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Reducing concussion symptoms among teenage youth: Evaluation of a mobile health app


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To evaluate whether a mobile health application that employs elements of social game design could compliment medical care for unresolved concussion symptoms. Design: Phase I and Phase II (open-label, non-randomized, ecological momentary assessment methodology). Setting: Outpatient concussion clinic. Participants: Youth, aged 13–18 years, with concussion symptoms 3+ weeks after injury; Phase I: n = 20; Phase II: n = 19. Interventions: Participants received standard of care for concussion. The experimental group also used a mobile health application as a gamified symptoms journal. Outcome measures: Phase I: feasibility and satisfaction with intervention (7-point Likert scale, 1 high). Phase II: change in SCAT-3 concussion symptoms (primary), depression and optimism. Results: Phase 1: A plurality of participants completed the intervention (14 of 20) with high use (110 +/− 18% play) and satisfaction (median +/− interquartile range (IQR) = 2.0+/− 0.0). Phase II: Groups were equivalent on baseline symptoms, intervention duration, gender distribution, days since injury and medication prescription. Symptoms and optimism improved more for the experimental than for the active control cohort (U = 18.5, p = 0.028, effect size r = 0.50 and U = 18.5, p = 0.028, effect size r = 0.51, respectively). Conclusions: Mobile apps incorporating social game mechanics and a heroic narrative may promote health management among teenagers with unresolved concussion symptoms.
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Reducing concussion symptoms among teenage youth: Evaluation of a mobile
health app
Lise Worthen-Chaudhari
, Jane McGonigal
, Kelsey Logan
, Marcia A. Bockbrader
, Keith O. Yeates
and W. Jerry Mysiw
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Neurological Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA;
Institute for the
Future, Palo Alto, CA, USA;
Division of Sports Medicine, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center and Department of Pediatrics, University of
Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA;
Department of Psychology, Alberta Childrens Hospital Research Institute, and Hotchkiss Brain
Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
Objective: To evaluate whether a mobile health application that employs elements of social game design
could compliment medical care for unresolved concussion symptoms.
Design: Phase I and Phase II (open-label, non-randomized, ecological momentary assessment methodology).
Setting: Outpatient concussion clinic.
Participants: Youth, aged 1318 years, with concussion symptoms 3+ weeks after injury; Phase I: n = 20;
Phase II: n = 19.
Interventions: Participants received standard of care for concussion. The experimental group also used a
mobile health application as a gamified symptoms journal.
Outcome measures: Phase I: feasibility and satisfaction with intervention (7-point Likert scale, 1 high).
Phase II: change in SCAT-3 concussion symptoms (primary), depression and optimism.
Results: Phase 1: A plurality of participants completed the intervention (14 of 20) with high use (110 +/18%
play) and satisfaction (median +/interquartile range (IQR) = 2.0+/0.0). Phase II:Groupswereequivalenton
baseline symptoms, intervention duration, gender distribution, days since injury and medication prescription.
Symptomsandoptimismimprovedmorefortheexperimentalthanfortheactivecontrolcohort(U=18.5, p=
0.028, effect size r=0.50andU=18.5, p= 0.028, effect size r= 0.51, respectively).
Conclusions: Mobile apps incorporating social game mechanics and a heroic narrative may promote
health management among teenagers with unresolved concussion symptoms.
Received 5 January 2017
Revised 14 May 2017
Accepted 15 May 2017
Rehabilitation; intervention;
children; concussion; mobile
health; gaming
The World Health Organization task force named concussion a
public health problem in 2004 [1], yet treatment options for
concussion, or mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI), remain
limited today. The American Academy of Neurology recom-
mends limiting cognitive and physical effort and prohibiting
sports involvement until a concussed individual is asymptomatic
without medication [2]; however, this level of physical, cognitive
and social inactivity represents a lifestylechangewithitsownrisk
factors, including social isolation, depression and increased inci-
dence of suicidal ideology [3]. In addition, cognitive rest often
involves limiting screen stimulation associated with popular
modes of interpersonal interaction, such as text messaging, social
networking on digital platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram) and multiplayer video gaming, thereby blocking com-
mon avenues for social connection [4]. The impact of social
connections on health has been well established within the field
of network science [5], but these findings have been slow to
change traditional health-care practices. A critical need exists for
interventions that might improve concussion symptoms faster
while mitigating risks associated with prescribed inactivity and
providing avenues for continued social connection.
Youth are especially at risk with regard to concussion [6]. The
rate of reported concussion in high school athletes has doubled
since 2005 [7], and youth demonstrate more prolonged recovery
from symptoms [810]. Concussion symptoms can include a
variety of complaints: headaches, confusion, depression, sleep
disturbance, fatigue, irritability, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, dif-
ficulty concentrating or thinking clearly, sensitivity to light and
noise [11], impaired cognitive function [1214] and impaired
postural control [15,16]. These symptoms create the need to
manage academic and physical activity adjustments prescribed
to treat the injury. Lack of resolution of such symptoms poses
real-life consequences for educational progress and psychoso-
cialbehavioural development among youth.
Mobile health platforms have been used to track symptoms,
aid treatment and provide support among individuals with con-
cussion and other diagnoses [1720]. Framing such mobile
health platforms as games has been proposed as a creative way
to treat health issues [4,21]. In particular, the potential to engage
social support through multiplayer interactive mechanics and
reframe the work of health recovery as a personally relevant,
heroic narrative using games has been noted as a promising new
area for exploration in health care [4,22]. We sought to evaluate
the use of one such mobile health application (app), using social,
game-like interactive mechanics, as a way to complement the
medical management of unresolved concussion symptoms.
CONTACT Lise Worthen-Chaudhari Dodd Hall, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Neurological
Institute, Rm 1060, 480 Medical Center Drive, Columbus, OH 43220, USA.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
The app we evaluated, called SuperBetter, was designed to
apply principles of positive psychology [23,24], social interaction
and gameful designan approach that aims to evoke the psy-
chological strengths of game play such as optimism, creativity,
courage, and determinationin non-game applications and rea-
lity [21]to personal challenges like recovery from concussion
[4,21]. Specifically, this app reframes factors that might nega-
tively or positively impact health, respectively, as bad guys(e.g.
bright lights, lack of sleep) or power ups(e.g. wearing sun-
glasses or avoiding bright lights, resting when symptoms are
mild vs. once they become severe). Furthermore, this app incor-
porates social mechanics by allowing participant to invite sup-
portive individuals as allieswith the ability to view logged
activity regarding their health journey and send encouraging
prompts through the app. For instance, a player might report
that they battled the headache bad guy and did or did not
conquer this personal bad guy on a specific day; an ally viewing
this post could send an encouraging message or a virtual
achievement awardto the player to explicitly recognize the
work the player has committed thus far to recovery; after a few
days of play, the app enables the player to graph the time course
of their progress toward vanquishing the headache bad guy as
well as revisit supportive messages they have received through-
out their battles. Using this framework of bad guys, power ups
and allies, SuperBetter has been shown previously to improve
depression in adults [22].
The study had two aims: 1) To evaluate whether the app
would be feasible for use by youth with unresolved concussion
symptoms as a complement to standard medical care (Phase I);
and 2) To assess whether recovery profiles differed between
youth who augmented medical care with the app and those who
received medical care alone (Phase II). We hypothesized youth
with concussion could successfully use the app; success was
defined as having a plurality of participants complete the inter-
vention with better than neutral satisfaction rating and no
reported unresolvable barriers to app use. We also hypothe-
sized that symptoms would improve more for those who were
able to use the app in conjunction with medical care then for
those who received medical care alone.
Outpatient pediatric sports medicine clinic, Cincinnati
ChildrensHospital Medical Center
Institutional Review Board approved this trial of Phase I feasi-
bility and Phase II efficacy (non-randomized, open label, con-
trolled) using ecological momentary assessment methodologies
[20,25] for assessment and intervention.
Phase I
Clinic patients (aged 1318 years) with physician-diagnosed con-
cussion and unresolved symptoms at 3 weeks to 12 months post
injury between 13 August 2014 and 9 December 2014 were
screened and recruited as a convenience sample. Follow-up
ended on 7 January 2015. Participants were excluded for pre-
morbid learning disabilities, concurrent illness/injury at pre-test
and complicated or atypical symptom presentation per treating
clinician (e.g. symptoms incongruent with cognitive load). Per
the funded protocol, we enrolled up to 20 participants within the
specified period of grant funding. Enrollees (14 female/6 male;
age mean 15.6+/1.6, range 1318 years) received standard med-
ical care plus app use. All 20 participants were included in the
Phase I analysis (see CONSORT flow diagram, Figure 1)inwhich
we assessed feasibility of combining app use with medical care as
well as satisfaction with intervention (7-point Likert scale; 1 high).
Phase II
Following completion of the Phase I study, we recruited 22
additional youth (17 female/5 male; age mean 15.6 +/1.7,
range 1318 years) from the concussion clinic as a convenience
sample into an active control cohort to receive standard medical
care. Enrollment occurred from 7 January 7 to 10 June 2015 and
from 16 September 16 to 7 October 2015 (Note: no recruitment
during summer 2015 due to school vacation). Follow-up lasted
through 4 November 2015. Recruitment ended when we
achieved a number of active control enrollees comparable to
the number of previously enrolled experimental participants
from Phase I. Using the following inclusion/exclusion criteria,
nine active control participants from the active control cohort
and 10 experimental participants from the Phase I cohort were
included in an open-label, non-randomized Phase II analysis
(see CONSORT flow diagram, Figure 1):
Symptom score of at least four points on Sports
Concussion Assessment Tool-3 (SCAT-3 [26]) pre-test.
Post-test occurred 38 weeks after pre-test. Both pre-
and post-tests occurred while school was in session.
No pre-existing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), which has been shown to influence concus-
sion symptom recovery [27].
No additional injury (e.g. ankle sprain) or illness (e.g. pneu-
monia) occurring between pre- and post-test that resulted in
parallel medical care for an issue other than concussion.
Experimental group: no self-reported barriers to
All participants received standard of care for unresolved con-
cussion symptoms and were treated by one physician (KL).
Experimental intervention
The app was loaded onto the mobile devices of experimental
participants and set to display concussion-specific content that
the research team had developed, entitled the Battle Royal Power
Pack, which guided participants to track the frequency and
severity of 22 concussion symptoms [26]. Using the app for
symptoms tracking was similar to documenting symptoms by
hand in a journal but translated the symptoms journal concept
into a: a) mobile device format, b) personally relevant, heroic
narrative and c) platform within which support givers could
provide structured support.
Players interacted with in-app content as follows:
(1) Symptoms were represented as bad guys (e.g. headaches,
dizziness, feeling confused) and medical recommenda-
tions were represented as power ups (e.g.sleep,sun-
glasses, academic concussion management plan).
(2) Participants invited allies to join their personal net-
work in the app. Our research coordinator was always
an ally. The participant had the choice to invite friends
and/or family as additional allies who could view their
in-app activity and could send resilience points,
achievements, comments and personalized emails in
response to activity.
(3) Logged activity consisted of any in-app action
(Figure 2), such as reporting that a bad guy was
battled and how severe the battle was, reporting
that a power up was completed, likingacomment
from an ally or posting a status update in the
activity feed.
Allocated to active control (n= 22)
Received allocated intervention (n= 10)
Did not receive allocated intervention (n= 12)
·n=3 discontinued concussion care
·n=3 out of school at post-test
·n=6 did not return for concussion care within
window of interest (3-8 weeks bet baseline
and post-test)
Excluded (n=3) due to:
·Symptoms resolved (n= 2)
·Learning disability (n=1)
Declined to participate (n=0)
Analysed (n= 10)
·Excluded from analysis (n=1)
·n=1 ADHD
Enrolled (n= 22)
Lost to follow-up (n= 0)
Assessed for
eligibility (n=25)
Assessed for
eligibility (n=24)
Analyzed (n= 10)
·Excluded from analysis (n= 4)
·n=4 ADHD
Excluded (n=4) due to:
·Symptoms resolved (n=2)
·Complicated presentation (n=2)
Declined to participate (n=0)
Allocated to intervention (n= 20)
·Received allocated intervention (n= 14)
·Did not receive allocated intervention
(n= 6)
·n=3 discontinued concussion care
·n=1 unanticipated difficulties with
home internet connection
·n=1 competing extra-curricular
commitments (e.g. cheerleading)
·n=1 concurrent, unrelated illness
Analysed (n = 14)
·Excluded from analysis (n= 0)
Enrolled (n= 20)
Lost to follow-up (n= 0)
Discontinued intervention (n= 0)
Figure 1. CONSORT flow diagram.
Participants were asked to log activity at the frequency of one
logged activity per day for 5 days each week, for a target dose of 15
logged activities over the first 3 weeks between pre- and post-test.
To identify non-compliance and associated barriers, we assessed
the number of days the app was used and contacted participants
to ask if they were experiencing any barriers to play. If a barrier
was named, our research coordinator reviewed potential strategies
to overcome the barrier (e.g. for the stated barrier of having
trouble remembering to play, the strategy to overcome the barrier
wastolookforthedailymessagefrom the app displayed on their
mobile device and to take that moment to log activity). If partici-
pants showed no additional lapse in app use, then barriers to play
were considered resolved. However, if participants showed an
additional lapse in app use, defined as an additional 4-day gap
in any 7-day period, they were considered to have not completed
the intervention and their barriers to compliance were noted.
Outcome measures
Phase I
Primary outcome measure:
Number of participants completing the intervention relative
to all enrolled.
Secondary measures:
App use (%Play), expressed as per cent of target dose in
first 3 weeks of intervention;
Satisfaction with intervention, rated on a seven-point
Likert scale (1 = high, 4 = neutral, 7 = low);
Barriers to compliance.
Phase II
Primary outcome measure:
Concussion symptom severity on the SCAT-3 symptom check-
list score. The SCAT-3 is commonly used for concussion assess-
ment on the field and in the clinic [28], as self-reported symptoms
are a key component of concussion assessment [29]. The symptom
checklist score is a sum across 22 self-report symptom ratings, each
ranging in severity from absent (0) to severe (6). Testretest
reliability and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) measures
have been established for adolescents (Intraclass Correlation =
0.62, 7-day interval and ROC area under curve = 0.83) [29].
Secondary outcome measures:
Optimism, as measured by the Life Orientation Test
Revised (LOT-R) [30]. LOT-R scores are a sum across 10
self-rated items, with higher scores (max = 24) indicating
higher optimism. The LOT-R is reliable (Cronbachsalpha
coefficient = 0.70) with marginal gender differences and no
linear age trend [31].
Depression, as measured by the Center for Epidemiological
StudiesDepression Child (CES-DC) [32]. The CES-DC
score ranges from 0 (none) to 60 (severe) and is a sum
across 20 self-report items, which are rated in terms of
frequency over the past week. The CES-DC is a reliable
measure of depression (Cronbachs alpha coefficient =
0.89) among youth [33].
Analyses were completed in IBM SPSS Statistics v24.0 (Armonk,
NY: IBM Corp) and Microsoft Excel 2013 (Redmond, WA:
Microsoft Corporation). Due to small sample sizes with non-
normal distributions, non-parametric statistics were used. Phase
I analyses consisted of descriptive statistics for feasibility, utiliza-
tion and satisfaction. The criterion for feasibility was defined as
having a plurality of enrolled participants complete the interven-
tion.Utilization,or%Play,wascalculated as actual logged activity
in the first 3 weeks divided by target dose (15 logged events). The
criterion for satisfaction with the app was defined as median
satisfaction rating better than neutral (4) on the Likert scale. Chi-
squared tests were used to test satisfaction ratings, compare group
differences in categorical baseline variables and evaluate group
Figure 2. Screenshots from three screens encountered during SuperBetter mobile application play (clockwise from top middle): My Challenge,Superhero To-Do
Todayand Epic Win.
differences for number of responders on outcome measures.
Responders were defined as participants who improved numeri-
cally from pre- to post-test. MannWhitney U two-sample rank-
sum tests were used to compare group differences in non-catego-
rical baseline variables and evaluate group differences on pre- to
post-test change scores. Effect size (r) for change scores was
calculated by dividing Wilcoxon Zby square root of the combined
sample size (n = 19).
Phase I
The app met criterion for feasibility, with a plurality of enrollees
(14 of 20, or 70%) completing the intervention. These 14 partici-
pants had a median age of 17.0 (interquartile range (IQR) 2.0)
years; demonstrated high app utilization (Table I,median%Play=
110%, IQR 22% of target dose) and reported high satisfaction
(Figure 3, median Likert scale rating of 2.0, IQR 0.0). Satisfaction
criteria were met, indicating the ratings observed were significantly
different from what would be expected given a normal distribution
with a neutral mean, Chi
(6) = 183.3, p < 0.0001. Barriers to
compliance reported by the six enrollees who did not complete the
study included: discontinuation of medical care (n = 3), unantici-
pated difficulties with home Internet access (n = 1), competing
extracurricular activity schedule (n = 1) and concomitant illness
during enrollment (n = 1).
Phase II
Groups were not significantly different at baseline across all
factors considered (Table II). App users reported high satisfaction
(median 2.0, IQR 0.3) and %Play (median 113%, IQR 18%).
Table III summarizes outcome measures. There were significantly
more intervention respondersfor SCAT-3 symptoms (p= 0.006)
and optimism (p= 0.012) in the experimental group (100% and
80%, respectively) than the control cohort (44% and 22%,
respectively). Furthermore, symptoms and optimism improved
more for the experimental than for the active control cohort (U=
18.5, p= 0.028, effect size r=0.50andU=18.5, p= 0.028, effect
size r= 0.51, respectively). Experimental vs. control group med-
ians (IQR) for symptom change were 16.0 (32.0) and 2.0 (24.0),
respectively. Experimental vs. control group medians (IQR) for
optimism change were 3.0 (5.0) and 0.0 (1.0), respectively. No
significant differences were found between cohorts for depression
responders or change in depression scores.
Finally, post hoc, Spearman correlations between SCAT-3
change and optimism change were calculated and revealed no
significant correlations within cohorts (app use: rho =0.078,p=
0.830; control: rho = 0.248, p=0.521) or across groups (rho =
0.386, p=0.102). Furthermore, we found no significant correla-
tion between baseline optimism and SCAT-3 change either
within groups (app users: rho = 0.202, p=0.576; control: rho =
0.298, p=0.0.436) or across groups (rho = 0.211, p=0.386).
Youth were able to use the SuperBetter app in conjunction with
traditional medical care for post-concussive symptoms and were
satisfied with use of the app as experienced within this study
(hypothesis 1). Additionally, participants who used the app to
complement medical care saw more relief from concussion
symptoms than those experiencing traditional medical care
alone (hypothesis 2). These findings suggest that tapping into
existing habits, such as mobile device and social network activity,
with a gamified app is a feasible and potentially effective way to
facilitate medical care among youth with concussion. To our
knowledge, this is the first evidence that a mobile app, designed
to reframe the concussion challenge as a personal heroic narra-
tive and leverage social interaction mechanics, can augment
concussion care for teens.
Use of the app in combination with standard care also
appeared to promote optimism more than standard care alone,
regardless of optimism levels at start of the study. We propose that
the gameful [21] and/or social interactive design of SuperBetter
were effective to improve optimism among users without requir-
ing high optimism at the start of the intervention to ensure
Table I. Use, described as median (IQR) percentage of target dose (%Play) and
median satisfaction ratings for the SuperBetter intervention (7-point Likert
rating, 1 high) during each study phase.
Phase I
Phase II
%Play 110% (22%) 113% (18%)
Satisfaction with intervention 2.0 (0.0) 2.0 (0.3)
statistic, comparison with normally
distributed responses around a neutralmean
(df = 6)
(df = 6)
pvalue <0.0001 <0.0001
Satisfied Slightly
Neutral Slightly
Unsatified Ver
Phase I
Phase II
Figure 3. Satisfaction with app was high for both Phase I and Phase II experimental cohorts.
participant adoption. These data provide evidence that gameful,
social design is possible for use in health care, is successful
deployed in this particular mobile app, and is impactful even
among those who do not start out optimistic at the commence-
ment of an intervention. Further study is needed to understand
the interplay between optimism and recovery in neurorehabilita-
tion for youth, as well as for the general population.
Several potential mechanisms may explain how app use
reduces symptom severity and increases optimism. The app
may serve to remind participants of concussion management
recommendations during intervals between clinic visits. The
inclusion of our clinical coordinator as an ally provided a con-
nection to the medical team that may improve patient buy-into
medical care and/or compliance with medical recommenda-
tions. The encouragement to recruit a small number of high-
quality allies may help the participant cope with their illness by
guiding them to tap into their social network for support. The
cognitive reframing of their concussion recovery journey as a
heroic narrative, and the specific constructive actions of game
play, may increase optimism and reduce learned helplessness
[21] by returning a locus of control to the individual coping with
illness. Whether app use increases medical compliance or
improves optimism by enhancing social support, positive self-
thinking or other constructive coping strategies require further
study. However, qualitative feedback from app users provides
support for the theories, specifically that: 1) Reframing recovery
as a heroic narrative helped them cope with the symptoms of
their injury; and 2) Recruiting close allies, combined with posi-
tive messaging within the app, helped them feel less isolated in
their recovery journey. An early play-tester of the app noted: Its
HARD to ask forhelp when youre sick, especially if you are used
to being able to take care of yourself. You fear becoming a
burden, of sounding like you are constantly complaining, of
running out of goodwill from your friends and family. The
SuperBetter game provides a framework, through missions,
that allows friends and family to have concrete, actionable
ways to help me, and provides me with a way to focus on what
I CAN do, instead of what I CANT. It lets me see, and lets loved
ones see, exactly what I go through on a daily basis, and to
recognize that those are, in fact, epic wins. It allows me to
participate in my life and healing instead of just sitting around
waiting to get better.
Because app use and game play inherently involve active
repetition of some mental or physical task, they provide an
opportunity, as McGonigal (2011 & 2015) has said, to harness
the work and attention thatplayers willingly devote to interactive
play in order to improve health [4,21]. The implementation of
the SuperBetter app as a youth concussion intervention is a
concrete demonstration of this principle. Specifically, pairing
the social, mobile app SuperBetter with traditional medical
care appears to improve outcomes and optimism for youth
with unresolved concussion symptoms. More study is needed
Table II. Baseline characteristics for Phase II participants expressed as percent of individuals in group with characteristic or median value plus interquartile range (in
parentheses) and mean rank (MR).
Characteristic Experimental cohort (n=10) Active control cohort (n=9) Statistic pvalue
Gender Female: 7 (70%) Female: 7 (78%) Chi
= 0.148 0.701
Male: 3 (30%) Male: 2 (22%)
Medication use Yes: 3 (30%) Yes: 3 (33%) Chi
= 0.024 0.876
-Amitriptyline: 2 -Amitriptyline: 1
-Topiramate: 1 -Topiramate: 1
No: 7 (70%) -Ondansetron:1
No: 6 (67%)
Prior concussions Yes: 2 (20%) Yes: 1 (11%) Chi
= 0.281 0.596
-1 prior: 1 -1 prior: 1
-3 prior: 1
No: 8 (80%) No: 8 (89%)
Age 17.0 (2.0); MR: 12.0 15.0 (2.0): MR: 7.8 U= 25.0 0.096
Social network use prior to intervention Every day: 10 (100%) Every day: 7 (78%) Chi
= 2.484 0.115
Never: 0 Never: 2 (22%)
Game play prior to intervention Every day: 0 (0%) Every day: 2 (22%) Chi
=3.758 0.289
Sometimes: 4 (40%) Sometimes: 1 (11%)
Rarely: 4 (40%) Rarely: 4 (44%)
Never: 2 (20%) Never: 2 (22%)
Symptoms (SCAT-3 baseline) 19.0 (59.0); MR: 11.3 17.0 (29.5); MR: 8.6 U= 32.0 0.288
Optimism (LOT-R baseline) 17.0 (8.8); MR: 9.7 17.0 (3.5); MR: 10.4 U= 41.5 0.773
Depression (CES-DC baseline) 18.0 (15.5); MR: 12.3 13.0 (7.0): MR: 7.5 U= 22.5 0.065
Days elapsed bet baseline and post-test 30.5 (11.8); MR: 9.9 28.0 (19.5); MR: 10.2 U= 43.5 0.902
Days since injury 30.0 (74.0); MR: 8.2 42.0 (12.5); MR: 12.0 U= 27.0 0.141
Table III. Outcome measures by group: median change with interquartile range (IQR) and mean rank (MR) or responder frequency (percentage) in cohort. Group
comparison statistics are Mann-Whitney Uwith effect size rfor pre- to post-test change scores and Chi
for responder frequency.
Outcome measure
Active control
(n=9) Statistic pvalue
Symptoms change (SCAT-3) 16.0 (32.0); MR:12.7 -2.0 (24.5); MR: 7.1 U= 18.5; r= 0.50 0.028
Optimism change (LOT-R) 3.0 (5.0); MR: 12.7 0.0 (1.0); MR: 7.1 U= 18.5; r= 0.51 0.028
Depression change (CES-DC) 8.0 (17.0): MR: 11.8 4.0 (7.5); MR: 8.0 U= 27.0; r= 0.34 0.156
Responders: Symptoms 10 (100%) 4 (44%) Chi
= 7.540 0.006
Responders: Optimism 8 (80%) 2 (22%) Chi
= 6.343 0.012
Responders: Depression 8 (80%) 7 (78%) Chi
= 0.014 0.906
to investigate ways that leveraging interactive media may com-
plement medical care and promote health outcomes among
youth with concussion and the general population.
Study limitations
Study limitations include small sample size, single testing site
and lack of blinding or random assignment to treatment groups.
In addition, we did not address technical barriers to participation
or potentially clinically important qualitative differences
between cohorts (e.g. mechanism of injury, types of concussion
symptoms). Finally, findings may not be generalizable to youth
with ADHD or adults with concussion, as representatives of
these populations were not studied.
SuperBetter improved symptoms and optimism relative to stan-
dard medical care alone in a non-randomized, open-label trial.
Mobile apps that employ social game mechanics, and that
reframe health recommendations as steps within a patients
personal, heroic narrative, may promote health management
among teenagers with unresolved concussion symptoms.
Declaration of interest
Funding was provided by NIH-NICHD SBIR grant 1R43HD075638-01A1.
( Identifier: NCT01398566). SuperBetter was developed
under the auspices of SuperBetter, LLC and is now owned by Cherry
Street Innovation, both for-profit organizations. JM founded SuperBetter
LLC and is Chief Scientific Officer of Cherry Street Innovation. LWC has
served as a Science Advisor to SuperBetter Labs, LLC, on a pro bono basis.
No other authors have any conflict to report.
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... De nos jours, le jeu est aussi vanté pour ses vertus motivationnelles (e.g., Harris & Reid, 2005) et pédagogiques (e.g., Koeners & Francis, 2020 ;Wood, 2009), notamment auprès des adultes. Récemment, Bakker et al. (2020) ont ainsi proposé le terme de « conception ludique du travail » (playful work design) pour désigner « le processus par lequel les employé·e·s créent de manière proactive, durant le travail, les conditions qui favorisent le plaisir et les défis, sans changer le dispositif du travail en luimême » (p. 1, trad. ...
... Une approche plus inductive consisterait à leur suggérer d'administrer cette dernière de manière plus structurée, par exemple en suivant les sept règles proposées par la méthode SuperBetter (Rochat, 2019) pour transformer sa vie en un jeu. Cette approche, qui est notamment opérationnalisée par une application (SuperBetter, LLC, 2018), a déjà démontré son efficacité pour aider des individus à lutter contre l'anxiété et la dépression (Roepke et al., 2015), ainsi qu'à se remettre d'une commotion cérébrale (Worthen-Chaudhari et al., 2017). Certains chercheurs ont également proposé que cette métaphore puisse s'avérer utile pour favoriser la résilience lors de transitions de carrière difficiles (Rochat et al., 2017 ;Rochat & Armengol, 2020 ;Rochat & Borgen, 2021). ...
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Le jeu a souvent été présenté comme une activité essentielle au bon dévelop-pement et au bien-être des individus. Néanmoins, les liens entre ces concepts ont peu été étudiés. Dans cet article, nous examinerons comment le jeu, en tant qu'activité et métaphore pour abor-der la réalité, est susceptible d'aider tout un chacun à trouver du sens à son existence et à vivre davantage de bonheur. À cet effet, le jeu sera mis en relation avec les principes-clés de la psychologie exis-tentielle et de la psychologie positive, de sorte à étudier les synergies potentielles entre ces concepts. Les apports et limites de cette métaphore pour favoriser le sens et le bonheur seront discutés et des pistes pratiques seront proposées. ABSTRACT Play has often been presented as an essential activity for the proper development and well-being of individuals. However, the links between these concepts have rarely been studied. In this article, we will examine how play, as an activity and as a metaphor for dealing with reality, can help everyone find meaning in their lives and live more happily. To this end, play will be linked to the key principles of existential psychology and positive psychology, to study the potential synergies between these concepts. The contributions and limits of play as a metaphor to promote meaning and happiness will be discussed, and practical interventions will be proposed.
... The app never went beyond user testing and was not evaluated for effectiveness nor was it commercialized (Sandhu et al., 2019). "SuperBetter," another app built for youth, used a social gaming platform and heroic narrative to decrease symptoms from a concussion with preliminary data to support decreased depression and symptoms (Worthen-Chaudhari et al., 2017). The SMART program by Wade et al. (2023) provided symptom monitoring and online modules for youth with mild traumatic brain injury but did not offer real-time feedback. ...
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This descriptive manuscript describes challenges, solutions, and recommendations to provide a supportive framework for clinician researchers striving to develop a clinical app. The Back2Play app aims to support youth in concussion recovery through mobile health monitoring. Developed in Phase 1 of a randomized control trial, the app intends to prevent re-injury and improve recovery by integrating evidence-based return-to-school and activity guidelines with biological monitoring. Methods outline the stages of successful app development. Identified challenges include defining app requirements, database hosting, development, and legal procedures. Results of usability testing show that the Back2Play app was highly acceptable to 66% of youth and none found it unacceptable. Successful clinical app development hinges on understanding the scope of the app, data management and exportation. Adequate funds should also be allocated for potential delays. These recommendations provide a framework for clinical researchers hoping to develop a clinical app that achieves their envisioned outcome.
... Enrolling 26 participants per group (52 total) allows for a drop-out rate of up to 45% to yield full follow-up on 14 participants per arm and 85% power to detect the target effect size at the 5% significance level. This drop-out rate is conservative, corresponding to criteria that we used previously to assess an intervention's feasibility [43,105]. Regarding gait variability (i.e., CVspeed), primary outcome for Aim2, our pilot data [46]show an effect size of 0.73 (Cohen's d) from seven survivors, not screened for CIN or postural control deficits, who completed the NDT-Tango intervention. ...
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Background Breast cancer (BC) is among the most common forms of cancer experienced by women. Up to 80% of BC survivors treated with chemotherapy experience chemotherapy-induced neuropathy (CIN), which degrades motor control, sensory function, and quality of life. CIN symptoms include numbness, tingling, and/or burning sensations in the extremities; deficits in neuromotor control; and increased fall risk. Physical activity (PA) and music-based medicine (MBM) are promising avenues to address sensorimotor symptoms. Therefore, we propose that we can combine the effects of music- and PA-based medicine through neurologic dance training (NDT) through partnered Adapted Tango (NDT-Tango). We will assess the intervention effect of NDT-Tango v. home exercise (HEX) intervention on biomechanically-measured variables. We hypothesize that 8 weeks of NDT-Tango practice will improve the dynamics of posture and gait more than 8 weeks of HEX. Methods In a single-center, prospective, two-arm randomized controlled clinical trial, participants are randomly assigned (1:1 ratio) to the NDT-Tango experimental or the HEX active control intervention group. Primary endpoints are change from baseline to after intervention in posture and gait. Outcomes are collected at baseline, midpoint, post, 1-month follow-up, and 6-month follow-up. Secondary and tertiary outcomes include clinical and biomechanical tests of function and questionnaires used to compliment primary outcome measures. Linear mixed models will be used to model changes in postural, biomechanical, and PROs. The primary estimand will be the contrast representing the difference in mean change in outcome measure from baseline to week 8 between treatment groups. Discussion The scientific premise of this study is that NDT-Tango stands to achieve more gains than PA practice alone through combining PA with MBM and social engagement. Our findings may lead to a safe non-pharmacologic intervention that improves CIN-related deficits. Trial registration This trial was first posted on 11/09/21 at under the identifier NCT05114005.
... Enrolling 26 participants per group (52 total), allows for a drop-out rate of up to 45% to yield full follow-up on 14 participants per arm and 85% power to detect the target effect size at the 5% signi cance level. This drop-out rate is conservative, corresponding to criteria that we used previously to assess an intervention's feasibility (44,115). Regarding gait variability (i.e., CVspeed), primary outcome for Aim2, our preliminary data show an effect size of 0.73 (Cohen's d) from seven survivors, not screened for CIN or postural control de cits, who completed the NDT-Tango intervention. ...
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Background Breast cancer (BC) is among the most common forms of cancer experienced by women. Up to 80% of BC survivors treated with chemotherapy experience chemotherapy-induced neuropathy (CIN), which degrades motor control, sensory function, and quality of life. CIN symptoms include numbness, tingling, and/or burning sensations in the extremities; deficits in neuromotor control; and increased fall risk. Physical activity (PA) and music-based medicine (MBM) are promising avenues to address sensorimotor symptoms. Therefore, we propose that we can combine the effects of music- and PA-based medicine through Neurologic Dance Training (NDT) through partnered Adapted Tango (NDT-Tango). We will assess the intervention effect of NDT-Tango v. home exercise (HEX) intervention on biomechanically-measured variables. We hypothesize that 8 weeks of NDT-Tango practice will improve the dynamics of posture and gait more than 8 weeks of HEX. Methods In a single-center, prospective, two-arm randomized controlled clinical trial, participants are randomly assigned (1:1 ratio) to the NDT-Tango experimental or the HEX active control intervention group. Primary endpoints are change from baseline to after intervention in posture and gait. Outcomes are collected at baseline, midpoint, post, 1mo follow up, and 6mo follow up. Secondary and tertiary outcomes include clinical and biomechanical tests of function and questionnaires used to compliment primary outcome measures. Linear mixed models will be used to model changes in postural, biomechanical, and PROs. The primary estimand will be the contrast representing the difference in mean change in outcome measure from baseline to week 8 between treatment groups. Discussion The scientific premise of this study is that NDT-Tango stands to achieve more gains than PA practice alone through combining PA with MBM and social engagement. Our findings may lead to a safe non-pharmacologic intervention that improves CIN-related deficits. Trial Registration This trial was first posted on 11/09/21 at under the identifier NCT05114005.
Background Dual-task function is compromised among individuals with prodromal Alzheimer's disease (AD) and others at risk of developing AD. While exercise has been studied as a therapeutic candidate, the activity of social dance might promote dual-task rehabilitation as well or better than conventional exercise. Objective Compare effects of social dance versus home exercise on dual-task function and intervention adherence among individuals with increased risk of developing AD: survivors of breast cancer (BC) with chemotherapy-induced neuropathy (CIN). Methods Fifty-two (n = 52) survivors of BC with CIN-related symptoms and functional deficits were randomized (1:1) to 8 weeks of biweekly physical activity that took the form of partnered AdapTango dance (20 min) or home exercise (45 min) (NCT05114005, registered 08/15/2021). Primary outcome: dual-task function (TUG-Cog counting backward by 3 s). Secondary outcome: adherence. Exploratory outcomes: participant rating of perceived exertion in physical versus cognitive domains and cognitive load during dual-task performance. Results Both interventions improved Timed-Up-and-Go with cognitive task (TUGCog) after 4 weeks ( p < 0.001); gains were maintained at 8 weeks of intervention ( p < 0.001) and 1 month follow-up ( p < 0.001). The dance intervention met adherence feasibility criteria for 8 weeks; exercise met criteria for 4 weeks. The ratio of cognitive to physical exertion was higher for dance (1 to 1) than exercise (0.8 to 1.0; p < 0.001). Dance, only, was associated with reduced cognitive load ( p = 0.02). Conclusions Among survivors of BC with CIN, small doses of social dance improved dual-task function comparably to larger doses of home exercise, possibly due to differences in cognitive engagement.
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Background There is an evaluation crisis in mobile health (mHealth). The majority of mHealth apps are released with little evidence base. While many agree on the need for comprehensive evaluations to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of mHealth apps, the field is some way from achieving that. This scoping review describes the current state of direct-to-consumer mHealth app evaluations so as to inform how the situation can be improved. Results Findings showed a predominance of wellness management apps, focusing on fitness, diet, mental health, or other lifestyle factors. Evaluations were conducted by companies at varied financing stages, with a mix of start-ups, scale-ups, and public companies. Most studies employed full-scale or pilot randomised controlled trial designs. Conclusions Participant demographics indicate a need for more inclusive recruitment strategies around ethnicity and gender so as to avoid worsening health inequalities. Measurement tools varied widely, highlighting the lack of standardisation in assessing mHealth apps. Promoting evidence-based practices in digital health should be a priority for organisations in this space.
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The use of smartphone-based Serious Games in mental health care is an emerging and promising research field. Combining the intrinsic characteristics of games (e.g., interactiveness, immersiveness, playfulness, user-tailoring and engaging nature) with the capabilities of smartphones (e.g., versatility, ubiquitous connectivity, built-in sensors and anywhere–anytime nature) yields great potential to deliver innovative psychological treatments, which are engaging, effective, fun and always available. This article presents a scoping review, based on the PRISMA (scoping review extension) guidelines, of the field of smartphone-based serious games for mental health care. The review combines an analysis of the technical characteristics, including game design, smartphone and game-specific features, with psychological dimensions, including type and purpose of use, underlying psychological frameworks and strategies. It also explores the integration of psychological features into Serious Games and summarizes the findings of evaluations performed. A systematic search identified 40 smartphone-based Serious Games for mental health care. The majority consist of standalone and self-administrable interventions, applying a myriad of psychological strategies to address a wide range of psychological symptoms and disorders. The findings explore the potential of Serious Games as treatments and for enhancing patient engagement; we conclude by proposing several avenues for future research in order to identify best practices and success factors. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11042-024-18971-w.
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Background There is an evaluation crisis in mobile health (mHealth). The majority of mHealth apps are released with little evidence base. While many agree on the need for comprehensive evaluations to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of mHealth apps, the field is some way from achieving that. This scoping review describes the current state of direct-to-consumer mHealth app evaluations so as to inform how the situation can be improved. Results Findings showed a predominance of wellness management apps, focusing on fitness, diet, mental health, or other lifestyle factors. Evaluations were conducted by companies at varied financing stages, with a mix of start-ups, scale-ups, and public companies. Most studies employed full-scale or pilot randomised controlled trial designs. Conclusions Participant demographics indicate a need for more inclusive recruitment strategies around ethnicity and gender so as to avoid worsening health inequalities. Measurement tools varied widely, highlighting the lack of standardisation in assessing mHealth apps. Promoting evidence-based practices in digital health should be a priority for organisations in this space.
Purpose The purpose of this scoping review was to synthesize the current evidence-based treatment practices used with school-aged children with any severity of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that could benefit the practice of speech-language pathologists (SLPs). Method A scoping review of the literature was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews guidelines. Included studies were assigned thematic labels based on a modified version of the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System. Results A total of 27 articles that covered 16 different treatment approaches met inclusion criteria for this study. Most studies included adolescent or teenage participants with moderate–severe TBIs. Treatment targets included executive functioning ( n = 15), social competence ( n = 6), postconcussive symptoms ( n = 5), behavior ( n = 3), family functioning ( n = 1), and health-related quality of life ( n = 1). The majority of current interventions for school-aged children with TBI include a multidisciplinary approach and components of family involvement education. Conclusions Further research is needed on interventions that are specifically implemented by SLPs as well as protocols that include more heterogeneous samples (e.g., varied sociodemographic factors and injury severity) to allow for the development and testing of ecologically valid intervention practice. SLPs can use the results of this scoping review to individualize treatment based on the child's areas of need while considering individual characteristics and to provide person-centered intervention for children with school-aged TBI.
Background Technology for concussion identification and management is rapidly expanding across the continuum of care. Although many technologies offer a range of services around concussion, there is an absence of a non-commercial online location for medical providers to access regarding the functionality of the various technologies used in concussion identification and management. Objective The purpose of this review is to present research findings on technology for concussion identification and management. Methods Searches for eligible studies were conducted using the PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus databases with specific search criteria. Through a stepwise process, full-text articles were selected for inclusion if they described clinically useful electronic technologies (i.e. electronics able to be used in standard clinical environments including telehealth) by healthcare providers or end users (i.e. parents or athletes). Results A total of 29 articles were included in this review and described technology used to measure symptoms (3), neurocognitive performance (7), the visual system (4), and balance or dual task performance (18). Within the results, various technologies demonstrated increased utility for concussion identification, often detecting subtle deficits not possible with current low-tech clinical methods, differentiating those with concussion from those without concussion, with strong reliability and validity. Conclusion Innovative technologies included in this review demonstrate enhanced ability to identify and manage symptoms of concussion, neurocognitive deficits, visual deficits, and balance and dual-task deficits.
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Research on dispositional optimism as assessed by the Life Orientation Test (Scheier & Carver, 1985) has been challenged on the grounds that effects attributed to optimism are indistinguishable from those of unmeasured third variables, most notably, neuroticism. Data from 4,309 subjects show that associations between optimism and both depression and aspects of coping remain significant even when the effects of neuroticism, as well as the effects of trait anxiety, self-mastery, and self-esteem, are statistically controlled. Thus, the Life Orientation Test does appear to possess adequate predictive and discriminant validity. Examination of the scale on somewhat different grounds, however, does suggest that future applications can benefit from its revision. Thus, we also describe a minor modification to the Life Orientation Test, along with data bearing on the revised scale’s psychometric properties.
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Assessment in clinical psychology typically relies on global retrospective self-reports collected at research or clinic visits, which are limited by recall bias and are not well suited to address how behavior changes over time and across contexts. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) involves repeated sampling of subjects' current behaviors and experiences in real time, in subjects' natural environments. EMA aims to minimize recall bias, maximize ecological validity, and allow study of microprocesses that influence behavior in real-world contexts. EMA studies assess particular events in subjects' lives or assess subjects at periodic intervals, often by random time sampling, using technologies ranging from written diaries and telephones to electronic diaries and physiological sensors. We discuss the rationale for EMA, EMA designs, methodological and practical issues, and comparisons of EMA and recall data. EMA holds unique promise to advance the science and practice of clinical psychology by shedding light on the dynamics of behavior in real-world settings.
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Objective: To provide athletic trainers, physicians, and other health care professionals with best-practice guidelines for the management of sport-related concussions. Background: An estimated 3.8 million concussions occur each year in the United States as a result of sport and physical activity. Athletic trainers are commonly the first medical providers available onsite to identify and evaluate these injuries. Recommendations: The recommendations for concussion management provided here are based on the most current research and divided into sections on education and prevention, documentation and legal aspects, evaluation and return to play, and other considerations.
The set of techniques known collectively as real-time data capture (RTDC) is becoming increasingly important in medical research. Based on the collection of data in people's typical environments, RTDC is primarily used with self-reported data, such as medical symptoms and psychological states. Now, its guiding principles and supporting technologies also provide a framework for scientists to monitor physiological information such as heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance. This volume gives the most complete view yet of the state of RTDC science and its potential for use across the health and behavioural sciences.
Background: The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-3 (SCAT3) facilitates sideline clinical assessments of concussed athletes. Yet, there is little published research on clinically relevant metrics for the SCAT3 as a whole. Purpose: We documented the psychometric properties of the major SCAT3 components (symptoms, cognition, balance) and derived clinical decision criteria (ie, reliable change score cutoffs and normative conversation tables) for clinicians to apply to cases with and without available preinjury baseline data. Study design: Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 2. Methods: High school and collegiate athletes (N = 2018) completed preseason baseline evaluations including the SCAT3. Re-evaluations of 166 injured athletes and 164 noninjured controls were performed within 24 hours of injury and at 8, 15, and 45 days after injury. Analyses focused on predictors of baseline performance, test-retest reliability, and sensitivity and specificity of the SCAT3 using either single postinjury cutoffs or reliable change index (RCI) criteria derived from this sample. Results: Athlete sex, level of competition, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disability (LD), and estimated verbal intellectual ability (but not concussion history) were associated with baseline scores on ≥1 SCAT3 components (small to moderate effect sizes). Female sex, high school level of competition (vs college), and ADHD were associated with higher baseline symptom ratings (d = 0.25-0.32). Male sex, ADHD, and LD were associated with lower baseline Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) scores (d = 0.28-0.68). Male sex, high school level of competition, ADHD, and LD were associated with poorer baseline Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) performance (d = 0.14-0.26). After injury, the symptom checklist manifested the largest effect size at the 24-hour assessment (d = 1.52), with group differences diminished but statistically significant at day 8 (d = 0.39) and nonsignificant at day 15. Effect sizes for the SAC and BESS were small to moderate at 24 hours (SAC: d = -0.36; modified BESS: d = 0.46; full BESS: d = 0.51) and became nonsignificant at day 8 (SAC) and day 15 (BESS). Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses demonstrated a stronger discrimination for symptoms (area under the curve [AUC] = 0.86) than cognitive and balance measures (AUCs = 0.58 and 0.62, respectively), with comparable discrimination of each SCAT3 component using postinjury scores alone versus baseline-adjusted scores (P = .71-.90). Normative conversion tables and RCI criteria were created to facilitate the use of the SCAT3 both with and without baseline test results. Conclusion: Individual predictors should be taken into account when interpreting the SCAT3. The normative conversion tables and RCIs presented can be used to help interpret concussed athletes' performance both with and without baseline data, given the comparability of the 2 interpretative approaches.
Technological advances have sparked the development of computer- and smartphone-based self-help programs for depressed people, but these programs' efficacy is uncertain. This randomized controlled trial evaluated an intervention called SuperBetter (SB), which is accessed via smartphone and/or the SB Web site. Online, we recruited 283 adult iPhone(®) (Apple, Cupertino, CA) users with significant depression symptoms according to the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression questionnaire (CES-D). They were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: (a) a version of SB using cognitive-behavioral therapy and positive psychotherapy strategies to target depression (CBT-PPT SB); (b) a general SB version focused on self-esteem and acceptance (General SB); or (c) a waiting list control group (WL). The two SB groups were instructed to use SB for 10 minutes daily for 1 month. All participants completed psychological distress and well-being measures online every 2 weeks through follow-up. An intent-to-treat analysis was conducted using hierarchical linear modeling. As hypothesized, SB participants achieved greater reductions in CES-D scores than WL participants by posttest (Cohen's d=0.67) and by follow-up (d=1.05). Contrary to prediction, CBT-PPT SB did not perform better than General SB; both versions of SB were more effective than the WL control. Differences between SB versions favored General SB but were not statistically significant. These large effect sizes should be interpreted cautiously in light of high attrition rates and the motivated, self-selected sample. Nonetheless, smartphone-based/Internet-based self-help may play an important role in treating depression.
Objective: This study reviewed several topics related to post-concussion syndrome and psychological factors associated with concussion. Topics include neurobiological perspectives, psychological predictors of post-concussion syndrome including pre-morbid anxiety, anxiety sensitivity and cognitive biases and misattribution. In addition, the iatrogenic effects of excessive rest are reviewed and treatment options are discussed briefly. Main results: Animal models of concussion and mild traumatic brain injury suggest that a concussion can result in anxiety and fear reactions. The pathophysiology of depression following a concussion appears to be consistent with the cortico-limbic model of depression. Additionally, some individuals may be at risk for neurobiological depression and/or anxiety following a concussion. The literature also demonstrates that pre-morbid and concurrent anxiety increases the risk for prolonged concussion recovery. Cognitive biases and misattribution of symptoms contribute to lengthy recovery from concussion. In addition, medically prescribed excessive cognitive and physical rest may contribute to a protracted concussion recovery. Supervised and graduated physical activity, the introduction of anxiety reduction techniques and cognitive-behavioural therapy of cognitive biases and misattribution are effective means of shortening the length of post-concussion syndrome. Conclusions: Understanding, assessing and treating the psychological factors associated with concussion are effective means of preventing or shortening the length of post-concussion syndrome.
Background: High school athletes are at risk for concussions. Although a previously published study showed an increase in concussion rates for a single school district, it remains unknown if the rate of concussions among high school athletes is increasing nationally. Purpose: To investigate national high school athlete concussion rates over time. Study design: Descriptive epidemiologic study. Methods: The rate of concussions per 1000 athlete-exposures was calculated for academic years 2005-2006 through 2011-2012 using the High School Reporting Information Online sports injury surveillance system. Results: During the 7-year period of this study, High School Reporting Information Online captured 4024 concussions with overall concussion diagnosis rates increasing significantly from 0.23 to 0.51 (P = .004). Concussion diagnosis rates increased for each of the 9 sports studied, with 5 sports having statistically significant increases over this 7-year period. Conclusion: The study analysis indicates that national concussion diagnosis rates for high school sports have increased significantly over time.
Introduction: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for child anxiety, although efficacious, typically requires 16-20 weekly sessions with a therapist. Brief CBT (BCBT; eight sessions) for child anxiety is promising but may have less favorable outcomes owing to reduced session time. Mobile health (m-health) has the potential to improve BCBT efficacy by delivering ecological momentary intervention to engage youth in learning and practicing CBT skills in their everyday lives (in vivo). Materials and methods: We developed an m-health platform entitled SmartCAT (Smartphone-enhanced Child Anxiety Treatment). SmartCAT consists of (1) a smartphone application (app) that cues youth to use the CBT skills taught in sessions, (2) an online portal that allows therapists to monitor skill use, to send cues and treatment-related materials, to engage youth in real-time via secure messages, and to manage rewards, and (3) a communication protocol that allows real-time bidirectional exchange between the app and the portal. A pilot study with nine youth (9-14 years old) examined the platform's feasibility as an adjunct to BCBT. Results: SmartCAT was found to be capable of supporting BCBT for child anxiety and received positive feedback from both therapists and youth patients. Patients rated the app as highly usable (mean=1.7 on a 1-7 scale, with 1="easy"). Patients completed 5.36 skills coach entries per session (standard deviation=1.95) and took an average of 3.14 min (standard deviation=0.98 min) to complete the entries. Conclusions: A smartphone app is feasible within CBT for child anxiety. Users found SmartCAT both acceptable and easy to use. Integrating an m-health platform within BCBT for anxious children may facilitate involvement in treatment and dissemination of effective procedures.