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This study examined the effects of strategic, motivational self-talk for runners completing a 60-mile, overnight ultramarathon using a randomised, controlled experiment. Data were collected before, during, and after an annual ultramarathon. Twenty-nine ultramarathon runners were randomly allocated to a motivational self-talk group or an alternative control group. A condition-by-time mixed ANOVA indicated that learning to use motivational self-talk did not affect pre-event self-efficacy or perceived control. A t-test and magnitude-based inference indicated that motivational self-talk did not affect performance. Nevertheless, follow-up data suggested that most participants found the intervention helpful and continued to use it six months after their research commitment, particularly in endurance events and to a lesser extent in training. Participants continued to use self-talk to cope with exertion, as well as other stressors such as blister discomfort and adverse conditions. Suggestions are offered for future research examining the effects of psychological interventions on performance in endurance events.
This study examined the effects of strategic, motivational self-talk for runners completing a
60-mile, overnight ultramarathon using a randomised, controlled experiment. Data were
collected before, during, and after an annual ultramarathon. Twenty-nine ultramarathon
runners were randomly allocated to a motivational self-talk group or an alternative control
group. A condition-by-time mixed ANOVA indicated that learning to use motivational self-
talk did not affect pre-event self-efficacy or perceived control. A t-test and magnitude-based
inference indicated that motivational self-talk did not affect performance. Nevertheless,
follow-up data suggested that most participants found the intervention helpful and continued
to use it six months after their research commitment, particularly in endurance events and to a
lesser extent in training. Participants continued to use self-talk to cope with exertion, as well
as other stressors such as blister discomfort and adverse conditions. Suggestions are offered
for future research examining the effects of psychological interventions on performance in
endurance events.
Effects of a Motivational Self-Talk Intervention for Endurance Athletes
Completing an Ultramarathon
Psychological skills training (PST) can enhance endurance performance. Although
self-talk, imagery, goal setting, and packages including multiple PST strategies consistently
enhance endurance performance in non-competitive laboratory and field-based endurance
tasks, few studies have examined the effects of psychological interventions such as PST on
performance in actual endurance events, and these studies showed equivocal intervention
effects (McCormick, Meijen, & Marcora, 2015). People typically perform better in endurance
tasks when competing (McCormick et al., 2015). Further, athletes need to manage additional
stressors, and associated emotions, before and during events (e.g., McCormick, Meijen, &
Marcora, 2016; Simpson, Post, Young, & Jensen, 2014), compared to those typically present
in experimental conditions. It is therefore important to demonstrate that the performance
benefits of PST generalise to actual endurance events. To date, few studies of endurance and
other sport performances have measured the effects of a psychological intervention on the
competitive performances of athletes using a randomised, controlled experiment (G. L.
Martin, Vause, & Schwartzman, 2005). Randomised, controlled experiments are the most
rigorous experiments for demonstrating a cause-and-effect relationship between an
intervention and an outcome (e.g., Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002). The present study is
the first randomised, controlled experiment to examine the effects of PST on performance in
an actual endurance event (McCormick et al., 2015). Specifically, this study examined the
effect of strategic, motivational self-talk on performance in an ultramarathon.
Self-talk can be defined as what people say to themselves silently in their head or
aloud, automatically or strategically, to stimulate, direct, react, and evaluate events and
actions (Hatzigeorgiadis, Zourbanos, Latinjak, & Theodorakis, 2014). As captured by this
definition, self-talk refers to self-addressed verbalisations or statements that serve a range of
functions. These self-addressed verbalisations may occur automatically without being
-stematic way as a self-
   -    and exercise psychology literature,
there have been two main approaches to researching self-talk (Hatzigeorgiadis, Zourbanos, et
al., 2014). An observational approach has particularly focused on inherent self-talk and
examined the conte  -talk (e.g., Van Raalte, Morrey, Cornelius, & Brewer,
2015) and the antecedent or consequent correlates of self-talk (e.g., Hatzigeorgiadis &
Biddle, 2008), whereas an experimental approach has examined the effects of strategic
instructional or motivational self-talk, particularly on performance (e.g., Hatzigeorgiadis,
Galanis, Zourbanos, & Theodorakis, 2014). The present study aligns with this latter
approach; it examines the effects of a strategic, motivational self-talk intervention on
psychological variables and endurance performance.
Motivational self-talk was chosen as the intervention for three main reasons. First,
strategic, motivational self-talk has been shown to enhance endurance performance in
randomised, controlled experiments in the laboratory (Blanchfield, Hardy, de Morree,
Staiano, & Marcora, 2014; Wallace et al., 2017). Second, self-talk can be fairly
straightforward to learn and apply. In the endurance performance literature, learning to
strategically use motivational self-talk through a 30-60 minute workbook has led to
substantial performance gains (Barwood, Corbett, Wagstaff, McVeigh, & Thelwell, 2015;
Blanchfield et al., 2014; Wallace et al., 2017). It could therefore be a time-efficient
intervention for a population that often has little free time (Simpson et al., 2014). Third,
motivational self-talk is a versatile strategy that could serve multiple functions during an
ultramarathon. Specifically, motivational self-talk can help performers to persevere through
exertion for longer during endurance performances at a constant workload (Blanchfield et al.,
2014; Wallace et al., 2017) and to sustain a faster pace during self-paced performance
(Barwood et al., 2015). In addition, motivational self-talk could help ultramarathon runners to
cope with the many stressors experienced during actual endurance events. Ultramarathon
runners must overcome muscle cramping and injuries, gastrointestinal problems, thoughts
about quitting, and adverse weather and conditions, and they need to carefully pace
themselves to meet cut-off times whilst avoiding premature exhaustion (Antonini Philippe,
Rochat, Vauthier, & Hauw, 2016; Holt, Lee, Kim, & Klein, 2014; Simpson et al., 2014). As
the ultramarathon in the present study was completed overnight, additional event-specific
stressors include navigation in the dark and sleep deprivation. Using motivational self-talk as
a coping strategy when experiencing stressors could prevent the stressors from eliciting
negatively-toned emotions and, consequently, from undermining their motivation to sustain
effort and their ability to concentrate on important cues such as navigation cues (e.g.,
Martinent & Ferrand, 2009).
Five broad experiences characterise involvement in ultramarathon running (Simpson
et al., 2014): (a) the support, common personal bonds, and camaraderie of being part of an
ultramarathon community; (b) physical (e.g., training, nutrition, hydration), tactical (e.g.,
preparing equipment and clothing), and mental aspects (e.g., reflecting on previous
experiences) of preparing for an ultramarathon; (c) using mental skills to manage
performance during a race; (d) having opportunities to push perceived capabilities, to
experience nature, and to have spiritual experiences; and (e) the feelings of accomplishment
and euphoria experienced after completing an ultramarathon. Although research has shed
light on the experiences of ultramarathon runners and the coping strategies ultramarathon
runners use (Acevedo, Dzewaltowski, Gill, & Noble, 1992; Antonini Philippe et al., 2016;
Holt et al., 2014; Simpson et al., 2014), no published studies have examined the effects of
PST on performance in an ultramarathon. Further, no studies have examined the effects of
PST on performance in long-distance running events of at least half-marathon distance
(McCormick et al., 2015).
In addition to examining the effect of learning and practising motivational self-talk on
ultramarathon performance, this study examined whether motivational self-talk increased pre-
event self-efficacy and perceived control. When a competition is important to an athlete,
when there is uncertainty about the outcome of the competition, and when the competition
will require effort, the athlete may perceive the competition as a challenge or a threat.
Whether an athlete approaches the competition as a challenge or a threat depends on whether
they evaluate their resources as sufficient to cope with the demands of the competition
(Jones, Meijen, McCarthy, & Sheffield, 2009). An athlete is more likely to approach the
competition as a challenge if they possess high self-efficacy, perceive having control over the
situation, and strive towards achieving goals (Jones et al., 2009). This study examined
whether learning motivational self-talk before an ultramarathon could promote a challenge
response to the ultramarathon by teaching the athletes a skill, or a resource, that they could
use to cope with event demands (e.g., physical and environmental demands, encountered
problems) and finish the event (i.e., potentially enhancing their self-efficacy), and by helping
the athletes to perceive themselves as having sufficient control over their responses to the
event demands (i.e., potentially enhancing their perceived control).
The present study examined the effects of a strategic, motivational self-talk
intervention for endurance athletes completing a 60-mile, overnight ultramarathon. There
were four aims. The first aim was to examine whether learning and practising motivational
self-talk improved performance in an ultramarathon. The second aim was to examine whether
learning and practising self-talk increased pre-event self-efficacy and perceived control. The
third aim was to determine whether participants were still using self-talk six months after
receiving the intervention, as well as the functions of this self-talk, which could indicate
whether they found learning self-talk valuable. Studies examining the effects of PST on
endurance performance have not reported whether participants continued to use the taught
intervention after they finished their commitment to the research (McCormick et al., 2015).
The final aim was to highlight psychological aspects of participating in an ultramarathon,
such as pre-event and post-event emotions, encountered stressors, and the intensities of
perceived effort, exercise-induced muscle pain, and injury pain experienced over the course
of an ultramarathon. As well as helping the reader to understand the nature of this particular
ultramarathon, such data could inform future interventions that aim to help ultramarathon
runners to cope with the demands of their sport (Simons, 2012).
A randomised, controlled, posttest-only experimental design was used for the
performance dependent variable.1 For self-efficacy, perceived control, and expectations of
performance improvement, pre- and post-intervention comparisons were made. After
matching for estimated aerobic fitness, participants were randomly assigned to an
experimental group (motivational self-talk) or an alternative control treatment group
(concentration grid) by tossing a coin. Alternative control treatments are similar in duration,
perceived value, and procedure to the experimental treatment, but they target different
outcomes (W. Borg, 1984).
The Ultramarathon
The ultramarathon is an annual 60-mile race along the Thames Path in South England.
Participants navigate a flat, rural terrain that passes through villages. The ultramarathon is
self-supported; participants carry food, water, and clothing, and they navigate using head
torches and supplied route maps. Water and medical attention are available at three
checkpoints that are spaced 15 miles apart. Data were collected before, during, and after three
ultramarathons (May 2014, May 2015, and June 2016). The ultramarathons began at 8pm,
and there were cut-off times for each checkpoint.
All 148 runners who registered for the ultramarathon on any of the three years were
invited to participate. Thirty-two runners (22%) volunteered to participate in the study.
Fifteen were randomly assigned to the self-talk group, and 17 were assigned the control
group. Fourteen participants in the self-talk group attended the event and were included in the
analyses, and 15 participants in the control group attended the event. Three participants
dropped out of the study because they decided not to run the ultramarathon (n = 2) or because
they had insufficient time for the intervention workbook and did not want to complete rating
scales during the ultramarathon (n = 1) (a flowchart is available on request). Twenty-five of
the 29 participants were male, and 25 were British (M age = 39.3 years, SD = 8.4; M height =
177 cm, SD = 10; M weight = 73.5 kg, SD = 8.1; M weekly training hours = 8.9, SD = 3.6; M
events of at least half-marathon distance during the previous 12 months = 5.7, SD = 3.8; M
2max = 50.9 ml·kg-1·min-1, SD = 8.3; M 
2max = 43.0
ml·kg-1·min-1, SD = 4.1). The four non-British participants were fluent in the English
language. Achievement goals, in relation to an important endurance event, were measured in
Survey 1 using the Achievement Goal Questionnaire for Sport (AGQ-S) (Conroy, Elliot, &
Hofer, 2003). Scores on the mastery-approach goals (M = 17.0, SD = 2.99) subscale were
greater than scores on the mastery-avoidance (M = 11.3, SD = 5.57), outcome-approach (M =
10.4, SD = 4.17), and outcome-avoidance subscales (M = 10.3, SD = 5.12) (scores can range
from 3 to 21).
Participants had little prior experience with PST, particularly using self-talk
systematically. During an intake interview, no participants reported past experience working
with a sport psychologist. When describing the mental strategies they use during endurance
events, six participants referred to their self-talk statements (two were assigned to the self-
talk group and four to the control group), including motivational content. The most common
psychological strategy (referred to by 15 participants) was race chunking, which involves
breaking the distance down into shorter, more manageable distances.
Ethical approval was granted by the department ethics committee, and informed
consent was obtained. Figure 1 provides an overview of the timeline, including data
collection dates and intervention delivery dates. Self-report data were mainly collected using
four online surveys distributed by email. One battery of questionnaires was completed on
paper 30-90 minutes before the ultramarathon start. With consideration to missing self-report
data, all participants completed Survey 1, 26 participants (90%) completed Survey 2 (two
participants in the self-talk group and one in the control group did not), 26 participants (90%)
completed all of the pre-event questionnaires (three participants in the self-talk group arrived
late), all participants completed Survey 3, and 27 participants (93%) completed Survey 4 (one
participant in each group did not). Twenty-three participants (79%) completed all of the
surveys. Mean values were calculated using existent data.
[Insert Figure 1]
 
2max 
2max was estimated using data collected in Survey 1 and
corresponding mathematical formulas for males (Malek, Housh, Berger, Coburn, & Beck,
2005) and females (Malek, Housh, Berger, Coburn, & Beck, 2004).
Self-efficacy and perceived control. A self-efficacy scale was designed following
the guidance of Bandura (2006). Participants rated how certain they were (0-100 degree of
confidence) that they could do each of 10 things during the ultramarathon, which reflected
anticipated demands (e.g.,        ,
). MHighly
               
Participants also rated how much control they perceived their self to have over each of the 10
self-efficacy and perceived control values were mean values of the 10 ratings. These scales
were completed in Survey 1 and at the ultramarathon before the start.
Performance expectations. Expectations of performance improvement were
measured pre-randomisation (Survey 1) and before the ultramarathon start to determine the
possibility of a placebo effect. Participants rated their degree of agreement with a statement
about the potential performance-enhancing effects of psychological interventions on a seven-
Pre-event motivation. Before the ultramarathon start, participants rated their
              -point
 
Sport emotions. Participants completed the Sport Emotion Questionnaire (Jones,
Lane, Bray, Uphill, & Catlin, 2005) before the ultramarathon start, and they retrospectively
rated how they felt after they finished the ultramarathon (Survey 4). This questionnaire
assesses anger, anxiety, dejection, excitement, and happiness. The fatigue items of the Brunel
Mood Scale (Terry, Lane, Lane, & Keohane, 1999) were included among items. Both
measures use the same five-      N    
Perception of effort and pain. Nine research points were marked on 
route maps, near to identifiable landmarks. At each, participants were asked to rate their
perception of effort, exercise-induced pain, and injury-related pain by marking a value onto a
scale. Participants rated their overall perception of effort using the 15-point rating of
perceived exertion (RPE) scale (G. A. Borg, 1998), and they rated the intensity of exercise-
induced pain and injury-related pain using 0-10 pain scales   
Smith, & Lee, 1997). Perception of effort was defined as how effortful, heavy, and strenuous
the exercise feels. Exercised-induced pain was defined as the pain that is produced by muscle
burn and ache as a result of repeated or prolonged muscular contraction, whereas injury-
related pain was defined as the pain that may result from injury (e.g. blisters, twisted ankle).
Sixteen participants (55%) recorded all RPE and pain values applicable to them, and an
additional four participants (14%) recorded most RPE and pain values.
Performance. 
minute. Performance times were downloaded from the official website of the ultramarathon.
Manipulation checks. Following the ultramarathon (Survey 3), questions determined
whether participants in the self-talk group used the workbook to identify self-talk statements
(Yes/No), to what extent these participants used self-talk statements during the ultramarathon
(five-point Likert scale), whether self-talk statements were helpful (Yes/No), and the
occasions and purposes of using self-talk statements (qualitative data). Participants in the
concentration-grid group used the same five-     N   A great
-talk statements during the event.
Contamination checks. Following the ultramarathon (Survey 3), contamination
questions were used to determine whether participants were aware of the other intervention.
Social validity. Social validation is used to determine satisfaction with an
intervention (Page & Thelwell, 2013). Following the ultramarathon (Survey 3), participants
used a five-point Likert scale to rate the extent to which an improvement in long-distance
running performance is important to them, the extent to which an improvement in
concentration is important to them (control group only), the extent to which the intervention-
delivery methods were acceptable, the extent to which they viewed changes in their long-
distance running performance to be significant, and the extent to which they viewed changes
           S   
S      ultramarathon (Survey 4), participants re-rated the
extent to which they viewed changes in their performance and concentration to be significant.
Follow-up of intervention use. Six months after the event, participants reported
whether they were still using self-talk statements (self-talk group) or concentration grids
(control group) using a five-            
Participants in the self-talk group were asked whether they used self-talk statements in
training during the previous month and during their most recent long-distance running event.
They also provided information on the occasions and purposes of using self-talk statements.
Intake interview. An intake interview was conducted with each participant to build
rapport before distributing the intervention workbooks and to gain information relevant to the
study. The primary researcher ran 20 intake interviews by video call and nine by telephone.
Using a set protocol, the researcher and participant discussed the following topics: the
         
expectations and goals for the ultramarathon; what sport psychology is and the parti
experiences with it; psychological strategies already used by participants; and the format of
the workbook. Participants were asked not to discuss the content of their workbook with
other competitors, including competitors in later years. The mean intake duration was 39
minutes (SD = 16).
Workbooks. To the extent possible, the workbooks were presented in a similar
format. Both workbooks included educational material, exercises for participants to complete,
and four practice logs that would each take up to five minutes to complete. The workbooks
were distributed one day after the final intake interview.
Self-talk workbook. Learning to strategically use motivational self-talk through a 30-
minute workbook, followed by two weeks of practising self-talk during exercise bouts and
refining self-talk statements, has been shown to benefit endurance performance (Blanchfield
et al., 2014). Following a brief introduction to self-talk statements, participants were asked to
notice their self-talk during a training run, and they recorded the effects that self-talk
statements had on how they felt. Participants then compared their statements to 32
motivational statements that were located in the self-talk literature (Blanchfield et al., 2014;
Miller & Donohue, 2003) or PST consultancy notes, and they picked four statements from the
two lists that would be valuable during the beginning, middle, or later stages of the
ultramarathon (Blanchfield et al., 2014). Participants were encouraged to use motivational
statements to counter thoughts about withdrawing effort     
   
encouraged to practise and refine statements in training until the ultramarathon. Participants
were asked to complete four logs detailing their use of self-talk (Blanchfield et al., 2014).
Concentration workbook. The importance of concentration in sport was briefly
introduced. The workbook then introduced the concentration grid and explained how
participants could use it to develop their concentration. Participants were encouraged to
complete at least two concentration grids each day, on as many days as possible, until the
ultramarathon, and they were asked to practise in both quiet and distracting environments.
Participants were given 20 concentration grids, and they were asked to complete four logs
detailing their use of the concentration grid.
Compliance checks. Participants completed a survey before the ultramarathon
(Survey 2) to determine whether they had read the workbook and were practising their
allocated strategy. Participants were given the opportunity to ask questions. Answers to
questions were sent by email to all participants using the same workbook.
Data Analysis
A one-tailed, independent-samples t-test was used to determine if there was a
statistically-significant difference in the performance times between groups. To address the
practical significance of the effect on performanceparticularly considering the small
sample size and posttest-only designthe probabilities that the true effect size is beneficial
( d > 0.20), trivial (between ± 0.20), or harmful (< -0.20) were calculated using a
magnitude-based inferences spreadsheet (
(Batterham & Hopkins, 2006). Condition-by-time (2x2) mixed ANOVAs were used to
determine whether the intervention influenced changes in self-efficacy and perceived control.
Partial eta squared (p2) effect sizes are presented for these ANOVAs (small, moderate, and
large effect size anchors are 0.01, 0.06, and 0.14, respectively). Mann-Whitney U tests were
used to compare pre-post changes in expectations of performance improvement and pre-event
motivation values between groups. Qualitative data from Survey 3 and Survey 4 were
organised into themes.
For participants in the self-talk group, self-efficacy decreased from a mean of 88.7
(SD = 7.44) when Survey 1 was completed (pre-randomisation) to 83.5 (SD = 9.85) (out of
100) at the ultramarathon before the start. For participants in the control group, self-efficacy
increased from 86.9 (SD = 10.2) to 87.5 (SD = 9.41). The main effect of time, F(1, 24) =
1.74, p = .20, p2 = 0.068, the main effect of condition, F(1, 24) = 0.12, p = .73, p2 = 0.005,
and the interaction between time and condition, F(1, 24) = 2.70, p = .11, p2 = 0.10, were not
statistically significant.
Perceived Control
For participants in the self-talk group, perceived control decreased from a mean of
8.46 (SD = 0.95) when Survey 1 was completed to 7.89 (SD = 1.62) (out of 10) at the event
before the start. For participants in the control group, perceived control decreased from 8.73
(SD = 1.31) to 8.33 (SD = 1.12). The main effect of time was statistically significant, F(1, 24)
= 5.34, p = .030, p2 = 0.18. The main effect of condition, F(1, 24) = 0.60, p = .45, p2 =
0.024, and the interaction between time and condition, F(1, 24) = 0.15, p = .70, p2 = 0.006,
were not statistically significant.
Performance Expectations
Expectations of performance improvement immediately before the ultramarathon
were slightly higher in the self-talk group (out of 1 to 7, median [Mdn] = 5.5, interquartile
range [IQR] = 5 to 6) than the control group (Mdn  IQR = 4 to 5). Changes in
expectations of performance improvement, from pre- to post-intervention, did not differ
significantly between groups (both Mdns = 0, self-talk IQR = -1 to 0.5, control IQR = -1 to 0),
U = 60.0, p = .15.
Pre-Event Motivation
Motivation to participate did not differ significantly between groups (out of 0 to 4,
both Mdns  self-talk IQR = 3 to 3.5, control IQR = 3 to 4), U = 77.5, p =
.55. Motivation to race against others also did not differ significantly (self-talk Mdn 
-talk IQR = 1 to 2.5, control Mdn  IQR = 1 to 2), U
= 74.5, p = 0.46.
Sport Emotions
Emotions and fatigue data are presented in Table 1. Participants generally felt happy
and excited before the ultramarathon and after finishing it, with some pre-start anxiety and
post-event fatigue.
[Insert Table 1 here]
Ultramarathon Characteristics
Ten participants (34%) ran with other runners throughout the ultramarathon. The 19
participants who performed alone estimated that they ran alone for a mean of 49% (SD = 36)
of the ultramarathon (i.e., time alone varied greatly between participants). As preparation for
a 184-mile ultramarathon along the route, 11 participants (38%) (six self-talk, five control)
carried some additional equipment with them, and three participants (10%) (one self-talk, two
control) carried all additional equipment with them (e.g., sleeping and cooking equipment).
Mean estimated equipment weights for these participants were 5.6 kg (SD = 1.1) (four self-
talk participants provided estimates of M = 5.3 kg, SD = 1.3, and six control participants
provided estimates of M = 5.8 kg, SD = 1.1). As displayed in Figure 2, RPE, exercise-induced
pain, and injury-related pain increased with distance covered during the ultramarathon.2
Twenty-two of 29 (76%) of all entrants (83% of finishers) experienced new or pre-existing
injuries, including blisters, during the ultramarathon. Excluding injury, 24 of 29 participants
(83%) (11 of 14 self-talk, 13 of 15 control) encountered problems during the ultramarathon.
By far, the most common problem, reported by 16 participants (55%) (six of 14 self-talk, 10
of 15 control), related to difficulty navigating in the dark and associated navigation errors.
[Insert Figure 2 here]
Eleven of 14 participants in the self-talk group finished the ultramarathon, and 13 of
15 participants in the control group finished. A statistician, who viewed performance times
but was blinded to allocations, suggested only including participants who met the advertised
time limit of 15 hours (20 of 24 finishers) in the analyses. The mean performance time of the
self-talk group (824 minutes, SD = 97) was 12 minutes (1.44%) faster than the control group
(836 minutes, SD = 75), t(18) = 0.31, p = .76. d = 0.13).
The probability that the true effect is practically harmful/trivial/beneficial is 22.1/34.6/43.3%.
For transparency, analyses with all finishers included are also presented. The mean time of
the control group (848 minutes, SD = 75) was five minutes (0.57%) faster than the self-talk
group (853 minutes, SD = 114), t(22) = 0.13, p = .90. The effect size was trivial (d =
-0.05). The probability that the true effect is practically harmful/trivial/beneficial is
35.6/37.4/27.0%. The efficacy of self-talk was unclear in both analyses.
Intervention Compliance
Twelve of 14 participants in the self-talk group reported that they used the workbook
to identify self-talk statements, and 10 participants submitted completed workbook logs.
When participants used a five-point (1-5) Likert scale to indicate if they used self-talk during
the ultramarathon, the median response for participants in the self-talk group   
 IQR = 3 to 5, no participants reported no self-talk use), and the median
response for participants in the control      IQR = 1 to 3, eight
participants reported no self-talk use). Twelve of 15 participants in the control group reported
that they had completed concentration grids, and 10 participants submitted completed
workbook logs.
Intervention Contamination
No participants reported being told about the content of the other workbook.
Social Validity
Improvements in long-distance running performance were important to both groups
(out of 1 to 5, self-talk Mdn  IQR = 4 to 5, control Mdn  
IQR = 4 to 5), improvements in concentration were important to the control group (Mdn = 4,
IQR = 4 to 5), and the methods used to deliver the interventions were acceptable to
participants in both groups (both Mdns = 4, self-talk IQR = 4 to 5, control IQR = 3 to 5).
After the ultramarathon, changes in performance were not considered to be significant by
either group (both Mdns   , self-talk IQR = 2.5 to 4, control
IQR = 3 to 3), and changes in concentration were not considered to be significant by the
control group (Mdn = 3, IQR = 3 to 4). Eleven of 14 participants in the self-talk group
reported that using self-talk statements was helpful during the ultramarathon. Six months
after the ultramarathon, changes in running performance were considered significant by the
self-talk group (Mdn = 4, IQR = 3 to 4). More participants (8 of 13 respondents) perceived
that self-talk had benefited their performance six months after the ultramarathon, compared
with soon after the ultramarathon (5 of 14 respondents). Changes in performance and
concentration were not considered significant by the control group (Mdns = 3, IQRs = 1 to 4).
Follow-Up of Intervention Use
Six months after the ultramarathon, 11 of 13 participants in the self-talk group
reported intentionally using self-talk in training during the previous month (out of 1 to 5, Mdn
 IQR = 2 to 3). Ten of 11 participants who had participated in a long-
distance running event since the ultramarathon reported intentionally using self-talk during
their most recent event (Mdn 4 IQR = 3 to 4), which was a mean
of 21 weeks (SD = 7) after the ultramarathon. Three of 11 participants in the control group
reported using the concentration grid during the previous month.
Qualitative Data
Participants in the self-talk group reported finding self-talk particularly helpful during
the ultramarathon for different reasons. Reasons reported were: to focus (e.g., on the goal of
completion) (reported by four); to cope with feelings of tiredness (reported by three), pain
(reported by one), and injury (reported by one); and to cope with other stressors, namely
getting lost or going off course (reported by two), low moments (reported by one), and
adverse weather (reported by one). Six months after the ultramarathon, the most common use
of self-talk in training (reported by nine) was to persevere or to push harder, particularly
despite tiredness (specifically referred to by six)    -talk] as I felt tired and
unwilling to run, or to make me do a hard effort fasterhe most common uses of self-talk
in events were to persevere or to push harder (reported by five) and to cope with tough
periods of the race (reported by four) that included the following stressors: blisters (reported
by two); navigation errors (reported by one); low moments (reported by one); feeling wet and
cold (reported by one); and adverse weather (reported by one). Comments of seven
participants in the self-talk group indicated that that they had, to some extent, been using self-
talk statements naturally or unsystematically before commencing the study.
This research examined the effects of a strategic, motivational self-talk intervention
for endurance athletes completing a 60-mile, overnight ultramarathon. Laboratory research
demonstrates that motivational self-talk can improve endurance performance, but no
randomised, controlled experiments have examined the effects of self-talk (or other PST
interventions) at actual events. The results did not demonstrate a performance benefit. The
sample size was small, however, and performance times varied considerably because of
variations in competitive standard, injury, and navigation errors. These factors reduce
statistical power compared to well-controlled laboratory settings and shorter-duration
endurance tasks. Participants also spent much of the race running with others, meaning that
they may not have chosen their own pace.
Although a performance benefit was not demonstrated, the data suggested that most
participants found the intervention helpful and continued to use it six months after their
commitment to the research, particularly in endurance events and to a lesser extent in
training. Participants continued to use self-talk to cope with exertion, as well as other
stressors such as blister discomfort and adverse conditions. Further, an additional three
participants perceived that self-talk had benefited their performance six months after the
ultramarathon, compared with soon after the ultramarathon. These findings highlight the
potential value of self-talk to endurance athletes, because the study did not require the
athletes to continue using self-talk.
Many endurance athletes naturally talk to themselves during endurance events. For
example, Van Raalte, Morrey, Cornelius, and Brewer (2015) found that 88% of marathon
runners engaged in various types of self-talk that included motivational, associative,
dissociative, goal-related, incentive, mantra, and spiritual self-talk. In the present study, the
intake interviews and the data of the control group suggested that, without receiving the self-
talk workbook, participants were mostly unaware of using self-talk. During the intake
interview, only six of 29 participants referred to using self-talk statements as a psychological
strategy during long-distance running events, and eight of 14 participants in the control group
reported using no self-talk (of any type) during the ultramarathon. The self-talk group used
self-talk more often during the ultramarathon than the control group and, after using the
workbook, seven participants in the self-talk group commented that they previously used self-
talk naturally or unsystematically. It is proposed that the workbook used in this study helped
athletes to become aware of their self-talk and its consequences, and encouraged them to use
self-talk more often, and also more systematically.
This study also examined whether learning and practising self-talk increased pre-
event self-efficacy and perceived control. Self-efficacy, perceptions of control, and striving
towards achieving goals influence challenge responses to upcoming competition (Jones et al.,
2009). Participants in the present study strived to achieve mastery goals, which means that
they typically strived to achieve absolute or intrapersonal competence (Conroy et al., 2003).
In other words, participants strived to perform well relative to their own standards, rather than
relative to others. This finding is consistent with research that demonstrates that many
ultramarathon runners attempt to achieve personal goals such as finishing or achieving a time,
instead of placement goals (Acevedo et al., 1992; Simpson et al., 2014). In addition to
striving for mastery goals, participants in the present study reported high self-efficacy and
perceived control, independent of whether they were in the experimental or control group.
These findings suggest that participants in this study typically experienced a challenge
response, rather than a threat response, to the upcoming ultramarathon. This challenge
response was accompanied by positively-toned emotions (cf. Jones et al., 2009); emotional
states before the start were characterised by excitement, happiness, and some anxiety. Self-
efficacy and perceived control values indicated that participants believed that they could cope
with event demands and finish the event (i.e., high self-efficacy) and that they perceived
themselves as having sufficient control over their responses to the event demands (i.e., high
perceived control). The self-talk intervention did not enhance these perceptions.
The presented data highlight the demands facing ultramarathon runners. Specifically,
the ultramarathon runners experienced increasing intensities of perceived effort, exercise-
induced pain (aching and burning muscles), and injury-related pain during the ultramarathon.
During actual endurance events such as the ultramarathon, endurance athletes also need to
cope with a plethora of additional stressors. These stressors include gastrointestinal problems,
thoughts about quitting, and adverse weather and conditions (Antonini Philippe et al., 2016;
Holt et al., 2014). In the present study, navigating in the dark was a key stressor experienced
by runners. These additional stressors are rarely experienced by participants performing in
sport science laboratories and non-competitive field settings, which is where the majority of
research on psychological interventions for endurance performance has been conducted
(McCormick et al., 2015). It is important that endurance athletes can cope with these
stressors, as they could elicit a potentially debilitative emotional response (e.g., Martinent &
Ferrand, 2009) and increase the demands of the situation compared to non-competitive
Future Research Suggestions
Although research examining the effects of psychological interventions at actual
endurance events is encouraged, this study highlights methodological challenges associated
with collecting data at an endurance event. Performance times in events such as the
ultramarathon may not compare to  performance times in other events, because
of differences in distance and race profile, and unique features of events. Randomised,
controlled, posttest-only designs may therefore be an appropriate choice of design, but these
designs require high participant numbers for statistical power, which may not be achievable.
Future experimental research at actual endurance events could use posttest-only designs to
examine performance in mass-participation events that involve thousands of entrants, or use
randomised, controlled, pretest-posttest designswhich have higher statistical powerto
examine performance in events that have less within-subject variability in performance times
between events. Such research is encouraged because of the plethora of additional stressors,
and associated emotions, experienced in actual events.
Participants assigned to the control group were given an alternative control treatment.
Providing control participants with an alternative treatment was intended to discourage them
from seeking the self-talk workbook (i.e., contamination), which could have reduced the
observed effect of the self-talk intervention. Further, similar intervention demands were
placed on control participants as the experimental group (e.g., time demands, completion of
logs as evidence of compliance), which can reduce bias associated with study dropouts (W.
Borg, 1984). The alternative control treatment involved practising concentration grids to
develop concentration. It is questionable, however, whether this control intervention had
similar perceived value to the self-talk intervention. Although participants in the control
group reported that improvements in concentration were important to them, only three of 14
participants in the control group were still using the concentration grid at the six-month
follow-up. In contrast, 12 of 14 participants in the self-talk group reported still using self-talk.
The self-talk group might therefore have valued the content of their workbook more. Further,
experimental research suggests that the concentration grid might not be efficacious at
improving concentration when it is used in isolation, rather than as part of a PST package,
without extensive practice (Greenlees, Thelwell, & Holder, 2006). Finally, although the
alternative control treatment targeted concentration rather than performance, an improvement
in concentration could potentially improve ultramarathon performance; that is, the targeted
outcomes are somewhat related (cf. W. Borg, 1984). When designing the concentration
workbook, care was therefore taken not to suggest performance-relevant cues that
participants could apply the concentration grid to during the ultramarathon; omitting this
information might have detrimentally affected the perceived value of the alternative control
treatment. Although using the concentration workbook as an alternative control treatment has
limitations, no participants in the control group reported being aware of the content of the
self-talk intervention. This suggests that the alternative control treatment prevented
contamination and therefore served a valuable purpose. Researchers conducting
psychological intervention research are encouraged to consider different ways of including an
alternative control treatment, to reduce sources of bias that could influence conclusions.
Intake interviews were conducted before participants were allocated to experimental
and control groups. Once participants had received their workbook, the researcher did not
speak with participants about their particular workbook by video call or telephone. Instead,
participants were able to ask questions using a survey, and these questions were answered by
email. These decisions were made to prevent biasing the results by systematically introducing
expectation effects. This intervention format, however, is unrepresentative of how self-talk
interventions are delivered in applied settings (e.g., Latinjak, Font-Lladó, Zourbanos, &
Hatzigeorgiadis, 2016). Additional personalised support from a sport psychologist could have
encouraged even greater compliance, refined participants use of self-talk, and ultimately
increased the size of the intervention effect.
With consideration to external validity, participants in the study were those
ultramarathon entrants who volunteered for the research (22% of all entrants), rather than a
random selection of all entrants (cf. Bracht & Glass, 1968). The participants included in the
study may not therefore be representative of ultramarathon runners as a population. For
example, they may have had less competing time commitments, allowing them to meet the
time demands of the research. They may also have different attitudes towards sport
psychology. For example, they may have been less influenced by stigmas associated with
working with a sport psychologist, they may have had greater confidence in sport psychology
consultants, or they have had been more open to working with a sport psychologist (S. B.
Martin, Bochum, Lavallee, & Page, 2002). As a consequence, participants may have
perceived the intervention differently and been more likely to comply with the intervention.
Nevertheless, people who are willing and able to participate in studies could be more
representative of sport psychology consumers if common characteristics, such as time
availability and attitudes towards sport psychology, determine whether endurance athletes
volunteer for studies and pursue psychological assistance.
This study provides unique data on psychological intervention effects at an actual
endurance event, using a strong experimental design. The results showed that learning to use
strategic, motivational self-talk did not affect pre-event self-efficacy or perceived control. It
also did not affect performance in the ultramarathon, although this latter finding could be
explained by the sample size and variability in performance times. Nevertheless, the data
suggested that most participants found the intervention helpful and continued to use it six
months after their commitment to the research, particularly in endurance events and to a
lesser extent in training. Participants continued to use self-talk to cope with exertion, as well
as other stressors. Additional research examining the effects of psychological interventions
on performance in actual endurance events, where a plethora of stressors and associated
emotions are experienced, is encouraged.
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The Sport Psychologist, 28, 176185.
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a mood measure for adolescents. Journal of Sports Sciences, 17, 861872.
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1 Additional detail on the methods is available (McCormick, 2016).
2 All event competitors carried GPS tags that gave real-time information on their progress.
           were only
available for the second year. There was insufficient GPS and self-report data to compare
ratings of perceived exertion and pain, relative to pace, between conditions.
Figure 1. Overview of the study timeline.
010 20 30 40 50 60
20 A
Distance (miles)
010 20 30 40 50 60
Exercise-induced pain
Injury-related pain
Distance (miles)
Figure 2. Mean and standard deviation ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) (panel A) and
ratings of pain (panel B) during the ultramarathon.
Table 1
Sport Emotions and Fatigue Before the Ultramarathon and After Completing
the Ultramarathon
M = 1.50, SD = 0.92
M = 0.067, SD = 0.13
M = 0.13, SD = 0.37
M = 0.29, SD = 0.53
M = 2.52, SD = 0.82
M = 2.25, SD = 1.01
M = 0.056, SD = 0.20
M = 0.17, SD = 0.27
M = 2.39, SD = 0.98
M = 2.96, SD = 0.93
M = 0.66, SD = 0.59
M = 2.25, SD = 0.94
Note. Anxiety, dejection, excitement, anger, and happiness were measured
using the Sport Emotion Questionnaire (Jones, Lane, Bray, Uphill, & Catlin,
2005). Fatigue was measured using the Brunel Mood Scale (Terry, Lane,
Lane, & Keohane, 1999). Post-event values were reported retrospectively, a
mean of 4 days (SD = 6) after completing the event. Scores can range from 0
to 4.
... The latter cluster of research is particularly relevant to this overview, and it provides considerable evidence that using motivational self-talk strategically can benefit endurance performance. Strategic use of motivational self-talk can be taught using brief-contact interventions without in-person support (McCormick et al., 2018a) and is therefore well suited for brief educational interventions (Brick et al., 2020;. ...
... Motivational self-talk has been shown to increase cycling time to exhaustion in normal conditions (Blanchfield et al., 2014) and in the heat (Wallace et al., 2017), improve performance times in a 10 km cycling time trial (Barwood et al., 2015), and increase distance cycled in 30 minutes in the heat (Hatzigeorgiadis et al., 2018). A motivational self-talk intervention did not improve performance in a 60-mile ultramarathon, however, although most participants reported finding the intervention helpful and continued to use it six months after their research commitment (McCormick et al., 2018a). When compared against instructional self-talk, recent evidence showed that motivational self-talk relating to effort improved amateur triathletes' self-paced, 750m swimming times by 2.8 per cent, whereas instructional self-talk related to pace and movement fluency did not influence performance (de Matos et al., 2021). ...
... These issues are not unique to sport psychology research and practice and are also prevalent concerns in the broader sport and exercise science domain (Beedie et al., 2015). Few studies have been conducted at actual endurance events with endurance athletes as participants (for exceptions, see Jaenes et al., 2021;McCormick et al., 2018a;Schüler & Langens, 2007). This is an important limitation given that the stressors experienced at real-life events, and how these stressors are appraised, may differ from those typically experienced in laboratory-based research . ...
Within this paper, we provide an expert opinion on five evidence-based psychological strategies that could help endurance participants overcome slowing down and stopping during performance: goal setting, motivational self-talk, relaxation, distraction, and pacing. We argue that these strategies are well-suited for delivery as brief-contact, educational interventions that could be accessible to large numbers of participants who do not have access to a sport and exercise psychologist. These interventions could be delivered using websites, online videos, workshops, or magazine articles. We propose a novel use for implementation intentions (i.e. if-then planning) to develop endurance participants’ conditional knowledge of when to use specific strategies. In addition, although research evidence suggests that these psychological strategies may be efficacious for overcoming thoughts of slowing down or stopping, there are important limitations in the research evidence. In particular, there is a dearth of ecologically valid, field-based effectiveness studies. Finally, we consider situations where attempts to resist slowing down or stopping during endurance activity may not be advisable. Scenarios include when there is an increased likelihood of injury, or when environmental conditions increase the risk of life-threatening events.
... It is still an open question whether inner speech in fact helps control physical performance beyond what athletes believe. Only a few studies to date have directly investigated self-talk in endurance sport through interventions where participants are trained to use specific self-talk phrases (Barwood, Corbett, Wagstaff, McVeigh, & Thelwell, 2015;Blanchfield, Hardy, De Morree, Staiano, & Marcora, 2014;Hamilton, Scott, & MacDougall, 2007;Hatzigeorgiadis et al., 2018;McCormick, Meijen, & Marcora, 2018;Schüler & Langens, 2007;P. J. Wallace, McKinlay, et al., 2017). ...
... Existing dual-task studies investigating the involvement of cognitive functions in sport were ill-suited to answering our present questions as they were not designed to test verbal involvement specifically. Intervention studies on endurance sport have found that self-talk helps improve performance (Barwood et al., 2015;Blanchfield et al., 2014;Hamilton et al., 2007;Hatzigeorgiadis et al., 2018;McCormick et al., 2018;Schüler & Langens, 2007; P. J. Wallace, McKinlay, et al., 2017). Because of the design of Figure 10. ...
... A natural way to follow up on the present study would be to examine the role of inner speech in real endurance sports situations (such as marathons, triathlons, etc.) where it may be even more important how athletes talk to themselves. There is convincing evidence that marathon runners, for example, believe that self-talk helps them perform better (McCormick et al., 2018;Nedergaard et al., 2021;Schüler & Langens, 2007;Van Raalte et al., 2015) but evidence from interventions concerning whether it actually helps is mixed. As athletes generally differ in what kinds of self-talk helps them based on the type of sport (Theodorakis, Weinberg, Natsis, Douma, & Kazakas, 2000), their level of expertise (Nedergaard et al., 2021), and whether the setting is competition or training (Hatzigeorgiadis, Galanis, Zourbanos, & Theodorakis, 2014), we would expect interference to be differentially disruptive as well. ...
In two preregistered experiments, we investigated whether covert language is involved in sustained physical efforts, specifically if people are less able to push themselves physically when distracted from using inner speech. In both experiments, participants performed 12 cycling trials (Experiment 1: N = 49; Experiment 2: N = 50), each lasting 1 min where participants were required to cycle as fast as possible while simultaneously engaging in either a visuospatial task, a verbal task or no interference. Experiment 1: Participants performed worse in the verbal interference condition compared with the control condition (d = 0.29) and verbal interference performance was numerically but not significantly worse than visuospatial interference (d = 0.22). Experiment 2: A more demanding interference task yielded significant slower cycling with verbal interference compared to both control (d = 1) and visuospatial interference (d = 0.43). These results indicate that inner speech plays a causal role in control of sustained physical efforts.
... Some studies found that self-talk interventions made participants run or cycle faster (Barwood, et al., 2015;8 Cooper, et al., 2021). However, a study of ultramarathon runners was unable to show such an effect (McCormick, et al., 2018), although participants reported finding the intervention helpful. Apart from a small sample size, the fact that most runners already prior to interventions use self-talk, in a more or less goal-directed/strategic manner (see below), may help to explain why there is sometimes no effect. ...
In this theoretical paper, we use a linguistic vocabulary to reframe self-talk in endurance sport through a focus on grammatical function. Self-talk often works as speech acts , a kind of communicative action, e.g. where a self-talker is using the imperative mood to accomplish some goal with respect to herself (Come on!). Auxiliary modal verbs work across three main types of utterances: Deontic modality involving permission and obligation; dynamic modality involving ability and willingness; epistemic modality involving probabilistic judgements. In self-talk, these all function to establish a hypothetical domain for further reflection. Self-distance can be negotiated using 1st and 2nd person pronouns (I/you) and spatial demonstratives (this/that). Sentiment is communicated using adjectives , while negation may yield a means for impulse control. We can question our own utterances and use interjections to communicate surprise. These are all vital mental tools in endurance sports and an increased awareness of their functions in self-talk research will likely yield better self-talk interventions and lead to better performance for athletes.
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Objetivo: Esta revisión sistemática explora el perfil psicológico de los corredores de Ultra Trail, analizando su relación con el rendimiento y el bienestar de los deportistas. Método: Se realizó una revisión sistemática siguiendo la Declaración PRISMA, empleando diversas bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, Psicodoc, Dialnet, Science direct y Research Gate. Se aplicaron criterios de inclusión (artículos científicos en contextos deportivos que exploren variables psicológicas en Ultra Trail Running publicados entre 2014 y 2024, en lengua castellana o inglesa) y exclusión (estudios de contextos deportivos que no aborden características psicológicas y que no sean de Ultra Trail Running específicamente), valorando la calidad metodológica mediante la lista de verificación STROBE, la escala de la Base de Datos de Evidencia en Fisioterapia (PEDro) y el Programa de Habilidades en Lectura Crítica Español (CASPe). Este estudio ha sido registrado en la plataforma internacional PROSPERO para revisiones sistemáticas prospectivas, con el número de registro 512424. Resultados: De treinta y un estudios seleccionados, se identificaron las características psicológicas clave asociadas con los corredores de Ultra Trail, que fueron agrupadas en los siguientes tópicos: motivación; habilidades psicológicas y gestión del estrés. Las tendencias indican que un perfil psicológico favorable, es decir, un atleta y orientado hacia la motivación intrínseca, con adecuadas habilidades psicológicas y gestión del estrés, influye positivamente en el rendimiento deportivo y el bienestar. Conclusiones: Se destaca la necesidad de enfoques personalizados en el entrenamiento mental por parte de profesionales del deporte, señalando la importancia de investigaciones de calidad enfocadas en las peculiaridades psicológicas, salud mental y preparación psicológica de estos atletas.
Our aim in the present study was to test the efficacy of a 13-week, 19-session psychological intervention program on young soccer players’ competitive anxiety and their sport psychological profiles. Participants were 37 players in the under-15 age category, of which 18 players formed the experimental group ( M age = 14.67 years, SD = .48) and 19 players formed the control group ( Mage = 14.23 years, SD = .42); this was a quasi-experimental design without random assignment to groups. We had all participants complete the Psychological Inventory of Sport Performance (IPED), the Questionnaire of Psychological Characteristics of Sport Performance (CPRD), and the Competition State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) before and after the intervention. Results indicated positive effects for the intervention group (but not the control group) on stress control and motivation dimensions of the CPRD, cognitive anxiety and self-confidence on the CSAI-2, and self-confidence and attentional control on the IPED. These results suggest that psychological training for athletes contributes to their improved psychological skills, providing them tools to better adapt to the competitive environment.
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High performance sport consists of stressor events which can cause disruption to an athletes’ functioning and negatively influence performance. The way in which one reflects upon stressor events and develops insights regarding how they coped is essential to overcoming similar experiences in the future. We conducted a pilot randomised controlled trial with a qualitative analysis to explore the coping insights among 48 highly trained/national level swimmers in the lead up to major swimming competitions, who reflected on a stressor event from self-distanced or self-immersed perspectives over a 3-week period. Using the self-reflection and coping insight framework as a guideline, we captured a broad range of coping insights across both groups. Irrespective of the group to which they were assigned, athletes showed positive signs towards re-interpreting their stressor experience and embracing the stressor event, whereas consideration of individual values and adoption of a future-focus viewpoint were areas lacking. The emotionality described by athletes in their written reflections varied across both groups and influenced the development of coping insights. Our findings indicate a necessity to examine the emotionality associated with unique stressor events and consider integrating reflection strategies, while also enhancing the operational definitions within conceptual models of stress reflection protocols.
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In the present paper we demonstrate the application of methods for cumulative evidence synthesis including Bayesian meta-analysis, and exploration of questionable research practices such as publication bias or p-hacking, in the sport and exercise sciences for the evaluation of experimental interventions. The use of such methods can aid in study planning and avoid "research waste". In demonstrating and discussing these methods we use the example of self-talk interventions and their effects upon sport/motor performance given a quantitative evidence synthesis has not been conducted on this topic, to the best of our knowledge, since 2011 when Hatzigeorgiadis et al. (2011) conducted their systematic review and meta-analysis. As such, this topic is ripe to use in demonstrating cumulative methods such as Bayesian updating. Therefore, our aim was to conduct an updated systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis replicating the search, inclusion, and models of Hatzigeorgiadis et al. (2011) and demonstrate the application of cumulative evidence synthesis methods including; consideration of the initial probability that a new study of the effects of self-talk interventions would shift our prior belief in their effectiveness, the application of priors taken from the previous meta-analysis to be updated by new studies identified to a new posterior estimate of effect, and consideration of other possible sources of research waste from questionable research practices such as publication bias and p-hacking. Such methods as those demonstrated here, when used prospectively, can aid researchers in determining whether further research of a particular experimental intervention is in fact warranted. Considering the limited resources and time for conducting research we hope that highlighting the application of these methods might help researchers in the field to avoid research waste and more productively direct their research efforts.
Conference Paper
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Abstract: The specificity of learning motor movements in artistic gymnastics is the state in which the action should be performed automatically, in order to reduce or minimize the risk of unsuccessful performance. Properly learned floor exercises requires technically correct movement, which is provided by the FIG Regulations for a given discipline. All those acrobatic exercises are characterized by changes in extremely short-term, alternating support of the arms and legs on the ground, where the body is very often in the phase without support, ie in the flight phase. The subject of this paper are basic floor discipline exercises that are realized in the programs of the subject Gymnastics or Exercises on apparatus in primary schools in the Republic of Serbia, while the aim of the paper is a methodical procedure of training certain basic floor exercises, through certain phases, to a properly learned performance technique. Some researchers have suggested that the best way to do a new exercise is through a step-by-step approach, which is known in coaching as a progressive approach to learning. The steps taken in teaching new motor actions may vary and there may not be a single “best way”. The basic gymnastic floor exercises that are selected from the Curriculum of primary schools are basic forward movements. During the training process, the new student (gymnast) is enabled to develop a proprioceptive consciousness that enables him to identify himself and correct his posture much more effectively. Developing greater proprioceptive and kinesthetic awareness is important for gaining greater control during dynamic work of certain phases in the training model. In the modern age of great development of information technologies, modern electronics means such as video cameras, computers, digital cameras, etc. are of great help, but if we do not know the models of the elements we analyze, even these are not helpful. This research examines the problems of the learning process of some basic floor exercises and it’s modern approach, which is reflected in a faster and more efficient learning method. The scientific approach to the evaluation of analogy is not only applicable to artistic gymnastics, but it’s implementation is possible in all branches of sports where the goal is to achieve the desired results faster and more successful. Key words: training, method, artistic gymnastics, floor
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This study aimed to identify psychological demands that are commonly experienced by endurance athletes so that these demands could inform the design of performance-enhancing psychological interventions for endurance athletes. Focus group interviews were conducted with 30 recreational endurance athletes of various sports (running, cycling, and triathlon), distances, and competitive levels to explore the psychological demands of training, competition preparation, and competition participation. An inductive thematic analysis was used to identify psychological demands that were experienced across sports, distances, and competitive levels. Seven themes captured demands that were commonly experienced away from the competitive environment (time investment and lifestyle sacrifices, commitment to training sessions, concerns about optimising training, and exercise sensations during training), preceding an endurance event (pre-event stressors), or during an event (exercise sensations, optimising pacing, and remaining focused despite adversity). Interventions that could be delivered to recreational athletes, who do not typically have access to a sport psychologist, are suggested. Experimental research examining the efficacy of interventions that help endurance athletes to cope with the reported psychological demands is encouraged.
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We analyzed the courses of experience of 10 runners who volunteered to describe their experiences of withdrawal during an ultra-trail race. Data collected contained traces of past activities elicited in self-confrontation interviews. Data were coded and compared to identify structures in common sequences. Seven representative sequences were identified: feeling pain; putting meaning to those feelings; adjusting one’s running style; attempting to overcome the problem; other runners’ influences; assessing the situation; and deciding to withdraw. Results showed that disruptive events could cause progressive, cumulative, and varied transformations in runners’ courses of experience that led inevitably to withdrawal. Practical implications for mental preparation and race management are proposed.
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The main focus of this thesis was to determine psychologically-informed methods of enhancing endurance performance, particularly in endurance sport events. There were three main research aims. First, this thesis aimed to synthesise research conducted to date on the psychological determinants of endurance performance. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify psychological interventions that affect endurance performance in experimental research. Learning psychological skills, verbal encouragement, and head-to-head competition enhanced endurance performance, whereas mental fatigue undermined endurance performance. Second, this thesis aimed to inform the design of performance-enhancement psychological interventions for endurance sports. In the first study addressing this aim, focus group interviews were conducted with recreational endurance athletes of various endurance sports, distances, and competitive levels to identify psychological demands that are commonly experienced by endurance athletes. Seven common psychological demands were identified using a thematic analysis. These demands were commonly encountered away from the competitive environment (time investment and lifestyle sacrifices, commitment to training sessions, concerns about optimising training, and exercise sensations during training), preceding an event (pre-event stressors), and during an event (exercise sensations, optimising pacing, and remaining focused despite adversity). Psychological interventions that help endurance athletes to cope with these psychological demands could potentially enhance performance in endurance events. In the second study that aimed to inform the design of an intervention, a psychophysiology experiment applied research on the facial feedback hypothesis to determine whether frowning modulates perception of effort during endurance performance. Contrary to hypotheses, intentionally frowning throughout a cycling time-to-exhaustion test did not influence perception of effort or time to exhaustion. This finding suggests that novel interventions that are informed by the facial feedback hypothesis and that target the expression of a frown would be unlikely to enhance endurance performance. Finally, this thesis aimed to examine the effect of a psychological skills training intervention on performance in a real-life endurance event. A randomised, controlled experiment was conducted to examine the effect of learning motivational self-talk on performance in a 60-mile, overnight ultramarathon. Although performance times indicated that motivational self-talk possibly produced a performance enhancement that might benefit ultramarathon runners, additional data will be collected at the same ultramarathon in 2016 to draw firmer conclusions. Overall, the findings of this thesis draw attention to psychological factors that influence performance in endurance events and demonstrate that psychologically-informed interventions can enhance endurance performance. People involved in endurance sports, such as athletes and coaches, are therefore encouraged to systematically work on the psychological aspects of training, preparing for a competition, and competing. Suggestions for how to approach this practically are scrutinised throughout the thesis.
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Purpose: We tested the effectiveness of a two-week motivational self-talk (MST) intervention - specific to heat tolerance - on endurance capacity and cognitive function in the heat. Methods: Eighteen trained male (n=14) and female (n=4) cyclists randomly received two weeks of MST training (n=9) or a control regimen (CON, n=9). The experimental protocol was a PRE/POST design consisting of 30 min of cycling at 60% peak power output (PPO) in the heat (35°C, 50% relative humidity, ~3.0 m·s-1 airflow), a 30 min rest period, followed by a time to exhaustion (TTE) test at 80% PPO, and an identical rest period. Executive function, reaction time, and working memory were tested at baseline and each rest period. Key measures included TTE, speed and accuracy on the cognitive tests, rectal temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, and rating of perceived exertion. Results: Group (MST vs. CON) × test (PRE vs. POST) × time repeated measures ANOVA revealed that MST significantly increased TTE from PRE (487±173 s) to POST (679±251 s, p = 0.021) concurrent with a higher terminating rectal temperature (PRE: 38.5 ± 0.2°C, POST: 38.8 ± 0.4°C, p=0.023; no TTE (PRE: 531±178 s, POST: 510±216 s, p = 0.28) or rectal temperature (PRE: 38.4 ± 0.3°C, POST 38.4 ± 0.2°C, p=1.000) changes were found in CON. MST significantly improved both speed and accuracy for executive function from PRE/POST, with no PRE/POST differences for CON on any cognitive measure. There were no interactions (all p > 0.05) for other key measures. Conclusion: Motivational self-talk is effective in altering the internal psychophysiological control of exercise and plays a role in improving endurance capacity and executive function in the heat.
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The purpose of the present studywas to test the effectiveness of a 10-week self-talk intervention on competitive performance in young swimmers. Participantswere 41 swimmers (M age 14.59, SD=1.58 years), whose performance was recorded on 2 competitive occasions with a 10-week interval. In-between the 2 competitions, participants in the intervention group followed a selftalk training program. The results showed that the intervention group had greater performance improvements than the control group, thus, supporting the effectiveness of the program in enhancing sport performance in a competitive environment. The findings provide directions for the development of effective self-talk interventions.
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The purpose of this single-case study was to describe a goal-directed self-talk (ST) intervention with an elite athlete. The participant was a 36-year-old elite orienteerer, who declared himself to be continuously engaged in some sort of autonomous self-dialogue. During six sessions, we undertook an intervention which started with identifying variety of relevant problematic sport situations and goal-directed ST in them. Subsequently, through questioning, the original ST was challenged and alternative instructions were theoretically examined before putting them into practice. The participant valued highly the intervention process and its outcomes. Overall, the study provides preliminary evidence on the effectiveness of goal-directed ST interventions and encourages research to further explore their potential.
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This study examined the influences of two mental preparation interventions on 1.6 km run performance in 90 (45 male, 45 female) high school long-distance runners in Nevada, U.S.A. After participants completed a 1.6 km baseline run, they were randomly assigned to receive one of these interventions 3 min prior to a second 1.6 km run (i.e., listening to a personalized script of motivational and running technique statements on headphones, listening to music on head-phones, listening to no sound on headphones). Results of running performance indicated that participants who were assigned to the motivational and running technique statements and music conditions significantly improved their run performance, whereas participants in the nosound control condition did not. Youth ratings of intervention satisfaction were consistent with performance outcome. Study implications and future directions are discussed in light of these results.
Social validation is used to determine satisfaction with an intervention and has been utilized in many single-case studies within sport and exercise psychology research and consultancy. This article reviews current social validation procedures and makes recommendations of how a more thorough consideration of the technique could add greater value to the understanding of single-case protocols within research and applied practice. Recommendations include using semi-structured interviews for data collection, using content analysis to analyze these data, reporting social validation results in a thorough manner, collecting social validation information from significant others, and collecting social validation data as frequently as possible.