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A NEW ECOLOGY FOR LEARNING: An Online Ethnographic Study of Learners’ Participation and Experience in Connectivist MOOCs

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... Bu deneyimlerin her kesimden ve yaştan insana hitap etmesi okulların ve kampüslerin dışandaki isteklere de cevap vermesini gerektiğinden geleneksel sınıf yeniden tanımlanarak (Saadatmand, 2017) kitlesesel yapılara doğru bir yönelim başlatmıştır. Bu yapılardan biri de KAÇD (MOOC)'lerdir. ...
... (Piedra, Chicaiza, Lopez, & Tovar Caro, 2014). Mulder (2015) dijital evrimin açıklık hareketi, açık ders kaynakları, açık erişim, açık içerik, açık öğretim gibi girişimleri desteklediğini belirtmektedir (Saadatmand, 2017). YÖK'ün Türkiye'deki tüm yükseköğretim kurumlarına açık ve uzaktan eğitimi sunmayı teşvik etmesi örnek olarak gösterilebilir (Latchem vd., 2009). ...
... Açık eğitim; açık içerik, özgür yazılım, açık erişim, açık kaynak, açık lisans, açık eğitim kaynakları (Open Education Source-OER) (Concole, 2013a) gibi açıklık hareketine dâhil edilen kapsamlı bir kavramdır (Saadatmand, 2017). Mulder (2015a) açık eğitimde "açıklık" ifadesinin farklı özelliklere çağrışım yaptığını açıklar. ...
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This study aims to develop a rubric for Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC). For this purpose, the following research questions are asked: 1) What are the basic features of a platform to be called as a MOOC platform? a) Do MOOC platforms in Turkey dealt within the research have basic necessary features? 2) What are the differences of MOOC types which are necessary for distinguishing MOOCs? a)What are the features that can be found on a quality MOOC platform? 3) What is the current status of the MOOC platforms studied in the thesis in Turkey? To develop a measurement tool, the literature has been reviewed and items have been associated one by one with the literature. For the validity of the measurement tool, 5 experts’ opinions who have an article or study on MOOCs are complied with the Miles-Huberman formula in 3 stages and the percentage of compliance is calculated and a pilot study is conducted for the reliability. The rubric consists of 5 sections and 79 items. The study is designed as a quantitative research. By using purposive sampling method MOOC platforms of 3 state 1 foundation universities (coded as K,L,M,N) are analyzed and evaluated according to up-to-date data of 2018 October. According to the rubric, a MOOC platform should include massive, open, online course structure along with interaction, diversity and autonomy, which are common features of all types of MOOCs.It is found that all MOOCs chosen for the study have necessary features of MOOCs, There are xMOOCs and hMOOCs but no cMOOCS in Turkey and MOOC platforms in Turkey have medium level quality.
... Barındırdığı felsefe nedeniyle açıklık kavramı, birbiriyle ilişkili fakat birbirinden farklı birçok yeni fikrin ortaya çıkmasında oldukça önemli bir rol oynamıştır (Mills, Bali ve Eaton, 2023;Saadatmand, 2017;Tısoğlu ve Kaya, 2020). Açık erişim, eğitimde açıklık, açık lisanslar, açık öğretim, açık ve uzaktan öğrenme, AEK gibi kavramlar, bu cümleyi destekleyen kavramlar olarak ifade edilebilir. ...
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Teknolojide yaşanan gelişmeler, tüm alanları etkilediği gibi eğitim alanında da büyük değişimler yaşanmasını sağlamıştır. Bu gelişmeler arasında yer alan açık eğitim kaynakları (AEK) kavramı, bilgiye daha kolay ve daha hızlı bir şekilde erişmeyi mümkün hâle getirmiştir. Bu bağlamda bu araştırmanın amacı, AEK’lere yönelik akademisyen görüşlerini incelemektir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya dört farklı üniversiteden 11 akademisyen katılmış ve verilerin toplanması için görüşme yöntemine başvurulmuştur. Veriler, araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan 12 soruluk Kişisel Bilgiler Formu ve 5 soruluk Yarı Yapılandırılmış Görüşme Soruları Formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler ise içerik analiziyle incelenmiştir. Akademisyenler AEK’lerin en büyük avantajını bilgiye kolay erişim imkânı olarak ifade ederken en büyük dezavantajını güvenilirlik ve doğruluk şüphesi olarak belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca AEK’lerin hazırlanmasında en çok hedef kitleye uygunluk ilkesine, paylaşılmasında ise en çok kullanıcı dostu platform kullanımına dikkat edilmesi gerektiğini ifade etmişlerdir. Buna ek olarak araştırmaya katılan akademisyenlerin tamamına yakını tüm akademisyenlerin AEK hazırlamaması gerektiğini ifade etmiş ve bunun nedenini yetersizlik olarak belirtmişlerdir. Bir diğer bulgu ise akademisyenlerin tamamına yakınının AEK’lerin erişim kolaylığı nedeniyle basılı kaynaklar üzerinde dönüşüme neden olacağını düşündüğünü göstermektedir. Ayrıca akademisyenlerin bir bölümünün tüm üniversitelerde AEK platformu olması gerektiğini, bir bölümünün ise tüm üniversitelerde böyle bir oluşuma gerek olmadığını ifade ettikleri görülmüştür. Developments in technology have led to major changes in the field of education as it has affected all fields. The concept of open educational resources (OER), which is among these developments, has made it possible to access information more easily and faster. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the views of academicians on OERs. Case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Eleven academics from four different universities participated in the study and interview method was used to collect data. The data were collected through a 12-question Personal Information Form and a 5-question Semi-structured Interview Questions Form prepared by the researcher. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis. Academics stated that the biggest advantage of OERs is easy access to information, while the biggest disadvantage is the suspicion of reliability and accuracy. They also stated that in the preparation of OERs, the principle of suitability for the target audience should be considered the most, and in the sharing of OERs, user-friendly platform use should be considered the most. In addition, almost all of the academics participating in the study stated that not all academics should prepare OER and stated the reason for this as inadequacy. Another finding shows that almost all of the academics think that OERs will cause transformation on printed resources due to ease of access. In addition, it was observed that some of the academics stated that there should be an OER platform in all universities, while some stated that there is no need for such a formation in all universities.
... Eğitimde açıklık bireylerin maddi ya da manevi zorluklarının giderilmesi, bilgiyi oluşturma ve bilgiye ulaşımda özgürlük ve esneklik sağlanması, özünde fırsat eşitliklerinin yaratılması sebebiyle geniş kitleler tarafından tercih edilmektedir (Bozkurt, 2020;Ekren & Genç Kumtepe, 2018). Yükseköğretim sistemlerindeki açık eğitim uygulamaları ise ‚açık lisans, açık erişim, açık ve uzaktan öğrenme, öğrenme yönetim sistemleri, çevrimiçi toplantı ve ders sunum araçları, video ve medya havuzu sistemleri, çevrimiçi kütüphane hizmetleri, öğrenci bilgi sistemleri, tek şifre yönetim servisleri, veri tabanı sistemleri, kitlesel açık çevrimiçi dersler (massive online open courses) *MOOCS+,‛ şeklinde çok sayıda uygulamayı barındırmaktadır (Saadatmand, 2017;Süral, 2015). ...
... The learning model based on scenario is defined as a dynamic, non-linear approach to the events of the learning process through original activities in realistic communities in which the learner participates. The originality comes through making scenario contexts as realistic as possible [4]. So, it's procedurally definition is a systematic entrance to the events of the learning process by employing the content of fifth grade science mathematics in life situations from the reality of students in the form of stories [5]. ...
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The aim of the research is to identify the effect of a scenario-based learning in the mathematics achievement and the mental motivation for fifth-scientific grade students in high school. To achieve it, the researchers adopted the experimental research method with two groups (experimental and control) with a post-test. The research community was identified, which represents the fifth scientific grade students from the first Karkh Education Directorate. The sample (60) students were chosen intentionally, and was divided into two groups: an experimental group that studied according to the scenario-based learning model; and a control group studied according to the usual method. For the purpose of collecting data for the experiment, the achievement test was built, in its final form, consisting of (10) test items of the type of essay, and the mental motivation scale, in its final form, consisting of (60) items. Appropriate statistical analyzes were conducted, and the psychometric properties of the test and scale were confirmed. The results indicated that the students of the experimental group who studied according to the scenario-based learning model outperformed the students of the control group who studied according to the traditional method.
... The deep learning strategy is a set of methods that the learner uses and enables him to organize his ideas and link between the new knowledge and the previous knowledge and helps him to achieve meaningful learning and deep understanding of the learning material, as well as enables him to interpret and reflect on the learning material and rephrase it in his own vocabulary [6][7][8][9]. So, it's procedurally definition is as a set of methods and methods used by female students of the fifth scientific grade to increase their understanding of the material prescribed for them [10][11][12]. ...
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To identify the effect of deep learning strategy on mathematics achievement and practical intelligence among secondary school students during the 2022/2023 academic year. In the research, the experimental research method with two groups (experimental and control) with a post-test were adopted. The research community is represented by the female students of the fifth scientific grade from the first Karkh Education Directorate. (61) female students were intentionally chosen, and they were divided into two groups: an experimental group (30) students who were taught according to the proposed strategy, and a control group (31) students who were taught according to the usual method. For the purpose of collecting data for the experiment, an achievement test was built, which is in its final form (25) test items and a practical intelligence test out of (20) test items of the objective type for both of them. Based on the findings, the students of the experimental group who studied according to deep learning strategies outperformed on those who by the traditional.
... This indicates that the majority of students prefer to attend electronic classes during the Corona pandemic in the afternoon and at a higher rate because there are some students working and studying at the same time and therefore prefer to work in the morning and study in the afternoon. Table (8) shows that the preferred e-learning systems for media and communication students during the Corona Pandemic are Blackboard system (81%), Microsoft Teams system (38%), Zoom (25%), and the model system (06%). This confirms that the majority of students prefer the Blackboard system, which is the system that is more adopted by students of the University of Sharjah, along with other systems. ...
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The study addressed to identify the attitudes of media and communication students towards the effectiveness of e-learning systems in light of the sudden change from the traditional teaching style in the classroom to e-learning style during the Corona Pandemic(Covid-19), and to identify the interaction forms that media and communication students doing it, the problems they face and how to overcome them when they use educational systems. The researcher used descriptive methodology and questionnaire as a tool for collecting information. The most important results of the study are: Media and communication students prefer the e-learning style to the traditional learning style during the Corona Pandemic. Sometimes they face technical problems when they enter lectures and electronic exams. The interaction forms they doing through e-learning systems are to identify the announcements of exam dates, browse content and educational materials, return to recorded audio and video lectures, chat and instant messaging, group discussion of lessons and research, follow links to websites related to courses, obtaining feedback from courses instructors. The study recommended diversifying the interactive forms in the available educational means in a way that aligns with the requirements of e-learning during the Corona Pandemic(Covid-19), the necessity development of e-learning systems so that the system sends notifications to the educational process parties to alert the start of the electronic lecture time and that students are not late for scheduled lectures.
... Such learning ecosystems are envisioned as rich, dynamic, and fluid environments that facilitate complex interactions, connections, and flow of information and knowledge, and have the capacity to grow, self-organize and constantly evolve (Pradhan, 2016, February 19;Richardson, 2002). They are open, dynamic, independent, and adaptive systems that include both interpersonal interactions and interactions with non-human components such as technologies and organizations (Brown, 2000;Gütl & Chang, 2008;Saadatmand, 2017). ...
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Which learning analytics (LA) approach might be the best choice for your teaching and learning context? Learning analytics as a field of research and application seeks to collect, analyze, report, and interpret educational data with the goal of improving teaching and learning. However, hasty adoption of learning analytics tools and methods that are simply convenient, promoted, or available risks allowing learning analytics to "drive the pedagogical bus." In this paper, we propose that careful reflection on pedagogical design choices and the learning theory that underpins them can and should inform selection of relevant learning analytics tools and approaches. We broadly review established learning theories and the implications of each for pedagogical design; for each design approach, we offer examples of learning analytics most clearly aligned with the theoretical perspectives on learning and knowledge that have shaped it. Moreover, we argue that careful consideration of the learning theory underpinning the pragmatics of pedagogical design choices should guide LA implementation, and help educators and designers avoid the risk of gathering data on, and measuring outcomes for, activities that are not relevant to their pedagogical design or goals.
... Emerging technologies and networked tools open up unprecedented opportunities (Saadatmand, 2017), and present unique challenges for the development of new learning ecologies (Williams et al., 2011). The Internet's open networks of cooperating users and increasing number of tools and platforms has brought unprecedented options for language learners to personalize their learning ecologies for increasing communicative competence in a target language. ...
... Emerging technologies and networked tools open up unprecedented opportunities (Saadatmand, 2017), and present unique challenges for the development of new learning ecologies (Williams et al., 2011). The Internet's open networks of cooperating users and increasing number of tools and platforms has brought unprecedented options for language learners to personalize their learning ecologies for increasing communicative competence in a target language. ...
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This netnographic study explored EFL learning ecologies in language learning social network platforms by exploring the experience and perceptions of international non-traditional learners of EFL utilizing the italki platform. Analysis of italki tools and two in-depth interviews revealed that the learners were self-disciplined and proactive in this informal learning environment and they felt positive about the platform itself. In italki, individual EFL learners were able to personalize their learning ecologies utilizing its affordances to satisfy their learning needs, interests, and curiosity in the absence of formal instructional materials. The findings suggest that integration of online language learning platforms such as italki in foreign language education could provide positive pedagogical changes that empower learners to cultivate personal ecologies for lifelong and lifewide adult learning.
Online learning is a powerful option for professional development in various careers, including marketing. However, massive open online courses (MOOCs) tend to face an issue of course dropouts, and this cannot only be attributed to factors like course content or value. Social interactions among students and interest-generating elements of MOOCs are equally important elements of online learning ecosystems. Therefore, this study approaches the problem from the perspective of the social exchange theory with insights into the cognitive evaluation theory to predict the effects of social interactions and gamification rewards on the process of studies. The data from an experiment and a subsequent survey of marketing course participants were used to analyze student satisfaction and dropouts through the lens of the social exchange theory and to see the effects of expected and unexpected gamification rewards. This contributes to the knowledge about factors that influence online course discontinuation, provides managerial and educational insights on dropout reduction, and specifies directions for further studies on the use of gamification elements in MOOCs.
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This paper is based on a keynote talk delivered at the biannual DEANZ Conference, at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand in April 2016. As highlighted in that talk, we have entered Education 3.0; an age filled vast resource abundance and extensive opportunities for learner empowerment. During the past decade, there have emerged at least 30 different ways in which learning in changing; for instance, it is becoming increasingly collaborative, global, mobile, modifiable, open, online, blended, massive, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, instantaneous, and personal. These 30 learning and technology-related changes reflect three distinct “mega-trends;” namely, (1) learner engagement, (2) the pervasive access to learning, and (3) the customisation and personalization of learning.
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The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a rapidly evolving phenomenon which has stimulated discussion in universities around the world. A central theme of these discussions, and much of the published literature on the phenomenon, is the potential of the MOOC to disrupt the way universities do business. The aim of this narrative literature review is to clarify disruptive innovation theory, and to examine the influence of MOOCs on higher education. Evidence from this review suggests that although MOOCs might have had a significant effect on a range of issues (including definitions of completion pedagogical approaches, delivery methods, certification, and business models), more systematic research is needed to evaluate the level, extent, and permanence of any disruption that may occur.
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During the period of the forced transition of universities around the world to the online education, the demand for digital free access services has grown. A unique opportunity has appeared to supplement and develop the theoretical and methodological provisions of online learning based on the analysis of the empirical results that characterize the relevance and effectiveness of the digital environment parts. The educational materials free available at the Internet are the part of the digital environment, which are combined into the concept of open educational resources (OER). The purpose of the study is to assess the relevance of OER for faculty, systematize the main ways of working with them, identify the motives and barriers for the development of OER by faculty. The study conducted among the lecturers at Russian universities showed the high importance and value of OER for their teaching and methodological activities to create and develop the training course content in digital environment. More than half of the faculty staff create and distribute their copyright materials on the Internet on their own initiative for the convenience of their students. The faculty and students freely exchange educational materials using a variety of web services. In conditions of increasing demands on faculty and content of training-course, OER is a valuable resource for educational activities. The analysis of the regulatory framework revealed a lack of OER policy in Russian universities, which is one of the barriers for lecturers to create OER. The results of the study made it possible to develop recommendations for the development of OER in the field of higher education: consolidate the concept of OER in the regulatory framework of education, provide methodological and legal support for the creation and use of OER by faculty, and conduct an information campaign to reveal the prospects and advantages of using OER in higher education.
Social media has gained interest not only in entertainment applications, but also with learning and business applications; however, there are not many research frameworks available for designing learning activities for learning ecosystems based on mobile social media. In this chapter, a framework for designing and analyzing learning activities in learning ecosystems that are based on mobile and social media is presented. The framework is based on Activity Theory (AT) and Experiential Learning Theory (ELT). In the chapter the existing research on e-learning, mobile learning, and multimodal learning are discussed and reviewed. The research on learning ecosystems based on mobile social media is also positioned to this multi-scientific research field. Finally, two examples of using the framework for designing, learning, and analyzing learning activities in mobile social media learning ecosystems are presented.
Understanding the dynamic processes of learning situated across space and time, beyond here and now, is presently challenging traditional definitions of learning and education. How should we conceptualize learning that is able to respond and explain the increasing complexity, connectivity, and velocity of our times? We elaborate on the notion of ‘connected learning’ as a conceptual heuristic that has recently received recognition as a potential lens and a model through which to research and promote learning as a holistic experience that stretches beyond formal and informal communities. We reflect on the methodological challenges of describing, defining and analyzing connected learning across young peoples’ everyday ‘learning lives’ from the sociocultural and dialogic perspetives. Key notions in our logic of inquiry for connected learning include understanding, tracking and tracing learners; chronotopes; boundary crossing; intertextuality, and learning lives.
A comprehensive and practical guide to ethnographic research, this book guides you through the process, starting with the fundamentals of choosing and proposing a topic and selecting a research design. It describes methods of data collection (taking notes, participant observation, interviewing, identifying themes and issues, creating ethnographic maps and tables and charts, and referring to secondary sources) and analyzing and writing ethnography (sorting and coding data, answering questions, choosing a presentation style, and assembling the ethnography). Although content is focused on producing written ethnography, many of the principles and methods discussed here also apply to other forms of ethnographic presentation, including ethnographic film. Designed to give basic hands-on experience in the overall ethnography research process, Ethnography Essentials covers a wealth of topics, enabling anyone new to ethnography research to successfully explore the excitement and challenges of field research.