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Creating a More Perennial Problem? Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Enhances and Sustains Saline Baseflows of Appalachian Watersheds


Abstract and Figures

Mountaintop removal coal mining (MTM) is a form of surface mining where ridges and mountain tops are removed with explosives to access underlying coal seams. The crushed rock material is subsequently deposited in headwater valley fills (VF). We examined how this added water storage potential affects streamflow using a paired watershed approach consisting of two sets of mined and unmined watersheds in West Virginia. The mined watersheds exported 7–11% more water than the reference watersheds, primarily due to higher and more sustained baseflows. The mined watersheds exported only ~1/3 of their streamflow during storms, while the reference watersheds exported ~2/3 of their annual water yield during runoff events. Mined watersheds with valley fills appear to store precipitation for considerable periods of time and steadily export this alkaline and saline water even during the dry periods of the year. As a result, MTMVFs in a mixed mined/unmined watershed contributed disproportionately to streamflow during baseflow periods (up to >90% of flow). Because MTMVFs have both elevated summer baseflows and continuously high concentrations of total dissolved solids, their regional impact on water quantity and quality will be most extreme and most widespread during low flow periods.
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Creating a More Perennial Problem? Mountaintop Removal Coal
Mining Enhances and Sustains Saline Baseows of Appalachian
Fabian Nippgen,*
Matthew R. V. Ross,
Emily S. Bernhardt,
and Brian L. McGlynn
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, United States
Department of Biology and
Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham,
North Carolina 27708, United States
ABSTRACT: Mountaintop removal coal mining (MTM) is a
form of surface mining where ridges and mountain tops are
removed with explosives to access underlying coal seams. The
crushed rock material is subsequently deposited in headwater
valley lls (VF). We examined how this added water storage
potential aects streamow using a paired watershed approach
consisting of two sets of mined and unmined watersheds in
West Virginia. The mined watersheds exported 711% more
water than the reference watersheds, primarily due to higher
and more sustained baseows. The mined watersheds exported
only ~1/3 of their streamow during storms, while the
reference watersheds exported ~2/3 of their annual water yield
during runoevents. Mined watersheds with valley lls appear
to store precipitation for considerable periods of time and steadily export this alkaline and saline water even during the dry
periods of the year. As a result, MTMVFs in a mixed mined/unmined watershed contributed disproportionately to streamow
during baseow periods (up to >90% of ow). Because MTMVFs have both elevated summer baseows and continuously high
concentrations of total dissolved solids, their regional impact on water quantity and quality will be most extreme and most
widespread during low ow periods.
Humans have manipulated their environment on a detectable
scale for thousands of years since at least the onset of
Today, the anthropogenic impacts on the
landscape include, among others, large-scale deforestation,
under- and above-ground mining for coal and
other natural resources,
tar sand mining,
damming of major
and wars.
The earth layer aected
by those disturbances has recently been referred to as the
critical zone
and includes vegetation, soils, and groundwater-
bearing bedrock. Disturbances of the critical zone occur across
the planet,
so it is important to understand how physical and
biological parameters are altered in order to evaluate the
ramications for encompassing ecosystems. Assessing the
quantitative and qualitative change in hydrologic uxes during
and after these landscape alterations is often a crucial rst step
for understanding ecosystem wide transformations, as hydrol-
ogy has been recognized as a driver for multiple ecosystem
processes throughout the critical zone, such as nutrient or
contaminant export,
aquatic biodiversity,
and human
Here, we present an example of hydrologic change from a
large-scale mining disturbance, which is common in the USA
but is also practiced in other parts of the world, e.g., Canada
and China.
Mountaintop removal coal mining with valley lls
(MTMVF) is a surface-mining procedure during which the tops
of mountains and ridges are removed to access underlying coal
seams. The resulting rock material is subsequently deposited
into adjacent valleys.
These valley lls (VF), designed as
permanent storage for excess spoil and to reduce landslides on
reclaimed mine areas,
are estimated to have buried up to 4000
km of headwater streams.
MTMVF is endemic to the
Appalachian coal region of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and
West Virginia (Figure 1b), where it became more prevalent in
the 1990s. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimated
that as of 2012 surface mines would cover approximately 7% of
the region.
In contrast to many other disturbances that either
do not extend into the bedrock at all or only to a limited degree
(e.g., deforestation, urbanization, agriculture) and mainly aect
vegetation or inltration capacities,
MTMVF can disturb the
critical zone hundreds of meters deep.
This disturbance
happens both in former mountaintop and ridge areas where
bedrock is removed up to hundreds of meters deep through
explosion and in the valleys, where the crushed rock is
deposited on the ground surface, essentially adding a highly
Received: May 3, 2017
Revised: June 21, 2017
Accepted: June 23, 2017
Published: July 13, 2017
© 2017 American Chemical Society 8324 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
This is an open access article published under an ACS AuthorChoice License, which permits
copying and redistribution of the article or any adaptations for non-commercial purposes.
disturbed layer to the critical zone.
Despite the scale and
nature of the disturbance, MTMVF has only recently received
more focused attention from the hydrologic community,
but basic knowledge gaps remain as to how the dramatic
changes in topography and critical zone associated with
MTMVF aect hydrologic response and long-term hydrologic
regimes of watersheds.
While some forms of surface mining (e.g., strip and contour
mining) lead to increased peak ows and overall water export
due to the compaction of soils and spoil during reclama-
MTMVF areas feature large volumes of crushed rock,
which could increase watershed storage. Ross et al.
volumes of 1500 Appalachian valley lls and conservatively
concluded that mining could increase the water storage capacity
of mined watersheds by a factor of 10 but that individual valley
lls were highly variable in size.
Empirical evidence for this enhanced-storage eect is limited,
relatively recent, and in parts confounded by other disturbances
present in the study watersheds. Messinger and Paybins
reported increased runovolumes in a small rst-order mined
watershed in West Virginia relative to an unmined watershed
and attributed the increase in baseow to the greater storage
potential of the mined watershed. Somewhat surprisingly, they
also found that during large events, the mined watershed would
export more water than the unmined watershed. On a larger
scale, Zegre et al.
did not detect signicant changes in annual
streamow in a 1000 km2watershed in West Virginia over a 16-
year period despite increasing mining activities. It was noted by
the authors that only a limited area was aected by mining (9%
of the surface area). When they extended the time series to 40
years, Zegre et al.
were able to detect decreases in streamow
maxima and small but statistically signicant increases in
Figure 1. a) Location of the four study watersheds relative to other. Red outline denotes mined watersheds, black outline reference watersheds; b)
Appalachian coal region, highlighted in red are mining impacted areas; c) LB topography pre-mining; d) LB topography post-mining; e) elevation
changes in LB from pre- to post-mining; f) LB with post-mining delineated watershed boundaries. Maps of the mined watersheds were generated
using LiDAR data made available by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection ( Maps of the
reference sites were generated using elevation data from the National Elevation Dataset (
Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
baseow contributions for the same watershed that were
consistent with Messinger and Paybins.
However, in addition
to mountaintop mining, their research watershed was also
aected by extensive subsurface mining, making direct
inferences to mountaintop mining dicult.
In addition to changes in water yield, the disturbance of the
critical zone caused by mountaintop mining also leads to
degraded streamwater quality. Precipitation that enters
MTMVF watersheds ows through a reactive matrix of pyrite
and calcareous bedrock that, via strong acid weathering, releases
large amounts of various ions, such as SO42,Ca
2+ (e.g.,
ref 38), as well as the toxic pollutant selenium.
these constituents increase the salinity and pH of streams
draining mines in a well-documented phenomenon of alkaline
mine drainage.
Alkaline mine drainage has been shown to
negatively impact stream biota
in as much as 22% of
streams in central Appalachia.
However, the mechanisms and
timing of stream impairment caused by mountaintop mining
are tightly coupled to hydrologic processes and are hence not
well understood.
We quantied water yield and water quality changes in
stormow and baseow behavior for two sets of mined and
unmined watersheds in West Virginia. MTMVF was the
dominant disturbance present in our research watersheds,
allowing for direct inferences of observed changes to the critical
zone disturbance. We used high-resolution streamow gauging,
high-resolution specic conductance monitoring (a proxy for
salinity), precipitation monitoring, landscape analysis, and
empirical baseow separation methods for 12 months of
rainfall, runodata, to address the following questions:
(1) To what degree does mountaintop mining alter baseow
and stormow contributions to total runoand does this
eect change with increasing watershed scale?
(2) How does MTMVF aect the export of total dissolved
(3) How do mined and unmined portions of partially mined
watershed contribute to runoacross hydrologic
(4) How do hydrologic changes associated with MTMVF
compare to other disturbances?
Site Description. The Mud River watershed is located in
southwestern West Virginia, approximately 40 km southwest of
Charleston. The four study watersheds were paired (rst and
fourth order) based on size and the presence or absence of
mining (Figure 1a). The 68 ha Laurel Branch (LB) watershed, a
tributary to the Mud River, is approximately 95% mined, while
46% of the 3672 ha Mud River (MR) watershed into which LB
ows is in active or reclaimed mines. The majority of mining in
MR (>90%) happened between 1985 and 2005. The youngest
mines are located in the northern part of MRwhich contains
the LB subwatershedwhere mining began after 2005.
unmined reference sites include the 3463 ha Left Fork (LF) of
the Mud River and the 118 ha Richs Branch (RB), a tributary
to the Left Fork River. There are no known deep mines in the
that could confound the analyses and interpretations
through legacy eects.
We were not able to collect data in
the mined watersheds before the mining activity started.
However, since the watersheds were similar in size and
topography and are close to one another, we will refer to the
unmined watersheds as the reference watersheds.
Soils in the unmined areas of the four watersheds are
generally shallow (<2 m), well-drained silty loams or sandy
loams with moderate to rapid permeability ratings.
underlying geology consists of alternating layers of siltstone,
sandstone, and shale.
Vegetation in the unmined areas is
mixed mesophytic forest,
and the mined portions are either
barren or with herbaceous and shrub cover. Median vegetation
height derived from Lidar data (rst returns minus last returns)
was 0.3 m in LB and 0.4 m in MR. The Lidar data did not cover
the reference watersheds. However, median vegetation height
in the unmined parts of MR, which are representative for the
vegetation in the reference sites, was 24 m. Average annual
precipitation in the base period 19812010 was 1183 mm.
Precipitation is relatively homogeneously distributed over the
year with slightly wetter months during the summer. Average
annual air temperature for the 19812010 base period was
The growing season in this area extends from May
through October (data from the Fernow Experimental Forest,
about 230 km northeast of our study sites
Spatial Analysis. We used pre- and postmining digital
elevation models and methods developed by Ross et al.
quantify the geomorphic changes associated with MTMVF in
LB and MR (slope, change of watershed area pre- to
postmining, estimate of VF volumes).
Hydrologic Measurements. The study period encom-
passed the 2015 water year (10/01/201410/01/2015).
Precipitation was measured at three dierent locations (Figure
1a) using Onset HOBO RG3 rain gauges and data loggers
recording at 10 min intervals. The small watersheds (RB and
LB) were assigned the precipitation of the closest rain gauge,
while the larger LF and MR were assigned precipitation values
based on inverse distance weighting with the two closest rain
gauges. The rain gauges had on average 11% missing data;
however, the gauge near LB was swept away during a major
ooding event in April and had 30% of the data missing.
Missing data at each rain gauge were detected and lled using
double mass curves with adjacent rain gauges.
Open-channel streamwater levels and specic conductance
(SC), a measure of the ionic strength of a water sample, were
recorded at 10 min intervals with Onset HOBO Water Level
loggers and Onset HOBO Specic conductance loggers,
respectively, during the entire period, with redundant Decagon
CTD sensors connected to Campbell Scientific CR1000 data
loggers beginning January 2015. We developed stagedischarge
rating curves at each gauging site with >13 manual runo(Q)
measurements over a range of observed discharge. At LB, we
manually measured the maximum observed runoof the water
year. At RB, LF, and MR, bank-full GaucklerManning
estimates of Qwere used to restrict the rating curves at high
water levels. Water levels were above bank for <3% of the water
year at LF, and <1% at RB and MR. Missing data at RB from
10/14/2014 to 10/26/2014 was lled by interpolation since no
precipitation was recorded during this time. During a major
precipitation event on April 3, both RB and LF experienced
backow from the Mud River Reservoir downstream of the
gauging sites, aecting the falling limbs of the hydrographs. The
aected time periods were corrected using two-term
exponential regression models. The LB gauging site experi-
enced backow from the Mud River during the falling limb of
three storms (March 4, April 3, and July 14), which were
corrected using a regression with water level data from a sensor
approximately 100 m upstream.
Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
Throughout the study period, the specic conductance
sensors experienced drift caused by either deposition of
dissolved particulates onto the electrodes or by becoming
covered in sediment. We assumed a linear drift in the SC data
and corrected the drift using measurements from a hand-held
SC meter at biweekly intervals.
From 06/27/2015 to 07/20/2015. the mining company
began intermittently pumping water out of a small retention
pond 150 m upstream of the gauging station, thereby aecting
the LB stream levels. The water was pumped to another pond
uphill of the LB valley lls. We believe the water remained in
the LB watershed.
Hydrologic Analysis. We used three dierent hydrograph-
based methods to separate baseow from stormow. The rst
method was similar to the approach proposed by Hewlett and
where baseow rises at a constant rate after the
onset of precipitation. The rate of baseow rise was the same
for each watershed and was chosen so that the small reference
watershed exhibited a baseow percentage that corresponds to
the 30% USGS estimate of baseow for the Mud River
The second method was the local minimum
method, which searches the hydrograph for local minima over
specied periods of time.
For this method, the 10 min data
was aggregated to daily values. The third method was an
adaptation of the constant-kmethod proposed by Blume et
The approach initially requires the computation of a
modied recession constant, k*,as
*= ×kQ
Assuming an exponential recession curve in the case of a
linear groundwater reservoir, k*should become approximately
0 (or constant) when the stormow portion of the hydrograph
ends. Baseow was then delineated as a straight line with slope
0 from the beginning of the runoevent to the end of
stormow (the time during which k*0). Originally
developed for event-hydrograph separation, we extended the
method to the length of the study period. Since k*uctuates
around 0 rather than becoming 0, even during long periods
without precipitation, we assumed constancy in k*when
0.001 k*0.001. To attenuate sensor-related jumps in the
Qtime series, we calculated k*using a 4-h running average.
Further, we calculated ow duration curves for all watersheds
as well as cumulative Qtotals to compare peak and baseow
behavior between the reference and the mined sites as well as
potential changes in the seasonal timing of water delivery.
In addition to the hydrograph separation to distinguish
between stormow and baseow, we estimated the contribu-
tions from the mined and unmined areas in MR with a simple
two-component hydrograph separation using specic con-
ductance of RB (reference) and LB (mined) as the two
endmembers, following Pinder and Jones
MR unmined mined
MR MR unmined unmined mined mined
mined MR
unmined MR7
unmined mined
with Qbeing runoand SC being specic conductance. This
approach has been applied in many geographic regions using
dierent chemical signatures to distinguish endmembers,
including specic conductance.
Similar to the baseow
separation we calculated cumulative uxes for the mined and
unmined areas for the entire water year and broken up into
baseow and stormow periods using the Hewlett and Hibbert
baseow separation.
Spatial Analysis. The size of LB changed from 99 ha
premining to 68 ha postmining, a 31% reduction in area (Figure
1cf). MR increased in size from 3582 ha premining to 3672
ha after mining. Both watersheds experienced a large reduction
in mean slope; the mean slope in LB decreased from 20.5°to
13.3°, the slopes in MR decreased from 21.1°to 17.3°. The
mean slopes in the reference watersheds RB and LF are 19.5°
and 17.5°, respectively. We estimate that 1014 million m3of
mine spoil were deposited in VFs in LB, while the VFs in the
larger MR watershed contain 162185 million m3of
overburden. Spread out over the watersheds the crushed rock
material would cover LB about 15 m and MR 4 m deep.
Hydrology. Precipitation for the study period ranged from
1254 mm in RB to 1358 mm in MR. The 104 mm dierence
between the small reference watershed and the larger mined
watershed is likely due a 75 m dierence in mean elevation
between the two watersheds and is consistent with the 1981
2010 PRISM data that indicate an average 51 mm dierence
between the two watersheds. Precipitation in Charleston, WV,
was 1166 mm for the 2015 WY (data provided by the Utah
Climate Center). The 19962015 annual mean at this station
(Charleston WSFO) is 1191 mm, which makes the 2015 WY
an average precipitation year.
Runoin the mined rst-order watershed was 68 mm
(11.2%) higher than runoin the rst-order reference
watershed (677 and 609 mm, respectively), and runoin the
mined fourth-order watershed was 40 mm (7.3%) higher than
in the fourth-order reference watershed (585 mm and 545 mm,
respectively; see Table 1).
Table 1. Precipitation, Runo, And RunoRatios for the
2015 Water Year for the Four Study Watersheds as Well as
Baseow and Event Flow Proportions Derived from Three
Dierent Empirical Baseow Separation Methods
RB (1st
LB (1st
LF (4th
MR7 (4th
(mm) 1254 1339 1293 1358
runo(mm) 609 677 545 585
runoRatio () 0.49 0.51 0.42 0.43
Hewlett and
Hibbert (1967)
baseow 0.30 0.71 0.41 0.69
ow 0.70 0.29 0.59 0.31
Pettyjohn and
baseow 0.30 0.72 0.33 0.65
ow 0.70 0.28 0.67 0.35
Blume et al.
baseow 0.29 0.75 0.30 0.71
ow 0.71 0.25 0.70 0.29
Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
The hydrographs demonstrate dierences in hydrologic
response between the mined and reference watersheds, with
both reference watersheds exhibiting generally higher peakows
than the mined watersheds during runoevents (Figure 2).
The ow duration curves (FDCs) further highlight the mining
impact for both mined sites with increased low ows and
attenuated high ows (Figure 3, top panel). Flow in RB ceased
several times during the growing season (Figure 3, left top
panel), while the slightly smaller LB sustained streamow
throughout the year.
Water export in the mined and reference rst-order
watersheds was largely similar from December 10 through
April 30 (415 mm). However, the reference watershed
exported more water during larger runoevents, while the
mined watershed exported more water following events
(enhanced hydrograph recessions) (Figure 2 and Figure 3
middle and bottom panels). The greatest dierences occurred
from May 1 through the end of the study period in early
October, when the mined headwaterwatershed exported 2.4
times more water than the headwater reference site (184 mm
from LB and 77 mm from RB). The mined watershed also
exported more water over the rst 1.5 months of the study
period following the previous years low-ow period. The
dynamics in the fourth-order watersheds were generally similar
to the rst-order watersheds, while the overall dierence in Q
after 12 months was lower than in the rst-order watersheds
(Figure 3).
The baseow separations yielded consistent results for all
three baseow separation methods and across watershed scales
(Table 1 and Figure 4). The baseow portion across all three
methods in the reference watersheds was 30% of annual
streamow in the small reference watershed and 35% in the
larger reference watershed, while baseow constituted 73%
and 68% of annual streamow in the small mined watershed
and the larger mined watershed, respectively.
Specic Conductance. Specic conductance (SC) was on
average 10 times (MR to LF) to 25 times (LB to RB) higher in
the mined watersheds than in the associated reference
watersheds (Figure 2 and Table 2). The lowest SC values
were observed in RB (<10 μS/cm), where SC never exceeded
111 μS/cm. SC in the fourth-order reference watershed was
slightly higher and more variable than the values for RB but
never exceeded 195 μS/cm. The highest SC values were
measured in LB, ranging from 660 to 1977 μS/cm (omitting
the period of greatest pump inuence from 06/27/2015
through 07/20/2015). MR, the partially mined fourth-order
watershed, had SC values that ranged from a minimum value of
53 μS/cm during a major winter storm to a maximum of 1705
μS/cm during summer baseows. In all watersheds, SC
Figure 2. Precipitation (P, top panel), runo(Q, solid lines), and
specic conductance (SC, dotted lines) for the four watersheds. Mined
watersheds are denoted in red, unmined/reference watersheds in blue
hues. The gray shading denotes the time period when the mining
company pumped water out of the small sedimentation pond below
the valley ll and does not represent a natural decrease in conductivity.
Interactive versions of the gures and additional information
accompanying this publication can be found at https://mtm-hydro.
Figure 3. Flow duration curves (FDCs) for the rst-order watersheds
(left column) and fourth-order watersheds (right column). The insets
are enlarged sections of the high ows denoted by the black rectangles
(top panel); cumulative runofor the rst-order watersheds (left
column) and fourth-order watersheds (right column) (middle panel);
runodierence between mined and reference watershed for the rst-
order watersheds (left column) and fourth-order watersheds (right
column) (bottom panel). Note that the shaded portion in the top left
panel represents the time periods aected by the mining company
pumping water out of the retention pond below the valley ll and does
not represent a natural decrease in streamow.
Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
decreased during runoevents. In the unmined watersheds,
event ows could dilute SC to as low as 8 μS/cm or RB and 19
μS/cm for LF. In contrast, even the largest storms were unable
to dilute the mining associated SC signal in LB to a similar
degree, where even during the highest ow event SC remained
above 650 μS/cm. Stormwater dilution in the larger mined
watershed was more eective than in in the small mined
watershed, diluting SC to as low as 53 μS/cm during the largest
storms (Figure 2). In all cases, SC values recovered rapidly to
pre-event levels. With the exception of storms, there was little
seasonal variation in SC for the small mined watershed, with SC
near 1500 μS/cm for all of the year. In contrast, SC varied
seasonally in the larger mined watershed, shifting from dormant
season values of 1000 μS/cm SC to highs near 1500 μS/cm
for the majority of the growing season (Figure 2).
This seasonal variation in specic conductance in the fourth
order Mud River is caused by a shift in the relative contribution
of mined and unmined portions of the watershed over the
water year. Hydrograph separations were used to determine
that mined areas contributed slightly more water to the overall
annual runothan unmined areas (53% vs 47%, respectively,
Figure 5, top panel), despite making up a smaller proportion of
the watershed (46% of the MR watershed is in MTMVFs). In
addition to having a higher water yield, the mined areas of MR
exported more water during the drier growing season and the
unmined portions exported more water during the dormant
season (Figure 5, bottom panels). During baseow periods,
64% of runooriginated from mined areas, but that percentage
decreased to just 44% during stormow periods, indicating a
shift in contributions from mining-dominated baseow periods
to stormow periods dominated by runofrom the unmined
portions (Figure 6). During the most extended baseow
periods (e.g., 05/12/201506/27/2015) contributions from
the mined areas increased to 94% of total ow as unmined
headwaters ran dry. Only during the wettest portion of the year
(e.g., 02/21/201504/17/2015) did contributions from the
mined areas fall to levels (46% of total ow) that were
equivalent to their areal extent. At the peak of stormows,
contributions from the mined areas frequently dropped below
30% and fell to the annual minimum of 8% during the years
largest storm (Figure 5, top panel).
In our study, we found that watersheds aected by mountain-
top removal coal mining with valley lls (MTMVF) had
reduced stormows and enhanced baseows relative to
reference watersheds. In these MTMVF impacted watersheds,
both baseows and stormows export large quantities of total
dissolved solids derived from strong acid weathering of
carbonate bedrock. Because of their elevated baseow,
MTMVF watersheds contribute disproportionally to the ow
of downstream rivers during low ow periods. These signicant
alterations of both watershed hydrology and water chemistry
are likely to lead to both more perennial and saltier streamows
throughout Appalachia where at least 7% of the ecoregion has
been converted to MTMVF mines.
Baseow/Stormow Ratios. Our paired watershed
analysis documented signicant reductions in stormow and
Figure 4. Hydrographs and baseow separation with constant slope method (Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967)
for rst-order watersheds (top half) and
fourth-order watersheds (bottom half). Reference watersheds are depicted in blue; mined watersheds in red.
Table 2. Specic Conductance (SC) Statistics for the Four
Experimental Watersheds
SC (μS/cm) RB
(unmined) LB
(mined) LF
(unmined) MR7
mean 58 1504 102 1053
median 52 1530 89 1005
standard dev 20 198 43 367
minimum 8 660 19 53
maximum 111 1977 195 1705
LB statistics were calculated omitting the period of greatest pump
inuence (06/27/201507/20/2015).
Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
enhanced baseow as a result of MTMVF activities. These
ndings were robust, with similar proportional changes in
baseow/stormow ratios in the rst-order and fourth-order
watershed pairs. These results support the suggestion that
valley lls lead to massive increases in porosity and water
holding capacity
and that as a result valley lls have much
greater impacts on downstream hydrology than surface
compaction during mine reclamation.
The eect of MTMVF streamow was almost equally strong
for both the rst- and fourth-order watersheds, despite the
dierence in watershed size and the fraction of the watershed
impacted by mining. For both sets of watersheds, stormwater
runowas substantially lower for the mined watershed and high
baseow contributions from the MTMVF watersheds suggest
increased inltration into deep valley ll storage, from which
the water then slowly drains. Our ndings that MTMVF
increases baseow in both of these watersheds are consistent
with earlier studies in the region reporting increased runo
and higher baseows
from mined watersheds
elsewhere in West Virginia. The current study improves upon
these earlier studies by performing comparisons and hydro-
graph separations on paired watersheds in which the only
mining impacts are MTMVF, thus greatly enhancing our ability
to connect MTM to observed changes in hydrology and
biogeochemistry. Our observations that mining reduces storm-
ows contrast with prior work in which Negley and Eshleman
documented increased stormows from several surface coal
mines in western Maryland. The dierence between the
Maryland study and our study watersheds is easy to explain,
as Negley and Eshleman
watersheds did not include valley
lls. Negley and Eshleman
attributed the hydrologic alteration
in their study to increased overland runoresulting from
surface compaction during mine reclamation. While to some
extent this mechanism may be acting in our WV mines, both
their hydrology and chemistry suggest increased inltration into
deep valley ll storage, from which the water then slowly drains.
A notable attribute of mountaintop mined landscapes is the
emergence of at areas
that are rare in the steep Appalachian
mountains. These newly created at areas favor enhanced
inltration due to low slope gradients, at least partially
osetting the inuence of surface compaction. Therefore,
instead of increasing stormow because of surface compaction,
the valley lls increase the baseow portion of total streamow.
Additionally, preferential owpaths along the spoil-bedrock
interface could enhance inltration into the VF.
nately, little published research provides insight on the internal
structure of valley lls and how settlement or sorting of material
may aect hydrologic owpathways.
Greer et al.,
example, demonstrated high subsurface heterogeneity in a
valley ll in Virginia using electrical resistivity imaging. It is
reasonable to assume that the physical characteristics of the VFs
aect how much water can be stored in the VFs and how the
stored water is subsequently released to sustain streamow.
Ross et al.
determined large variability in VF area, depth, and
volume among >1500 VFs in Central Appalachia. While we
reference the increased storage in the VFs as reason for the
baseow increases, it is unfortunately not possible at this point
to make quantitative assessments on how dierent VF
characteristics would inuence the hydrologic response of
mined watersheds. However, while this may be important for
individual small headwaterwatersheds, over larger areas
responses of individual VFs of dierent sizes would likely be
Figure 5. Hydrograph separation for the partially mined MR watershed. Portions of the hydrograph originating from unmined areas are denoted in
blue; mined area contributions are denoted in red. The gray shading marks the time when the mining company actively pumped water out of the
small sedimentation pond above the LB instrumentation (top panel). Cumulative ux from mined and unmined areas of MR (bottom left panel).
Runodierences between mined area runoand unmined area runoin MR (bottom right panel).
Figure 6. Frequency distributions of mined area contributions during
baseow (red) and eventow (blue) periods.
Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
obscured by the combined response of all VFs present in the
Impacts of MTMVF on Watershed Water Balances.
MTMVF watersheds have lower plant biomass and reduced
topographic relief relative to unmined watersheds in the region.
Both the loss of evapotranspiration by vegetation and the
change in runoand inltration associated with landscape
attening are expected to exert strong inuence on the annual
water budget.
Dierences in Qbetween mined and reference watersheds
are commonly attributed to the lack of vegetation on mined
areas and the associated elimination/reduction of the
transpiration component. Clearcutting vegetation typically
results in decreased ET and subsequent increases in Q.
The same response might be expected on mined areas due to
deforestation, especially on younger valley lls. Yet the
dierences in annual water export between the mined and
reference watersheds in our study (rst-order: 68 mm; fourth-
order: 40 mm) were smaller than dierences measured between
forested and clear-cut watersheds in other parts of the
Appalachians, e.g., 130 mm reduction after 85% clearcutting
in Fernow, WV,
or 150400 mm after 100% clear-cutting at
Coweeta, NC.
While it is near certain that the rates of
evapotranspiration must be lower from recently mined and
deforested landscapes, the relatively small change in annual
water yield suggests that the loss of ET may be compensated
for by other components of MTMVF aecting the water
Reductions in watershed slope may be counterbalancing this
reduction in ET by increasing inltration and water residence
times. Ross, McGlynn and Bernhardt
determined that across
southern West Virginia premining landscapes had a modal
slope of 28°, while postmining landscapes exhibited bimodal
slope distributions of 2°and 20°. Annual runoratios are
typically positively correlated with watershed slope,
decreased slopes are typically associated with greater inltration
into the subsurface and longer water residence times.
vegetated watersheds, these longer water residence times
should increase the potential for water uptake by vegetation
and subsequent losses through evapotranspiration.
suspect that the lower topographic relief coupled with reduced
evapotranspiration in MTMVF watersheds is changing the
owpaths and the residence time of water in mined watersheds
without fundamentally altering the total water yield.
Contributions to Streamow from Mined and
Unmined Areas. The spatial conguration of our study
watersheds allowed for separation of MR streamow into
contributions from mined and unmined areas, using the rst-
order mined and reference watersheds as end members. The
constantly high base SC values in LB, even during the wet
dormant season, suggest that baseow in the mined water-
shedor rather VFis generated from a deeper water source
within the VF that is largely unaected by incoming
precipitation. Dilution occurred during runoevents, but
even then, the SC values in LB remained above 650 μS/cm.
These sustained high SC values suggest limited overland ow
on mine soil, which is contrary to previous conclusions about
the role of overland ow in surface mining environments
without VFs.
The runofrom mined areas that contributed
to streamow could be displaced water with varying
concentrations from within the valley ll that has not reached
maximum SC values, similar to dierences often observed
between groundwater and soil water in undisturbed sys-
or precipitation that inltrated into the VF and
dissolved readily available solutes while moving rapidly via
preferential owpathways.
In the partially mined fourth-order MR watershed, runo
from the mined areas was 53% of annual runo, which is
slightly greater than the fraction of the watershed that was
mined (46%). This is consistent with our nding that the
mined watersheds exhibited greater runothan the reference
watersheds, but less than would be expected if the mined areas
had simply been clear-cut (see the discussion point on water
balance comparisons). The hydrograph separation in the
partially mined watershed (MR) corroborates that reference
watersheds export more water during the wetter dormant
season (64% Qfrom unmined areas), with peak contributions
from unmined areas exceeding 80% of total streamow. The
brief rise in SC immediately coincident with streamow
increases (Figure 5, top panel) is likely caused by the spatial
arrangement of mined and unmined areas, with the mined areas
being closer located to the watershed outlet (Figure 1a).
Because of thisand especially during the wetter periodsthe
stream received brief inputs of mined water only (which is itself
diluted but still higher in SC than the MR streamwater) until
the runofrom the unmined areas further upstream travels to
the watershed outlet.
During baseow periods the majority of MR streamow
originated from mined areas (64% Qfrom mined areas). High
contributions during long baseow periods (up to 94%) suggest
that the unmined areas in MR contribute little water to
streamow during the growing season, similar to the reference
sites LB and LF that frequently fall dry during the growing
season after longer periods without precipitation. This
highlights the strong eect that MTMVF runocan exert on
water quality and quantity, especially during low-ow periods
when it can be the dominant source of streamow downstream.
Implications. This study highlights and further demon-
strates the cascading eects that mountaintop mining has on
the immediate location of the disturbance (i.e., the disturbed
areas themselves) as well as the surrounding ecosystems (in this
case downstream areas). The changes to the hydrologic
responses to rainfall and the seasonality of streamow are
indicators of this massive critical zone disturbance. While the
hydrologic impacts of most disturbances are rather easily
identied and often predictable, assessing the balance of the
opposing eects associated with MTMVF can be challenging.
For example, deforestation (through insect infestations, wild-
res, clear-cutting, etc.) typically lead to increases in annual Q
through reduced evapotranspiration
and urbanization or
decreased inltration rates typically results in ashier hydro-
graphs and an increase in stormow and associated reduction in
The eect of other forms of surface mining without
valley lls often resemble the eects of urbanization.
contrast, the eect of MTMVF with valley lls on simple
hydrologic response is perhaps more comparable to the eect
of dams on riverine systems, since dams typically are designed
or managed to reduce high ows and increase low ows.
However, the eect on hydrologic response is achieved via
completely dierent mechanisms. While damming impacts
hydrology by placing a structure within the river network and
directly regulating the stream/river, MTMVF can alter the
critical zone of entire landscapes hundreds of meters deep. This
deep impact thereby dramatically changes the runogeneration
processes themselves, i.e. how water moves through the system
once it reaches the ground surface. The consequences are both
Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
an altered hydrologic regime as well as degradation of
streamwater quality through the export of weathering products.
Increased baseow portion in mined watersheds and high
streamwater specic conductance indicate that rainfall spends
more time in the subsurface, especially in the VFs. This has
implications for two key issues: First, the water draining mined
watersheds has been in contact with VF material, with greatly
enhanced weatherable surfaces,
for extended periods of time.
This results in increased concentrations of weathering products
that contribute to downstream alkaline mine drainage and thus
impair aquatic ecosystems. This degradation in streamwater
quality following MTMVF and its eect on stream biotaeven
decades after mine reclamationhas been documented across
Central Appalachia.
Recent research on mine
reclamation techniques, especially reforestation both on current
as well as former mines,
promises faster regrowth of native
vegetation on unconsolidated spoil material. While the positive
eect on tree growth has been demonstrated,
the eects on
hydrologic response are not as clear. Agouridis et al.
example measured sharply declining electrical conductivities in
several reforested plots on a mine in Kentucky over a three-year
period after plot establishment. However, the mine spoil plots
were only 2.5 m deep
and may not be representative of valley
ll spoils >100 m deep.
Second, enhanced baseow itself, even in large partially
mined watersheds, can contribute to stream-impairment. Our
hydrograph separations in the partially mined MR watershed
(Figure 5) demonstrate that the water quality inuence from
mined areas was most dominant during low ow periods.
Similar runorates and patterns between mined and reference
streams during the dormant season (Figures 4 and 5) indicate
that the downstream impact of mining was less dramatic during
the winter high-ow period. During the summer baseow
period, the majority of streamwater originated from VF outow
in the fully mined and 46% mined study watersheds. Because of
the disproportionate inuence of mined areas on stream
baseow, the eect of MTMVF on downstream systems would
extend further than a simple area-mixing model
predict, especially during baseow periods that constitute
80% of the year.
Corresponding Author
*Tel: 307-766-5012; fax: 307-766-6403; e-mail: fnippgen@
Fabian Nippgen: 0000-0002-7428-9375
The authors declare no competing nancial interest.
This research was funded by NSF Grant No. EAR-1417405 to
B.L.M. and E.S.B. and a NSF GRFP to M.R.V.R. Logistical
support was provided by staof WV DNR District 5s Upper
Mud River oce. We thank Nick Human and Eric Moore for
help with eld data collection and Anita and Stanley Miller for
granting us access to their property.
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Environmental Science & Technology Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02288
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 83248334
... Hydro-geochemical processes, including cation exchange reactions, water-rock interaction, and water flow, also impact the geochemistry and evolution of these aquifers [20]. Runoff and watersheds can experience enhanced salinity (conductivity) due to coal extraction [26], impacting runoff and base flow [26], sediment, metals, sulfate water, and pH due to acid-neutralizing processes [5], and seam bed erosion. Another significant environmental concern linked to coal mining is drainage water, and there are many such cases. ...
... Hydro-geochemical processes, including cation exchange reactions, water-rock interaction, and water flow, also impact the geochemistry and evolution of these aquifers [20]. Runoff and watersheds can experience enhanced salinity (conductivity) due to coal extraction [26], impacting runoff and base flow [26], sediment, metals, sulfate water, and pH due to acid-neutralizing processes [5], and seam bed erosion. Another significant environmental concern linked to coal mining is drainage water, and there are many such cases. ...
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The intricate relationship between coal mining and water resources is discussed, as well as coal mining affects the quality and availability of water is highlighted. Coal deposits play a major role in energy production, and at the same time, coal mining causes adverse environmental effects. For this reason, the article is devoted to the study consequences of coal mining on water contamination and soil conditions. The investigation results show that coal mining causes dangerous and harmful particles to reach the surface of the water, degrades the soil, and causes chemical exposure. Hydrology and water quality throughout the mining lifecycle are influenced by such consequences, which can be observed across mining regions and under different extraction methods. In this regard, there exists a need for effective strategies and implementing best practices for mining operations, adopting preventive measures for acid mine drainage, and advanced water management techniques. Also, the experience of effective environmental management is discussed. Mining reclamation plans, adherence to specific standards, and the role of rocks selection in reclamation success are discussed. Considering the above balancing energy needs with sustainable environmental practices is crucial to ensuring the coexistence of mining and global water resources.
... Underground mining generates waste that is disposed of on the surface, leading to runoff, landscape alteration, and changes in local stream paths. Precipitation causes soluble minerals from the waste to dissolve into the runoff, elevating the total dissolved solids in nearby bodies of water (Nippgen et al., 2017). The resultant acidic runoff directly impacts the environment and can dissolve other metals such as zinc and nickel, thereby posing a threat to organisms downstream. ...
... In terms of trapping solar radiation, methane's potency surpasses that of CO2 by a factor of 28-36 (EPA, 2018). Methane can escape into the environment during drilling, extraction, and transportation of natural gas (Perera, 2018;Nippgen et al., 2017). Both venting and accidental leaks released approximately 155 million metric tons of CH 4 into the atmosphere in 2012. ...
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Rising energy production and consumption, particularly from fossil fuels, pose substantial threats to both global climate and human well-being. Conventional fossil fuel technologies, as primary energy sources in power plants, predominantly generate pollutants during power generation. Conversely, renewable energy technologies are anticipated to contribute to pollution primarily during equipment manufacturing. The combustion of traditional fuels gives rise to significant volumes of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and hazardous substances, leading to escalated costs for individuals and the worldwide populace. External costs attributed to coal-fired power plants range from 4.0 to 9.5 cents per kilowatt-hour, nearly three times higher than those of gas-fired power plants, and multiple times greater than the expenditures linked with renewable energy technologies. The substitution of non-renewable fuels with clean energy sources stands as an efficacious approach to curtailing atmospheric pollution and the concomitant external expenses. On a global scale, an annual savings of up to 230 billion dollars is potentially attainable by achieving a 36% share of clean energy within the global energy mix by 2030. This topic has garnered the attention of policymakers worldwide. Consequently, this study undertakes an examination of the environmental ramifications and social costs associated with diverse energy sources.
... Leaching of material from waste rock piles can pollute downstream ecosystems. Previous monitoring and research have identified elevated concentrations of selenium (Palace et al., 2004;Wayland and Crosley, 2006;Palmer et al., 2010;Lindberg et al., 2011;Storb et al., 2023), nitrates (Palmer et al., 2010;Lindberg et al., 2011;Brooks et al., 2019), and ions (Lindberg et al., 2011;Storb et al., 2023;Nippgen et al., 2017) in rivers draining mountaintop removal coal mines. Assessments of downstream impacts can be challenging, however, in regions where mining activities have been discontinuous over multiple decades and with multiple potential legacy and modern pollution sources. ...
... We integrate approaches from both water quality monitoring and paleolimnological (sediment core) research, providing an effective temporal perspective that encompasses both seasonal variability and decadal trends. We analyzed our water and sediment samples for a comprehensive suite of contaminants known to be associated with coal mining operations, including ions, heavy metals, nutrients, and polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) (Palmer et al., 2010;Lindberg et al., 2011;Brooks et al., 2019;Nippgen et al., 2017;Radford and Graveland, 1973;Hendry et al., 2015;Wellen et al., 2018;Wellen et al., 2015;Cooke et al., 2016;. Our results reveal the downstream impacts of both underground and surface (mountaintop removal) mining approaches in a region shaped by 20 th Century coal mining. ...
... This waste rock contains sulfide minerals (pyrite, most commonly) and organosulfide compounds. Chemical weathering of this waste rock leads to the oxidation of the sulfide minerals and releases SO 4 2− and associated trace elements, including selenium. In contrast, the PACs released into the atmosphere are primarily associated with the coal itself. ...
Mountaintop removal coal mining is a source of downstream pollution. Here, we show that mountaintop removal coal mining also pollutes ecosystems downwind. We sampled regional snowpack near the end of winter along a transect of sites located 3–60 km downwind of coal mining in the Elk River valley of British Columbia, Canada. Vast quantities of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), a toxic class of organic contaminants, are emitted and transported atmospherically far from emission sources. Summed PAC (ΣPAC) snowpack concentrations ranged from 29–94,866 ng/L. Snowpack ΣPAC loads, which account for variable snowpack depth, ranged from <10 μg/m² at sites >50 km southeast of the mines to >1000 μg/m² at sites in the Elk River valley near mining operations, with one site >15,000 μg/m². Outside of the Elk River valley, snowpack ΣPAC loads exhibited a clear spatial pattern decreasing away from the mines. The compositional fingerprint of this PAC pollution matches closely with Elk River valley coal. Beyond our study region, modeling results suggest a depositional footprint extending across western Canada and the northwestern United States. These findings carry important implications for receiving ecosystems and for communities located close to mountaintop removal coal mines exposed to air pollution elevated in PACs.
People alter the earth’s surface in diverse and prolific ways, from enhancing physical and chemical erosion to controlling water transport across drainage networks. These modifications are often faster, more extensive, and wholly novel when compared to natural landscape evolutionary processes. Existing literature largely portrays people as independent of a landscape’s geologic and climatic context. However, we suggest that humans are fundamentally embedded within the geomorphic system. Anthropogenic alteration of the earth’s surface results in landscapes that reflect both the socio-economic-technological settings driven by human need and the underlying climate and geology. Given that human impacts create similar novel combinations of landforms across the world, we suggest an opportunity for focused study of these “novel landforms.” Distinctly anthropogenic landscapes without natural analogues, novel landforms cannot be explained without incorporation of people as an explicit geomorphic process. We propose a unifying framework for the study of novel landforms and demonstrate the opportunities available for more systematic, generalizable research on human-coupled geomorphology.
Heavy rain over eastern Kentucky during late July 2022 caused catastrophic flooding along the North Fork Kentucky River. A disproportionate number of the 45 deaths attributed to the flood occurred along or near Troublesome Creek, a tributary that has had 25 percent of its watershed affected by mountaintop removal coal mining over the last 40 years. Flood recurrence intervals at gages along the North Fork ranged from 94 years at Jackson to 2 years upstream at Hazard to 850–1,000 years farthest upstream at Whitesburg. The recurrence interval variability is consistent with the spatial distribution of rainfall during the event, which varied by a factor of 3 over the watershed upstream from Jackson. A topographically driven cumulative flux model based upon a cumulative precipitation map, a lidar digital elevation model, and absorption coefficients calibrated to streamflow and precipitation data show that Troublesome Creek contributed 35 percent of the cumulative discharge of the North Fork at the confluence from 28 percent of the upstream watershed area. Comparison of the calibrated model to a hypothetical model that assumes no mining-related reduction in absorption suggests the maximum increase in cumulative stream discharge during the flood potentially attributable to mountaintop removal mining is 22 percent along the North Fork at Whitesburg, 28 percent along the North Fork at Jackson, 41 percent along Troublesome Creek at its confluence with the North Fork, greater than 50 percent upstream along reaches adjacent to mined areas, and 50 to 150 percent in small tributaries emanating from mined areas.
Mountain Top Removal and Valley Fill (MTR/VF) practices have drastically altered the surface cover, topography and hydrology of many watersheds across the Appalachian region of the US. These practices strip the bedrock from the ridges and peaks of watersheds, before removing the coal seams and depositing the waste fill into adjacent valleys. Existing research has generated conflicting outcomes as to the resulting hydrological impacts in response to storms. This creates potential issues for subsequent mitigation projects seeking to recreate prior hydrological conditions and riparian ecosystems. Our study focused on the potential influence of MTR/VF practices for a series of mined and unmined watersheds across the Eastern Coalfield of Kentucky. We analyzed rainfall-runoff response, focusing on how quickly rainfall was converted to quickflow and how much water left the catchment during storms for the 2022 water year. Lag times were shortened for the mined watersheds while quickflow coefficients reduced when vegetation cover increased. Valley fill-in mined watersheds also appears to create a delayed secondary release of quickflow from headwater locations during more extreme storms. These findings may assist future reclamation/mitigation practices for mined watersheds across Eastern Kentucky aiming to correctly recreate the hydrologic conditions that resemble those of unmined landscapes.
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We sequenced Early Neolithic genomes from the Zagros region of Iran (eastern Fertile Crescent), where some of the earliest evidence for farming is found, and identify a previously uncharacterized population that is neither ancestral to the first European farmers nor has contributed significantly to the ancestry of modern Europeans. These people are estimated to have separated from Early Neolithic farmers in Anatolia some 46-77,000 years ago and show affinities to modern day Pakistani and Afghan populations, but particularly to Iranian Zoroastrians. We conclude that multiple, genetically differentiated hunter-gatherer populations adopted farming in SW-Asia, that components of pre-Neolithic population structure were preserved as farming spread into neighboring regions, and that the Zagros region was the cradle of eastward expansion.
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Few land disturbances impact watersheds at the scale and extent of mountaintop removal mining (MTM). This practice removes forests, soils and bedrock to gain access to underground coal that results in likely permanent and wholesale changes that impact catchment hydrology, geochemistry and ecosystem health. MTM is the dominant driver of land cover changes in the central Appalachian Mountains region of the United States, converting forests to mine lands and burying headwater streams. Despite its dominance on the landscape, determining the hydrological impacts of MTM is complicated by underground coal mines that significantly alter groundwater hydrology. To provide insight into how coal mining impacts headwater catchments, we compared the hydrologic responses of an MTM and forested catchment using event rainfall-runoff analysis, modeling and isotopic approaches. Despite similar rainfall characteristics, hydrology in the two catchments differed in significant ways, but both catchments demonstrated threshold-mediated hydrologic behavior that was attributed to transient storage and the release of runoff from underground mines. Results suggest that underground mines are important controls for runoff generation in both obviously disturbed and seemingly undisturbed catchments and interact in uncertain ways with disturbance from MTM. This paper summarizes our results and demonstrates the complexity of catchment hydrology in the MTM region.
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Land use impacts are commonly quantified and compared using 2D maps, limiting the scale of their reported impacts to surface area estimates. Yet, nearly all land use involves disturbances below the land surface. Incorporating this third dimension into our estimates of land use impact is especially important when examining the impacts of mining. Mountaintop mining is the most common form of coal mining in the Central Appalachian ecoregion. Previous estimates suggest that active, reclaimed or abandoned mountaintop mines cover ~7% of Central Appalachia. While this is double the areal extent of development in the ecoregion (estimated to occupy <3% of the land area), the impacts are far more extensive than areal estimates alone can convey as the impacts of mines extend 10s to 100s of meters below the current land surface. Here, we provide the first estimates for the total volumetric and topographic disturbance associated with mining in a 11,500 km2 region of southern West Virginia. We find that the cutting of ridges and filling of valleys has lowered the median slope of mined landscapes in the region by nearly 10 degrees while increasing their average elevation by 3m as a result of expansive valley filling. We estimate that in southern West Virginia, more than 6.4km3 of bedrock has been broken apart and deposited into 1,544 headwater valley fills. We used NPDES monitoring datatsets available for 91 of these valley fills to explore whether fill characteristics could explain variation in the pH or selenium concentrations reported for streams draining these fills. We found that the volume of overburden in individual valley fills correlates with stream pH and selenium concentration, and suggest that a three-dimensional assessment of MTMVF impacts is necessary to predict both the severity and the longevity of the resulting environmental impacts.
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Surface coal mining operations alter landscapes of the Appalachian Mountains, United States, by replacing bedrock with mine spoil, altering topography, removing native vegetation, and constructing mine soils with hydrologic properties that differ from those of native soils. Research has demonstrated hydrologic effects of mining and reclamation on Appalachian landscapes include increased peakflows at newly mined and reclaimed watersheds in response to strong storm events, increased subsurface void space, and increased base flows. We review these investigations with a focus on identifying changes to hydrologic flow paths caused by surface mining for coal in the Appalachian Mountains. We introduce two conceptual control points that govern hydrologic flow paths on mined lands, including the soil surface that partitions infiltration vs. surface runoff and a potential subsurface zone that partitions subsurface storm flow vs. deeper percolation. Investigations to improve knowledge of hydrologic pathways on reclaimed Appalachian mine sites are needed to identify effects of mining on hydrologic processes, aid development of reclamation methods to reduce hydrologic impacts, and direct environmental mitigation and public policy.
Surface coal mining has altered land cover, near-surface geologic structure, and hydrologic processes of large areas in central Appalachia, USA. These alterations are associated with changes in water quality such as elevated total-dissolved solids which is usually measured via its surrogate, specific conductance (SC). The SC of valley fill effluent streams is a function of fill construction methods, materials, and age; yet hydrologic studies that relate these variables to water quality are sparse due to the difficulty of conducting traditional hydrologic studies in mined landscapes. We used electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) to visualize the subsurface geologic structure and hydrologic flowpaths within a valley fill. ERI is a non-invasive geophysical technique that maps spatiotemporal changes in resistivity of the subsurface. We paired ERI with artificial rainfall experiments to track infiltrated water as it moved through the valley fill. Results indicate that ERI can be used to identify subsurface geologic structure and track advancing wetting fronts or preferential flowpaths. Our results suggest that the upper portion of the fill contains significant fines, while the deeper profile is primarily large rocks and void spaces. Water tended to pond on the surface of compacted areas until it reached preferential flowpaths, where it appeared to infiltrate quickly down to >15 m depth in 75 minutes. ERI applications can improve understanding of how fill construction techniques influence subsurface water movement, and in turn may aid in the development of valley fill construction methods to reduce water quality effects.
The rainfall-runoff response of watersheds is affected by the legacy of past hydroclimatic conditions. We examined how variability in precipitation affected streamflow using 21 years of daily streamflow and precipitation data from five watersheds at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in southwestern North Carolina, USA. The gauged watersheds contained both coniferous and deciduous vegetation, dominant north and south aspects, and differing precipitation magnitudes. Lag-correlations between precipitation and runoff ratios across a range of temporal resolutions indicated strong influence of past precipitation (i.e. watershed memory). At all time scales, runoff ratios strongly depended on the precipitation of previous time steps. At monthly time scales the influence of past precipitation was detectable for up to seven months. At seasonal time scales the previous season had a greater effect on a season's runoff ratio than the same season's precipitation. At annual time scales the previous year was equally important for a year's runoff ratio than the same year's precipitation. Estimated watershed storage through time and specifically the previous year's storage state was strongly correlated with the residuals of a regression between annual precipitation and annual runoff, partially explaining observed variability in annual runoff in watersheds with deep soils. This effect was less pronounced in the steepest watershed that also contained shallow soils. We suggest that the location of a watershed on a non-linear watershed-scale storage-release curve can explain differences in runoff during growing and dormant season between watersheds with different annual evapotranspiration. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.