Conference Paper

La investigación visita el aula: la promoción del conocimiento y la práctica de la investigación como estrategia docente innovadora

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En los últimos años cada vez son más los autores que subrayan los beneficios de la enseñanza dirigida desde la investigación y de la integración de la investigación en el currículum de las estudiantes de grado. El objetivo principal de este proyecto de innovación educativa es potenciar el aprendizaje basado en la promoción del conocimiento y la práctica de la investigación de manera que se enfaticen los procesos que se generan en el quehacer investigador y se utilice un acercamiento en el que el estudianteLa investigación visita el aula: la promoción del conocimiento y la práctica de lainvestigación como estrategia docente innovadora2017, Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaCongreso IN-RED (2017)desempeñe el rol de participante activo. A su vez, se pretende evaluar si existen diferencias en las actitudes hacia la investigación entre el grupo que recibe la intervención y un grupo control. Los resultados muestran que el cuestionario de actitudes hacia la investigación es una herramienta fiable en la evaluación de esta variable. Utilizando este cuestionario, se observan diferencias significativas a favor del grupo de intervención en la relevancia percibida de la investigación, la predisposición a elegir la investigación como profesión, la competencia percibida para investigar y el papel del profesor.Palabras clave: Aprendizaje basado en investigación,innovación docente, actitudes hacia la investigación.

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... Research-based learning (RBL) has become a primary educational methodology to develop professional competencies in higher education. Studies have reported several advantages of using RBL in all areas of undergraduate education, such as engineering [1,2], medicine [3], physiology [4], and teacher education [5], among others. In particular, Singh et al. [6] have shown that the use of RBL by engineering undergraduates develops and enhances problem-solving, domain knowledge, language and communication, information and communication technology (ICTs), general learning, academic knowledge, attitude, and ethical skills. ...
... The scale reliability of the pre-and-post tests was measured for internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha. Values of this statistic above 0.70 were considered to represent adequate reliability and right internal consistency [4,11]. The values of the tests' samples showed good reliability with alfa between 0.74 and 0.83. ...
Conference Paper
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The development of research abilities is a necessary competency for students of Engineering and Science. Regardless of the engineering field of interest, the development of global competencies influences their professional performance. In the present work, we describe the impact, from the students' perception, of the early approach in research activities that involves critical thinking, innovation, problem-solving, self-direction, leading, and written communication abilities. To introduce the students to Research-Based Learning (RBL), we asked them to develop a solution to a problem presented in a first-semester science class in a university focused on developing technical and transversal competencies. This work proposes a teaching methodology based on RBL, which includes the appropriate use of search tools, data analysis, and writing skills, taking advantage of the institution's resources. Simultaneously, we looked for an effective research methodology to build a solid theoretical framework relevant to their experimental results. Moreover, we aimed to link the theoretical course contents to the student's engineering field through RBL activities. The sample under study had 98 students taking an experimental physics and statistical analysis course; 49 in an experimental group (class) were guided using RBL, and the other students were in the control group. The evaluation of the learning outcomes was carried out comparing the pre-and-post surveys, using a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree). The statistical analysis of the experimental guided group results showed an increase in critical thinking, innovation, problem-solving, and self-direction compared to the control group students. However, the leadership competency did not show any improvement in both groups. We concluded that implementing the RBL methodology for students in the early stages of engineering education promoted and reinforced the development of technical and transversal competencies.
... Research-based learning (RBL) has become a primary educational methodology to develop professional competencies in higher education. Studies have reported several advantages of using RBL in all areas of undergraduate education, such as engineering [1,2], medicine [3], physiology [4], and teacher education [5], among others. In particular, Singh et al. [6] have shown that the use of RBL by engineering undergraduates develops and enhances problem-solving, domain knowledge, language and communication, information and communication technology (ICTs), general learning, academic knowledge, attitude, and ethical skills. ...
... The scale reliability of the pre-and-post tests was measured for internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha. Values of this statistic above 0.70 were considered to represent adequate reliability and right internal consistency [4,11]. The values of the tests' samples showed good reliability with alfa between 0.74 and 0.83. ...
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The development of research abilities is a necessary competency for students of Engineering and Science. Regardless of the engineering field of interest, the development of global competencies influences their professional performance. In the present work, we describe the impact, from the students' perception, of the early approach in research activities that involves critical thinking, innovation, problem-solving, self-direction, leading, and written communication abilities. To introduce the students to Research-Based Learning (RBL), we asked them to develop a solution to a problem presented in a first-semester science class in a university focused on developing technical and transversal competencies. This work proposes a teaching methodology based on RBL, which includes the appropriate use of search tools, data analysis, and writing skills, taking advantage of the institution's resources. Simultaneously, we looked for an effective research methodology to build a solid theoretical framework relevant to their experimental results. Moreover, we aimed to link the theoretical course contents to the student's engineering field through RBL activities. The sample under study had 98 students taking an experimental physics and statistical analysis course; 49 in an experimental group (class) were guided using RBL, and the other students were in the control group. The evaluation of the learning outcomes was carried out comparing the pre-and-post surveys, using a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree). The statistical analysis of the experimental guided group results showed an increase in critical thinking, innovation, problem-solving, and self-direction compared to the control group students. However, the leadership competency did not show any improvement in both groups. We concluded that implementing the RBL methodology for students in the early stages of engineering education promoted and reinforced the development of technical and transversal competencies
Se estudió sobre la necesaria transformación de las universidades incorporando la gestión del conocimiento con perspectiva de género, para un cambio radical en la enseñanza-aprendizaje, contenidos curriculares, estructura organizativa y relaciones humanas. Se siguió la metodología del análisis documental cualitativo que consistió en la búsqueda y exploración de fuentes primarias y secundarias, sobre de gestión del conocimiento, la perspectiva de género y la socioformación, destacando los puntos de encuentro y formulando propuestas que apuntan hacia los cambios imprescindibles que deben hacerse en las universidades en el siglo XXI. Se presenta el enfoque socioformativo, pues es una propuesta educativa que integra la gestión del conocimiento como una de las competencias para formar ciudadanos y ciudadanas integrales y equitativos, centrado en el desarrollo del talento humano y del pensamiento complejo. Se concluye que la gestión del conocimiento desde el enfoque socioformativo con perspectiva de género tiene, entre sus funciones, el sensibilizar a los integrantes de las comunidades universitarias sobre las formas de desigualdad entre los géneros, coadyuvando a construir una conciencia en favor de la equidad de género.
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This study compares the performance of two estimation algorithms of new usage, the Metropolis-Hastings Robins-Monro (MHRM) and the Hamiltonian MCMC (HMC), with two consolidated algorithms in the psychometric literature, the marginal likelihood via EM algorithm (MML-EM) and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), in the estimation of multidimensional item response models of various levels of complexity. This paper evaluates the performance of parameter recovery via three simulation studies from a Bayesian approach. The first simulation uses a very simple unidimensional model to evaluate the effect of diffuse and concentrated prior distributions on recovery. The second study compares the MHRM algorithm with MML-EM and MCMC in the estimation of an item-response model with a moderate number of correlated dimensions. The third simulation evaluates the performance of the MHRM, HMC, MML-EM and MCMC algorithms in the estimation of an item response model in a high-dimensional latent space. The results showed that MML-EM loses precision with high-dimensional models whereas the other three algorithms recover the true parameters with similar precision. Apart from this, the main differences between algorithms are: 1) estimation time is much shorter for MHRM than for the other algorithms, 2) MHRM achieves the best precision in all conditions and is less affected by prior distributions, and 3) prior distributions for the slopes in the MCMC and HMC algorithms should be carefully defined in order to avoid problems of factor orientation. In summary, the new algorithms seem to overcome the difficulties of the traditional ones by converging faster and producing accurate results. 1 Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments, which improved greatly the quality of this manuscript. This research has been founded with the project PSI2012-31958 of the Spanish
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The Goodness of Fit (GOF) of a statistical model describes how well it fits into a set of observations. GOF indices summarize the discrepancy between the observed values and the values expected under a statistical model. GOF statistics are GOF indices used in statistical hypothesis testing. We discuss GOF statistics and indices in the context of multivariate discrete and well as multivariate continuous data.
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Recent legal changes in Spain have led to an important increase in the number of men court-mandated to community-based partner violence offender intervention programmes. However, just a few of those interventions have been systematically examined. This study aims to predict success indicators of an intervention programme for convicted intimate-partner violence offenders. The sample consisted of 212 convicted intimate-partner violence offenders who participated in the Contexto Programme. Three "intervention gains" or target criteria were established (increasing the perceived severity of violence, increasing the responsibility assumption for one's actions, and reducing the risk of recidivism). A structural equations model was tested, fitting data appropriately. Participants with major gain in recidivism risk were those who presented lower levels of alcohol consumption, shorter sentences, lower impulsivity, and a higher degree of life satisfaction. The largest gain in perceived severity was found in younger participants, participants with shorter sentences, lower alcohol consumption, higher life satisfaction, higher participation in their community, and higher self-esteem. And, finally, participants with the highest gains in responsibility assumption were older participants, participants who presented higher intimate support, higher anxiety, higher sexism, lower anger control, higher depression, higher impulsivity and higher self-esteem.
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Guía dirigida a profesores que se inician en la práctica pedagógica en la Universidad. Se desvelan preguntas cómo el por qué tienen que ser tan diferentes los estilos de Enseñanza en Pequeños Grupos (EPG) de los utilizados en las clases convencionales y cómo ha de adaptarse el estilo docente del profesor. Los contenidos nucleares de la Enseñanza en Pequeños Grupos son: 1.Fundamento y dinámica subyacentes de la EPG. 2.Función y destrezas de un tutor eficaz. 3.Métodos y técnicas. 4.Orientaciones sobre el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP), clases dirigidas por estudiantes y clases sin tutor. 5.Consejos actualizados sobre la práctica inclusiva y no discriminatoria. 6.Revisión de criterios y métodos de evaluación. Además, se recogen una serie de consejos y ejemplos prácticos procedentes de distintas disciplinas y teorías educativas, p. 201-206
A programme of educational innovation was implemented to improve the attitude toward research methods for psychology students. Students used real data to test their own hypotheses using different statistical methods. Specifically, they implemented two key methodological principles in research methods: sample size and ordinal claims (Frick, 1996). Students had to work in teams, using Internet data bases for developing the theoretical background of the study, the definition of the objectives, the definition of variables, data analysis, and discussion of results. We assessed the attitudes towards research methods before and after the study. Results showed that: 1) the students improved their skills in research methods, and 2) the attitudes towards methodology were more positive.
Research in science education is now an international activity. This book asks for the first time, Does this research activity have an identity?-It uses the significant studies of more than 75 researchers in 15 countries to see to what extent they provide evidence for an identity as a distinctive field of research.-It considers trends in the research over time, and looks particularly at what progression in the research entails.-It provides insight into how researchers influence each other and how involvement in research affects the being of the researcher as a person.-It addresses the relation between research and practice in a manner that sees teaching and learning in the science classroom as interdependent with national policies and curriculum traditions about science. It gives graduate students and other early researchers an unusual overview of their research area as a whole. Established researchers will be interested in, and challenged by, the identity the author ascribes to the research and by the plea he makes for the science content itself to be seen as problematic.
The increasingly popular term 'problem-based learning' does not refer to a specific educational method. It can have many different meanings depending on the design of the educational method employed and the skills of the teacher. The many variables possible can produce wide variations in quality and in the educational objectives that can be achieved. A taxonomy is proposed to facilitate an awareness of these differences and to help teachers choose a problem-based learning method most appropriate for their students.
The assessment of reliability" en Psychometric theory
  • J C Nunnally
  • I H Bernstein
NUNNALLY, J. C., Y BERNSTEIN, I. H. (1994). "The assessment of reliability" en Psychometric theory, 3, p. 248-292.
Inquiry-Based Science Education
  • F Riga
  • M Winterbottom
  • E Harris
  • L Newby
  • K S Taber
  • B Akpan
RIGA, F., WINTERBOTTOM, M., HARRIS, E., Y NEWBY, L. (2017). "Inquiry-Based Science Education" en Taber, K. S, Akpan, B. Science Education. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.