Working PaperPDF Available
Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century
A multidimensional measure to assess populist
attitudes in the public in eight languages
Research on populism has primarily traced the phenomenon within party manifestoes or
mass media content. Research on its manifestation on the individual level has played a
minor role. Yet, as populist parties are undoubtedly on the rise it seems of high importance to
investigate on political attitudes that can be related to voting for these parties. The few
studies that have to date endeavored to measure populist attitudes in the public have treated
the concept as a unidimensional construct (e.g., Akkerman, Mudde & Zaslove, 2013).
However, theoretically, populism has been defined as a political ideology set together by
three different political ideas or sub-dimensions: anti-elitism attitudes, a preference for
popular sovereignty, and a belief in a homogeneous and virtuous people. Hence, in order to
trace the complete phenomenon, we propose to conceptualize populist attitudes as a latent
higher-order construct with three distinct first-order dimensions.
Following this approach we developed 12-item inventory (PopAtt12) to measure populist
attitudes. Construct validity of the measure was demonstrated by both, exploratory and
confirmatory factor analysis (Schulz, et al. 2017). Each sub-dimension of populist attitudes is
represented by 4 indicator-items. This working paper documents the 12-item scales in eight
languages. Available languages are English, Bulgarian, Dutch, German, French, Italian,
Polish, Swedish.
Keywords: populism, populist attitudes, scale development
Akkerman, A., Mudde, C., & Zaslove, A. (2013). How populist are the people? Measuring
populist attitudes in voters. Comparative Political Studies, 47(9), 1324–1353.
Schulz, A., Müller, P., Schemer, C., Wirz, D.S., Wetttein, M., Wirth, W. (2017). Measuring
Populist Attitudes on Three Dimensions. International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
Online First.
Regarding prior versions
This working paper has two prior versions: April 2016 and June 2016. Importantly, no
changes were made regarding the item selection and wording.
1) Prior versions applied a slightly different item labeling. In order to be consistent with
current publications, items are now renamed as follows:
February 2017 version: hom1 (June 2016 version: hom2)
February 2017 version: hom2 (June 2016 version: hom1)
February 2017 version: hom3 (June 2016 version: hom4)
February 2017 version: hom4 (June 2016 version: hom3)
2) The abstract was updated after publication of Schulz et al. (2017).
3) Prior versions also contained a short scale (PopAtt9), which has been removed from this
working paper. However, a short scale is currently being developed.
Cite this working paper as:
Wirth, W., Schemer, C., Schulz, A., Wettstein, M., Wirz, D. S. & Müller, P. (2016). A multi-
dimensional measure to assess populist attitudes in the public in 8 languages. Zurich,
Switzerland: NCCR Democracy Working Paper No. 87, version: February 2017.
12-Item Scale English
Measured on 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “strongly disagree” to 5 = “strongly agree”.
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
MPs in Parliament very quickly lose touch with ordinary people. (anti1)
The differences between ordinary people and the ruling elite are much greater than the
differences between ordinary people. (anti2)
People like me have no influence on what the government does. (anti3)
Politicians talk too much and take too little action. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
The people should have the final say on the most important political issues by voting on them
directly in referendums. (sov1)
The people should be asked whenever important decisions are taken. (sov2)
The people, not the politicians, should make our most important policy decisions. (sov3)
The politicians in Parliament need to follow the will of the people. (sov4)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
Ordinary people all pull together. (hom1)
Ordinary people are of good and honest character. (hom2)
Ordinary people share the same values and interests. (hom3)
Although the British are very different from each other, when it comes down to it they all think
the same. (hom4)
12-Item Scale Bulgarian
Measured 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “изобщо не съм съгласен” to 5 = “напълно съм
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
Депутатите в парламента бързо губят връзката с гражданите. (anti1)
Различията между гражданите и управляващия елит са много по-големи от различията
между отделните граждани. (anti2)
Хора като мен не могат да влияят на това, кеотоправи правителството. (anti3)
Политиците говорят твърде много и правят твърде малко. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
По най-важните политически въпроси народът трябва да има последната дума чрез
пряко гласуване в референдуми. (sov1)
Допитвания до народa трябва да се провеждат за всички важни решения. (sov2)
Народът, а не политиците, би трябвало да взема най-важните политически решения.
Политиците в парламента трябва да следват волята на народа. (sov4)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
Обикновените хора са сплотени. (hom1)
Българите като цяло са честни и почтени. (hom2)
Обикновените хора споделят общи ценности и интереси. (hom3)
Макар че българите са много различни, в крайна сметка всички са единодушни, когато
се налага. (hom4)
12-Item Scale Dutch
Measured 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “totaal oneens” to 5 = “totaal eens”.
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
De afgevaardigden in het parlement (de eerste en tweede kamer) verliezen tamelijk snel
contact met het volk. (anti1)
De verschillen tussen het volk en de zogenaamde elite zijn veel groter dan de verschillen
binnen het volk. (anti2)
Personen zoals ik hebben geen invloed op wat de regering doet. (anti3)
Politici praten te veel en doen te weinig. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
Het volk zou over de belangrijkste politieke kwesties doormiddel van volksstemmingen het
laatste woord moeten hebben. (sov1)
Het volk zou bij alle belangrijke beslissingen moeten worden geraadpleegd. (sov2)
Het volk zou de belangrijkste politieke beslissingen moeten nemen, en niet de politici. (sov3)
De politici in het parlement moeten de wil van het volk gehoorzamen. (sov4)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
De eenvoudige mensen spreken allemaal met één stem. (hom1)
Eenvoudige mensen hebben een goed en eerlijk karakter. (hom2)
De eenvoudige personen delen gemeenschappelijke waarden en belangen. (hom3)
Hoewel de Nederlanders heel verschillend zijn, denken ze allemaal hetzelfde als het erop
aankomt. (hom4)
12-Item Scale German
Measured 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “stimme überhaupt nicht zu” to 5 = “stimme voll und
ganz zu”.
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
Die Abgeordneten im Parlament verlieren ziemlich schnell den Kontakt mit dem Volk. (anti1)
Die Unterschiede zwischen dem Volk und der sogenannten Elite sind viel größer als die
Unterschiede innerhalb des Volkes. (anti2)
Leute wie ich haben keinen Einfluss darauf, was die Regierung macht. (anti3)
Politiker reden zu viel und handeln zu wenig. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
Das Volk sollte bei den wichtigsten politischen Sachfragen mittels Volksabstimmungen das
letzte Wort haben. (sov1)
Das Volk sollte bei allen wichtigen Entscheidungen gefragt werden. (sov2)
Das Volk und nicht die Politiker sollten die wichtigsten politischen Entscheidungen treffen.
Die Politiker im Parlament müssen dem Willen des Volkes folgen. (sov4)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
Die einfachen Leute ziehen alle an einem Strang. (hom1)
Einfache Leute verbindet ein guter und ehrlicher Charakter. (hom2)
Die einfachen Leute teilen gemeinsame Werte und Interessen. (hom3)
Auch wenn die Deutschen sehr verschieden sind, denken alle ähnlich, wenn es darauf
ankommt. (hom4)
12-Item Scale French
Measured 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “Je n'approuve pas du tout” to 5 = “J'approuve tout à
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
Les députés du Parlement perdent relativement vite le contact avec le peuple. (anti1)
Les différences entre le peuple et la soi-disant élite sont bien plus importantes que les
différences au sein du peuple. (anti2)
Les gens comme moi n’ont aucune influence sur ce que fait le gouvernement. (anti3)
Les politiciens parlent trop et agissent trop peu. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
Pour les questions politiques de fond, le peuple devrait avoir le dernier mot par le biais de
référendums. (sov1)
Il faudrait demander l’opinion du peuple pour toutes les décisions importantes. (sov2)
C’est le peuple, et non les politiciens, qui devraient prendre les décisions politiques
majeures. (sov3)
Les membres du Parlement devraient suivre la volonté du peuple. (sov4)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
Les gens simples agissent tous de concert. (hom1)
La moralité et l’honnêteté sont des traits de caractère communs aux gens simples. (hom2)
Les gens simples partagent des valeurs et intérêts communs. (hom3)
Même si les Français sont très différents, ils voient tous les questions importantes de la
même façon. (hom4)
12-Item Scale Italian
Measured 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “non corrisponde affatto” to 5 = “corrisponde del
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
I rappresentanti in parlamento perdono velocemente il contatto con la popolazione. (anti1)
Le differenze tra la popolazione comune e la cosiddetta élite sono decisamente più marcate
rispetto alle differenze all'interno della popolazione stessa. (anti2)
Le persone come me non hanno alcun potere sulle azioni del governo. (anti3)
I politici parlano troppo e fanno molto poco. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
La popolazione dovrebbe avere l'ultima parola in merito alle questioni politiche più importanti
tramite dei referendum. (sov1)
La popolazione dovrebbe essere interpellata in tutte le decisioni importanti. (sov2)
A prendere le decisioni politiche più importanti dovrebbe essere la popolazione e non i
politici. (sov3)
I politici in parlamento devono seguire la volontà della popolazione. (sov4)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
La gente normale persegue gli stessi obiettivi. (hom1)
La gente normale è unita da un carattere buono e genuino. (hom2)
La gente normale condivide valori e interessi comuni. (hom3)
Anche se gli italiani sono molto diversi tra loro, la pensano tutti in modo simile, quando si
parla di politica. (hom4)
12-Item Scale Polish
Measured 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “nie zgadzam się w ogóle” to 5 = “zgadzam się
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
Posłowie w parlamencie zbyt szybko tracą kontakt ze społeczeństwem. (anti1)
żnice pomiędzy społeczeństwem a tak zwaną elitą są o wiele większe niżżnice
wewnątrz społeczeństwa. (anti2)
Ludzie tacy jak ja nie mają żadnego wpływu na to, co robi rząd. (anti3)
Politycy za dużo mówią i za mało działają. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
W przypadku najważniejszych politycznych kwestii naród za pomocą referendum powinien
mieć ostatnie słowo. (sov1)
W przypadku wszelkich istotnych decyzji naród powinien być pytany o zdanie. (sov2)
Naród a nie politycy powinien podejmować najważniejsze decyzje polityczne. (sov3)
Politycy w parlamencie muszą postępować zgodnie z wolą narodu. (sov4)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
Prości ludzie dążą do tego samego celu. (hom1)
Prostych ludzi cechuje dobry i uczciwy charakter. (hom2)
Prości ludzie dzielą ze sobą wspólne wartości i interesy. (hom3)
Mimo iż Polacy bardzo się od siebie różnią, to kiedy przyjdzie co do czego, wszyscy myślą
tak samo. (hom4)
12-Item Scale Swedish
Measured 5-point Likert scales ranging from 1 = “håller inte med” to 5 = “håller fullständigt med”.
Anti-Elitism Attitudes
Riksdagsledamöterna förlorar ganska snabbt kontakten med människorna. (anti1)
Skillnaderna mellan vanligt folk och den så kallade eliten är mycket större än skillnaderna
mellan vanligt folk. (anti1)
Vanligt folk har inget inflytande över vad regeringen gör. (anti1)
Politiker pratar för mycket och agera för lite. (anti5)
Demand for people’s sovereignty
Folket bör i de viktigaste politiska sakfrågorna ha rätt till sista ordet genom folkomröstning.
Folket bör tillfrågas vid alla viktiga beslut. (sov2)
Folket och inte politikerna bör vara den viktigaste politiska beslutsfattaren. (sov2)
Politikerna i riksdagen bör följa folkets vilja. (sov2)
Belief in a homogeneous and virtous people
Vanliga människor drar alla åt samma håll. (hom1)
Enkla människor förenar en bra och ärlig karaktär. (hom2)
Vanliga människor har gemensamma värderingar och intressen. (hom3)
Även om svenskarna är mycket olika, tänker alla likadant när det väl gäller. (hom4)
... Three main narratives are used to frame almost any possible policy: the stark opposition of two internally homogeneous groups-the "people" and the "elite"; a Manichean view of these groups (elite = evil); the view that politics should express the "General Will" of the people [5]. These narratives have been operationalized as constitutive dimensions of populist ideology and used to develop several scales designed to measure voters' adherence to such ideology [e.g., [6][7][8]. Nevertheless, a clear and consensual view of the centrality of each component characterizing populism has not been attained. Thus, the present research first aimed to fill this gap by investigating the extent of the centrality of distinct components of populist ideology within populism's interconnected network of narratives. ...
... However, it has been argued that the one-dimensional nature of the measure limits its ability to render a comprehensive picture of the facets of the populist fuzzy ideology [e.g., 19]. Relying on work by Wirth et al. [8], Schulz et al. [19] developed a three-dimensional inventory to represent populism: "Anti-elitism attitudes," "Demand for people's sovereignty," and "Belief in a homogeneous and virtuous people." In a similar multidimensional vein, Castanho Silva et al. [7] proposed a further three-dimensional measure. ...
... The range of beliefs that shape populism's identity as a thin-centered ideology may be summarized in four main narratives: Anti-elitism, People Sovereignty, People Homogeneity, Manichaeism [6][7][8]19]. However, the available measures trudge to simultaneously capture these conceptual characteristics of populism and, at times, to translate them into effective operative definitions [17]. ...
Full-text available
A challenge for the identification of the core components of a beliefs system is the topological examination of these components within the overall structure of the said system. By modeling beliefs as nodes of interconnected networks, this research investigated the centrality of adherence to populist ideology and classical ideological attitudes in relation to voting behavior and negative feelings toward immigrants. Data from a sample of 774 Italian adults were examined by means of three Network Analysis models. Results showed four constitutive dimensions of populist ideology: People Sovereignty, Anti-elitism, People Homogeneity, and Manichaeism. The dimensions of Anti-elitism, People Sovereignty and Homogeneity were found to be the core. Analyses also highlighted the centrality of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO) within the broader beliefs system, including voting, populist ideology dimensions, and anti-immigration. RWA was positively related to the core of populist ideology, whilst SDO was negatively associated with or unrelated to it. However, both RWA and SDO exceeded populist dimensions when associated with populist right-wing voting, representing the unique intermediate links in connecting it with anti-immigration. Five Star Movement voting emerged as a purer form of populist support, relating directly only to populist dimensions and placing itself at a greater distance from ideological attitudes and anti-immigration.
... For further analysis, the items were recoded and summarised in an index dissatisfaction with politics (M = 2.6, SD = 0.9; Cronbach's α = 0.82), where higher values reflect more positive attitudes and, thus, a greater political satisfaction. 2 Finally, populist attitudes were examined using the nine-item version of the inventory developed in the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Democracy project (Schulz et al., 2017;Wirth et al., 2016). Based on this inventory, three dimensions of populist attitudes were assessed, each with three items on a five-point Likert scale (1 ["strongly disagree"] to 5 ["strongly agree"]): anti-establishment attitude (M = 3.5, SD = 0.9; Cronbach's α = .66), ...
... Furthermore, the findings strengthen the initial evidence that media trust is related to populist attitudes ( Fawzi, 2016;Schindler et al., 2018); however, the direction and strength of this relation seem to vary along with the conceptualisation of populist attitudes. In this study, populist attitudes have been measured as three-dimensional (Schulz et al., 2017;Wirth et al., 2016), producing evidence on the relation of these three dimensions with media trust. While an anti-elitism attitude and preference for people's sovereignty were related negatively to media trust, belief in people's homogeneity was positively related. ...
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Although a decline of trust in the news media can be observed in many countries, in international comparison, Switzerland is still considered one of the countries with a relatively high level of media trust. Nevertheless, knowledge concerning the factors that promote and hinder media trust in Switzerland is still limited. Building on the research on media trust and media scepticism, this study investigates the effects of political orientation, political disenchantment, populist attitudes, and news exposure on media trust. The study uses survey data (N = 1 019, 50% females, 50% males) on the Internet-using population of the German-speaking part of Switzerland, collected in June 2017. Examining media trust by assessing the characteristics of media coverage, two dimensions of trust were revealed: (1) trust in journalistic quality and (2) trust in the independence and impartiality of media coverage about political issues. Overall, the results demonstrate that the level of trust concerning these two dimensions is rather low, whereas the level of trust in journalistic quality is slightly higher than trust in the independence and impartiality of media coverage on political issues. Regarding possible explanations, the findings show that political disenchantment and populist attitudes, anti-establishment attitudes, and demand for people’s sovereignty are negatively related to media trust, while belief in the homogeneity of the people is positively related. Moreover, the results reveal that exposure to news via public television in Switzerland is positively associated with trust in journalistic quality, while the use of special news websites is negatively associated with both dimensions of trust. The implications for future research on media trust are discussed.
... Participants were also asked to answer two scales measuring populist attitudes [1,11]. These scales were respectively composed by 6 and 12 items. ...
... À.410** .240** 8. Populist Attitudes [11] .398** À.105** À.197** .397** ...
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This data article provides descriptive and analytic exploration of the links between anti-immigration policies, ideological and political attitudes and voting in an Italian Sample. More specifically, the data set comprises measures of socio-political dispositions (e.g., Right-Wing Authoritarianism), social world views (e.g. Dangerous World Beliefs), populist attitudes, self-reported voting in the last Italian political elections (March 4, 2018), and conspiracy beliefs. The sample consists of 774 participants, mostly non-student adult individuals. Participants completed an anonymous questionnaire.
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The sudden and perhaps unexpected appearance of populist parties in the 1990s shows no sign of immediately vanishing. The lion's share of the research on populism has focused on defining populism, on the causes for its rise and continued success, and more recently on its influence on government and on public policy. Less research has, however, been conducted on measuring populist attitudes among voters. In this article, we seek to fill this gap by measuring populist attitudes and to investigate whether these attitudes can be linked with party preferences. We distinguish three political attitudes: (1) populist attitudes, (2) pluralist attitudes, and (3) elitist attitudes. We devise a measurement of these attitudes and explore their validity by way of using a principal component analysis on a representative Dutch data set (N = 600). We indeed find three statistically separate scales of political attitudes. We further validated the scales by testing whether they are linked to party preferences and find that voters who score high on the populist scale have a significantly higher preference for the Dutch populist parties, the Party for Freedom, and the Socialist Party.
(anti5) Demand for people's sovereignty Pour les questions politiques de fond, le peuple devrait avoir le dernier mot par le biais de référendums
  • Les Politiciens Parlent Trop
Les politiciens parlent trop et agissent trop peu. (anti5) Demand for people's sovereignty Pour les questions politiques de fond, le peuple devrait avoir le dernier mot par le biais de référendums. (sov1)
(anti5) Demand for people's sovereignty La popolazione dovrebbe avere l'ultima parola in merito alle questioni politiche più importanti tramite dei referendum
  • I Politici Parlano Troppo E Fanno Molto Poco
I politici parlano troppo e fanno molto poco. (anti5) Demand for people's sovereignty La popolazione dovrebbe avere l'ultima parola in merito alle questioni politiche più importanti tramite dei referendum. (sov1)
Attitudes Riksdagsledamöterna förlorar ganska snabbt kontakten med människorna. (anti1)
  • Anti-Elitism
Anti-Elitism Attitudes Riksdagsledamöterna förlorar ganska snabbt kontakten med människorna. (anti1)
Measuring Populist Attitudes on Three Dimensions
  • A Schulz
  • P Müller
  • C Schemer
  • D S Wirz
  • M Wetttein
  • W Wirth
Schulz, A., Müller, P., Schemer, C., Wirz, D.S., Wetttein, M., Wirth, W. (2017). Measuring Populist Attitudes on Three Dimensions. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Online First.