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BKK Gesundheitsatlas 2017 - Blickpunkt Gesundheitswesen

  • BKK Dachbverband e.V.


Gesundheit und Arbeit – so lautete das Schwerpunktthema des BKK Gesundheitsreports 2016. Bei den Adressaten in Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis stieß die Thematik auf großes Interesse und erzeugte eine hohe Resonanz. Bei den Auswertungen fiel besonders die gesundheitliche Lage der Beschäftigten im Gesundheitswesen auf: Vor allem die Pflegeberufe sind in starkem Maße von psychischen und somatischen Erkrankungen betroffen, die mit hohen krankheitsbedingten Fehlzeiten, vermehrten Krankenhausaufenthalten und erhöhten Arzneimittelverordnungen einhergehen. Welche Ursachen es hierfür gibt, was in Zukunft getan werden muss und welche Best-Practice-Ansätze im Bereich Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung es bereits gibt, wird in zahlreichen prominenten Gastbeiträgen näher beleuchtet. Zudem wird die gesundheitliche Lage der in den Pflegeberufen Beschäftigten anhand von BKK Versichertendaten sowie Ergebnissen einer Beschäftigtenumfrage ausführlich dargestellt.
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... These observations are consistent with the greater number of sick days and higher hospitalization rates due to mental health problems in nursing staff than in other employees in the general population. 16 Accordingly, perceived "workability" significantly declines in nursing staff aged older than 45 years 17 and is associated with an intensified desire and intention to leave (ITL) the job. 18,19 One important way to address this shortage in nursing is to postpone retirement. ...
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Staff shortages are a global problem in the nursing profession. Negative beliefs about older workers may have detrimental effects on the development and performance capacity of an aging workforce. To date, little is known about the impact of age stereotypes and potential factors on nurses’ intent to leave (ITL). Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess intention to leave and potential predictors (eg, sociodemographic characteristics and age stereotypes) in a large representative sample of nurses in a German university hospital setting. A total of 423 nurses at the University Hospital of Heidelberg participated in a cross-sectional questionnaire study assessing sociodemographic data, age stereotypes using the “Beliefs About Older Workers” questionnaire, and participants’ intentions to leave and give up their profession. Questionnaires were returned by 423 nurses (13.7% response rate). The results revealed that negative age stereotypes were highly prevalent. Significant correlations between age and negative age stereotypes were found, indicating that the younger the nurses were, the more negative their age stereotypes were. Most nurses with negative age stereotypes had no intention to leave their profession; however, the majority of nurses could not imagine working in the profession until they retired. Despite the low response rate, the results of the current study suggest that organizational and societal measures to reduce age stereotypes should be directed at newcomers and young nurses to retain them in the profession in the long term.
... Besides the high workload, caregivers experience high musculoskeletal loads during their daily work, which leads to back complaints and a high rate of absenteeism at work as well as for leaving the profession in professional nursing [4,5]. Manual patient handling is one of the physiological risk factors [4,[6][7][8] and especially non-ergonomic movements and postures lead to health problems. For example activities like deep bending or twisting during manual patient transfer or working in harmful postures for a longer period can result in back complaints [4,7,8]. ...
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Caregivers experience high musculoskeletal loads during their daily work, which leads to back complaints and a high rate of absenteeism at work. This reinforces the already existing discrepancy between the supply and demand of caregivers. Ergonomically correct working can significantly reduce musculoskeletal load. Therefore, we developed a system that recognizes potentially harmful body postures. In a study with 13 caregiver students, we analyzed the body postures, as well as muscle activities, and loads during the transfer of a patient from bed to wheelchair. The body postures were measured by a full-body motion capture system and a Multi-Kinect System. Muscle activities and loads were recorded via surface electromyography and a force plate. The posture analysis system is based on the motion capture data and considers the recommendations for ergonomic working in the care sector. The system generates a result report visualizing the skeleton model as well as color-coded information about inclination and torsion angles. The motion capture data were also related to EMG and force data and analyzed according to biomechanical assumptions.
... Insbesondere mit zunehmendem Alter zeigt sich eine deutlich höhere Zahl an AU-Tagen von Pflegekräften gegenüber sonstigen Berufen (▶ abb. 2)[17]. Verweildauer im Beruf liegen eher am distalen Ende einer Kaskade von Belastungs-und Beanspruchungsfolgen. Internationale Studien fokussieren dagegen häufig physiologische und biomechanische Parameter. ...
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Zusammenfassung Durch den demografischen Wandel und die alternde Gesellschaft stehen die bereits jetzt schon durch Fachkräftemangel gezeichneten Pflegeberufe vor einer stetig wachsenden Herausforderung. Hinzu kommt, dass Pflegekräfte im Vergleich mit den Durchschnittswerten anderer Branchen geringere Verweildauern in ihrem Beruf, überdurchschnittlich viele Arbeitsunfähigkeitstage sowie einen um 40% höheren Krankenstand berichten. Dies sind alles Indikatoren dafür, dass Pflegekräfte einer hohen körperlichen wie psychischen Belastung ausgesetzt sind. Studiendaten bestätigen diese Schlussfolgerung, wonach Pflegekräfte mit 2,5 MET etwa den doppelten Energieverbrauch aufweisen wie Menschen in sitzenden Berufen (1,3 MET). Auch hinsichtlich der Bewegungsqualität sind die Pflegeberufe fordernd, so gibt die Mehrheit der Pflegekräfte an, regelmäßig Lasten von mehr als 20 kg heben zu müssen und derartigen Belastungen über Jahre ausgesetzt zu sein. Damit Pflegekräfte dem begegnen können, ohne sich selbst zu überbeanspruchen, sollte ihre Resilienz durch Maßnahmen zur betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung gestärkt werden. Dank des Pflegepersonalstärkungsgesetzes liegt seit 2019 ein Statement seitens der Bundesregierung vor, wodurch dieser Forderung proaktiv begegnet werden kann.
... While the 65+ population has increased in recent decades, the overall supply of LTC workers nurses has decreased, raising tensions between the supply of and demand for LTC services [8]. This situation has been exacerbated by the high turnover rate in LTC professions; for instance, rates of absenteeism due to sickness are higher among LTC workers than in other occupations [9]. ...
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Like many OECD countries, Germany is currently facing a shortage of long-term care (LTC) workers. This situation is concerning in the context of the ageing of the German population. A potential reason why Germany fails to recruit and retain LTC workers is that LTC jobs are particularly demanding (physical and psychological strain) which may be harmful to health. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence demonstrating this effect. This article fills the gap in the literature by exploring to what extent LTC jobs reduce workers’ health over time. We estimate a dynamic panel data model on the German Socio-Economic Panel (v.35; 1984–2018), which allows adressing selection issues into occupations. Our paper provides innovative findings on the impact of LTC occupations on workers’ health. We confirm that LTC jobs have a negative impact on self-reported health. Our results have strong policy implications: we emphasize the need to provide sufficient assistance to LTC workers, who are at risk of facing more health issues than other workers. This issue is key to increase the attractiveness of LTC jobs and reduce turnover in the LTC workforce.
... In an international comparison, Germany already has the worst patientto-caregiver ratio in Europe, with measurable effects on patient mortality rates and the stress experience of caregivers (Höhmann et al., 2016;Aiken et al., 2012). Manual patient handling is one of the physiological risk factors and leads to high mechanical loads in the lower back of caregivers (Kliner et al., 2017;Hwang et al., 2019;Choi and Brings, 2016;Jäger et al., 2013). Particularly non-ergonomic movements and postures lead to health problems. ...
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Background: The growing need for nursing care is offset by a shortage of nurses, who are exposed to high physical and psychological demands in their daily work and have above-average absences that vary between different care settings. Based on the data on sick days, the question arises: What are the subjective work-related health burdens of nurses in acute care hospitals, inpatient care facilities, and outpatient care services? Methods: Sixteen semi-structured interviews were conducted in different care settings between May and September 2021. Questions about the professional career, everyday working life and personal health, violence in the workplace, and organizational framework conditions were asked. Results: The experiences of the nurses highlighted that health-related burdens have varying manifestations in different care settings. This was reflected in three main categories: health, everyday working life, and experiences of violence. In particular, the different structural framework conditions that trigger stress and the occurrence of violence are important from the perspective of the nurses. Conclusions: The results of this exploratory study can serve as a baseline for obtaining further setting-specific quantitative data that can contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of target group-specific health promotion programs.
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  • Diplom Sozialwissenschaftlerin Und Verwaltungswissenschaftlerin
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Viel Varianz: Was man in den Pflegeberufen in Deutschland verdient
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