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Freestanding dielectric nanohole array metasurface for mid-infrared wavelength applications

Optica Publishing Group
Optics Letters

Abstract and Figures

We designed and simulated freestanding dielectric optical metasurfaces based on arrays of etched nanoholes in a silicon membrane. We showed 2 π phase control and high forward transmission at mid-infrared (mid-IR) wavelengths around 4.2 μm by tuning the dimensions of the holes. We also identified the mechanisms responsible for high forward scattering efficiency and showed that these conditions are connected with the well-known Kerker conditions already proposed for isolated scatterers. A beam deflector was designed and optimized through sequential particle swarm and gradient descent optimization to maximize transmission efficiency and reduce unwanted grating orders. Such freestanding silicon nanohole array metasurfaces are promising for the realization of silicon-based mid-IR optical elements.
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Letter Optics Letters 1
Freestanding dielectric nanohole array metasurface for
mid-infrared wavelength applications
1Institute of High Performance Computing, 1 Fusionopolis Way, 16-16 Connexis, 138632, Singapore
2Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
3John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, United States
4Universite Cote d’Azur, CNRS, CRHEA, rue Bernard Gregory, Sophia Antipolis 06560 Valbonne, France
*Corresponding author:
Compiled June 11, 2017
We designed and simulated freestanding dielectric op-
tical metasurfaces based on arrays of etched nanoholes
in a silicon membrane. We showed
πphase control
and high forward transmission at mid-infrared wave-
lengths around
µm by tuning the dimensions of the
holes. We also identified the mechanisms responsible
for high forward scattering efficiency and showed that
these conditions are connected with the well-known
Kerker conditions already proposed for isolated scat-
terers. A beam deflector was designed and optimized
through sequential particle swarm and gradient de-
scent optimization to maximize transmission efficiency
and reduce unwanted grating orders. Such freestand-
ing silicon nanohole array metasurfaces are promising
for the realization of silicon based mid-infrared optical
elements. © 2017 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes:
(050.6624) Subwavelength structures; (160.3918)
Metasurfaces are two-dimensional planar metamaterials
formed through suitable arrangement of etched subwavelength
structures. They have the inherent advantage of being thin,
lightweight compared to traditional optics and yet straightfor-
ward to fabricate compared to three-dimensional metamaterials
]. Inheriting concepts proposed in pioneering works on high
contrast gratings and microwave reflect and transmit-arrays,
metasurface technology is now suitable for applications at opti-
cal wavelengths [
]. Engineered optical metasurfaces have
the ability to impart an abrupt phase change to the incident
wavefront over a subwavelength thickness by utilizing struc-
tural resonances, enabling many potential applications in beam
deflection, lensing and wavefront control.
Mid-IR photonics at wavelengths of 2 to 20
m has wide
ranging applications in spectroscopy, chemical and biomolecu-
lar sensing, and detection [
]. Metasurface optics at mid-IR
Fig. 1.
(a) Schematic of freestanding silicon nanohole array
metasurface acting as a beam deflector with deflect angle
(b) Top-down view of silicon nanohole array beam deflector
metasurface. The metasurface is constructed using repeating
supercells. Within each supercell, the holes are separated by
a center-to-center distance
. From first hole to last hole there
is a linear phase gradient and the end-to-end the phase shift
difference is 2π.
wavelengths could potentially be simultaneously highly trans-
parent, easy to manufacture and of low-cost. However, fabri-
cating a metasurface on a supporting substrate material may
impose an additional undesirable material constraint on the
intended application, e.g. high absorption of silicon dioxide
substrate in the mid-IR wavelengths. A freestanding and trans-
mitting silicon based metasurface is thus a highly attractive
optical element at mid-IR wavelengths. In this article, we report
the design of a freestanding and transmitting beam deflector
made using an arrangement of subwavelength holes in a silicon
membrane (see Fig. 1). Similarly configured silicon based free-
standing nanohole arrays have previously been reported in the
]. However, these nanohole arrays were either
designed as reflectors or were unintentionally strongly reflecting.
In our deflector, after a traditional parametric study, we further
Letter Optics Letters 2
performed optimization of the hole dimensions and positions us-
ing particle swarm and gradient descent techniques to maximize
forward transmission and suppress unwanted grating orders.
We first consider the phase change and transmission through
a periodic square lattice of circular holes in a freestanding sili-
con membrane. We performed 3D finite difference time domain
(FDTD) simulations [
] while changing the hole radius
hole period
and fixing the slab thickness at
m. The
silicon nanohole array is surrounded by air (
1). The exci-
tation source is chosen to be plane waves polarized along the
x-axis (parallel to the periodicity) and normally incident on one
side of the silicon. Figure 2shows the simulation results for
transmission and phase at
770 to 1150 nm and
2650 to
2900 nm. For many potential applications of metasurfaces, phase
control over a full 2
is needed. From Fig. 2(a), we can identify
the region of interest where 2
phase control is achievable, as de-
marcated by the solid white line borders. Correspondingly, Fig.
2(b) shows the transmission levels for the dimensions within
this region of interest. Based on these simulation results, we
choose a hole period
of 2800 nm (dotted line)for our subse-
quent calculations so as to have
0.6 for all hole radii
the region.
0.8 0.9 11.1
r (
Phase (
a (
0.8 0.9 11.1
r (
a (
Fig. 2.
3D FDTD simulation results for (a) phase and (b) trans-
of nanohole arrays at
770 to 1150 nm and
2650 to 2900 nm. The solid white line demarcates the
region with full 2
range of phase shift. The dotted white line
indicates a hole period
of 2800 nm which was used in subse-
quent simulations.
It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that
in-phase interference of electric and magnetic dipole modes, i.e.
Kerker conditions, in high index dielectric nanoparticles can
produce high forward light scattering [
]. To show that the
high forward transmission
of the nanohole array is due to
the fulfillment of Kerker conditions, we performed a multipole
decomposition of the fields being excited within the structure
by normally incident plane waves [
]. The electromagnetic
fields were extracted from our FDTD simulations and decom-
posed into the electric and magnetic dipole contributions to the
total scattering cross section. We consider nanoholes in a peri-
odic square lattice where the lattice interactions are taken into
account by the periodic boundary conditions of our simulations.
In Fig. 3we plot the normalized forward transmission spectrum
for holes of different radii
. In Fig. 3(a), we overlay the peaks in
the electric and magnetic dipole contributions. We found good
correlations between coincident dipole contributions and high
forward transmission, particularly along the diagonal running
m and
850 nm to
m and
nm. This allows us to infer that there is fulfillment of Kerker
conditions within these regions.
As the structure is a periodic array of nanoholes etched in a
membrane, it can also be analyzed as a photonic crystal slab. In
Fig. 3(b), we overlay the TE and TM bandstructure of the square
lattice hole array at the
-point (
0). We again see correlation
between coincident bands and high forward transmission. The
bandstructure was calculated using FDTD simulations. Note
that these bands are leaky modes above the light line and hence
can radiate out of the slab and contribute to the forward trans-
mission. We surmise that the coincidence of these
-point modes
is also an indication of the fulfillment of Kerker conditions.
850 900 950 1000 1040
5x 10
850 900 950 1000 1040
5x 10
r (nm)
= TE bands
= TM bands
Wavelength (µm)
r (nm)
= Magnetic dipole
= Electric dipole
Fig. 3.
3D FDTD simulation results for transmission
wavelength for
850 to 1040 nm. In (a),the peaks of the
electric and magnetic dipolar contributions to the scattering
cross section are overlayed showing good correlation with
high forward transmission when they are coincident. In (b),
the bandstructure of the nanohole array at the
-point in k-
space is overlayed.
We designed a mid-IR beam deflector at 4.2
m as a demon-
stration of the functionality of such freestanding nanohole array
metasurfaces. To form a beam deflector, we chose the spatial
variation of the hole radii such as to impart a phase shift onto
the incoming wave which varies linearly with distance in the x-
direction, as in Fig. 1. The deflection angle
of the wavefront is
given by the linear phase gradient of the deflector metasurface,
kNd (1)
where a supercell of
number of holes is formed when the
total phase shift difference is 2
is the hole spacing and
the free space wave number. A supercell can then be repeated
to provide the linear phase gradient over the entire structured
metasurface. As a start, we allow the hole spacing
to remain
constant over the entire design. For the current deflector design,
we have chosen a repeating supercell of 10 nanoholes. To form
the supercell, we have 5 different chosen hole radii
r(nm) =
849, 863, 890, 1021, 1044
, i.e. adjacent pairs of holes will be of
the same radii. The holes are arranged in order of increasing
hole radii going from left to right. The deflection angle obtained
. The hole radiii w chosen purely by
the phase gradient requirement and not all radii will have high
transmission according to Fig. 2and 3. We therefore further
optimized the positions and radii of the holes as described in
later section.
In order to verify the beam deflecting property of the de-
signed freestanding metasurface, we calculated the far field scat-
tering pattern from the 3D FDTD results (see Fig. 4(a)). The 3D
FDTD simulation was performed with a plane wave source lin-
early polarized along the long axis of the supercell (x-axis). The
strong peak at
shows the metasurface can efficiently
Letter Optics Letters 3
deflect the incident light with good transmission and directivity.
The far field pattern also reveals the presence of grating order
peaks at angles given by the diffraction grating equation
Nd (2)
is the number of holes in the supercell, the order
2..., and
Nd 6
1. These peaks reduce the over-
all efficiency of the beam deflector since not all scattered energy
is directed towards a single desired peak. Moreover, we find
there is some residual reflection which reduces overall trans-
mission. In the following section, we describe how the beam
deflector efficiency was optimized.
0 5 10 15 20
Angle (deg)
Normalized |E|
Before opt.
After opt.
-2 -1 0 1 2
Before opt.
After opt.
Fig. 4.
(a) Normalized far field radiation pattern of nanohole
array beam deflector, before and after optimization of hole
sizes and positions. The numbers indicate the grating or-
. (b) Normalized far field radiation pattern, showing
stronger scattering into the main lobe and suppression of un-
wanted grating lobes after optimization.
To improve the maximum beam deflector efficiency at 4.2
m, we propose to tune the supercell hole radii and also their
positions along the left-right axis in order to maximize a figure-
of-merit (FOM) [
]. Similar methods are also commonly
used to optimize linear antenna arrays and in designs of metasur-
faces [
]. In total, we have 10 radius parameters
10 position parameters
. The position parameters
denote the hole positions relative to perfect periodicity, i.e. the
-th shifted hole position will be
. We adopted
a sequential particle swarm optimization (PSO) and gradient
descent (GD) optimization coupled with FDTD simulations to
tune the 20 parameters. The PSO is used to initially search a
large number of candidate solutions [
]. Once a pre-determined
number of iterations is completed, a GD is performed using the
solution with the best FOM as a starting position. As such we
are able to arrive at the local optimum around the best position
as determined by the PSO. We choose a FOM such as to maxi-
mize the forward transmission into the main lobe at the desired
deflection angle. Explicitly, the FOM is calculated as
FOM =T×Rθ2
π/2 |E(θ,φ0)|2dθ
which is the product of the normalized forward transmission
and the fraction that is directed at the main lobe of the deflector.
is the far field on the hemisphere,
are chosen to
be at the midpoints to the adjacent grating orders and
aligned parallel to the x-axis.
The minimum FDTD mesh size was set to 20 nm within the
volume of the silicon slab. Symmetric boundary conditions were
used along the long edge of the supercell, periodic boundary
conditions were used in the short edge of the supercell and in
the z-direction PML boundary conditions were used. We set the
number of generations in the PSO algorithm to 50 and the num-
ber of particles to 20. The PSO was then repeated 3 times, each
time re-centering and shrinking the parameter range around the
best parameters found from the previous PSO run. Subsequently,
we used the best parameters obtained from the final PSO as the
starting point for the GD optimization which was done for 30
iterations, each iteration consisting of 21 simulations. We moni-
tored the transmission and reflection of the metasurface and also
calculated the near to far field projection. For the optimization,
the FOM was calculated at a single wavelength of 4.2 µm.
Figure 4(a) compares the normalized far field pattern before
and after the sequential PSO and GD optimization. We can see
that the unwanted grating orders are reduced after optimization.
In Fig. 4(b) we have normalized the far fields to the maximum
of the peak obtained after optimization so as to make relative
comparisons. The main lobe is shown to have doubled and the
adjacent grating orders are reduced. After optimization, the
FOM was increased from 0.365 to 0.795, as shown in Fig. 5(a).
Also, the normalized forward transmission
increased from
0.64 to 0.92. This compares very well to an unpatterned silicon
membrane in which
is about 0.6. The final parameters used
for the solution with the best FOM are listed in Table 1.
44.05 4.1 4.15 4.2 4.25 4.3 4.35 4.4
Wavelength (
Before opt.
After opt.
1.08 1.1 1.12 1.14 1.16
Thickness (
150 100 150 180
Fig. 5.
(a) FOM vs. wavelength, before and after optimization.
(b) FOM vs. silicon membrane thickness. (c) FOM vs. opti-
mization iteration number.
We studied the spectral bandwidth of operation of our
nanohole array metasurface deflector. The FWHM of the FOM
after optimization is 80 nm (see Fig. 5(a)), which is sufficiently
broad for applications in integrated laser collimators and lenses.
Prior to optimization, the actual peak FOM is 0.447 located at
m. After optimization, the peak was raised and shifted to
m. We also studied the sensitivity of the optimized FOM to
Letter Optics Letters 4
Radii (nm) Shift (nm)
r1949 d11
r2807 d226
r3854 d3-16
r4894 d4-7
r5851 d5-3
r6847 d6-76
r7916 d7-77
r81033 d874
r9987 d926
r10 1120 d10 29
Table 1. Optimized parameters.
silicon membrane thickness as shown in Fig. 5(b). At approxi-
25 nm, the FOM falls to half the maximum. For future
work, we can also take into consideration the design sensitivity
to thickness through robust optimization methods [
]. We have
plotted the change in FOM with optimization iteration number
in Fig. 5(c) for reference.
A practical concern of such photonic device optimization al-
gorithms that utilise full 3D FDTD simulations to calculate the
FOM is the computational cost of the large number of iterations
required. For the optimization procedure described in the above
section, each simulation took on average 14 minutes to complete.
The total time needed to complete the sequential PSO and GD
optimization is close to 850 hours. This large computational time
becomes prohibitive when designing multiple complex optical
elements. A possible method to reduce the total time required
would be to perform an initial coarse mesh optimization fol-
lowed by a refined mesh optimization. By halving the mesh
size on all three dimensions in the FDTD simulation domain,
the total simulation time can be reduced by a factor of 8. We
verified that our coarse mesh simulation was indeed completed
in 1.75 minutes. Subsequently, we completed the PSO optimiza-
tion with a coarse mesh arriving at a best FOM of 0.791. After
mesh refinement, the best FOM was reduced to 0.774 which
verifies that a coarse mesh optimization could be used to reduce
computation time.
In this work, we have designed a freestanding silicon
nanohole array beam deflector for the mid-IR wavelength of
m. Our silicon metasurface can be fabricated with con-
ventional techniques and has high transmission due to the lack
of substrate, fulfillment of Kerker conditions and subsequent
further optimization. Similar principles can be used to design
various other optical metasurfaces, e.g. flat lenses. Rectangu-
lar, elliptical, or other asymmetrical hole shapes can be used to
impart birefringence, as required in waveplates or polarisation
beam splitters. Hole shapes with handedness can give chiral
optical properties, such as in optical rotation. In the future, we
expect our nanohole array design to be able to form useful meta-
surface optical elements at wavelengths spanning from visible
to infrared.
P. G. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Euro-
pean Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement
FLATLIGHT No. 639109). J.R.O., H.S.C. and V.H.C. acknowl-
edge the funding support from Agency for Science, Technology
and Research - Science and Engineering Research Council for
Pharos grant award No. 152-73-00025.
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... They can directly replace traditional bulk optical components like gratings [24,25], lenses [14,[26][27][28], waveplates [29][30][31], polarizers [18,32], holograms [33,34], orbital angular momentum generators [35,36], or provide novel functionalities [18,29,[37][38][39][40][41][42] not feasible with conventional components. For mid-IR to optical wavelengths, high contrast dielectric metasurfaces are very versatile as they can be designed to control different properties of light on a subwavelength resolution and with large reflection or transmission efficiencies [43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56]. ...
The angular response of thin diffractive optical elements is highly correlated. For example, the angles of incidence and diffraction of a grating are locked through the grating momentum determined by the grating period. Other diffractive devices, including conventional metasurfaces, have a similar angular behavior due to the fixed locations of the Fresnel zone boundaries and the weak angular sensitivity of the meta-atoms. To alter this fundamental property, we introduce angle-multiplexed metasurfaces, composed of reflective high-contrast dielectric U-shaped meta-atoms, whose response under illumination from different angles can be controlled independently. This enables flat optical devices that impose different and independent optical transformations when illuminated from different directions, a capability not previously available in diffractive optics.
... Additionally, as a local optimizer, TO relies on good initial solutions because it is hard to jump out of the local optimum [39], which makes the TO require multiple attempts to get good results, resulting in significant computational resource requirements. Other optimization algorithms widely used in the inverse design of metasurfaces, such as particle swarm optimization [40,41] and genetic algorithms [42,43], are challenging to find high-performance results in inverse design problems involving free-form metasurfaces with a wide parameter space. ...
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High-efficiency in-couplers with unpolarized responses are crucial for the performance of waveguide augmented reality displays. Freeform quasi-3D metasurfaces (FQ3DM), which integrate freeform metasurfaces with multilayer films, is one possible solution to achieve this. However, the performance of FQ3DM is limited by the lack of inverse design algorithms capable of optimizing its overall structure. In this work, we proposed a hybrid topology optimization combining simulated annealing (HTO-SA) algorithm that alternates between topology optimization and simulated annealing to find the global optimum for both the shape and thickness of FQ3DM. With the HTO-SA algorithm, we designed an unpolarized high-efficiency in-coupler that achieves an average efficiency of 90% across a 20° field-of-view for both transverse electric and transverse magnetic polarization. We envision that our proposed approach can be generalized to the design of high-performance diffractive optical devices.
... In practice, it is more feasible to obtain an amplitude-distributed aperture, and people prefer binary apertures because of their accessibility in fabrication. In this case, exact solutions to the inverse problem would be extremely challenging, and people usually rely on iterative algorithms 3 to determine the shape of the aperture, such as Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm, 5,6 genetic algorithm (GA), 7-10 ant-colony optimization (ACO), 11 particle swarm optimization (PSO), 12,13 and simulated annealing method. 14 Among them, the GS algorithm is widely used to design phase-type diffractive optical elements (DOEs), [15][16][17] and GA is usually adopted in the inverse design of binary DOEs. ...
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In this Letter, we report an approach for the inverse design of binary apertures to generate desired three-dimensional (3D) diffraction patterns in free space. The approach relies on an optimal accumulation algorithm, aiming to determine the distribution of the binary aperture for 3D target patterns in the regime of Fresnel diffraction. This algorithm features high fidelity for complex inverse design compared with conventional iterative algorithms. To demonstrate the validity of our method, various 2D and 3D patterns are chosen and generated using a digital micromirror device that serves as a reconfigurable binary aperture. Experimentally, the generated diffraction patterns exhibit high fidelity with respect to the target ones, achieving an averaged Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.90 for 2D patterns and 0.87 for 3D patterns, respectively. Our work may find applications in laser beam shaping, structured light illumination, and diffractive optical elements.
... In this study an array of 55 × 55 plasmonic nanospheres was designed to maximize a multi-objective function by utilizing the binary version of the PSO algorithm. The PSO algorithm has been extensively integrated with FDTD [149] and RCWA [150] for objective function evaluation. These studies underscore the utility of PSO in refining binary or grating-based nanostructures, attesting to the robustness and versatility of PSO for the optimization of intricate nanophotonic designs. ...
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Recent advancements in inverse design approaches, exemplified by their large-scale optimization of all geometrical degrees of freedom, have provided a significant paradigm shift in photonic design. However, these innovative strategies still require full-wave Maxwell solutions to compute the gradients concerning the desired figure of merit, imposing, prohibitive computational demands on conventional computing platforms. This review analyzes the computational challenges associated with the design of large-scale photonic structures. It delves into the adequacy of various electromagnetic solvers for large-scale designs, from conventional to neural network-based solvers, and discusses their suitability and limitations. Furthermore, this review evaluates the research on optimization techniques, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages in large-scale applications, and sheds light on cutting-edge studies that combine neural networks with inverse design for large-scale applications. Through this comprehensive examination, this review aims to provide insights into navigating the landscape of large-scale design and advocate for strategic advancements in optimization methods, solver selection, and the integration of neural networks to overcome computational barriers, thereby guiding future advancements in large-scale photonic design.
In nanophotonics, nanohole arrays (NHAs) are periodic arrangements of nanoscale apertures in thin films, offering versatile optical functionalities essential for various applications. Fully exploring NHAs' optical properties and optimizing performance...
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Nanophotonic structures have shown promising routes to controlling and enhancing nonlinear optical processes at the nanoscale. However, most nonlinear nanostructures require a handling substrate, reducing their application scope. Due to the underwhelming heat dissipation, it has been a challenge to evaluate the nonlinear optical properties of free-standing nanostructures. Here, we overcome this challenge by performing shot-controlled fifth harmonic generation (FHG) measurements on a SiC meta-membrane – a free-standing transmission metasurface with pronounced optical resonances in the mid-infrared (λ res ≈ 4,000 nm). Back focal plane imaging of the FHG diffraction orders and rigorous finite-difference time-domain simulations reveal at least two orders of magnitude enhancement of the FHG from the meta-membrane, compared to the unstructured SiC film of the same thickness. Single-shot measurements of the meta-membrane with varying resonance positions reveal an unusual spectral behavior that we explain with Kerr-driven intensity-dependent resonance dynamics. This work paves the way for novel substrate-less nanophotonic architectures.
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All‐dielectric nanophotonic devices are usually fabricated by engraving arrays of nanoholes at the surface of high‐index materials, to engineer dedicated optical functions. However, their direct 3D integration in the volume of a material is challenging, inaccessible to current planar nanolithography methods. Here is introduced an ultrafast laser‐machining method that opens the possibility to realize scalable arrays of hollow nanochannels directly inside the bulk of silica glass within a single‐step, maskless, and digital approach. Using a custom‐shaped micro‐Bessel beam and by tuning laser pulse durations from femtoseconds to picosecond to boost processing versatility, dense assemblies of nanochannels with adjustable lengths (up to 30 µm), and submicron lattice periodicity (down to 0.7 µm) are achieved. As a proof‐of‐principle demonstration, a gradient‐index metaphotonic structure is realized and its performance is experimentally characterized, demonstrating its relevancy for imprinting phase functions with magnitude up to in the short‐wave infrared spectral range. Results show that the unique flexibility and scalability provided by individual control of each channel opens a new realistic alternative approach for 3D fabrication of monolithic integrated nanophotonic devices inside a wide range of low‐index standard optical materials.
In recent years, considerable research advancements have emerged in the application of inverse design methods to enhance the performance of electromagnetic metamaterials. Notably, the integration of deep learning (DL) technologies, with their robust capabilities in data analysis, categorization, and interpretation, has demonstrated revolutionary potential in optimization algorithms for improved efficiency. In this review, current inverse design methods for electromagnetic metamaterials are presented, including topology optimization, evolutionary algorithms, and DL-based methods. Their application scopes, advantages and limitations, as well as the latest research developments are respectively discussed. The classical iterative inverse design methods categorized topology optimization and evolutionary algorithms are discussed separately, for their fundamental role in solving inverse design problems. Also, attention is given on categories of DL-based inverse design methods, i.e. classifying into DL-assisted, direct DL, and physics-informed neural network methods. A variety of neural network architectures together accompanied by relevant application examples are highlighted, as well as the practical utility of these overviewed methods. Finally, this review provides perspectives on potential future research directions of electromagnetic metamaterials inverse design and integrated artificial intelligence methodologies.
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We present and study theoretically a new design approach for obtaining wide angle, highly efficient, all-dielectric metasurfaces. As a concrete example we focus on optimizing flat beam deflector for both the infra-red and visible spectral regions. Transmission efficiencies of up to 87.2% are obtained theoretically for deflection angle of 65° in visible (580nm) spectrum and up to 82% for deflection angle of 30.5° at telecom wavelength (1550nm). The enhanced efficiencies at wide deflection angles are obtained by genetic optimization of the nano-structures comprising the metasurface. Compared to previously employed design approaches, our approach enhances the transmission efficiency substantially without sacrificing rectangular grid arrangement and facilitates the realization of wide angle flat deflectors and holograms/lenses.
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This article reviews recent progress leading to the realization of planar optical components made of a single layer of phase shifting nanostructures. After introducing the principles of planar optics and discussing earlier works on subwavelength diffractive optics, we introduce a classification of metasurfaces based on their different phase mechanisms and profiles and a comparison between plasmonic and dielectric metasurfaces. We place particular emphasis on the recent developments on electric and magnetic field control of light with dielectric nanostructures and highlight the physical mechanisms and designs required for efficient all-dielectric metasurfaces. Practical devices of general interest such as metalenses, beam deflectors, holograms, and polarizing interfaces are discussed, including high-performance metalenses at visible wavelengths. Successful strategies to achieve achromatic response at selected wavelengths and near unity transmission/reflection efficiency are discussed. Dielectric metasurfaces and dispersion management at interfaces open up technology opportunities for applications including wavefront control, lightweight imaging systems, displays, electronic consumer products, and conformable and wearable optics.
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A method for fast design of broadband terahertz diffusion metasurface is presented. The proposed metasurface is composed by three kinds of simply patterned elements with different resonant properties. To obtain the best broadband performance with the lowest backward reflections, a genetic algorithm is developed to manipulate the resonances for the fast determination of element geometries. An inverse discrete Fourier transform method is used to predict the scattering pattern of the metasurface with high accuracy and low time consumption, significantly enhancing the efficiency of the array-pattern design. The proposed fast design flow will benefit a broad range of terahertz applications, such as biological detection and imaging.
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Nonradiating current configurations attract attention of physicists for many years as possible models of stable atoms. One intriguing example of such a nonradiating source is known as 'anapole'. An anapole mode can be viewed as a composition of electric and toroidal dipole moments, resulting in destructive interference of the radiation fields due to similarity of their far-field scattering patterns. Here we demonstrate experimentally that dielectric nanoparticles can exhibit a radiationless anapole mode in visible. We achieve the spectral overlap of the toroidal and electric dipole modes through a geometry tuning, and observe a highly pronounced dip in the far-field scattering accompanied by the specific near-field distribution associated with the anapole mode. The anapole physics provides a unique playground for the study of electromagnetic properties of nontrivial excitations of complex fields, reciprocity violation and Aharonov–Bohm like phenomena at optical frequencies.
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A nanoantenna with balanced electric and magnetic dipole moments, known as the first Kerker condition, exhibits a directive radiation pattern with zero backscattering. In principle, a nanoantenna can provide even better directionality if higher order moments are properly balanced. Here, we study a generalized Kerker condition in the example of a nanoring nanoantenna supporting electric dipole and electric quadrupole moments. Nanoring antennas are well suited since both multipole moments can be almost independently tuned to meet the generalized Kerker condition.
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In this paper we describe a methodology for tailoring the design of metamaterial dielectric resonators, which represent a promising path toward low-loss metamaterials at optical frequencies. We first describe a procedure to decompose the far field scattered by subwavelength resonators in terms of multipolar field components, providing explicit expressions for the multipolar far fields. We apply this formulation to confirm that an isolated high-permittivity dielectric cube resonator possesses frequency separated electric and magnetic dipole resonances, as well as a magnetic quadrupole resonance in close proximity to the electric dipole resonance. We then introduce multiple dielectric gaps to the resonator geometry in a manner suggested by perturbation theory, and demonstrate the ability to overlap the electric and magnetic dipole resonances, thereby enabling directional scattering by satisfying the first Kerker condition. We further demonstrate the ability to push the quadrupole resonance away from the degenerate dipole resonances to achieve local behavior. These properties are confirmed through the multipolar expansion and show that the use of geometries suggested by perturbation theory is a viable route to achieve purely dipole resonances for metamaterial applications such as wave-front manipulation with Huygens’ metasurfaces. Our results are fully scalable across any frequency bands where high-permittivity dielectric materials are available, including microwave, THz, and infrared frequencies.
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Structuring at subwavelength scales brings out artificial media with anomalous optical features called metamaterials. All-dielectric metamaterials have high potential for practical applications over the whole electromagnetic spectrum owing to low loss and optical isotropy. Here, we report subwavelength silicon through-hole arrays as an all-dielectric gradient index metamaterial with broadband THz operation. The unit cell consists of a single subwavelength through-hole on highly resistive monocrystalline silicon. Depending on the fill-factor and period, the effective index was linearly modulated at 0.3–1.6 THz. The experimental results also demonstrate silicon gradient refractive index (Si-GRIN) lenses with parabolic index profiles through the spatial modification of a single unit cell along the radial direction. Si-GRIN lenses either focus 0.4–1.6 THz beam to the diffraction-limit or serve as a flat and thin solid immersion lens on the backside of THz photoconductive antenna for highly efficient pulse extraction. This all-dielectric gradient index metamaterial opens up opportunities for integrated THz GRIN optics.
Recently, metasurfaces have received increasing attention due to their ability to locally manipulate the amplitude, phase and polarization of light with high spatial resolution. Transmissive metasurfaces based on high-index dielectric materials are particularly interesting due to the low intrinsic losses and compatibility with standard industrial processes. Here, it is demonstrated numerically and experimentally that a uniform array of silicon nanodisks can exhibit close-to-unity transmission at resonance in the visible spectrum. A single-layer gradient metasurface utilizing this concept is shown to achieve around 45% transmission into the desired order. These values represent an improvement over existing state-of-the-art, and are the result of simultaneous excitation and mutual interference of magnetic and electric-dipole resonances in the nanodisks, which enables directional forward scattering with a broad bandwidth. Due to CMOS compatibility and the relative ease of fabrication, this approach is promising for creation of novel flat optical devices.
Optical metasurfaces have developed as a breakthrough concept for advanced wave-front engineering enabled by subwavelength resonant nanostructures. However, reflection and/or absorption losses as well as low polarization-conversion efficiencies pose a fundamental obstacle for achieving high transmission efficiencies that are required for practical applications. Here, for the first time to our knowledge, highly efficient all-dielectric metasurfaces are demonstrated for NIR frequencies using arrays of silicon nanodisks as metaatoms. The main features of Huygens' sources are employed, namely, spectrally overlapping crossed electric and magnetic dipole resonances of equal strength, to demonstrate Huygens' surfaces with full transmission-phase coverage of 360° and near-unity transmission. Full-phase coverage combined with high efficiency in transmission are experimentally confirmed. Based on these key properties, all-dielectric Huygens' metasurfaces can become a new paradigm for flat optical devices, including beam-steering, beam-shaping, and focusing, as well as holography and dispersion control.