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A study of six metropolitan, full-service hotels (involving 600 guests and 240 employees) found a statistical connection between employee satisfaction and guest satisfaction. Regarding employees' satisfaction, the data indicated that monetary factors can be dissatisfiers. The surest way to build employee satisfaction is to let employees know that their efforts are appreciated; that they can participate in decision making; and that they observe all employees working enthusiastically together to provide excellent service. Guests responded favorably to personable staff members who are quick and competent. Cleanliness of the room ranked high, while guests reported being most dissatisfied with the hotels' food quality and value.

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... In the context of service activities such as the restaurant industry [16, the health sector and health tourism [16,17], trade [18][19][20], logistics [21], and other service activities [22,23], a larger number of empirical studies have been conducted to understand the relationship between job satisfaction, service quality, and consumer satisfaction. The research was conducted in Croatia [24], the USA [25,26], and China [27], and it examined the links between employee job satisfaction, consumer satisfaction, and service quality in the context of hotel industry. No research has been conducted on the concept of service quality as a multidimensional construct. ...
... Previous research in the hotel industry has not dealt sufficiently with determining the effects of employee satisfaction on service quality and consumer satisfaction. Spinelli and Canavos [26] confirmed the effect of employee job satisfaction on guest satisfaction with service quality. The findings of studies conducted in the USA hotel industry [24] and the Croatian hotel industry [25] confirmed the hypothesis that there are statistically significant relationships between employee job satisfaction and guest satisfaction. ...
... The results of the empirical research confirmed the significant effect of job satisfaction on the intangible components of service quality: reliability (H1), responsibility (H2), and safety (H3), while no significant relationship between job satisfaction and empathy was confirmed (H4). It can be stated that the findings are consistent with the results of previous studies conducted in the hotel industry [24][25][26]. These results complement those of previous studies and show that employee job satisfaction is the key to achieve service quality in the hotel industry. ...
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The quality of service is one of the key assumptions of a sustainable and profitable business in the hotel industry. On the other hand, employees as direct providers of hotel services have a direct impact on the perceived quality of service. Establishing a relationship between job satisfaction and perceived intangible service quality is of great importance for customer relationship management and sustainable competitive advantage. For the collection of primary data, questionnaires were distributed to two groups of respondents, namely hotel employees and guests. Thus, 456 paired questionnaires were obtained. The testing of defined hypotheses and relations between constructs and latent variables was completed using the PLS-SEM approach. The results of the study showed that all validated constructs, namely pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits, contingent rewards, coworkers, communication, and the nature of work, contribute positively to job satisfaction. A positive relationship between job satisfaction and intangible service quality constructs was confirmed for reliability, assurance, and responsiveness but not for empathy. The study confirmed that perceived intangible service quality can be influenced by increasing job satisfaction and that payment and communication can achieve the most significant influence.
... The assumption about the impact of employee satisfaction on consumer satisfaction in the service sector was confirmed by the results of numerous empirical researches (Harter et al., 2002;Koys, 2003;Wangenheim et al., 2007;Yee, Yeung, Cheng, 2008;Jung, Yoon, 2013) which indicate the significant impact of employee satisfaction on creating and maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty, resulting in an increase in sale and profitability of the organization. Even though there are studies in domestic, expert and scientific literature that examined various factors of tourist satisfaction and employee satisfaction in the tourism sector (Laškarin Ažić, 2017; González, Comesaña, Brea, 2007;Sekulić, 2016;Choi, Chu, 2000), there is a significantly lower number of studies which investigated the impacts and effects of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction (Jeon, Choi, 2012;Spinelli, Canavos, 2000). This has directed the subject of the research in this paper to examine the impact of employee satisfaction on the tourist satisfaction with the services of spa tourism in the Republic of Serbia. ...
... However, in Table 4., it can be seen that satisfaction with the choice and quality of food (4.58) is the lowest rated, that is tourists were least satisfied with the quality and choice of food in the hotels they stayed in, but it is important to note that this did not affect the overall satisfaction with the quality of the services provided (4.74). The obtained results are in accordance with the results obtained by Spinelli and Canavos (2000) who conducted their research in six hotels. There are no significant differences in the population of tourists by demographic variables in terms of satisfaction with the quality of services. ...
... The factors of employee satisfaction (management and employee relations, wage and rewards, interpersonal relations, training courses, work environment) were selected based on a review of literature on different models and key employee satisfaction factors(Lawler, Porter, 1967;Christen et al., 2006;Singh, Jain, 2013;Đokić, Pepur, Arnerić, 2015). Taking into account the specifics of tourism and hotel industry business, factors of tourist satisfaction with the quality of service which are defined are(Spinelli, Canavos, 2000): the quality of check-in at the reception desk; tidiness and cleanliness of the room; quality and choice of food in the hotel restaurant; quality of wellness / spa and medical treatments, tidiness and cleanliness of the hotel; professionalism and hospitality of the hotel employees; overall quality of services in the hotel. ...
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The quality of employees’ work in the tourism industry depends primarily on their job satisfaction. This has directed the subject of the research in this paper to examine the impact of employee satisfaction on tourist satisfaction with the services of spa tourism in the Republic of Serbia. Research was conducted using the survey method, the questionnaire technique, in Lukovska Spa, based on a sample of 125 respondents, of which 55 were employees and 70 tourists / guests in hotels “Jelak” and “Kopaonik”. The most important finding of the research is related to the correlation between the employee satisfaction and the tourist satisfaction with the quality of service in Lukovska Spa, which confirmed the hypothesis of the direct and positive impact of employee satisfaction on the tourist satisfaction with the quality of services. Employee satisfaction has a positive impact on the quality of the service, which directly affects the tourist satisfaction with the quality of the services provided.
... Customer loyalty and perceived value from service experiences have been identified as important factors in enhancing profitable business outcomes (Acheampong and Asamoah, 2013), and have been shown to be associated with customer satisfaction (Rauch et al., 2015). Satisfied customers in turn have been linked with satisfied employees (Bitner, 1990; Spinelli and Canavos, 2000). Despite the importance of employees' and customers' behaviors on business outcomes in hotels these issues have not been addressed holistically. ...
... Employee satisfaction is a measure of the extent to which people like their jobs and their positive perceptions of job quality (Al-Refaie, 2015; Lee et al., 2015; Jung and Yoon, 2015). Understanding job satisfaction is important, as it is regarded as a major influence on employee behavior and organizational effectiveness (Spector, 1997; Spinelli and Canavos, 2000). The importance of job satisfaction is underlined by its status as the most studied organizational variable in an extensive literature (Hirschfeld, 2000). ...
... Also, the importance of service quality in hospitality contexts has been identified (e.g., Pizam and Ellis, 1999; Chen and Hu, 2010) and links between employee job satisfaction and satisfied customers have been proposed (e.g. Bitner, 1990; Spinelli and Canavos, 2000). On the basis of these studies one would expect that employee job satisfaction will be a significant predictor of guest satisfaction. ...
Purpose This research investigates employee and guest satisfaction, guests’ perceptions of value and their intention to return. Considered are hotel workers’ job satisfaction, how job satisfaction impacts guests’ satisfaction with the service experience and with the physical attributes of the hotel and how these variables affect perceived value and intention to return. Design/methodology/approach Structural equation modeling is used to analyze data from a large global hotel chain. Findings Guest satisfaction with service and the physical attributes of the hotel differentially impact guest outcomes of intention to return and perceptions of value. Key findings are guest satisfaction with the physical attributes of a hotel is significantly more strongly linked to guests’ intention to return than is satisfaction with service received. Staff job satisfaction is significantly linked to guests being more satisfied with the service experience and their return intentions. Of all the factors directly contributing to guests’ return intentions, guest satisfaction with the physical attributes of the hotel was largest in impact. In contrast guest satisfaction with service is linked to guests’ perceptions of value, whereas satisfaction with the physical aspects is not significant. Guests’ perceptions of value do not impact intention to return. Research limitations/implications The research was conducted within one global hotel chain, which due to its cross-sectional nature may possibly be a limitation. However, its single organizational nature does not diminish the importance of the findings. Practical implications Hotel managers need to consider the importance of the physical attributes of properties in what has been largely a services-dominated debate. What guests value may not lead to repeat business. Originality/value Providing excellent customer service may not be the main motivation for return business. Also, holistic measures of guest satisfaction may not accurately measure what guests value. Perceived value is not a significant predictor of intention to return.
... As a result of the study, it was stated that the personnel service quality, room qualities, general facilities, value and security factors affect the general satisfaction level of the guests and their intention to visit again. Spinelli and Canavos (2000) examined the relationship between employee satisfaction and guest satisfaction in their study. The study was carried out on 240 hotel employees and 600 hotel guests. ...
... The results of the study coincide with the results of Padma and Ahn (2020), Nunkoo et. al (2019), Zhang and Cole (2016), Ariffin (2013), Choi and Chu (2001), Spinelli and Canavos (2000). ...
... As a result of the study, it was stated that the personnel service quality, room qualities, general facilities, value and security factors affect the general satisfaction level of the guests and their intention to visit again. Spinelli and Canavos (2000) examined the relationship between employee satisfaction and guest satisfaction in their study. The study was carried out on 240 hotel employees and 600 hotel guests. ...
... The results of the study coincide with the results of Padma and Ahn (2020), Nunkoo et. al (2019), Zhang and Cole (2016), Ariffin (2013), Choi and Chu (2001), Spinelli and Canavos (2000). ...
The satisfaction of guests is of paramount importance to ensure the continuity and profitability of hotels. This study aims to determine guests' satisfaction with hotels by analyzing the online comments of guests. The text mining method has been utilized in this study. 58,193 Turkish comments about 5-star hotels in Turkey have been examined. These comments have been subjected to frequency and association analysis by models with Rapid Miner program. It may be stated that the guests are satisfied with 5-star hotel management in Turkey, and they are also satisfied with hotels in general and the services provided by hotels.
... Furthermore, in the last years there has been a growing interest regarding the relationship existing between job satisfaction of hotel workers and their organizational commitment. It is considered that workers feel satisfied if they are committed to the decision making process, receive suitable job training and employee incentives and have an effective manager (Spinelli and Canavos, 2000). So, job satisfaction is considered a significant predictor for organizational commitment, as the employees emotional perception of the organization will determine their loyalty and performance (Prasetio et al., 2015) However, it is still remaining a systematic research gap about the organizational commitment process developed by women (McColl-Kennedy and Anderson, 2005;Scandura and Lankau, 1997). ...
... This way managers may improve the workers commitment by enriching their jobs as it is seen that job enrichment has a positive influence on employees organizational commitment (Miarkolaei and Miarkolaei, 2014), as the design of the task leads to an intrinsic betterment of the hotel employees, thanks to providing them with a greater energy and enthusiasm towards their work (Grobelna, 2019). Hence, we formulate the following research hypothesis: Job satisfaction has received considerable critical attention in a large number of investigations (Abu-Shamaa et al., 2015;Spinelli and Canavos, 2000;Yeh, 2013). It is defined as the way the employees develop a perception about their job and the degree to which employees like their jobs (Abu-Shamaa et al., 2015). ...
This Paper identifies how the motivational strategies of empowerment and enrichment affect on the organizational commitment of hotel staff, and how the job satisfaction mediates in these relationships. We applied a Structural Equations Modeling to a sample of 257 front line hotel employees from Madrid, of which 144 were men and 113 were women. Our results provide evidence about several contributions: first, employees empowerment significantly grows job enrichment and organizational commitment; second, job enrichment increase workers’ satisfaction and commitment; third, job satisfaction enhances organizational commitment; fourth, job enrichment plays a mediating role between empowerment and both satisfaction and organizational commitment; fifth, satisfaction mediates between enrichment and commitment; finally, gender moderates the relationship between enrichment and commitment.
... Genel çalışan memnuniyet düzeyi ortalamasının yüksek olduğu araştırmada, "bağımsız çalışma imkanı" çalışan memnuniyetini en fazla etkileyen unsur olarak belirtilmiştir. Spinelli ve Canavos, (2000) turizm sektöründeki çalışanlardan ve müşterilerden elde ettikleri verileri kullanarak yaptıkları araştırmada, çalışanların karar alma süreçlerinde yer almaları, uygun iş eğitimi, çalışanlara haklarının verilmesi ve etkin bir yönetici olması durumunda çalışan memnuniyetinin arttığı sonucuna ulaşmıştır. Ayrıca araştırmada çalışan ve müşteri memnuniyeti arasında pozitif yönlü bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. ...
... Ancak bazı girişimlerle memnuniyet seviyesi arttırılabilir. Bu nedenle çalışan memnuniyeti yöneticiler tarafından arttırılmaya çalışılan bir durum olarak değerlendirilmelidir. Reichel ve Pizam, (1984) tarafından yapılan araştırmanın aksine yapılan birçok güncel araştırmada (Yeh, 2013;Lam, Zhang ve Baum, 2001;Gün, 2016;Spinelli ve Canavos, 2000;İbiş ve Batman, 2017) çalışanların mevcut çalışma düzeninden memnun olduğu sonucu elde edilmiştir. Bu durum turizm sektöründe çalışan memnuniyetinin geçmişe oranla arttığını göstermektedir. ...
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Konaklama işletmelerinde iş döngüsünün sağlanabilmesi, misafirin işletmeden mutlu ayrılması, işletme sürekliliğinin sağlanması, işletmenin büyümesi gibi konular personeli memnun etmekle doğrudan ilişkilidir. Bu nedenle personel memnuniyeti oldukça önemli bir konu olarak literatürde ele alınmaktadır. Bu araştırma Van ilinde faaliyet gösteren 4 ve 5 yıldızlı konaklama işletmelerinde çalışan personelin memnuniyetlerine etki eden faktörleri incelemek amacı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada anket tekniği ile veriler elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada kullanılan ölçek, farklı yazarlar tarafından daha önce kullanılan, geçerliliği ve güvenilirliği test edilmiş olan, çalışanların memnuniyetine etki eden faktörleri belirlemeye yönelik hazırlanmış bir ölçektir. Kolayda örneklem yöntemi ile toplamda 110 anket toplanmıştır. SPSS 24 programı kullanılarak farklılık ve frekans analizleri yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda eğitim durumu, alınan maaş ve turizm sektöründeki çalışma süresi kapsamında farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Çalışanların memnuniyetini belirleyen faktörlere ilişkin ortalamalara bakıldığında, çalışanların genel olarak memnun oldukları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
... Employees with a low level of satisfaction have less incentive to excel and, as such, may deliver lower service quality (McPhail, Patiar, Herington, Creed, & Davidson, 2015), affecting in turn corporate performance through the service satisfaction-profitability link (Lam, Baum, & Pine, 2003). The literature embraces this view and a significant stream of studies evaluate the determinants of employee satisfaction and its effect on firms' operating and financial performance (Chi & Gursoy, 2009a;Huang & Rundle-Thiele, 2014;Lam, Zhang, & Baum, 2001;Spinelli & Canavos, 2000). While most of these studies rely on the collection of primary data, mainly from employee satisfaction surveys, issues such as sampling and attenuation bias become pertinent to the external validity of their findings. ...
... This is particularly important, as the continuous "exodus" of staff (in terms of annual job quits) in this sector is a major problem. Other studies document positive associations between employee and customer satisfaction (Spinelli & Canavos, 2000) and between satisfied employees and financial performance (Chi & Gursoy, 2009). ...
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We explore a special case of electronic word of mouth that of employees' online reviews to study the determinants of job satisfaction and employee turnover. We perform our analysis using a novel dataset of 297,933 employee online reviews from 11,975 US tourism and hospitality firms, taking advantage of both the review score and text. Leadership and cultural values are found to be better predictors of high employee satisfaction, while career progression is critical for employee turnover. One unit increase in the rating for career progression reduces the likelihood of an employee to leave a company by 14.87%. Additionally, we quantify the effect of job satisfaction on firm profitability, where one unit increase leads to an increase between 1.2 and 1.4 in ROA. We do not find evidence supporting the reverse relationship, that growth on firm profitability increases job satisfaction. The feedback to management in employee reviews provides specific managerial implications.
... It is a relationship involving social behaviours with latent variables that are difficult to identify (Huselid & Becker, 1997). Furthermore, Spinelli & Canavos, (2000) points out that organisational learning and knowledge sharing are closely linked. Indeed, for the author, the knowledge acquisition process consists of sharing, reflection and learning, which are interrelated. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of humble leadership on project success. In addition, we examine the mediating effect of organisational learning on the relationship between humble leadership and the success of international development projects. Design/methodology/approach This study adopted a quantitative research methodology based on questionnaire data collected from 80 international development project managers from different sectors in Senegal (West Africa). The variance-based structural equation method, following the partial least squares approach, was used to test the research hypotheses. Findings The results showed that humble leadership is positively related to project success. Furthermore, organizational learning mediates the relationship between humble leadership and project success. Research limitations/implications This research has several limitations. The authors did not examine the role of organizational culture as a moderating variable. However, the authors believe that the cultural variable can have an impact on project success and team building, and future studies should consider this aspect as well. In the African context, each country has its own culture, which may affect the behaviour of the project manager. Also, the authors admit that the sample size is relatively small, which greatly reduces the generalizability of the results. Practical implications These findings have important implications. First, because a project leader’s humility enhances project success, it is critical for development projects to select leaders who demonstrate modest conduct in the workplace. The perfect selection of a humble leader depends heavily on judgements about the characteristics of a humble leader from new project manager candidates. Originality/value Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this study found that humble leadership is important for project success, thus extending the utility of the concept of humble leadership to the project literature.
... Functional value encompasses the practical advantages offered by a product or service, including tangible benefits and efficiencies. Emotional value, as defined by Spinelli and Canavos [55], refers to pleasurable emotions generated through consumption, thus adding to consumers' experiences. Social value, on the other hand, is underpinned by the social implications of product or service usage, such as affirming one's social status [54]. ...
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Prompted by the severe effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Taiwan’s cruise industry, this research aims to explore the potential role of corporate social responsibility (CSR), relationship quality (RQ), and perceived value (PV) in reviving cruise tourism. The central research question focuses on how these constructs motivate Taiwanese passengers’ engagement in cruise tourism and shape their electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM) behavior in the post-pandemic era. Therefore, a comprehensive theoretical model was proposed to evaluate cruise operators’ relationship-building strategies. The research method involved a convenience sampling approach to gather a robust dataset of 566 valid responses from a questionnaire survey. The data were rigorously analyzed using statistical software, SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0, via the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings reveal that CSR and RQ substantially impact customers’ E-WOM and identified PV and RQ as salient mediators between CSR and E-WOM. In conclusion, this research enriches our understanding of the recovering cruise industry’s operation model in the post-pandemic phase. It provides academically grounded insights into how enhanced relationship building, CSR, and PV generation can enable cruise operators to influence E-WOM behavior positively.
... High employee job satisfaction results in high-quality service (Schneider, Ehrhart, Mayer, Saltz & Nilles-Jolly, 2005). Meanwhile, Spinelli and Canavos (2000) found that employees' job performance such as emotion and attitude have an impact on customers' perceptions. ...
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This study focused primarily on determining the relationship and influence of job satisfaction dimensions on organisational commitment among lodging employees. This study employed a quantitative research design and data were collected from 290 front-line employees of the Department of Tourism's accredited lodging facilities in South Cotabato Province, Sarangani Province, and General Santos City (SOCSARGEN), Philippines area using the convenience sampling. Data analysis showed that employee pay, promotion opportunities, supervision, fringe benefits, contingent rewards, relationship with co-workers, nature of work, and communication were among the dimensions of employee job satisfaction that were positively related with organisational commitment. Operating procedures showed a negative relationship with organisational commitment. Only the nature of work, promotion opportunities, and relationships with co-workers, operating procedures, and supervision from the facets of employee job satisfaction posted as significant predictors of organisational commitment.
... The increase in the employees' job satisfaction can improve performance, service quality, organizational commitment, external stakeholder satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). One of the challenges is the company's ability to boost job satisfaction of the employees (Ashraf, 2019;Yildirim et al., 2016), as job satisfaction can increase employees' performance (Conger et al., 2000;Khan et al., 2019;Supriyanto, 2019), organizational performance (Nebeker et al., 2001;Salminen et al., 2017), organizational commitment (Zain and Setiawati, 2019), external stakeholders satisfaction (Brown and Lam, 2008;Spinelli and Canavos, 2000) and OCB (Reiley and Jacobs, 2019). Nevertheless, research on employee job satisfaction in educational institutions has not been explored (Al Kuwaiti et al., 2020;Castellacci and Viñas-Bardolet, 2021;Tayfur Ekmekci et al., 2018). ...
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Purpose The study aims to investigate the roles of trust and team cohesiveness as mediating variables to transmit the effect of transformational leadership dimensions on job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach The study employs a quantitative approach with 405 respondents as the samples. The respondents are teachers and staff of schools in East Java, Indonesia. The data are analyzed using partial least square (PLS). Findings Trust and team cohesiveness fully mediate the relationship between idealized influences on job satisfaction. Besides, idealized influence, inspirational motivation and individualized consideration directly affect job satisfaction. Research limitations/implications The relationship between transformational leadership and employee job satisfaction in educational institutions has been rarely explored. The study contributes to the literature on the role of trust and team cohesiveness in transmitting the effect of transformational leadership dimensions on job satisfaction of school employees. Practical implications To increase employee job satisfaction at schools, principals need to be highly concerned about trust in the leader–follower relationship. Therefore, principals are responsible for responding to the followers' needs and aspirations and caring for followers. Originality/value The significance of the result findings lies in the detailed model that transmits the direct and indirect effect of the transformational leadership dimensions on job satisfaction.
... According to the expectancy disconfirmation model, cognitive judgment is essential for predicting customer expectations and customer satisfaction (Castañeda, Martínez-Heredia and Rodríguez-Molina, 2019). About services, word-of-mouth promotion and guest loyalty are the result of customer satisfaction (Spinelli and Canavos, 2000). Thus, the history of customer satisfaction is a core predictor of the success of a hospitality or tourism firm. ...
The paper presents a comprehensive framework exploring determinants of hotel booking intentions among e-service users of hospitality products/services. The study adopted a sequential exploratory strategy (SES) to gather the data using an open-ended questionnaire designed after a thorough evaluation of the relevant determinants from the literature. An integration of Hybrid Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling (FISM) approach was used to first identify and rank the determinants according to their relative importance through FAHP, and to further develop a hierarchical relationship amongst the identified determinants to define the relative dependence and driver powers. The data collected from 120 respondents were thoroughly evaluated. The study explored localization, website quality, product information, perceived interactivity, price and promotion, e-security, customer value, service quality, electronic word of mouth (eWOM), marketing and brand promotion as drivers influencing hotel booking intention among travelers.
... Using COR, this study argues that a positive customer-employee social exchange could help service employees obtain two core psychological resources: positive emotion and empathy (Avey, Luthans, & Jensen, 2009). Previous service research, especially that which is grounded in the service-profit chain (Hogreve, Iseke, Derfuss, & Eller, 2017;Loveman, 1998), has long emphasized positive emotion as a valuable psychological resource for employees to cope with work stress and authentically deliver happiness to their customers (Garlick, 2010;Spinelli & Canavos, 2000;Staw, Sutton, & Pelled, 1994). Moreover, employees' positive emotion has been shown to have strong connections with high retention rates and firm performance (Avey et al., 2009;Loveman, 1998;Ozcelik, Langton, & Aldrich, 2008). ...
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This study proposes and examines the role server-friendly customers play in the customer-employee exchange stage of service encounters, and how customer-employee exchange relates to employee organizational citizenship behaviors toward customers, colleagues, and hotel organizations. To further explain how service employees could reenergize through the psychological resources gained from server-friendly customers at the point of customer-employee exchange, conservation of resources theory was applied. Hotel employees in the United States and China were sampled to jointly examine our proposed model. Findings of this study contribute valuable theoretical implications by emphasizing the role of customer-employee exchange in the formation of employee citizenship behaviors, as well as practical implications with regard to mentoring employees, thus strategically reenergizing psychological resources and obtaining tacit knowledge of citizenship behavior and its practice.
... Employees who have high job satisfaction in organizations will work with more pleasure and thus higher performance with the positive feelings they have for their organizations. This will cause increased productivity (151). ...
If you thought so far only people have emotional memories, I have a breaking news for you: Institutions also have emotional memories! In Corporate EQ - Understanding and Managing Emotions, which is the first Organizational Emotional Memory book ever written in the world in English, I have written the emotional memories of institutions and their performance, innovation, relationship-oriented leadership and employer brand perspectives. In this book, which was written during the Covid-19 period, I also shared my perspective on how to proceed in situations that negatively affect the world. I wish the readers to add value with what they have learned.
... Research shows that employees' evaluation of their job characteristics is a crucial factor influencing their working behaviour (Yusoff et al., 2018). Specifically, several job characteristics including pride, participation, recognition, self-actualisation, advancement, fairness, working conditions and the work itself can influence the way employees perceive their job and ultimately result in their satisfaction (Arnett et al., 2002;Huyton and Sutton, 1996;Maslow, 1970;Spinelli and Canavos, 2000). This is understandable from the lens of job characteristics theory (Hackman and Oldham, 1976) which identifies skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback as the core job characteristics that can prompt different psychological states in individuals. ...
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Purpose The study aimed to provide insights on antecedent and outcome of green HRM at the organisational level and the outcome of green HRM at the individual level. It also sought to examine the mechanism through which green HRM would lead to employees’ positive outcome. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative study design using a two-study approach was employed to collect and analyse the data. For study 1, 206 hotels from Malaysia were included in analysis at the organisational level, while in study 2 at the individual level, 508 employees from different sectors provided insights through an online questionnaire. For both studies, partial least squares (PLS–SEM) was used to assess the research model. Findings All the proposed hypotheses were supported. Specifically, at the organisational level, organisational environmental culture is positively related to green HRM, and green HRM management positively associates with organisation's environmental performance. At the individual level, green HRM positively influences employees' job satisfaction, and meaningfulness through work is a strong mediator in this relationship. Originality/value This study is significant as it contributes to both theory and practice by providing fresh insights on green HRM and its antecedent and outcomes at two levels (organisational and individual) and across two economies (emerging and developed). It also sheds some light on the outcome of green HRM at the employee level which is an area that is still under-researched. By focusing on meaningfulness through work as an important factor, the study contributes to better understanding of green HRM and employees’ positive outcomes.
... Studies suggest that employee and customer satisfaction are positively correlated [16,17]. As suggested by the service-profit chain, providing employees with a superior internal working environment will lead to satisfied employees who are both loyal to the organization and able to provide the customer with an excellent service experience, which will result in satisfied customers. ...
This research attempts to evaluate the interrelationship between employee satisfaction, service quality, and customer satisfaction in an educational organization. Specifically, this study explores three major relationships: (1) the relationship between influential factors of job satisfaction and faculty satisfaction; (2) the relationship between faculty satisfaction and service quality; and (3) the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. The study uses data collected from the questionnaire survey with 167 responses. As a result, there is a positive relationship between employee satisfaction and service quality and in turn service quality has positive effect on student satisfaction. Three out of six variables relating to job satisfaction (including Salary and Fringe benefits, Recognition, and Communiation) have influential relationship with lecturer job satisfaction in the linear regression analysis. And all the five factors of training service quality have positive relationships with student satisfaction. The paper also gives some recommendations for the school to improve its policies and working environment to enhance lecturer job satisfaction as well as service quality and student satisfaction level.
... Bitner, 1992 agreed and added that restaurants physical environment have major impact on both employees and patrons' satisfactions. Hotel managers suggest that employees' job satisfaction can be achieved through a healthy workplace environment (Spinelli and Canavos, 2000). Empirical evidence from the cruise industry also indicates that there exists a positive relationship between work environment and job satisfaction (Testa, et al., 1998). ...
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As service industries become more competitive, service organizations face challenges in delivering superior service quality to their customers. Indeed, mistakes, failures and resultant customer complaints in service industries are frequent occurrences (Yavas et al., 2002). Sixty-five percent of these complaints are initiated with service employees (Tax and Brown, 1998). Since positive employee behavior, service quality, service recovery, and customer satisfaction are related to job satisfaction (Rust et al., 1996 Yoon, et al., 2001 ; Tax and Brown, 1998), service organizations need to understand the importance of job satisfaction in order to minimize these detrimental outcomes. In addition, the measurement of job satisfaction on a continuous basis is important to an organization in terms of job attributes, organizational commitment, employee citizenship, and absenteeism (Lam, et al.,, 2001) Therefore, employees, especially frontline staff in the service encounter should have a number of different skills and abilities to carry out actual services. The purpose of the current research is to measure the employees' satisfaction in a sample of Jordanian classified hotels in Jordan. A questionnaire has been developed and administered among a representative sample of hotel employees in the Kingdom. Simple percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA were used for data analysis. Respondents display their satisfaction regarding the main factors related to their jobs. In addition, compensation, promotion, and work environment were among the main factors influencing employee job satisfaction.
... Internalizing the vision to include staff in the process is a key challenge for the organization. Central to the issue of effective internalization is the belief that employee satisfaction leads to increased levels of customer satisfaction (Organ, 1988; Organ et al., 2006; Spinelli & Canavos, 2000). How employees perceive the degree to which the organization delivers its stated aim of 'exceptional service' should be an important factor in actually delivering such service . ...
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The researchers use established measures of job satisfaction (JS) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) to analyze data obtained from nurses in an Australian hospital (N = 573), and to discuss implications for human resource management. In this study the researchers seek to understand the links between nurses' JS, OCB and their perceptions of the values espoused by the organization. Changes in JS and OCB as length of service increases are also examined. Findings suggest that JS and OCB are both significant predictors of nurses' perceptions of organizational values. The findings also suggest that nurses more readily internalize organizational values when levels of JS and OCB are high. A further finding is that the tendency to engage in OCB declines significantly as length of service increases.
... " Customer satisfaction " is used in case of the relevancy of purchasing transaction (Churchill and Suprenant 1982; Fornell 1992; Halstead, Hartman and Schmidt 1994; Smith, Bolton andWagner 1999). In hotel and hospitality industry " Guest satisfaction " (Cadotte and Turgeon 1988; Gundersen et al. 1996; Spinelli and Cannavos 2000; Blesic et al. 2010) or simply " Satisfaction " concept is applied (Kourilsky and Murray 1981; Oliver and Swann 1989; Mittal, Koumar and Tsiros 1999). " These terms are practically interchangeable, there is little about the exclusivity of any of those " (Szántó 2003). ...
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The service quality can be measured by the consumers’ satisfaction. Researchers assume that high quality satisfies the guests and satisfaction may increase their loyalty. The main goal of this article is to measure guest satisfaction and prove its positive impacts on Hungarian hotels’ performance. A comprehensive survey was made on the Hungarian wellness hotels in October 2012; the primary aim was to provide them suggestions to improve their quality on the base of guests’ feedback. A self-administered questionnaire were compiled and sent back by 815 respondents. The investigation examined the quality awareness, quality perception, guest satisfaction and the following behavioral intentions of domestic guests of spa hotels. It can be concluded that domestic guests are generally satisfied with the quality of services offered by Hungarian spa hotels. The message of this research is for hotel managers that the increase of guest satisfaction can be reached by the improvement of service quality, and not only with price discounts. It has been demonstrated that satisfaction is closely related to their willingness to return to the hotel, so it is an essential condition of loyalty.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the post-COVID-19 expectations of luxury hotel customers and identify the strategies that focused on customer satisfaction and evaluate the resiliency of the luxury hotels. The study utilized SurveyMonkey and email as the primary means of gathering responses. A total of 400 participants were chosen from the sample population for the purpose of conducting the final research, by using the structural equation modeling. The paper conducting an examination into the enduring effects of strategies on customer satisfaction and resilience of luxury hotels might yield new insights that enhance the strategic planning and decision-making processes within the luxury hotel category. The findings from the research pertaining to the influence of room amenities, staff performance, and common space facilities on customer satisfaction, as well as their subsequent implications for hotel resilience in luxury establishments following the COVID-19 pandemic, unveil a number of noteworthy observations.
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Purpose This paper provides a systematization of the existing body of literature on both employee participation goals and the intervention formats in the context of organizational change. Furthermore, degrees of employee involvement that the intervention formats address are identified and related to the goals of employee participation. On this basis, determinants of employee involvement and participation in the context of digital transformation are unveiled. Design/methodology/approach Based on a systematic literature review the authors structure and relate employee participation goals and formats. Through a workshop with expert practitioners, the authors transfer and enhance these theoretical findings in the context of digital transformation. Experts rated the three most important goals and identified accompanying success factors, barriers and effects. Findings The results show that it is not necessarily the degree of involvement but a context-specific selection of measures, the quality of their implementation as well as the actual uptake of suggestions and activities developed by employees that contribute to employees accepting and participating in goal-directed transformations. Moreover, employees must have sufficient information and time for their participation in transformation processes. Originality/value This paper is based on a transformative approach, combining literature analysis to identify formats and goals of employee participation with experiential knowledge of digital transformation practitioners. In addition to relating intervention formats to goals pursued in organizational change processes, empirical and experiential perspectives are used to identify three very relevant goals and respective determinants in digital transformation processes.
Experiment Findings
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Employees’ happiness is important for retaining hotel staff because of the nature of their long working hours. Grounded in the Fredrick motivational theory. The survey aimed to ascertain the association between “job satisfaction and turnover intention” in hotel operational staff in the Accra metropolitan area. Using the factor analysis data techniques, four main underlying factors including “pay, supervision, promotion as well as training and advancement” were found to have explained hotel employees’ job happiness in the Accra metropolis. The correlation analysis demonstrated a negative association between job satisfaction and the intentions for turnover. The recommendation to managers is that this situation can be address by paying hotel worker with good salaries/wages as their reward whilst creating opportunities for promotion.
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Employees' happiness is important for retaining hotel staff because of the nature of their long working hours. Grounded in the Fredrick motivational theory. The survey aimed to ascertain the association between "job satisfaction and turnover intention" in hotel operational staff in the Accra metropolitan area. Using the factor analysis data techniques, four main underlying factors including "pay, supervision, promotion as well as training and advancement" were found to have explained hotel employees' job happiness in the Accra metropolis. The correlation analysis demonstrated a negative association between job satisfaction and the intentions for turnover. The recommendation to managers is that this situation can be addressed by paying hotel workers good salaries/wages as their reward while creating opportunities for promotion.
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Should we teach in hybrid mode or fully online? We examine the teaching model's role (hybrid versus fully online) in the service–profit chain in higher education institutions using survey data from 93 faculty members and 366 students from three American universities. We find that faculty members’ satisfaction and the MBA program expectations improve MBA word-of-mouth by enhancing the MBA quality, MBA value, class satisfaction, and MBA loyalty. Additionally, we discover that the hybrid teaching model more strongly reinforces this chain of effects than the fully online model. IT creates the integration of differential value into a hybrid teaching style.
This research sheds light on consumer motivations for participating in the sharing economy and examines downstream consequences of the uncovered motivations. We use text-mining techniques to extract Airbnb hosts’ motivations from their responses to the question “why did you start hosting.” We find that hosts are driven not only by the monetary motivation “to earn cash,” but also by intrinsic motivations such as “to share beauty” and “to meet people.” Using extensive transaction-level data we find that hosts with intrinsic motivations post more property photos and write longer property descriptions, demonstrating greater engagement with the platform. Consequently, these hosts receive higher guest satisfaction ratings. Compared to hosts who want to earn cash, hosts motivated to meet people are more likely to keep hosting and to stay active on the platform, and hosts motivated to share beauty charge higher prices. As a result, these intrinsically motivated hosts have a higher customer lifetime value compared to those with a monetary motivation. We employ a multi-method approach including text mining, Bayesian latent attrition models and lab experiments to derive these insights. Our research provides an easy-to-implement approach to uncovering consumer motivations in practice and highlights the consequential role of these motivations for firms.
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For organizations to shape their future of Tourism industry, it is essential for them to hire and retain top talent. Therefore, in this research, the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction was examined. A quantitative research method was applied to test between the variables. The questionnaire technique has been used. The data were collected from 218 employees working in five-star and four-star hotels in the city of Ankara, capital of Turkey. First, the correlation coefficients between variables were calculated. Then, T test and One Way Anova analysis were conducted to determine whether there was a difference between variables and demographic characteristics. Finally, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between emotional commitment, a sub dimension of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Further results indicated there is a negative and significant relationship between job satisfaction and other sub dimensions of organizational commitment, normative commitment and continuation commitment. Key words: Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Hotel Employees, Tourism Establishments, Human Resources, Tourism.
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This study attempts to investigate the linkage of human resources management practices with customer satisfaction through intervening role of employee job satisfaction. The study also examined the moderating role of procedural justice between human resource management practices and job satisfaction. A conceptual model with four hypotheses was developed and two-source field data were collected from paramedical staff members and patients ( n= 228, dyads) working in the health care sector of Pakistan. Results indicate that full mediation where job satisfaction fully mediates between human resource management practices and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, moderated regression analysis also proved the significant moderating role of procedural justice between human resource practices and job satisfaction. The findings of the study provide useful insights to evaluate and improve human resource management practices for the wellbeing of the employees and to enhance the customer satisfaction.
Kutatási tanulmányok szerint egyre nagyobb teret kap a vállalatok marketingtevékenységében az a felfogás, hogy a fogyasztók egyediek, saját, személyiségükből következő értékrenddel bírnak. Erre a felfogásra a vállalatok is egyre inkább nyitottak, mivel a céljuk a minél hatékonyabb kiszolgálás és ezáltal a minél nagyobb profit. A személyiségtípusok azonosításával lehetőség nyílik a fogyasztók személyiségalapú csoportosítására. Kutatásunk célja azt megvizsgálni, hogy a fogyasztói személyiségtípusok hogyan, és milyen mértékben befolyásolják a szállodai szolgáltatással kapcsolatos elégedettséget. Az elégedettség területét a szállodai szolgáltatás tényezőire fókuszáljuk, és a szakirodalom alapján különböző részterületeket alakítunk ki, mint például a fizikai környezettel és a személyzettel kapcsolatos elégedettség. A személyiségtípus elemzéshez a Big Five Faktor tesztet használjuk. Összességében megállapítható, hogy a személyiségtípusok közül a barátságosság és a tudatosság szignifikánsan befolyásolja, a vártnak megfelelő irányba, a személyzetre és a fizikai környezetre vonatkozó elégedettség faktort. Ezzel ellentétben a neuroticitás, az extraverzió és a nyitottság egyáltalán nem befolyásolja szignifikánsan egyik elégedettség faktort sem.
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of chain restaurant employees’ perception of abusive supervision on employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. The sample for the survey was collected from 228 customers and 93 employees in a chain restaurant. The results showed a negative relationship between abusive supervision and employee satisfaction. However, abusive supervision did not have a significant, direct effect on customer satisfaction, but showed an indirect effect via employee satisfaction. In addition, employee satisfaction was positively associated with customer satisfaction.
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This study explores the effects of culture shock on emotional labor, job satisfaction, and the turnover intentions of service employees. It further examines the moderating role of perceived managerial support on the relationships between culture shock, emotional labor, and job satisfaction. Questionnaires were distributed among foreign employees working in 36 hotels in Macao. The data that emerged from the 254 respondents were employed to test the research framework. Results suggest that culture shock has positive impacts emotional labor but negative impacts on job satisfaction. Moreover, the relationship between culture shock and foreign employee turnover intentions is mediated by emotional labor and job satisfaction. Perceived managerial support played a critical role in lessening culture shock’s effect on job satisfaction.
Purpose The linkage between internal and external satisfaction is an understudied topic in the service field. This study aims to address this gap by proposing an original research model, the service excellence chain (SEC), that connects the internal and external perspectives by conjoining performance-excellence models and the service-profit-chain approach. Theoretical assumptions and quantitative measures are proposed by using advanced statistical techniques. Design/methodology/approach The SEC is investigated through an empirical study in the healthcare sector, focusing on an Italian hospital and involving two of its core units. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. First, internal and external customer satisfaction were separately tested through structural equation modeling. The linkage between internal and external satisfaction is then proposed by mathematically defining a synthetic index, the internal and external customer satisfaction index (IEGSI), modeled through Bayesian networks (BNs) and object-oriented BNs to provide an overall measure able to predict organizational improvement. Findings The distinct measured models show good internal validity and adequate fit both for patients' and employees' perspectives. The IEGSI allows rigorously connecting internal and external satisfaction by developing conjoint scenarios for organizational improvement. Originality/value This study proposes the SEC model as an innovative way to connect internal and external satisfaction. The findings can be useful both for private and public organizations and may provide several useful insights for healthcare managers as well as for policy-makers in relation to developing strategies for improving service quality.
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Objective-This research aims to reveal the productivity culture existing in Rumah Makan Padang (RMP), located in Jakarta, with a view to generating a concept of productivity that is in line with RMP-based local wisdom. Methodology/Technique-An ethnographic method was employed to investigate the local perspective in the attempt to develop a new concept of productivity. Findings-The findings show that the concept of productivity existing in RMP differs from the contemporary concept of today's culture. Novelty-Whilst the conventional concept of productivity stresses on the material aspects which can be physically and financially measured with a productivity ratio of output toward input, the concept existing in RMP stresses not only on material aspects, but also spiritual aspects, to have lived in and been reflected from its uniqueness of work measurement, that is income per mato (IpM). The spiritual aspect in RMP includes a mutual belonging of the value of IDR 1, risk taking and profit sharing, proportional togetherness, spiritual leadership, hard work, bravery and willingness to sacrifice.
Catering is a cornerstone of events. Motivating catering staff, who can be either permanent or ‘hourly paid’ employees, represents an important managerial challenge, especially in the UK, where controversial zero hours contracts (ZHCs) prevail within the events industry. This paper reports a representative case study of a London-based event catering company which relies upon ZHCs. In pursuit of corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals, directed at enhancing the well-being of employees and improving corporate image, the company considers replacing ZHCs with alternative contracts, but wishes to examine the potential impact of this intervention first. To aid in decision-making, 18 in-depth, semi-structured interviews are conducted with company’s managers and employees to examine the drivers of staff motivation and the perceived effect of ZHCs. The study finds that inter-personal relationships, remuneration rates and perceived fairness of managerial treatment drive staff motivation in event catering. The major positive (flexibility and no mutual obligation) and negative (job insecurity and instable income) implications of ZHCs are well understood by employees. The internal (personal finances, family status and individual lifestyles) and environmental (current job market situation and managerial abilities) circumstances determine the level of preparedness and the degree of willingness of event catering staff to accept ZHCs. Implications for policy-making, professional practice and future research are discussed.
When building successful service experience, service providers have to consider multiple factors from a multi-element standpoint. This study aims to establish a new conceptual model for key factors affecting service experience and determine the influential key factors using a multi-perspective and multi-criteria methods. This study uses an analytic network process (ANP) to calculate the degree of influence exerted by the criteria and factors of the service experience and conducts in-depth interviews to validate the results of the ANP, improving the reliability of the results of the study and increasing its practical reference value. Results from tourism factories and international tourist hotels find five main criteria that affected service experience: employee, customer, service environment, information technology, and knowledge creation. The results reveal that employee and service environment are the most important criteria. Therefore, tourism factories and international tourist hotels must invest resources in training and managing employees to equip them with specialized knowledge needed to deliver high-quality service experience. Tourism factories and international tourist hotels also need to pay attention to service environments, and by building an environmental ambience, they allow customers to receive an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable service experience. Future researchers can extend this study’s architecture and results, incorporate other important criteria and factors, and consider the interdependent relations between multiple key factors to further improve the key factors affecting service experience.
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Hospitality employee wellbeing is crucial for organizational success. This study explores the conceptualization and operationalization of hotel employee wellbeing, as perceived by leadership, through a case study on a multinational hotel corporation establishing a people-centric organizational identity. Semi-structured in-depth interviews, direct observation, and internal communication materials are used for data analysis. The case study reveals insights into the tensions created in and amongst property leaders due to: 1) the autonomy given by corporate leadership; 2) employees engaging in new employee wellbeing behaviors; and 3) disapproval of other property leaders’ wellbeing initiatives. These tensions are taxing on property leaders’ wellbeing, raising questions about the relationship between front-line and leadership employee wellbeing. Furthermore, employee wellbeing practices unique to hotel work are identified: 1) physical change in the work environment; 2) flexible work arrangements; and 3) departure from a formal dress code. Implications for practitioners and future research directions are made.
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Otel işletmelerinin sundukları temel ürünün özünü oluşturan özelliklerin yanında kolaylaştırıcı ve destekleyici çeşitli ürünler ve birçok otel imkân ve özelliğinden oluşması konukların otel işletmeleri ile ilgili memnuniyetlerinin belirlenmesini zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu nedenle çevrimiçi tüketici değerlendirmeleri konuk memnuniyetinin belirlenmesinde önemli bir aracı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu araştırmada Tripadvisor tarafından ilan edilen en iyi on otel işletmesine ait konuk yorumları, konukların memnuniyetini etkileyen otel ürün ve imkânlarını belirlemek amacıyla içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre geleneksel memnuniyet araştırmalarında belirtilen oda ve çalışan gibi unsurların yanında fark yaratan tematik hizmetler, karşılama, ikram ve beklentileri aşmak gibi unsurların konuk memnuniyeti oluşturdukları görülmektedir.
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This review paper has the aim of systematically analysing studies published in five hospitality journals over the period 2000 to 2016. The review was organized around four broad themes (conceptual developments, measurement of consumer satisfaction, methods used to research consumer satisfaction, and antecedents and outcomes of consumer satisfaction). The findings show that more than half (110 studies) of studies published across all five journals do not provide a specific definition of consumer satisfaction. Research on this topic is biased toward quantitative methods at the expense of qualitative and mixed methods in all five journals. Researchers have investigated various determinants of customer satisfaction such as equity and fairness perceptions, emotions, corporate social responsibility, and employee satisfaction. The positive consequences of satisfaction on loyalty, behavioural intentions and switching costs are well established. However, several gaps in the current literature are evident and these are highlighted in this review.
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This study explored the relationship between employment in the foodservice industry and higher risk of alcohol consumption, with consideration to job satisfaction and job escapism. A mixed method approach was used to examine whether a correlation exists between employment in the foodservice industry and a higher risk for heavy alcohol use. Job dissatisfaction was cited as a motivation for drinking as compared to those working individuals employed in industries other than foodservice. The interviews and survey confirmed the hypothesis that workers in the foodservice industry would report higher alcohol consumption than their colleagues in other sectors, concluded foodservice workers experience low levels of job satisfaction relative to non-foodservice employees, and revealed job dissatisfaction and job escapism are related to heavy alcohol consumption among foodservice workers.
Employees have their own perceptions or attitudes about many aspects of work itself, and their own satisfaction with job or non-work-related attributes. Job satisfaction has been widely studied by many researchers and practitioners. This study surveys selected work-related attributes to help hoteliers improve work environments. This study initially identifies the level of importance on work-related attributes and the level of satisfaction with those attributes among hotel workers. Whether differences exist between the levels of importance of work-related attributes and satisfaction with those attributes is also explored. The purpose of this study is to identify how hotel workers perceive their work environments and identify areas that need more attention from hotel managers. Based on the purpose of this study, work-related attributes are measured according to the level of importance and the level of satisfaction. The study indicates that hotel workers consider their work environments, in terms of who they work with; to be well provided; however, work-related expectation, in terms of what they receive for their work, has not met their expectations. This study finds supervisor's friendlessness, job security, and pay are top three most important.
Purpose This study developed a conceptual model of service climate in hospitality that tests its relationship with psychological capital (PsyCap), quality of work life (QWL), and turnover intention. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected among hotel employees by using an intercept approach and Qualtrics online survey system. Structural equation modeling examined the hypothesized relationships among the constructs in the conceptual model. Findings Service climate showed a positive relationship with PsyCap and QWL, and PsyCap partially mediated this relationship. Employees’ level of PsyCap had a powerful impact on QWL. Specifically, employee QWL was a critical mediator (full mediation) between service climate and turnover intention. Finally, PsyCap and QWL showed combined mediating effects between service climate and turnover intention. Research limitations/implications This study extends the service climate literature in hospitality by offering a new conceptual model representing employees' perceptions of service climate that influence their willingness to leave the organization with the mediating effects of PsyCap and QWL based on the theory of work adjustment (TWA). Practical implications TWA provides a deeper understanding of how employees’ perception of service climate affects their turnover intention in hospitality based on a sample of hotel employees. Originality/value This study demonstrates the importance of service climate in understanding the turnover intention of hotel employees.
Employees have their own perceptions or attitudes about many aspects of work itself, and their own satisfaction with job or non-work-related attributes. Job satisfaction has been widely studied by many researchers and practitioners. This study surveys selected work-related attributes to help hoteliers improve work environments. This study initially identifies the level of importance on work-related attributes and the level of satisfaction with those attributes among hotel workers. Whether differences exist between the levels of importance of work-related attributes and satisfaction with those attributes is also explored. The purpose of this study is to identify how hotel workers perceive their work environments and identify areas that need more attention from hotel managers. Based on the purpose of this study, work-related attributes are measured according to the level of importance and the level of satisfaction. The study indicates that hotel workers consider their work environments, in terms of who they work with; to be well provided; however, work-related expectation, in terms of what they receive for their work, has not met their expectations. This study finds supervisor's friendlessness, job security, and pay are top three most important.
Purpose This paper aims to examine the effects of traditional customer satisfaction (CS) relative magnitude and social media review ratings on hotel performance and to explore which online travel intermediaries’ review ratings serve as the most reliable and valid predictor for hotel performance. Design/methodology/approach In 2014, CS and hotel performance data were collected from the internal database of full-service hotels operated and managed by a large hotel chain in the USA. Each property’s social media review ratings data were hand-collected from major online travel intermediaries and social media websites. Findings The results of this study indicate that social media review rating is a more significant predictor than traditional CS for explaining hotel performance metrics. Additionally, the social media review rating of TripAdvisor is the best predictor for hotel performance out of the other intermediaries. Research limitations/implications This research contributes to the hospitality literature because it examines the incremental explanatory power of social media review rating and traditional CS on hotel performance. Among the leading online travel intermediaries, the findings show that TripAdvisor’s social media review rating has the most salient effect on hotel performance. Practical implications The result of this study provides useful practical implications for hotel marketers and revenue managers. This study assists hotel marketers and revenue managers in better allocating their budget for marketing and suggests ways for channel optimization. Originality/value The finding of this study will help revenue managers, marketing managers, and hotel owners make decisions regarding their marketing budget allocation to their social media marketing campaign and select the optimal online travel intermediaries as part of their channel management strategies.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the mediating effects of knowledge management activities in the relationships between superiors` transformational leadership and their organizational commitment and between the their transformational leadership and knowledge management activities and organizational commitment by industry with 635 employees of large companies as the participants in this research. The results of this research can be summarized as follows. It was found that the superiors` transformational leadership had significant effects on their knowledge management activities and organizational commitment. Also, it was found that their knowledge management activities had significant effects on their organizational commitment. It was found that the superiors` transformational leadership had partial mediating effects with regard to the mediating role of their knowledge management activities in their organizational commitment. Finally, the results of the analysis by industry showed that the effects of the superiors` transformational leadership on their knowledge management activities were the greatest in the service industry and the effects of their knowledge management activities on their organizational commitment were also the greatest in the service industry. It was also found that the effects of the superiors` transformational leadership on their organizational commitment were the greatest in the IT industry. In this research, it was recognized that transformational leadership plays an important role as a prerequisite factor for promoting organizational effectiveness, and these results imply that transformational leadership means not only achieving goals, but also pursuing changes and innovation and, at the same time, developing the latent capabilities and strengths of the organization`s members and promoting their confidence and passion by stimulating their positive strengths, so that they can achieve higher than expected outcomes.
Managing human resources in the hospitality industry is a challenging task. In today's competitive environment, an increasing number of organizations invest in promoting diversity in the workplace. The concept of diversity as a value is based on the recognition, acceptance, and respect. It implies understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing and valuing the individual differences. Therefore, it is very important to understand "how diversity impacts individual and team processes and outcomes in the workplace". This chapter introduces the notion of diversity in hotel industry: its role, its interrelationship with satisfaction and teamwork. Emphasis is given on the fact that the right to difference and diversity should be incorporated not only in the whole range of processes, strategies, and actions of the company but also within the corporate culture.
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Work related problems of employees have influence over job satisfaction, even life satisfaction leading poor service quality. This study aims to identify challenges that employees face and the effect of these challenges on their job and life satisfaction in the fast-food businesses operating in the city center of Mersin. A questionnaire developed to collect data, was applied to employees of twenty four fast-food establishments in Mersin between 15 May and 15 August 2011 through drop-ball technique via convenience sampling. Totally, 174 completed questionnaires were received. As a result, problems of fast-food industry employees’ can be grouped as “managerial,”, “inter-workers” and “working conditions”. When working conditions taken into consideration, it has been revealed that women, employee in18-29 years old and singles have experienced more frequent problems in contrast with men, employee in 30-55 years old and married people, respectively. Besides, just as inter-workers problems negatively affect the job satisfaction, problems related with the working conditions and managerial negatively impact the life satisfaction.
Most guest surveys provide unreliable and distorted information-but there is an easy way to deal with that problem
Your hotel can improve operational efficiency, increase employee productivity, and improve guest satisfaction through empowerment. Here's how