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The establishment of interdisciplinary Master’s and PhD programs in sustainability science is opening up an exciting arena filled with opportunities for early-career scholars to address pressing sustainability challenges. However, embarking upon an interdisciplinary endeavor as an early-career scholar poses a unique set of challenges: to develop an individual scientific identity and a strong and specific methodological skill-set, while at the same time gaining the ability to understand and communicate between different epistemologies. Here, we explore the challenges and opportunities that emerge from a new kind of interdisciplinary journey, which we describe as ‘undisciplinary.’ Undisciplinary describes (1) the space or condition of early-career researchers with early interdisciplinary backgrounds, (2) the process of the journey, and (3) the orientation which aids scholars to address the complex nature of today’s sustainability challenges. The undisciplinary journey is an iterative and reflexive process of balancing methodological groundedness and epistemological agility to engage in rigorous sustainability science. The paper draws upon insights from a collective journey of broad discussion, reflection, and learning, including a survey on educational backgrounds of different generations of sustainability scholars, participatory forum theater, and a panel discussion at the Resilience 2014 conference (Montpellier, France). Based on the results from this diversity of methods, we suggest that there is now a new and distinct generation of sustainability scholars that start their careers with interdisciplinary training, as opposed to only engaging in interdisciplinary research once strong disciplinary foundations have been built. We further identify methodological groundedness and epistemological agility as guiding competencies to become capable sustainability scientists and discuss the implications of an undisciplinary journey in the current institutional context of universities and research centers. In this paper, we propose a simple framework to help early-career sustainability scholars and well-established scientists successfully navigate what can sometimes be an uncomfortable space in education and research, with the ultimate aim of producing and engaging in rigorous and impactful sustainability science.
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The undisciplinary journey: early-career perspectives
in sustainability science
L. Jamila Haider
Jonas Hentati-Sundberg
Matteo Giusti
Julie Goodness
Maike Hamann
Vanessa A. Masterson
Megan Meacham
Andrew Merrie
Daniel Ospina
Caroline Schill
Hanna Sinare
Received: 17 November 2016 / Accepted: 6 June 2017 / Published online: 21 June 2017
The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication
Abstract The establishment of interdisciplinary Master’s
and PhD programs in sustainability science is opening up
an exciting arena filled with opportunities for early-career
scholars to address pressing sustainability challenges.
However, embarking upon an interdisciplinary endeavor as
an early-career scholar poses a unique set of challenges: to
develop an individual scientific identity and a strong and
specific methodological skill-set, while at the same time
gaining the ability to understand and communicate between
different epistemologies. Here, we explore the challenges
and opportunities that emerge from a new kind of inter-
disciplinary journey, which we describe as ‘undisci-
plinary.’ Undisciplinary describes (1) the space or
condition of early-career researchers with early interdisci-
plinary backgrounds, (2) the process of the journey, and (3)
the orientation which aids scholars to address the complex
nature of today’s sustainability challenges. The undisci-
plinary journey is an iterative and reflexive process of
balancing methodological groundedness and epistemolog-
ical agility to engage in rigorous sustainability science. The
paper draws upon insights from a collective journey of
broad discussion, reflection, and learning, including a sur-
vey on educational backgrounds of different generations of
sustainability scholars, participatory forum theater, and a
panel discussion at the Resilience 2014 conference
(Montpellier, France). Based on the results from this
diversity of methods, we suggest that there is now a new
and distinct generation of sustainability scholars that start
their careers with interdisciplinary training, as opposed to
only engaging in interdisciplinary research once strong
disciplinary foundations have been built. We further
identify methodological groundedness and epistemological
agility as guiding competencies to become capable sus-
tainability scientists and discuss the implications of an
undisciplinary journey in the current institutional context
of universities and research centers. In this paper, we
propose a simple framework to help early-career sustain-
ability scholars and well-established scientists successfully
navigate what can sometimes be an uncomfortable space in
education and research, with the ultimate aim of producing
and engaging in rigorous and impactful sustainability
Keywords Interdisciplinary Education Sustainability
science Undisciplinary Methodological groundedness
Epistemological agility
The future well-being of people and our shared Earth
depend on understanding the interconnectedness of nature
and society, and guiding these relationships along more
sustainable pathways (Kates et al. 2001; Komiyama and
Takeuchi 2006; Leach et al. 2010; Folke et al. 2016).
Handled by Jordi Segalas, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s11625-017-0445-1) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
&L. Jamila Haider
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University,
Stockholm, Sweden
Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, Stellenbosch
University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, The Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden
Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Consequently, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to
problem-driven and solutions-oriented research have
gained considerable traction over the past few decades,
clearly reflected in the development of the field of sus-
tainability science (Kates et al. 2001; Carpenter et al. 2009;
Lang et al. 2012; Brandt et al. 2013; Pereira et al. 2015;
Ruppert-Winkel et al. 2015).
Sustainability science is described as a field of research
that brings together scholarship, policy and practice, global
and local perspectives from the North and South, as well as
disciplines across the natural and social sciences, human-
ities, engineering, and medicine (Clark and Dickson 2003).
Miller et al. (2014) demonstrate that sustainability science
has made progress in the past decade toward deepening our
understanding of sustainability-related problems and chal-
lenges, even though large gaps remain in impact on actual
sustainability transitions. While it remains unclear whether
sustainability science is indeed (yet) an established scien-
tific discipline, it is broadly recognized that a science of
sustainability requires collaboration between disciplines
and across theory, practice, and policy (Bettencourt and
Kaur 2011). Bettencourt and Kaur (2011, p. 19540) state
that ‘there is arguably no example in the history of science
of a field that from its beginnings could span such distinct
dimensions and achieve at once ambitious and urgent goals
of transdisciplinary scientific rigor and tangible socioeco-
nomic impact.’ To be trained as a sustainability scientist
then requires new ways of engaging with each other, with
the world around us, and of reflection within our own
scientific processes.
Until recently, the path from disciplinary work to mul-
tidisciplinary coordination, and ultimately to inter- and
transdisciplinary endeavors (definitions in Table 1) has
often been explored by scholars firmly grounded in a
discipline, by stepping out of their comfort zones to tackle
issues that sit between disciplinary boundaries. This was
the case of pioneering researchers in sustainability science
and its intellectual predecessors, who often had strong roots
within their disciplines, or were already established
scholars, but pushed the boundaries of accepted paradigms
and operated in an interdisciplinary way (e.g., as described
by Folke 2006).
Consequently, sustainability science has multiple ori-
gins, which resulted in the development of various sub-
fields over the past decades; these are characterized by
different research foci, questions, vocabularies, method-
ologies, epistemologies, or even worldviews (de Vries
2013). For example, the ‘pathways to sustainability’
approach (Leach et al. 2010) and ‘resilience thinking’
(Folke et al. 2010,2016) are both subfields in sustainability
science with a systems perspective and an emphasis on
complex human–environment interactions and notions of
adaptive learning and diversity. However, their distinct
origins lead to ontological and epistemological differences,
which manifest themselves in different problem definitions
and prescriptions of actions (West et al. 2014). With its
roots in development, as well as science and technology
studies, the pathways to sustainability approach tends to
have human well-being and just governance as starting
points from which environmental sustainability can be
pursued. Resilience thinking on the other hand, with its
roots in ecology (Holling 1973), is shaped by a worldview
in which the biosphere is the foundation for all other
interactions on Earth (Folke et al. 2016). As a group of
authors, we identify ourselves more so with the latter, and
by our curiosity to understand how social-ecological
interconnections lead to emergent phenomena in complex
systems. The framework of complex adaptive systems
(Levin 1998) and concepts of resilience, adaptation, and
transformation (Folke et al. 2016) are some of the theo-
retical underpinnings of our position in the broader field of
sustainability science.
The pioneering spirit of ecological and economic
scholars in the 1980s (Kates et al. 2001) has enabled an
upcoming generation of sustainability scholars. Many
early-career sustainability researchers focus on interdisci-
plinary issues from early on in their academic careers
(often obtaining interdisciplinary Bachelor’s, Master’s, and
PhD degrees), without necessarily developing the same
strong disciplinary roots upon which previous generations
of sustainability scholars built their work. This circum-
stance is made possible by the multitude of interdisci-
plinary undergraduate and graduate programs in
sustainability science that have been established in recent
years (see Supplementary Materials 1). We note, however,
that there is still significant resistance to this profile in the
academic community, both in principle—due to concerns
Table 1 Definitions of different types of mixed-disciplinary research
Mixed discipline
Multidisciplinarity Multidisciplinarity is thematically organized
rather than problem-oriented. Disciplinary
boundaries are generally not crossed, but
rather different disciplines are considered in
parallel (Stock and Burton 2011)
Interdisciplinarity Interdisciplinarity integrates perspectives,
information, data, techniques, tools, concepts,
and/or theories from two or more disciplines
(Cronin 2008)
Transdisciplinarity A process of collaboration between scholars and
non-scholars on a specific real-world problem
(Walter et al. 2007)
Undisciplinarity Problem-based, integrative, interactive,
emergent, reflexive science, which involves
strong forms of collaboration and partnership
(Robinson 2008)
192 Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204
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about competency, quality, and standards of what it means
to be a sustainability scholar—and in practice—due to the
relatively rigid institutional structure of most universities
and their employment criteria, performance metrics, and
incentive systems (Robinson 2008; Whitmer et al. 2010;
Brown et al. 2015; Turner et al. 2015). There is evidence
and concern that students starting on interdisciplinary
career tracks have more difficulty in finding jobs within
academia and publish less than students graduating in tra-
ditional, disciplinary subject areas (Rhoten and Parker
2004; Leahey et al. 2012).
Given these challenges, as early-career sustainability
scholars, we face a tension that arises from our common
motivation to articulate, conceptualize, and address com-
plex human–environment problems, often broad in nature,
while at the same time ensuring that we develop a suffi-
ciently specialized skill-set to contribute meaningfully
toward knowledge generation, or even to articulate solu-
tions to complex societal issues. We have summarized this
dilemma in the following way:
How can we, as graduate students and future
researchers, perform high-quality research and build
identity in the field of sustainability science, when
starting as interdisciplinary individuals without pro-
found roots in a discipline, and working within a
world dominated by established disciplines?
This dilemma recognizes the early-stage interdisci-
plinary training that we observe as a new feature of our
academic generation. We find that, increasingly, PhD stu-
dents like us are no longer ecologists, economists, or
sociologists working together in an interdisciplinary team,
but rather that we are interdisciplinary individuals engag-
ing with disciplines, or even that from our interdisciplinary
training we engage with others with a similar interdisci-
plinary background, collaborating in an effort to create
inter- and transdisciplinary science, and essentially prac-
ticing what we refer to here as ‘undisciplinary science’
(Robinson 2008). Robinson (2008) outlines undisciplinary
science as problem-based, integrative, interactive and
emergent, reflexive and involving strong forms of collab-
oration and partnership. This definition is focused largely
on transdisciplinary science involving participation of
academic and non-academic actors (Table 1). While many
sustainability scholars engage in such transdisciplinary
work, in this paper we are concerned primarily with the
generation of knowledge at the intersection of existing
disciplines within academia. In this study, we build upon
Robinson’s definition and explore the undisciplinary jour-
ney as a descriptive feature of the space or condition at the
beginning of a research career with interdisciplinary
training/education, as well as a suggested prescription for
how to navigate the process toward developing a
foundation for rigorous interdisciplinary sustainability
science. Through a reflexive process, an undisciplinary
orientation may be developed, guiding one’s approach to
sustainability science endeavors. These three phases are
what we refer to as the ‘undisciplinary journey,’ which we
explore in this paper using three distinct methods: a survey
on educational backgrounds of different generations of
scientists, participatory forum theater, and a panel discus-
sion at the Resilience 2014 conference (held in Montpel-
lier, France).
Through these combined activities, we explore what it
means to practice sustainability science in an undisci-
plinary space at an early stage of our careers, and address
the following key points:
1. What does undisciplinary mean (to us/others)?
2. What challenges and opportunities come with doing
‘undisciplinary’ research?
3. How do we address these challenges and take advan-
tage of these opportunities within our current institu-
tional structures?
As a group of young scholars at a sustainability science
institution, the authors of this paper feel well situated to
reflect on the formal and informal dimensions of this pro-
cess. We hope that the lessons we have learned will be of
use to other early-career scholars faced with similar
opportunities and challenges.
Methodological approach
In order to explore what it means to be a generation of
early-career sustainability scholars facing new challenges
and the particular dilemma outlined in the introduction, we
embarked upon three phases of inquiry designed to take
advantage of the Resilience 2014 conference in Montpel-
lier, France—a major international event in the field of
sustainability science that is held every three years. Resi-
lience thinking is a subfield of sustainability science (Folke
et al. 2016), which acknowledges the complex interlink-
ages and dependencies between social, economic, and
ecological systems, at multiple scales (Folke et al. 2002;
Folke 2006; Xu et al. 2015), and is increasingly becoming
an integral part of practice, policy, and theory (Folke et al.
2016). The conference was an ideal sampling space since
the participants of this conference captured a broad spec-
trum of sustainability scholars within the broader resilience
research and practice network/community, from different
backgrounds and levels of experience. The three steps in
our inquiry were: (1) a survey within the broader resilience
science community; (2) participatory forum theater, first in
an exploratory workshop within the PhD student cohort at
our institution and then at an open conference session, and
Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204 193
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(3) an expert panel discussion. The latter two steps took
place at the Resilience 2014 conference in a special session
called ‘Students’ perspectives on sustainability science
research—are we moving towards undisciplinarity?’
A survey of interdisciplinarity in sustainability
We developed an online survey to explore the (inter)dis-
ciplinary backgrounds of sustainability scientists in the
broader network of resilience research and practice, and
how these vary across different generations of researchers.
We sent out the survey link to the e-mail list of all Resi-
lience 2014 conference participants (over 800 in total), as
well as different social media platforms (Twitter, Face-
book, resilience focused blogs such as Resilience Science,
and the Resilience Alliance newsletter), prior to the con-
ference. We received a total of 385 replies between April 9
and 30, 2014, of which we included 325 in our analyses, as
we were only interested in respondents who had already
obtained a PhD degree or who were PhD candidates at the
time of responding to the survey.
To be able to categorize conference participants, the
survey recorded the year in which each participant obtained
or expected to obtain her/his PhD degree (\1990,
1990–1999, 2000–2009, 2010–2014, [2015), as well as
participants’ organizational affiliations and positions. The
core of the survey included the following questions on
disciplinary background and current work:
1. Which of the following options most closely resembles
the title of your undergraduate degree (Bachelor or
similar), as stated in the diploma?
2. Which of the following options most closely resembles
the title of your Master’s degree (MSc/MA or similar),
as stated in the diploma?
3. Which of the following options most closely resembles
the title of your PhD degree, as (will be) stated in the
4. Which of the following options best describes your
current research area?
For each of these questions, the respondents were asked
to choose one option from a list of 27 disciplines (classified
in the categories of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences,
Humanities, Mathematics/Statistics, and Applied Sciences/
Professions—following a conventional faculty structure) or
Interdisciplinary Sciences/Studies. We also provided an
open option for participants to answer in their own words.
The list of all the disciplines is provided in Supplementary
Material 2. This survey was intended to give us a sense of
the decadal change in formal training/education back-
grounds of the researchers in the broader resilience
research and practice network.
Exploring the dilemma of undisciplinary science
through forum theater
Forum theater has been applied in a variety of contexts to
assist people in finding solutions to a wide range of chal-
lenges (Brett-MacLean et al. 2012). As its name suggests,
at the core of this methodology is the development and
presentation of a piece of theater, aimed at communicating
a topic, idea, or situation, which is characterized by conflict
or complexity. Forum theater is used to break down the
traditional barrier between actors and audience members,
encouraging the latter to become ‘spect-actors’ who can
replace actors at points of frustration in the story, to insert
their own actions and thus determine the course of the play
toward a more favorable outcome (Sullivan and Lloyd
2006; Kumagai et al. 2007). We chose this method because
of its ability to clearly and coherently illustrate a tangible
dilemma in a neutral space, allowing for an interactive
learning process to take place between the audience
members and performers.
We applied the forum theater method in two steps. First, we
had an internal exploratory workshop at our home institution
to draw out and distill the challenges that we as PhD students
face in an interdisciplinary PhD program (for details see
Supplementary Material 3). The challenges identified were:
1. Breadth vs. depth in scientific knowledge—how do we
ensure the broad and diverse knowledge needed for
sustainability science while building and maintaining
in-depth disciplinary knowledge and practice?
2. Identity as a scientist—if we do not see ourselves as
‘ecologists’ or ‘economists’ or otherwise belonging to
some discipline, who are we?
3. Institutional structures—how can we pursue an inter-
disciplinary career within today’s university structures
and professional reward systems?
Based on this first internal round of forum theater, we
developed a script of a fictitious and deliberately exag-
gerated situation (see Supplementary Material 3) that
explored a character struggling to come to terms with these
challenges. This scripted play was then performed as a
piece of forum theater during the session at the Resilience
2014 conference, in front of an audience of about 150
people that included a wide array of attendees, from PhD
students to senior scientists. The audience participated in
the theater by giving suggestions to the characters on how
to respond to these challenges, which were then acted out.
Thus, the forum theater exercises helped us to evaluate
not only our own experiences as PhD students (in the first,
internal round), but also allowed us to clarify and illustrate
the opportunities and challenges we face to a broad and
diverse audience, as well as assess the reactions and
interventions of the audience (in the second, public round).
194 Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204
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The three challenges identified in the internal forum theater
helped us elicit questions to focus on for the panel dis-
cussion that followed.
Panel discussion on opportunities and challenges
of the undisciplinary journey
In a final step, we built on the insights gained from the
survey, as well as the internal theater workshop and public
forum theater session, to facilitate a deeper discussion with
four invited experts in the field of sustainability science.
Immediately after the forum theater session, we held a
panel discussion. Our motivation for including those par-
ticular individuals is summarized in Table 2. The panel
was focused on ‘the undisciplinary dilemma’ (as stated in
the introduction), inter- and transdisciplinary research
methodologies, and teaching and educational program
We analyzed the data of the panel discussion based on
inductively emergent themes (Boyatzis 1998), following
the precepts of grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin 1998).
Specifically, members of the author team identified aspects
of the panel discussion transcript to answer the question:
‘What are tools or concepts that can help us best navigate
the undisciplinary journey on which we find ourselves?’
The emergent themes were validated through a process of
thematic consensus building between all the authors (Hu-
berman and Miles 2002).
The undisciplinary journey as a new phenomenon
The results from our exploratory survey suggest that in the
current generation of sustainability science PhD students
within the broader resilience research and practice network
(i.e., those who had not yet obtained their degree at the
time of the survey), there is a higher proportion of indi-
viduals who have an interdisciplinary academic back-
ground (at Master’s level) than in respondents who have
already obtained their PhDs. Figure 1a shows how Inter-
disciplinary Sciences/Studies and Applied Sciences/Pro-
fessions dominate over Social and Natural Science
Master’s degrees for this group. Similarly, the proportion
of Interdisciplinary Sciences/Studies PhD programs is the
highest for PhD students who expect to obtain their degrees
in 2015 or later (at the time of survey, administered in
April 2014) (Fig. 1b).
Interestingly, though these PhD students described their
degrees as interdisciplinary, a smaller proportion described
their current research as interdisciplinary compared to
older generations (Fig. 1c). One possible explanation for
these results might be that today’s established sustainabil-
ity scholars, who started with a more disciplinary back-
ground, are more willing to identify themselves as
interdisciplinary, while an increasing fraction of the early-
career researchers feel the need to describe their own work
Table 2 List of panelists in the panel discussion, their relevant experience, and the questions they were asked
Panelist Area of expertise Questions asked
Joern Fischer, Leuphana
University Lu
Experience with interdisciplinary activities and research
programs in the context of landscape sustainability.
E.g., Fischer et al. (2012,2014)
Host of Ideas 4 Sustainability blog: https://
We have heard that you are starting a new
interdisciplinary research program and that you are in
the process of recruiting new PhD students and
Postdocs. What are the skills and competences you are
looking for in that recruitment process?
Joan David Ta
Autonomous University
of Barcelona, Spain
Experience in sustainability knowledge integration and
learning, as well as reframing of research, education
and policy for sustainability.
E.g., Ta
`bara (2013a,b); Ta
`bara and Chabay (2013)
What is your personal survival kit for working towards
knowledge integration?
Tracy Van Holt, East
Carolina University,
Holds an interdisciplinary degree, with extensive
experience in interdisciplinary scientific methodologies
used in sustainability science.
E.g., Van Holt et al. (2016); Brondizio and Van Holt
Regarding all the opportunities and challenges we face
as interdisciplinary researchers, in your opinion, what
are the kinds of competences we should develop? And
how can we ‘market’ those better?
Frances Westley,
University of Waterloo,
Experience in interdisciplinary research collaboration as
well as having led and designed novel curricula for
interdisciplinary programs at the University of
E.g., Westley et al. (2011); Westley and Antadze (2010)
Do you foresee any favorable changes in the near future
regarding the institutional structure of universities, and
research in general, becoming more favorable for
interdisciplinary researchers to build a career?
Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204 195
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as clearly demarcated within a discipline. An alternative
explanation is that senior and junior scholars perceive
disciplines differently, where more junior scholars may
consider sustainability science as a discipline, while senior
scientists see it as interdisciplinary.
Forum theater and panel discussion outcomes
The forum theater at the conference session prompted
active audience engagement. When the protagonist strug-
gled with her ‘dilemma (Fig. 2, and see introduction),
audience members stepped in to provide suggestions on
how she might navigate this uncomfortable space/situation
(in which a more disciplinary scientist questioned her
professional identity), how to balance breadth and depth in
her research, and how to develop a niche in an interdisci-
plinary world (see script and link to video in Supplemen-
tary Material 3). The audience input was creative and
helpful, but did not provide easy solutions.
The theater performance set the stage for the panel
discussion, in which three competency streams emerged as
being critical to successfully navigate the ‘undisciplinary
journey’: (1) the need for a deep grounding in methodol-
ogy; (2) the importance of being aware of and able to
navigate ontological and epistemological differences
(‘epistemological agility’); (3) the ability to strategically
navigate existing institutional spaces and structures.
Following the analysis of the panel discussion, we
highlight two guiding competencies: ‘methodological
groundedness’ and ‘epistemological agility’. The need to
identify and develop core competencies in sustainability
science is becoming increasingly recognized (Barth et al.
2007; Wiek et al. 2011). The process to develop these
competencies takes place both through formal learning
(through institutional support and pedagogical structure),
Master's degree
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
PhD degree
Year of PhD graduation
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Current research
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Applied sciences or professions
Mathematics or Statistics
Interdisciplinary sciencies
Fig. 1 Results from survey exploring research backgrounds of
Resilience 2014 conference participants. Number of respondents:
before 1990: 32; 1990–1999: 32; 2000–2009: 56; 2010–2014: 93;
after 2015: 111. The list of options for the online survey is found in
Supplementary Material 2
Fig. 2 Artistic rendition of the sustainability science PhD student
(right) attempting to explain her ‘background’ to the more disci-
plinary ‘Nanotech science’ PhD student (left) who questioned her
professional identity. Audience suggestions included: ‘don’t over
share, explain your research question, and stand your ground with
confidence.’ The video of the forum theater performance can be seen
at (Drawing by
Johanna Yletyinen)
196 Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204
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as well as informal mechanisms (through peer engagement
and students’ self-responsibility) (Barth et al. 2007).
Methodological groundedness can be defined as the deep
understanding and skillful handling of at least one specific
methodological approach for data gathering, modeling,
and/or analysis that is relevant to some area of sustain-
ability science, but ideally is applicable to a range of areas.
Based on the panelists’ input, we define epistemological
agility as an understanding of different ontological and
epistemological standpoints and views across multiple
disciplines, enabling better communication and collabora-
tion with different researchers, and facilitating open inter-
disciplinary practice for individuals and within research
teams. In other words, this includes a self-reflexiveness to
not only work with other disciplines, but also to work
within them. This goes beyond epistemological awareness
to emphasize an individual’s ability to use alternative
epistemological lenses. Such agility necessarily empha-
sizes and places a high value on the humility and openness
that should characterize engagement across epistemologies.
Balancing methodological groundedness and epistemolog-
ical agility can form a basis for rigorous sustainability
science (Fig. 3).
These two guiding competences characterize the well-
known ‘breadth’ vs. ‘depth’ struggle in science (Schwartz
et al. 2008). Figure 3illustrates how methodological
groundedness and epistemological agility relate, and that
there may be different ways to navigate this journey in the
quest to achieve rigorous science, as an early-career scholar
with interdisciplinary training.
In Fig. 3, the lower left quadrant (a) is what one of the
panelists referred to as conceptual la–la-land (Table 3)
where jargon and concepts can hijack early-career scholars’
attention if they have not been able to build competency in
epistemological agility and methodological groundedness.
The upper left quadrant (b) is what we refer to as disciplinary
immersion, where methodological skills are high but
reflection on the epistemological underpinning of the
methods and approaches is poor, making it easy to get sucked
into the strong attractor of a discipline. The lower right
corner (c) is characterized by a high degree of epistemo-
logical awareness but limited skills in specific methods. We
call this an uncomfortable space, where high reflexivity
without a robust skill-set can cause anxiety about one’s
possible scientific contribution. The upper right quadrant (d),
characterized by the successful combination of high
Fig. 3 Undisciplinary compass.
The relationship between two
guiding competencies:
epistemological agility and
methodological groundedness
(figure credit: Jerker Lokrantz/
Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204 197
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epistemological agility and methodological groundedness, is
what we refer to as a basis for conducting rigorous sustain-
ability science as an undisciplinary scholar (in red to repre-
sent compass orientation).
To be undisciplinary
Building on these explorations, this paper offers an early-
career scholar perspective on sustainability research. In
Robinson’s (2008) paper on ‘Being Undisciplined,’ dif-
ferent temperaments of interdisciplinarity are put forth, but
what it means to be undisciplinary is never clearly defined.
Based on our experiences and the results presented here,
we provide a working definition of undisciplinary to
describe the journey that early-career researchers navigate
in order to achieve rigorous sustainability science. Undis-
ciplinary science is therefore not a new type (or further
evolution) of mixed-disciplinary research [i.e., it does not
replace multi-, inter-, or trans-disciplinarity (MIT-disci-
plinarity) see Klein (2017)], rather it is a personal process
as well as a mode of collaboration from which one can
engage in various strategies of research. The types of
research and the particular contexts that we face as early-
career researchers create an undisciplinary space that is
part of our unique MIT-disciplinary process, and the
reflexive undisciplinary process and orientation provides us
with an identity and a set of skills to engage in MIT-dis-
ciplinary research. We use this lens to unpack our core
dilemma and what it means to be early-career researchers,
with interdisciplinary training while engaging with others
with similar backgrounds, in a world dominated by estab-
lished disciplines.
Table 3 Key quotes from panel discussion and coded themes to which they contribute
Quote Theme
TvH: ‘Show me your method, show what you can bring. And it doesn’t matter what discipline it comes from.
That is an avenue for interdisciplinary collaboration.’
JF: ‘The biggest risk I see in people that go very interdisciplinary in their PhDs is that they end up being
conceptually very broad, but get stuck in what has sometimes been called ‘‘conceptual la–la-land’’: They know
a little bit about everything but they are not actually good at anything, and that is a real problem. That doesn’t
mean that you have to be good at a particular discipline, [but rather] things that are transportable, that you can
use in many different instances.’
JF: ‘My main recommendation would be not to think so much about disciplines, but think about two or three
things that you are good at, and make those your profile, make those your strengths. These could be an
analytical technique or writing brilliant conceptual papers, whatever it is, but you have got to have something
that is unique to you. () have a couple of strengths that you recognize and build on those.’
Methodological grounding
FW: ‘So what is the survival kit? It is something I will call ‘‘epistemological agility’’ (): basically
understanding where thinking comes from. Within science and social science you have these multiple
paradigms about what is truth, what is data, what is the role of the researcher. They are different from each
other, but if you are trained to recognize that, it is like cracking codes. It means you know how to interface with
whatever group you are looking at. () You start getting much more comfortable with [interdisciplinary
research] once you start decoding in that way, and you come to situate yourself, and see the weaknesses in
other perspectives, and your own as well. This makes you feel much more assured about interacting with
multiple different types of disciplines and scientists.’
JDT: ‘Different types of problems require different types of methods. The main method in my view is
conversation. Students need to be able to listen, and ask the right questions. I believe in epistemological
JDT: ‘If you dig a hole too deep, you might not be able to get out; I think that is the problem. So try to get
everything you need to know, but not more, and then move to the next thing.’
Epistemological agility
FW: ‘In this highly interdisciplinary context we ought to train our graduate students with real good courses on
research design and epistemology so that they have that capacity to crack codes. () It is the hidden
superpower, () if you develop some sophistication there, it gives you a leg up in discussions, which I think it
is a key interdisciplinary skill.’
FW: At the moment, ‘in order to get academic jobs the vast majority will have to squeeze into a disciplinary slot.
() There are a few institutes and think tanks within universities which search specifically for interdisciplinary
training, but they are still few and far between.’
JF: ‘For PhD students that start with me, I’m not really too worried if they know much at all really, depending on
what the research is they are going to have to pick new research skills as they go anyway. () But for a
postdoc it’s a bit different. I expect a postdoc to help me, I need them to already have skills.’
Navigating institutions and
TvH Tracy van Holt, JF Joern Fischer, FW Frances Westley, JDT Joan David Ta
198 Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204
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Undisciplinary journey
In attempting to define undisciplinary, we asked ourselves
these questions: Is an undisciplinary space something that
early-career sustainability researchers find themselves in and
have to deal with? Or is it something that we would like to
embrace as a quality that improves our research and its
impact? We find that it can be simultaneously understood as a
space and a process, which together form the undisciplinary
journey. In dealing with what it means to navigate an undis-
ciplinary space, undisciplinary scholars go through a process,
which is our primary focus in this paper. We build on four
distinct phases or professional situations in which early-career
scholars may find themselves, and describe three main styl-
ized trajectories between them (Fig. 3, quadrants a–d), which
we argue can help to guide an undisciplinary journey within
sustainability science. Finally, we discuss the undisciplinary
journey as something that can be developed as an asset by
individuals or groups of sustainability scholars. In viewing
and defining this journey as a space, a process and an orien-
tation, we hope to convey that an undisciplinary orientation
can ultimately become an asset that enables rigorous, solu-
tions-oriented science within groups of scholars and institu-
tions. The section concludes with suggestions for institutional
support for undisciplinary research journeys and endeavors.
Undisciplinary space
The dilemma articulated at the beginning of this paper was:
How could we ‘perform high-quality research and build
identity in the field of sustainability science, when starting as
interdisciplinary individuals without profound roots in a dis-
cipline, and working within a world dominated by established
disciplines?’ This undisciplinary space, created through the
research questions we pose, is a space in which there are no
clear rules or forms of engagement, no writing formulas, nor
clear methodological pathways. Sword (Sword 2012,p.12),in
her book aimed at graduate students, on Stylish Writing,states
that, conventionally, ‘to enter an academic discipline is to
become disciplined: trained to habits of order through cor-
rection and chastisements that are ‘assumed to be salutary’ by
one’s teachers’. The undisciplinary space is the arena in which
the larger undisciplinary journey happens (Fig. 3), a space in
which there are no boundaries to guide you, but also no
boundaries to hold you back.
Undisciplinary process
Central to this journey is the undisciplinary process. This
process involves navigating through the undisciplinary
space depicted in Fig. 3. We propose that a necessary
characteristic to follow a fruitful undisciplinary process of
scholarship is self-reflexivity, which involves examining
both changes in oneself and the relationship between
research process and outcomes (Hsiung 2010). The undis-
ciplinary compass (Fig. 3) provides guidance for con-
stantly re-evaluating where you are in the research process,
and what skills you may need to seek in collaborators, or
hone for yourself.
Viewing the different quadrants as states for individual
researchers (or research groups) suggests that there are
different ways to transition from one space to another,
toward the goal of rigorous sustainability science (or even
interdisciplinary science more broadly), which we argue
can only be achieved once the individual researcher (or
research group) finds themselves in the upper right quad-
rant. We emphasize that we see the progression and navi-
gation between quadrants throughout a scientific career as
iterative. Progressing along the horizontal axes of Fig. 3
follows a more traditional path toward rigorous interdis-
ciplinary sustainability science. Starting from disciplinary
immersion (b): Researchers are trained in a discipline, and
once established in it, they decide to engage with
researchers from other disciplines. Alternatively, pro-
gressing along the vertical axes of Fig. 3represents a
growing proportion of the cases in sustainability science,
relative to the former trajectory, and hence we elaborate
below based on insights from the panel discussion.
To illustrate the way in which we have experienced this
process ourselves, imagine an early-career sustainability
scholar starting her/his career with low epistemological
agility and low methodological groundedness (Fig. 3a):
‘The biggest risk I see in people that go very interdisci-
plinary in their PhDs is that they end up being conceptually
very broad, but get stuck in what has sometimes been
called ‘‘conceptual la–la-land’’, they know a little bit about
everything but they are not actually good at anything, and
that is a real problem’ (JF, quote, Table 3). Alternatively,
an early-career sustainability scholar might be trained in a
few core methods, but get sucked into the strong attractor
of a discipline, making it hard to engage in deep interdis-
ciplinary production (Fig. 3b). One suggested strategy to
avoid the attractor of a discipline was reflected by a
respondent during the panel discussion: ‘My main recom-
mendation would be not to think so much about disciplines,
but think about two or three things that you are good at, and
make those your profile, make those your strengths. These
could be an analytical technique or writing brilliant con-
ceptual papers, whatever it is, but you have got to have
something that is unique to you. () have a couple of
strengths that you recognize and build on those (JF, quote,
Table 3).’
A third situation would be if the early-career scholar is
confident in navigating different epistemologies, but may
find herself/himself in an uncomfortable space (Fig. 3c) of
negotiating between different ways of producing scientific
Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204 199
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
knowledge without having the methodological skills and
confidence to move forward in any particular direction
(especially when a direction is largely unexplored, which is
quite characteristic of a new scientific field). Although we
would expect that all scholars feel uncomfortable at dif-
ferent times in their careers, we think that the lack of
disciplinary anchoring makes this feeling more poignant.
Scientific progress depends on the continuous creation of
uncomfortable spaces (Rayner 2012) and innovation exists
at the boundary of this discomfort while at the same time
finding the confidence to move forward in a robust and
rigorous way.
We acknowledge and value the pioneering work done by
previous generations in creating an interdisciplinary envi-
ronment for sustainability research. It is in this environ-
ment that interdisciplinary graduate programs have been
established around the world, in response to the demands of
the evolving field of sustainability science. Our survey
results suggest that now, more than ever before, PhD stu-
dents are starting their careers with an interdisciplinary
background. We argue that this is an important difference
between the path taken by previous generations of sus-
tainability scientists, who typically started their careers by
practicing disciplinary science, then moving on to multi-,
then inter- or even transdisciplinary science. Achieving
undisciplinary orientation is by no means a homogenous
identity. Some researchers may find themselves with strong
epistemological agility and may have opted for method-
ological pluralism (Norgaard 1989) as opposed to others
with more methodological depth.
Navigating this balance between depth and breadth
demands an array of more specific skills, which will vary
across fields of inquiry. An early-career scholar, sustain-
ability science group, or program, makes trade-offs at
different points in time between learning in-depth methods,
reading broadly on different ways of knowing, and devel-
oping other competencies to do rigorous interdisciplinary
science. Core competencies in sustainability science have
been proposed by Wiek et al. (2011: systems thinking,
anticipatory, normative, strategic and interpersonal com-
petencies). In addition to these competencies we find it
helpful to think of specific skills along the continuum of
our broader guiding competencies of epistemological agi-
lity and methodological groundedness. On the one hand,
they are specific technical skills, such as geographical
information systems (GIS) analysis, network analysis,
statistical or mathematical modeling, qualitative data
analysis, interviewing skills. Other skills include collabo-
rative interpersonal skills across cultures, between ideolo-
gies and working in different contexts. Skills in facilitation,
participatory approaches and synthesis (i.e., to see and
make sense of ‘the big picture’) are also valuable skills in
sustainability science. Some skills and methods align better
with certain epistemologies (West et al. 2014). High epis-
temological agility would allow a researcher to effectively
select appropriate and relevant methodologies according to
the specific research needs. In line with our proposed
undisciplinary process, epistemological agility means the
ability to discern different disciplinary traditions and nav-
igate between them with confidence in order to match
ontologies with appropriate epistemologies and method-
ologies (Table 3; McWilliam 2012; Khagram et al. 2010).
Agility should help scholars avoid getting stuck in certain
theoretical approaches or scientific paradigms, but equally
important is the awareness and openness to different ways
of knowing and learning, which is critical for addressing
issues of social-ecological complexity (personal commu-
nication Joan David Ta
`bara). Through this undisciplinary
journey, early-career scholars may come to acquire a
foundation for doing rigorous sustainability science, bal-
ancing methodological groundedness and epistemological
Undisciplinary orientation
Navigating the undisciplinary process, we can develop an
undisciplinary orientation: the ability and desire to embrace
the undisciplinary journey. It goes beyond accepting dis-
comfort at the boundaries of disciplines, and science, more
broadly. An undisciplinary orientation is to embrace
complexity and uncertainty in the pursuit of problem-ori-
ented research.
In addition to the core competencies and specific skills
of engaging in rigorous sustainability science, the suc-
cessful navigation of the process is a quality of its own
right, which should be nurtured and acknowledged within
the growing institutional structures around sustainability
science, at various different phases of a researcher’s career.
Embracing this orientation may be particularly helpful for
early-career scholars dealing with an undisciplinary space,
and processing their own dilemmas. Indeed, as a group of
authors and cohort of PhD students, our reflexive engage-
ment with this journey has contributed to clarifying our
individual research identities and contributions to sustain-
ability science.
Methodological reflections
The tension and obstacles inherent in combining very dif-
ferent methods, potentially even based on different epis-
temologies, characterizes the journey toward building a
foundation for rigorous sustainability science. Arts and
performative methods have played a key role in challeng-
ing existing epistemologies and identities (Heras and
`bara 2014) and provide an arena to ‘open up’ knowledge
systems (Cornell et al. 2013). The process of combining
200 Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
diverse methods, including performative methods, in this
paper was in itself a valuable and constructive learning
experience and is representative of the types of challenges
faced by early-career interdisciplinary scholars in their
collaborations with colleagues from either other disciplines
and/or others with similarly interdisciplinary backgrounds.
Indeed, the challenge of such a methodological approach
was evident in discussions between the authors in devel-
oping and presenting the methodologies used and the
results in this paper.
The forum theater, the thematic analysis of a panel
discussion from a conference session, and the survey
complement each other and are indicative of the method-
ological pluralism and innovative combination of methods
that is characteristic of interdisciplinary sustainability sci-
ence (Norgaard 1989; Folke et al. 2016). Each method
served a specific purpose and built on each other in the
following way:
1. The survey provided support that there has been a
‘generational shift’ with respect to the backgrounds
and starting points of those pursuing interdisciplinary
sustainability science.
2. The forum theater provided a structure that encouraged
openness, and reflexivity for, and insights into, inter-
disciplinary scholarship from early-career scholars,
while also incorporating experiences and reflections
from the (more experienced) audience.
3. The panel built on these experiential insights through
expert elicitation.
The opportunity for engagement by the authors over a
period of three years in articulating a joint dilemma,
designing the methodologies to explore it, and lengthy
discussions throughout the writing process of this paper,
created an arena for personal and collective reflexivity
through which we came to understand and think strategi-
cally about the undisciplinary journey. The phenomenon of
an undisciplinary journey, as first and foremost a process,
but also a space and an orientation, which we describe in
this paper in relation to sustainability science, is not a new
‘discovery’ and is indeed part of the cycle of science (Kuhn
1962), where real-life challenges arise that single disci-
plines are not able to address and thus new disciplines or
collaborative fields are born. Yet, as part of this cycle,
Bettencourt and Kaur (2011) and Kates (2011) contend that
sustainability science is a new, and different kind of sci-
ence. In viewing sustainability science as a dynamic, post-
normal science that should not be reduced to traditional
disciplinary boundaries, our reflection on the undisci-
plinary journey can help make sense of this space through
engaging in self-reflexive processes and collaborations. As
more and more interdisciplinary scholars enter graduate
programs with interdisciplinary backgrounds, institutional
structures may choose to reflect on and embrace undisci-
plinary orientations to help reduce the inherent risks and
challenges involved in pursuing highly interdisciplinary
Academic institutions—navigation aids
for undisciplinary processes
Becoming an accomplished sustainability researcher, or
even more broadly an interdisciplinary scholar, involves an
inevitable process of iteration, through combining and
matching different methodologies with different episte-
mologies in order to best address any given problem. There
is an important role for institutions to play in this process,
both in training and educating early-career scholars in
order to minimize the time spent in an ‘uncomfort-
able space’ or in ‘conceptual la–la-land,’ as well as creat-
ing more promising and substantive career trajectories.
Interdisciplinary research centers and departments are
increasingly offering interdisciplinary PhD programs (see
Supplementary Material 1), and it is critically important to
ask how these programs can pedagogically support PhD
students in their navigation of an undisciplinary journey.
What are the opportunities and challenges, for example, in
being supervised by researchers who themselves were
trained in disciplinary schools? What are the risks involved
in being examined by scholars established in disciplinary
traditions? Ideas about what an interdisciplinary skill-set in
sustainability science looks like remain nascent as the field
itself is still emerging. Inevitably there will be different
perspectives on how best to do this; the panelists providing
expert advice in this paper also had somewhat contradic-
tory ideas on the pedagogical strategy of educating PhD
students, with one advocating learning-by-doing, and
another emphasizing the importance of formal training in
epistemological agility (Table 3).
In either case, a pedagogical strategy should align with
an awareness of the outlets that exist for publication as well
as future career opportunities. There is an increasing
recognition of the continuing development of high-quality
interdisciplinary research in the publishing sphere, the
creation of the sustainability science section in PNAS
(Clark 2007), the creation of the journal Sustainability
Science (Komiyama and Takeuchi 2006), the soon to be
launched Nature Sustainability journal, and the early
recognition of sustainability science as a science of its own
(Kates et al. 2001). Despite these positive steps toward
publications in sustainability science, a recent paper in
Nature suggests there is a growing gap between the
increasing number of possibilities to conduct interdisci-
plinary research and the level of career advancement, since
most academic institutions still place more value on high
profile research outputs like articles in high-impact journals
Sustain Sci (2018) 13:191–204 201
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
than other outcomes like cooperative learning or policy
engagement (Gewin 2014).
Our results from the survey, forum theater, and panel discussion
indicate that a growing proportion of the sustainability science
research community can be described as ‘undisciplinary’
scholars, based on their interdisciplinary training, and who
consequently face new opportunities and challenges as early-
career sustainability researchers. In the paper we share our
experiences in facing an undisciplinary journey and suggest
guides to navigate and embrace this process. We propose the
undisciplinary journey as a new and as yet relatively uncharted
journey for achieving rigorous inter- or transdisciplinary sus-
tainability research and propose an ‘undisciplinary compass’ to
help navigate this journey toward more sustainable futures
through reflexively balancing methodological groundedness
with epistemological agility. The undisciplinary journey and
compass we describe may also be helpful for other interdisci-
plinary fields, or for scholars who may have abandoned their
‘background’ discipline and find themselves in new and
uncomfortable spaces. We hope that the exploratory insights
offered in this paper provide useful suggestions to early-career
researchers, research teams and interdisciplinary research
centers to facilitate navigation of the ever-evolving boundaries
within sustainability science, where innovations and solutions
Acknowledgements Our profound thanks go to the Stockholm Resi-
lience Centre for facilitating a creative and a safe space in which the PhD
cohort could explore these ideas. A special thank you to Carl Folke for
pushing us to be even more self-reflective of what this process meant for
our group, the research centre and us as individuals. Anna Emmelin sup-
ported us tirelessly with developing our thoughts around this issue.
Johanna Yletyinen made the drawing for Fig. 2. Thank you to Maria
Magolna Beky Winnerstam for expertly guiding us through forum theater
and for your performances. We thank all the session participants at the
Resilience 2014 conference, and the panelists who provided insightful
solutions. As current or former PhD students at the Stockholm Re-
silience Centre, the authors’ work was supported by a core
grant from Mistra, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental
Research. LJH was supported by the European Research Council under the
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC
Grant Agreement 283950 SES-LINK. We are grateful to Azote for the
design of Fig. 3, supported by the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Anony-
mous reviewers provided invaluable feedback and reflections for which we
are extremely grateful.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creative, which permits unrestricted use, distri-
bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... In the context of transdisciplinary sustainability science, references to reflexivity emphasize the importance of critical reflection about the different cognitive, perceptual, theoretical, cultural, or political orientations of participants in co-produced research and their influence on both research outcomes and on broader transformative change processes (Fazey et al., 2018; sustainability science are growing, for example in positionality statements of academic papers and doctoral dissertations (González García-Mon, 2022;Haider, 2017), guiding frameworks for integrating multiple knowledge systems (Bornemann & Christen, 2020;Norström et al., 2020;Tengö et al., 2014), more reflexive evaluations of the purpose and outcomes of transdisciplinary research (Hubeau et al., 2018;Mitchell et al., 2015), and early career reflections on how reflexivity can help navigate careers with early inter/transdisciplinary training (Care et al., 2021;Haider et al., 2018;Sellberg et al., 2021). ...
... Others have explored whether the capacity for institutional forms of reflexivity could be strengthened to support or enable transformative change, using the aforementioned view of (systems) reflexivity to interrogate and reimagine existing unsustainable systems . Early career researchers are also looking to reflexivity to navigate careers with early inter/transdisciplinary backgrounds, such as to nurture the unique combination of epistemological agility and methodological groundedness required to produce rigorous sustainability science (Haider et al., 2018) and enable practices of care in transdisciplinary leadership and practice (Care et al., 2021;Sellberg et al., 2021). ...
... In such processes, each knowledge system evaluates the validity and legitimacy of its own knowledge and relates it to the overarching purpose, concept, or content of study (Bornemann & Christen, 2020;Mascarenhas et al., 2021;Mitchell et al., 2015;Tengö et al., 2014). This process requires researchers to nurture their own epistemological and co-productive agility, allowing them to step back from the role of expert to act as knowledge brokers and convenors (Chambers et al., 2022;Haider et al., 2018;Wittmayer & Schäpke, 2014). When effective, such knowledge brokering is no longer the 'smooth' process of consensus-oriented integration but rather surfaces and embraces incommensurability and pluralism between Global Sustainability 7 ...
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Non-technical summary Transdisciplinary sustainability scientists work with many different actors in pursuit of change. In so doing they make choices about why and how to engage with different perspectives in their research. Reflexivity – active individual and collective critical reflection – is considered an important capacity for researchers to address the resulting ethical and practical challenges. We developed a framework for reflexivity as a transformative capacity in sustainability science through a critical systems approach, which helps make any decisions that influence which perspectives are included or excluded in research explicit. We suggest that transdisciplinary sustainability research can become more transformative by nurturing reflexivity. Technical summary Transdisciplinary sustainability science is increasingly applied to study transformative change. Yet, transdisciplinary research involves diverse actors who hold contrasting and sometimes conflicting perspectives and worldviews. Reflexivity is cited as a crucial capacity for navigating the resulting challenges, yet notions of reflexivity are often focused on individual researcher reflections that lack explicit links to the collective transdisciplinary research process and predominant modes of inquiry in the field. This gap presents the risk that reflexivity remains on the periphery of sustainability science and becomes ‘unreflexive’, as crucial dimensions are left unacknowledged. Our objective was to establish a framework for reflexivity as a transformative capacity in sustainability science through a critical systems approach. We developed and refined the framework through a rapid scoping review of literature on transdisciplinarity, transformation, and reflexivity, and reflection on a scenario study in the Red River Basin (US, Canada). The framework characterizes reflexivity as the capacity to nurture a dynamic, embedded, and collective process of self-scrutiny and mutual learning in service of transformative change, which manifests through interacting boundary processes – boundary delineation, interaction, and transformation. The case study reflection suggests how embedding this framework in research can expose boundary processes that block transformation and nurture more reflexive and transformative research. Social media summary Transdisciplinary sustainability research may become more transformative by nurturing reflexivity as a dynamic, embedded, and collective learning process.
... 2019;Sellberg et al. 2021;Hakkarainen et al. 2022). Demonstrations of operationalising such 15 reflexivity in transdisciplinary sustainability science are growing, for example in positionality statements 16 of academic papers and doctoral dissertations (Haider 2017;González García-Mon 2022), guiding 17 frameworks for integrating multiple knowledge systems (Tengö et al. 2014;Bornemann and Christen 18 2020;Norström et al. 2020), more reflexive evaluations of the purpose and outcomes of transdisciplinary 19 research (Mitchell et al. 2015;Hubeau et al. 2018), and early career reflections on how reflexivity can 20 help navigate careers with early inter/transdisciplinary training (Haider et al. 2018;Sellberg et al. 2021;21 Care et al. 2021). 22 In the context of transformative transdisciplinary research, such reflexive processes are meant to 23 open-up epistemic and solution spaces that challenge the status quo while elevating marginalized 24 perspectives. ...
... In such processes, each knowledge system evaluates the validity and 372 legitimacy of its own knowledge and relates it to the overarching purpose, concept, or content of study 373 (Tengö et al. 2014;Mitchell et al. 2015;Bornemann and Christen 2020;Mascarenhas et al. 2021). This 374 process requires researchers to nurture their own epistemological and co-productive agility, allowing them 375 to step back from the role of expert to act as knowledge brokers and convenors (Wittmayer and Schäpke 376 2014;Haider et al. 2018;Chambers et al. 2022). When effective, such knowledge brokering is no longer 377 the 'smooth' process of consensus-oriented integration but rather surfaces and embraces 378 incommensurability and pluralism between frames. ...
... It also suggests how making these boundary 534 processes and their implications explicit may improve the transformative outcomes of the research, not by 535 directing researchers toward particular interventions but by revealing how the multiple frames of 536 researchers and participants in co-produced research may be exposed and negotiated in ways that 'ready' 537 the system for change (Bateson 2022). Mainstreaming this type of reflexivity requires broad institutional 538 support, including through incentives, resources, and training that prepare researchers to slow down 539 enough to be reflexive (Haider et al. 2018;Sellberg et al. 2021;Lazurko et al. 2024). However, we also 540 note how the apparently 'smooth' boundary processes discussed in the literature were actually rather 541 messy, emergent, and uncomfortable processes in the case study research practice. ...
Transdisciplinary sustainability science is increasingly applied to study transformative change. Yet, transdisciplinary research involves diverse actors who hold contrasting and sometimes conflicting perspectives and worldviews. Reflexivity is cited as a crucial capacity for navigating the resulting challenges, yet notions of reflexivity are often focused on individual researcher reflections that lack explicit links to the collective transdisciplinary research process and predominant modes of inquiry in the field. This gap presents the risk that reflexivity remains on the periphery of sustainability science and becomes ‘unreflexive’, as crucial dimensions are left unacknowledged. Our objective was to establish a framework for reflexivity as a transformative capacity in sustainability science through a critical systems approach. We developed and refined the framework through a rapid scoping review of literature on transdisciplinarity, transformation, and reflexivity, and reflection on a scenario study in the Red River Basin (US, Canada). The framework characterizes reflexivity as the capacity to nurture a dynamic, embedded, and collective process of self-scrutiny and mutual learning in service of transformative change, which manifests through interacting boundary processes – boundary delineation, interaction, and transformation. The case study reflection suggests how embedding this framework in research can expose boundary processes that block transformation and nurture more reflexive and transformative research.
... For some, transdisciplinarity is a research method or approach to research; for some, transdisciplinarity is an epistemology (Max-Neef 2005 ); for some, transdisciplinarity is a learning process (Armitage et al. 2011, Strand et al. 2022b ); for some, transdisciplinarity is a set of principles; and for some, transdisciplinarity is a critique of existing and traditional research methodologies. Most of the literature on transdisciplinarity focuses on the 'how', therefore on processes, frameworks or methodologies for ways to conduct transdisciplinary research for transformative ocean governance (see Benham and Daniell 2016, Norström et al. 2020, Chambers et al. 2021, Muhl et al. 2023, reflecting on the 'why' and 'what' such as the meaning of and experiences with transdisciplinarity (Chilisa 2017, Haider et al. 2018, Nyboer et al. 2022, Strand et al. 2022a, some measure and distinguish between different modes or 'clusters' of transdisciplinarity (Jahn et al. 2021 , Hills andMaharaj 2023 ) and some literature focuses on the necessary conditions and resources for pursuing transdisciplinarity (see, e.g. Phase 0, in Horcea-Milcu et al. 2022 ). ...
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Celebrated as one of the necessary solutions to more sustainable ocean governance by the UN Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development, transdisciplinarity, co-design, co-production, and co-creation of knowledge continue to be praised by a variety of scholars for their opportunities for impactful and socially significant research. However, despite increased recognition as necessary to respond to complex sustainability challenges, including transformative ocean governance, there are sustained differences in how people and scholars define and conceptualize transdisciplinarity and how people operationalize and apply transdisciplinary research. This perspective is not about what transdisciplinary research entails but is rather asking whether transdisciplinary research is always the appropriate approach. Without a clear understanding of what ethical and equitable transdisciplinarity entails, how do we ensure this does not negatively impact non-academic collaborators such as fishing communities? How do we make sure transdisciplinarity does not become yet another extractive research practice? The paper discusses the difference between partial and comprehensive transdisciplinarity, addresses coloniality of co-design, and reflects on who we cite and why as researchers. Finally, the paper considers how we can advance transdisciplinarity as an epistemology for more ethical engagements with fishing communities and invite fellow marine researchers to ask critical questions.
... Breaking out of these identities remains challenging, even with interdisciplinary training and journals becoming increasingly common. This 'undisciplinary journey'-an active unlearning of disciplinary dogmas (Haider et al., 2018)-is fraught across research phases, from funding acquisition to building the vital research skill sets to carry it out, to successfully publishing the results. ...
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The African Green Revolution (AGR) aims to modernize, intensify, and commercialize agriculture through increasing technology adoption by smallholder farmers. AGR interventions also promote gender equality, aiming to close the 'gender gap' in agriculture by enhancing women's access to purchased inputs, technology, land, and finance. With an empirical focus on Rwanda, this article examines the gendered implications of the AGR. We critically reflect on the notion of gender gaps and the associated tendency of development research to treat gender as a variable, assessing outcomes for male-headed versus female-headed households in terms of their access to material assets. We argue that these assessments overlook (1) the differential impacts of AGR policies within households and (2) how agricultural modernization influences gendered access to material resources as well as immaterial responsibilities, norms, and identities. Our findings from a mixed-methods study with four Rwandan communities show how the AGR empowers men as 'modern' farmers while marginalizing women's agricultural spaces, labor, and crops. We argue that development research and practice should move beyond the narrow focus on gender gaps to additionally consider how technologies and policies are themselves gendered in ways that can constrict food security, entrench inequitable power dynamics, and further marginalize women.
... Bridging disciplinary perspectives and the different boundaries between them (e.g., ontological, epistemological, linguistic) has been actively studied in many fields (Haider et al. 2018;Moon and Pérez-Hämmerle 2022). Boundary objects (e.g., Star and Griesemer 1989), meta-or midrange theories (e.g., Danermark et al. 2019), assemblages (e.g., McFarlane 2009), and knowledge weaving (Tengö et al. 2017;Korhonen-Kurki et al. 2022) are but some of the concepts put forward as tools for making I/TD collaboration work across actors, institutions and decision-making processes. ...
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There is now widespread recognition of the need for inter/transdisciplinary (I/TD) approaches to solving global problems like climate change and biodiversity. Yet methods for successfully integrating knowledge across disciplines, and between research and practice, are in need of further development, particularly approaches that can ameliorate epistemological and ontological divides. Here we propose a framework for good listening as a ‘weak method’ that can provide guidance and structure to I/TD collaborations, but does not assume the form and goals a given collaboration will take. Synthesising the results of a scoping, interdisciplinary literature review, we highlight four key components of listening—receiving, processing, interpretation, and feedback/response—and provide a set of normative values regarding ‘good listening’ for each. Our goal is to provide a framework that is grounded in detailed scholarly discussions of listening politics and practice, but that is specifically formulated in response to the needs and concerns of I/TD researchers. We then apply our framework to four commonly encountered challenges in sustainability science, drawing on our collective experience in the field to explore how good listening can aid I/TD collaboration in regards to inclusion, group dynamics, format and pace. In doing so, we hope to inspire those working in sustainability science to approach I/TD collaboration in a new way and provide a tool for facilitating caring and transformational approaches to solving the world’s most pressing sustainability crises.
... The connection between knowledge and society is intricately woven, underscoring how existing social frameworks influence the knowledge we seek and endorse while concurrently, specific societal constructs are moulded by prevailing scientific knowledge. Scholars are challenged to balance "methodological groundedness" and "epistemological agility" to navigate tensions that may arise in these collaborative processes (Haider et al. 2018), particularly concerning perceived limitations of various knowledge sources (Chambers et al. 2022). ...
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Identifying research gaps and priorities is paramount to advance sustainability science and contribute to a sustainable future. This editorial contributes to this effort by contemplating the sustainability science research agenda and aligning it with recent changes in global dynamics. Drawing on consultations with the editorial board members of the Sustainability Science journal and a review of relevant literature, we identified 12 key research topics. These topics are interpreted within a strategic framework encompassing three key themes: (1) goals that drive sustainability science, (2) approaches to attain these goals, and (3) tools to advance sustainability science research. In so doing, this editorial emphasizes a sustainable development agenda extending beyond 2030, fostering equity and justice, and tackling issues related to power dynamics and geopolitical conflicts. It underscores the significance of research approaches to attaining sustainability goals, in particular, theorizing, co-production of knowledge and action, attaining clarity in conceptual descriptions, and developing systems-oriented analytical frameworks. Additionally, it highlights the value of place-based approaches, learning from significant systemic shocks, and nurturing inner transformations. It also underlines the need to explore emerging technologies and data-intensive methodologies as a tool to address sustainability concerns. The systematic contemplation of the sustainability science research agenda presented in this editorial piece aims to invoke further discussion among researchers and practitioners about a fresh and relevant agenda that promotes the sustainable integration of nature and society.
... While there has been limited focus on the status of DEI in interdisciplinary marine research and the extent to which the field succeeds in bringing together diverse individuals and groups, we theorise that DEI issues, as well as the benefits of DEI, might be even greater in this field. This DEI dimension is particularly crucial for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) who represent the next generation of scientific leaders and play a key role in developing the field [17][18][19] . To address this gap, this perspective draws on an online workshop organised by the Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network (IMECaN) of the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research Project (IMBeR) on October 11, 2022. ...
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Interdisciplinary marine research is pivotal for addressing ocean sustainability challenges but may exclude diverse socio-economic, cultural, or identity groups. Drawing on perspectives of marine Early Career Researchers, we highlight the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in advancing interdisciplinary marine science and present ten recommendations to enhance DEI. As our ocean faces increasing threats, fostering DEI within this domain is not merely an aspirational goal but an ethical imperative.
Conference Paper
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Transformative research pushes the boundaries of science with a strong focus on engaging with societal problems. Transdisciplinary research provides us with the knowledge and tools to work together with a set of diverse societal actors in addressing these societal problems. But, how just are these practices? We came together in a summer school organised by the Leibniz Research Network "Knowledge for Sustainable Development" and the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development in June, 2023 to discuss this question. This collection of ideas and reflections was a mode of organising some of these thoughts and for establishing exchange. We started by asking a set of basic questions: why does practising justice matter to us in our role of transformative and transdisciplinary scholars? How do we understand the concept of justice? How do we begin to put this into practice? What methods can help guide us? What experiences and lessons can we share from these attempts of putting justice into practice? We have learnt that there are plural ways of understanding and motivations for engaging with justice. In this collection, we have attempted to remain open to these multiple understandings of justice and tried to bring them in conversation with one another. We have also realised that there are many challenges at institutional and social level that we are just learning to identify. We invite you to have a read and help us take this conversation further. We extend this invitation to scholars who are engaged in TTR and are teaching concepts, methods and approaches of TTR, practitioners who join processes of knowledge co-creation in transdisciplinary research settings, and facilitators and artists who co-design and co-create transformations.
This research aims to study the dynamics of social-ecological interactions in the Teluk Lasolo PAAP (Fisheries Access Management Area) in North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The study adopts a comprehensive approach to sustainable development, utilizing Social-Ecological Network Analysis (SENA). The Teluk Lasolo PAAP area is a complex environment with small-scale fisheries as a crucial component of the coastal ecosystem. Using the SENA method, this research analyzes the interactions between social and ecological dimensions in the context of fisheries management based on access rights. The study also considers economic aspects, governance, and resource utilization within the social-ecological network. The case study is conducted in the Teluk Lasolo area to understand the complex dynamics among various stakeholders, fishing communities, and the coastal ecosystem. The findings of this research will provide profound insights and knowledge about the factors influencing the sustainability of small-scale fisheries and offer recommendations for sustainable updates in fisheries resource management in the region. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach involving social-ecological interactions in managing small-scale fisheries. The results of this study are expected to make a positive contribution to the development of sustainable fisheries management strategies in the Teluk Lasolo PAAP area and other coastal regions. Kata kunci : Kawasan PAAP Teluk Lasolo, Jejaring Sosial-Ekologi, Perikanan Skala Kecil, Pengelolaan Perikanan Berbasis Hak akses Perikanan.
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Humanity has emerged as a major force in the operation of the biosphere. The focus is shifting from the environment as externality to the biosphere as precondition for social justice, economic development, and sustainability. In this article, we exemplify the intertwined nature of social-ecological systems and emphasize that they operate within, and as embedded parts of the biosphere and as such coevolve with and depend on it. We regard social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems and use a social-ecological resilience approach as a lens to address and understand their dynamics. We raise the challenge of stewardship of development in concert with the biosphere for people in diverse contexts and places as critical for long-term sustainability and dignity in human relations. Biosphere stewardship is essential, in the globalized world of interactions with the Earth system, to sustain and enhance our life-supporting environment for human well-being and future human development on Earth, hence, the need to reconnect development to the biosphere foundation and the need for a biosphere-based sustainability science.
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In the new open knowledge landscape, social scientists have a unique opportunity to take on a more influential role in accelerating global sustainability learning and transformation. Decisions concerning sustainability are not to be made by policymakers or experts alone, but by different knowledge holders organised around context-specific needs and transdisciplinary practices.
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Transdisciplinary sustainability science (TSS) is a prominent way of scientifically contributing to the solution of sustainability problems. Little is known, however, about the practice of scientists in TSS, especially those early in their career. Our objectives were to identify these practices and to outline the needs and challenges for early career scientists in TSS. To that end, we compiled 10 key characteristics of TSS based on a literature survey. We then analyzed research groups with 81 early career scientists against these characteristics. All of these research groups are funded by an ongoing federally funded German program for social-ecological research whose main feature is to promote sustainability-oriented inter-and transdisciplinary research. We found that the practices of the 12 groups generally correspond with the characteristics for TSS, although there is ample variation in how they were addressed. Three major challenges were identified: (1) TSS demands openness to a plurality of research designs, theories, and methods, while also requiring shared, explicit, and recursive use of TSS characteristics; (2) researchers in TSS teams must make decisions about trade-offs between achievements of societal and scientific impact, acknowledging that focusing on the time-consuming former aspect is difficult to integrate into a scientific career path; and (3) although generalist researchers are increasingly becoming involved in such TSS research projects, supporting the integration of social, natural, and engineering sciences, specialized knowledge is also required.
The second edition of The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity constitutes an update and revision of a topic of growing academic and societal importance. Interdisciplinarity continues to be prominent both within and outside academia. Academics, policy makers, and members of public and private sectors seek approaches to help organize and integrate the vast amounts of knowledge being produced today, both within research and at all levels of education. This compendium is distinguished by its breadth of coverage, with chapters written by experts from multiple networks and organizations, on topics ranging across science and technology; social sciences, humanities, and arts; and professions. The volume is edited by respected interdisciplinary scholars and supported by an international advisory board to ensure the highest quality and breadth of coverage. The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity provides a synoptic overview of the current state of interdisciplinary research, education, administration and management, and problem solving—knowledge that spans the disciplines and interdisciplinary fields while also crossing the boundary between the academic community and society at large. Offering the most broad-based account of inter- and transdisciplinarity to date, its essays bring together many of the globe’s leading thinkers on interdisciplinary research, education, and institutional parameters as well as reflections on how knowledge can be better integrated with societal needs.
Sustainable development is becoming the guiding principle for the twenty-first century. This textbook – based on the author's course and rigorously class-tested by his students – provides an introduction into patterns of past and present (un)sustainable development and into the emergence of the notion of sustainable development. It systematically surveys the key concepts, models and findings of the various scientific disciplines with respect to the major sustainability issues: energy, nature, agro-food and resource systems, and economic growth. System analysis and modelling is introduced and used as an integrating tool. Stories and worldviews are used to connect the quantitative and the qualitative and to offer the reader an understanding of relevant trends and events in context. Sustainability Science is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in sustainable development and in environmental and resource science and policy.
Turn the fraught flirtation between the social and biophysical sciences into fruitful partnerships with these five principles, urge Rebekah R.