
Assessment of the Temperature of Waterproofing Membrane When A Recycled Crushed Glass Finish Layer Is Used On Flat Roofs to Protect From Sun Radiance

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The aim of this research was to determine the impact of the use of a recycled crushed glass finish coat on flat roofs to reduce the transmission of heat from sun radiance to indoor spaces in the buildings. This research forms part of previous studies carried out by LiTa on the application of cool roof products to reduce the energy required for air-conditioning inside buildings.

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... Researchers from the Autonomous University of Mexico, Alejandro Mata and Carlos Galvez [107], researched the most frequently utilized colors. Their findings were as follows: 60% of it is green, 25% of it is glass that is used for pharmaceuticals and soft drinks, 10% of it is exceptionally clear and is used most often for home usage (jars, glasses, cans, etc.), and 5% of it is amber or topaz that is used in pharmaceutical bottles of beer bottles. ...
... Therefore, the SRI will be computed using a scale of values that ranges from zero to one hundred. It measures the capacity to absorb heat and radiation, with a value of 100 indicating that the material absorbs the least amount of heat and radiation possible Figure 15 [107]. ...
... Therefore, the SRI will be computed using a scale of values that ranges from zero to one hundred. It measures the capacity to absorb heat and radiation, with a value of 100 indicating that the material absorbs the least amount of heat and radiation possible Figure 15 [107]. To achieve this goal, research was conducted on the roof of a school in Barcelona throughout June, July, and August. ...
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Glass is a substance that is present in most houses since glass-based items are made and consumed in relatively high quantities. This has led to the buildup of glass in concerning quantities all over the world, which is a problem for the environment. It is well known that glass has several advantageous physiochemical features that qualify it as an appropriate material for use in the construction industry as an aggregate. The features include being non-biodegradable, resistant to chemical assault, having low water absorption, having high hydraulic conductivity, having temperature-dependent ductility, having alterable particle gradation, and having a wide availability in a variety of forms and chemical compositions. Because of these qualities, glass has been used in various investigations and field tests conducted in civil engineering to evaluate its effectiveness as an engineering aggregate and to develop environmentally friendly management strategies for waste glass. These studies and research have utilized glass in various forms, such as fine recycled glass, medium recycled glass, coarse recycled glass, powdered glass, and glass-based geopolymers. This study focuses on research studies that present results on physicochemical, mechanical, and durability characteristics. These studies and research contain samples of pure glass or glass as replacement percentages in materials (0–100%), including but not limited to unbound granular materials (such as recycled concrete aggregates and crushed rock). In light of the information assembled in this review article, it is legitimate to claim that glass has strong promise as a material in various civil applications.
... They were used for the experiment used 4 temperature measurement channels: The experiment did not show a significant drop in temperature compared to conventional materials (limestone, gravel or burnt clay), the advantage is the formation of micro air chambers that help thermal insulation of the roof. For the construction industry, the use of recycled glass sand is an advantage to save money, it is easily obtained by recycling and does not generate extraction costs, it is easy to process and does not affect the insulation layer [35]. ...
... surrounding. In various fields, glass sand has reached higher values compared to natural ores such as cement or limestone powder [34][35]. Glass sand from recycled household glass is a durable and resilient material, however it is recommended before additional testing is used. ...
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According to Eurostat in 2018, Romania occupies the penultimate place in waste recycling. Packaging waste, generated in the European Union, was 174 kg per capita, but these quantities varied between Croatia - 67.8 kg per capita and Germany - 227.5 kg per capita. In the first place are waste paper and cardboard - 41%, plastic - 19%, glass - 18%, wood - 16% and metal - 6%, in the European Union 2018, these types being the most common household waste. Of the types of packaging waste, glass with 18.7%, is the greatest danger to the environment, being a waste that is not biodegradable, obtained by melting a mixture of quartz sand, limestone and soda ash. Glass packaging waste is 100% recyclable, theoretically, if the recycling and sorting process is followed, removing impurities (paper, sand, metals, etc.), non-compliance with the process will make the smelting process impractical. By recycling one ton of glass, we save 660 kg of sand, water for four people a day and avoid emitting 315 kg of carbon emissions from the greenhouse. Glass packaging waste is recycled with various professional equipment, which is used to obtain glass granules of different sizes, from 0.1 mm to 10 mm, the edges of the granules are rounded and have the appearance of fine sand. The present study presents the use of sand obtained from recycled and crushed household glass, in constructions, filters for domestic water, thermal insulation. The sand obtained from the recycling of household glass has a great advantage, it can be used cold and hot, temperatures weighing 1000C °, substantially reducing production costs, higher resistance by up to 30% and processing time.
... Glass recycling is an easy opportunity to take steps in that direction. According Sarkis et al. [1], producing glass from recycling material requires 26% less energy in comparison to starting from raw material. According to the report of WWF recycling glass reduces air and water pollution by 20% and 50% respectively [2]. ...
... It is an appealing concept to convert into an alternate raw material without sacrificing quality [122]. A study [123] claims that recycling glass saves 0.58 t of CO 2 , cuts air pollution by 20%, and decreases water pollution by 40% to 50% along the supply chain. When employing cullet rather than raw materials, a researcher claims that CO 2 emissions are reduced by 53 percent. ...
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Self-compacting concrete (SCC) also uses a wide variety of resources, which makes it unsustainable. Currently, a lot of experts are concentrating on using valuable industrial or agricultural waste as the main raw material for the building industry. These wastes, on the other hand, are affordable and readily accessible everywhere, making them ideal for commercial use while also contributing to the reduction of environmental degradation. Waste glass (WG) is a kind of industrial waste that has the potential to be utilized in concrete. Many researchers are focused on utilizing WG in concrete and stated encouraging responses. However, the information is scattered, and no one can judge easily the benefits of WG which restrict its use. Therefore, a details review is required of WG as construction materials which provide an easy path for the reader. Furthermore, some researchers successfully conduct a review on WG as a concrete ingredient. However, according to the author's best knowledge, fewer studies focus on the utilization of WG in SCC. This review aims to deliver a concise summary of the already research carried out on WG as SCC ingredients to identify the benefits, mechanisms, and current researcher progress. Chemical compositions and physical properties of WG, strength properties, durability properties, and environmental benefits are the main aspects of this review. In addition, the review assesses future researcher guidelines for SCC with WG to improve its performance.
... In this context, glass recycling become a very attractive concept in the last decades having some major advantages: quality conservation [8], energy savings [9,10], waste reduction [11], reduction in raw material extraction and decrease of the environmental contaminant [12]. ...
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This paper presents a new solution to use the cathode ray tube glass wastes for iron oxide rich waste vitrification. The obtained glass-ceramics, synthesized at three heat treatment temperatures: 800, 900 and 1000 °C were characterized in terms of the effect of the CRT waste glass addition upon the dimensional stability, apparent porosity and density, chemical stability and lead barium and iron ions retention capacity.
... In this context, it is necessary to create new recycling glass strategies because it is not biodegradable and remains stable for a long time [5]. The recycling of glass brings numerous benefits: reduction in raw material extraction [6], energy savings [6,7], quality conservation [8], waste reduction [9] and decrease of the environmental contaminant [10]. ...
This paper offers a new solution to vitrify the sludge resulted from washing the filters used for iron removal phase of the groundwater treatment process. The new glass ceramic materials, obtained after heat treatment at three different temperatures: 800, 900 and 1000 oC were characterized in terms of dimensional stability after firing, apparent density and porosity, hydrolytic stability and iron ions immobilization capacity. The effect of the calcined sludge amount upon the mentioned properties was analysed.
... Turning it into an alternative raw material by not losing its quality, which makes it an attractive proposal [13]. According to [14,15], when a glass tone is recycled, 0.58 t of CO 2 is saved, 20% reduces air pollution, and water pollution is cut from 40 to 50% throughout the supply chain. Ecovidrio mentions savings of 53% of CO 2 emissions when using cullet versus raw materials. ...
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Citation: García Guerrero, J.; Rodríguez Reséndiz, J.; Rodríguez Reséndiz, H.; Álvarez-Alvarado, J.M.; Rodríguez Abreo O. Sustainable Glass Recycling Culture-Based on Semi-Automatic Glass Bottle Cutter Prototype. Sustainability 2021, 13, 6405. https://doi. Abstract: Humanity has developed recycling activities over time due to their benefits, the shortage of raw materials, or the footprint with regard to the environment. The absence of a recycling culture in Mexico has not allowed its development and growth despite the benefits. In 2012, Mexico only recycled less than 10% of urban solid waste. Most recycling activities are focused on plastic, paper, and cardboard products due to their prices in local markets. This article presents a semi-automated prototype focused on recycling glass bottles using the thermal shock phenomenon. It aims to develop a sustainable glass recycling culture by creating a new branch for the integral glass recycling process and a proposal base on Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) and the Quintuple Helix Model. It helps to reduce waste and resource recovery from recycling and upcycling glass bottles. The products obtained from upcycling fulfill new uses and acquire new value, while glass leftovers continue the integral recycling process for glass. Additionally, this paper demonstrates the relation between the ISWM and the Quintuple Helix Model and the opportunity to implement the twelfth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
... Diversos estudios han enfocado la investigación a analizar propuestas de sistemas y dispositivos en cubiertas aprovechando diversas estrategias de climatización pasiva como son la masa térmica, cubierta permeable en techo y techo ventilado (D'Orazio, Di Perna, & Di Giuseppe, 2010;Naticchia, D'Orazio, Carbonari, & Persico, 2010;Rashidi, Esfahani, & Karimi, 2018;Shokri Kuehni, Bou-Zeid, Webb, & Shokri, 2016). Para el caso de cubiertas con masa térmica como las de concreto, se ha puesto especial atención a las propiedades superficiales de la cubierta (Sarkis, Raich, & Mestre, 2017). ...
Conference Paper
Se presenta un análisis experimental de medios porosos en cubiertas, a partir de la utilización de jal, grava y tezontle con el mismo tamaño de agregado (3/4 de pulgada). Para este fin se utilizaron 4 módulos experimentales en los meses de mayo y agosto. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una disminución de la temperatura de hasta 1.5 Kelvin; Palabras clave: medio poroso en cubierta, inercia térmica en clima húmedo, sistemas pasivos. Abstract An experimental analysis of porous media in roofs is presented, from the use of jal, gravel and tezontle with the same aggregate size (3/4 of an inch). For this purpose, 4 experimental modules were used in the months of May and August. Results shown a reduction of 1.5 K of the inner temperature. Keywords: porous media over roofs, thermal mass in humid climate, passive systems.
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This paper deals with the surface temperature problem of flat roofs, where bitumen sheets are used as the final waterproofing layer. Currently it is possible to find defects due to the high surface temperature of the waterproofing layer on flat roofs. The result of such a high surface temperature is, for example, the release of bitumen sheets and the sublimation of the thermal insulation from foamed polystyrene. The paper focuses on the influence of the type, the color of the sprinkling and the type of background on the surface temperature. The aim of this paper is to determine the surface temperature of bitumen sheets based on the experimental measurement depending on the type and the colour of the surface. Measurements were made during warm summer days. Samples of bitumen sheets with green, grey, blue-grey, red, white and black-grey sprinkling were used. Concrete and foamed polystyrene were used as a background under bitumen sheets.
L’exposició “La cubierta plana, un paseo por su historia” pretén fer un recorregut per aquells moments de la nostra tradició arquitectònica en els quals el terrat ha tingut un paper cabdal. Les raons del seu èxit no poden cercar-se tan sols en el desenvolupament tecnològic, més aviat es poden trobar en la capacitat del terrat de ser usat i gaudit com una estança exterior dels edificis. Es tracta, doncs, d’una proposta de divulgació del coneixement actual sobre la coberta plana mitjançant documents i imatges d’època on el lector serà convidat a reconèixer els fils de la tradició que relliguen les més modernes propostes amb els terrats de l’arquitectura popular, pràcticament desapareguts. L’exposició està estructurada en sis blocs: 1. Inicis mítics i espais de l’habitar; 2. Mirades al món preindustrial: terrats a les arquitectures vernaculars; 3. Mirades al món preindustrial: àtics i balustrades en l’arquitectura del classicisme; 4. Els efectes de la industrialització: un nou impuls al terrat; 5. Moviment Modern: racionalisme, abstracció i metàfora de la màquina; i, 6. La coberta plana en un món global. La proposta invita als professionals a reflexionar sobre els lligams indestriables entre arquitectura i construcció. Peer reviewed
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