomenal unity between the world and man, it is the poetic form that has always explained both mythical and physical phenomena of the human experience (Paz 1973). Following the idea of a primordial connection between poetry and understanding, I aim to explore the possibility of expanding the poetic model to other human cognitive experiences, and the architectural one in particular. The metaphorical relational structure between signifier and signified at the core of poetics can be translated in architectural terms in multiple ways: the relationship between container and contained space, built materiality and its experienceable in between, and many more. In this way, space as an external object becomes part of its subject: this is the limit and only possibility of knowledge. The emphasis given to the experiential dimension of the spaces we inhabit shifted the focus from what architecture is, has or does, to how its users feel and, ultimately, on who they are (Klingmann 2007). From the Situationist International to Antonioni’s cinema and experience economy, this contribution addresses architectural forms as part of a social life which determines use, reception, and participation by communities, renewing the attention on experience rather than function.
... Such duality of light and dark represents the main struggle of the novel, emphasizing the frailty of connections and effects of the choices made in the past. Such concepts as the kite and the string are revealing the themes which define people as the members of Afghan society, their chance for redemption, their loyalty and their urge to be free in their person despite all the odds which are available to them according to the view of the American cognitive scientists Lakoff and Johnson (1980). This paper seeks to examine the concept of kites and string as part of the novel's motifs, as well as the role of these symbols in explicating the novel's themes. ...
The objective of this study is to identify kites and strings as metaphors in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner (2003) to the effect of characterising how the concepts of control and freedom operate in the characters’ lives. The kite signifies hopes, triumphs and freedom, dreams, and the string signifying the cords of relationship, power dynamics, and ethics of responsibility. Through the analysis of the main scenes of the novel such as kite-fighting tournaments and redemption journey of Amir this paper explores how the mentioned metaphors reflect the characters’ pursuit for the independence, guilt, and forgiveness. Despite accepting the limitations inherent in employing metaphors, Hosseini used these effectively in the textual moments identified here to destabilise power relations and both burden and elucidate the nature of choice, as well as expose the fragility of freedom. Thus, the study shows that kites and strings serve as multi-significant objects that symbolically express the problematic of the characters’ escape and confinement on the way to salvation.
... Проблеми дослідження метафори та її різновидів, а також індивідуально-авторські особливості вживання метафори у художніх творах висвітлювалися у працях багатьох вчених, зокрема в працях Т. А. Безуглої (Безугла, 2019), О. Я. Дойчик (Дойчик 2013; Дойчик, Лехман 2019; Дойчик, Томаш 2021), Дж. Лакоффа та М. Джонсона (Lakoff, Johnson, 1980), 3. Ковечеша (Kövecses 2000;Kövecses 2002) та ін. ...
... Sob esse viés, para fins de análise, adotamos o quadro teórico das metáforas multimodais de Forceville (2009) Para isso, foram selecionadas seis cenas extraídas da trama, com diálogos e imagens da Globoplay. A análise do corpus será feita com base na Análise do Discurso e nos estudos sobre metáforas multimodais (Kress & Leeuwen, 1996, 2006Sperandio, 2015;Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, 1987. ...
O artigo tem como objetivo investigar os modelos culturais masculinos dominantes na sociedade moderna e legitimados pelo campo das telenovelas, mais precisamente em Terra e Paixão com os personagens Ramiro (interpretado por Amaury Lourenzo) e Kelvin (interpretado por Diego Martins). Nessa perspectiva, adotamos o quadro teórico da metáfora multimodal proposta por Forceville (2009) e Sperandio (2015) para analisar como, pelo processo cognitivo, significamos, interpretamos e representamos o mundo pelas metáforas. Para composição do corpus de análise, escolhemos quatro recortes nas interações dialógicas entre os personagens, sendo duas que demarcam ainda uma construção da masculinidade de Ramiro e uma abordagem caricatural de Kelvin. A terceira cena refere-se a uma mudança de tratamento, em que, finalmente, o autor Walcyr Carrasco até por grande repercussão positiva junto ao público mostra o casal assumindo o relacionamento de uma forma menos estigmatizada. Por fim, no capítulo final da novela, quando se misturam tais características na cena de casamento no presídio do casal.
... Fokus utama semantik kognitif adalah kajian terhadap struktur konseptual dan proses konseptualisasi. Berarti pakar SK tidak mengkaji makna linguistik semata, tetapi lebih kepada yang dapat diungkap terkait dengan hakikat sistem penataan konseptual manusia melalui bantuan bahasa (Evans & Green, 2006;Lakoff & Johnson, 2008). ...
This study examines irony in the novel Teruslah Bodoh Jangan Pintar by Tere Liye using a cognitive semantic approach. The research aims to explore the meanings and functions of irony within the novel. Through content analysis, three types of irony were identified: verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony. A total of 10 data points were analyzed, consisting of 3 instances of verbal irony, 6 instances of dramatic irony, and 1 instance of situational irony. Verbal irony appears when the author employs words that contradict their actual meanings, as seen in dialogues that convey subtle yet sharp sarcasm. Situational irony is evident in the disparity between the hopes and realities faced by the characters, such as the failure to attain happiness despite their hard efforts. Dramatic irony occurs when the reader is aware of information unknown to the characters, adding depth to the narrative. The findings of this study reveal that the irony in this novel not only enriches the narrative meaning but also serves as a tool for social critique regarding the depicted situations. Keywords: irony, cognitive semantics, novel, social critique
... First, there is already compelling evidence that auditory dimensions and spatial processing are closely linked in the human mind. For example, spatial linguistic metaphors for sound dimensions (a high pitch; a long note) predominate in many languages (Lakoff & Johnson, 2008), and psychophysical evidence demonstrates mental associations between space and auditory dimensions such as pitch (Dolscheid et al., 2013(Dolscheid et al., , 2014Hartmann, 2017;Lidji et al., 2007), raising the question of whether cognitive resources are shared between auditory dimensions and space. Second, animal models already suggest entorhinal grid cells can code an auditory space, at least a one-dimensional one: single unit recordings in rats have shown that the same entorhinal neurons that exhibited grid-like coding during physical navigation were also involved with coding specific auditory frequencies, in a task where the animal needed to "navigate" to a specific frequency using a lever, to receive a reward (Aronov et al., 2017). ...
Grid cells in human entorhinal cortex encode spatial layouts for real-world navigation, yet their role in conceptual navigation remains unclear. Here we show that mentally transforming tones within a purely auditory pitch-duration space engages spatial circuits, and that such resources are causally necessary. In Experiment 1, participants trained for five days to navigate through a purely conceptual pitch-duration auditory space, then underwent fMRI on Day 6. We observed a six-fold modulation of entorhinal BOLD signals aligned to each participant's trajectory angles, similar to grid-cell firing in physical space. Stronger grid-like coding predicted larger training-related gains. In Experiment 2, a new cohort performed the same task under either a spatial or non-spatial interference load. Only the spatial condition selectively disrupted performance on trials requiring mental "movement," indicating a causal reliance on spatial resources. These findings provide evidence that auditory conceptual transformations recruit--and depend on--spatial grid-like computations in the entorhinal-hippocampal system, pointing to a domain-general role for spatial coding in organizing new knowledge along continuous dimensions.
... CMT is a foundational concept in cognitive science that explores how humans understand and process abstract concepts through metaphoric mappings from more tangible, familiar domains. Introduced by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson [1], [2], CMT posits that metaphors are not merely linguistic devices but cognitive tools deeply embedded in human thought and reasoning. They enable individuals to comprehend complex or abstract ideas by linking them to more accessible and experiential domains. ...
We introduce Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) as a framework for enhancing large language models (LLMs) through cognitive prompting in complex reasoning tasks. CMT leverages metaphorical mappings to structure abstract reasoning, improving models' ability to process and explain intricate concepts. By incorporating CMT-based prompts, we guide LLMs toward more structured and human-like reasoning patterns. To evaluate this approach, we compare four native models (Llama3.2, Phi3, Gemma2, and Mistral) against their CMT-augmented counterparts on benchmark tasks spanning domain-specific reasoning, creative insight, and metaphor interpretation. Responses were automatically evaluated using the Llama3.3 70B model. Experimental results indicate that CMT prompting significantly enhances reasoning accuracy, clarity, and metaphorical coherence, outperforming baseline models across all evaluated tasks.
... En el caso de los participantes de menor nivel de dominio, la causa puede que no se deba únicamente al nivel sino a una mayor intensidad experimentada al tener que relatar de forma oral una experiencia personal o también a un mayor deseo de expresar con mayor detalle y cuantificar esa intensidad emocional vivida. De todas maneras, se debe destacar la importancia de estos elementos intensificadores y cuantificadores en la expresión de la emocionalidad, debido a que, como mostraron Lakoff y Johnson (1980), nos es posible cuantificar las emociones una vez que las entendemos como sustancias y objetos. Justamente lo que han pretendido nuestros informantes en sus narraciones personales emocionales, manifestar grados distintos de intensidad emocional y cuantificar las emociones sentidas. ...
El presente estudio explora la relación entre la intensidad emocional experimentada y el nivel de dominio lingüístico con el uso de expresiones metafóricas y otros recursos expresivos en un corpus de narraciones emocionales de 81 aprendientes de español sinohablantes de diferentes niveles. Se plantean tres preguntas de investigación para indagar (1) qué recursos expresivos y expresiones metafóricas emplean para expresar emocionalidad, (2) si el nivel de dominio de español influye en el uso de estos recursos y (3) si existe relación entre la intensidad emocional reportada y la frecuencia de uso de cada uno. Se llevó a cabo un procedimiento de recogida de datos con fragmentos cinematográficos para inducir emociones de diferente valencia (negativa, positiva y neutra). La intensidad emocional fue reportada mediante un cuestionario auto-informado y relacionada con las expresiones metafóricas y tres recursos expresivos (sufijación apreciativa, intensificadores y cuantificadores y repeticiones y reduplicaciones). Los resultados mostraron una alta frecuencia de los recursos expresivos y de expresiones metafóricas además de un uso variado de estas. Se pone de manifiesto la importancia de un tratamiento explícito en las aulas de los recursos disponibles en la expresión emocional, elementos clave en los procesos de adquisición y aprendizaje de una nueva lengua. Palabras clave: expresión emocional; intensidad emocional; narraciones de experiencias emocionales personales; expresiones metafóricas; recursos expresivos; aprendientes sinohablantes.
This chapter builds on a research project investigating the interplay between health and climate change in EU discourse (Bevitori and Russo, 2023; Russo and Bevitori, 2024). Drawing on theories and methodologies of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, the chapter broadens the scope and focus of previous research by providing an in-depth analysis of discursive framings of polycrisis in EU political communication. As our findings suggest, polycrisis and permacrisis may provide the interpretative lens for a deeper understanding of crisis as a rhetorical construct in the EU discursive space.
This chapter aims to enable readers to surface and question conceptions of the nature of language (or ontological beliefs) within their specific field, and in relation to their own educational practices. After outlining the main characteristics of two broad ontologies (language as rule vs language as resource) and explaining why one is dominant, or default, the chapter explores the ways these beliefs, often tacit, shape common discourse around language, educational policies, educational or classroom practices such as needs analysis, curriculum design, the teaching of grammar and assessment. The chapter also argues that ontology vagueness or implicitness helps perpetuate language ideologies such as ‘ideal competence’, ‘deficit’ views of language learners and native speakerism in language teaching. The chapter aims to bring ontology to the forefront of scholarship, language policy planning and language teaching practices.
The study examines the role of the cognitive tools of PART–FOR–WHOLE (SOURCE–IN–TARGET), conceptual metonymy, and image schemas inherent in framing to emphasise the inner states, emotions, intentions, and actions of the characters. The study analyses close-ups/extreme close-ups of body parts in Krzysztof Kieślowski's "Three Colours: Blue" (1993) and also validates research by cognitive film linguists such as Coëgnarts (2019a, 2019b) and Coëgnarts & Kravanja
(2016a, 2016b, 2016c), who claim that framing techniques evoke image schemas that shape the viewer's perception of reality on screen. It is argued that conceptual metonymy is used to emphasise the characters’ mental states and emotions through body parts and actions they perform so that the viewer can identify with the characters’ inner states, confirming the analysis offered.
Keywords: visual metonymy, PART-by-PART, image schema.
Penerjemahan metafora di dalam pidato politik cukup menantang dilakukan karena selain pesan, efek metaforis juga harus dialihkan dengan baik agar terjemahan pidato itu menarik perhatian hadirin. Penelitian ini membahas penerjemahan metafora dalam dua pidato yang disampaikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada sidang Tahunan MPR RI, yaitu pada 16 Agustus 2021 dan 16 Agustus 2023. Penelitian kualitatif ini menganalisis data dengan menggunakan teori prosedur penerjemahan metafora (Newmark, 1980; Larson, 1998; Baker, 2018) dan spektrum ideologi (Jaya, 2018; Jaya, 2020). Data berupa dua buah pidato beserta terjemahannya yang diambil dari situs Sekretariat Kabinet RI. Terdapat delapan bentuk metafora dan 95 kasus penerjemahan metafora. Berbagai metafora itu diterjemahkan dengan empat prosedur penerjemahan metafora. Prosedur yang paling banyak diterapkan adalah metafora bercitra sama (n=60, 63,15%). Temuan lainnya adalah bahwa sebagian besar kasus penerapan prosedur penerjemahan berada pada posisi ideologi medial (n=48, 50,52%). Akan tetapi, ada kecenderungan bahwa penerjemah menerapkan domestikasi meskipun jumlah kasusnya relatif lebih sedikit (n=35, 36,84%). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penerjemah cenderung menerjemahkan secara setia dan berhati-hati, terutama untuk citra yang mengandung unsur politis. Penerjemah juga terlihat tidak melakukan intervensi yang berlebihan untuk meningkatkan kealamiahan teks sasaran karena citra-citra itu pada dasarnya dianggap telah dapat dipahami.
This article investigates how the two-party system is analysed in text and diagrams in US government textbooks. The diagrams are analysed with the help of theories from the cognitive sciences. Magruder’s American Government has dominated the US civics textbook market since its first edition in 1917. That year, the textbook referred to “the four leading parties,” and the two-party system concept first appeared in a diagram in 1930. From 1939, the two-party system was considered a trait of English-speaking countries and was contrasted to the chaotic multiparty systems in Europe, which could end up in dictatorship. From the 1950s, the two-party system was explained as an effect of the electoral system and as a reflection of the lack of divisions in US society. Diagrams of the party system were gradually simplified until the 1990s, when they implied that Democrats and Republicans had unbroken roots in the late 1700s. From the 2010s, more critical explanations of the two-party system appeared, such as that the major parties issue legislation that hinder the formation of new parties.
The present collective monograph chapter is devoted to studying ways of translation of topоnyms. It is based on English and Russian. Specifics of translation of different types of toponyms is characterized here.
Modern embodied artificial agents excel in static, predefined tasks but fall short in dynamic and long-term interactions with humans. On the other hand, humans can adapt and evolve continuously, exploiting the situated knowledge embedded in their environment and other agents, thus contributing to meaningful interactions. We introduce the concept of co-existence for embodied artificial agents and argues that it is a prerequisite for meaningful, long-term interaction with humans. We take inspiration from biology and design theory to understand how human and non-human organisms foster entities that co-exist within their specific niches. Finally, we propose key research directions for the machine learning community to foster co-existing embodied agents, focusing on the principles, hardware and learning methods responsible for shaping them.
The study investigates the role of cognitive tools of PART–FOR–WHOLE or SOURCE–IN–TARGET conceptual metonymy and image schemas inherent in framing in highlighting characters’ inner states, emotions, intentions and actions. The study analyses each shot containing a close-up/extreme close-up of a body part in Krzysztof Kieślowski's "Three Colours: Blue" (1993). It further validates research conducted by cognitive film linguists like Coëgnarts (2019a, 2019b), and Coëgnarts & Kravanja (2016a, 2016b, 2016c) who claim that framing techniques elicit image schemas that shape the viewer's perception of the onscreen reality. It is argued that conceptual metonymy is employed to highlight characters’ mental states and emotions through body parts and their actions to enable the viewer to identify with the characters’ inner states, which the analysis offered confirms.
This article explores how the unique cosmology of Korean shamanism, which continues to function as a living religion in contemporary Korea, has been shaped. A key characteristic of the cosmology in Korean shamanism is its combination of two cosmological beliefs. First, it adheres to the general shamanistic cosmology of protection, where suffering caused by supernatural beings can be overcome through the protection of even more powerful beings, who also assist in predicting the future. Second, it incorporates the belief that human life and the universe operate according to specific cosmological principles. The coexistence of these two distinct cosmologies which form an explanatory system of modern Korean shamanism reflects the historical experiences of Koreans with Confucianism during the Joseon dynasty and with Western modernity. In this paper, I analyze the dynamics of conflict and compromise between the two cosmologies through a historical approach and case studies. Specifically, I examine the use of the terms ‘unse (wheel of fortune)’ and ‘spirit’s intervention’ as conceptual metaphors representing each cosmology, as they are employed in interactions between shamans and their clients. Furthermore, I maintain that contemporary Korean shamanism is a form of religious practice constructed as a compromise between various worldviews, including those of shamans and their clients.
This paper examines autocratic leadership through a series of conceptual metaphors: Leader as Sovereign, Architect, Captain, Gatekeeper, Conductor, and Guardian. Each metaphor offers insights into the central role of autocratic leadership in decision-making and organizational control, emphasizing their dominance and unilateral control. The analysis reveals how these metaphors highlight both the strengths such as decisive crisis management and strategic organization and the limitations such as stifled creativity and subordinate autonomy of autocratic leadership. By contrasting these metaphorical perspectives, the paper illuminates the complexity of autocratic leadership and underscores the need for the balance between authoritative control and flexibility to foster a productive organizational environment. This approach provides a nuanced understanding of how autocratic leadership styles impact organizational dynamics and effectiveness.
There is an ongoing debate in bioethics regarding the nature of suffering. This conversation revolves around the following question: What kind of thing, exactly, is suffering? Specifically, is suffering a subjective phenomenon—intrinsically linked to personhood, personal values, feelings, and lived experience—or an objective affair, amenable to impersonal criteria and existing as an independent feature of the natural world? Notably, the implications of this determination are politically and ethically significant. This essay attempts to bring clarity to the subjective versus objective debate in suffering scholarship by examining the history of the concept of “objectivity,” and putting that history in conversation with physician Eric Cassell’s famous theory of suffering. It concludes with a novel, albeit tentative, definition of suffering: suffering is the experience of a gap between how things are and how things ought to be.
This study highlights the importance of targeting practices that facilitate physician-patient communication in language courses for health professionals. The aim of this study is twofold. Firstly, it examines if and how physicians with a second language deploy metaphors to facilitate understanding. Secondly, it investigates how this practice can be enhanced through communicative training. The study comprises two separate parts, each with a different approach, method, and participants. Study 1 investigates the use of metaphors in authentic situations from outpatient clinics, where physicians consulted patients in L2 Norwegian. The data consists of transcripts of video recordings and an interview with one of the physicians. Study 2 examines the outcomes of an intervention during an intensive language course before the physicians’ arrival in Norway. The data in this study include oral and written production, as well as an interview with one of the participants. Study 1 revealed contexts in which migrant physicians deploy metaphors to facilitate their communication in L2 and types of the expressions they use. Study 2 showed that stimulating metaphor awareness might be beneficial for metaphor use in communication and comprehension in visual representation, which in turn can support L2 communication in the physicians’ everyday practices.
Keywords: second language physicians, second language communication in healthcare, metaphors in healthcare, language training for healthcare providers, migrant physicians, health communication
This paper explores the imperative of multi-layered leadership in navigating environments characterized by "hostile complexity" – a confluence of interconnectedness, rapid change, unpredictability, and often, deliberate deception. Drawing upon cognitive science, social psychology, game theory, and strategic studies, it argues that effective leadership in the 21st century demands a sophisticated behavioral architecture, one that integrates the principles of art, particularly narrative and the shaping of perception, alongside strategic design. By cultivating the ability to operate on multiple levels simultaneously, to understand the dynamic interplay between individual, organizational, and societal factors, and to harness the power of narrative, leaders can foster resilience, adaptability, and ethical action in an increasingly complex world. This work illuminates the psychological foundations of multi-layered existence, its practical applications, its strategic deployment, and the inherent ethical dilemmas, ultimately presenting a framework for leadership that transcends traditional models and embraces the multifaceted nature of human experience.
This article shares findings from a qualitative, empirical study into the curriculum memories of boys from elite private schools in Australia. It explores what these men learnt about girls, women and feminine gender in the school curriculum. It also addresses the capacity of existing curriculum categories to conceptualise the multi-layered and aligned nature of various gendered curriculum addresses to these boys, and the way curriculum may work to imagine and attempt to shape future masculine subjects. Through close engagement with data from interviews with alumni, we propose the concept of “niche curriculum” to describe this phenomenon and explain the resilience of sexism in these schools despite many years of critique. Through this work, we aim to demonstrate how thinking about gender can be re-centred in curriculum scholarship.
Systematising advances of modern cognitive science I put forward a hypothesis that language functioning (in a situation of communication, ontogenesis and phylogenesis) is made possible due to intersubjective perceiving-feeling-understanding cross- and multimodal bodily experience which is a product of interiorising primarily iconic and indexical communicative interactions about different objects of perception in diverse situational contexts. The object of analysis is the nature of interrelation between the form, meaning and referent of a linguistic structure and its objective is explanation of this interrelation by different approaches of cognitive linguistics. On the grounds of the analysis of image-schemas as prospective experiential basis of language embodiment, I conclude that image-schemas are an instrument of individual cognition since they are covertly enacted representations and cannot be intersubjectively shared. I suggest that image-schemas are formed on the basis of overtly enacted mimetic schemas, which insures interiorisation of intersubjectively accessible bodily experience and creates the junction-point between the imitative (iconic) and the representational (symbolic). I claim that language can only be understood in the context of communication where the verbal action is an integral part of the communicative action enacted by multimodal means of exteriorising inner semantic-pragmatic structures – auditory (speech, intonation) and visual (facial expressions, articulation gestures, hand gestures, bodily movements) that function as intersubjectively accessible iconic and indexical scaffolding of meaning-making.
People find it difficult to talk about abstract concepts such as their future career plans. The discourse marker “I think” is used to express uncertainty and soften the force of a proposition. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how specific context and bounded topic of conversation influence the use of the discourse marker “I think” in Polish (myślę) as a structuring discourse marker. A total of 23 participants were recorded during Career Clean Coaching sessions and the usage of “I think” in the resulting corpus was compared to other Polish conversational corpora. The qualitative study of the semantics of “I think” indicates that this discourse marker serves a hedging function. The quantitative analysis of the frequency of the discourse marker “I think” in Polish conversational corpora and in the Career Clean Coaching corpus reveals significant differences. The results indicate that pragmatic factors, namely the topic, context and protocol of the conversation, exert a strong influence on the usage of “I think”.
Konuşucuların düşünsel eylemlerinin evrensel birimi sayılan kavramlar, bilişsel
şemaların bileşenlerinden biridir. Deyimler de kavramsal dizgemizde yer alan dünya
hakkındaki daha genel bilgimizden ortaya çıkan bir üründür (Kövecses, 2010). Bu
bakış açısından yola çıkarak çalışmamızda; dil, biliş, zihin, algı ve deneyim
ağlarının değerlendirilmesini mümkün kılacak Bilişsel Anlambilim çerçevesinde
Türkçe çoksözcüklülerden deyimlerin temsil ettiği düşünce içeriklerinin
bileşenlerinden olan kavramların saptanması hedeflenmiştir; çünkü deyimlerin
doğası kavramsaldır ve kavramların incelenmesi kavramlar arası ilişkilerin
değerlendirilmesinde kaçınılmazdır. Çalışmanın hedefi doğrultusunda, sayısal olarak
temsil edebilirlik hesaplamaları sonucunda Basit Rastgele Örneklem yoluyla ~1000
Türkçe deyim veritabanı olarak alınmış, bu deyimlerin temsil ettiği bilişsel temsil
ögesi kavramlar belirlenmiştir. Bu sayede incelenen deyimler kısıtında iki temel
kazanım elde edilmiştir: (i) dış dünya gerçekliğindeki algı ve deneyimlerin deyimler
bağlamında hangi kavramlarla yapılandırıldığı değerlendirilmiş, bunlar arasında
sırasıyla AÇIKLIK, AŞIRILIK, FIRSATÇILIK ve ÖLÜM kavramlarının öne çıktığı
sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. (ii) bir deyimin birden fazla kavramla ilişkilendirildiği
durumlarda, deyim ve anlamı arasındaki bağlantının sağlanabilmesinin bir aracı
olarak kabul edilen kavramsal eğretilemelerin kurulabilmesi için bir yol önerilmiş
olmaktadır. Sözgelimi, Sinclair’ın (1991) dilsel birimlerin ayrıştırılabilir olsalar da
sözlükçede ulam ya da öbek biçiminde bütüncül olarak depolandığı görüşü
temelinde, “bal alacak çiçeği bil-” gibi bir deyimin her bileşeninin ayrı ayrı
sözlüksel anlamlarıyla zihinde işlemlenmediği, ancak bütüncül anlamıyla
konuşucunun bilişindeki AKIL(LILIK)/BİL- ve HİLE/ÇIKAR kavramlarına temas ederek
anlamlandırmanın gerçekleştiği, dolayısıyla kimi diğer deyimlerin de incelenmesiyle
“AKILLILIK ÇIKAR SAĞLAMAKTIR” gibi bir kavramsal eğretilemeye ulaşılacaksa, bu
türden bir kavram belirleme düzeneğinin işlevsel bir araç olarak
değerlendirilebileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
The ongoing technological revolution in the present era brings forth new demands within the realm of education, necessitating the creation of innovative pedagogical and educational encounters. Learning through technologies serves as a framework to facilitate teaching, enabling the introduction of new experiences and social practices aimed at generating new knowledge and competencies. Within this framework, the realm of physical education demonstrates substantial interconnectedness with the application of technological tools that can serve as assets for its advancement. Hence, the objective of this manuscript is to provide insights and novel viewpoints regarding the influence of emerging information and communication technologies on the processes of teaching and learning. Indeed, these new technologies enable the diversification of teaching approaches, allowing all students to engage in knowledge acquisition through practical involvement and personal experimentation, thereby expanding the realms of perceptual-motor activities. By leveraging these new technologies, educators can create inclusive learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of all students, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. However, it's essential to ensure that technology integration is done thoughtfully and with consideration for accessibility, equity, and inclusivity. Ongoing professional development and support for educators are also crucial to maximize the potential of these technologies in promoting inclusive didactics.
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