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The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics
NUMBER 108 JUNE 2017 159–170
A Linguistic Evaluation of Rule-Based,
Phrase-Based, and Neural MT Engines
Aljoscha Burchardt,aVivien Macketanz,aJon Dehdari,aGeorg Heigold,a
Jan-Thorsten Peter,bPhilip Williamsc
aGerman Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
bRWTH Aachen University
cUniversity of Edinburgh
In this paper, we report an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of several Machine
Translation (MT) engines implementing the three most widely used paradigms. The analysis
is based on a manually built test suite that comprises a large range of linguistic phenomena.
Two main observations are on the one hand the striking improvement of an commercial online
system when turning from a phrase-based to a neural engine and on the other hand that the
successful translations of neural MT systems sometimes bear resemblance with the translations
of a rule-based MT system.
1. Introduction
Test suites are a familiar tool in NLP in areas such as grammar checking, where
one may wish to ensure that a parser is able to analyse certain sentences correctly or
test the parser after changes to see if it still behaves in the expected way. In contrast to
a “real-life” corpus the input in a test suite may well be made-up or edited to isolate
and illustrate issues.
Apart from several singular attempts (King and Falkedal, 1990; Isahara, 1995; Koh
et al., 2001, etc.) broadly-dened test suites have not generally been used in MT re-
search. One of the reasons for this might be the fear that the performance of statis-
tical MT systems depends so much on the particular input data, parameter settings,
etc., that nal conclusions about the errors they make, particularly about the dierent
© 2017 PBML. Distributed under CC BY-NC-ND. Corresponding author: aljoscha.burchardt@dfki.de
Cite as: Aljoscha Burchardt, Vivien Macketanz, Jon Dehdari, Georg Heigold, Jan-Thorsten Peter, Philip Williams. A
Linguistic Evaluation of Rule-Based, Phrase-Based, and Neural MT Engines. The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical
Linguistics No. 108, 2017, pp. 159–170. doi: 10.1515/pralin-2017-0017.
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reasons (e.g., length of n-grams, missing training examples), are dicult to obtain.
A related concern is that statistical MT systems are designed to maximise scores on
test corpora that are comparable to the training/tuning corpora and that it is there-
fore unreliable to test these systems in dierent settings. While these concerns may
hold for systems trained on very narrowly-dened domains, genres, and topics (such
as biomedical patent abstracts), in fact many systems are trained on large amounts of
data covering mixed sources and are expected to generalize to some degree.
A last reason might be that “correct” MT output cannot be specied in the same
way as the output of other language processing tasks like parsing or fact extraction
where the expected results can be more or less clearly dened. Due to the variation
of language, ambiguity, etc., checking and evaluating MT output can be almost as
dicult as the translation itself. Still, people have tried to automatically classify errors
comparing MT output to reference translations or post-edited MT output using tools
like Hjerson (Popovic, 2011).
In narrow domains there seems to be interest in detecting dierences between sys-
tems and within the development of one system, e.g., in terms of verb-particle con-
structions (Schottmüller and Nivre, 2014) or pronouns (Guillou and Hardmeier, 2016).
Bentivogli et al. (2016) performed a comparison of neural- with phrase-based MT sys-
tems on IWSLT data using a coarse-grained error typology. Neural systems have been
found to make fewer morphological, lexical and word-order errors.
Below, we present a pioneering eort to address translation barriers in a systematic
fashion. We are convinced that testing of system performance on error classes leads
to insights that can guide future research and improvements of systems. By using
test suites, MT developers will be able to see how their systems perform compared to
scenarios that are likely to lead to failure and can take corrective action.
This paper is structured as follows: After the general introduction (Section 1), Sec-
tion 2 will briey introduce the test suite we have used in the experiments reported
in Section 3. Section 4 concludes the paper.
2. The Test Suite
The experiments reported below are based on a test suite for MT Quality we are
currently building for the language pair English – German in the QT21 project. The
test suite itself will be described in more detail in a future publication. In brief, it con-
tains segments selected from various parallel corpora and drawn from other sources
such as grammatical resources, e.g., the TSNLP Grammar Test Suite (Lehmann et al.,
1996) and online lists of typical translation errors.
Each test sentence is annotated with the phenomenon category and the phenome-
non it represents. An example showing these elds can be seen in Table 1 with the
rst column containing the source segment and the second and third column contain-
ing the phenomenon category and the phenomenon, respectively. The fourth column
shows the translation given by the old Google Translate system and the last column
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contains a post-edit of the MT output that is created by making as few changes as
possible. In our latest version of the test suite, we have a collection of about 5,000 seg-
ments per language direction that are classied in about 15 categories (most of them
similar in both language directions) and about 120 phenomena (many of them similar
but also some diering, as they are language-specic). Depending on the nature of
the phenomenon, each is represented by at least 20 test segments in order to guaran-
tee for a balanced test set. The categories cover a wide range of dierent grammatical
aspects that might or might not lead to translation diculties for a MT system. Cur-
rently, we are still in the process of optimising our test segments and working on an
automatic solution for the evaluation.
Source Phenomenon
Target (raw) Target (edited)
Lena machte sich
früh vom Acker.
MWE Idiom Lena [left the
eld early].
Lena left early.
Lisa hat Lasagne
gemacht, sie ist
schon im Ofen.
Lisa has made
lasagne, [she] is al-
ready in the oven.
Lisa has made
lasagna, it is al-
ready in the oven.
Ich habe der
Frau das Buch
Verb tense/
aspect/ mood
sitive -
I [have] the
woman of the
I have given
the woman the
Table 1. Example test suite entries German→English (simplified for display purposes).
For the experiments presented here, we have used a preliminary version of our
test suite (ca. 800 items per language direction, to a large extent verb paradigms) to
include the changes of Google Translate which has recently been switched from a
phrase-based to neural approach according to the companies’ publications. There are
more than 100 dierent linguistic phenomena that we investigated in this version of
the test suite in each language direction. In this preliminary version, the number of
instances reported in the experiments below strongly varies among the categories (as
well as between the languages).
3. Evaluating PBMT, NMT, and RBMT Engines and an Online System
3.1. System Description
We have evaluated several engines from leading machine translation research
groups and a commercial rule-based system on the basis of the very same test suite
version to be able to compare performance with the leading online system that has
recently switched to a neural model. We included a number of dierent NMT sys-
tems with dierent properties and levels of sophistication to shed light on how these
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new types of systems perform on the dierent kinds of phenomena. Below, we will
briey describe the systems.
O-PBMT Old version of Google Translate (web interface, Feb. 2016).
O-NMT New version of Google Translate (web interface, Nov. 2016).
OS-PBMT Open-source phrase-based system that primarily uses a default congu-
ration to serve as a baseline. This includes a 5-gram modied Kneser-Ney lan-
guage model, mkcls and MGiza for alignment, GDFA phrase extraction with a
maximum phrase length of ve, msd-bidi-fe lexical reordering, and the Moses
decoder (Koehn et al., 2007). The WMT’16 data was Moses-tokenized and nor-
malized, truecased, and deduplicated.
DFKI-NMT Barebone neural system from DFKI. The MT engine is based on the
encoder-decoder neural architecture with attention. The model was trained on
the respective parallel WMT’16 data.
ED-NMT Neural system from U Edinburgh. This MT engine is the top-ranked sys-
tem that was submitted to the WMT ’16 news translation task (Sennrich et al.,
2016). The system was built using the Nematus toolkit.1Among other features,
it uses byte-pair encoding (BPE) to split the vocabulary into subword units, uses
additional parallel data generated by back-translation, uses an ensemble of four
epochs (of the same training run), and uses a reversed right-to-left model to
rescore n-best output.
RWTH-NMT NMT-system from RWTH (only used for German – English experi-
ments). This system is equal to the ensemble out of 8 NMT systems optimized
on TEDX used in the (Peter et al., 2016) campaign. The eight networks used
make use of subwords units and are netuned to perform well on the IWSLT
2016 MSLT German to English task.
RBMT Commercial rule-based system Lucy (Alonso and Thurmair, 2003).
3.2. Evaluation Procedure
In order to evaluate a system’s performance on the categories in the test suite, we
concentrate solely on the phenomenon in the respective sentence and disregard other
errors. This means that we have to determine whether a translation error is linked
to the phenomenon under examination or if it is independent from the phenomenon.
If the former is the case, the segment will be validated as incorrect. If, however, the
error in the translation can not be traced back to the phenomenon, the segment will
be counted as correct.
Currently, the system outputs are being automatically compared to a “reference
translation” which is, in fact, a post-edit of the O-PBMT output as those were the
very rst translations to be generated and evaluated when we started building the
test suite (see description of the test suite in Section 2 and Table 1). In a second step,
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Ambiguity 17 12% 35% 42% 24% 35% 12% 35%
Composition 11 27% 73% 55% 27% 45% 45% 73%
Function words 19 5% 68% 21% 11% 26% 68% 42%
LDD & interrogative 66 12% 79% 62% 21% 36% 55% 52%
MWE 42 14% 36% 7% 21% 10% 12% 19%
NE & terminology 25 48% 48% 40% 52% 40% 48% 40%
Subordination 36 22% 58% 50% 31% 47% 42% 31%
Verb tense/aspect/mood 529 59% 80% 91% 52% 53% 74% 63%
Verb valency 32 16% 50% 44% 13% 47% 38% 50%
Sum 777 358 567 583 337 367 490 435
Average 46% 73% 75% 43% 47% 63% 56%
Table 2. Results of German – English translations. Boldface indicates best system(s) on
each category (row).
all the translations that do not match the “reference” are manually evaluated by a
professional linguist since the translations might be very dierent from the O-PBMT
post-edit but nevertheless correct. As this is a very time-consuming process, we are
currently working on automating this evaluation process by providing regular ex-
pressions for various possible translation outputs – naturally, only focusing on the
phenomenon under investigation.
We refrain from creating an independent reference as we think that generating
the regular expressions that focus solely on the phenomena instead is the more so-
phisticated solution in this context. As a consequence, we cannot compute automatic
scores like BLEU. We do not see this as a disadvantage as with the test suite we want
to focus rather on gaining insights about the nature of translations than on how well
translations match a certain reference.
3.3. Results German – English
Table 2 shows the results for the translations from German to English from the
dierent systems on the categories. The second column in the table (“#”) contains the
number of instances per category. As the distribution of examples per category in this
old version of our test suite was very unbalanced with some categories having only
very few examples, some more categories we tested were excluded from the analysis
we present here.
Before we discuss the results, we want to point out that the selection of phenomena
and the number of instances used here is not representative of their occurrence in
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corpora. Consequently, it can not be our goal to nd out which of the systems is the
globally “best” or winning system. Our goal is to check and illustrate the strengths
and weaknesses of system (types) with respect to the range of phenomena we cover
with this version of the test suite. Using this evaluation approach, researchers and
system developers ideally can form hypotheses about the reasons why certain errors
happen (systematically) and can come up with a prioritised strategy for improving
the systems. Our ultimate goal is to represent all phenomena relevant for translation
in our test suite.
Coming to the analysis, it is rst of all striking how much better the neural version
of Google Translate (O-NMT) is as compared to its previous phrase-based version (O-
PBMT). Interestingly, the O-NMT and the RBMT – two very dierent approaches – are
the best-performing systems on average, achieving almost the same amount of correct
translations on average, i.e., 73%, resp. 75%, but looking at the scores of the categories
reveals that the performance of the two systems regarding the categories is in fact very
diverse. While the O-NMT system is the most-frequent best-performing system per
phenomenon, as it is best on composition, function words, long distance dependency
(LDD) & interrogative, multi-word expressions (MWE), subordination and verb va-
lency, the RBMT is only the best system on ambiguity2and verb tense/aspect/mood.
The high number of instances of the latter category leads to the high average score
of the RBMT system, as verb paradigms are part of the linguistic information RBMT
systems are based on.
The OS-PMBT reaches the lowest average score, but it is nevertheless the best-
performing system on named entities (NE) & terminology. The DFKI-NMT system
reaches a higher average score than the PBMT system (four percentage points more).
The RWTH-NMT is (along with the O-NMT) the best-performing system on func-
tion words. On average it reaches 63% of correct translations. The ED-NMT outrules
(also along with the O-NMT) the other systems on composition and verb valency and
reaches 56% correct translations on average.
In order to see if we nd some interesting correlations that might serve as a preview
for more extensive analyses with a more solid and balanced amount of test segments
in the future, we have calculated Pearson’s coecient over the phenomenon counts
(being aware that we are dealing with very small numbers here). As the correlations
for the direction English – German were higher and for space reasons, we will show
the numbers only for the other direction in the following Subsection to give an indi-
cation about possible future work.
One general impression that will also be supported by the examples below is that
NMT seems to learn some capabilities that the RBMT system has. It may lead to the
speculation that NMT indeed learns something like the rules of the language. This,
however, needs more intensive investigation. Another interesting observation is that
2The good performance of RBMT on ambiguity can be explained by the very small number of items and
it is more or less accidental that the preferred readings were the ones the RBMT has coded in its lexicon.
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the RWTH-NMT system has a lower overall correlation with the other NMT systems.
This might be because it has also been trained and optimised on transcripts of spoken
language as opposed to the other systems trained solely on written language.
The following examples depict interesting ndings from the analysis and compari-
son of the dierent systems. When a system created a correct output (on the respective
category), the system’s name is marked in boldface.
(1) Source: Warum hörte Herr Muschler mit dem Streichen auf?
Reference: Why did Mr. Muschler stop painting?
O-PBMT: Why heard Mr Muschler on with the strike?
O-NMT: Why did Mr. Muschler stop the strike?
RBMT: Why did Mr Muschler stop with the strike?
OS-PBMT: Why was Mr Muschler by scrapping on?
DFKI-NMT: Why did Mr Muschler listen to the rich?
RWTH-NMT: Why did Mr. Muschler listen to the stroke?
ED-NMT: Why did Mr. Muschler stop with the stump?
Example (1) contains a phrasal verb and belongs to the category composition. Ger-
man phrasal verbs have the characteristics that their prex might be separated from
the verb and move to the end of the sentence in certain constructions, as it has hap-
pened in example (1) with the prex auf being separated from the rest of the verb
hören. The verb aufhören means to stop, but the verb hören without the prex simply
means to listen. Thus, phrasal verbs might pose translations barriers in MT when the
system translates the verb separately not taking into account the prex at the end of
the sentence. The output of the O-PBMT, DFKI-NMT and RWTH-NMT indicates that
this might have happened. The O-NMT, RBMT and the ED-NMT correctly translate
the verb which could mean that more context (and thus, including the prex auf at
the end of the sentences) was taken into account for the generation of the output.
(2) Source: Warum macht der Tourist drei Fotos?
Reference: Why does the tourist take three fotos?
O-PBMT: Why does the tourist three fotos?
O-NMT: Why does the tourist make three fotos?
RBMT: Why does the tourist make three fotos?
OS-PBMT: Why does the tourist three fotos?
DFKI-NMT: Why does the tourist make three fotos?
RWTH-NMT: Why is the tourist taking three fotos?
ED-NMT: Why does the tourist make three fotos?
One of the phenomena in the category LDD & interrogative is wh-movement. It
is for example involved in wh-questions, like in the sentence in (2). A wh-question
in English is usually built with an auxiliary verb and a full verb, e.g., wh-word + to
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have/to be/to do + full verb. In German on the other hand, an auxiliary verb is not
necessarily needed. This fact might lead to translation diculties, as can be seen in
(2), where the O-PBMT and the OS-PBMT treat the verb does as a full verb instead of an
auxiliary verb. All the other systems translate the question with two verbs, however,
except for the RWTH-NMT, they all mistranslate ein Foto machen as to make a foto (literal
translation) instead of to take a foto. Nevertheless, these translations count as correct,
since they do contain an auxiliary verb + a full verb.
(3) Source: Die Arbeiter müssten in den sauren Apfel beißen.
Reference: The workers would have to bite the bullet.
O-PBMT: The workers would have to bite the bullet.
O-NMT: The workers would have to bite into the acid apple.
RBMT: The workers would have to bite in the acid apple.
OS-PBMT: The workers would have to bite the bullet.
DFKI-NMT: Workers would have to bite in the acid apple.
RWTH-NMT: The workers would have to bite into the clean apple.
ED-NMT: The workers would have to bite in the acidic apple.
Idioms are an interesting phenomenon within the category MWE. The meaning
of an idiom in one language can not be transferred to another language by simply
translating the separate words, as the meaning of these multi-word units goes beyond
the meaning of the separate words. As a consequence, idioms have to be transferred to
another language as a whole. For German <> English it is often the case that an idiom
in one language can be transferred to another idiom in the other language. This is also
the case in example (3). The German idiom in den sauren Apfel beißen can be translated
as to bite the bullet. Only the two PBMT system correctly translate this idiom, the other
systems all give a literal translation - with the RWTH-NMT translating sauren as clean
instead of acid(ic) like the other systems, probably not knowing the word sauren and
instead translating the similar word sauberen. This is one example where a phrase-
based approach has a real advantage (if the phrase was in the training data).
(4) Source: Wie kann ich die Farbe, mit der ich arbeite, ändern?
Reference: How can I change the color I am working with?
O-PBMT: How can I change the color with which I work
to change?
O-NMT: How can I change the color with which I work?
RBMT: How can I change the color with which I work?
OS-PBMT: How can I change the colour, with whom i work,
DFKI-NMT: How can I change the color I work with?
RWTH-NMT: How can I change the color I work with?
ED-NMT: How can I change the color I work with?
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The sentence in (4) contains a relative clause which belongs to the category sub-
ordination. Relative clauses in English can, but do not have to contain a relative pro-
noun. The outputs in (4) show both properties. The O-PBMT and the OS-PBMT dou-
ble the verb change, the remaining systems correctly translate the relative clause.
(5) Source: Ich hätte nicht lesen gedurft.
Reference: I would not have been allowed to read.
O-PBMT: I would not have been allowed to read.
O-NMT: I should not have read.
RBMT:I would not have been allowed to read.
OS-PBMT: I would not have read gedurft.
DFKI-NMT: I would not have been able to read.
RWTH-NMT: I wouldn’t have read.
ED-NMT: I wouldn’t have read.
Verb paradigms (verb tense/aspect/mood) make up about one third of the whole
test suite. Example (5) shows a sentence with a negated modal verb, in the tense
pluperfect subjunctive II. This is a quite complex construction, thus it is not surprising
that only few systems correctly translate the sentence. As might be expected, one of
them is the RBMT system. The second one is the O-PBMT. The neural version of this
system on the other hand does not correctly produce the output.
3.4. Results English – German
The results for the English – German translations can be found in Table 3. For this
language direction, only ve systems were available instead of seven like for the other
direction. As in the analysis for the other language direction, we excluded the cate-
gories that had too few instances from the table. Nevertheless, similarities between
the categories of both language directions can be found.
As in the German – English translations, the RBMT system performs best of all sys-
tems on average, reaching 83%. It performs best of all systems on verb tense/aspect/
mood and verb valency. The second-best system is – just like in the other language
direction but with a greater distance (seven percentage points less on average, namely
76%) – the O-NMT. The O-NMT shows quite contrasting results on the dierent cat-
egories, compared to RBMT: it outrules (most of) the other systems on the remaining
categories, i.e., on coordination & ellipsis, LDD & interrogative, MWE, NE & termi-
nology, special verb types and subordination.
The third-best system on average is the ED-NMT system. It reaches an average
of 61% correct translations. The other remaining NMT system, the barebone DFKI-
NMT system, reaches 11 percentage points less on average than the ED-NMT, for it
reaches 50%. But it outrules the other systems on subordination along with O-NMT.
The system with the lowest average score is the previous version of Google Translate,
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# O-
Coordination & ellipsis 17 6% 47% 29% 24% 35%
LDD & interrogative 70 19% 61% 54% 41% 40%
MWE 42 21% 29% 19% 21% 26%
NE & terminology 20 25% 80% 40% 45% 65%
Special verb types 14 14% 86% 79% 29% 64%
Subordination 35 11% 71% 54% 71% 69%
Verb tense/aspect/mood 600 41% 82% 96% 53% 66%
Verb valency 22 36% 59% 68% 64% 59%
Sum 820 287 622 679 410 499
Average 35% 76% 83% 50% 61%
Table 3. Results of English – German translations. Boldface indicates best system(s) on
each category (row).
O-PBMT 1.00
O-NMT 0.34 1.00
RBMT 0.39 0.55 1.00
DFKI-NMT 0.28 0.29 0.36 1.00
ED-NMT 0.30 0.33 0.43 0.55 1.00
Table 4. Overall correlation of English – German systems
namely the O-PBMT. With 35% on average, it reaches less than half of the score of the
The results of the calculation of the Pearson’s coecient can be found in Table 4.
Only categories with more than 25 observations had their correlation analysed. For
the interpretation, we used a rule-of-thumb mentioned in the literature3.
In the overall correlation, RBMT has a moderate correlation with O-NMT, which
might be traced back to the fact that these are the two systems that correctly translate
most of the test segments, compared to the other systems. The two neural systems,
DFKI-NMT and ED-NMT, also have moderate correlations. All the other systems have
weak correlation with each other.
Again, for the small and unbalanced numbers of samples, we do not want to put
too much emphasis on the observations regarding correlations. This type of analysis
might, however, become more informative in future work.
3http://www.dummies.com/education/math/statistics/how-to- interpret-a- correlation- coefficient-r
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4. Conclusions and Outlook
While the selection of test items/categories and even more the selection of exam-
ples we discussed provides a selective view on the performance of the system, we are
convinced that this type of quantitative and qualitative evaluation provides valuable
insights and ideas for improvement of the systems, e.g., by adding linguistic knowl-
edge in one way or another. Two main observations we want to repeat here is the
striking improvement of the commercial online system when turning from a phrase-
based to a neural engine. A second observation is that the successful translations of
some NMT systems often bear resemblance with the translations of the RBMT system.
Hybrid combinations or pipelines where RBMT systems generate training material for
NMT systems seem a promising future research direction to us.
While the extracted examples above give very interesting insights on the systems’
performances on the categories, these are only more or less random spot tests. How-
ever, taking a close look at the separate phenomena at a larger scale and in more detail
will lead to more general, systematic observations. This is what we aim to do with our
current version of the test suite which is therefore much more extensive and system-
atic and therefore also allows for more general observations and more quantitative
statements in future experiments.
Our ultimate goal is to automate the test suite testing. To this end, we are currently
working on a method that is using regular expressions for automatically checking the
output of engines on the test suite. The idea is to manually provide positive and neg-
ative tokens for each test item that can range from expected words in case of disam-
biguation up to, verbs and their prexes with wild cards in between up to complete
sentences in the case of verb paradigms.
This research is supported by the EC’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreements no. 645452 (QT21).
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Address for correspondence:
Aljoscha Burchardt
German Research Center for Articial Intelligence (DFKI)
Language Technology Lab, Alt-Moabit 91c, 10559 Berlin, Germany
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