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Lemon: A Versatile Fruit of Multiple Uses

  • Narayan Consultancy on Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology Anand India
Lemon is one of the most popular citrus
fruits in the world with mulple uses.
Belonging to owering plant family Ru-
taceae, it is packed with rich nutrients
and health benets. In 1493, rst lemon tree
in America is planted by the Italian navigator
Christopher Columbus. The major producers of
lemon today are USA, Italy, Turkey, Israel, Spain
and Greece. In India, the culvaon is carried
out in UP, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Pun-
In India though the most popular variety of cit-
rus fruits culvated and used is acid lime. It is
grown largely in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu, and
to a limited extent in other states of country.
Areas with dry climate and low rainfall are best
suited for growing limes. Lemons can be grown
in heavy rainfall humid regions. The best sea-
son of planng is June to August. Tree can grow
about 12 to 22 feet tall and will start giving
fruits at the age of 3- 6 years. Irrigaon water
containing 1000 ppm of salt is injurious to the
growth of the crop. High humidity can favour
several diseases. Frost is injurious and hot wind
during summer results in desiccaon and drop
of owers and young fruits. Average producon
is about 700 fruits aer stabilizaon. Life span
of tree is about 15 to 20 years.
Planng of lemon can be a protable business.
James Lind in 1747 found that lemons are very
useful to treat scurvy, a deciency of vitamin C.
The researchers claimed that vitamin C plays a
signicant role in immunity and helps to neu-
tralize free radicals in our body and thus reduc-
es the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lemon contains many vitamins (niacin, riboa-
vin, thiamine, choline, pantothenic acid, foliate,
vitamin C, vitamin B6) and minerals (calcium,
copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phos-
phorus, potassium, zinc), which are needed for
human body. It should be stored at room tem-
Mahendra Pal
Narayan Consultancy on Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology, 4 Aangan-I,
Anand-388001,Gujarat, India Email:
JUNE 2017
perature away from direct sunlight. Lemon is
used as home remedy for many people in India.
However, it is imperave to menon that per-
son suering from serious illness should seek
expert opinion of the qualied Physicians be-
fore doing self-medicaon with lemon.
Uses of Lemon
Lemon has very appealing colour, odour and
avour. People of India regularly used lemon to
treat a wide variety of medical problems since
ancient mes. It improves digeson, enhanc-
es our immune system, boosts energy, alkaliz-
es and hydrates the body, reduces mucus and
phlegm, promotes healthy and rejuvenated
skin, boosts brain power and helps in weight
This fruit is said to reduce inammaon of
joints by removing uric acid from joints. It
has anbacterial and anviral properes. It
increases absorpon of iron. Lemon soothes
the itching and alleviates the rash, reduces the
age spots, and cleanses the face. Lemon water
helps in the enzyme funcons in our body sm-
ulang the liver and ushing out toxins. Lemon
juice relieves symptoms of indigeson such as
bloang, burping and heart burn. It can reduce
the eects of nausea, dizziness, and also found
benecial in chills, fever, headache, respirato-
ry problems, arthris, diphtheria, rheumasm,
depression, stress, diabetes, cholera, high
blood pressure, heart diseases, indigeson,
conspaon, sore throat, internal bleeding,
contains many
vitamins (niacin, ribo-
avin, thiamine, choline,
pantothenic acid, foliate,
vitamin C, vitamin B6) and
minerals (calcium, copper,
iron, manganese, mag-
nesium, phosphorus,
potassium, zinc)
JUNE 2017
burns, and obesity.
Using lemon juice in a glass of water with one
teaspoonful of sugar and pinch of black salt is
a quick and healthy remedy for minimizing the
side eects of scorching heat during summer.
It contains potassium, which is responsible for
controlling high blood pressure. Furthermore,
lemon juice is the best for oral health. It stops
bleeding from gums, migate toothaches, and
gives fresh breaths. It is a powerful ansepc
and can be used for vaginal hygiene.
Juice of half lemon in a bucket of water during
bath will help to remove bad odour of sweat
during summer season. Lemon with turmeric
powder and rose water is used to improve the
skin complexion. It helps to ght skin damage
caused by sun and polluon. Lemon can lend
a wonderful avour to sauces, salads, desserts,
and drinks. Lemon pickle is a side dish oen
seen in Indian dining tables. Lemon can also be
used to preserve the food. Few small pieces of
ginger soaked in lemon juice are eaten before
meal to increase the appete.
For the hardware industry, it is also a very valu-
able raw material in the manufacture of stain
removers, detergents, perfumes made of oil
extracted from the skin, etc. The used lemon is
cut into small pieces, boiled in water, ltered,
and aer adding very small quanty of any de-
tergent powder, can be used to clean utensils.
The scent of lemon is deterrent for pests in the
Daily consumpon of lemon water helps to pu-
rify the blood and also signicantly improves
mental health. It is a powerful ansepc and
can be used to disinfect cuts, abrasions and
scrapes. In order to keep good health, it is rec-
ommended that one lemon squeezed in about
150 ml of water must be taken daily in the
morning before going to toilet.
Lemon im-
proves digeson,
enhances our immune
system, boosts energy,
alkalizes and hydrates the
body, reduces mucus and
phlegm, promotes healthy
and rejuvenated skin,
boosts brain pow-
er and helps in
weight loss.
... Lemons: Lemon is a versatile fruits with many health benefits and is widely consumed by people throughout the world [14]. It is flooded with many vitamins, such as riboflavin, ascorbic acid, thiamine, panthothenic acid, choline, and niacin and also rich in several minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, and potassium [14]. ...
... Lemons: Lemon is a versatile fruits with many health benefits and is widely consumed by people throughout the world [14]. It is flooded with many vitamins, such as riboflavin, ascorbic acid, thiamine, panthothenic acid, choline, and niacin and also rich in several minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, and potassium [14]. It is a wonderful source of vitamin C that plays an important role in immunity and helps to neutralize free radicals and thus minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease [14]. ...
... It is flooded with many vitamins, such as riboflavin, ascorbic acid, thiamine, panthothenic acid, choline, and niacin and also rich in several minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, and potassium [14]. It is a wonderful source of vitamin C that plays an important role in immunity and helps to neutralize free radicals and thus minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease [14]. Detailed information on the nutritional and health benefits of lemon is mentioned in an article authored by Pal [14]. ...
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Humans are blessed with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables by the nature. Fruits and vegetables are significant sources of several vitamins and minerals that play vital role for the maintenance of good health. The manuscript provides a useful overview of the beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables, and their vitamins content that support the immune system. It discusses fat and water-soluble vitamins in fruits and vegetables with outstanding care and their role in maintaining the body's balance, preventing disease such as malnutrition and in ad-junctive therapy. Among the fruits and vegetables that can be considered as functional foods because of their useful physiological effect, the most important content evaluation of the grapes, apples, bananas, carrots, beetroots, onions, and lemons is the main goal of the manuscript. These fruits and vegetables were selected for their useful components and their role in international gastronomy, among others. We hope to contribute to both the knowledge of readers and the protection of their health.
... Lemon names in different languages more or less similar with scientific name Citrus limon Burm family Rutaceae [ 1]. The origin of lemon is Central Asia, Himalayan Mountains and northern Myanmar [2].The known countries for production of lemon around the world are, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Spain, China, India, United States, Turkey and Iran [3]. ...
... show that, this raw material is easy to delignify. With all processes applied, bleachable kappa numbers(19.5-26.3) could be reached at good to excellent screened yields (41.9-60.1%).ASAM pulping resulted in highest screened yield (60.1%) with negligible amount of rejects(0.2%) ...
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The aim of this study to utilize the pruned branches of Citrus limon in pulping with alkaline pulping methods and to determine the suitability of guar gum to improve the strength properties of pulps. The physical properties of these branches exhibited high medium density and very low percentages of bark to wood ratio. The whole chemical components of these raw materials indicated the suitability to pulp with alkaline cooking methods. Alkaline sulfite anthrquinone with methanol methods gave very good screened yield (60.1%), negligible rejects and bleachable Kappa number 19.5 and best strength properties especially tensile and strengths. Alkaline sulfite with anthraquinone gave very good screened yield with small percentage of rejects and bleachable Kappa number. On the other hand soda cooking produced pulps with acceptable yield (41.9%), rejects (3%) and suitable strengths. The soda anthraquinone pulping methods produced pulp with good yields (56-59.7%).It is obvious the effect of anthraquinone in preserving carbohydrates specifically hemicelluloses which increase the yields and strengths. Guar gum improved the physical properties of pulps when added during beating with (0.25% on oven dry Soda-AQ pulps) It clear the suitability of Citrus limon branches with age of two years in cooking with all alkaline pulping methods applied.
... Lemon (Citrus limon; var. Lisbon), which has a lot of nutrients and health advantages, belongs to the Rutaceous family of flowering plants [5], and has been grown in tropical and temperate climates for about 2000 years [6]. The Lisbon lemon originated in Portugal and was first grown in Australia in 1824. ...
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The importance of poultry manure cannot be overemphasized. We conducted the field experiment in 2019 at the Organic Skill Acquisition Plot, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, (FUNAAB) Ogun State, Nigeria, to determine the growth of lemon (Citrus limon; var. Lisbon) as influenced by poultry manure application. We obtained poultry manure from FUNAAB poultry farm. A year-old Lisbon lemon plants were treated with poultry manure. We had treated and untreated Lisbon lemon plants. The treated Lisbon lemon plants received 3.25, 6.5, and 13 kgha-1, respectively while the untreated did not receive poultry manure which served as control. The poultry manure was applied to the treated Lisbon lemon plants by using double split method (by digging a hole around the tree trunk). The poultry manure application was done from 1st of August 2019 to the 8th of October 2019 respectively. Data were collected fortnightly on plant height, canopy diameter, number of leaves, stem girth, and leaf area. Results demonstrated that the application of 13 of kgha-1 PM significantly increased all the observed parameters compared to other treatments. In conclusion, the application of 13 kgha-1 of PM on Lisbon lemon plants optimized growth parameters.
... Lemon is a popular fruit owing to its high content of vitamin C, soluble fiber, calcium, pantothenic acid, and copper and its low-calorie count. It is known to aid in weight loss and reduce the risk of various diseases, such as kidney stones, cardiovascular ailments, and cancer [1]. However, fresh lemons are susceptible to mechanical damage during transportation, which can degrade their quality and decrease their market value [2]. ...
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Lemons are a popular citrus fruit known for their medicinal and nutritional properties. However, fresh lemons are vulnerable to mechanical damage during transportation, with bruising being a common issue. Bruising reduces the fruit's shelf life and increases the risk of bacterial and fungal contamination, leading to economic losses. Furthermore, discoloration typically occurs after 24 h, so it is crucial to detect bruised fruits promptly. This paper proposes a novel method for detecting bruising in lemons using hyperspectral imaging and integrated gradients. A dataset of hyperspectral images was captured in the wavelength range of 400-1100 nm for lemons that were sound and artificially bruised (8 and 16 h after bruising), with three distinct classes of images corresponding to these conditions. The dataset was divided into three subsets i.e., training (70%), validation (20%), and testing (10%). Spatial-spectral data were analyzed using three 3D-convolutional neural networks: ResNetV2, PreActResNet, and MobileNetV2 with parameter sizes of 242, 176, and 9, respectively. ResNetV2 achieved the highest classification accuracy of 92.85%, followed by PreActResNet at 85.71% and MobileNetV2 at 83.33%. Our results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively detects bruising in lemons by analyzing darker pixels in the images, subsequently confirming the presence of bruised areas through their spatial distribution and accumulation. Overall, this study highlights the potential of hyperspectral imaging and integrated gradients for detecting bruised fruits, which could help reduce food waste and economic losses.
... Jeruk lemon memiliki banyak manfaat untuk pengobatan berbagai penyakit dan sebagai sumber vitamin C. Jeruk lemon mengandung banyak vitamin (niasin, riboflavin, tiamin, kolin, asam pantotenat, folat, vitamin C, vitamin B5, B6) dan mineral (kalsium, tembaga, besi, mangan, magnesium, fosfor, kalium, seng) (Pal 2017). Berbagai manfaat lainnya jeruk lemon antara lain anti inflamasi, anti virus, anti oksidan dan anti diabetes (Rafique et al. 2020), untuk menurunkan berat badan, perawatan kulit, nutrisi sehat, menghilangkan sembelit, perawatan mata dan pengobatan penyakit kudis, wasir, tukak lambung, gangguan pernafasan, asam urat, gusi, gangguan kencing (Jana et al. 2020). ...
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Cultivation of lemons needs to be increased due to the increasing demand for lemons. This requires a large amount of seedling. One alternative material for cuttings for lemongrass nurseries with lots of supplies is leaf cuttings. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of onion extract concentration on the growth of leaf cuttings and to determine the best concentration of shallot extract on the growth of leaf cuttings. The experimental research was in the form of extract treatment, which consisted of 5 levels, namely control (without immersion), immersion in water, 10% onion extract, 20% onion extract and 30% shallot extract. Leaf cuttings were soaked in onion extract at various concentrations for 2 hours. The observed variables included the percentage of living cuttings, the percentage of roots formed, the number of roots, the length of the roots, the percentage of damaged leaves, the percentage of shoots formed and the length of shoots. All treatments showed 100% survival rate and root formation percentage. Treatment of 20% onion extract can increase the number of roots, root length, percentage of shoots formed and shoot length from lemon lime leaf cuttings at 60 days after observation. The results of this study provide information that cuttings from leaves can be used as an alternative in the vegetative propagation of lemon and onion extracts as an alternative to growth regulators.
... In another vein, lemon has been reported to possess flavonoids which is responsible for its antioxidative and free radical inhibiting actions, capacity to control enzymatic activities and impede cell propagation (Mohanapriya et al. 2013). A unique component in lemon (potassium) has been connected to the control of blood pressure (Mahendra 2017). ...
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Background Agricultural waste generated annually results to environmental pollution; these wastes are rich sources of important bioactive compounds and could be used therapeutically in the management of some ailments. Corn silk, a by-product of sweet corn and whole lemon were processed separately into corn silk flour (CSF) and lemon flour (LF). Flour blends formulation used were as follows: 100% CSF (A), 95% CSF and 5% LF (B), 90% CSF and 10% LF (C), 85% CSF and 15% LF (D) and 80% CSF and 20% LF (E). Chemical compositions of the blends were investigated, while the total phenol content (TPC), total flavonoid contents (TFC), polyphenol profile, antioxidant activities, α-amylase, α-glucosidase inhibitory activities, nitric oxide, L-arginase, Angiotensin-I-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitions as well as the colour and sensory attributes of the infusions were investigated using standard methods. Results The moisture and total ash contents increased proportionally with increased substitution of LF as moisture content ranged from 4.83 to 8.40% and the total ash content ranged from 2.32 to 3.25%. The calculated energy values decreased from 390.48 to 361.42 kcal, with increase in LF. Potassium (K) contents also increased with values ranging from 4.65 to 5.82 mg/100 g, increase in LF incorporation promoted a decrease in the Na/K ratio from 0.8 to 0.55; the Phy:Ca and Phy:Zn ratios ranged from 1.20 to 2.86 and 2.08 to 4.04, respectively. No significant difference was observed in consumer acceptability but there were total colour differences (Δ E ) in the infusion as compared to the control samples. Samples A and B exhibited notable antioxidant properties, α-amylase, α-glucosidase inhibitory activities, nitric oxide, L-arginase and the ACE inhibitory activities compared favourably with the commercial samples. Conclusion This study revealed that corn silk–lemon infusion especially sample A (100% CSF) may be a therapeutic tool in lowering blood pressure because it possesses potent antihypertensive properties.
... However, the known countries for the production of lemon worldwide are Argentina, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Spain, China, India, United States, Turkey, and Iran [3]. Lemon has medicinal properties as reduction of Joints inflammation [4], antioxidant and alcohol liver injury treatment [5] contain essential oils [6], suppression of N-nitrosamine formation [7], source of vitamin C [8], and flavor for food [9]. ...
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This study aims to utilize the pruned branches of Citrus limon in pulping with alkaline pulping methods and to determine the suitability of guar gum to improve the strength properties of pulps and limitations of cutting trees for environmental issues and utilization of lemon branches as horticultural residues. These branches’ physical properties exhibited high medium density and very low percentages of bark to wood ratio. The whole chemical components of these raw materials indicated the suitability to a pulp with alkaline cooking methods. In addition, alkaline sulfite anthraquinone with methanol methods gave excellent screened yield (60.1 %), negligible rejects, bleachable Kappa number 19.5, and best strength properties, especially tensile and strengths. Alkaline sulfite with anthraquinone gave excellent screened yield with a small percentage of rejects and bleachable Kappa number. On the other hand, soda cooking produced pulps with acceptable yield (41.9 %), rejects (3 %), and suitable strengths. The soda anthraquinone pulping methods produced pulp with good yields (56 - 59.7 %). Obviously, anthraquinone’s effect in preserving carbohydrates, specifically hemicelluloses, increases the yields and strengths. Guar gum improved pulps’ physical properties when added during beating with (0.25 % on oven-dry Soda-AQ pulps). It clears Citrus limon branches’ suitability with an age of 2 years in cooking with all alkaline pulping methods applied.
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The present experiment was conducted at Horticulture nursery, TCA, Dholi, Muzaffarpur, Bihar on lemon during August 2020 to June 2021 under agro-shade net (50%) condition. The experiment was designed in Factorial Completely Randomized Design and consisted of thirty-two treatment combinations, which consisted of seasons (rainy and spring), IBA concentrations (1000 ppm, 1500 ppm, 2000 ppm & control treated only with distilled water) and four growing media (soil + FYM + sand, soil + peat moss + sand, soil + sand and soil alone). After two seasons of experimentation, the rainy season showed the maximum survival percentage (51.46 %), minimum days taken to first sprouting (19.75 days), the highest number of roots per cutting (33.28), sprouting percentage (54.75 %), length of longest root (5.81 cm), average fresh and dry weight of cuttings (3.46 g & 1.31 g, respectively). The cuttings prepared during the rainy season with IBA @ 2000 ppm and planted in a media combination of soil + peat moss + sand was found best with the highest B: C ratio (2.76).
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Antibacterial foods are natural consumable, which contain natural antibiotic properties working to stimulate the immune function, increase the resistance to infections and prevent pathogens, antibiotic-resistant bugs from developing within the body. Antibacterial foods also help to keep our body healthy as immune system boosters and provide valuable nutrients to our overall health.
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