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Despite the numerous examples and testimonies in the Internet, few researches are made on challenges and success factors for women chefs. This study aims to identify the barriers women face and how they succeeded to achieve the chefs’ position. It also evaluates the entrepreneurial path, its motives, and the advantages it offers to them. The authors selected a qualitative approach. They organized a couple of structured interviews and two focus group sessions with eight entrepreneurial women chefs who shared and discussed their experiences and their points of view, based on pre-selected topics. From their perspective, women׳s main barriers are: masculinity, gender perceptions to their skills and capabilities, and work-life balance. To face them, they had to be resilient, to keep learning, and to prove their competence. They also worked on acquiring management and leadership skills and were completely dedicated to their careers at the expense of family and social life. Those who aimed for better balance moved to other niches of the profession or followed the entrepreneurial path. The latter, offered them better time management flexibility and opportunities for professional evolution. Studying women in management position in this Haute Cuisine field is particularly interesting because of the dichotomy of the cooking task, considered female in the domestic sphere and male in the professional one. This article provides a basement for later qualitative and quantitative research in order to research gender barriers and success factors for women to leadership positions.
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... In this sense, female chefs perceive that they face specific obstacles in their career, such as balancing work and family life (Haddaji et al., 2017;Albors Garrigós et al., 2019), as well as other challenges, such as developing their personal social life and entertainment (Albors Garrigós et al., 2019). In fact, like men, they see entrepreneurship, i.e. opening their own restaurant, as a good opportunity to continue their career and potentially achieve greater recognition (Albors-Garrigos et al., 2020). ...
... Research such as that conducted by Monica and Zengeni (2013) also reveals that a lack of experience and attitude, together with the lack of female mentoring and role models, are some of the reasons behind the lack of female chefs in kitchens. Moreover, they are aware that they should develop other skills such as leadership, management, networking, marketing, and promotion in order to be more successful as chefs (Haddaji et al., 2017). A similar situation is faced by women working in farm management related positions where direct gender discrimination or a lack of support in the sector are among the challenges they face (Mishra et al., 2023). ...
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The main objective of this article is to provide a feminine vision in the world of gastronomy in Castilla-La Mancha, where women have a high level of participation, and to make visible the work carried out by many professionals in all areas of this sector from work in the agri-food and wine sector, to room and kitchen work in the hospitality sector, as well as the different roles in the marketing and communication sector. It is intended to analyse the situation of women in the gastronomy sector in the broadest sense, to identify their profiles (professional and training) and their relationship with food products associated with Protected Designations of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications (PDO and PGI) and, thus, to explore the work of these women in the maintenance of the gastronomic heritage of the region and the potential of gastronomic tourism. To study this phenomenon, an investigation has been carried out in the five provinces that make up the region. A qualitative study was carried out through in-depth interviews with women running a PDO or PGI in Castilla La Mancha (10). These responses have been analysed using a textual analysis methodology with word clouds. The results show that gastronomy tourism is an opportunity to promote local economic growth and fight against depopulation in the region. In addition, gastronomy has shown itself to be an instrument capable of economically empowering women who work in the maintenance of the gastronomic identity of Castilla-La Mancha.
... The unequal opportunities in the restaurant work environment may hamper some groups (e.g. women employees) from being successful in the workplace (Haddaji et al., 2017). ...
... The mentality of Machoism in the kitchen workforce, in other words, the consideration of men's kitchen or baking is only for women or gay people, is another crucial finding extracted from our study. Though there is no direct study investigating the reason for this result in the context of the US restaurant industry in the literature, the literature supports that women chefs confront various obstacles to upgrading to the chef position in the kitchen (Haddaji et al., 2017). Female chefs are often regarded as unskilled in kitchen workplaces because it is assumed that they can only perform their role in the home kitchen instead of a professional kitchen (Wicelinski, 2022). ...
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Purpose This study was designed to contribute to the extant literature by discovering the perceptions of restaurant employees and managers toward equal opportunities in restaurant labor and working in a diversity-rich restaurant work environment. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative research approach was utilized. Through in-depth interviews, data were collected purposefully from restaurant workers in different positions (e.g. managers, servers, chefs and cooks) in the USA. Findings As a result of content analysis, different perspectives emerged on equal employment opportunity and diversity in restaurant labor. While some employees and managers believe that restaurant labor has equal employment opportunities, others think there is a lack of equal employment opportunity and partial equal employment opportunity in the industry. Most participants perceive working in a diversity-rich restaurant work environment as beneficial (an opportunity to learn about different cultures and an opportunity to learn different experiences and approaches). Originality/value To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to explore employees' and managers' perceptions of equal employment opportunity and diversity in the hospitality labor context, specifically restaurant labor. Therefore, the research findings will create value for scholars to understand the view on equal employment opportunity and diversity in restaurant labor. Further, it will assist practitioners in designing their labor structure regarding equal employment opportunity and diversity management for the future.
... , 2019a). ), that they are exposed to higher levels of harassment and discrimination (Fungaizengeni and Zengeni, 2013;Harris and Giuffre, 2015;Çelik and Şahingöz, 2018;Haddaji et al., 2017a;Haddaji et al., 2017b;Keskin and Kızılırmak, 2020;Albors Garrigos and others, 2018). ., 2020) has shown. ...
... ., 2020) has shown. Despite these challenges, many female chefs demonstrate high levels of resilience (Haddaji et al., 2017b). Resilience is the ability to cope with challenges and adapt to change and is linked to positive outcomes in the workplace, such as increased job satisfaction, performance, and productivity (Beuren et al., 2022). ...
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International Journal of Tourism and Destination Studies 2022 yılında uluslararası diğer indekslerde yayımlanmak üzere yayın hayatına başlamış hakemli ve bilimsel bir dergidir. Dergimiz turizmle alakalı işletmecilik, rehberlik, rekreasyon, gastronomi, özel ilgi, sürdürülebilirlik, alternatif turizm ve diğer güncel turizm konu başlıklarında tüm kavramsal ve uygulama temelli çalışmalara ve ayrıca destinasyon yönetimi, pazarlaması, analizi vb. konu başlıklarındaki tüm çalışmalara ve araştırmalara açıktır. Dergimizin temel varlık amacını turizm alanyazına ve sektörüne özgün çalışmalar kazandırmak; akademik, sektörel ve alanyazınsal sorunsallara bilimsel çözüm önerileri getirmek ve bilimsel yayın etiği, tarafsızlık ve şeffaflık ilkelerini dikkate alarak sürdürülecek yayıncılık anlayışı oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca dergimiz; ilgili prensipler ve ilkeler çerçevesinde belirli bir süre zarfında alanında kendisini ispatlayıp öncelikle TR DİZİN başta olmak üzere uluslararası alan indeksleri nezdinde taranma gayretindedir. International Journal of Tourism and Destination Studies yıl içerisinde eylül ve mart aylarında, Türkçe ve İngilizce dillerinde, çift kör hakemlik ve bilimsel yayın etiği ilkeleri kapsamında iki sayı olarak, uluslararası diğer indeks kapsamında, online (çevrimiçi) ve ücretsiz olarak yayınlanmaktadır.
... A detailed interview protocol inspired by the previous research Haddaji et al., 2017;Sintov et al., 2019), outlining focus areas, was developed to ensure a thorough exploration of the topics, including probing questions where necessary (see Appendix). The interview protocol was crafted to address the preliminary themes identified in the literature, with special consideration given to female chefs' challenges in FW management. ...
This study explores how female chefs in professional kitchens manage food waste in their predominantly masculine occupational culture. By adopting the Process-Person-Context-Time (PPCT) model and applying the method of in-depth, semi-structured interviews (n = 20), the study reveals the complex interplay of personal, organisational, and contextual influences on how female chefs in Turkey and England manage food waste. The study highlights the significance of proximal processes, and organisational and occupational socialization in shaping food waste management practices of female chefs. The study underscores the importance of gender dynamics, organizational size, and occupational culture in these practices. The need for integrating resourcefulness training in preparation for future generations of chefs is highlighted. The findings enable a better understanding of how professional kitchens can be advanced towards the fulfilment of such sustainable development goals as gender equality and resource efficiency. The study emphasizes the need to consider a broader cultural context in future research on sustainability in tourism and hospitality. It suggests a comparative gender analysis to examine the unique challenges that female chefs encounter in food waste management.
... Numerous studies have looked into the metaphor and sought evidence demonstrating the existence of this barrier that prevents female advancement to high leadership, in addition to identifying the factors at play in the perpetuation of this barrier to women's professional ascension within organizations (Morley, 2007;Nganga et al., 2023;Wrigley, 2009;Zhuge et al, 2011; to name a few). Female underrepresentation in strategic sectors of all industries and spaces of power, both in the public and private sector, in academe, sports and even gastronomy, are just a few examples of the ways in which the glass ceiling impacts women's professional life (Biroli, 2010;Fragale et al., 2015;Goellner & Kessler, 2018;Haddaji et al., 2017;Maia, 2016;Miguel & Biroli, 2010). ...
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This research identifies the professional challenges faced by women who have risen to high leadership positions at the Central Bank of Brazil. It is an exploratory qualitative research whose empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 13 (thirteen) women who occupy high leadership positions in the bank. The data set was interpreted with the aid of the thematic categorization technique. The results indicate a series of manifestations of gender stereotypes in the institution, which contribute to configuring it as a potentially embarrassing, uncomfortable, and sometimes discouraging environment for women’s careers. Since there are reports that these manifestations occurred within the bank’s formal selection processes, this practice seems to be, at some level, rooted in the institution’s organizational culture. This research contributes to the understanding that the glass ceiling concept seems too simple to encompass all the nuances that interfere with the career path of women in the top leadership of public service. Finally, this article articulates reflections on the various barriers encountered by women who, despite the challenges encountered in a kind of professional labyrinth, managed to occupy high leadership positions in a Brazilian public institution.
... Inúmeros estudos se debruçaram sobre a metáfora e buscaram evidências capazes de fundamentar essa barreira impeditiva da ascensão feminina à alta liderança, bem como identificar os fatores que operavam na perpetuação dela à ascensão profissional das mulheres nas organizações (Morley, 2007;Nganga et al., 2023;Wrigley, 2009;Zhuge et al., 2011). A sub-representação feminina em setores estratégicos dos mais diversos ramos da economia e de espaços de poder nos âmbitos público e privado, político, acadêmico, assim como nos esportes e até na gastronomia, são apenas alguns exemplos das maneiras pelas quais o teto de vidro impacta a vida profissional das mulheres (Biroli, 2010;Fragale et al., 2015;Goellner & Kessler, 2018;Haddaji et al., 2017;Maia, 2016;Miguel & Biroli, 2010). ...
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Resumo Esta pesquisa identifica os desafios profissionais enfrentados por mulheres que ascenderam a posições de alta liderança no Banco Central do Brasil (BCB). Trata-se de uma análise qualitativa exploratória, cuja coleta de dados empíricos se deu por entrevistas semiestruturadas com 13 mulheres que ocupam cargos de alta liderança no órgão público em questão. O conjunto de dados foi interpretado com o auxílio da técnica de categorização temática. Os resultados indicam uma série de manifestações de estereótipos de gênero na instituição investigada, os quais contribuem para configurá-la como um ambiente potencialmente constrangedor, incômodo e, por vezes, desestimulante para a carreira das mulheres. Uma vez que há relatos de que essas manifestações ocorreram em processos formais de seleção do banco, essa prática parece se encontrar, em algum nível, enraizada na cultura organizacional da instituição. Este artigo contribui para o entendimento de que o conceito de “teto de vidro” parece singelo demais para abarcar todas as nuances que interferem na trajetória de carreira das mulheres na alta liderança do serviço público. Ao fim, articulam-se reflexões sobre as diversas barreiras encontradas pelas mulheres que, a despeito dos desafios encontrados numa espécie de labirinto profissional, conseguiram ocupar posições de alta liderança numa instituição pública brasileira.
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Çalışma, şef imajı kavramına ilişkin literatürdeki boşluğu doldurmayı ve göstergebilim analizi ile farklı bir bakış açıcı yaratarak mevcut literatüre katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çerçevede, şef imajına ilişkin pek çok farklı göstergenin yer aldığı “The Menu” filmi Barthes’ın göstergebilim kuramından yararlanarak nitel bir araştırma yaklaşımıyla incelenmekte ve elde edilen bulgular ışığında bir model önerisinde bulunmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre şefin tanınırlık düzeyi, yenilik ve yaratıcılık süreci, restoranın imajı, şefin bilgi, beceri ve başarısı şef imajının oluşumunda etkili değişkenlerdir. Şef imajı ise tüketici ve işletme yönünden farklı değişkenler üzerinde bir etki yaratma potansiyeli taşımaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra çalışmanın sonuçları şef imajı alanında yapılmış çalışmaların sınırlı olmasına karşın pratikte önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğunu tartışmaktadır. Çalışma sonunda teorik ve pratik öneriler sunulmaktadır.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitudinal differences between men and women with respect to work issues and leadership and the implications that these outlooks have in the US (USA) workforce. While studies have been conducted to show how men and women differ in the work and leadership styles, attitudes can affect how workers and leaders are treated and may explain why people behave the way that they do. Design/methodology/approach – Using data from the 2010-2012 World Values Survey (WVS-6), comparisons were performed with the Mann-Whitney U test to determine if there were significant differences in attitudes and perceptions of work and leadership between men and women in the USA based on five questions concerning attitudes toward men and women in the workforce. The sample consisted of 1,070 males and 1,139 females who responded to questions using a Likert scale-rating system. Findings – There were significant differences between males and females at the p < 0.01 level for four of the five questions. Men were more likely to believe that men have more rights to jobs when jobs are scarce. Women believed more than men that having a job was the best way for a woman to be independent. Men believed that they made better political leaders. Men also believed that they made better business executives. However, there was no significant difference in the question about women making more than men. Neither felt strongly that a woman earning more money than her husband would cause problems. Originality/value – The research provides insight into factors that might affect how men and women perceive both their own group and the other group. It is important to ensure that gender perceptions are evaluated to address issues that may still persist and contribute to gender inequality in the workplace and how behaviors and attitudes of each gender affect roles and norms.
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Over the past decade, focus groups and group interviews have reemerged as a popular technique for gathering qualitative data, both among sociologists and across a wide range of academic and applied research areas. Focus groups are currently used as both a self-contained method and in combination with surveys and other research methods, most notably individual, in-depth interviews. Comparisons between focus groups and both surveys and individual interviews help to show the specific advantages and disadvantages of group interviews, concentrating on the role of the group in producing interaction and the role of the moderator in guiding this interaction. The advantages of focus groups can be maximized through careful attention to research design issues at both the project and the group level. Important future directions include: the development of standards for reporting focus group research, more methodological research on focus groups, more attention to data analysis issues, and more engagement with the con...
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Orientation: Women in male-dominated occupations face unique challenges and use distinct coping strategies affecting their motivation and retention in these occupations. Research purpose: The purpose was to explore the experiences of women working in maledominated occupations to clarify the challenges they face and identify coping strategies that enable them to continue on their career paths. Motivation for the study: Many women who choose male-dominated careers soon change in favour of more female-dominated or gender-balanced career paths. An understanding of women’s experiences may facilitate strategies geared towards their motivation and retention in male-dominated occupations. Research design, approach and method: The authors conducted this exploratory qualitative study from a constructivist grounded theory perspective. They used a purposive sample of five women and conducted in-depth unstructured interviews. They analysed data using a constructivist grounded theory methodology. Main findings: The authors found that formal and covert organisational practices, which upheld gender discrimination and bias, were the main challenges that women face. These practices included the inadequate accommodation of women’s unique physical, identity and work-life balance needs. Elements of women’s resilience included the use of femininity, adopting male characteristics, mentorship and intrinsic motivational factors. Practical/managerial implications: The findings may guide organisations to develop and implement policies, strategies and initiatives geared towards attracting, integrating, retaining, supporting and motivating women who are, or wish to be, employed in historically male dominated occupations. Contribution/value-add: This study contributes to an evolving body of knowledge aimed at understanding how to integrate and retain women in male-dominated occupations better.
Building on previous work concerning the gendered nature of domestic space, this article focuses on the kitchen as a key site in which gendered roles and responsibilities are experienced and contested. As men have begun to engage more frequently in cooking and other domestic practices (albeit selectively and often on their own terms), this article argues that kitchens have become ‘crowded’ spaces for women. Drawing on evidence from focus groups, interviews and ethnographic observation of kitchen practices in South Yorkshire (UK), we suggest that men's entry into the kitchen has facilitated the expression of a more diverse range of masculine subjectivities, while also creating new anxieties for women. Specifically, our evidence suggests that family meals may be experienced as a site of domestic conflict as well as a celebration of family life; that convenience and shortcuts can be embraced by women without incurring feelings of guilt and imperfection; that cooking is being embraced as a lifestyle choice by an increasing numbers of men who use it as an opportunity to demonstrate competence and skill, while women are more pragmatic; and that kitchens may be experienced as ‘uncanny’ spaces by women as men increasingly assert their presence in this domain. Our analysis confirms that while the relationship between domestic practices and gendered subjectivities is changing, this does not amount to a fundamental ‘democratisation’ of domesticity with significantly greater equality between men and women.
This article looks at the role of the European Union in promoting substantive equality for men and women in the European labour market. For this purpose it looks at the assumptions about gender roles and gender divisions of labour enshrined by EU directives on maternity rights and parental leave. The article presents a theoretical discussion of the role of EU policies in protecting women's rights and thus promoting a socioeconomic model that allows men and women to reconcile work and family life. The main policies at the heart of this research are the 1992 Pregnant Worker Directive, the 1996 Parental Leave Directive, the 1992 Childcare Recommendations and the 2000 Council Resolution on Balanced Participation in Work and Family Life. The article thus assesses the gender biases of EU policies and the ensuing implications for the future of gender relations and socioeconomic trends in Europe.
This qualitative study used élite interviewing to investigate the family and career backgrounds and career path strategies of a sample of successful chefs working in Thailand, and to identify their career determinants. The informants were five Swiss male expatriates: three hotel execu-tive chefs and two restaurant owner chefs. Four came from urban middle class backgrounds, and the fifth from a rural middle class one. Their family background influenced their interest in food and cooking at an early age. They all completed apprenticeships in the kitchens of luxury hotels, and continued their subsequent training in similar hotel kitchens or in starred restaurant kitchens. Following promotion to the post of executive chef, they continued to work in similar hotel or restaurant kitchens, mostly in Asia. Two of the informants were following entrepreneurial career path strategies; another two were following occupational career paths, while the fifth informant was following an organizational one. The research identified five main career determinants: a passion for food and cooking; an early intention to be successful; the quality of their initial apprenticeship; willingness to travel worldwide; and dedication to their chosen occupation to the exclusion of a wife and family. Comparing and contrasting the findings with those in the scant empirical literature shows important differ-ences between these Swiss informants and other expatriate European male chefs.
Louisiana-born entrepreneur and chef, John Folse, has successfully grown and developed his organization, Chef John Folse & Company, around Louisiana's unique gastronomic identity. His passion for the culture and food of his home state permeates through the various divisions of his company that are unified under his vision: to “Take the taste of Louisiana worldwide.” Chef John Folse & Company represents a strong business model for entrepreneurial leaders who wish to use the gastronomic identity concept to create both awareness of a culture and a sustainable business advantage.