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Specifying architecture of knowledge graph with data graph, information graph, knowledge graph and wisdom graph

Specifying Architecture of Knowledge Graph with
Data Graph, Information Graph, Knowledge Graph
and Wisdom Graph
Yucong Duan1
State Key Laboratory of Marine
Resource Utilization in the South China
Sea, College of Information and
Technology, Hainan University
Zhangbing Zhou4
China University of Geosciences
(Beijing), Beijing, China
Lixu Shao2*
State Key Laboratory of Marine
Resource Utilization in the South China
Sea, College of Information and
Technology, Hainan University
Quan Zou5
College of Computer Science
Tianjin University
Gongzhu Hu3
Department of Computer Science
Center Michigan University
Michigan, USA
Zhaoxin Lin6
School of business
Iowa State University, USA
AbstractKnowledge graphs have been widely adopted, in large
part owing to their schema-less nature. It enables knowledge
graphs to grow seamlessly and allows for new relationships and
entities as needed. Knowledge graph has become a powerful tool
to represent knowledge in the form of a labelled directed graph
and to give semantics to textual information. A knowledge graph
is a graph constructed by representing each item, entity and user
as nodes, and linking those nodes that interact with each other via
edges. Knowledge graph has abundant natural semantics and can
contain various and more complete information. Its expression
mechanism is close to natural language. However, we still lack a
unified definition and standard expression form of knowledge
graph. We propose to clarify the expression of knowledge graph as
a whole. We clarify the architecture of knowledge graph from data,
information, knowledge, and wisdom aspects respectively. We also
propose to specify knowledge graph in a progressive manner as
four basic forms including data graph, information graph,
knowledge graph and wisdom graph.
Keywords- knowledge graph, data, information, knowledge, wisdom
There are different kinds of discrete data in the real world we
live in. The data cannot be used if they exist only in the discrete
form. However, this is not worth worrying as we can simply
make the data meaningful by giving a specific environment. At
this point, the data can get real meaning in this specified
environment we supplied. The data are processed to be useful
and presented to us in the form of information, then we can get
a lot of fragmented expressions. For example, "Li Ming's height
is 177cm" is the information is capable of being used to answer
questions about Li Ming’s height. Obviously, getting
information is just a start. With these fragmented expressions,
that is, the conception "information" we mentioned above, we
can combine multiple information to answer more complex
questions about how to do it. By abstracting and converting the
information and the data in a given context and the application
of data and information [2], “Knowledge” shows up. At this
point, by defining the attributes and classification summary, we
can digging the information from the data, and we can
summarize knowledge from the information. Furthermore,
comprehensive knowledge of the same category can be use of
making favorable judgments, precisely predicting, and smartly
planning. Obviously, the utilization of vested knowledge is
beyond its literal meaning of the category, which is what we say,
"wisdom". In this paper, we propose to specify the architecture
of knowledge graph in four aspects including data graph,
information graph, knowledge graph and wisdom graph as well
as the practical significance of the analysis of the four
conceptions. Fig.1 shows the conversion from data to wisdom.
Data existing as discrete elements have no semantics.
Information is data after procession of conceptual mapping and
relational connection. The user access to information after
filtering the valuable information and internalized those
information into knowledge. When information is adequately
assimilated, it produces knowledge, modifies the individual’s
mental store of information and benefits his development and
that of the society in which he lives.
Data Information Knowledge Wisdom
Conceptual mapping
Relational connection
Appropriate executionInternalized
Figure 1. Conversion process from data to wisdom
In the rest of this paper, we firstly elaborate representations of
data graph, information graph, knowledge graph and wisdom
graph in Section 2, 3, 4 and 5respectively. Then we describe the
progressive relationship among data, information, knowledge
and wisdom in Section 6. The related works are elaborated in
Section 7. And we conclude our work in Section 8.
Data are the symbolic representation of observable properties
of the world. Data are obtained by observing the basic individual
items of numbers or other information, but on their own, without
context, they have no meaning. Storing of data does not change
the data itself, but it has many expression forms. As Fig.2 shows,
data can be organized in many different types of data structures,
including arrays, stacks, list links and so on. The data can be
structured, semi-structured and unstructured, relational or non-
relational. Data structures can store a great deal of data in many
different types, including numbers, strings and even other data
structures. Generally, data can be represented as many discrete
elements originally [8]. Fig. 3 shows a series of original discrete
data points and that we can use array, linked list, tree, graph as
well as the combination of these four structures to represent data
respectively. Original discrete data points have no meaning
without context. For example, the value 120 can be clinical
measurement such as heart rate and it can also indicates the
telephone number of the emergency center. Cutting them from
the specific context of situations, we cannot determine what it
means for sure. We use a collection D {d1, d2, …, di, …, dn} to
represent the data sets where di indicates a discrete element. For
example, if we input a collection of a series of discrete elements
describing risk assessment of software engineering it can be
denoted as D (risk). We cannot understand the specific meaning
of each element without context and the internal relationship of
these elements.
Being stored
Link list
Equal to
Data = Storage(Data)
Figure 2. Storage of data does not change data itself
120 blue A sara99 red 70xxx
120 blue
70 xxx Asara
99 red
tree graph
Combination of
different expressions
Raw data
red70 CC3
70 xxx
blue 99
120 blue 99
70 sara
Figure 3. Ilustration of data and data expression
Information is data that has been given meaning by way of
relational connection. This "meaning" can be useful, but does
not have to be. Items of information include elements of
information and relations between the elements of information.
The elements of information are displayed as nodes and relations
are displayed as lines on the information graph. Information
embodies the understanding of a relationship of some sort and
the essence of information phenomenon has been characterized
as the occurrence of a communication process that takes place
between the sender and the recipient of the message. The
conceptual mapping of different concepts and relationships is
called concept mapping [3]. Giving two concepts O1, O2 and
their associated sets C1 & R1 and C2 & R2, conceptual mapping
is to identify potential pairs: (c1, c2) or (r1, r2 ), where c1 C1,
c2 C2 , r1R1 and r2R2. In this way, concept c1 and
relationship r1 can each be translated into instance c2 and
instance r2 while preserving their original meaning. We define a
conceptual mapping function F acting on two concepts C1 and
C2. The similarity function is defined in two concepts C1 and
C2, and a value between 0 and 1 is calculated to indicate the
similarity between C1 and C2. The logical representation of the
concept Ci is L (Ci) where the function F is evaluated as a
similarity representation of the logical representation between
C1 and C2. The function S is used to define the logical similarity
evaluation on L (C1) and L (C2).
 
There is a need to apply the conceptual semantics of
professionals from different aspects. Correspondingly, different
semantics can be represented by independent logical statements,
and function F can be defined exactly as follows:
 
where i indicates a kind of features and its logical expression is
defined as Li. w(i) is an application collaborative function that is
applied to i (determined by the application professional) to
measure the importance of each i in evaluating the similarity of
C1 and C2. Fig. 4 illustrates that a series of raw data points can
be converted to information through conceptual mapping.
Relationships between the information obtained through
conceptual mapping are consistent with relationships between
the original concepts. On the information graph, there is a simple
combination relationship between data points. The contextual
relevance of the information is limited, and in different contexts
we can establish different classification and combination rules.
In Fig. 5 we can recognize that there are three kinds of data
including risk factors, combination type of these factors and the
corresponding probability of each combination type through
conceptual mapping. Then we can have a more complete
description of risks that can denoted as D (A, C, P) and store the
description in relational database. A indicates factors that may
lead to risk. C indicates the combination type of these factors and
P indicates the corresponding probability of each combination
type. A= {system type, developing experience, software and
hardware equipment}. C includes eight combination types of the
three factors and P includes the corresponding eight probabilities.
Raw Data
Conceptu al mapping
Infor(A)Raw Data
Conceptual mapp ing
Conceptual m apping
Conceptual m apping
Rel1 Rel2
Rel3 Rel4
Infor(A) Infor( B) Infor(C)
Rel1 Rel2
Rel3 Rel4
Figure 4. Conceptual mapping from data to information
3 years
10 years 10%
10 years Well
equipment Windows
10 years Incomplete
equipment Unix
10 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
Incomplet e
equipment Windows
Hardware and
configuration Combination type
3 years
10 years
incomplet e
Figure 5. Information graph after relational connection
Knowledge is information that is structured and organized as a
result of cognitive processing and validation. Information is a
necessary medium or material for eliciting and constructing
knowledge. Knowledge is capable of being gained by learning.
For knowledge to be passed on entails encoding knowledge into
information and decoding again into knowledge. Knowledge
and information are not the same, but have as symbiotic
relationship [9]. Knowledge may be explicit for instance written
guidelines and implicit such as people’s experience and intuition.
The purpose of knowledge is to better our lives. In the context
of risk assessment, the purpose of knowledge is to reduce the
risk rate or to avoid risks as much as possible for the enterprise
and all its stakeholders. Knowledge representation and
reasoning formalism can also expression problems to be solved
concerning facts and general knowledge represented [11]. For
instance, one may ask with what kind of languages does Mike
speaking. Answering such questions requires descriptive
knowledge but also reasoning capabilities.
A. Abstraction on Knowledge Graph
Data and information are complex, from which we extract
valuable as a knowledge. Thereby we are capable of reducing
the available information capacity. When stakeholders obtain
the description of risk they are able to screen out the valuable
information and preserve those information as knowledge. As
for the example shown in Fig.5, decision maker will choose a
program with a lower rate of risk as Fig.7 shows. Page rank
algorithm works by counting the number and quality of links to
a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the
website is. The underlying assumption is that more important
websites are likely to receive more links from other websites
[15]. We adopt the idea of Page rank algorithm to filter useless
information and retain valuable information. Relevance is
measured as the probability that retrieved resource actually
contains those relations whose existence was assumed by the
user at the time of query definition. As Fig.7 shows, we give
each raw data contained in information a certain initial weight.
Ranks of information, denoted as R(Infor), can be calculated
according to (3):
   
where A indicates concepts and Ai indicates the raw data
elements of concept A. represents the weight of element Ai.
After calculating ranks of information, we can filter out
information that does not meet users’ query definition.
Figure 6. Calculating ranks of information
equipment U nix10 years 10%
10 years Well
equipment Windows
10 years Imcomplete
equipment Unix
Hardware and
configurat ion
3 years
10 years
Figure 7. Abstracted knowledge graph after filtering useless
B. Transformation on Knowledge Graph
With knowledge stakeholders can make more correct decision.
The context of knowledge graph can be created. Knowledge
graph can provide an open knowledge access interface and to a
certain extent it reflects the real world of inter-entity relations.
The graph structure of knowledge graph in Fig. 8 is not restricted
by form. Knowledge graph can express abundant natural
semantics and can supplement related information among terms.
The graph-based nature of knowledge graph makes possible a
linkage to other graphs thus resulting in an easy integrating of
multiple kinds of information and an enhancement in integrity
of information. By exploring the graph, new connections and
commonalities between items and users can be discovered and
equipment U nix10 years 10%
10 years Well
equipment Windows
10 years Imcomplete
equipment Unix
Hardware and
configurat ion
3 years
10 years
imcomple te
10 years
have skillIn
Figure 8. Supplementing semantic terms on knowledge graph
Wisdom is an extrapolative process which includes
knowledge in an ethical and moral framework. Wisdom is the
process by which we can discern right from wrong and good
from bad. With wisdom we can judge from limited to infinity,
from known to unknown. Wisdom is the capacity to put into
action the most appropriate behavior, taking into account what
is known (knowledge) and what does the most good (ethical and
social considerations). Many informed people know what to do,
quite a few knowledgeable experts know how to do it, but only
a few wise persons know and can fully explicate why it should
be done. In line with these ideas the following metaphor applies
in Fig. 9, data: “know-who/when/where”, information: “know-
what”, knowledge: “know-how” and wisdom: “know-why”.
Wisdom as the ultimate unit of cognition is the result of
hierarchical processing of data, information, concept, and
knowledge. Knowledge is “knowing how” to do something,
wisdom is “knowing why, what and how” to do something.
Wisdom also extends to the application of knowledge in action.
A simplistic representation of the relationship between wisdom
and knowledge is captured in the following expression:
Wisdom=Knowledge + Ethics + Action. In Table 1 we take the
whole process of risk analysis of software engineering as an
example, and list the relations of data, information, knowledge
and wisdom in the process of risk analysis. At the initial stage of
the risk assessment, we collected some data about risk
assessment, which can be stored in arrays, stacks, lists, and so
on. Based on the data we collect, we can get descriptive
information about risk through conceptual mapping and
relational connection. And then according to the concept of
classification we store information in the relational database.
Identify applicable sponsor/s here. (sponsors)
Stakeholders can make a favorable decision after gaining this
risk description, and ultimately wisdom can help stakeholders
make future planning and forecasting.
equipment U nix10 years 10%
10 years Well
equipment Win dows
10 years Imcomplete
equipment Unix
Hardware and
configurat ion
3 years
10 years
10 years
have skillIn select
Figure 9. Using wisdom graph to predict unknown elements
Semantic load
Input of risk
Array, list link,
stack, queue, tree,
Risk description
Understanding the
description and
make decision
Nodes and edges
with semantic
(understand why)
the ability to use
results of the
analysis in the
right way
(frame or stylish
In Fig. 10, we show the progressive relationship between
data, information, knowledge, and wisdom through a pyramid
form. Data is one of the primary forms of information. It
basically includes recordings of transactions or events that will
be used for exchange between human or even with the machine.
Thus, unless the user understands the context in which the data
is collected, the data does not make sense. A word, a number or
a symbol can be used to describe a business result. It is the
context that gives data meaning, and this meaning makes data
informative. Information extends the concept of data in a broader
context. Therefore, information includes data but it also includes
all the information that a person associates as a member of a
social organization in a given physical environment. Information
like data is passed by symbol. These symbols have complex
structures and rules. Information has various forms, such as
writings, statements, statistics, charts or diagrams. When an
individual accepts and retains information as a true
understanding of reality and an effective explanation of reality,
the information becomes personal knowledge. On the contrary,
the organization or social knowledge exists when it is accepted
by the consensus of a group of people. Common knowledge does
not need to be shared by all members, and in fact it is accepted
by a group of insiders that can be considered a sufficient
condition. This is also the "public domain" knowledge of the real
[10]. Knowledge is a step further on the scale. It involves
understanding and ability to make use of the data and
information to answer questions, to solve problems, to make
decisions and so on. As the human mind uses this knowledge to
choose between alternatives, behavior becomes wise. Finally,
when values and commitment guide intelligent behavior,
behavior may be said to be based on wisdom. The level of
wisdom includes all the required components such as data,
information, and knowledge to make wise decisions.
Data graph
Who/when/w here
Figure 10. Relationships among data, information, knowledge
and wisdom
Knowledge representation is a critical topic in AI, and currently
embedding as a key branch of knowledge representation takes
the numerical form of entities and relations to joint the statistical
models. However, most embedding methods merely concentrate
on the triple fitting and ignore the explicit semantic expression,
leading to an uninterpretable representation form [12, 13].
Traditional embedding methods do not only degrade the
performance, but also restrict many potential applications. In [7]
the authors proposed a semantic representation method for
knowledge graph, which imposes a two-level hierarchical
generative process that globally extracts many aspects and then
locally assigns a specific category in each aspect for every triple.
Because both the aspects and categories are semantics-relevant,
the collection of categories in each aspect is treated as the
semantic representation of this triple. In [14] the authors
proposed to represent knowledge in logical, philosophical, and
computational foundations.
Knowledge graph has been widely adopted these years, but
the expression of knowledge graph is usually limited to the form
of triples. We are increasingly aware of the semantic functions
of knowledge graph. In this paper, we elaborate the relationships
among data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, with the aim
of clarifying the expression of knowledge graph from the four
levels data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. And we
propose to specify the architecture of knowledge graph in the
four aspects of "data graph, information graph, knowledge graph
and wisdom graph". For users with complex information needs,
they can be allowed to express their needs by proposing natural
language questions. We can use the data graph to answer
questions asked by "Who / When / Where". Data are
meaningless in the absence of a given context. Information is a
combination of discrete data that gives an answer to the question
directed by "what". Knowledge is an effective combination of
abstracted and transformational information and capable to
answer questions guided by “what”. Wisdom is the ability to
criticize or act in a given situation. Wisdom can provide the
answer to "why" questions. Our work lays the foundation for a
survey from data to wisdom. In the next stage, we will deal with
data, information, knowledge and wisdom on the same
background and different backgrounds of the 5Ws problem and
explore more accurate expression of knowledge graph.
This paper is supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant (No.61363007, No.61662021
and No. 61661019). * refers to the corresponding author.
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... In the network model, the data graph [83][84][85][86][87][88][89] serves not only as the starting point for information processing but also as the outcome of feedback adjustments involving knowledge, wisdom, or purpose. The data graph DG utilizes transformation functions T ID , T KD , T WD , T PD to receive inputs from information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose, facilitating dynamic updates and adjustments [87] . ...
... The information graph [83][84][85][86][87][88][89] ...
... The knowledge graph [83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93] is represented as KG = (V K , E K ), where V K denotes the set of knowledge nodes and E K denotes the relationships between knowledge nodes. The knowledge graph integrates information formation, while also influencing the interpretation of data, the generation of information, and the application of wisdom [94] . ...
... Despite significant advancements in the fields of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) research and applications [1], the processing details of existing AI systems remain opaque, potentially introducing unforeseen risks [2]. To construct an explainable, trustworthy, responsible, and consistently acting AI system, termed Artificial Consciousness (AC), we integrate the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) concept [5] [6] with the world's first semantic-mathematical definition of consciousness relativity [4] to propose a definition based on AC-related implementations. Furthermore, within the DIKWP architecture, we have defined the DIKWP language in the DIKWP runtime environment and attempted to overcome the programming complexities associated with implementing DIKWP transformations in traditional computer architectures, thereby laying the groundwork for building a DIKWP hardwaresoftware ecosystem. ...
... If an AC system needs to be constructed, we need to ensure interpretability in implementation and operation, otherwise the AC system will lack interpretability of the processing. 2) Failing to represent semantic variations: In the processing of DIKWP model, interactions and conversion between content and cognition have been demonstrated in previous studies [5] [23]. However, they have not adequately reflected the mapping and representation of the processing process to semantics. ...
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Patient-Centric Knowledge Graphs (PCKGs) represent an important shift in healthcare that focuses on individualized patient care by mapping the patient’s health information holistically and multi-dimensionally. PCKGs integrate various types of health data to provide healthcare professionals with a comprehensive understanding of a patient’s health, enabling more personalized and effective care. This literature review explores the methodologies, challenges, and opportunities associated with PCKGs, focusing on their role in integrating disparate healthcare data and enhancing patient care through a unified health perspective. In addition, this review also discusses the complexities of PCKG development, including ontology design, data integration techniques, knowledge extraction, and structured representation of knowledge. It highlights advanced techniques such as reasoning, semantic search, and inference mechanisms essential in constructing and evaluating PCKGs for actionable healthcare insights. We further explore the practical applications of PCKGs in personalized medicine, emphasizing their significance in improving disease prediction and formulating effective treatment plans. Overall, this review provides a foundational perspective on the current state-of-the-art and best practices of PCKGs, guiding future research and applications in this dynamic field.
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Knowledge representation is a critical topic in AI, and currently embedding as a key branch of knowledge representation takes the numerical form of entities and relations to joint the statistical models. However, most embedding methods merely concentrate on the triple fitting and ignore the explicit semantic expression, leading to an uninterpretable representation form. Thus, traditional embedding methods do not only degrade the performance, but also restrict many potential applications. For this end, this paper proposes a semantic representation method for knowledge graph \textbf{(KSR)}, which imposes a two-level hierarchical generative process that globally extracts many aspects and then locally assigns a specific category in each aspect for every triple. Because both the aspects and categories are semantics-relevant, the collection of categories in each aspect is treated as the semantic representation of this triple. Extensive experiments justify our model outperforms other state-of-the-art baselines in a substantial extent.
Conference Paper
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Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are a widely used formalism for representing knowledge in the Web of Data. We focus on the problem of link prediction, i.e. predicting missing links in large knowledge graphs, so to discover new facts about the world. Representation learning models that embed entities and relation types in continuous vector spaces recently were used to achieve new state-of-the-art link prediction results. A limiting factor in these models is that the process of learning the optimal embedding vectors can be really time-consuming, and might even require days of computations for large KGs. In this work, we propose a principled method for sensibly reducing the learning time, while converging to more accurate link prediction models. Furthermore, we employ the proposed method for training and evaluating a set of novel and scalable models. Our extensive evaluations show significant improvements over state-of-the-art link prediction methods on several datasets.
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Meaningfully automating sociotechnical business collaboration promises efficiency-, effectiveness-, and quality increases for realizing next-generation decentralized autonomous organizations. For automating business-process aware cross-organizational operations, the development of existing choreography languages is technology driven and focuses less on sociotechnical suitability and expressiveness concepts and properties that recognize the interaction between people in organizations and technology in workplaces. This gap our suitability-and expressiveness exploration fills by means of a cross-organizational collaboration ontology that we map as a proof-of-concept evaluation to the eSourcing Markup Language (eSML). The latter we test in a feasibility case study to meaningfully support the automation of business collaboration. The developed eSourcing ontology and eSML is replicable for exploring strengths and weaknesses of other choreography languages.
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This paper contributes to the understanding of how data presentation formats may affect decision-making. We report on two experiments, one using verbal protocols and one including eye tracking as methods for data collection. Compared to previous studies, our experiments were characterised by complex tasks with a requirement for accuracy (problem tasks) and by allowing our subjects to use decision aids. We found that decision-makers used both verbal and perceptual processes to handle the task. Furthermore, we found that the subjects needed both tables and graphs to support their decision-processes. The tables facilitated the subjects' calculations, while the graphs gave overviews when studying the trends in the development of the solutions.
Path queries on a knowledge graph can be used to answer compositional questions such as "What languages are spoken by people living in Lisbon?". However, knowledge graphs often have missing facts (edges) which disrupts path queries. Recent models for knowledge base completion impute missing facts by embedding knowledge graphs in vector spaces. We show that these models can be recursively applied to answer path queries, but that they suffer from cascading errors. This motivates a new "compositional" training objective, which dramatically improves all models' ability to answer path queries, in some cases more than doubling accuracy. On a standard knowledge base completion task, we also demonstrate that compositional training acts as a novel form of structural regularization, reliably improving performance across all base models (reducing errors by up to 43%) and achieving new state-of-the-art results.
This book studies a graph-based knowledge representation and reasoning formalism stemming from conceptual graphs, with a substantial focus on the computational properties. Knowledge can be symbolically represented in many ways, and the authors have chosen labeled graphs for their modeling and computational qualities. Key features of the formalism presented can be summarized as follows: • all kinds of knowledge (ontology, facts, rules, constraints) are labeled graphs, which provide an intuitive and easily understandable means to represent knowledge, • reasoning mechanisms are based on graph-theoretic operations and this allows, in particular, for linking the basic problem to other fundamental problems in computer science (e.g. constraint networks, conjunctive queries in databases), • it is logically founded, i.e. it has a logical semantics and the graph inference mechanisms are sound and complete, • there are efficient reasoning algorithms, thus knowledge-based systems can be built to solve real problems. In a nutshell, the authors have attempted to answer, the following question: ``how far is it possible to go in knowledge representation and reasoning by representing knowledge with graphs and reasoning with graph operations?''
This research evaluates intelligent interface requirements for knowledge presentation in an expert system used for diagnostic problem solving. In a field study, interactions between employee expertise, knowledge presentation format (procedural vs. declarative), question type (requiring abstract vs. concrete knowledge organization), and task uncertainty are examined for employee problem-solving and decision-making performance (speed and accuracy). Also evaluated are confidence in system recommendations and lines-of-reasoning, as well as user satisfaction with the system interface. The study provides findings that are discussed within the context of intelligent interface requirements for organizational information systems. The results show that high-skill users perform significantly faster and more accurately when solving the problems and have self-reported confidence ratings that are higher than those of low-skill users. The expert system, however, has a greater impact on improving performance for low-skill users than for high-skill users. A relationship is found between skill level and task uncertainty indicating that different skill-level users require different presentation formats paralleling their conceptual representations of the problem. The interaction between skill level and knowledge organization is confirmed with results showing that low-skill users perform faster than high-skill users on questions requiring concrete knowledge organization; whereas high-skill users perform better when presented with questions requiring abstract knowledge organization.