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An Overview of Blockchain Technology: Architecture, Consensus, and Future Trends


Abstract and Figures

Blockchain, the foundation of Bitcoin, has received extensive attentions recently. Blockchain serves as an immutable ledger which allows transactions take place in a decentralized manner. Blockchain-based applications are springing up, covering numerous fields including financial services, reputation system and Internet of Things (IoT), and so on. However, there are still many challenges of blockchain technology such as scalability and security problems waiting to be overcome. This paper presents a comprehensive overview on blockchain technology. We provide an overview of blockchain architechture firstly and compare some typical consensus algorithms used in different blockchains. Furthermore, technical challenges and recent advances are briefly listed. We also lay out possible future trends for blockchain.
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An Overview of Blockchain Technology:
Architecture, Consensus, and Future Trends
Zibin Zheng1, Shaoan Xie1, Hongning Dai2, Xiangping Chen4, and Huaimin Wang3
1School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China
2Faculty of Information Technology, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, SAR
3National Laboratory for Parallel & Distributed Processing
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 China
4Institute of Advanced Technology,National Engineering Research Center of Digital Life
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Abstract—Blockchain, the foundation of Bitcoin, has received
extensive attentions recently. Blockchain serves as an immutable
ledger which allows transactions take place in a decentralized
manner. Blockchain-based applications are springing up, cov-
ering numerous fields including financial services, reputation
system and Internet of Things (IoT), and so on. However,
there are still many challenges of blockchain technology such
as scalability and security problems waiting to be overcome.
This paper presents a comprehensive overview on blockchain
technology. We provide an overview of blockchain architechture
firstly and compare some typical consensus algorithms used
in different blockchains. Furthermore, technical challenges and
recent advances are briefly listed. We also lay out possible future
trends for blockchain.
Index Terms—Blockchain, decentralization, consensus, scala-
Nowadays cryptocurrency has become a buzzword in both
industry and academia. As one of the most successful cryp-
tocurrency, Bitcoin has enjoyed a huge success with its capital
market reaching 10 billion dollars in 2016 [1]. With a spe-
cially designed data storage structure, transactions in Bitcoin
network could happen without any third party and the core
technology to build Bitcoin is blockchain, which was first
proposed in 2008 and implemented in 2009 [2]. Blockchain
could be regarded as a public ledger and all committed
transactions are stored in a list of blocks. This chain grows
as new blocks are appended to it continuously. Asymmetric
cryptography and distributed consensus algorithms have been
implemented for user security and ledger consistency. The
blockchain technology generally has key characteristics of
decentralization, persistency, anonymity and auditability. With
these traits, blockchain can greatly save the cost and improve
the efficiency.
Since it allows payment to be finished without any bank or
any intermediary, blockchain can be used in various financial
services such as digital assets, remittance and online payment
[3], [4]. Additionally, it can also be applied into other fields
including smart contracts [5], public services [6], Internet of
Things (IoT) [7], reputation systems [8] and security services
[9]. Those fields favor blockchain in multiple ways. First of all,
blockchain is immutable. Transaction cannot be tampered once
it is packed into the blockchain. Businesses that require high
reliability and honesty can use blockchain to attract customers.
Besides, blockchain is distributed and can avoid the single
point of failure situation. As for smart contracts, the contract
could be executed by miners automatically once the contract
has been deployed on the blockchain.
Although the blockchain technology has great potential for
the construction of the future Internet systems, it is facing a
number of technical challenges. Firstly, scalability is a huge
concern. Bitcoin block size is limited to 1 MB now while
a block is mined about every ten minutes. Subsequently, the
Bitcoin network is restricted to a rate of 7 transactions per
second, which is incapable of dealing with high frequency
trading. However, larger blocks means larger storage space
and slower propagation in the network. This will lead to
centralization gradually as less users would like to maintain
such a large blockchain. Therefore the tradeoff between block
size and security has been a tough challenge. Secondly, it has
been proved that miners could achieve larger revenue than
their fair share through selfish mining strategy [10]. Miners
hide their mined blocks for more revenue in the future. In
that way, branches could take place frequently, which hinders
blockchain development. Hence some solutions need to be put
forward to fix this problem. Moreover, it has been shown that
privacy leakage could also happen in blockchain even users
only make transactions with their public key and private key
[11]. Furthermore, current consensus algorithms like proof of
work or proof of stake are facing some serious problems. For
example, proof of work wastes too much electricity energy
while the phenomenon that the rich get richer could appear in
the proof of stake consensus process.
There is a lot of literature on blockchain from various
sources, such as blogs, wikis, forum posts, codes, confer-
ence proceedings and journal articles. Tschorsch et al. [12]
made a technical survey about decentralized digital currencies
2017 IEEE 6th International Congress on Big Data
978-1-5386-1996-4/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/BigDataCongress.2017.85
including Bitcoin. Compared to [12], our paper focuses on
blockchain technology instead of digital currencies. Nomura
Research Institut made a technical report about blockchain
[13]. Contrast to [13], our paper focuses on state-of-art
blockchain researches including recent advances and future
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
introduces blockchain architecture. Section III shows typical
consensus algorithms used in blockchain. Section IV summa-
rizes the technical challenges and the recent advances in this
area. Section V discusses some possible future directions and
section VI concludes the paper.
7; 7; 7;
7; 7; 7;
7; 7; 7;
Fig. 1: An example of blockchain which consists of a contin-
uous sequence of blocks.
7; 7; 7;
7; 7; 7;
Fig. 2: Block structure
Blockchain is a sequence of blocks, which holds a complete
list of transaction records like conventional public ledger
[14]. Figure 1 illustrates an example of a blockchain. With
a previous block hash contained in the block header, a block
has only one parent block. It is worth noting that uncle blocks
(children of the block’s ancestors) hashes would also be stored
in ethereum blockchain [15]. The first block of a blockchain
is called genesis block which has no parent block. We then
explain the internals of blockchain in details.
A. Block
A block consists of the block header and the block body as
shown in Figure 2. In particular, the block header includes:
(i) Block version: indicates which set of block validation
rules to follow.
(ii) Merkle tree root hash: the hash value of all the transac-
tions in the block.
(iii) Timestamp: current time as seconds in universal time
since January 1, 1970.
(iv) nBits: target threshold of a valid block hash.
(v) Nonce: an 4-byte field, which usually starts with 0
and increases for every hash calculation (will be explained
in details in Section III).
(vi) Parent block hash: a 256-bit hash value that points to
the previous block.
The block body is composed of a transaction counter and
transactions. The maximum number of transactions that a
block can contain depends on the block size and the size of
each transaction. Blockchain uses an asymmetric cryptography
mechanism to validate the authentication of transactions [13].
Digital signature based on asymmetric cryptography is used in
an untrustworthy environment. We next briefly illustrate digital
B. Digital Signature
Each user owns a pair of private key and public key.
The private key that shall be kept in confidentiality is used
to sign the transactions. The digital signed transactions are
broadcasted throughout the whole network. The typical digital
signature is involved with two phases: signing phase and
verification phase. For instance, an user Alice wants to send
another user Bob a message. (1) In the signing phase, Alice
encrypts her data with her private key and sends Bob the
encrypted result and original data. (2) In the verification phase,
Bob validates the value with Alice’s public key. In that way,
Bob could easily check if the data has been tampered or not.
The typical digital signature algorithm used in blockchains is
the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) [16].
C. Key Characteristics of Blockchain
In summary, blockchain has following key characteristics.
Decentralization. In conventional centralized transaction
systems, each transaction needs to be validated through
the central trusted agency (e.g., the central bank), in-
evitably resulting to the cost and the performance bottle-
necks at the central servers. Contrast to the centralized
mode, third party is no longer needed in blockchain.
Consensus algorithms in blockchain are used to maintain
data consistency in distributed network.
Persistency. Transactions can be validated quickly and
invalid transactions would not be admitted by honest
miners. It is nearly impossible to delete or rollback
transactions once they are included in the blockchain.
Blocks that contain invalid transactions could be discov-
ered immediately.
Anonymity. Each user can interact with the blockchain
with a generated address, which does not reveal the
real identity of the user. Note that blockchain cannot
guarantee the perfect privacy preservation due to the
intrinsic constraint (details will be discussed in section
TABLE I: Comparisons among public blockchain,consortium blockchain and private blockchain
Property Public blockchain Consortium blockchain Private blockchain
Consensus determination All miners Selected set of nodes One organization
Read permission Public Could be public or restricted Could be public or restricted
Immutability Nearly impossible to tamper Could be tampered Could be tampered
Efficiency Low High High
Centralized No Partial Yes
Consensus process Permissionless Permissioned Permissioned
Auditability. Bitcoin blockchain stores data about user
balances based on the Unspent Transaction Output (UTX-
O) model [2]: Any transaction has to refer to some previ-
ous unspent transactions. Once the current transaction is
recorded into the blockchain, the state of those referred
unspent transactions switch from unspent to spent. So
transactions could be easily verified and tracked.
D. Taxonomy of blockchain systems
Current blockchain systems are categorized roughly into
three types: public blockchain, private blockchain and con-
sortium blockchain [17]. In public blockchain, all records are
visible to the public and everyone could take part in the con-
sensus process. Differently, only a group of pre-selected nodes
would participate in the consensus process of a consortium
blockchain. As for private blockchain, only those nodes that
come from one specific organization would be allowed to join
the consensus process.
A private blockchain is regarded as a centralized network
since it is fully controlled by one organization. The consortium
blockchain constructed by several organizations is partially
decentralized since only a small portion of nodes would be
selected to determine the consensus. The comparison among
the three types of blockchains is listed in Table I.
Consensus determination. In public blockchain, each n-
ode could take part in the consensus process. And only
a selected set of nodes are responsible for validating the
block in consortium blockchain. As for private chain, it is
fully controlled by one organization and the organization
could determine the final consensus.
Read permission. Transactions in a public blockchain are
visible to the public while it depends when it comes to a
private blockchain or a consortium blockchain.
Immutability. Since records are stored on a large number
of participants, it is nearly impossible to tamper trans-
actions in a public blockchain. Differently, transactions
in a private blockchain or a consortium blockchain could
be tampered easily as there are only limited number of
Efficiency. It takes plenty of time to propagate transac-
tions and blocks as there are a large number of nodes
on public blockchain network. As a result, transaction
throughput is limited and the latency is high. With fewer
validators, consortium blockchain and private blockchain
could be more efficient.
Centralized. The main difference among the three types
of blockchains is that public blockchain is decentralized,
consortium blockchain is partially centralized and private
blockchain is fully centralized as it is controlled by a
single group.
Consensus process. Everyone in the world could join
the consensus process of the public blockchain. Different
from public blockchain, both consortium blockchain and
private blockchain are permissioned.
Since public blockchain is open to the world, it can at-
tract many users and communities are active. Many public
blockchains emerge day by day. As for consortium blockchain,
it could be applied into many business applications. Cur-
rently Hyperledger [18] is developing business consortium
blockchain frameworks. Ethereum also has provided tools for
building consortium blockchains [19].
In blockchain, how to reach consensus among the untrust-
worthy nodes is a transformation of the Byzantine Generals
(BG) Problem, which was raised in [20]. In BG problem,
a group of generals who command a portion of Byzantine
army circle the city. Some generals prefer to attack while
other generals prefer to retreat. However, the attack would
fail if only part of the generals attack the city. Thus, they
have to reach an agreement to attack or retreat. How to reach
a consensus in distributed environment is a challenge. It is
also a challenge for blockchain as the blockchain network
is distributed. In blockchain, there is no central node that
ensures ledgers on distributed nodes are all the same. Some
protocols are needed to ensure ledgers in different nodes are
consistent. We next present several common approaches to
reach a consensus in blockchain.
A. Approaches to consensus
PoW (Proof of work) is a consensus strategy used in the
Bitcoin network [2]. In a decentralized network, someone has
to be selected to record the transactions. The easiest way is
random selection. However, random selection is vulnerable to
attacks. So if a node wants to publish a block of transactions, a
lot of work has to be done to prove that the node is not likely
to attack the network. Generally the work means computer
TABLE II: Typical Consensus Algorithms Comparison
Property PoW PoS PBFT DPOS Ripple Tendermint
Node identity management open open permissioned open open permissioned
Energy saving no partial yes partial yes yes
Tolerated power <25% <51% <33.3% <51% <20% <33.3%
of adversary computing
stake faulty replicas validators faulty nodes in
byzantine voting
Example Bitcoin [2] Peercoin [21] Hyperledger
Fabric [18]
Bitshares [22] Ripple [23] Tendermint [24]
ϯϭ Ϯ
ϰ ϱ
Fig. 3: An scenario of blockchain branches (the longer branch
would be admitted as the main chain while the shorter one
would be deserted)
calculations. In PoW, each node of the network is calculating
a hash value of the block header. The block header contains
a nonce and miners would change the nonce frequently to
get different hash values. The consensus requires that the
calculated value must be equal to or smaller than a certain
given value. When one node reaches the target value, it would
broadcast the block to other nodes and all other nodes must
mutually confirm the correctness of the hash value. If the block
is validated, other miners would append this new block to
their own blockchains. Nodes that calculate the hash values
are called miners and the PoW procedure is called mining in
In the decentralized network, valid blocks might be gen-
erated simultaneously when multiple nodes find the suitable
nonce nearly at the same time. As a result, branches may be
generated as shown in Figure 3. However, it is unlikely that
two competing forks will generate next block simultaneously.
In PoW protocol, a chain that becomes longer thereafter is
judged as the authentic one. Consider two forks created by
simultaneously validated blocks U4 and B4. Miners keep
mining their blocks until a longer branch is found. B4,B5
forms a longer chain, so the miners on U4 would switch to
the longer branch.
Miners have to do a lot of computer calculations in PoW,
yet these works waste too much resources. To mitigate the
loss, some PoW protocols in which works could have some
side-applications have been designed. For example, Primecoin
[25] searches for special prime number chains which can be
used for mathematical research.
PoS (Proof of stake) is an energy-saving alternative to PoW.
Miners in PoS have to prove the ownership of the amount
of currency. It is believed that people with more currencies
would be less likely to attack the network. The selection
based on account balance is quite unfair because the single
richest person is bound to be dominant in the network. As a
result, many solutions are proposed with the combination of
the stake size to decide which one to forge the next block.
In particular, Blackcoin [26] uses randomization to predict the
next generator. It uses a formula that looks for the lowest
hash value in combination with the size of the stake. Peercoin
[21] favors coin age based selection. In Peercoin, older and
larger sets of coins have a greater probability of mining the
next block. Compared to PoW, PoS saves more energy and
is more effective. Unfortunately, as the mining cost is nearly
zero, attacks might come as a consequence. Many blockchains
adopt PoW at the beginning and transform to PoS gradually.
For instance, ethereum is planing to move from Ethash (a kind
of PoW) [27] to Casper (a kind of PoS) [28].
PBFT (Practical byzantine fault tolerance) is a replication
algorithm to tolerate byzantine faults [29]. Hyperledger Fabric
[18] utilizes the PBFT as its consensus algorithm since PBFT
could handle up to 1/3 malicious byzantine replicas. A new
block is determined in a round. In each round, a primary would
be selected according to some rules. And it is responsible for
ordering the transaction. The whole process could be divided
into three phase: pre-prepared,prepared and commit. In each
phase, a node would enter next phase if it has received votes
from over 2/3 of all nodes. So PBFT requires that every
node is known to the network. Like PBFT, Stellar Consensus
Protocol (SCP) [30] is also a Byzantine agreement protocol.
In PBFT, each node has to query other nodes while SCP gives
participants the right to choose which set of other participants
to believe. Based on PBFT, Antshares [31] has implemented
their dBFT (delegated byzantine fault tolerance). In dBFT,
some professional nodes are voted to record the transactions.
DPOS (Delegated proof of stake). The major difference
between PoS and DPOS is that PoS is direct democratic while
DPOS is representative democratic. Stakeholders elect their
delegates to generate and validate blocks. With significantly
fewer nodes to validate the block, the block could be confirmed
quickly, leading to the quick confirmation of transactions.
Meanwhile, the parameters of the network such as block size
and block intervals could be tuned by delegates. Additionally,
users need not to worry about the dishonest delegates as they
could be voted out easily. DPOS is the backbone of Bitshares
Ripple [23] is a consensus algorithm that utilizes
collectively-trusted subnetworks within the larger network. In
the network, nodes are divided into two types: server for
participating consensus process and client for only transferring
funds. Each server has an Unique Node List (UNL). UNL is
important to the server. When determining whether to put a
transaction into the ledger, the server would query the nodes
in UNL and if the received agreements have reached 80%, the
transaction would be packed into the ledger. For a node, the
ledger will remain correct as long as the percentage of faulty
nodes in UNL is less than 20%.
Tendermint [24] is a byzantine consensus algorithm. A new
block is determined in a round. A proposer would be selected
to broadcast an unconfirmed block in this round. It could be
divided into three steps: 1) Prevote step. Validators choose
whether to broadcast a prevote for the proposed block. 2)
Precommit step. If the node has received more than 2/3 of
prevotes on the proposed block, it broadcasts a precommit for
that block. If the node has received over 2/3 of precommits,
it enters the commit step. 3) Commit step. The node validates
the block and broadcasts a commit for that block. if the
node has received 2/3 of the commits, it accepts the block.
Contrast to PBFT, nodes have to lock their coins to become
validators. Once a validator is found to be dishonest, it would
be punished.
B. Consensus algorithms comparison
Different consensus algorithms have different advantages
and disadvantages. Table II gives a comparison between d-
ifferent consensus algorithms and we use the properties given
by [32].
Node identity management. PBFT needs to know the
identity of each miner in order to select a primary in every
round while Tendermint needs to know the validators in
order to select a proposer in each round. For PoW, PoS,
DPOS and Ripple, nodes could join the network freely.
Energy saving. In PoW, miners hash the block header
continuously to reach the target value. As a result, the
amount of electricity required to process has reach an
immense scale. As for PoS and DPOS, miners still have
to hash the block header to search the target value but
the work has been largely reduced as the search space
is designed to be limited. As for PBFT, Ripple and
Tendermint, there is no mining in consensus process. So
it saves energy greatly.
Tolerated power of adversary. Generally 51% of hash
power is regarded as the threshold for one to gain control
of the network. But selfish mining strategy [10] in PoW
systems could help miners to gain more revenue by only
25% of the hashing power. PBFT and Tendermint is
designed to handle up to 1/3 faulty nodes. Ripple is
proved to maintain correctness if the faulty nodes in an
UNL is less than 20%.
Example. Bitcoin is based on PoW while Peercoin is
a new peer-to-peer PoS cryptocurrency. Further, Hyper-
ledger Fabric utilizes PBFT to reach consensus. Bitshares,
a smart contract platform, adopts DPOS as their con-
sensus algorithm. Ripple implements the Ripple protocol
while Tendermint devises the Tendermint protocol.
PBFT and Tendermint are permissioned protocols. Node
identities are expected to be known to the whole network,
so they might be used in commercial mode rather than public.
PoW and PoS are suitable for public blockchain. Consortium
or private blockchain might has preference for PBFT, Tender-
mint, DPOS and Ripple.
C. Advances on consensus algorithms
A good consensus algorithm means efficiency, safty and
convenience. Recently, a number of endeavors have been made
to improve consensus algorithms in blockchain. New con-
sensus algorithms are devised aiming to solve some specific
problems of blockchain. The main idea of PeerCensus [33] is
to decouple block creation and transaction confirmation so that
the consensus speed can be significantly increased. Besides,
Kraft [34] proposed a new consensus method to ensure that
a block is generated in a relatively stable speed. It is known
that high blocks generation rate compromise Bitcoin’s security.
So the Greedy Heaviest-Observed Sub-Tree (GHOST) chain
selection rule [35] is proposed to solve this problem. Instead
of the longest branch scheme, GHOST weights the branches
and miners could choose the better one to follow. Chepurnoy
et al. [36] presented a new consensus algorithm for peer-to-
peer blockchain systems where anyone who provides non-
interactive proofs of retrievability for the past state snapshots
is agreed to generate the block. In such a protocol, miners
only have to store old block headers instead of full blocks.
Despite the great potential of blockchain, it faces numerous
challenges, which limit the wide usage of blockchain. We
enumerate some major challenges and recent advances as
A. Scalability
With the amount of transactions increasing day by day,
the blockchain becomes bulky. Each node has to store all
transactions to validate them on the blockchain because they
have to check if the source of the current transaction is unspent
or not. Besides, due to the original restriction of block size and
the time interval used to generate a new block, the Bitcoin
blockchain can only process nearly 7 transactions per second,
which cannot fulfill the requirement of processing millions of
transactions in real-time fashion. Meanwhile, as the capacity of
blocks is very small, many small transactions might be delayed
since miners prefer those transactions with high transaction
There are a number of efforts proposed to address the
scalability problem of blockchain, which could be categorized
into two types:
Storage optimization of blockchain. Since it is harder for
node to operate full copy of ledger, Bruce proposed a
novel cryptocurrency scheme, in which the old transaction
records are removed (or forgotten) by the network [37].
A database named account tree is used to hold the
balance of all non-empty addresses. Besides lightweight
client could also help fix this problem. A novel schem
named VerSum [38] was proposed to provide another
way allowing lightweight clients to exist. VerSum allows
lightweight clients to outsource expensive computations
over large inputs. It ensures the computation result is
correct through comparing results from multiple servers.
Redesigning blockchain. In [39], Bitcoin-NG (Next Gen-
eration) was proposed. The main idea of Bitcoin-NG is
to decouple conventional block into two parts: key block
for leader election and microblock to store transactions.
The protocol divides time into epoches. In each epoch,
miners have to hash to generate a key block. Once the key
block is generated, the node becomes the leader who is
responsible for generating microblocks. Bitcoin-NG also
extended the heaviest (longest) chain strategy in which
microblocks carry no weight. In this way, blockchain
is redesigned and the tradeoff between block size and
network security has been addressed.
B. Privacy Leakage
Blockchain can preserve a certain amount of privacy through
the public key and private key. Users transact with their
private key and public key without any real identity exposure.
However, it is shown in [40], [5] that blockchain cannot
guarantee the transactional privacy since the values of all
transactions and balances for each public key are publicly
visible. Besides, the recent study [41] has shown that a user’s
Bitcoin transactions can be linked to reveal user’s information.
Moreover, Biryukov et al. [11] presented an method to link
user pseudonyms to IP addresses even when users are behind
Network Address Translation (NAT) or firewalls. In [11], each
client can be uniquely identified by a set of nodes it connects
to. However, this set can be learned and used to find the
origin of a transaction. Multiple methods have been proposed
to improve anonymity of blockchain, which could be roughly
categorized into two types:
Mixing [42]. In blockchain, users addresses are pseudony-
mous. But it is still possible to link addresses to user real
identity as many users make transactions with the same
address frequently. Mixing service is a kind of service
which provides anonymity by transferring funds from
multiple input addresses to multiple output addresses. For
example, user Alice with address A wants to send some
funds to Bob with address B. If Alice directly makes a
transaction with input address A and output address B,
relationship between Alice and Bob might be revealed. So
Alice could send funds to a trusted intermediary Carol.
Then Carol transfer funds to Bob with multiple inputs c1,
c2, c3, etc., and multiple output d1, d2, B, d3, etc. Bob’s
address B is also contained in the output addresses. So it
becomes harder to reveal relationship between Alice and
Bob. However, the intermediary could be dishonest and
reveal Alice and Bob’s private information on purpose.
It is also possible that Carol transfers Alice’s funds to
her own address instead of Bob’s address. Mixcoin [43]
provides a simple method to avoid dishonest behaviours.
The intermediary encrypts users’ requirements including
funds amount and transfer date with its private key. Then
if the intermediary did not transfer the money, anybody
could verify that the intermediary cheated. However, theft
is detected but still not prevented. Coinjoin [44] depends
on a central mixing server to shuffle output addresses to
prevent theft. And inspired by Coinjoin, CoinShuffle [45]
uses decryption mixnets for address shuffling.
Anonymous. In Zerocoin [46], zero-knowledge proof
is used. Miners do not have to validate a transaction
with digital signature but to validate coins belong to
a list of valid coins. Payment’s origin are unlinked
from transactions to prevent transaction graph analyses.
But it still reveals payments’ destination and amounts.
Zerocash [47] was proposed to address this problem.
In Zerocash, zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive
Arguments of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs) is leveraged.
Transaction amounts and the values of coins held by users
are hidden.
C. Selfish Mining
Blockchain is susceptible to attacks of colluding selfish
miners. In particular, Eyal and Sirer [10] showed that the
network is vulnerable even if only a small portion of the
hashing power is used to cheat. In selfish mining strategy,
selfish miners keep their mined blocks without broadcasting
and the private branch would be revealed to the public only
if some requirements are satisfied. As the private branch is
longer than the current public chain, it would be admitted
by all miners. Before the private blockchain publishment,
honest miners are wasting their resources on an useless branch
while selfish miners are mining their private chain without
competitors. So selfish miners tend to get more revenue.
Based on selfish mining, many other attacks have been
proposed to show that blockchain is not so secure. In stubborn
mining [48], miners could amplify its gain by non-trivially
composing mining attacks with network-level eclipse attacks.
The trail-stubbornness is one of the stubborn strategy that
miners still mine the blocks even if the private chain is left
behind. Yet in some cases, it can result in 13% gains in
comparison with a non-trail-stubborn counterpart. [49] shows
that there are selfish mining strategies that earn more money
and are profitable for smaller miners compared to simple
selfish mining. But the gains are relatively small. Furthermore,
it shows that attackers with less than 25% of the computational
resources can still gain from selfish mining. To help fix the
selfish mining problem, Heilman [50] presented an novel
approach for honest miners to choose which branch to follow.
With random beacons and timestamps, honest miners would
select more fresh blocks. However, [50] is vulnerable to
forgeable timestamps. ZeroBlock [51] builds on the simple
scheme: Each block must be generated and accepted by the
network within a maximum time interval. Within ZeroBlock,
selfish miners cannot achieve more than its expected reward.
Blockchain has shown its potential in industry and academi-
a. We discuss possible future directions with respect to four
areas: blockchain testing,stop the tendency to centralization,
big data analytics and blockchain application.
A. Blockchain testing
Recently different kinds of blockchains appear and over
700 cryptocurrencies are listed in [52] up to now. However,
some developers might falsify their blockchain performance
to attract investors driven by the huge profit. Besides that,
when users want to combine blockchain into business, they
have to know which blockchain fits their requirements. So
blockchain testing mechanism needs to be in place to test
different blockchains.
Blockchain testing could be separated into two phases:
standardization phase and testing phase. In standardization
phase, all criteria have to be made and agreed. When a
blockchain is born, it could be tested with the agreed criteria
to valid if the blockchain works fine as developers claim. As
for testing phase, blockchain testing needs to be performed
with different criteria. For example, an user who is in charge
of online retail business cares about the throughput of the
blockchain, so the examination needs to test the average time
from a user send a transaction to the transaction is packed into
the blockchain, capacity for a blockchain block and etc.
B. Stop the tendency to centralization
Blockchain is designed as a decentralized system. However,
there is a trend that miners are centralized in the mining pool.
Up to now, the top 5 mining pools together owns larger than
51% of the total hash power in the Bitcoin network [53]. Apart
from that, selfish mining strategy [10] showed that pools with
over 25% of total computing power could get more revenue
than fair share. Rational miners would be attracted into the
selfish pool and finally the pool could easily exceed 51% of
the total power. As the blockchain is not intended to serve a
few organizations, some methods should be proposed to solve
this problem.
C. Big data analytics
Blockchain could be well combined with big data. Here
we roughly categorized the combination into two types: data
management and data analytics. As for data management,
blockchain could be used to store important data as it is
distributed and secure. Blockchain could also ensure the data
is original. For example, if blockchain is used to store patients
health information, the information could not be tampered and
it is hard to stole those private information. When it comes to
data analytics, transactions on blockchain could be used for
big data analytics. For example, user trading patterns might
be extracted. Users can predict their potential partners’ trading
behaviours with the analysis.
D. Blockchain applications
Currently most blockchains are used in the financial domain,
more and more applications for different fields are appearing.
Traditional industries could take blockchain into considera-
tion and apply blockchain into their fields to enhance their
systems. For example, user reputations could be stored on
blockchain. At the same time, the up-and-coming industry
could make use of blockchain to improve performance. For
example, Arcade City [51], a ridesharing startup offers an
open marketplace where riders connect directly with drivers
by leveraging blockchain technology.
A smart contract is a computerized transaction protocol that
executes the terms of a contract [54]. It has been proposed
for long time and now this concept can be implemented with
blockchain. In blockchain, smart contract is a code fragment
that could be executed by miners automatically. Smart contract
has transformative potential in various fields like financial
services and IoT.
Blockchain has shown its potential for transforming tradi-
tional industry with its key characteristics: decentralization,
persistency, anonymity and auditability. In this paper, we
present a comprehensive overview on blockchain. We first give
an overview of blockchain technologies including blockchain
architecture and key characteristics of blockchain. We then dis-
cuss the typical consensus algorithms used in blockchain. We
analyzed and compared these protocols in different respects.
Furthermore, we listed some challenges and problems that
would hinder blockchain development and summarized some
existing approaches for solving these problems. Some possible
future directions are also proposed. Nowadays blockchain-
based applications are springing up and we plan to conduct
in-depth investigations on blockchain-based applications in the
The work described in this paper was supported by the
National Key Research and Development Program (2016YF-
B1000101), the National Natural Science Foundation of China
under (61472338), the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities and Macao Science and Technology De-
velopment Fund under Grant No. 096/2013/A3. The authors
would like to thank Gordon K.-T. Hon for his constructive
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... The synergies between Blockchain and IoT are incredible but they also present challenges. As detailed by Zheng et al. (2018), the integration process requires large amounts of investment into infrastructure and technology in order to ensure these systems can operate on a large scale unimpeded. Furthermore, data privacy, interoperability between different Blockchain platforms and IoT device security are critical concerns having to be solved to fully harness the capabilities of this technology conjunction. ...
... Although Blockchain and IoT present solid foundation for businesses to stay in the continuous process, integration of two leads to high level of investments on both technology and infrastructure. Faced with challenges such as high cost of IoT sensors, data processing as well as Blockchain implementation, especially for small firms with limited resources (Zheng et al., 2018), it can be difficult to adopt IoT. Additionally, a deficiency of standardized protocols across different Blockchain and IoT platforms exacerbates an interoperability challenge due to the fact that data exchange among diverse stakeholders is not facilitated . ...
... However, there is also one challenge related to logistics, which is these technologies are both very expensive and technically complicated to adopt and scale. The need for high computational power and energy in Blockchain makes it impracticable for smaller firms, since the technology is believed to be very expensive (Zheng et al., 2018). Similarly, the investment in hardware and connectivity, as well as . ...
... : ) %A' T 2 8 H , : 9 l: \: : : l: l ' ) : Min, 2019 .( Zheng et al., 2018 . ...
The use of blockchain technology in football player transfers has attracted considerable attention due to its potential to increase transparency and efficiency in the process. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and implications of blockchain adoption in football transfers and addresses the main question of how blockchain can reduce issues such as fraud and delays in player transactions. Qualitative phenomenology was used as a research method, including targeted interviews with stakeholders and blockchain experts. Data collection techniques included semi-structured interviews and document analysis, followed by thematic analysis to identify patterns and key insights. The findings show that blockchain technology offers promising solutions to the challenges of player transfers. In particular, it can improve transparency by providing a secure and immutable ledger of transactions, thereby reducing the risk of fraudulent activity. Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain has the potential to simplify administrative processes and shorten transaction times, benefiting clubs and players alike. These results show that the integration of blockchain in football transfers can transform the operational framework of the industry and pave the way for more efficient and reliable transactions. By increasing transparency and reducing transaction costs, blockchain can promote fairer practices and improve overall market liquidity in player transfers. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by showing the practical applications of blockchain in a specific part of the sports industry. Future research could investigate the scalability of blockchain solutions in different sports and assess the long-term economic and regulatory implications..
... Most of the important papers centre on financial technology (Sangwan et al., 2020;Au & Kauffman, 2008). Among the notable documents, blockchain technology (Efanov & Roschin, 2018;Zheng et al., 2017;Andoni et al., 2019) and innovation with sustainable development constitute another significant sub-theme (Silvestre & Ţîrcă, 2019;Kardos, 2012;Henry & Stiglitz, 2010;Posch & Steiner, 2006). ...
... There are three distinct kinds of blockchains distinguished by the participants permitted by the consensus method [18]: Here are a few examples: Bitcoin and Ethereum. There is a difference between permissioned blockchains, which relate to consortium and private blockchains, and permissionless blockchains, which describe public blockchains. ...
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It is this context that the article featured in this paper examines blockchain's applications to EHR management and protection, with an emphasis on secure decentralization and patient-centric architectures. Thus, when more and more healthcare facilities move to electronic record systems, data confidentiality, protection, and availability for all relevant parties become vital. Patients may keep ownership of their health data while being sure it is transparent and secure using blockchain's immutability, decentralisation, and cryptographic characteristics. The paper examines prospects that exist in an application of blockchain in healthcare, concerning how it can help in enhancing the organizations of health information exchange minimizing data security threats, and simplification of transactions. It specifically highlights new developments and pilot programs in this area.
... Blockchain adalah buku besar terdistribusi yang memungkinkan transaksi yang aman, transparan, dan tidak dapat diubah tanpa memerlukan otoritas pusat. Zheng et al. (2017) Aplikasi AR dan VR dalam SIM meliputi visualisasi data kompleks, pelatihan karyawan, desain produk, dan pengalaman belanja virtual. Misalnya, perusahaan manufaktur dapat menggunakan AR untuk membantu teknisi dalam tugas pemeliharaan kompleks, menampilkan instruksi dan diagram yang ditumpangkan pada peralatan fisik (Billinghurst et al., 2015). ...
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Buku Sistem Informasi Manajemen ini memiliki kaitan erat dengan mata kuliah Sistem Informasi Manajemen yang diajarkan di program studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam. Dalam konteks akademik, buku ini menjadi referensi utama bagi mahasiswa untuk memahami peran strategis SIM dalam pengelolaan pendidikan berbasis teknologi. Sebagai bagian dari kurikulum, buku ini membahas bagaimana SIM dapat diterapkan dalam lembaga pendidikan Islam untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan, meningkatkan efisiensi administrasi, serta menciptakan inovasi dalam pembelajaran. Dengan mengintegrasikan teori dan praktik, buku ini dirancang untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan wawasan dan keterampilan yang relevan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas manajemen pendidikan secara holistik dan berkelanjutan.
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Küreselleşen dünyada lojistik sektörü, ekonomik ve ticari faaliyetlerin kalbinde yer almakta; ürünlerin doğru zamanda, doğru yerde ve en verimli şekilde ulaşmasını sağlamaktadır. Ancak günümüzde artan rekabet, teknolojik gelişmeler ve sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri, lojistik sektörünü dönüşüm ve yenilik arayışına itmiştir. Bu dönüşümün anahtarı ise inovasyondur. “Lojistik ve İnovasyon” başlıklı bu kitap, lojistikte inovasyon kavramını ele alarak, sektördeki güncel gelişmelere, stratejilere ve geleceğe yönelik öngörülere ışık tutmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kitabımız, akademisyenler, lojistik profesyonelleri ve bu alana ilgi duyan araştırmacılar için değerli bir kaynak olma niteliği taşımaktadır. Ayrıca, lojistik süreçlerinin nasıl daha verimli ve yenilikçi hale getirilebileceğini anlamak isteyen işletme liderlerine rehberlik etmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu kitabın hazırlanmasında katkı sunan tüm yazarlarımıza ve emeği geçen herkese teşekkür ederim. Lojistikte inovasyonun geleceğini birlikte inşa etmek dileğiyle, siz değerli okuyucularımıza faydalı olmasını temenni ediyorum. Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Uğur ERDOĞAN
This study investigates the role of power dynamics in market control within supplier-buyer relationships, with a specific focus on blockchain technology adoption in supply chain networks. Using five focus group discussions, comprising of diverse participants categorized by sector, location, gender, and company size, the research explores how power influences decision-making processes. Findings reveal that larger companies often prioritize stability over innovation, limiting their willingness to adopt disruptive technologies like blockchain. In contrast, smaller firms demonstrate greater flexibility and openness to change. Beyond company size, factors such as product uniqueness, strategic network positions, and the personalities of decision-makers play critical roles in shaping blockchain adoption. Participants also reported persistent pressure from both suppliers and buyers to accept unfavorable terms, underscoring power imbalances that constrain smaller players. The analysis is framed within the conceptual structure of a model with a focus on the nuanced interplay of power and decision-making in the context of supply networks. Qualitative analysis of the discussions, conducted with Atlas.ti software, highlights the influence of sectoral differences, geographical variations, and gender dynamics in supply chain negotiations. This study provides valuable insights into the barriers and enablers of blockchain adoption within complex supply chain networks, emphasizing the critical interplay of power and communication in shaping market control.
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With the development of the global economy and the progress of science and technology, the importance of supply chain management in modern economic activities has become increasingly prominent. However, traditional supply chain management is characterized by problems such as information silos, low transparency, and difficulties in traceability, which seriously affect the efficiency and security of the supply chain. The introduction of blockchain technology provides a new technical path and solution to solve these problems. This paper explores the application of blockchain technology, especially smart contracts, in supply chain management. By developing Python-based smart contracts, this paper verifies the effectiveness of blockchain technology in enhancing supply chain transparency, efficiency, security, and trust. In addition, this paper demonstrates the current status and challenges of the application of blockchain technology in supply chain management through literature review and case study analysis, and points out the direction of future research. The findings of this paper show that the application of blockchain technology in supply chain management has significant advantages, but it is still necessary to further optimize the performance and security of smart contracts and explore more application scenarios.
Conference Paper
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Bitcoin was recently introduced as a peer-to-peer electronic currency in order to facilitate transactions outside the traditional financial system. The core of Bitcoin, the Blockchain, is the history of all transactions committed by the system. This distributed ledger is similar to a distributed shared register where miners write and read blocks. New blocks in the Blockchain contain the last transactions in the system and are added by miners after a block mining process that consists in solving a difficult cryptographic puzzle. Although, the reward is the main motivation for the mining process in Bitcoin, it also may be an incentive for attacks such as selfish mining. In this paper we propose and theoretically analyze a solution for one of the major problems in Bitcoin: selfish mining or block-withholding attack. This attack is conducted by adversarial miners in order to either earn undue rewards or waste the computational power of honest miners. Contrary to the best to date solution for preventing block-withholding [6], our solution, ZeroBlock, prevents this attack by using a novel timestamp-free technique that exploits the Poisson nature of the proof-of-work and the current knowledge on the propagation of information in Bitcoin [2]. Note that previous solutions are vulnerable to forgeable timestamps. Additionally, our solution is compliant with miners churn.
Conference Paper
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The ‘blockchain’ is the core mechanism for the Bitcoin digital payment system. It embraces a set of inter-related technologies: the blockchain itself as a distributed record of digital events, the distributed consensus method to agree whether a new block is legitimate, automated smart contracts, and the data structure associated with each block. We propose a permanent distributed record of intellectual effort and associated reputational reward, based on the blockchain that instantiates and democratises educational reputation beyond the academic community. We are undertaking initial trials of a private blockchain or storing educational records, drawing also on our previous research into reputation management for educational systems.
Conference Paper
The Bitcoin protocol requires nodes to quickly distribute newly created blocks. Strong nodes can, however, gain higher payoffs by withholding blocks they create and selectively postponing their publication. The existence of such selfish mining attacks was first reported by Eyal and Sirer, who have demonstrated a specific deviation from the standard protocol (a strategy that we name SM1). In this paper we investigate the profit threshold – the minimal fraction of resources required for a profitable attack. Our analysis provides a bound under which the system can be considered secure against such attacks. Our techniques can be adapted to protocol modifications to assess their susceptibility to selfish mining, by computing the optimal attack under different variants. We find that the profit threshold is strictly lower than the one induced by the SM1 scheme. The policies given by our algorithm dominate SM1 by better regulating attack-withdrawals. We further evaluate the impact of some previously suggested countermeasures, and show that they are less effective than previously conjectured. We then gain insight into selfish mining in the presence of communication delays, and show that, under a model that accounts for delays, the profit threshold vanishes, and even small attackers have incentive to occasionally deviate from the protocol. We conclude with observations regarding the combined power of selfish mining and double spending attacks.
Conference Paper
The Bitcoin system only provides eventual consistency. For everyday life, the time to confirm a Bitcoin transaction is prohibitively slow. In this paper we propose a new system, built on the Bitcoin blockchain, which enables strong consistency. Our system, PeerCensus, acts as a certification authority, manages peer identities in a peer-to-peer network, and ultimately enhances Bitcoin and similar systems with strong consistency. Our extensive analysis shows that PeerCensus is in a secure state with high probability. We also show how Discoin, a Bitcoin variant that decouples block creation and transaction confirmation, can be built on top of PeerCensus, enabling real-time payments. Unlike Bitcoin, once transactions in Discoin are committed, they stay committed.
Bitcoin is the first successful decentralized global digital cash system. Usefulness of the mining process requiring a lot of computational resources to be wasted, though, remains disputable. One of possible alternatives for useful Proof-of-Work schemes, Permacoin, is using non-interactive proofs of a static dataset retrievability thus providing a mechanism to store a huge dataset being spread across miners collectively. In this paper we present a new consensus protocol for Bitcoin-like peer-to-peer systems, where the right to generate a block is given to the party which provides non-interactive proofs of retrievability for the past state snapshots. This Proof-of-Work scheme has better resistance to specialized hardware than Bitcoin and Permacoin. Unlike blockchain systems being used today, a network using the protocol of ours is safe if majority of nodes are rational in terms of storing full blocks. By using that we also show that one useful application of our protocol is the construction of a prunable blockchain system without a security loss.
Conference Paper
Bitcoin cryptocurrency demonstrated the utility of global consensus across thousands of nodes, changing the world of digital transactions forever. In the early days of Bitcoin, the performance of its probabilistic proof-of-work (PoW) based consensus fabric, also known as blockchain, was not a major issue. Bitcoin became a success story, despite its consensus latencies on the order of an hour and the theoretical peak throughput of only up to 7 transactions per second. The situation today is radically different and the poor performance scalability of early PoW blockchains no longer makes sense. Specifically, the trend of modern cryptocurrency platforms, such as Ethereum, is to support execution of arbitrary distributed applications on blockchain fabric, needing much better performance. This approach, however, makes cryptocurrency platforms step away from their original purpose and enter the domain of database-replication protocols, notably, the classical state-machine replication, and in particular its Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) variants. In this paper, we contrast PoW-based blockchains to those based on BFT state machine replication, focusing on their scalability limits. We also discuss recent proposals to overcoming these scalability limits and outline key outstanding open problems in the quest for the “ultimate” blockchain fabric(s).
Besides attracting a billion dollar economy, Bitcoin revolutionized the field of digital currencies and influenced many adjacent areas. This also induced significant scientific interest. In this survey, we unroll and structure the manyfold results and research directions. We start by introducing the Bitcoin protocol and its building blocks. From there we continue to explore the design space by discussing existing contributions and results. In the process, we deduce the fundamental structures and insights at the core of the Bitcoin protocol and its applications. As we show and discuss, many key ideas are likewise applicable in various other fields, so that their impact reaches far beyond Bitcoin itself.