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Serum androgen levels and their relation to performance in track and field: Mass spectrometry results from 2127 observations in male and female elite athletes



Objective To describe and characterise serum androgen levels and to study their possible influence on athletic performance in male and female elite athletes. Methods 2127 observations of competition best performances and mass spectrometry-measured serum androgen concentrations, obtained during the 2011 and 2013 International Association of Athletics Federations World Championships, were analysed in male and female elite track and field athletes. To test the influence of serum androgen levels on performance, male and female athletes were classified in tertiles according to their free testosterone (fT) concentration and the best competition results achieved in the highest and lowest fT tertiles were then compared. Results The type of athletic event did not influence fT concentration among elite women, whereas male sprinters showed higher values for fT than male athletes in other events. Men involved in all throwing events showed significantly (p<0.05) lower testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin than men in other events. When compared with the lowest female fT tertile, women with the highest fT tertile performed significantly (p<0.05) better in 400 m, 400 m hurdles, 800 m, hammer throw, and pole vault with margins of 2.73%, 2.78%, 1.78%, 4.53%, and 2.94%, respectively. Such a pattern was not found in any of the male athletic events. Conclusion Female athletes with high fT levels have a significant competitive advantage over those with low fT in 400 m, 400 m hurdles, 800 m, hammer throw, and pole vault.
Bermon S, Garnier P-Y. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097792
Objective To describe and characterise serum androgen
levels and to study their possible influence on athletic
performance in male and female elite athletes.
Methods 2127 observations of competition best
performances and mass spectrometry-measured serum
androgen concentrations, obtained during the 2011 and
2013 International Association of Athletics Federations
World Championships, were analysed in male and female
elite track and field athletes. To test the influence of
serum androgen levels on performance, male and female
athletes were classified in tertiles according to their free
testosterone (fT) concentration and the best competition
results achieved in the highest and lowest fT tertiles
were then compared.
Results The type of athletic event did not influence
fT concentration among elite women, whereas male
sprinters showed higher values for fT than male athletes
in other events. Men involved in all throwing events
showed significantly (p<0.05) lower testosterone and
sex hormone binding globulin than men in other events.
When compared with the lowest female fT tertile,
women with the highest fT tertile performed significantly
(p<0.05) better in 400 m, 400 m hurdles, 800 m,
hammer throw, and pole vault with margins of 2.73%,
2.78%, 1.78%, 4.53%, and 2.94%, respectively. Such a
pattern was not found in any of the male athletic events.
Conclusion Female athletes with high fT levels have a
significant competitive advantage over those with low
fT in 400 m, 400 m hurdles, 800 m, hammer throw, and
pole vault.
Testosterone and its chemical derivatives, andro-
gens, have been abused by athletes since the 1950s.
These molecules produce improved performances
in both male and female athletes, sometimes in a
systematic way, as reported in the recently disclosed
documentation from experiments performed by
sports scientists in the former German Democratic
Republic.1 These scientists concluded after the
1972 Olympic Games in Munich that “the effects
of the treatment with androgenic hormones were so
spectacular, particular in female athletes in strength
dependent events, that few competitors not using
the drugs had a chance of winning”.
Although androgens have been widely abused by
female athletes during the last few decades, obvious
ethical and disciplinary limitations explain why
mechanisms underlying the performance-enhancing
effects of these androgens, as well as the magnitude
of their effects, have not been properly addressed.
However, the high incidence of such androgens in
adverse analytical findings from analysis of athletes’
samples suggests that the athletes at least perceive
they have a material impact on athletic perfor-
mance. For instance, among the 296 elite athletes
serving a doping ban under the rules of the Interna-
tional Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)
as of 19 December 2016, 116 are females, of which
64 tested positive for androgens.2 These findings
confirm that these doping substances are the most
prevalent ones among female athletes, in spite of
continually improving analytical techniques and
strategies to detect their abuse.3 Additionally, the
highly increased endogenous productions of andro-
gens demonstrated by some female athletes, as well
as their virilised phenotype, have been highlighted
in sports and represent a subject of controversy
among the scientific community.4–9
To address this sensitive issue, the IAAF and
the International Olympic Committee respec-
tively published regulations and recommendations
governing the eligibility of women with hyper-
androgenism to compete in the female category
of competitions.10 11 An Indian athlete, Dutee
Chand, challenged the IAAF regulations before
the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS).12 The
CAS panel accepted that “possessing high levels
of testosterone, and thereby increased LBM (Lean
Body Mass), … creates a competitive advantage”,
and also that there was “evidence and opinion to
support the conclusion that endogenous and exog-
enous testosterone have identical physiological
effects”; however, the panel ruled that, in order to
justify the discriminatory effect the IAAF regula-
tions have on androgen-sensitive hyperandrogenic
athletes (requiring them to have treatment to lower
their endogenous testosterone levels in order to
continue to compete), the IAAF must also produce
“sufficient scientific evidence about the quantitative
relationship between enhanced testosterone levels
and improved athletic performance in hyperandro-
genic athletes”, such as evidence of a correlation
between testosterone levels and relative rankings
in competitive athletics events. It suspended the
IAAF regulations pending receipt of such further
evidence. The purpose of this article is therefore
to explore the possible relationship between serum
androgen concentration (particularly serum testos-
terone concentration) and athletic performance.
Serum androgen levels and their relation to
performance in track and field: mass spectrometry
results from 2127 observations in male and female
Stéphane Bermon,1 Pierre-Yves Garnier2
Original article
To cite: BermonS,
Br J Sports Med Published
Online First: [please include
Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/
Additional material is
published online only. To view
please visit the journal online
(http:// dx. doi. org/ 10. 1136/
bjsports- 2017- 097792).
1Université Côte d'Azur,
LAMHESS Nice, France and
Monaco Institute of Sports
Medicine and Surgery, Monaco
2International Association of
Athletics Federations Health and
Science, Monaco, Monaco
Correspondence to
Stéphane Bermon, Stéphane
Bermon, Institut Monégasque
de Médecine et Chirurgie
du Sport, avenue d’Ostende;
bermon@ unice. fr
Received 14 March 2017
Revised 12 May 2017
Accepted 15 May 2017
2Bermon S, Garnier P-Y. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097792
Original article
Our aim was to describe and characterise serum androgen
levels in athletes taking part in the 2011 (Daegu, South Korea)
and 2013 (Moscow, Russia) IAAF World Championships. As a
second step, we studied the influence of serum androgen levels
and athletic performance in both male and female populations.
All logistical, methodological (including sampling, pre-analyt-
ical conditions and analytical methods), and ethical aspects of
this project have been extensively described and published else-
where.13–15 The project comprised a study of elite female athletes
taking part in the Daegu and the Moscow IAAF World Champi-
onships, and elite male athletes taking part in the Moscow IAAF
World Championships. The data obtained from male athletes
competing in Daegu were not selected for the purpose of this
study since the serum androgen levels were not measured by
mass spectrometry, but by immunological methods.
The subjects were athletes competing at the highest level in
the different track and field events (of which there are 21 for
females and 22 for males). Athletes with missing blood data were
excluded from the study, as were athletes who did not start, did
not finish, were disqualified, or had no results. Athletes taking
part in relay races (but not taking part in individual races) were
also excluded. In the female athlete group, 17.3% of athletes
took part in both the 2011 and 2013 World Championships,
and all their results were included in our statistical analysis. As
a result, the present study relies on 1332 observations of elite
female athletes and 795 observations of elite male athletes—a
total of 2127 observations. A blood sample was taken from each
of these athletes.
Athletes were required to go to the doping-control station at any
time during their stay, provided it was at least 24 hours after their
arrival in Daegu or Moscow and at least 2 hours after intense
exercise. All pre-analytical conditions and analytical methods
have been extensively described in previous publications.13
14 In female athletes, samples were collected regardless their
menstrual status and phase. Whole blood samples and sera were
collected after 10 min of rest, in a non-fasting state, and sera
were frozen at −20°C until assay. Haemoglobin (Hb) concentra-
tion was measured as part of the athlete haematological passport,
as previously described.14 All analyses for endocrine parameters
were conducted in the Lausanne World Anti-Doping Agency
(WADA)-accredited laboratory. Serum sex hormone binding
globulin (SHBG) and luteinising hormone (LH) concentrations
were determined with an Immulite 2000 (Siemens Healthcare
Diagnostics SA, Zürich, Switzerland), whereas serum dehy-
droepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) was determined with
an Immulite 2000 XPi (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics SA,
Zürich, Switzerland). Measurement kits, reagents, equipments,
adjustors and protocols were provided by the manufacturer.
All samples, adjustors and quality controls (QC) were run with
the same batch lot numbers. Finally, serum testosterone (T) and
androstenedione (A4) were measured by LC-MS high resolution
(Q-Exactive, ThermoFisher Scientific, Reinach, Switzerland).
Free T (fT) was calculated using the Sodergard formula, with
a standard average albumin concentration of 4.3 g/dL.16 For
purpose of comparison with previously published data, albumin
concentration was considered at 4.3 g/dL (and not 4.0 g/dL as
recommended by some authors) for fT calculation in females.
For each athlete, the best performance (heats or finals) achieved
during the corresponding World Championships was considered
for statistical analysis.
Statistical analyses
Data distributions were assessed for normality using visual
inspection, calculation of skewness and kurtosis, and the Kolm-
ogorov-Smirnov test. In order to test for the possible effects of
the type of athletic event on hormonal parameters, all athletes
were assigned to one of the seven following groups: throwing
events (discus throw, javelin throw, hammer throw, and shot put),
jumping events (high jump, long jump, triple jump, pole vault),
sprinting events (100 m, 110 m hurdles, 200 m, 400 m, 400 m
hurdles), combined events (heptathlon for females and decathlon
for males), middle distance running (800 m, 1500 m, and 3000
m steeple chase), long distance running (5000 m, 10 000 m, and
marathon), and race walking (20 km race walking in females and
20 km and 50 km race walking in males). The effects of the type
of athletic event were tested with a one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) on log-transformed age and endocrine parameters
across the considered groups and Tukey HSD (Spjotvoll/Stoline)
post hoc test when appropriate. In order to test the influence of
serum androgen levels on athletic performance, in each of the 21
female athletic events and 22 male athletic events, athletes were
classified in tertiles according to their fT concentration. Then, the
athletic performances and Hb concentrations of the highest and
lowest fT tertiles were compared by using non-paired Student's
t-test. These different athletic events were considered as distinct
independent analyses and adjustment for multiple comparisons
was not required. Classification in tertiles according to the T
(both genders) and Hb (female gender) concentrations were also
performed and appear online (see supplementary tables 6-13).
When appropriate, a χ2 test was used. Correlations were tested
by the Pearson correlation test. A value of p<0.05 was consid-
ered statistically significant. All data analyses were performed
using Statistica version 7.1 (StatSoft, France).
For the female group of athletes, their ages and concentrations
of serum T, A4, DHEAS, LH and SHBG, as well as the calculated
fT, are presented in table 1. Among the 1332 female observations,
44 showed an fT concentration >29.4 pmol/L.17 Twenty-four
female athletes showed a T concentration >3.08 nmol/L which
has been calculated to represent the 99th percentile in a previous
normative study in elite female athletes.13 Among these 24
individuals, nine were diagnosed with a condition of hyperan-
drogenic disorder of sex development (DSD), nine were later
found to have been doping, and six athletes were impossible to
classify. This also explains the high calculated standard deviation
for T and fT in some groups of athletic events (table 1). Long
distance runners showed lower A4 concentrations than sprinter
and middle distance runners, and lower DHEAS concentrations
than sprinters, race walkers and throwers.
For the male group of athletes, their ages and serum T, A4,
DHEAS, LH and SHBG concentrations, and the calculated fT, are
presented in table 2. Among the 795 male athletes, 101 showed
an fT value <0.23 nmol/L. Fourteen of them were sprinters, 14
were middle distance runners, 21 were long distance runners,
16 were race walkers, 20 were jumpers, 13 were throwers,
and two were combined events specialists. The male sprinters
showed a higher fT concentration than the other male athletes.
Interestingly, throwers showed significantly lower T and SHBG
concentrations than the other male athletes.
Bermon S, Garnier P-Y. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097792
Original article
The comparison of the highest and lowest female fT tertiles
and their associated athletic performances in running events is
presented in table 3. When compared with the lowest fT tertile,
the highest fT tertile demonstrated significantly better perfor-
mances in 400 m, 400 m hurdles, and 800 m with calculated
differences of 2.73%, 2.78%, and 1.78%, respectively.
In other non-running events (table 4), hammer throwers and
pole vaulters with high fT concentrations performed better
(+4.53% and 2.94%, respectively) than their peers with low fT
In male elite athletes, no significant difference in performance
was noted when comparing the lowest and the highest fT tertiles.
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to report serum
androgen concentrations in such a large number of elite male
and female athletes. In the female athlete group, the statistical
analysis on performance and androgen levels, conducted using
only the 2013 Moscow data, confirmed the statistical findings
obtained from the 2011 Daegu dataset. This is why both female
datasets (from 2011 and 2013) were merged and as a conse-
quence some duplicate observations at the 2-year interval were
included. This oversampling bias is negligible, since androgen
level outliers from the 2011 Daegu dataset did not appear in
the 2013 Moscow dataset as a consequence of either IAAF anti-
doping or hyperandrogenism regulations enforcement.10
Our study design cannot provide evidence for causality
between androgen levels and athletic performance, but can indi-
cate associations between androgen concentrations and athletic
performance. Thus, we deliberately decided not to exclude
performances achieved by females with biological hyperandro-
genism and males with biological hypoandrogenism whatever
the cause of their condition (oral contraceptives, polycystic
ovaries syndrome, disorder of sex development, doping, over-
training). As a consequence, the calculated mean fT value in
the present study is higher than the 8.06 pmol/L median value
previously reported in a similar female population.13 Oral
contraceptive intake had not been registered during the 2013
Table 1 Age and androgenic parameters in the female population
n Age(years) fT(pmol/L) T(nmol/L) A4(nmol/L) DHEAS(µmol/L) LH(IU/L) SHBG(nmol/L)
Sprinting 390 25
Middle distance 186 25
Long distance 165 28
Walking 97 25
Jumping 220 27
Throwing 211 27
Combined events 53 26
All 1332 26
Data are presented as median (25th percentile–75th percentile].
Different from Long distance: *p<0.05, **p<0.01.
A4, androstenedione; DHEAS, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate;fT, free testosterone; LH, luteinising hormone; SHBG, sex hormone binding globulin;T, testosterone.
Table 2 Age and androgenic parameters in the male population
n Age(years) fT(nmol/L) T(nmol/L) A4(nmol/L) DHEAS(µmol/L) LH(IU/L) SHBG(nmol/L)
Sprinting 229
(13.8–22.0) ††
(24.9–38.0) ††
Middle distance 117 24
(0.28–0.42) *
(13.0–21.0) ††
(6.26–10.91) ‡‡
(26.4–41.7) ††
Long distance 102 27
(0.25–0.38) **
(11.6–19.0) †
(26.8–42.4) ††
Walking 94 26.5
(0.26–0.40) **
(11.8–18.2) †
(24.5–37.0) ††
Jumping 113 26
(0.26–0.42) **
(12.0–19.2) ††
(6.17–11.83) ‡
(26.6–37.5) ††
Throwing 115 28
(0.26–0.36) **
(6.05–13.66) ‡‡
Combined events 25 25
(24.7–41.9) ††
All 795
Data are presented as median (25th percentile–75th percentile).
Different from Sprinting: *p<0.05, **p<0.01. Different from Throwing: †p<0.05, ††p<0.01. Different from Long distance: ‡p<0.05, ‡‡p<0.01.
A4, androstenedione; DHEAS, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate;fT, free testosterone; LH, luteinising hormone; SHBG, sex hormone binding globulin;T, testosterone.
4Bermon S, Garnier P-Y. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097792
Original article
World Championships, but these medicines were reported to be
used by approximately 15% of elite female athletes.13
Key findings
As oral contraceptives increase SHBG concentration and T
bioavailability, we performed the main statistical analysis on
fT. Given criticism of the inaccuracy of the Sodergard formula,
we calculated fT by using the Sartorius formula and confirmed
our statistical findings.18 19 We also confirmed that the type
of athletic event does not influence T and fT concentrations
in elite females.13 Moreover, we found that female endurance
runners showed decreased A4 and DHEAS concentrations when
compared with other athletes. This finding can be explained by
the suppressive effect of endurance training on adrenocortico-
tropic hormone and the adrenal production of T.20 As far as male
athletes are concerned, sprinters showed higher values for fT,
but not for T, than other athletes.
No result including fT has been published on this matter so
far; the only available source is the article by Cardinale and
Stone who also reported, on a small number of subjects, higher
Table 3 Comparison of the lowest and highest fT tertiles and their
associated athletic performances in female running events
Event n All athletes
Lowest fT
Highest fT
100 m
Time s 112 11.88 (0.88) 11.78 (0.83) 12.09 (0.97)
fT pmol/L (1.4–32.8) (1.4–8.2) (12.1–32.8)
T nmol/L 0.90 (0.52) 0.53 (0.18) 1.32 (0.63)
100 m H
Time s  73 13.15 (0.48) 13.02 (0.46) 13.24 (0.54)
fT pmol/L (1.0–29.6) (1.0–6.6) (9.9–29.6)
T nmol/L 0.75 (0.33) 0.52 (0.20) 0.92 (0.34)
200 m
Time s 71 23.43 (0.90) 23.28 (0.74) 23.65 (1.11)
fT pmol/L (1.0–28.2) (1.0–6.3) (11.1–28.2)
T nmol/L 0.78 (0.48) 0.47 (0.15) 1.11 (0.62)
400 m
Time s 67 52.23 (2.56) 52.60 (3.30) 51.16 (1.06)*
fT pmol/L (1.2–124.4) (1.2–6.5) (13.0–124.4)
T nmol/L 2.82 (7.41) 0.45 (0.21) 7.08 (11.64)
400 m H
Time s 67 56.34 (2.65) 57.38 (3.53) 55.78 (1.60)*
fT pmol/L (1.4–174.5) (1.4–7.9) (12.4–174.5)
T nmol/L 1.03 (1.13) 0.54 (0.26) 1.68 (1.63)
800 m
Time s 64 121.80 (5.42) 122.68 (3.71) 120.50 (2.90)*
fT pmol/L (1.1–469.3) (1.1–7.0) (12.2–469.3)
T nmol/L 1.47 (4.03) 0.40 (0.14) 3.26 (6.60)
1500 m
Time s 66 250.16 (6.42) 250.00 (3.23) 250.65 (7.10)
fT pmol/L (0.6–48.7) (0.6–7.0) (10.8–48.7)
T nmol/L 0.79 (0.49) 0.50 (0.27) 1.12 (0.62)
3000 m SC
Time s 56 581.61 (17.39) 579.81 (17.74) 581.03 (18.70)
fT pmol/L (2.0–43.2) (2.0–4.9) (8.0–43.2)
T nmol/L 0.73 (0.54) 0.39 (0.15) 1.20 (0.66)
5000 m
Time s 40 932.67 (39.73) 932.80 (32.4) 935.80 (48.30)
fT pmol/L (2.8–51.8) (2.8–6.1) (8.0–51.8)
T nmol/L 0.73 (0.59) 0.41 (0.14) 1.07 (0.84)
10 000 m
Time s 33 1912.6 (55.6) 1903.6 (61.8) 1913.8 (50.6)
fT pmol/L (2.7–26.4) (2.7–4.5) (9.0–26.4)
T nmol/L 0.59 (0.27) 0.33 (0.13) 0.85 (0.21)
Time s 92 9726.6 (790.9) 9921.3 (1018.9) 9620.1 (736.5)
fT pmol/L (2.1–363.6) (2.1–5.6) (9.0–363.6)
T nmol/L 0.97 (2.55) 0.41 (0.14) 1.85 (4.23)
Data are presented as mean (SD) or (min–max).
Different fromthe lowest fT tertile: *p<0.05.
fT, free testosterone; H, hurdles; SC, Steeple Chase; T, testosterone.
Table 4 Comparison of the lowest and highest fT tertiles and their
associated athletic performances in female non-running events
Event n All athletes
Lowest fT
Highest fT
Distance m 48 60.18 (4.24) 59.58 (4.97) 60.69 (4.34)
fT pmol/L (2.1–33.4) (2.1–7.5) (12.7–33.4)
T nmol/L 0.82 (0.44) 0.60 (0.24) 1.16 (0.53)
Hammer throw
Distance m 54 69.31 (4.34) 67.76 (2.75) 70.83 (5.16)*
fT pmol/L (1.0–50.4) (1.0–8.5) (13.1–50.4)
T nmol/L 0.82 (0.40) 0.62 (0.31) 1.13 (0.36)
Shot put
Distance m 54 18.21 (1.33) 17.94 (1.58) 18.54 (1.23)
fT pmol/L (1.8–319.9) (1.8–10.0) (16.8–319.9)
T nmol/L 1.03 (1.57) 0.57 (0.22) 1.72 (2.45)
Distance m 55 60.40 (4.35) 61.9 (4.64) 60.37 (4.40)
fT pmol/L (2.2–26.8) (2.2–7.3) (9.9–26.8)
T nmol/L 0.73 (0.27) 0.59 (0.21) 0.90 (0.16)
Long jump
Distance m 62 6.46 (0.28) 6.39 (0.34) 6.47 (0.30)
fT pmol/L (2.1–24.2) (2.1–6.9) (10.4–24.2)
T nmol/L 0.80 (0.43) 0.53 (0.23) 1.00 (0.26)
Triple jump
Distance m 54 14.00 (0.49) 14.05 (0.52) 13.95 (0.43)
fT pmol/L (1.4–242.8) (1.4–6.4) (9.2–242.8)
T nmol/L 0.92 (1.59) 0.42 (0.16) 1.66 (2.54)
High jump
Distance m 56 1.91 (0.07) 1.89 (0.06) 1.90 (0.06)
fT pmol/L (3.6–23.4) (3.6–6.0) (8.9–23.4)
T nmol/L 0.74 (0.42) 0.48 (0.21) 1.07 (0.51)
Pole vault
Distance m 48 4.51 (0.18) 4.41 (0.18) 4.54 (0.17)*
fT pmol/L (2.0–22.9) (2.0–6.3) (8.7–22.9)
T nmol/L 0.78 (0.31) 0.63 (0.28) 0.98 (0.31)
20 km RW
Time s 97 5600 (617) 5680 (235) 5647 (232)
fT pmol/L (1.8–31.9) (1.8–5.9) (9.7–31.9)
T nmol/L 0.62 (0.29) 0.43 (0.16) 0.87 (0.30)
Point 53 6121 (309) 6095 (353) 6096 (263)
fTpmol/L (1.8–30.4) (1.8–5.7) (8.9–30.4)
T nmol/L 0.69 (0.36) 0.47 (0.12) 1.02 (0.43)
Data are presented as mean (SD) or (min–max).
Different fromthe lowest fT tertile: *p<0.05.
fT, free testosterone; RW, race walking;T, testosterone.
Bermon S, Garnier P-Y. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097792
Original article
T concentrations in male sprinters when compared with hand-
ball and soccer players.21 The observed low T concentration in
male throwers is an unexpected result. This trend is observed in
all throwing events: mean T concentrations were 14.1 nmol/L,
12.6 nmol/L, 11.2 nmol/L, and 14.5 nmol/L in discus, hammer
throw, shot put, and javelin, respectively. All these results are
below the T concentration measured in male race walkers and
marathon runners which are athletic events where hypoandro-
genism is a commonly reported condition.22 Male throwers not
only showed low T but also low SHBG concentrations. These
differences are not explained by age or ethnic background in our
subgroup of male throwers.
One explanation could be the higher prevalence of doping
with exogenous androgens in this subgroup. Indeed, it has been
reported that oral administration of androgens decreases both T
(a well-known withdrawal phenomenon experienced when the
athletes are approaching competitions and associated urinary
anti-doping tests) and SHBG concentrations.23 24 Recently,
Rasmussen et al showed that a significant proportion of former
androgen abusers exhibit moderately or notably lowered testos-
terone levels years after cessation of androgen abuse.25 However,
our male throwers did not show decreased LH concentrations
(a reported consequence of doping with androgens via the
negative feedback loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal
axis).26 Although it has not been measured in the present study,
throwers are also likely to be athletes with the highest body mass
index and fat mass. Hence, the known negative influence of fat
mass on SHBG concentration and T bioavailability may possibly
account for the low T and SHBG concentrations reported in
male throwers in our study.27
In female athletes, a high fT concentration appears to confer a
1.8–2.8% competitive advantage in long sprint and 800 m races.
Taking into account a linear dose–response relationship between
serum androgen levels and athletic capacity, it is possible that the
magnitude of this advantage will be even greater for an andro-
gen-sensitive female athlete with T or fT concentrations within
the normal male range.28 A possible explanation for these findings
is the important contribution of oxidative metabolism in the total
energy spent to run a 400 or 800 m race. Duffield et al calculated
that in females the aerobic/anaerobic energy system contribution
is 45%/55% for 400 m and 70%/30% for 800 m.29 As androgens
are erythropoietic hormones, it is tempting to hypothesise that
female athletes with high T and fT levels show high Hb concen-
trations which in turn increase the oxygen-carrying capacity and
(non-bicarbonate) extracellular buffering capacity30—both of
which are crucial when running 400 m, 400 m hurdles or 800 m
races. For each of these three running events, fT concentration
significantly (p<0.05) positively correlated with Hb concentra-
tion, and within these groups, athletes with the highest fT levels
showed higher Hb concentrations than athletes with the lowest
fT levels (table 5). This average difference in Hb concentration is
approximately 0.6 g/100 mL. However, in these three events,
we found no significant correlation between Hb concentration
and performance (table 5), and when athletes were clustered in
tertiles according to their Hb concentrations, no difference was
noted in performances between the high and low Hb (see online
supplementary results).
Taken together, these results show that whereas fT positively
influences Hb, fT concentration is a stronger determinant of
performance in the 400 m, 400 m hurdles and 800 m than
Hb concentration. Increased lean body mass, mental drive and
aggressiveness, which are also known to be influenced by andro-
gens, provide alternative explanations, but these parameters
have not been measured in the present study.31
Free testosterone concentration and throwing events
The relationship between high fT concentration and better
performances by female athletes in hammer throw and pole vault
(+4.5% and +2.9%, respectively) is a finding reported for the first
time. In order to perform at elite level in these two events, athletes
must achieve a high level of power and strength, supported by an
increased lean body mass. Although an effect of high androgen
levels on these functional and anthropometric characteristics is
likely, performance in other strength and power events like shot
put, javelin or long jump does not seem to be influenced by the
fT concentration in our study. Pole vault and hammer throw are
the athletic events which require the highest spatial abilities. For
instance, hammer throw requires three final high speed turns
(more than 720°/s), inside a 7-foot diameter ring, to release a 4 kg
hammer at a terminal speed of 27 m/s with an optimal release angle
between 43° and 44° to the horizontal plan and within a cage sector
of only 34.9°. There are well known sex differences in spatial abili-
ties as measured with the mental rotation task (MRT), where males
have an advantage over females.32 This difference is of critical
importance, since the performance at the MRT is associated with
the type of sports practised and the level of expertise. In a recent
study, including non-athletes, orienteers, gymnasts and endurance
runners, Schmidt et al showed that athletes outperformed non-ath-
letes at the MRT. Interestingly, athletes with high mental rotation
demand, like gymnasts (egocentric transformation) and orien-
teers (allocentric transformation), showed the best results at the
MRT. 33 By using functional MRI assessment, two research groups
showed a female-like activation pattern in mental rotation-related
brain areas in individuals with complete androgen insensitivity
syndrome, indicating that the sexual differentiation of visuospatial
neural activation is not directly influenced by sex chromosomal
composition, but is determined by exposure to androgens.34 35
Speculation as to mechanisms underpinning our findings
Our hypothesis is that, in addition to their recognised effect on
aggressiveness and risk-taking behaviours, androgens exert their
ergogenic effects on some sportswomen through better visuo-
spatial neural activation. This assumption, which may be of
critical importance in acrobatic, team or racket sports, warrants
Table 5 Comparison of the haemoglobin concentrations in the
lowest and highest fT tertiles and correlation between haemoglobin
concentration and free testosterone or athletic performance in female
400 m, 400 m hurdles and 800 m
400 m Hb
Lowest fT tertile 13.41 (0.90)
Highest fT tertile 14.03 (1.03) *
Correlation fT vs Hb r=0.26 †
Correlation performance vs Hb r=−0.12
400 m H Hb
Lowest fT tertile 13.25 (0.88)
Highest fT tertile 13.88 (0.99) *
Correlation fT vs Hb r=0.29 †
Correlation performance vs Hb r=0.04
800 m Hb
Lowest fT tertile 13.47 (0.78)
Highest fT tertile 14.16 (1.09) *
Correlation fT vs Hb r=0.26 †
Correlation performance vs Hb r=0.03
Data are presented as mean (SD).
Different fromthe lowest tertile *p<0.05. Significant correlation †p<0.05.
fT, free testosterone; H, hurdles; Hb, haemoglobin concentration in g/100 mL.
6Bermon S, Garnier P-Y. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097792
Original article
further research. Unlike female athletes, males with the highest
fT concentration did not outperform those with the lower fT
concentration in any of the events. Our results obtained in
both sexes could confirm the recent hypothesis from Bird et al,
suggesting that in terms of gains in muscle mass and strength,
females have the capacity to gain a greater relative increase
from androgen use than males.36 Hence, when the results from
male and female athletes are pooled, the relationship linking T
concentration to athletic performance would look more like a
sigmoid curve, with the steepest portion found between above
the female range upper limit and below the male lower limit.
In conclusion, our original work confirmed the weak influ-
ence of particular athletic events on circulating androgens levels
in females, whereas male throwers showed low T and SHBG
concentrations but normal fT levels. Such a finding might be a
consequence of either a higher prevalence of doping with andro-
gens or a higher adiposity in this group of athletic events. In
female 400 m, 400 m hurdles, 800 m, hammer throw and pole
vault, high fT concentration is associated with a higher (from
1.8% to 4.5%) level of athletic performance when compared
with competitors with low fT. In addition to the well-known
performance-enhancing effects of androgens on lean body mass,
erythropoiesis, mental drive and aggressiveness, the results
obtained in pole vaulters and hammer throwers seem to confirm
that females with high levels of androgens may also benefit from
a competitive advantage through improved visuospatial abilities.
What are the findings?
In females, theserum testosteronelevel is not influenced by
the type of athletic events, whereas androstenedioneand
DHEAS are decreased in endurance runners.
Male throwers have lower testosteroneand SHBG
concentrations than other elite male athletes.
In 400 m, 400 m hurdles, 800 m, hammer throw and pole
vault, female athletes with high testosterone levels benefit
from a 1.8% to 4.5% competitive advantage over other
female competitors with normal androgen levels.
How might it impact on clinical practice in the future?
The quantitative relationship between enhanced
testosteronelevels and improved athletic performance
should be taken into account when the eligibility of women
with hyperandrogenism to compete in the female category
of competition is discussed.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the organisational and
logistical support provided by the Local Organising Committee of both theDaegu
and Moscow IAAF World Championships. The authors would like to acknowledge
theSwiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics SA
(Zürich, Switzerland) for providing hormone tests, and Ms Jane Davies and Ms
Susanna Verdesca for processing the data and checking the manuscript.
Contributors SB was involved in the study design, statistical analysis and
manuscript drafting. PYG was involved in the study design, data collection, and
manuscript drafting.
Funding This study was supported by the International Association of Athletics
Federations, the World Anti-Doping Agency.
Disclaimer SB is a medical and scientific consultant for the IAAF and a member
of the IAAF and IOC working groups on hyperandrogenic female athletes and
transgender athletes and for that purpose appeared as a witness in the Dutee Chand
vs IAAF CAS case. PYG is the director of the IAAF Health and Science Department
and has no other relevant financial involvement with any organization or entity with
a financial interest with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent Obtained.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement The endocrine part of the data can be shared on an
anonymous basis. However, the performance part of the data which is linked to the
endocrine part cannot be shared since it could allow individuals to be identified and
constitutes a breach of confidentiality.
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
expressly granted.
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... High salivary testosterone levels compared to serum can be influenced by several factors, including binding proteins in serum (e.g., SHBG and albumin), salivary gland function, measurement differences in sensitivity or specificity, and physiological 16 cross-trained healthy pre-menopausal females Serum T levels after an endurance exercise session were significantly higher than the resting control session, and serum T levels after resistance exercises were higher but not significant (77) 1,332 elite female athletes and 795 elite male athletes Females with higher serum free T levels performed significantly better in 400 m, 400 m hurdles, 800 m, hammer throw, and pole vault compared to females with lower serum free T levels (78) T, testosterone; N, sample size. Serum and salivary testosterone levels in relation to measures of BMD in pre-menopausal and post-menopausal healthy females ...
... The benefits of higher testosterone in females, which include enhanced physical strength and athletic abilities due to anabolic effects on muscle and bone growth, and intensified competitive behavior (74,78,172), show evidence of applying to both lean and high-BMI females with PCOS. This finding is important because most females in ancestral populations would not have exhibited high BMI, at least not in most circumstances (173). ...
Full-text available
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) exhibits high prevalence and heritability despite causing negative impacts on fertility and fecundity. Previous hypotheses have postulated that some PCOS-associated traits, especially above-average levels of testosterone, were associated with benefits in ancestral environments. As such, PCOS would represent, in part, a maladaptive extreme of adaptations related to relatively high testosterone. To evaluate this hypothesis, we conducted a series of systematic literature reviews on the associations of testosterone levels, and prenatal testosterone metrics, with measures of strength, robustness, muscularity, and athleticism in females. We also systematically reviewed the literature on associations of testosterone with dominance in females and reviewed archaeological evidence concerning female strength and muscularity and its correlates. The main findings were fivefold: (1) elevated testosterone levels were generally associated with higher strength, muscularity and athleticism in females; (2) females with PCOS showed notable evidence of increased strength, muscularity, and athleticism compared to controls; (3) females with higher testosterone levels exhibited clear evidence of high dominance, (4) despite evidence that higher testosterone is linked with higher bone mineral density in healthy females, PCOS was not clearly associated with this phenotype; and (5) archaeological evidence from osteology, and data from some current small-scale societies, indicated that females often exhibit substantial levels of muscularity. Overall, the hypothesis that relatively high levels of testosterone are associated with benefits to females in some contexts was largely supported. These results provide evidence for the “maladaptive extremes of adaptation” model, with implications for treatment of females with PCOS and for future research.
... (Pielke et al., 2019, p. 19) After this verdict, CAS granted the sports union two years to scientifically prove their claims about a positive correlation between high testosterone levels and performance-if they could not deliver this evidence, the testosterone regulations would be declared invalid (Schultz, 2019). This led to the publication of Bermon and Garnier's (2017) article in which they claimed to have shown that elite female athletes with high testosterone levels perform as much as 3% better, compared to those with low testosterone levels. However, these findings have been critiqued in several scientific communities (Jordan-Young & Karkazis, 2019;Pielke et al., 2019). ...
... However, these findings have been critiqued in several scientific communities (Jordan-Young & Karkazis, 2019;Pielke et al., 2019). In fact, their findings have been considered so controversial that Pielke et al. (2019) in their article "Scientific Integrity and IAAF Testosterone Regulations" have argued that the Bermon and Garnier (2017) article ought to be retracted. The article was never retracted, but in 2021 a correction of the article was added as an attachment. ...
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Through the lens of Feminist STS, we explore Danish newspaper stories about sex hormones. We build on Haraway'sconcept of the material-semiotic and Roberts' understanding of sexhormones as bio-social messengers of sex to explore how the borders of binary sex/gender are policed in stories about intersex and transgender athletes. We combine these Feminist STS concepts with theconcept of benevolent sexism from social psychology to investigate stories about how women are understood or defined in elite sports. We show that stories about sex hormones often are narrated as stories about protecting ciswomen, and that the argument for hormonal interventions often is entangled in a form of benevolent sexism,implying that stereotypical ciswomen need protection. However, the people who the stereotypical ciswomen are narrated as needing protection from, are not; (a) cismen, (b) a science which upholds a bio-essentialist definition of women, or (c) the cultural norms in organizations dominated by men, but rather intersex and transgender people who challenge (or embody a challenge to) the binary sex/gender hierarchy. In these sports stories, science about sex hormones isused to reproduce a benevolent sexist narrative that reiterates ciswomen as vulnerable and narrates intersex and transwomen as the primary threat.
... Furthermore, one observational study has shown a significant association between endogenous T and jumping capacity in both female and male athletes [29]. Among track and field athletes, women with the highest levels of endogenous T perform better in events like 400m, 800m, hammer throw and pole vault than those with the lowest levels of T [30]. ...
... Earlier studies have shown that women with hyperandrogenism are over-represented in sports [39][40][41][42][43], and that endogenous levels of serum T are positively associated with sports performance [29,30]. Our results in Study I support a causal effect of testosterone on physical performance in women. ...
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BACKGROUND: There is an ongoing debate whether women with testosterone (T) within the male range shall be allowed to compete in the female class in sports. In men, T has an ergogenic effect, but the effect of T in young women has not been investigated previously. We hypothesised that increased levels of T would enhance physical performance in exercising women. T is classified as a doping agent by the World Anti-Doping agency (WADA). However, the existing doping analysing methods seems to be insufficient to detect exogenous use of T in women. In addition, the menstrual cycle and the use of hormonal contraception might aggravate the interpretation of the doping test results. Accordingly, the percentage of positive doping tests are higher in men than in women. The aim was to study the effect of T in female athletic performance, as well as endocrine influence on the steroid profile of relevance for anti-doping testing in women. METHODS: The studies in this thesis are based on two double-blind randomised, placebo-controlled trials. Forty-eight young healthy women were randomised to 10 weeks of 10mg daily T-cream or placebo to study the effects of moderately increased T concentration on physical performance, body composition, psychological well-being and self-confidence, and the steroid profile in urine and blood. Physical performance was measured by performance tests at the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences. Body composition was measured with DEXA. Well-being and self-confidence were measured by questionnaires. We also studied the effect of combined oral contraceptives (COC) and the menstrual cycle phases and genetic factors on the steroid profile using serum and urine samples from a trial where 348 women were randomised to three months of COC or placebo. Genotyping, immunoassays, LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS were performed. MAIN RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support a causal effect of T on physical performance as measured by an increase in running time to exhaustion of 8.5% in young healthy women. T also promotes an increase in lean mass and might influence phycological well-being and confidence. The results are of importance for the understanding of the sex difference in athletic performance, as well as for regulations of hyperandrogenism in women’s sports. Standard anti-doping urine analyses detected T-administration in only two out of 24 participants. Individual thresholds increased the detection rate to 40%. Furthermore, it was shown that COC have great impact on the urinary steroid biomarkers included in anti-doping analyses. COC suppressed the serum steroids and phase II metabolites while the ratio of T and androstenedione (A4) remained stable. Moreover, the results confirm that T/A4 remained stable throughout the menstrual cycle. T-administration increased the T/A4-ratio in serum 3.5 times compared to placebo. We can conclude that the urine analyses in use today is insufficient to detect T-doping in women. Instead, we suggest serum testing, including the ratio of T/A4.
... The study also demonstrated that the results of athletes in adjacent age groups differ significantly, and in athletics, young athletes compete in age groups that include at least two consecutive years of birth. This may lead to reduced potential athletic success for chronologically younger athletes (especially late-maturing ones) in the youngest age groups of 10-15 years, as this period corresponds to the growth spurt associated with a sharp increase in serum testosterone concentration in boys and a significantly less pronounced but still statistically significant increase in girls [26,30,36,37]. Many scientific studies show that later-born young athletes (chronologically youngest in competitive age groups) have a much higher chance of success at the adult elite level, including in soccer, ice hockey, and athletics [38][39][40]. ...
Full-text available
This research aimed to examine the dynamics of changes in sprint and long jump performance and the age of gender divergence in well-trained young athletes specialising in athletics. Data were collected from 1249 male and 1497 female athletes aged 10 to 15 years who participated in the final round of the annual national athletics tournament “Shipovka Yunykh” from 2017 to 2019. The top 50 results in each age group for the 60-metre sprint and long jump were analysed. Boys showed significantly higher performance than girls in both events from ages 11 and 12. Significant performance improvements were noted between ages 12 and 13 for boys in the long jump and 10–11 in the sprint. Girls showed significant improvements between ages 12 and 13 in the long jump and 11–12 in the sprint. Gender divergence in sprint and long jump performance occurs around age 11. The dynamics of performance changes are influenced by the timing of the growth spurt, highlighting the need for age-specific competition categories in athletics.
... Para 2017, WA respondió al pedido del CAS y del COI de proporcionar mayor evidencia acerca de las aparentes ventajas de los cuerpos femeninos hiperandrogénicos y publicó un estudio donde confirmaba la incidencia de la testosterona en la velocidad y la potencia de las cismujeres (Bermon y Garnier, 2017). Avalado por este artículo, durante los siguientes años el organismo actualizó sus reglas destinadas tanto a mujeres cis con hiperandrogenismo como a mujeres trans (WA, 2018 y 2019). ...
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El atletismo es uno de los deportes donde se han producido mayores conflictos en torno a la elegibilidad de las deportistas en la categoría femenina. Figuras como Caster Semenya o Dutee Chand expresan los miedos y resistencias que provocan las mujeres racializadas cuando se destacan en las pistas. Bajo el diagnóstico de “hiperandrogenismo”, en ellas se actualizan los temores del siglo XX respecto a la virilización que produciría la práctica deportiva sobre los cuerpos femeninos. La creciente visibilidad de las deportistas trans suma otra dimensión al conflicto, donde ya no habría una masculinidad oculta a desenmascarar, sino personas con identidades visibles que reclaman su derecho a ser parte del juego. En este artículo, analizamos la normativa contemporánea producida por el Comité Olímpico Internacional y la Federación Internacional de Atletismo, con el foco puesto en las lógicas y los supuestos que operan subrepticiamente en los reglamentos. ¿Qué se mide, qué se castiga y qué se premia? Se revisarán los vaivenes que experimentó el entramado normativo de estos dos organismos desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad, distinguiendo tres momentos sucesivos atravesados por la coyuntura sociopolítica y los discursos biomédicos acerca de la masculinidad y la feminidad. Identificador permanente (ARK):
... Consequently, it appears that athletes with the TT genotype are likely to experience more pronounced anabolic effects following resistance activity with caffeine consumption. Evidence suggests that higher testosterone levels may provide an athletic advantage [53][54][55][56]. Therefore, we speculate that carrying the ADORA2A rs5751876 TT genotype may be beneficial for power performance. ...
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Previous studies have reported that TT genotype carriers of the adenosine A2a receptor (ADORA2A) gene rs5751876 polymorphism have better ergogenic and anti-inflammatory responses to caffeine intake compared to C allele carriers. The aim of the present study was twofold: (1) to investigate the association of the ADORA2A rs5751876 polymorphism with acute caffeine supplementation on hormonal (growth hormone and testosterone) response to resistance exercise (RE); (2) to examine the relationship between the rs5751876 polymorphism and the resting levels of growth hormone and testosterone in athletes who are light caffeine consumers. A double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled study involving 30 resistance-trained men (age 21.7 ± 4.1) was conducted to assess the impact of caffeine supplementation on serum growth hormone (GH) and testosterone (TS) levels before, immediately after, and 15 min post-RE. One hour before engaging in resistance exercise, subjects were randomly administered 6 mg of caffeine per kg of body mass or a placebo (maltodextrin). After a 7-day washout period, the same protocol was repeated. Resting testosterone and growth hormone levels were examined in the sera of 94 elite athletes (31 females, age 21.4 ± 2.8; 63 males, age 22.9 ± 3.8). Caffeine consumption led to significantly greater increases in GH and TS in men with the TT genotype compared to C allele carriers. Furthermore, in the group of athletes, carriers of the TT genotype had significantly higher testosterone (p = 0.0125) and growth hormone (p = 0.0365) levels compared to C allele carriers. In conclusion, the ADORA2A gene rs5751876 polymorphism may modify the effect of caffeine intake on the hormonal response to exercise.
This article reviews the origins and amendments to Title IX, its effects on girls and women in sports and beyond, as well as men and male sports in the United States. It goes on to explore current issues facing the law including intersex, nonbinary, and transgender athletes as well as recent regulatory attempts to balance fairness and inclusiveness in the legislation such as its effect on women of color, and equal pay in professional sports.
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Sex as a biological variable is an underappreciated aspect of biomedical research, with its importance emerging in more recent years. This review assesses the current understanding of sex differences in human physical performance. Males outperform females in many physical capacities because they are faster, stronger and more powerful, particularly after male puberty. This review highlights key sex differences in physiological and anatomical systems (generally conferred via sex steroids and puberty) that contribute to these sex differences in human physical performance. Specifically, we address the effects of the primary sex steroids that affect human physical development, discuss insight gained from an observational study of ‘real‐world data’ and elite athletes, and highlight the key physiological mechanisms that contribute to sex differences in several aspects of physical performance. Physiological mechanisms discussed include those for the varying magnitude of the sex differences in performance involving: (1) absolute muscular strength and power; (2) fatigability of limb muscles as a measure of relative performance; and (3) maximal aerobic power and endurance. The profound sex‐based differences in human performance involving strength, power, speed and endurance, and that are largely attributable to the direct and indirect effects of sex‐steroid hormones, sex chromosomes and epigenetics, provide a scientific rationale and framework for policy decisions on sex‐based categories in sports during puberty and adulthood. Finally, we highlight the sex bias and problem in human performance research of insufficient studies and information on females across many areas of biology and physiology, creating knowledge gaps and opportunities for high‐impact studies. image
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Purpose: The nutritional intervention program "DiOGenes" focuses on how obesity can be prevented and treated from a dietary perspective. We generated differential plasma proteome profiles in the DiOGenes cohort to identify proteins associated with weight loss and maintenance and explore their relation to body mass index, fat mass, insulin resistance and sensitivity. Experimental design: Relative protein quantification was obtained at baseline and after combined weight loss/maintenance phases using isobaric tagging and MS/MS. A Welch t-test determined proteins differentially present after intervention. Protein relationships with clinical variables were explored using univariate linear models, considering collection center, gender and age as confounding factors. Results: 473 subjects were measured at baseline and end of the intervention; 39 proteins were longitudinally differential. Proteins with largest changes were sex hormone-binding globulin, adiponectin, C-reactive protein, calprotectin, serum amyloid A, and proteoglycan 4 (PRG4), whose association with obesity and weight loss is known. We identified new putative biomarkers for weight loss/maintenance. Correlation between PRG4 and proline-rich acidic protein 1 (PRAP1) variation and Matsuda insulin sensitivity increment was showed. Conclusions and clinical relevance: MS-based proteomic analysis of a large cohort of non-diabetic overweight and obese individuals concomitantly identified known and novel proteins associated with weight loss and maintenance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Purpose of review: During the last decades androgens have been used illicitly by athletes of both genders. Because of some obvious ethical limitations, mechanisms underlying the performance-enhancing effects of these hormone or drugs, as well as the magnitude of their effects, have been poorly addressed. This review aims to combine findings from field and from the laboratory to provide new insights into the ergogenic properties of endogenous or exogenous androgens on female athletes. Recent findings: Results obtained from recent neuropsychological studies indicated that testosterone, and not the sex chromosomes, is responsible for the sexual differentiation of visuospatial neural activation. These findings could explain how males and hyperandrogenic females benefit from androgens performance-enhancing effects in sports where visuospatial abilities are closely linked to better performance. Another study conducted on elite female athletes showed that, in some athletic events, where muscle power is of critical importance, individuals with the highest free testosterone concentration significantly outperformed competitors with the lowest free testosterone concentration. Summary: In some sport events, female athletes with high or very high androgen levels (whether it is from endogenous or exogenous origin) have an estimated competitive benefit of 2-5% over those with androgen levels within the normal female range. These findings are to be taken into account in the actual controversy about eligibility of females with hyperandrogenism to compete in women's sports.
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Aims: Abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) is highly prevalent among male recreational athletes. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of AAS abuse on reproductive hormone levels and symptoms suggestive of hypogonadism in current and former AAS abusers. Methods: This study had a cross-sectional case-control design and involved 37 current AAS abusers, 33 former AAS abusers (mean (95%CI) elapsed duration since AAS cessation: 2.5 (1.7; 3.7) years) and 30 healthy control participants. All participants were aged 18-50 years and were involved in recreational strength training. Reproductive hormones (FSH, LH, testosterone, inhibin B and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)) were measured using morning blood samples. Symptoms of hypogonadism (depressive symptoms, fatigue, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction) were recorded systematically. Results: Former AAS abusers exhibited significantly lower median (25th -75th percentiles) total and free testosterone levels than control participants (total testosterone: 14.4 (11.9-17.7) nmol/l vs. 18.8 (16.6-22.0) nmol/l) (P < 0.01). Overall, 27.2% (13.3; 45.5) of former AAS abusers exhibited plasma total testosterone levels below the lower reference limit (12.1 nmol/l) whereas no control participants exhibited testosterone below this limit (P < 0.01). Gonadotropins were significantly suppressed, and inhibin B and AMH were significantly decreased in current AAS abusers compared with former AAS abusers and control participants (P < 0.01). The group of former AAS abusers had higher proportions of participants with depressive symptoms ((24.2%) (11.1; 42.2)), erectile dysfunction ((27.3%) (13.3; 45.6)) and decreased libido ((40.1%) (23.2; 57.0)) than the other two groups (trend analyses: P < 0.05). Conclusions: Former AAS abusers exhibited significantly lower plasma testosterone levels and higher frequencies of symptoms suggestive of hypogonadism than healthy control participants years after AAS cessation. Current AAS abusers exhibited severely decreased AMH and inhibin B indicative of impaired spermatogenesis.
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The aim of this study was to examine whether athletes differ from nonathletes regarding their mental rotation performance. Furthermore, it investigated whether athletes doing sports requiring distinguishable levels of mental rotation (orienteering, gymnastics, running), as well as varying with respect to having an egocentric (gymnastics) or an allocentric perspective (orienteering), differ from each other. Therefore, the Mental Rotations Test (MRT) was carried out with 20 orienteers, 20 gymnasts, 20 runners, and 20 nonathletes. The results indicate large differences in mental rotation performance, with those actively doing sports outperforming the nonathletes. Analyses for the specific groups showed that orienteers and gymnasts differed from the nonathletes, whereas endurance runners did not. Contrary to expectations, the mental rotation performance of gymnasts did not differ from that of orienteers. This study also revealed gender differences in favor of men. Implications regarding a differentiated view of the connection between specific sports and mental rotation performance are discussed.
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The recent implementation by some major sports-governing bodies of policies governing eligibility of females with hyperandrogenism to compete in women's sports has raised a lot of attention and is still a controversial issue. This short article addresses two main subjects of controversy: the existing scientific basis supporting performance enhancing of high blood T levels in elite female athletes, and the ethical rationale and considerations about these policies. Given the recently published data about both innate and acquired hyperandrogenic conditions and their prevalence in elite female sports, we claim that the high level of androgens are per se performance enhancing. Regulating women with clinical and biological hyperandrogenism is an invitation to criticism because biological parameters of sex are not neatly divided into only two categories in the real world. It is, however, the responsibility of the sports-governing bodies to do their best to guarantee a level playing field to all athletes. In order not cloud the discussions about the policies on hyperandrogenism in sports, issues of sports eligibility and therapeutic options should always be considered and explained separately, even if they may overlap. Finally, some proposals for refining the existing policies are made in the present article.
Methods: FreeSurfer software was employed to measure cortical thickness and subcortical structural volumes. Axonal connections, indexed by fractional anisotropy, (FA) were measured with diffusion tensor imaging, and functional connectivity with resting state fMRI. Results: Compared to men, CAIS women displayed a "female" pattern by having thicker parietal and occipital cortices, lower FA values in the right corticospinal, superior and inferior longitudinal tracts, and corpus callosum. Their functional connectivity from the amygdala to the medial prefrontal cortex, was stronger and amygdala-connections to the motor cortex weaker than in control men. CAIS and control women also showed stronger posterior cingulate and precuneus connections in the default mode network. Thickness of the motor cortex, the caudate volume, and the FA in the callosal body followed, however, a "male" pattern. Conclusion: Altogether, these data suggest that testosterone modulates the microstructure of somatosensory and visual cortices and their axonal connections to the frontal cortex. Testosterone also influenced functional connections from the amygdala, whereas the motor cortex could, in agreement with our previous reports, be moderated by processes linked to X-chromosome gene dosage. These data raise the question about other genetic factors masculinizing the human brain than the SRY gene and testosterone. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Corresponding Author: Myron Genel, MD, Yale Child Health Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, PO Box 208081, New Haven, CT 06520-8081 ( Published Online: August 4, 2016. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.11850. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Drs Genel and Simpson report serving as expert consultants to the Medical and Scientific Commission of the International Olympic Committee. No other disclosures were reported. Disclaimer: The contents of this article are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the priorities and policies of the International Olympic Committee or the views of its Medical and Scientific Commission. Additional Contributions: Alison Carlson, San Francisco, a former sports coach, writer, and commentator and long-time collaborator contributed to the genesis and development of the manuscript. Further insights were provided by Malcolm A. Ferguson-Smith, MB, CHB, FRCPath, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, and Anke Ehrhardt, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. All, including the authors, were participants in the 1990 Monaco workshop, none of whom received compensation for their contributions.
The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) adopted testosterone level criteria for eligibility (i.e. 10 nmol/l or 290 ng/dl in blood for IAAF, levels 'within the male range' for IOC) to compete in the 'includes females' category. The policies address the assertion that women with very high endogenous testosterone (unless they are androgen-resistant) have an unfair advantage over women with lower natural levels. Recently, the Court of Arbitration for Sport suspended the 'hyperandrogenism regulation' by the IAAF, but added: 'since there are separate categories of male and female competition, it is necessary for the IAAF to formulate a basis for the division of athletes into male and female categories for the benefit of the broad class of female athletes. The basis chosen should be necessary, reasonable and proportionate to the legitimate objective being pursued' [Branch J: Dutee Chand, Female Sprinter with High Testosterone Level, Wins Right to Compete. The New York Times, July 27, 2015]. An analysis of available evidence below - scientific as well as experiential - suggests that androgen-based criteria can, in fact, be rationally defended as the best currently available and practical approach to determine eligibility for competition in the 'includes females' category. However, to justify such policies, the IOC and IAAF must also show them to be not only rational, but also fair, necessary, and consistent with the treatment of athletes with other endogenous non-physiologic advantages.
Few studies have examined the impact of androgen insensitivity on human spatial learning and memory. In the present study, we tested 11 women with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), a rare genetic disorder characterized by complete absence of AR activity, and compared their performance against 20 comparison males and 19 comparison females on a virtual analog of the Morris Water Maze task. The results replicated a main sex effect showing that men relative to women were faster in finding the hidden platform and had reduced heading error. Furthermore, findings indicated that mean performance of women with CAIS was between control women and control men, though the differences were not statistically significant. Effect size estimates (and corresponding confidence intervals) of spatial learning trials showed little difference between women with CAIS and control women but CAIS women differed from men, but not women, on two variables, latency to find the platform and first-move latency. No differences between groups were present during visible platform trials or the probe trial, a measure of spatial memory. Moreover, groups did also not differ on estimates of IQ and variability of performance. The findings are discussed in relation to androgen insensitivity in human spatial learning and memory.
The use of doping agents are evident within competitive sport in senior and junior age groups, where they are taken by non-elite as well as elite participants. They are also taken in non-sporting contexts by individuals seeking to 'improve' their physique through an increase in muscle and/or decrease in fat mass. Whilst attaining accurate data on the prevalence of their use has limitations, studies suggest the illicit use of doping agents by athletes and non-athletes may be 1 - 5% in the population and greater than 50% in some groups; with the prevalence being higher in males. There is conclusive evidence that some doping agents are anabolic and ergogenic. There is also evidence that the use of doping agents such as: anabolic androgenic steroids; growth hormone and other anabolic agents; erythropoietin; and stimulants conveys considerable health risks that include, but are not limited to: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, mental health issues, virilisation in women, and the suppression of naturally produced androgens in men. This review will outline the anabolic, ergogenic and health impacts of selected doping agents and methods that may be used in both the sporting and physique development contexts. It also provides a brief tabulated overview of the history of doping and how doping agents may impact upon the analyses of clinical samples.