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Strategies new graduate registered nurses require to care and advocate for themselves: A literature review

Taylor & Francis
Contemporary Nurse


Background: New graduate registered nurses are confronted with a complex, demanding and resource constrained environment where gaining acceptance into the workplace culture may be difficult. Existing evidence suggests that preparing undergraduate nursing students for this reality can assist with adjustment. Objectives: To identify the strategies that new graduate registered nurses require to care and advocate for themselves during their first year of practice. Methods A search of the literature published between 2001 and 2016 was undertaken. Individual articles were synthesized narratively and the results entered to a summary table. Results A total of 274 articles were considered relevant to this narrative review. This paper synthesized the narrative of 80 articles. Synthesis revealed 22 resilience factors and 33 issues. Eight strategies with potential to assist new graduate registered nurses to care and advocate for themselves were identified. All of them socioemotional in nature. Conclusions This review of the literature provides a valuable resource that can be used to prepare nursing students for the workplace culture during their first year as a registered nurse. Scenarios can be developed for educational activities such as simulation, role play, discussion and self-reflection. Further development through research is recommended.
Strategies new graduate registered nurses require to care and
advocate for themselves: A literature Review
New graduate registered nurses are confronted with a complex, demanding and resource
constrained environment where gaining acceptance into the workplace culture may be
difficult. Existing evidence suggests that preparing undergraduate nursing students for this
reality can assist with adjustment.
To identify the strategies that new graduate registered nurses require to care and advocate
for themselves during their first year of practice.
A search of the literature published between 2001 and 2016 was undertaken. Individual
articles were synthesized narratively and the results entered to a summary table.
A total of 274 articles were considered relevant to this narrative review. This paper
synthesized the narrative of 80 articles. Synthesis revealed 22 resilience factors and 33
issues. Eight strategies with potential to assist new graduate registered nurses to care and
advocate for themselves were identified. All of them socioemotional in nature.
This review of the literature provides a valuable resource that can be used to prepare nursing
students for the workplace culture during their first year as a registered nurse. Scenarios can
be developed for educational activities such as simulation, role play, discussion and self-
reflection. Further development through research is recommended.
Keywords: new graduate nurse; self-care; self-advocacy; transition to practice; novice;
coping strategies; self-efficacy; resilience; hardiness.
Impact Statement
A comprehensive resource that educators can use to prepare nursing students for the
In Australia and many other western countries internationally, new graduate registered nurses
(NGRNs) are not considered to be work ready by employers and transition to professional
practice programs (TPPPs) are provided as a panacea. In contrast, Zamanzadeh (2014) noted
that some non-western countries focus on the resilience of the NGRN and any formal
transition support may extend to as little as 14 days. This observation creates the following
causality dilemma: Has the rise of TPPPs influenced the preparation of undergraduate nursing
students by lowering performance expectations of graduates or is it the lack of preparation
that has influenced the rise of TPPPs? Unfortunately the western paradigm relies on the latter
i.e. transition programs of health organizations address gaps in practice not serviced by the
university sector. This paradigm has the effect of making universities impassive in their
preparation of students for nursing practice. For example, one of the first challenges that
NGRNs have to encounter is shift work. How do universities explicitly prepare them for this
phenomenon? How do they prepare students for inter-professional practice and the practice
conflicts, politics and inevitable horizontal violence that occurs? These questions are not
often answered in curricula and nursing students are unaware that the reality of the health
care environment is one of limited support, extreme challenge and unpredictability (Boychuk
Duchscher 2012).
Limited support for NGRNs remains likely into the foreseeable future as overstretched
health care institutions struggle financially. Even though there were pre-existing (i.e. prior to
2007) concerns (Delaney 2003), the global financial crisis has contributed even further to the
decline of transition support. This has been reported throughout the OECD and world-wide
(Morgan and Astolfi 2014 )2014). As a result, the likelihood that promises, such as
preceptorships, not being realized are more likely (Healy & Howe, 2012). The following
quote provided by Wangensteen, Johansson and Nordstrom (2008) illustrates the European
Union experience.
We were supposed to have a supervisor – we were supposed to have guidance in groups
– it all looked so fine. But we haven’t had any of that (….) It was very disappointing.
(Wangensteen et al., 2008, p.1880)
Many resilience strategies are advocated in the current literature (Benner, 1984; Duchscher,
2009; McAllister & Lowe, 2011; Schoessler & Waldo, 2006), however further research is
required to identify the explicit resilience strategies NGRNs might adopt to thrive throughout
their graduate year. McAllister and Lowe (2011, p.6) define resilience as ‘a process of
adapting to adversity that can be developed and learned’.
Being prepared for the reality of diminished support is critical to the NGRNs success
and preparation is essential in the form of practical strategies that enhance their
foreknowledge and skill to manage potential dilemmas. The aim of this review was to
identify the strategies from previous research that are most likely to assist NGRNs to
advocate and care for themselves.
Despite many reports and recommendations to the contrary, the likelihood that NGRNs will
find themselves in a chaotic, dysfunctional or unsupportive work environment remains quite
high (Adlam, Dotchin & Hayward, 2009; Dyess & Sherman, 2009; Kelly & Ahern, 2009;
Romyn et al., 2009; Clark & Springer, 2012; Chandler, 2012; Berry et al., 2012; Feng & Tsai,
2012; Hart, Brennan & de Chesnay, 2012; Laschinger & Grau, 2012; Thomas, Bertram, &
Allen, 2012). The NGRN often experiences both physical and emotional exhaustion and is
also likely to experience anxiety, low self-esteem, despair and a sense of hopelessness when
trying to ‘fit in’ to the new health unit environment. Due to this stress, many leave nursing as
a career (Greenwood, 2000; Cubit, 2011; Halfer & Graf, 2006; Figueroa et al., 2013; Wu
2012). The most often reported reasons for NGRNs leaving their first position as a registered
nurse relate to:
Stress associated with acuity of clients, unacceptable patient/nurse ratios, feeling
patient care was unsafe (Bowles & Candela, 2005)
role stress and oppression (Duchscher, 2008; Duchscher & Myrick, 2008; Douglas,
2014; Kovner et al., 2007)
lack of management support and too much responsibility (Morrow, 2009)
shift work, overtime and night shift interference with family life (Morrow, 2009)
senior staff not perceiving that support is needed (Parker, Plank, & Hegney, 2003)
promises such as preceptorship not eventuating, preceptorship being inadequate or the
preceptor unwilling or unprepared to be supportive (Clark & Springer, 2012; Delaney,
2003; Harrison- White & Simons, 2013; Parker et al., 2014).
The contribution of the health care environment to the transition of NGRNs has
received a great deal of attention as illustrated above. However, discussion with regard to the
contribution of the academic environment and best practice with regard to addressing reality
shock and self-care needs have been minimal. It is anticipated that by identifying the self-
care strategies adopted by successful NGRNs and exploring the issues which impact on the
capacity to successfully navigate their transition year, curricula can be developed to provide
the appropriate education and resources.
A literature search was undertaken and key terms were used in an attempt to identify
reported self-care strategies or issues relevant to the NGRN. However, use of key terms alone
was unsuccessful and searching within the articles by reading of the text and identifying the
strategies and issues discussed was required. For example, in the study by Mooney (2007a)
the text supported the need for strategies to address reconciliation of mistakes, however the
title of the article ‘Professional socialization: the key to survival as a newly qualified nurse’
did not reflect this content. As such, forensic searching of the text within the articles was
necessary to identify the potential resilience strategies important NGRNs.
The inclusion/exclusion inclusion criteria was designed to maximise the possibility of
locating the self-care strategies required by NGRNs during professional socialization.
Inclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria focused on critical research that informs the challenges, self-care strategies
and issues of relevance to the NGRN during their transition year. International and local
articles that were written in English and reveal the experience of NGRNs in the acute care
environment were included. This broad criteria was adopted so that the key elements and
self-care strategies which contribute to empowerment of the NGRN could be identified.
Exclusion criteria
Acuity of clients and feeling that patient care is unsafe has been reported as a significant role
stress (Bowles 2005; Duchscher 2008). As such articles were excluded if the targeted
population of NGRNs undergoing transition was not in an acute care environment. Also
excluded were instances where experience and further training was an organizational
requirement before the NGRN was eligible to commence the transition being researched.
Search strategy
An online literature search was completed between 2001 and 2016, in CINAHL, Ovid
Medline, Informit, Google Scholar, and Web of Knowledge using the search terms: new
graduate nurse, self-care, self-advocate, transition to practice, novice, coping strategies, self-
advocacy, self-efficacy, self-esteem, resilience, hardiness, and self-management.
Many combinations of search terms were used to ascertain possible relevance to NGRNs.
Articles containing original research were read and assessed with regard to strategies or
issues relevant to NGRNs. After forensic examination, many were found to contain strategies
that had been adopted or issues that needed to be addressed by the NGRN to care and
advocate for themselves. Findings were recorded on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for
analysis and categorization.
As illustrated in figure 1 a total of 445 articles resulted from the initial search that met the
inclusion criteria of possible relevance to NGRNs. Once duplicates were removed 274
articles were screened in accordance with the inclusion criteria. Of these, 139 full text
manuscripts were selected for further screening. Of these 80 articles were found to contain
self-care strategies that had been adopted or issues that needed to be addressed by the NGRN.
Findings were recorded on a spreadsheet for analysis and categorization. This process
continued until no further new strategies or issues were found.
Each article was read in order to answer the question, ‘What self-care strategies or issues
within this manuscript are relevant to the NGRN?’ When self-care exemplars were identified
they were allocated to a purpose designed Microsoft Excel summary table.
In developing the strategies, the researcher was sensitive to the elements of reality shock that
presented. Strategies were categorized with a focus on the resilience factors and also the
issues identified as being significant for NGRNs. For example, it is acknowledged that
horizontal violence is an issue of socialization however it is considered to need special
attention because of prevalence and the negative effect it can have on performance. It is also
acknowledged that the nature of social and emotional skills and the manner in which they are
allocated is dependent significantly on the situated context and judgement of the researcher
(Blyth, Olson, & Walker 2015; Braun & Clark, 2006).
Research that specifically targets the preparation of nursing students for the realities of
practice with a focus on resilience was relatively small (Zamanzadeh 2014). The title of
articles did not always reflect the content and reading of the text was required in order to
identify the self -care strategies.
Identified strategies included the need to: explore personal self-support, reflection and
interpretive style, address social intelligence and the need of the NGRN to fit into the
organizational culture; understand the nature of transition; minimize horizontal violence,
recognize and regulate emotions; manage moral distress and foster moral courage; self-assess
progress and performance.
Details of these findings will now be discussed:
Strategies of Interpretive style, Reflection and Personal self-
65 articles out of 80 related the importance of interpretive style, reflection and personal self-
support. Stress is reported to negatively impact the quality of care provided by new graduate
registered nurses (Thiesen & Sandau 2013). Management of stress is more effective where
NGRNs have good psychological capital. Psychological capital is described by Boamah and
Laschinger (2015, p.267) as a “positive psychological state of development that comprises
confidence, optimism, hope and resilience.”
Psychological capital in the form of interpretive style is a significant factor in
determining personal self-support for the new graduate registered nurse. Interpretive style is
how a nurse imagines their own ability to perform. This occurs positively through seeing
oneself as being effective with regard to professional skills and not imagining failure (Simoni
et al., 2004). ‘Interpretive style can empower, reduce job stress and contribute to job
satisfaction for that same RN’ (Simoni et al., 2004, p.223) with the outcomes being increased
self-efficacy and confidence.
Nursing students can learn to manage stress by reflecting on scenarios in which they
have the opportunity to choose from a number of interpretations, including both effective and
ineffective cognitions. These activities may enable them as NGRNs to reflect on their
habitual ways of perceiving stressful situations and provide empowerment (Simoni et al.,
2004; Caldwell & Grobbel 2013). In addition to reflection, guided imagery has been
advocated as model for refining the transition process with benefits such as empowerment,
achieving positive outcomes and practice proficiency (Boehm & Tse 2013).
Spirituality can also provide meaning and help with gaining a positive perspective and
source of renewal (McAllister & Lowe, 2011). Lazar (2010) undertook a study among female
Israeli nurses and found job satisfaction was linked strongly to the sacredness of life, altruism
and idealism aspects of spirituality. Deliberately redirecting the locus of concern from the self
to a focus on ‘connection’ with patients and families has the reported benefit of providing
positive rewards (Clendon & Walker, 2012, p.558). Overall satisfaction in the spiritual
domain was found to spill over positively into the work domain.
The demands of shift work often results in the NGRN feeling fatigued, overwhelmed
and dislocated from friends, family and societal norms. Students need to explore the
ministration of these concerns more explicitly prior to taking on the role of registered nurse
(Ashton 2015; McCalla-Graham & De Gagne 2015; Pennbrandt et al 2013). Similarly,
students need to learn the difficult task of prioritizing and managing their patient allocation, a
portion of which, may involve death, grief or trauma (Ratta 2016; Zeng Lee & Bloomer
2015; Brisely & Wood 2004; Thiesen & Sandau 2013).
Ultimately it is important that NGRNs recognise when help is required and take
control. An effective way to ameliorate the impact of critical incidents involving the above is
to offer or request a “debrief” if that service is provided (Shinners 2016; Brisley & Wood,
2004; Mellor & Greenhill, 2014). In absence of a debrief, then being aware of and accessing
the resources available such as the employee assistance program is vital (Shinners, Africa &
Hawkes 2016).
Strategies of Social intelligence and fitting in
There were 49 articles of the 80 articles that included social intelligence and fitting in
as a concern for NGRNs. Walker and Campbell (2013) identify social intelligence as a
critical work readiness factor. In fact, Feng and Tsai (2012) assert that NGRNs found
‘learning how to solve the gap between knowing and practising was easier than learning how
to behave appropriately and to deal with people in the workplace’ (p.2068).
Social intelligence is the ability to inspire, influence, empathize and care for others
(Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing ND) or as Karl Albrecht (2004, p. 1) put quite
simply 'social intelligence is the ability to get along well with others, and to get them to
cooperate with you.'
The relationships and networks which an individual has developed within an
organization are significant (Taylor, 2012). Those who have strong connections and support
within an organization are likely to have more success than those who do not (Taylor, 2012).
There is also the vital need that NGRNs have to ‘fit into the clinical situation to which they
are allocated and the importance of being accepted by senior staff (Feng and Tsai 2012;
Malouf & West 2011). Minor indiscretions such as not observing meal break times, being late
for work or being disrespectful can present as major obstacles to the acceptance of a new
nurse on the ward.
There are also other significant concerns based around the perceived shame of not knowing,
which challenge the NGRNs sense of self and patient safety (Feng & Tsai, 2012; Hamilton,
2005). NGRNs reported that ‘not wanting to be regarded as stupid’ had a significant
influence on their help seeking behaviour or reporting of mistakes (Crigger & Meek 2007;
Malouf &West 2011; Pennbrandt et al.2013). The potential for the NGRN to jeopardize
patient safety by avoidance of shame was found to be significant, particularly at the
beginning of a new placement (Malouf & West, 2011). As a result, high risk patients are
particularly stressful to the NGRN owing to the possible consequences for the patient and
fear of retribution (Ratta 2016; Crigger & Meek 2007).
Findings of graduates' fear of other staff members and their reprimands along with
limited assessment capacity could potentially lead to delay in early medical
intervention for the deteriorating patient. (Purling & King 2012 p. 3461)
Development of trust in others to assist is important for the NGRN and a recommended
mindset for NGRN’s is to feel comfortable with not knowing everything (Cooper, Taft &
Thelen 2005). This requires access to a network of support in the form of a skilled person or
mentor and knowledge of other supportive resources (Ethridge, 2007; Hodges et al., 2008;
McKenna & Newton, 2008; Nugent, 2008). Consequently, it is important to adopt a proactive
approach when going to a new clinical area, one which comprises the asking of questions by
the NGRN about salient aspects of the routine and the staff who will be supportive (Feng &
Tsai 2012; Malouf & West, 2011). Another strategy considered helpful for fostering
engagement and enlarging the network of support is to become actively involved in the health
service through committees or projects (Bowles & Candela, 2005).
The strategy of understanding the nature of transition
There were 17 articles of the 80 that focused on the nature of transition and the need for
NGRNs to be aware of the enormity of this change (Malouf & West, 2011). The experience
of transition shock is well documented (Duchscher, 2009; Boychuk Duchsher 2012) and
NGRNs need to understand the nature of this shock so that they can prepare emotionally,
physically, developmentally and intellectually (Duchscher, 2009; Malouf & West, 2011;
Romyn et al., 2009; Ashton 2015). This includes role conflict between long-established
hierarchical nursing traditions and what was learnt as an undergraduate (Kelly & Ahern,
2009). Learning about the nature of transition within the syllabus as an undergraduate nursing
student may empower the NGRN. ‘Transition’ in the context of ‘transition to practice
encompasses giving up being a student and taking on the whole new world of being an
employee and a registered nurse with all that it entails (Benner, 1984; Boychuk Duchscher,
2012; Duchscher, 2008; Schoessler & Waldo, 2006). Each transition model has distinct
developmental phases which highlight that the NGRN is a work in progress and not a
finished product. NGRNs are reported to benefit from understanding this continuum so that
they can contextualize the difficulties they may have when comparing themselves with expert
or more experienced nurses (Burger et al., 2010; Hartigan et al., 2010).
Strategies to minimize Horizontal violence
15 articles of the 80 articles dealt explicitly with horizontal violence and the NGRN.
However, fear of retribution, avoidance behaviors, poor relationships with preceptors and
complaints of unsupportive staff featured in many other articles.
Horizontal violence and harassment in its many forms are often experienced by the
NGRN (Kovner et al., 2007; Kramer et al., 2012; Laschinger & Grau, 2012; Morrow, 2008).
In fact, Laschinger and Grau (2012) found that one third of NGRNs experienced workplace
bullying, with those under the age of 30 years experiencing bullying for a longer period than
their older counterparts (Clendon & Walker 2012). Sexual harassment was also reported as
more common among younger NGRNs of both genders (McKenna et al., 2003). Surprisingly,
Berry et al. (2012) related that often ‘the experienced nurses expected to mentor and provide
support to NNs [Novice Nurses] are the primary perpetrators of WPB [Work place bullying]’.
Other perpetrators were staff nurses (44%) and nurses in leadership positions (19%) with
physicians accounting for only 6% of reported bullying (Berry et al., 2012). Feng and Tsai
(2012) also found physicians were much less problematic regarding bullying behaviour than
were senior nurses. This is significant as NGRNs often feared talking to physicians because
of reported stories of abuse (Hodges et al., 2008; Thomas et al., 2012). Effective
communication between clinicians, other staff and students was identified as a strategy to
decrease horizontal violence (Curtis, Bowen & Reid, 2007). ISBAR (Finnigan, 2010) - a
well-recognised formalised handover communication tool incorporating Identification,
Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendations - was found empowering to the
NGRN in the context of providing a predictable means of communication between health
professionals (Goodwin-Esola, Deeley & Powell 2009).
Berry et al. (2012, p.84) found significant correlation between work place bullying and
negative work productivity of novice nurses. Development of psychological capital is
considered both a personal resource and protective factor against adverse outcomes for
patients (Laschinger & Grau 2012):
Psychological capital, a personal resource, influenced new graduates’ sense of fit
between their job expectations and their actual working conditions, which in turn
influenced the extent to which they reported experiencing bullying in the work place
Providing nursing students with skills to address the issue of bullying in the workplace may
help them see their experiences more objectively and reduce the likelihood that bullying is
perpetuated by successive generations of NGRNs (Berry et al., 2012; Curtis et al., 2007;
Laschinger & Grau, 2012; Pines et al., 2012).
Strategies of Recognizing and regulating of emotions
There were 12 articles of the 80 articles that included recognizing and regulating of emotions
as a concern for NGRNs. Essentially, emotional intelligence is about self-regulation and
mastery of emotions (Zito 2012). In particular, Freshwater and Stickley (2004) assert that
emotional intelligence should be integrated throughout the nursing curriculum to facilitate the
essential leadership skills in learning to care for one-self and others. Emotional intelligence
competency requires self-awareness. This includes knowing one’s own strengths and
limitations, being mindful of feelings in the moment, and knowing how feelings can affect
decision-making and other people (Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence 2013; Rochester et
al., 2005). Emotional intelligence is defined as:
A type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’
emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one’s
thinking and actions. (Mayer & Salovey, 1993, as cited in Johns Hopkins University,
School of Nursing. n.d., p.1)
To illustrate the potential value of emotional intelligence, a study was undertaken by
Rochester et al. (2005) with regard to the capabilities of 17 NGRNs rated by their supervisors
as successful. It was noted that during stressful situations the successful graduates
demonstrated more highly developed emotional intelligence and clarity of thinking
(Rochester et al., 2005).
A number of other articles also considered emotional intelligence essential for
effective leadership and nursing performance (Beauvais, Brady, O’Shea & Griffin 2011;
Freshwater & Stickley, 2004; Kooker et al., 2007). This includes providing students with the
skills to relate inter-professionally at all levels so they have equitable influence on patient
care planning and advocacy (Bulmer-Smith, Profetto-McGrath, & Cummings, 2009; Shanta
& Connelly 2013; Pfaff et al. 2014). These skills for dealing with emotional information need
to be developed in nursing students through education and support (Bennett & Sawatsky
2013; Towell, Nel & Muller 2015; Rochester et al., 2005).
Strategies to manage moral distress and foster Moral Courage
There were 10 articles of the 80 articles which focused on moral distress and moral
courage as a concern for NGRNs. McAllister and Lowe (2011) highlighted the importance of
learning to manage moral distress, particularly where there is conflict between insufficient
time for care and being true to one’s own values and those learned. This can result in stress,
conflict of conscience and an impoverished sense of self:
They were extremely hard on themselves when they felt they had failed to identify or
appropriately intervene in a changing clinical situation. Despite the fact that many of
the situations in which they were placed were beyond their intellectual or physical
capability, their behaviour was consistently self-deprecating. (Duchscher, 2008, p.445)
In addition, the self-expectations of NGRNs are often distorted by their beliefs about their
ability to handle moral distress issues in practice (Juthberg et al., 2007). Schluter et al. (2008,
p.306) describes moral distress as:
An emotion that is expressed when the moral complexity of a situation is not leading to
a resolution, thereby having the potential to cause harm to the individual nurse […]
painful feelings and associated mental anguish as a result of being conscious of a
morally appropriate action, which, despite every effort, cannot be performed owing to
organizational or other constraints.
Cooper et al. (2005) discuss how third-year students had forethought and anxiety about
the roles they would perform in their graduate year. ‘Several students discovered errors either
made by others or themselves during their clinical experience. This raised significant fears
about their responsibilities as an RN’ (Cooper et al., 2005, p.296). This level of responsibility
and accountability cannot easily be tested as an undergraduate (Hickey, 2009; Zheng, Lee &
Bloomer 2015). However, it is possible for students to be given the opportunity to explore the
relationship between moral distress and moral courage in the context of future practice. In
actuality, moral courage in practice is considered an effective response to moral distress
(LaSala & Bjarnason, 2010).
Strategies to assess progress and performance
7 out of 80 articles provided information with regard to the reluctance of staff to assess and
provide formal feedback on NGRN’s progress and performance. Developmental and positive
feedback has been reported as helpful for providing a feeling of developing competence over
the course of the graduate year (Hamilton, 2005; Parker et al., 2014; Wangensteen et al.,
2008). NGRNs preparing for their first year in practice and in the early stages are eager to
receive feedback on their progress (Mellor & Greenhill, 2014; Wangensteen et al., 2008). Yet
articles from Europe and Australia have demonstrated that more experienced nurses are
reluctant to provide effective feedback (Wangensteen et al., 2008; Parker et al 2014). The
opportunity to reflect on practice and view challenges as learning experiences is purported to
assist with resilience and the development of a positive perspective (Wangensteen et al.,
2008). In particular, Generation Y individuals born between 1981-1994, who represent a
large proportion of current NGRNs, desire quick and continuous feedback (Keepnews,
Brewer, Kovner & Shin, 2010; Lampe, 2011).
Although many of the participants (new graduate registered nurses in a graduate nurse
program) felt strongly about their own responsibility and need to pursue help if
necessary and not to be reluctant or deterred by lack of interest by their senior
colleagues, they reported they would have benefited from constructive feedback about
their performance. Often the only feedback they received was based on the fact that no-
one was complaining or no major mistakes had been made. They would have preferred
some encouragement and genuine interest in their performance. It would have helped
with their confidence and reduced the stress they experienced from not knowing how
others perceived their performance. (Parker et al. 2014, p. 154)
Due to the importance of receiving feedback on performance, it has been suggested that,
in the absence of formal feedback, nursing students should be prepared to find options and be
proactive in this regard. Assertively seeking progress meetings can be a resilience strategy for
the NGRN in order to reaffirm progress, instil a sense of achievement, explore learning
opportunities and set new goals (Goodwin-Esola et al., 2009).
If attempts to gain feedback are not successful, there are alternative or complementary
options, such as maintaining a portfolio, reflective journal or being alert for other measures of
success (Sewell, 2008). These measures may include feedback from patients, being given
extra responsibility or informal feedback on practice during the course of the shift etc. Those
who have had experience with a reflective journal find that writing assists with self-
assessment of progress, provision of perspective and a sense of achievement (Day & Rickard,
2012). Additionally, the use of social media and web blogs as a critical event journal has been
suggested for debriefing and shared learning (Sewell, 2008).
There is reported to be little research on how to manage specific stressors associated
with reality shock (Thiessen 2016). The objective of this literature review was to identify
research that has a focus on the strategies NGRNs employ to manage these stressors. It is also
acknowledged that every student will have a different capacity for resilience. At the outset,
nursing may have been a default option and not the students preferred profession or perhaps
nursing was a stepping stone to another career. As a consequence, this background can
negatively influence an individual’s vulnerability, engagement, perception and occupational
health (Rudman & Gustavson 2012). Conversely, undergraduate nursing students may
already have well developed resilience prior to commencement of their studies in nursing
(Rudman & Gustavson 2012). In a study by Chamberlain et al. (2016 p.8) it was found that
‘the strongest predictors of resilience (in nursing students) were attributed to dispositional
mindfulness and its subset of acceptance’.
A major challenge to personal resilience relates to the nursing and hospital culture.
While professional socialization promises to ease transition when effectively scaffolded, such
a network can also be a threat, because of the stress of enculturation to ritualistic practices
and expectations (Boychuk Duchscher 2008). Inevitably loss of empowerment and moral
distress is a likely result if pressured in this way to compromise care (Mooney 2007b;
Hamilton 2005; Boychuck Duchscher 2004).
In response to these concerns, this study has garnered evidence based strategies
reported to assist with facilitating the safe transition of NGRNs and improve their willingness
to remain in the workforce. Bridging the gap between the undergraduate experience and the
clinical world of nursing is essential to reduce reality shock i.e. ‘a more accurate academic
acknowledgement of the clinical world of nursing may decrease new graduates’ sense of
anxiety inherent within the professional nursing role’ (Winfred, Melo & Myrick 2009 p. 12).
Hamilton (2005, p.76) describes these disconnects as:
Discursive dissonances or differing constructions of the new graduate within
institutional discourses of education and health service. In educational discourse the
graduate is positioned as a critical thinking and knowing care giver . . . health
service discourses work to construct new graduates as functional, efficient,
organizational operatives providing a nursing service.
In accordance with this foreseeable assault on the NGRNs sense of self as a professional,
evidence suggests that a nurse’s self-concept fluctuates at the developmental stage as they
make the journey from student to graduate nurse (Pfaff 2014). As a consequence, there are
implications for safe patient care and strategies should be directed towards enhancing the
undergraduate nurse’s self-confidence in preparation for transition (Cowin et al. 2006 p. 30).
NGRNs who lack confidence are less likely to assert themselves in an inter-professional
context, are fearful, easily intimidated, and patients may suffer as a result (Pfaff 2014).
Confronting the realities of practice in the classroom will be of benefit to nursing
students before they become NGRNs (Shinners 2016; Theisen 2016). Students will likely
have misgivings from their engagement with the clinical practice environment as they may
have already experienced horizontal violence and pressures from a variety of sources
(Hamilton 2005). Hence, students should be eager to participate in conversations of this
nature, to share their stories and learn from each other. Possible conversations include:
The issues surrounding medication errors and reconciliation of mistakes, particularly
when students may have witnessed the mistakes of others (Cooper et al. 2015).
The confounding problem of moral distress when as students they may have been
attempting to perform best practice and are discouraged from doing so (LaSala &
Bjarnason, 2010).
The need to self-assess their own progress as in some work place environments it is
unlikely that such an opportunity will be provided to them on a regular basis (Parker
et al., 2014).
The potential for the NGRN to jeopardize patient safety due to avoidance of shame as
was found by Malouf and West (2011).
Overall, there is a need to acknowledge the complexity of the nursing and health care culture
in a neutral classroom environment. Firstly, learning that their shared experiences are similar
is likely to be beneficial for students and secondly, provision of the opportunity to discuss
possible responses and rehearse solutions can be therapeutic and empowering (Goleman &
Boyatzis 2007; Shinners, Africa & Hawkes 2016). As a consequence of this repositioning,
students would be afforded an extra layer of resilience so that, when they adopt the role of
NGRN, they recognize their struggles, not as a failure on their behalf, but a product of the
many challenges of the culture of nursing and health care environment.
Strengths and Limitations
The inclusion of a large number of journal articles in this review may be considered a
strength. All manuscripts were from peer reviewed journals. During thematic analysis, some
themes were well supported by a large number of references while others have less support
due to the paucity of research in that area. This does not mean that a theme should be
discounted (Braun & Clarke, 2006) with regard to recommended strategies or issues of
concern for the NGRN. For example, there was a relatively small number of references
representing the theme ‘strategies to manage moral distress and foster moral courage’.
However, this theme was compelling, considered relevant and therefore retained.
This study was a first step toward development of a comprehensive approach to
undergraduate education that prepares nursing students for transition to practice. Strategies
recommended include the need to: explore personal self-support, reflection and interpretive
style; address social intelligence and the need of the NGRN to fit into the organizational
culture; understand the nature of transition to practice; minimize horizontal violence;
recognize and regulate emotions; manage moral distress and foster moral courage; self-assess
progress and performance. Enacting any one of these strategies in professional practice is
purported to be a significant determinant of “well-being” outcomes for both the patient and
NGRN. Interaction of two or more strategies would be even more empowering. Further
research is recommended to determine the most effective ways to teach these strategies, to
verify their effectiveness and identify possible further inclusions that will improve the
capacity of NGRNs to be successful during transition.
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... Safe practice 'There remains little literature regarding patient safety knowledge and practices of new graduate registered nurses' ( Murray et al., 2020 ). be a 'positive influence' on new graduate transition ( Dwyer and Hunter Revell, 2016 ), a finding supported by a review of strategies new graduate nurses use to care and advocate for themselves ( Mellor et al., 2017 ). Two reviews used the concept of resilience to assist with literature searching and reporting results ( Concilio et al., 2019 ;Mellor et al., 2017 ). ...
... be a 'positive influence' on new graduate transition ( Dwyer and Hunter Revell, 2016 ), a finding supported by a review of strategies new graduate nurses use to care and advocate for themselves ( Mellor et al., 2017 ). Two reviews used the concept of resilience to assist with literature searching and reporting results ( Concilio et al., 2019 ;Mellor et al., 2017 ). Factors found to be protective of resilience included social support, group cohesion, relationship-based care practices, organisational support and clinical support ( Concilio et al., 2019 ). ...
... Many strategies can be employed by new graduate nurses to try and cope with stressors during transition, including self-reflection and obtaining feedback from colleagues ( Mellor et al., 2017 ), however, there is little research on how these stressors influence practice readiness ( Theisen and Sandau, 2013 ). ...
Background For many years there has been concern that new graduate nurses may not have been adequately prepared for the workplace, often framed in terms of whether they are work ready or practice ready and able to deal with the ‘reality shock’ of transitioning from student to clinician. This has prompted significant research to investigate the practice readiness of new graduate nurses. Objectives Identify what is known about the practice readiness of new graduate nurses upon commencement of employment, how practice readiness changes over their first year of employment and explore the factors which influence practice readiness. Design Scoping review of existing reviews guided by the framework developed by Arksey and O'Malley, with search results based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement. Methods MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Scopus and Web of Science were searched to identify literature reviews synthesising evidence about new graduate nurses, work readiness, practice readiness, competency and transition to practice. New graduate nurses were defined as nurses who were working in any clinical setting as a nurse within their first year of employment after graduation. Database searching was supplemented with snowball searching and limited to English language papers published between 2011 and 2020. Full-text copies of included reviews were imported into an NVivo (Version 12) database to facilitate analysis and synthesis of findings. Results Forty-five reviews were included. The findings indicate that transition is influenced by a wide range of intrapersonal, interpersonal and organisational factors, many of which are beyond the control of new graduate nurses. The findings also suggest that, overall, there are no major concerns about the practice readiness of new graduate nurses consistently supported by strong evidence. However, there is evidence to suggest that they ‘lack confidence’ during the first few months of employment. Conclusions The ‘receptivity’ of the clinical environment to new graduate nurses appears to be a critical influence on their experience of transitioning from student to clinician and can also influence their readiness for the role of a registered nurse. Rather than focusing on the question of whether new graduate nurses are adequately prepared for the workplace, it may be time to shift the question to whether the workplace is ready to support new graduate nurses. The findings suggest two research priorities for advancing our understanding of workplace support for new graduate nurses.
... Kramer, (1974) went so far as to say that nurses may feel betrayed and blame their educational facilities for setting them up for failure in coping with this transition. The significance of this transition has drawn the attention of many researchers who argue about the solutions to transition shock, but there is vast agreement on the presence of transition shock among nurses (Kramer, 1974;Graf, et al., 2020;Mellor et al., 2017;Theisen & Sandau, 2016). As the healthcare system has only become more complicated since Kramer's (1974) initial work on reality shock, the transition for new nurses is becoming an even more critical event for them and their employers (Spector et al., 2015). ...
... The enormity of this transition from school to work and the challenges associated with it has drawn much attention over the last four decades (Kramer, 1974;Graf et al., 2020;Martin & Wilson, 2011;Mellor et al., 2017). The phenomenon was first identified as the difference between what a nurse expects the job to be and the reality of the job, hence the term reality shock (Kramer, 1974). ...
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As new nurses complete their education and transition from school to work, they are often shocked by the difference between what school has prepared them for and the reality of the workplace. This has led to high job dissatisfaction and a growing nursing shortage. Prior research has investigated the role of onboarding and support programs for new nurses. Still, there has been limited research into how nurses’ personal resources, such as grit and self-efficacy, impact this transition. This research explores a gap in the existing research by studying job satisfaction in the presence of personal resources of self-efficacy and grit to determine which could predict turnover intention amongst new nurses. This study used a nonexperimental research design using the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE), the Short-Grit Scale (Grit-S), the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), and the Turnover Intention Scale (TIS-6). Sixty nurses who work in patient facing roles with less than five years of registered nurse experience were surveyed as part of this study. The overall regression model was statistically significant, F(3,56) = 7.696, p = < .001, R2 = .29. Of the three predictor variables, job satisfaction and grit both had statistically significant results, (β = -.114, t = -3.422, p = .001) and (β = 2.969, t = 4.051, p = <.001). Future research should continue to examine grit in more established contexts, while personal resources should continue to be a focus for determining their value in preventing harmful effects of reality shock and other workplace stressors.
... Thus, if we find the key to harness self-care, perhaps by improving a SOC, a major impact can be made on the control of mental and chronic health conditions, for example, currently representing the most urgent focus of all health policies worldwide [57]. To reach this type of ambitious outcome, it is necessary to begin by examining the appraisal of self-care and a SOC in students based on the most immediate variables available for them-their academic performance, as this seems to have a direct relationship with subsequent professional development and with the adoption of healthy lifestyles [58][59][60]-and their age and gender [61]. Therefore, this study aimed to research the possible relationships between gender, and self-reported academic performance as independent variables, and self-care agency and a sense of coherence as dependent variables in nursing assistant students. ...
... However, the most prominent challenge implied in this salutogenic perspective is the development of a professional care model oriented towards self-care, patient empowerment, and the enhancement of the professional-based (curative, preventive, protective, and promotive) practice. When using this framework, health professionals become change agents and role models for the population they serve [59,60,92]. ...
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Background: Effective advocacy on self-care and the enhancement of a sense of coherence among nurses don't only benefit control over one's health and personal performance, but it may have a direct impact on clinical care and on the entire healing system. In this regard, nursing curricula grounded on a salutogenic model of health (SMH) operate with strategies to engage students in self-care and contribute to improving their mental health and wellbeing. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between self-care agency and a sense of coherence as dependent variables and the age and self-reported academic performance as independent variables in nursing assistant students. Methods: For this cross-sectional study, data were collected from a full sample of 921 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Spanish students. A self-administered questionnaire, including sociodemographic variables, the 'appraisal of self-care agency' (ASA), and the 'sense of coherence' (SOC) constructs, was administered. Results: Older participants presented significantly stronger values of both constructs. Apart from a significant and positive correlation between ASAS and SOC, ANOVA analyses indicate significant differences in terms of academic performance according to different ASAS and SOC degrees. Conclusions: The findings of this study endorse the assumption that there is a consistent relationship between ASA and SOC constructs that might, indeed, have a potential effect on students' academic performance. In practical terms, it seems relevant to try to recognise the students' self-care agency and the sense of coherence as forceful predictive variables of mental health and wellbeing, in addition to academic success as a strength implied in the future career achievement.
... Additionally, verbal persuasion or feedback and Baharum et al. BMC Nursing (2024) 23:879 reflection sessions are considered useful strategies for instilling hardiness, confidence, self-esteem, and optimism among new nurses [92,93]. Nevertheless, their superiors should demonstrate a firm attitude and a more prudent approach to increase the nurses' credibility and resilience. ...
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Background Graduate nurses commonly experience the transition phase and are required to adapt quickly to their new workplace, as it is a prerequisite for a successful transition. However, workplace adaptation is extremely challenging and may affect nurses’ future career prospects if not managed properly. Therefore, we aimed to determine the factors that facilitate newly employed nurses’ adaptation and integration at Ministry of Health (MOH)-run state hospitals in Malaysia. The study framework was derived and adapted from the Roy adaptation model and organisational socialisation theories. Methods This quantitative study was conducted from May 2021 to December 2021. The sample population was newly employed nurses working at state hospitals with 1–2 years of service experience. This study involved 496 newly hired nurses from MOH state hospitals. Questionnaires were distributed through Google Forms. The data were analysed using covariance-based structural equation modelling. Results The participants perceived that workplace organisation (OC), academic institution contribution (AIC), and new nurse’s personality traits (PT) contributed approximately 36% to newly employed nurses’ adaptation (NENA). PT partially mediated the relationship between OC and NENA and between AIC and NENA. Conclusions The results could be useful to nursing authorities. We also recommend that a nurse’s personality be developed, emphasised, and enhanced through continuous programmes or training to ensure that they can easily adapt to their new working environment. Furthermore, academic institution and work organisation collaboration should be encouraged to develop improvement cycles that facilitate newly employed nurses’ prompt and efficient adaptation at MOH hospitals during transition.
... Strategies are required to instil HR values through educational activities such as simulation, role play, discussion, and self-re ection [89]. Additionally, verbal persuasion or feedback and re ection sessions are considered useful strategies for instilling HR, con dence, SE, and OP among new nurses [89,90]. Nevertheless, their superiors should demonstrate a rm attitude and a more prudent approach to increase the nurses' credibility and resilience. ...
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Objective The transition phase is a common custom experienced by graduate nurses, who are required to adapt quickly to their new workplace as it is a prerequisite for a successful transition. However, workplace adaptation is very challenging and may affect nurses’ future career prospects if not managed properly. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the factors that facilitate newly employed nurses’ adaptation and integration at Ministry of Health (MOH)-run state hospitals in Malaysia. The study framework was derived and adapted from the Roy adaptation model (RAM) and organisational socialisation theories. Design This quantitative study was conducted from May 2021 to December 2021. Setting The sample population was newly employed nurses working at state hospitals with 1–2 years of service experience. Participants A total of 496 newly hired nurses from MOH state hospitals participated in this study. The data was analysed using covariance-based structural equation modelling and IBM SPSS Amos 24. Results The participants perceived that workplace organisation (OC), academic institution contribution (AIC), and new nurse’s personality traits (PT) contributed approximately 36% to newly employed nurses’ adaptation (NENA). PT partially mediated the relationship between OC and NENA and between AIC and NENA. Conclusions The findings could be useful to nursing authorities. Additionally, it is also recommended that a nurse’s personality be developed, emphasised, and enhanced through continuous programmes or training to ensure that they can easily adapt to their new working environment. Moreover, academic institutions and work organisations should be encouraged to collaborate to develop improvement cycles that facilitate newly employed nurses’ prompt and efficient adaptation at MOH hospitals during transition.
... In another example, health units allocated graduate nurses a preceptor; however, due to limited resources or other organisational complexity, the preceptor and preceptee did not have the opportunity to work together (Mellor & Greenhill, 2014;Mellor, Gregoric, Atkinson & Greenhill, 2017). As a consequence of not being observed or mentored by any one person, many graduate nurses were often anxious, because they received little guidance or feedback on their progress and performance (Parker, et al. 2014;Mellor, Gregoric & Gillham, 2017) This integrative review has synthesised knowledge around the psychosocial factors that influence the graduate nurse experience of transition…While there was a minority of nursing students for whom self-efficacy and planfulness was a natural phenomenon, i.e. they proactively sought out high quality experiences, or strategically altered their placements in order to achieve the required standards to succeed in their transition year, the majority have been prepared for dependency, and are not ready for the psychosocial trauma of employment in healthcare environments (Mellor, 2021 p. 47). Overall there were a small number of studies which considered the psychosocial dimension (Kenny, et al. 2021); however, the majority of articles focused on the need to acquire competency in clinical skills, time management, and prioritisation before graduation. ...
Background Health services offer new graduate registered nurses (NGRNs) employment primarily via specialized transition programs. However, findings continue to indicate that these programs are mostly counterproductive in the provision of a supportive environment. As a consequence, the health of graduates and safety of their patients is often at risk. Purpose The specific aim of this integrative review was to review, critique, and synthesize the existing literature with regard to the spectrum of factors and perceptions that have an impact on NGRNs and their passage to becoming competent professional nurses. The overall aim was to reconceptualize the approach to NGRN transition and develop new frameworks or perspectives. Methods This study used an integrative review of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and the McGill Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. The CINAHL, PsycInfo, Google Scholar, and Ovid MEDLINE databases were searched for relevant quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies published in English in an academic journal between 2015 and 2021. Eligible studies were categorized conceptually in accordance within a recognized framework for integrative reviews. Results A total of 41 studies were included in the review. This review found that healthcare organizations are primarily solipsistic and provision of consistent quality support, or any support at all, for NGRNs was not assured. As a consequence, purposive psychosocial preparation of nursing students for self-support during transition is needed. Conclusion An intense focus on psychosocial preparation of nursing students in order to scaffold the transition to practice experience and thus ensure patient safety is advocated. Proposals for change are recommended at the undergraduate level, which includes comprehensive curriculum development in both theory and practice.
... For newly qualified staff nurses, this can be challenging for them and their anxieties may increase because of their lack of experience (Moquin et al., 2018). Mellor et al. (2017) suggested that better effective professional socialization between theory and practice could be one possible solution to reduce this anxiety and increase the ability of novice staff nurses to find their voice and speak out for patients/clients and their families. ...
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This article documents the different forms of advocacy and highlights the importance of advocacy in the UK health-and social-care settings. It draws on a number of elements related to advocacy to demonstrate the challenges that nurses may encounter. Moreover, it identifies the skills and knowledge that nurses may use as being advocates for patients/clients and their families. The article makes a strong argument by highlighting that nurses are essential advocates and are duty-bound to adhere to their professional code of conduct. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code clearly states that nurses must ensure that patients/clients and their families are protected, respected, treated with dignity, and are given the highest standard of person-centered care. This article has considered these in relation to nurse advocacy.
Being an effective and well-rounded nurse in Australia is not just about technical skills - it's also about thinking like a nurse. The Road to Nursing helps students develop clinical reasoning and critical reflection skills, understand the philosophical and ethical considerations necessary to care for clients and reflect on how to provide care that meets the unique needs of clients. This edition retains three parts which guide students through their transition to university, formation of a professional identity and progression to professional practice. A revised chapter order improves the transition between topics and a new chapter explores the ever-changing Australian health landscape, including recent technological innovations. Each chapter includes definitions of key terms, reflection questions, perspectives from nurses, end-of-chapter review questions, research topics and resources that connect students with the real-world practice of nursing. Written by healthcare experts, The Road to Nursing is a fundamental resource for students beginning a nursing career.
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Background Nursing students will graduate into stressful workplace environments and resilience is an essential acquired ability for surviving the workplace. Few studies have explored the relationship between resilience and the degree of innate dispositional mindfulness, compassion, compassion fatigue and burnout in nursing students, including those who find themselves in the position of needing to work in addition to their academic responsibilities. Aim This paper investigates the predictors of resilience, including dispositional mindfulness and employment status of third year nursing students from three Australian universities. Design Participants were 240 undergraduate, third year, nursing students. Participants completed a resilience measure (Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale, CD‐RISC), measures of dispositional mindfulness (Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale Revised, CAMS‐R) and professional quality of life (The Professional Quality of Life Scale version 5, PROQOL5), such as compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and burnout. Method An observational quantitative successive independent samples survey design was employed. A stepwise linear regression was used to evaluate the extent to which predictive variables were related each to resilience. Results The predictive model explained 57% of the variance in resilience. Dispositional mindfulness subset acceptance made the strongest contribution, followed by the expectation of a graduate nurse transition programme acceptance, with dispositional mindfulness total score and employment greater than 20 hours per week making the smallest contribution. This was a resilient group of nursing students who rated high with dispositional mindfulness and exhibited hopeful and positive aspirations for obtaining a position in a competitive graduate nurse transition programme after graduation.
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This study was undertaken in order to develop a model of facilitation of emotional intelligence to promote wholeness in neophyte critical care nurses in South Africa. A theory-generative, explorative, descriptive, contextual research design was used. The model was developed utilising the four steps of theory generation as proposed by Dickoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968), Chinn and Kramer (2011) and Walker and Avant (2011). Step one dealt with the empirical phase in which the concepts were distilled. The facilitation of inherent affective and mental resourcefulness and resilience was the main concept of the model. Step two comprised the definition and classification of central and related concepts. Step three provides a description of the model. The model operates in three phases namely the dependent phase, partially dependent phase and the independent phase. Step four entailed the description of guidelines for operationalizing the model. During the three phases of the model a new nurse who starts to work in critical care moves from a latent ability to develop an inherent affective and mental resourcefulness and resilience to a state of developing an inherent affective and mental resourcefulness and resilience. This model provides a structured framework for the facilitation of emotional intelligence (EI) to promote wholeness in nurses who commence to work in critical care units.
New graduate registered nurses (NGRN's) have an expectation of clinical support as they make the transition from novice to advanced beginner. In this 2008-2009 study of three rural transition to practice programs we found that clinical support did not eventuate. Consequently, NGRN's reported feeling underprepared for practice, overwhelmed by responsibility and often abandoned. Against this background, many were concerned that their inexperience had implications for safe patient care. Graduate nurse transition programs need to have the physical and human resources necessary to deliver the clinical support as promised in their prospectus, to ensure patient safety. This grounded theory study identified three essential core elements - leadership support, clinical supervision, and effective interprofessional relationships. Recommendation is made to address these deficits by mandating their inclusion in all transition to professional practice programs.
Aim and objective: To explore graduate nurses' experiences of caring for deteriorating patients during the first year of practice. Background: Hospital-based transition programmes have been established to ease graduate nurse transition. Despite this, novice nurses persistently cite caring for deteriorating patients as a clinical challenge. Few studies have explored the unique needs of novice nurses during such encounters, even less research has been undertaken from their perspective. Design: Qualitative interpretive phenomenological analysis. Method: One-on-one, semi-structured, in-depth, audio-recorded interviews were conducted between July-November 2014. A purposive sample of eight novice nurses working in acute care, ICU and the ED was recruited through the use of flyers. Results: Three major patterns with related themes illuminate the experience of caring for deteriorating patients as it is lived by graduate nurses. Dwelling with uncertainty occurred during initial encounters with deteriorating patients with its deeply felt impact upon these novices causing them to question their capability of becoming a nurse. 'Success' or 'failure' of their performance during these encounters extended to their view of themselves as nurses and impacted transition. Building me up was influenced by participants' expressed need for and importance of trusted relationships with preceptors, nurse colleagues and/or educators as they learned to care for deteriorating patients. A new lifeline: Salient being emerged as change in participants' identity and increased self-understanding as professional nurses. Conclusion: Caring for deteriorating patients impacted graduate nurses because they viewed such encounters to be 'high stakes' not only for their patient but also for themselves. Crucial to their development were trusted relationships with preceptors, nurse colleagues and/or educators. Relevance to clinical practice: The findings identify needs of graduate nurses' during a high-stakes patient encounter and shed light upon one aspect of transition. Clinical leaders may use the findings from this study to improve preceptor development and transition programme curricula.
Debriefing is considered a positive approach used to evaluate learning, support communication, and explore emotions following simulation or a clinical experience. This article discusses the use of debriefing as an evolving strategy for new graduate nurses and focuses on the importance of structured clinical debriefing as a component to relieve stress while providing periods of reflection and cohesion.
Unlabelled: A decade ago in these pages, Goleman published his highly influential article on emotional intelligence and leadership. Now he, a cochair of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, and Boyatzis, a professor at Case Western, extend Goleman's original concept using emerging research about what happens in the brain when people interact. Social intelligence, they say, is a set of interpersonal competencies, built on specific neural circuits, that inspire people to be effective. The authors describe how the brain's mirror neurons enable a person to reproduce the emotions she detects in others and, thereby, have an instant sense of shared experience. Organizational studies document this phenomenon in contexts ranging from face-to-face performance reviews to the daily personal interactions that help a leader retain prized talent. Other social neurons include spindle cells, which allow leaders to quickly choose the best way to respond to someone, and oscillators, which synchronize people's physical movements. Great leaders, the authors believe, are those whose behaviors powerfully leverage this complex system of brain interconnectedness. In a handy chart, the authors share their approach to assessing seven competencies that distinguish socially intelligent from socially unintelligent leaders. Their specific advice to leaders who need to strengthen their social circuitry: Work hard at altering your behavior. They share an example of an executive who became socially smarter by embracing a change program that comprised a 360-degree evaluation, intensive coaching by an organizational psychologist, and long-term collaboration with a mentor. The results: stronger relationships with higher-ups and subordinates, better performance of her unit, and a big promotion.
Nurses practicing in today's healthcare environment are confronted with increasingly complex moral and ethical dilemmas. Nurses encounter these dilemmas in situations where their ability to do the right thing is frequently hindered by conflicting values and beliefs of other healthcare providers. In these circumstances, upholding their commitment to patients requires significant moral courage. Nurses who possess moral courage and advocate in the best interest of the patient may at times find themselves experiencing adverse outcomes. These issues underscore the need for all nurses in all roles across all settings to commit to working toward creating work environments that support moral courage. In this manuscript the authors describe moral courage in nursing; and explore personal characteristics that promote moral courage, including moral reasoning, the ethic of care, and nursing competence. They also discuss organizational structures that support moral courage, specifically the organization's mission, vision, and values; models of care; structural empowerment; shared governance; communication; a just culture; and leadership that promotes moral courage.
The purpose of this article is to present a process model of the development of a newly graduated nurse. The model is useful in helping new graduates interpret their experience during their first crucial months in practice and can be used by organizations to design developmentally appropriate support strategies. The model integrates novice to expert skill acquisition, adult learning, and transition theory.