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Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing method in which a 3D item is formed by laying down successive layers of material. 3D printers are machines that produce representations of objects either planned with a CAD program or scanned with a 3D scanner. Printing is a method for replicating text and pictures, typically with ink on paper. We can print different dental pieces using different methods such as selective laser sintering (SLS), stereolithography, fused deposition modeling, and laminated object manufacturing. The materials are certified for printing individual impression trays, orthodontic models, gingiva mask, and different prosthetic objects. The material can reach a flexural strength of more than 80 MPa. 3D printing takes the effectiveness of digital projects to the production phase. Dental laboratories are able to produce crowns, bridges, stone models, and various orthodontic appliances by methods that combine oral scanning, 3D printing, and CAD/CAM design. Modern 3D printing has been used for the development of prototypes for several years, and it has begun to find its use in the world of manufacturing. Digital technology and 3D printing have significantly elevated the rate of success in dental implantology using custom surgical guides and improving the quality and accuracy of dental work.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine 2017;2(1):50-53
Alin-Gabriel Gabor
P-ța Eftimie Murgu nr. 2
300041 Timișoara, Romania
Tel: +40 766 245 567
Received: 27 February, 2017
Accepted: 18 March, 2017
Digital Dentistry —
3D Printing Applications
Cristian Zaharia, Alin-Gabriel Gabor, Andrei Gavrilovici, Adrian Tudor Stan, Laura Idorasi, Cosmin
Sinescu, Meda-Lavinia Negruțiu
Faculty of Dental Medicine, “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timișoara, Romania
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing method in which a 3D item is
formed by laying down successive layers of material. 3D printers are machines that produce
representations of objects either planned with a CAD program or scanned with a 3D scanner.
Printing is a method for replicating text and pictures, typically with ink on paper. We can print
dierent dental pieces using dierent methods such as selective laser sintering (SLS), stereo-
lithography, fused deposition modeling, and laminated object manufacturing. The materials
are certified for printing individual impression trays, orthodontic models, gingiva mask, and dif-
ferent prosthetic objects. The material can reach a flexural strength of more than 80 MPa. 3D
printing takes the eectiveness of digital projects to the production phase. Dental laboratories
are able to produce crowns, bridges, stone models, and various orthodontic appliances by
methods that combine oral scanning, 3D printing, and CAD/CAM design. Modern 3D printing
has been used for the development of prototypes for several years, and it has begun to find
its use in the world of manufacturing. Digital technology and 3D printing have significantly el-
evated the rate of success in dental implantology using custom surgical guides and improving
the quality and accuracy of dental work.
Keywords: 3D printing, digital dentistry, dental materials, bone augmentation
DOI: 10.1515/jim-2017-0032
Over the past 30 years, 3D printing and prototyping has gained popularity with-
in the profession and among patients alike. It has provided comfort and better
quality of restoration to dentists. Moreover, dental restorations, which are being
produced through rapid prototyping, are more adaptive and faster in produc-
tion compared to the restorations created by dental technicians. is review ar-
ticle highlights the history and current technologies related to 3D printing.
3D printing has been used increasingly since the 1980s. In 1983, Charles Hull
printed, for the rst time, a three-dimensional object. He created the rst 3D
printer that used the technique of stereolithography, as well as the rst program
Cristian Zaharia P-ța Eftimie Murgu nr. 2, 300041
Timișoara, Romania, Tel: +40 770 278 137
Andrei Mihai Gavrilovici P-ța Eftimie Murgu nr. 2,
300041 Timișoara, Romania, Tel: +40 256 204 400
Adrian Tudor Stan P-ța Eftimie Murgu nr. 2, 300041
Timișoara, Romania, Tel: +40 256 204 400
Laura Idorasi P-ța Eftimie Murgu nr. 2, 300041
Timișoara, Romania, Tel: +40 256 204 400
Cosmin Sinescu P-ța Eftimie Murgu nr. 2, 300041
Timișoara, Romania, Tel: +40 256 204 400
Meda-Lavinia Negruțiu P-ța Eftimie Murgu nr. 2,
300041 Timișoara, Romania, Tel: +40 256 204 400
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51Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine 2017;2(1):50-53
for virtualization. ey received increased attention in elds
such as architecture due to the increased potential in the di-
rect construction of parts, aeronautics because of the ease of
making various small parts used in spacecra construction,
and technical subassemblies used in telecommunications
domain. eir use in areas that require millimetric preci-
sion, has drawn the attention of specialists in general medi-
cine, who started to implement it since the 1990s.1
3D modeling technologies and techniques are develop-
ing due to the increased popularity of 3D printers.2 Among
additive manufacturing techniques, dimensional printing
is a relatively new technique that oers the possibility to
produce a variety of geometrical pieces using various ma-
terials in the form of powder and binder.3
In prosthetic treatments, computerized scanning sys-
tems and 3D printing systems have come largely to replace
traditional techniques for producing prosthetic works.4,5
e applications used in the development of 3D printed
parts use mostly technology for manufacturing various
mechanical parts, and special computer programs that
contain libraries of objects are needed to achieve design
pieces.6 Dental work patterns can be imported by scanning
various prosthetic elds or using computerized imaging
results (cone beam computed tomography). Dentistry is
familiar with the CAD/CAM technique.7 e new tech-
niques of making prosthetic restorations largely eliminate
the help given by dental laboratories.8
3D printing technologies used in dentistry include, among
others, selective laser melting, stereolithography, fuse de-
position modeling, and digital light processing.
Selective laser melting
Making metallic frameworks by selective laser melting tech-
nology is one of the most promising directions for solving
various problems encountered during casting alloys.9 Selec-
tive laser melting is a technique of layer by layer addition
that generates 3D pieces by strengthening selective and suc-
cessive layers of powder material, one above the other, using
heat generated by a computer-controlled laser radiation.10
e most popular rapid prototyping technology is ste-
reolithography, a device invented by Charles Hull in the
1980's. is device was the rst commercially available
printer for rapid prototyping. e principle is based on
a photosensitive monomer resin, which forms a polymer
and solidies when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. e
reaction created by UV light takes place only on the sur-
face of the material.11
Fuse deposition modeling
e 3D printer uses a computer-aided model or scan in-
formation from which it extrudes and deposits melted
thermoplastic polycarbonate, in a layered fashion, to build
objects from bottom to top. e layers of melted plastic
instantly combine with each other, thus making very com-
plex parts that are easy to produce. e resulting aspect of
the nished object can be used in combination with sev-
eral materials such as acrylic or wax.12
Digital light processing
A projector light source is curing the liquid resin layer by
layer. e object is constructed on an elevating platform.
e layer is created upside down.13 e polymer is layered
pending the object is constructed, and the residual liquid
polymer is drained o.14
Oral surgery
Anatomical models made using rapid prototyping meth-
ods are a novel approach to surgical planning and simu-
lation. Such methods allow the replication of anatomical
items, including three-dimensional physical models of the
skull or other structures that allow the surgeon to obtain
an overview of complex structures before surgery. e mi-
gration from a visual environment to one that allows both
visual and touch interactions introduces a new code called
“touch to comprehend”.15
Chemical data indicate that rapid prototyping helps to
minimize the risks that might occur during surgery. 3D
printing techniques can be used in areas such as oral sur-
gery — by making surgical guides and conducting various
blocks to augment bone defects, and for learning modules
— to create mandibles and jaws that can be easily showed
to the students.16
e utilization of tooth implants has rapidly evolved with-
in the last 20 years. Studies in the eld of oral implantol-
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52 Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine 2017;2(1):50-53
ogy led to predictable restorative options both for patients
that are partially or totally edentulous. Positioning the
implant in improper locations has the eect of decreas-
ing predictability of the implant-supported prosthesis.17
e use of 3D printing technology has gained popularity
in dental implantology due to the introduction of guide-
lines of the surgical procedure to insert a dental implant.18
Rapid prototyping techniques allow industrial or custom-
ized manufacturing of 3D objects by using data taken from
a computer.19
3D printers can print bone tissue tailored to the re-
quirements of the patient, and can act as biomimetic
scaolds for bone cell enhancement and tissular growth
and dierentiation.20 In bone regeneration procedures,
novel 3D printed alginate-peptide hybrid scaolds can
also be used. Studies indicate that the alginate-based scaf-
folds provide a stable environment for the growth of stem
We can create composite powders that can be printed
into scaolds. Calcium phosphate (CaP) powders can be
mixed with a 3D printing (3DP) powder based on calcium
sulphate (CaSO4), and the scaolds can also be used as
bone augmentation material.22
Maxillofacial prosthesis
e absence of parts of the external ear can be caused by
congenital disorders or can be acquired. When trying to
restore these missing parts with prosthetic materials, the
prosthesis should be customized for a better understand-
ing of its part in the complex. When defects are unilateral,
it is best to scan the opposite side and restore the aected
side by duplication. Besides ears, scientists have managed
to print cartilage and blood cells.22,23
Custom trays can be manufactured from computerized
scans of impressions/models and printed, or can be cre-
ated with readily available materials. ere are two meth-
ods that are used for the development of study models for
working in a virtual setting. e initial method includes
scanning of the impression and transferring it into a pro-
gram. e second method consists in taking the impres-
sion with a stock or semi-custom tray and pouring the
model in stone. e stone prototype can be scanned or
used directly in the manufacturing protocol. If needed,
the study prototype can be replicated with duplicating
hydrocolloid or printed, provided that a good quality
scan is present. 11
If we compare the advantages of 3D printed restorations
with conventional or CAD/CAM restorations, 3D print-
ing restorations will surely be placed on top. ey provide
the possibility of high quality restorations with quick and
easy fabrication. e quality of these restorations has been
demonstrated by several studies, although cost is still a ma-
jor issue. e disadvantage of stereolithography and digital
light processing is that they are available only with light-
curable liquid polymers and the support materials must be
removed. Also, resin is messy and can cause skin irritation,
and it could also cause inammation by contact and inhala-
tion. Also, they present a limited shelf and vat life and can-
not be heat-sterilized, while being a high-cost technology.
e disadvantage of selective laser melting is that it is an
extremely costly technology and a slow process.
By further research and technological advances, rapid pro-
totyping will become a widely used method for 3D recon-
structions in the dental laboratory. Nonetheless, even aer
all the technological developments in 3D printing, these
methods cannot act as substitutes for the classical tech-
niques that have been established in dental manufacturing.
Correspondingly, the evidence presented in this manu-
script calls for involvement to match the irreplaceable tal-
ent, skill, and knowledge of the dental technician.
is research was partially supported by the PhD
grant of the ”Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and
Pharmacy of Timișoara — 3712/01.10.2015 (contract
Nothing to declare.
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Download Date | 7/15/17 2:49 PM
... In 1981, Kodama described an automated technology for creating these step-by-step layered 3-dimensional digitally designed models using a photosensitive device as a stereolithographic technique . (36) The improvement in digital technology and materials has enabled the implementation of three-dimensional (3D) modeling protocols in the dental field over the past 25 years. ...
... It is aimed at general dentists and dental students who wish to gain experience in the field of reconstructive surgery and implant placement. (36) ...
... They may result in the premature collapse of its supporting system. (36) ...
... Additionally, the resins used in these processes are difficult to handle, can potentially cause skin irritation, and have a risk of inducing inflammatory responses following direct contact or inhalation. Moreover, these resins have a finite shelf and vat life, and they cannot undergo heat sterilization [8,9]. ...
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 30 August 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202408.2270.v18 ...
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In this study, we aimed to investigate the differences in tissue surface adaptation and the variations in distances between reference points on the polished surfaces of 3D-printed denture bases with different build angles. The build angles were 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90°, with 15 denture bases printed for each angle. Using the Geomagic Control® software, a 3D best-fit alignment was conducted between the denture base tissue surface and the reference shape of the edentulous maxilla model to calculate the root mean square error. The distances between reference points on the polished surface were measured using digital calipers. One-way analysis of variance was conducted for statistical analysis. The adaptation, as measured by the root mean square error, varied significantly among denture bases with different build angles. The distances between the anterior and posterior reference points of the polished surface were also significantly different. However, within the limitations of this study, the variations in adaptations and dimensional accuracy across different build angles were within clinically acceptable ranges. In clinical practice, the print angle can be adjusted based on factors, such as printing time, resin consumption, and the number of denture bases being printed simultaneously.
... In addition, additive manufacturing can enable the production of more complex structures compared to subtractive milling systems 6 . This technique builds the object layer by layer with fewer restrictions for three-dimensional geometric shaping 7 and includes Stereolithography (SLA), Digital light processing (DLP), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technologies 8 . 3D printable resin composite materials are typically built up layer by layer using DLP (digital light processing) technology 7 . ...
... 3D printing is still not common in dental offices. However, CAD/ CAM manufactured provisional crowns and bridges have become increasingly popular because of their superior mechanical properties compared to conventionally, chairside manufactured provisional restorations [21][22][23][24]. Furthermore, patient expectations of the aesthetic appearance of dental restorations are high nowadays [25][26][27][28]. ...
Objectives: The aim of the present prospective study was to evaluate the colour stability of 3D-printed non-invasive restorations after 24 months in vivo. Methods: The study included 29 patients, who received 3D-printed restorations made of a computer-aided design (CAD) / computer aided-manufacturing (CAM) hybrid material (n = 354). Restoration colour of 190 restorations was measured using a spectrophotometer. By applying the CIELAB system, *L (lightness), a* (red-green) and b* (blue-yellow) values were recorded. An evaluation of the colour differences (ΔE) after 6, 12 and 24 months was conducted. Results: Analysis of colour differences of 3D-printed restorations showed continuous discolouration of the restorations. After one year 34 % and after two years 18 % of the restorations were rated alpha or bravo, indicating no or hardly visible colour change. After two years, 54 % of the evaluated restorations yielded a colour difference with ΔE > 6.8 (delta). More than 82 % of the evaluated restorations showed values between ΔE 3.8 – 6.8 (charlie) and ΔE ˃ 6.8 (delta) after two years. Conclusions: 3D-printed non-invasive restorations showed an overall reduced colour stability after 24 months in vivo. Clinical Significance: The present study provides first clinical data regarding 3D-printed restorations. These restorations are recommended for a wearing time of about 6 months.
... Additionally, the resins used in these processes are difficult to handle, can potentially cause skin irritation, and have a risk of inducing inflammatory responses following direct contact or inhalation. Moreover, these resins have a finite shelf and vat life, and they cannot undergo heat sterilization [8,9]. ...
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In this study, we aimed to investigate the differences in tissue surface adaptation and the variations in distances between reference points on the polished surfaces of 3D-printed denture bases produced at different build angles. The build angles were 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90°, with 15 denture bases printed for each angle. Using the Geomagic Control® software, a 3D best-fit alignment was conducted between the denture base tissue surface and the reference shape of the edentulous maxilla model to calculate the root mean square error. The distances between reference points on the polished surface were measured using digital calipers. A one-way analysis of variance was conducted for statistical analysis. The adaptation, as measured by the root mean square error, varied significantly among denture bases with different build angles. The distances between the anterior and posterior reference points of the polished surface were also significantly different. However, within the limitations of this study, the variations in adaptations and dimensional accuracy across different build angles were within clinically acceptable ranges. In clinical practice, the print angle can be adjusted based on factors such as printing time, resin consumption, and the number of denture bases being printed simultaneously.
... Charles Hull marked a significant milestone in 1983 by producing the first-ever 3D object through printing, thus setting the stage for a transformative journey in manufacturing technology. 2 Essentially, 3D printing involves the creation of threedimensional solid objects from digital files. The process, also referred to as additive manufacturing or desktop fabrication, revolves around the conversion of digital 3D have significantly enhanced the efficiency, accuracy, consistency, and predictability of treatment outcomes. ...
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This paper aims to elucidate how three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has greatly impacted orthodontic practice, marking a significant advancement in planning treatment, fabricating appliances, and patient care. The integration of digital technologies, such as digital cephalogram, digital photography, intraoral and facial scanners, desktop scanners, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and 3D printing, has significantly enhanced the efficiency, accuracy, consistency, and predictability of treatment outcomes. The advent of 3D printing in dental and orthodontic treatment has introduced a new era marked by precision, efficiency, and customised appliances, empowering practitioners to achieve superior results for their patients. Some of its applications in orthodontics include manufacturing clear aligner trays, surgical guides for miniscrew insertion and corticotomy, splints for orthognathic surgery, and retainers. This is an Open Access (OA) journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. For reprints contact:
... In dentistry, 3D printing is currently utilized to create diagnostic models, orthodontic treatment plans, and implant surgical guides and to fabricate specialized orthodontic equipment. However, the value and precision of existing procedures are insufficient to create models for prostheses, which is considered a limitation of 3D technology; in addition, the accuracy with which an object is constructed depends on the efficiency of the 3D printer and the 3D-printed liquid [18][19][20][21]. ...
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Background While many denture base materials are currently available on the market, little data exists regarding their dimensional stability after exposure to the oral environment. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of thermocycling on the trueness and precision of milled, 3-dimensional (3D)-printed, and conventional digitally fabricated complete denture bases (CDBs). Methods A completely edentulous maxillary stone model was scanned to generate a standard tessellation language (STL) file; this was imported into metal-milling-machine software (Redon Hybrid CAD-CAM metal milling machine, Redon, Turkey) to produce a metal model for fabricating 30 CDBs. These were divided into three groups (n = 10 in each) according to the construction technique: group 1, CAD-CAM milled CDBs; group 2, 3D-printed CDBs; and group 3, conventional compression molded CDBs. All CDBs were scanned after fabrication and evaluated before and after thermocycling using superimposition. The data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc test, and a paired t-test. Results The level of trueness between the CAD-CAM milled, 3D-printed, and compression molded CDBs showed significant differences before and after thermocycling (P < 0.05). Group 1 showed the highest degree of trueness before and after thermocycling, group 3 exhibited a higher degree of trueness than group 2 before thermocycling, and group 2 had a higher degree of trueness than group 3 after thermocycling. There was a significant difference in the precision for each CDB type before and after thermocycling (P < 0.05). Conclusion The trueness of the CAD-CAM milling system in complete denture (CD) fabrication is superior to that of the 3D printing and conventional compression molding systems before and after thermocycling. Thermocycling had a significant effect on the precision of all CDB types. The compression molding system in CD construction is the most negatively affected via thermocycling with regard to the measures of trueness and precision. Clinical trial number Not applicable, no human participants were involved.
... 7 While 3D printing boasts numerous advantages, the inherent qualities of the resins pose challenges compared to conventional materials like heat-cured acrylic and CAD-CAM resin. 8,9 To address these limitations, researchers have turned to nanoparticle reinforcement. Nanoparticles hold immense potential due to their exceptional durability and corrosion resistance. ...
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The limited physical and mechanical properties of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), the current gold standard, necessitates exploring improved denture base materials. While three-dimensional (3D) printing offers accuracy, efficiency, and patient comfort advantages, achieving superior mechanics in 3D-printed denture resins remains challenging despite good biocompatibility and esthetics. This review investigates the potential of innovative materials to address the limitations of 3D-printed denture base materials. Thus, this article is organized to provide a comprehensive overview of recent efforts to enhance 3D-printed denture base materials, highlighting advancements. It critically examines the impact of incorporating various nanoparticles (zirconia, titania, etc.) on these materials’ physical and mechanical properties. Additionally, it delves into recent strategies for nanofiller surface treatment and biocompatibility evaluation and explores potential future directions for polymeric composites in denture applications. The review finds that adding nanoparticles significantly improves performance compared to unmodified resins, and properties can be extensively enhanced through specific modifications, particularly silanized nanoparticles. Optimizing 3D-printed denture acrylics requires a multifaceted approach, with future research prioritizing novel nanomaterials and surface modification techniques for a novel generation of superior performance, esthetically pleasing, and long-lasting dentures.
The term “additive manufacturing” refers to three-dimensional (3D) printing, a form of instant prototyping, a layered manufacturing technique that has significantly contributed to the healthcare sector. Stereolithography (SLA) is one of the most extensively utilized 3D printing technologies in dentistry which uses an ultraviolet laser along with resin to manufacture prosthetic models. Higher temperatures may cause crystallization in the interior structure and affect the roughness of the 3D denture models. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the surface roughness and inner-structure crystalization of the final product to ensure a defect-free dental prosthesis. In this study, the surface of an SLA-printed 3D denture was evaluated under various thermal conditions using a high-resolution, spectrometer-oriented, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). A surface analysis algorithm was developed to analyze the inner structure of the 3D model using each pixel, and the average roughness (RA) value was calculated to measure the surface roughness. To improve the image quality, half-order light from the diffraction grating was used to enhance the spectrometer’s performance allowing observation of the internal structure. After applying the surface analysis algorithm, the internal crystallization was observed at a depth of ∼ 10 µm below the sample’s surface. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the OCT system along with a high-resolution spectrometer to detect structural deformation by determining the crystal structure inside the 3D sample at various printing temperatures. This research shows the potential use of a high-resolution microscopic analysis using OCT to evaluate the SLA 3D printing quality, which can serve as a guideline for future research investigations in evaluating 3D samples non-destructively. virus-transmitting mosquito specimens.
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The utilization of 3D printing technologies is extensively pervasive across diverse sectors, including design, engineering, and manufacturing. These sophisticated manufacturing techniques depend on digitally designed models to autonomously construct 3D objects. With the growing interest in 3D printing within dentistry, specifically regarding dental implants, there has been a rapid dissemination of information pertaining to this domain and its applications. As a result, it has become crucial to conduct a comprehensive review on this topic. 3D printing technologies have played a pivotal role in oral implantology. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state and future needs of 3D printing in implant dentistry, covering technologies, printable materials, and applications in both the surgical and prosthodontic stages of dental implant therapy. Furthermore, it discusses considerations for choosing the appropriate 3D printing technology for specific dental applications. This comprehensive examination offers key insights into the progress, practical uses, and future prospects of 3D printing in dental implants.
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Introduction. Arterial hypertension is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Drug treatment of arterial hypertension is associated with a number of difficulties: often requires combination therapy, also a possible change in either dosages or drugs during treatment during the patient's life. Three-dimensional printing allows to create individual medicines on-demand. Aim. Study suitability of Kollidon® VA 64 as a matrix-polymer for the preparation of immediate release ramipril printing tablets. Materials and methods. Substance: ramipril; excipients: Kollidon® VA 64, Kollidon® CL-F, Soluplus®, PEG 1500, sodium carbonate anhydrous, Poloxamer 188, sodium stearyl fumarate, mannitol; reagents: hydrochloric acid, acetonitrile for ultra-HPLC, sodium octanesulfonate for HPLC, orthophosphoric acid 85 %, sodium perchlorate analytical grade, triethylamine, standard: ramipril USP (№1598303). Ramipril filaments were prepared by hot melt extrusion on the extruder Haake™ miniCTW (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The tablets were printed on a hand-made 3D printer. The printlets were studied for friability and hardness. Uniformity and quantitative determination of ramipril and impurities in tablets and filaments were determined by high performance liquid chromatography on a Shimadzu Prominence LC liquid chromatograph. Stability of ramipril was studied on a DSC 3+ Mettler Toledo by differential scanning calorimetry. Also, the stability of ramipril was determined by the Raman spectroscopy on an analytical system ORTES-785TRS-2700. Results and discussion. Ramipril filaments with a diameter of 1.75 mm were obtained by melt extrusion at a temperature of 105 °C. They were homogeneous in quantitative content of the active substance. From the resulting filaments, tablets were printed in five configurations with three filling densities: 30 %, 50 % and 100 %. Degradation of ramipril in filaments and tablets is not observed. The melting point of the selected mixture is lower than the melting point of matrix-polymer. It makes possible to lower the processing temperature. Tablets with 100 % filling provide an immediate release of ramipril. Conclusion. Kollidon® VA 64 is suitable as a matrix-polymer for the development of immediate release ramipril printlets. Kollidon® VA 64 provides the necessary physical and processing properties of the filament required for FDM printing.
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3D printing has been hailed as a disruptive technology which will change manufacturing. Used in aerospace, defence, art and design, 3D printing is becoming a subject of great interest in surgery. The technology has a particular resonance with dentistry, and with advances in 3D imaging and modelling technologies such as cone beam computed tomography and intraoral scanning, and with the relatively long history of the use of CAD CAM technologies in dentistry, it will become of increasing importance. Uses of 3D printing include the production of drill guides for dental implants, the production of physical models for prosthodontics, orthodontics and surgery, the manufacture of dental, craniomaxillofacial and orthopaedic implants, and the fabrication of copings and frameworks for implant and dental restorations. This paper reviews the types of 3D printing technologies available and their various applications in dentistry and in maxillofacial surgery.
After 30 years of development, three-dimensional printing technology has made great progress, and the model and surgical guide have been clinically applied. The three-dimensional printing of titanium and other metal prosthesis and dental crown after adequate research will be applied clinically, and three-dimensional bioprinting and related biological materials need further study. Three-dimensional printing provides opportunities for the development of oral medicine, which will change the way of clinical work, teaching and research. The dentists should integrate multi-disciplinary knowledge and understand the essence of new technology to meet the challenges of the era of digital medicine.
Background and overview: When treating patients with severely limited mouth openings, it is difficult for the dentist to obtain an impression and fabricate a removable partial denture (RPD) by using traditional methods. Intraoral scanning, computer-aided design, and 3-dimensional (3D) printing have provided alternative methods for fabricating dental prostheses. Case description: The authors present a case in which they aimed to improve the efficiency and quality of fabricating an RPD framework by integrating the technologies of intraoral scanning, computer-aided design, and 3D printing. Initially, the authors reconstructed the digital cast with multiple intraoral scans. Subsequently, the authors designed the virtual RPD framework. On the basis of the virtual framework, the titanium alloy framework was fabricated by means of a 3D printing process, and the authors fitted the final RPD to the patient. Conclusions and practical implications: Unlike the traditional method, this integrated system has the potential to design a custom-made dental prosthesis and directly make an RPD framework with complicated patterns.
3D modeling technologies and related techniques are emerging core competencies due to the increasing popularity of 3D printers. Traditional methods of teaching 3D modeling mostly depend on the use of three-view diagrams to guide students in the construction of a spatial cognition. However, a lack of three-dimensional and spatial ability on the part of the learners limits the effectiveness of this type of teaching material, and instructional effectiveness is also restricted by the existing spatial ability among students. In traditional approaches to technical education, students assume a largely passive role, while instruction adopts methods that emphasize rote learning, but these approaches are in the process of being transformed. Accordingly, the present study attempts to combine the Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate (CDIO) educational framework and 3D printing-tangible teaching materials for college students to explore potential improvements in learning outcomes. Experimental results indicate that different teaching materials (three-view diagrams and 3D printed solid models) result in the development of different spatial abilities (specifically, mental rotation and spatial visualization) and learning outcomes. In addition, the use of solid models results in 3D model learning outcomes better than those achieved using traditional three-view diagrams. Inspired by theories of perception and motivation and dual coding theory, this study developed a set of differentiated spatial ability teaching models to improve learning effectiveness for 3D modeling. The results provide guidance for the development of teaching materials and models appropriate to learners’ spatial abilities.
In this research, novel 3D printed alginate-peptide hybrid scaffolds were explored for enhanced bone regeneration. Bone formation peptide-1 (BFP1) was loaded into the scaffolds to promote bone regeneration. The alginate-BFP1 conjugates were synthesized via a facile EDC/NHS coupling reaction and then cross-linked in the presence of calcium ions to form hydrogel networks. The dose-dependent cytotoxicity of CaCl2 was evaluated to optimize the amount of Ca²⁺ for fabrication of scaffolds. In vitro and in vivo studies indicated that the alginate-based scaffolds provided a stable environment for the growth of human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs) and led to a synergistically enhanced bone regeneration.
Bone tissue engineered 3-D constructs customized to patient-specific needs are emerging as attractive biomimetic scaffolds to enhance bone cell and tissue growth and differentiation. The article outlines the features of the most common additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing, stereolithography, fused deposition modeling, and selective laser sintering) used to fabricate bone tissue engineering scaffolds. It concentrates, in particular, on the current state of knowledge concerning powder-based 3D printing, including a description of the properties of powders and binder solutions, the critical phases of scaffold manufacturing, and its applications in bone tissue engineering. Clinical aspects and future applications are also discussed.
The word rapid prototyping (RP) was first used in mechanical engineering field in the early 1980s to describe the act of producing a prototype, a unique product, the first product, or a reference model. In the past, prototypes were handmade by sculpting or casting, and their fabrication demanded a long time. Any and every prototype should undergo evaluation, correction of defects, and approval before the beginning of its mass or large scale production. Prototypes may also be used for specific or restricted purposes, in which case they are usually called a preseries model. With the development of information technology, three-dimensional models can be devised and built based on virtual prototypes. Computers can now be used to create accurately detailed projects that can be assessed from different perspectives in a process known as computer aided design (CAD). To materialize virtual objects using CAD, a computer aided manufacture (CAM) process has been developed. To transform a virtual file into a real object, CAM operates using a machine connected to a computer, similar to a printer or peripheral device. In 1987, Brix and Lambrecht used, for the first time, a prototype in health care. It was a three-dimensional model manufactured using a computer numerical control device, a type of machine that was the predecessor of RP. In 1991, human anatomy models produced with a technology called stereolithography were first used in a maxillofacial surgery clinic in Viena.
In this study, calcium phosphate (CaP) powders were blended with a three-dimensional printing (3DP) calcium sulfate (CaSO4)-based powder and the resulting composite powders were printed with a water-based binder using the 3DP technology. Application of a water-based binder ensured the manufacture of CaP:CaSO4 constructs on a reliable and repeatable basis, without long term damage of the printhead. Printability of CaP:CaSO4 powders was quantitatively assessed by investigating the key 3DP process parameters, i.e. in-process powder bed packing, drop penetration behavior and the quality of printed solid constructs. Effects of particle size, CaP:CaSO4 ratio and CaP powder type on the 3DP process were considered. The drop penetration technique was used to reliably identify powder formulations that could be potentially used for the application of tissue engineered bone scaffolds using the 3DP technique. Significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the 3DP process parameters were found for CaP (30-110 μm):CaSO4 powders compared to CaP (< 20 μm):CaSO4 powders. Higher compressive strength was obtained for the powders with the higher CaP:CaSO4 ratio. Hydroxyapatite (HA):CaSO4 powders showed better results than beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP):CaSO4 powders. Solid and porous constructs were manufactured using the 3DP technique from the optimized CaP:CaSO4 powder formulations. High-quality printed constructs were manufactured, which exhibited appropriate green compressive strength and a high level of printing accuracy.