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Determinants and Measurement of Climate Change Risk Perception, Worry, and Concern

Determinants and Measurement of Climate Change Risk Perception, Worry,
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Summary and Keywords
Individuals, both within and between different countries, vary substantially in the extent
to which they view climate change as a risk. What could explain such variation in climate
change risk perception around the world? Climate change is relatively unique as a risk in
the sense that it is difficult for people to experience directly or even detect on a purely
perceptual or sensory level. In fact, research across the social and behavioral sciences
has shown that although people might correctly perceive some changes in long-term
climate conditions, psychological factors are often much more influential in determining
how the public perceives the risk of climate change. Indeed, decades of research has
shown that cognitive, affective, social, and cultural factors all greatly influence the
public’s perception of risk, and that these factors, in turn, often interact with each other
in complex ways. Yet, although a wide variety of cognitive, experiential, socio-cultural and
demographic characteristics have all proven to be relevant, are there certain factors that
systematically stand out in explaining and predicting climate change risk perception
around the world? And even if so, what do we mean, exactly, by the term “risk
perception” and to what extent does the way in which risk perception is measured
influence the outcome? Last but certainly not least, how important is public concern
about climate change in determining people’s level of behavioral engagement and policy-
support for the issue?
Keywords: risk perception, climate change, global warming, worry, concern, public opinion
The Nature of Human Risk Perception
Risk does not exist independent of our minds and culture.
— Paul Slovic (1992, p. 690)
Determinants and Measurement of Climate Change
Risk Perception, Worry, and Concern
Sander van der Linden
Subject: Communication Online Publication Date: Mar 2017
DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.318
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science
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The perception of risk is a mental construct (Sjöberg, 2000A) and human perception is
rather unique in the sense that it allows for a differentiation between the existence of
objective real-world threats, such as climate change, and the subjective perceptual
evaluation of those threats (Rosa, 2003). For example, although climate change is one of
the greatest existential threats to life on earth, risk judgments of global warming vary
greatly from one individual to another (e.g., Hine et al., 2013; Maibach et al., 2011; Metag,
Füchslin, & Schäfer, 2015; Whitmarsh, 2011).
Furthermore, there is considerable cross-cultural variation in both the intensity of
collective public concern as well as general willingness to address the issue (Bord, Fisher,
& Robert, 1998; Brechin & Bhandari, 2011; Capstick et al., 2015 Howe et al., 2015; Kim &
Wolinsky-Nahmias, 2014; Leiserowitz, 2007; Lee et al., 2015). For example, many large-scale
reviews and analyses of public opinion polls have shown that climate change has
consistently been perceived as a “very serious” problem in the United Kingdom,
Australia, and most of continental Europe (e.g., Bord et al., 1998; Lorenzoni & Pidgeon,
2006; Pidgeon, 2012; Reser et al., 2012) whereas concern, while waxing and waning, has
traditionally been lower in countries such as the United States, China, and Russia (e.g.,
Brechin & Bhandari, 2011; Lee et al., 2015; Leiserowitz, 2007).
Another relatively stable trend is that compared to many developed countries, climate
change is generally perceived as a much greater risk in most of the developing world
(Kim & Wolinsky-Nahmias, 2014; Lee et al., 2015; Leiserowitz, 2007). Last but not least,
although overall “awareness” and “concern” about climate change has generally
increased around the globe over the last quarter century (Capstick et al., 2015; Moser,
2010), the public still ranks climate change as a low priority compared to many other
societal issues, such as terrorism, health care, and the economy (Lorenzoni & Pidgeon,
2006; Nisbet & Myers, 2007; Motel, 2014). This low sense of urgency is partly due to the fact
that climate change is an abstract statistical concept that refers to long-term changes in
the variability of the earth’s climate (Weber, 2010). Unlike most ecological risks humans
have been exposed to for millions of years, human-caused climate change is unique: it is
global in nature and stretches over centuries (Breakwell, 2010). Moreover, the slow-
moving, cumulative, and unsituated nature of climate change makes it not only
evolutionarily novel (van Vugt, Griskevicius, & Schultz, 2014) but also difficult to directly
perceive and experience for people (Weber, 2010; Whitmarsh, 2008A). These characteristics
are important to understand because the subjective psychological nature of risk
perception is exactly what allows for substantial heterogeneity to exist across individuals
and nations.
Accordingly, the quantity of social and behavioral science research exploring what factors
shape public perceptions of climate change has increased exponentially over the last
decade (Moser, 2010; Weber, 2016). The goal of this chapter is to put the field’s intellectual
history in perspective as well as structure, organize, and synthesize the weight of
evidence on three important questions: (a) what social, psychological, cultural, political,
and physical factors have shown to consistently explain and predict public risk
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perceptions of climate change around the world? (b) to what extent do these results hinge
upon how “risk perception” is measured and operationalized in the first place? and (c)
what is the evidence for a relationship between risk perception and concern about
climate change on one hand, and individual behavior change on the other, including
public support for climate change adaptation and mitigation policies?
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The Factors That Shape Climate Change Risk
Perception Around the World
The study of risk perception grew out of the observation that when it comes to assessing
many technological and natural hazards, the views of the lay public often seem to diverge
(quite sharply) from expert assessments (Slovic, Fischhoff, & Lichtenstein, 1982; Starr, 1969).
For many researchers, this divergence was both interesting and puzzling and inspired the
study of how people construe their mental representations of risks. Climate change is a
perfect case in point. For example, although many independent studies have shown that
over 97% of climate scientists agree that human-caused climate change is happening
(e.g., Anderegg et al., 2010; Cook et al., 2016; Powell, 2016), only about half of Americans
share this belief (Leiserowitz et al., 2016).
Fueled by the discovery of a number of cognitive heuristics people seem to use to
navigate an uncertain world, much early risk perception research was rooted in an area
of cognitive psychology known as “judgment and decision-making” (Kahneman, Slovic, &
Tversky, 1982). Specifically, the so-called “psychometric paradigm” pioneered the process
of identifying explanatory factors in risk perception (Slovic, 1987). Yet, following the
cognitive revolution, scholars increasingly began to criticize the overly “cognitive”
approach to the study of risk by highlighting the neglected yet important role of emotions
in shaping risk judgments. This development led to the conclusion that how people feel
about a particular risk often has a (more) powerful influence on their thinking
(Loewenstein et al., 2001; Slovic et al., 2004). Since then, so-called “dual-process” theories
have postulated that people comprehend risks in two fundamentally different ways;
analytically and experientially, and although these are often referred to as “two separate
modes of thinking,” they often operate in parallel (Chaiken & Trope, 1999; Epstein, 1994;
Kahneman, 2011; Marx et al., 2007; Sloman, 1996; van der Linden, 2014A).
The still predominantly “psychological” approach to studying risk was later criticized,
most notably by cultural anthropologist Mary Douglas and political scientist Aaron
Wildavsky, for neglecting the larger social, cultural, and political context in which risks
are framed and debated, and for depoliticizing the nature of risk. In other words, the
perception of risk was not solely to be seen as a matter of individual cognition and
emotion but also a function of deeply held worldviews and values about society and its
structural organization and functioning (Dake, 1992; Douglas & Wildavsky, 1982). This
development led to a third revolution in the study of risk perception, which is currently
still enjoying support through frameworks such as the Social Amplification of Risk
(Kasperson et al., 1988) and the Cultural Cognition Thesis—which aims to combine aspects
of the psychometric paradigm with the cultural theory of risk (Kahan, 2012).
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All of these approaches have left a deep mark on the climate change risk perception
literature and although some attempts have been made to combine various schools of
thought (e.g., see Leiserowitz, 2006), when assessing the risk perception literature as a
whole, a severe lack of theoretical integration has been noted, with many of the
aforementioned dimensions often being assessed independently of each other (Wählberg,
2001; van der Linden, 2015A). In some sense, the field has become more theoretically
contested (Moser, 2016) with scholars disagreeing on the various approaches to the study
of risk perception (van der Linden, 2016A).
This complicates the process of “surveying the field.” To help advance and promote
further theoretical development in the literature, van der Linden (2015A) proposed an
integrated theory of risk perception that combines four key theoretical dimensions to
maximize explanatory power; “cognitive,” “experiential,” “socio-cultural” and “socio-
demographic” factors, also known as the “Climate Change Risk Perception
Model” (CCRPM). Empirically, these factors explained about 70% of the variation in risk
perception, which may well approximate the ceiling of the explanatory power of risk
perception models (Sjöberg, 2002). Accordingly, the framework is adopted here to help
organize, structure, and assess the empirical evidence for each of the major dimensions
that have shown to influence risk perceptions of climate change. The original formulation
of the Climate Change Risk Perception Model (CCRPM) included a fifth dimension,
entitled; “heuristics and biases” (Helgeson, van der Linden, & Chabay, 2012). This
dimension was later dropped from the model mainly for parsimony, as many heuristics
could reasonably be subsumed under one of the existing categories, but given the large
amount of heuristics and biases that have shown to influence global warming risk
perception in recent years, it warrants a separate discussion and I therefore reintroduce
the fifth dimension here for completeness.
A conceptual representation of the model is provided in Figure 1. Note that these five
dimensions are not necessarily assumed to be independent, as will become clear from the
review, they can often be expected to interact in complex ways. For example, cognitive
and affective factors have shown to dynamically interact in shaping climate change risk
perception (Marx et al., 2007; van der Linden, 2014A). Additionally, the influence of socio-
demographic characteristics on risk perception and the use of heuristics and biases may
be conditional on cultural, affective, and cognitive factors. Thus, although Figure 1 is a
simplified representation of reality, it will be useful in organizing and synthesizing the
risk perception literature.
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Cognitive Factors
The assumption that the public simply does not have enough information to accurately
evaluate societal risks has dominated the risk communication field for many years.
According to this view, if scientists would do a better job at explaining and
communicating climate science, then perhaps the public would be more concerned about
the issue. In the last two decades, the so-called “knowledge deficit” model of public
attitudes towards science has received fierce criticism (Sturgis & Allum, 2004), so much so
that polarization between “proponents” and “opponents” of education-based approaches
has increased substantially (Ranney & Clark, 2016). Yet, this dichotomy is somewhat
misleading. For example, what is meant by “knowledge” is often left undefined and the
wholesale dismissal of “knowledge” as a driver of risk perception begs the age-old
question of whether or not “cognition” is a necessary prerequisite for judgment formation
(Lai, Hagoort, & Casasanto, 2012). In other words, if one has no basic awareness of the
climate change problem, then how can a judgment about the issue be formed? Formally,
risk assessment is usually thought of as the product of two properties, namely; (a) the
probability with which an adverse event (e.g., climate change) is likely to occur and (b)
the severity of the negative consequences associated with that event (e.g., death,
damages). Thus, if the public understands that climate change is occurring, caused by
humans, and has negative consequences, they should (in theory) be concerned about the
issue. Yet, while varying substantially, deeper public understanding of climate change
around the world remains limited and is often rooted in influential misperceptions (Bord
et al., 1998; Brechin, 2003; Leiserowitz, 2007; Weber & Stern, 2011). Climate literacy is
especially low in the United States (e.g., Leiserowitz, Smith, & Marlon, 2010) while
substantially less is presently known about public understanding of climate change in the
non-Western world (Capstick et al., 2015).
Much early work on climate cognition was trying to understand the way in which
individuals process, classify, and organize new information, the study of so-called “mental
models,” that is, people’s intuitive and contextual understanding of how something works
(Kearney & Kaplan, 1997; Morgan et al., 2002). This line of research revealed that people
often have difficulty understanding the physical mechanisms underlying global climate
change, are unaware of the prevailing scientific consensus, and confuse climate change
with other environmental issues or hold misperceptions about the type of actions that are
effective in helping to reduce climate change (e.g., Bord et al., 1998; Bostrom et al., 1994;
Kempton, 1991; Nisbet & Myers, 2007; Read et al., 1994; Sterman & Booth Sweeney, 2007;
Sterman, 2008; Whitmarsh, 2009).
Figure 1. Climate Change Risk Perception Model
adopted from van der Linden (2015A).
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Although public awareness has generally increased since then (Capstick et al., 2015), many
of these deeper misperceptions continue to persist (e.g., see Brechin, 2003; Ranney &
Clark, 2016; Reynolds et al., 2010). When it comes to investing scarce resources in public
education about climate change, perhaps the more prudent and difficult question to
answer is how important cognitive knowledge about climate change is in shaping public
risk perception?
The answer, in part, depends on the method that is used to gauge the public’s
“knowledge” and understanding of climate change (Roser-Renouf & Nisbet, 2008; van der
Linden, 2015A). For example, there is a notable and important difference between an
individual’s subjective self-assessment of how much they believe they know about climate
change, and the actual level of correct knowledge people hold about the issue. Studies
using single-item measures, such as, “How much do you feel you know about global
warming?” have reported mixed results. For instance, Kellstedt et al. (2008) found that
knowledge is largely unrelated to concern. In contrast, Heath and Gifford (2006) report a
positive link whereas Malka, Krosnick, and Langer (2009) conclude that the knowledge-
concern relationship may be moderated by political ideology.
Although global self-assessments may sometimes provide a crude estimate of a latent
psychological disposition (van der Linden & Rosenthal, 2016), subjective, self-reported
climate knowledge measures are generally deemed unreliable (Roser-Renouf & Nisbet,
2008) and often prove inconsistent with more objective assessments (Hornsey et al., 2016;
Shi et al., 2016).
For example, Guy et al. (2014) found—using objective measures—that greater knowledge
actually attenuates the (negative) effect of ideological worldviews, resulting in a positive
relationship between more knowledge about climate change and public concern.
More generally, research that has attempted to objectively score and assess how much
people know about climate change typically finds a significant positive relationship
between more accurate knowledge about climate change and public risk perception
(Hidalgo & Pisano, 2010; Milfont, 2012; O’Connor, Bord, & Fisher, 1999; Sundblad et al., 2007;
Shi et al., 2016; van der Linden, 2015A). To further deconstruct the role of knowledge in risk
perception, scholars have proposed a conceptual distinction between three different
types of knowledge, including (declarative) knowledge about the causes and physical
mechanisms underlying climate change, knowledge about the impacts and consequences
of climate change, and (procedural) knowledge about how to respond and implement
potential solutions (Tobler et al., 2012; van der Linden, 2015A). In fact, a number of recent
large-scale studies have shed new and important light on the role of knowledge as a
predictor of risk perception. For example, in an unprecedented analysis of 119 countries,
Lee et al. (2015) find that both educational attainment and the understanding that climate
change is human-caused are important predictors of public risk perception worldwide.
Similarly, in another large study, Shi et al. (2016) find that across three continents,
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different forms of climate knowledge are significant predictors of climate change risk
Although the weight of evidence is clearly in favor of a positive association between
knowledge about climate change and public concern, a logical next question is whether it
is possible to quantify how much knowledge matters? In an attempt to partition out the
unique variance explained by different forms of objective climate knowledge (while
controlling for other key constructs, such as norms and values), van der Linden (2015A)
estimates that knowledge about climate change explains roughly 10% of the variance in
public concern about climate change. In a cross-cultural follow-up study, Shi et al. (2016)
place this estimate between 2% and 18%, thus, there may be significant cross-cultural
variation in how much knowledge contributes (Lee et al., 2015; Shi et al., 2016). Overall, a
recent meta-analysis synthesizing 171 studies across 56 nations revealed that objective
knowledge shares a small to medium correlation with climate beliefs (r = 0.25),
explaining about 6.5% of the variance (Hornsey et al., 2016).
In conclusion, knowledge is likely a necessary but clearly not sufficient condition for
public concern. Having said this, it is reasonable to hypothesize that some forms of
knowledge may be more important than others (Kaiser & Fuhrer, 2003). Indeed, not all
types of knowledge about climate change exert an equal amount of influence on risk
perception (Shi et al., 2016; van der Linden, 2015A). To illustrate, perhaps better procedural
knowledge of what actions people can take to help reduce climate change is most
pressing (van der Linden, 2015A). On the other hand, understanding the human causes of
climate change is often a prerequisite for accepting the need for mitigatory action in the
first place (Guy et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2015). Accordingly, the potential synergy between
these different forms of climate knowledge should not be neglected or underestimated
(Kaiser & Fuhrer, 2003; van der Linden, 2015A). In short, researchers interested in studying
the role of climate knowledge in public risk perception are advised to take note of these
conceptual distinctions and implement objective assessments whenever possible.
Experiential Processing
Negative Affect
In addition to holding cognitive knowledge about a particular risk, people frequently
experience risks in affective and emotional terms as well. In fact, the “risk-as-feelings
hypothesis suggests that when cognitive and affective risk judgments diverge, affective
reactions are often more dominant in processing (Loewenstein et al., 2001). Early research
in affective neuroscience postulated that over time, through learning and experience,
people’s mental representations of objects and events become “tagged” with affective
associations that guide subsequent judgment formation. These instantaneous and
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evaluative judgments of things people like, dislike, find positive or negative are known as
“somatic markers” (Damasio, 1994). Closely associated with a risk-factor known as
“dread,” this later formed the basis of what has become widely known as the “affect-
heuristic” (Slovic et al., 2004, 2007). In particular, people often rely on what is called an
“affective pool,” which essentially includes all the positive and negative associations that
people hold in memory with respect to a given risk object (Breakwell, 2010).
Yet, at the same time, some conceptual confusion over the meaning of the term “affect”
has led to a notable debate in the risk perception literature (e.g., see van der Pligt et al.,
1998; Wardman, 2006). For example, the concept of “affect” is theoretically distinct from
other, more discrete types of emotions such as fear or worry. Instead, affect is generally
described as a quick associative judgment or a “faint whisper of emotion” (Slovic &
Peters, 2006). Other scholars have noted that this definition is analogous to what is
generally considered to be the evaluative component of an individual’s attitude. In fact,
the concept of “attitude” has traditionally been defined as “the affect for or against a
psychological object” (Thurstone, 1931, p. 261).
Sjöberg has argued that if “affect” reflects an “attitude” and if “affect” is often falsely
equated in the literature with the term “emotion,” then we would mistakenly assume that
“emotions” play a crucial role in risk perception (Sjöberg, 2006). In addition, the
operational validity of the affect-heuristic and the explanatory power of the “dread” factor
in risk perception have both been questioned (e.g., Sjöberg, 2006, 2007). For example, while
negative affect is often inferred from self-reports in surveys, some implicit association
tests have revealed that affective judgments correlate more strongly with explicit
attitudes rather than quick associative reactions to stimuli (Townsend, Spence, &
Knowles, 2014). Other research has questioned the structure of the “risk-as-feelings”
model (Kobbeltved et al., 2005) and has suggested that some dimensions of the “affect-
heuristic,” e.g., the good-or-badness of an object (Slovic et al., 2007) likely conflates
affective with moral judgments (van der Linden, 2015A), at least to the extent that one is
interested in affective and not affective-based moral judgments (Roeser, 2009).
Nonetheless, it should be stressed that some of these conceptual objections, while valid,
do not weigh up against the depth and breadth of empirical evidence that has
documented the critical function of emotion in risk perception (Finucane, 2012; Wardman,
2006). For example, pioneering research examining global warming “affective imagery”
finds that the first thing that comes to mind for most people when thinking about global
warming are bleak and negative associations related to the impacts of climate change
(Leiserowitz, 2006; Leviston et al., 2014; Lorenzoni et al., 2006; Smith & Leiserowitz, 2012).
Accordingly, affective imagery and holistic negative affect have both shown to be
important predictors of global warming risk perception (Leiserowitz, 2006; Smith &
Leiserowitz, 2012; Sundblad et al., 2007; van der Linden, 2015A). In fact, explaining about
20%–30% of the variance by itself, negative affect often emerges as one of the single most
important determinants of global warming risk perception (Leiserowitz, 2006; van der
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Linden, 2015A). Having said this, there is a much needed but notable lack of research
exploring the affective basis of concern about global warming in the non-Western world.
A final issue concerns the conceptual relationship between “affect” and “cognition,”
which is particularly important to the context of climate change. A large body of
converging research across social, cognitive, and clinical psychology has pointed towards
a complex “dual” or “parallel” process relationship between cognition and affect,
suggesting that the human brain processes information about risks in two fundamentally
different ways, with one system being slower, conscious, analytical, and rule-based,
whereas the other is faster, unconscious, associative, and automatic (Chaiken & Trope,
1999; Epstein, 1994; Kahneman, 2011; Loewenstein et al., 2001; Marx et al., 2007; Pessoa, 2008;
Sloman, 1996).
The primacy of “affect” as an independent force in shaping (risk) judgments has been
debated at length in psychology (Clore & Ortony, 2000; Lazarus, 1984; Loewenstein et al.,
2001; Zajonc, 1984), and although the human brain is fast and experienced in mapping
environmental cues directly into affective responses (Weber, 2006), it is increasingly
recognized that the “primacy” of affect versus cognition is context-dependent (Lai,
Hagoort, & Casasanto, 2012). For example, because the risk of climate change does not
automatically trigger the brain’s “affective” system (Weber, 2006), some cognitive
mediation is likely to occur. In other words, while the public may personally experience
the impacts of global warming, in order for people to form negative affective judgments
about climate change, such personal experiences need to be mentally associated with
climate change (Weber, 2010; van der Linden, 2014A). Accordingly, research has started to
reveal how the dynamic bi-directional relationship between cognitive and affective
processes shape public risk perceptions of global warming (van der Linden, 2014A).
This raises some important questions about the conceptual relationship between “affect”
and “risk perception.” In particular, it suggests that modeling affect solely as a
determinant of risk perception (and not risk perception also as a determinant of affect),
may fail to specify the true nature of the relationship between affect and cognition
(Jackson, Allum, & Gaskell, 2006). This issue is not particular to risk researchers, linear
models and linear thinking is widespread throughout the social sciences, but as tools are
being developed to allow for more complex, dynamic, and accurate representations of
reality, future research would be well-advised to focus on the link between cognition and
emotion in shaping global warming risk judgments. For example, it remains unclear
whether exposing people to vicarious imagery about global warming activates neural
substrates related to affective-based information processing, and, moreover, to what
extent such activation interacts with, or is mediated by, cognitive processes. With new
technological advances such as virtual reality simulations of climate change impacts
(Zaalberg & Midden, 2013) and emerging fields such as “communication
neuroscience” (Berkman & Falk, 2013), such integrated methodologies may become
increasingly accessible to social scientists.
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Personal Experience
Akerlof et al. (2013) ask a crucial question; “Do people ‘personally experience’ global
warming, and if so, how, and does it matter?” Although experience can be a powerful
teacher, this is a difficult question to answer. From an indirect point of view, the answer
would appear “yes,” as it is through personal experiences that people form affective
associations, and affective judgments of future risks largely depend on the vividness with
which negative impacts can be imagined (Damasio, 1994; Risen & Critcher, 2011; Weber,
2006). Whether personal experience with climate change also has a direct impact on global
warming risk perception has become a source of debate and somewhat hinges upon how
“personal experience” is defined and measured.
As the literature and methodologies available to researchers examining this question has
grown over the years, it is useful to introduce a conceptual distinction between “detection
of environmental change” and personal experiences with “extreme weather.” A common
sense assumption among many climate scientists has been that as the average global
temperature continues to rise, people will eventually “catch on.” Yet, perceptual detection
of global warming is difficult because people only experience highly variable local
weather patterns, which are not always reflective of long-terms trends in the earth’s
climate (Pawlik, 1991). Nonetheless, in a large study covering 89 countries, Howe et al.
(2013) find that, on average, individuals living in places with rising temperatures are
indeed more likely than others to perceive local warming. Other studies also find that
public perceptions do broadly track with instrumental climate data, such as seasonal
weather, temperature, and precipitation change (Akerlof et al., 2013; Hamilton & Keim,
2009; Howe & Leiserowitz, 2013). In addition, a large body of work shows that the
experience and detection of heat and warm daily temperatures is associated with concern
about global warming (e.g., Brooks et al., 2014; Li, Johnson, & Zaval, 2011; Risen & Critcher,
2011). In contrast, Marquart-Pyatt et al. (2014) argue against the theory that changes in
climatic conditions will produce noticeable shifts in public perception, as their analyses
suggests that objective climatic changes only have a negligible effect on concern about
climate change. McCright, Dunlap, and Xiao (2014) provide mixed evidence, supporting the
finding that actual temperature anomalies influence perceived warming, but question
how much this practically “matters.”
The relationship between global warming risks perception and (subjective) personal
experience with visceral extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, flooding, heat
waves, and droughts appears more robust, with a large body of evidence supporting a
significant association (Akerlof et al., 2013; Capstick & Pidgeon, 2014; Howe et al., 2014;
Krosnick et al., 2006; Myers et al., 2012; Reser et al., 2014; Spence et al., 2012; Taylor et al.,
2014; van der Linden, 2015A)—with only a few exceptions (Brulle et al., 2012; Whitmarsh,
2008A). Yet, in determining the importance of accurate detection and personal experience,
a major theme that has cropped up is the finding that the magnitude of the association
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appears rather small in comparison to the role of political ideology (Marquart-Pyatt et al.,
2014; McCright et al., 2014; Shao & Goidel, 2016).
This finding particularly makes sense in countries where the issue of climate change is
highly politicized, such as the United States (McCright & Dunlap, 2011A). Accordingly,
studies have revealed a more complex and dynamic relationship between perceived
“local” experience and worldviews, so that personal beliefs about global warming color
one’s perception of local change and vice versa (Myers et al., 2012; Howe & Leiserowitz,
2013; Schuldt & Roh, 2014).
Other studies have noted that the association between personal experience and risk
perception is not attenuated by political ideology (Akerlof et al., 2013; Egan & Mullin, 2012),
although the magnitude of the remaining effect appears low (e.g., van der Linden, 2015A).
In their recent meta-analysis, Hornsey et al. (2016) classify the effect-size of local and
extreme weather experience as “low to medium.” Part of the issue in quantifying the
importance of personal experience is a lack of operational consistency in terms of what
qualifies as a significant “weather anomaly,” over what time period the change is
assessed, and whether people accurately recall their experiences. In addition, frequent
media use of the term “global warming” rather than “climate change” may limit the range
of experiences and weather phenomena that people associate with climate change and
thereby dampen its impact on risk perception (e.g., see Capstick & Pidgeon, 2014; Schuldt
& Roh, 2014). Other research suggests that the influence of (extreme) weather experiences
on public opinion decay rather quickly (Egan & Mullin, 2012) and so more longitudinal
assessments are therefore necessary (Reser et al., 2014). Lastly, it remains an open
question as to whether “personal experience” is best thought of as an indirect factor,
shaping people’s affective responses to climate change by making future impacts more
salient and easier to imagine (Risen & Critcher, 2011) or whether personal experience
should also be conceptualized as a direct predictor of global warming risk perception in
its own right.
Social and Cultural Influences
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The Social Construction of Risk
In addition to both cognitive and affective theories, early sociological research criticized
existing approaches to the study of risk for the notable lack of consideration of social
influence processes (Dake, 1992; Douglas, 1978). This lack of attention for the social context
in which risks are framed and debated is indeed surprising, given that the way in which
people process and evaluate risks is clearly influenced by the thoughts, feelings, and
decisions of other people (Joffe, 2003). In response, two sociological approaches were
developed, including Social Representations Theory (Moscovici, 1984) and the Social
Amplification of Risk Framework (Kasperson et al., 1988; Pidgeon et al., 2003). Albeit
different theories, what both approaches have in common is a focus on how interpersonal
interactions, societal norms, and the mass media shape and circulate social
representations of a given risk in society. The process of how risk signals are received,
interpreted, and diffused is particularly relevant in understanding how the
communication of climate risks is impacted and moderated by social processes. For
example, qualitative studies have argued that although climate change risks have indeed
been societally amplified (e.g., Renn, 2010; Smith & Joffe, 2013), it remains difficult to
quantify what the impact of these processes are on concern about global warming.
Accordingly, both approaches have been criticized for their vague “meta-theoretical”
nature (Voelklein & Howarth, 2005; Wåhlberg, 2001), particularly because the “societal”
level of analysis makes it difficult to identify and quantify the causal impact of various
social influence processes on risk perception (Renn, 2010).
In turn, social psychologists have focused more specifically on the role of social and
group norms and generally distinguish between “descriptive” and “prescriptive” norms,
where the former simply describes the behavior of similar others while the latter
prescribes how one ought to think or behave (Cialdini, Kallgren, & Reno, 1991). More
generally, social norms can be thought of as “expectations of how people are supposed to
act, think, or feel in specific situations” (Popenoe, 1983, p. 5). Although norms are
generally studied in relation to behavior (Cialdini & Goldstein, 2004; Doherty & Webler,
2016), they influence perceptions too. In one study, van der Linden (2015A) showed that both
descriptive and prescriptive social norms exert a notable influence on global warming
risk perception, jointly contributing a substantial amount of the explained variance (22%).
In other words, the greater the extent to which climate change is viewed as a serious risk
by influential social referents, such as friends and family, the more it amplifies and
intensifies an individual’s own risk perception (van der Linden, 2015A). These findings
extend to communicating high social consensus about climate change among influential
out-groups too, such as scientists (Lewandowsky et al., 2013; van der Linden et al., 2015).
Other research has started to focus on the role of “network influence” and the frequency
with which people talk to or are influenced by close friends and family on the issue of
climate change (e.g., see Butts, 2016). Although this body of research is still limited,
studies have found that social network variables, such as homophily, network size, and
centrality have a significant influence on concern about global warming (Brody et al., 2008;
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Leombruni, 2015). Nonetheless, unlike the rich behavioral literature, there remains a
substantial lack of research on the link between social influence processes and climate
change risk perception. For example, current studies infer network influence from self-
reported survey data (Brody et al., 2008; Leombruni, 2015) rather than analyzing and
constructing actual social networks. Yet, with the increasing spread and transmission of
risk information on social media, new theories and methods are being developed,
including “social contagion theories of risk” (Scherer & Cho, 2003), social tipping points
(Kinzig et al., 2013; van der Linden, 2017), “sentiment” analyses on Twitter (Cody et al., 2015),
and the role of network opinion leaders (Nisbet & Kotcher, 2009). In short, much exciting
research remains to be done on the topic of normative influence and its impact on
concern about global warming.
Culture, Values, and Worldviews
The notion that culture gives rise to socially constructed systems of beliefs, or so-called,
“worldviews” has gained increased attention over the last decades (Dake, 1992). Perhaps
the most well-known response to the criticism that cognitive and affective psychological
theories “depoliticize” the nature of risk by failing to take account of the competing socio-
cultural structures of societies was rooted in the development of the “Cultural Theory of
Risk” (Douglas, 1970; Douglas & Wildavsky, 1982). Originally based on anthropological
research, cultural theory proposes a conceptual typology of risk-culture, also known as
the “grid-group” system, where four overarching worldviews are delineated. These
include: egalitarianism, individualism, hierarchism, and fatalism. The relative position of
these cultural types is determined by the degree to which individuals feel bounded by a
sense of belonging and solidarity (group) and the amount of control and structure that
people maintain in their social lives (grid). Wildavsky and Dake (1990) later operationalized
these cultural types so that they could be measured and tested empirically. Since then,
the Cultural Theory of Risk has generated a fierce and long-standing debate in the risk
perception literature, polarizing “proponents” and “opponents.”
On one hand, cultural worldviews, particularly the individualism and egalitarianism
dimensions, have shown to differentially influence global warming risk perception
(Akerlof et al., 2013; Kahan et al., 2012; Leiserowitz, 2006; Smith & Leiserowitz, 2012; Xue et
al., 2014). On the other hand, scholars have argued that the actual explanatory power of
the cultural worldview scales are very low (Boholm, 1996; Marris, Langford, & O’Riordan,
1998; Oltedal et al., 2004; Sjöberg, 1997, 1998, 2012; van der Linden, 2015A, 2016A), which has led
some scholars to conclude that “cultural theory is simply wrong” (e.g., Sjöberg, 1998, p.
150). Yet, leaving the explanatory power of the theory aside for a moment, the other point
of contention revolves around two major issues in the literature, namely: (a) the
conceptual and empirical validity of the cultural worldview scales themselves and (b)
whether it is appropriate or even informative, for that matter, to try to infer latent
cultural dispositions from individual-level data.
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Starting with the more practical concern, the initial worldview scales were criticized for
having rather low scale reliability scores and for lacking basic construct and discriminant
validity (e.g., Boholm, 1996; Price, Walker, & Boschetti, 2014; Rippl, 2002; Sjöberg, 1998). This
issue is of particular relevance given that in practice, individuals often score high on
competing dimensions, which is problematic, because according to cultural theory,
individuals cannot be characterized by mutually incompatible worldviews (Kahan, 2012).
Moreover, even when scale reliabilities are improved, their explanatory power often
remains low (Rippl, 2002). In an attempt to combine research from the psychometric
paradigm with cultural theory, Kahan and colleagues advanced an alternative conception
of the cultural theory of risk known as the “cultural cognition thesis” (Kahan, 2012). The
basic premise of the cultural cognition thesis is that people are expected to credit or
dismiss empirical evidence about societal risks based on whether it coheres or conflicts
with their cultural values, a process described as “identity-protective cognition” (Kahan,
2012). The more recently developed cultural cognition scales have also shown to influence
climate change risk perception (e.g., Kahan et al., 2012).
In turn, the cultural cognition thesis has been heavily criticized, particularly for its
questionably low explanatory power (e.g., Boholm, 2015; Fremling & Lott, 2003; Sunstein,
2007; Swanson, 2010; van der Linden, 2016A). Although it may be argued that small effects
can still have important and practical consequences (Prentice & Miller, 1992), especially
when aggregating small changes across individual opinions, when the purpose is to
develop a theory of risk perception, the quality of the theory should be judged by its
overall explanatory power (Boholm, 2015; Sjöberg, 2012; van der Linden, 2015A). To this end,
recent meta-analyses do find some support for the cultural theory scales, but note that
consistent with prior research, the effect-sizes are often modest (Xue et al., 2014; Hornsey
et al., 2016).
One of the primary issues with both the original conception of cultural theory and its
successor, cultural cognition, is that the theory is tautological in its reasoning. In other
words, it is circular to suggest that “people of culture A habitually do X because they
share this particular culture A that prescribes that they do X” (Boholm, 1996, 2015). Indeed,
“by definition, the idea of cultural cognition is to illuminate risk perceptions only for
those risks that are culturally contested” (Sunstein, 2007, p. 17). In other words, to explain
public risk polarization on an issue such as climate change by (artificially) categorizing
the public into essentially two polarizing groups (individualists vs. egalitarians) is a so-
called “strange loop” (van der Linden, 2016A). Although such theoretical inconsistencies
are often overlooked, the consequences of pseudoscientific theorizing are serious
(Gigerenzer, 2000). For example, they may render the empirical predictions resulting from
cultural cognition theory suspect (van der Linden, 2016A).
Another major issue in the literature is rooted in the systematic conflation of concepts
such as culture, values, worldviews, and ideology. For example, cultural cognition
explores how different political groups in the United States perceive a select number of
contemporary societal issues. In fact, the cultural cognition scales feature the word
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“government” over 10 times (van der Linden, 2016A) and so it is unclear to what extent
cultural cognition is conceptually distinct from partisan motivated reasoning (e.g., see
Bolsen, Druckman, & Cook, 2014; Hart & Nisbet, 2012).
Furthermore, research has shown that the cultural scales proposed by both Dake (1991)
and Kahan and colleagues do not translate well to other cultures, such as China (Xue et
al., 2015).
Part of the issue is rooted in a problematic conception of the term “culture,” what it
refers to, and how different levels of culture interact with each other (e.g., political vs.
national culture). Moreover, values are not the same as worldviews (Koltko-Rivera, 2004;
van der Linden, 2016A). Whereas worldviews are very broad, situation-invariant orienting
dispositions, values are usually defined as fundamental guiding principles that not only
precede but are also more stable and specific than worldviews (Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz &
Wolfgang, 1987; Stern et al., 1999). It has been noted that cultural worldviews and values
overlap conceptually (Corner, Markowitz, & Pidgeon, 2014; Koltko-Rivera, 2004), because
cultures are essentially comprised of and characterized by their underlying values
structures (Hofstede, 2001; Schwartz, 1992).
The difficulty lies in the argument that latent cultural worldviews may not be an innate
psychological tendency that can reliably be inferred from individual-level data (DeGroot,
Steg, & Poortinga, 2013; Rippl, 2002). This is mainly so because cultural differences are best
observed between different countries and not between individuals within the same
country, given that cultural variation decreases when people with different backgrounds
assimilate into the same culture (Oreg & Katz-Gerro, 2006). Mary Douglas herself noted
that the motivation behind the concept of “cultural bias” was to explain cross-cultural
differences in risk construal (Douglas, 1978), not conflicts between political groups within
the same country (with the same culture). Although it can therefore be argued that the
concept of “culture” cannot be reduced to a single variable, the large-scale aggregation
of value preferences within and between societies may offer a conceptually more stable
and direct way to “proxy” shared enculturation in models of risk perception (DeGroot et
al., 2013; Slimak & Dietz, 2006; van der Linden, 2015A, 2016A).
A prominent example is the conceptual distinction between so-called “egoistic,” “socio-
altruistic,” and “biospheric” value orientations (Stern, Dietz, & Kalof, 1993; Stern, 2000).
Some attractive properties of the values-approach are: (a) these value structures tend to
be the same in different countries (Schwartz & Sagiv, 1995), which makes standardization
and comparison easier and more meaningful; (b) values are not mutually exclusive, i.e.,
individuals can simultaneously express egoistic, socio-altruistic, and biospheric value
preferences but people (and therefore cultures) may prioritize these values differently
(Steg & De Groot, 2012); and lastly, (c) these value scales have been reliably validated in a
series of cross-cultural studies (De Groot & Steg, 2007, 2008, 2010; Schultz, 2001; Steg et al.,
2011; Stern & Dietz, 1994). Having said this, some scholars have noted that altruistic and
biospheric values tend to be strongly correlated (e.g., van der Linden, 2015A). Nonetheless,
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it is possible that people’s concern for others and the environment could diverge, at
which point, the theoretical distinction may become more meaningful (DeGroot et al., 2013).
Although the application of values to the study of risk perception is relatively new in
comparison to cultural theory, biospheric or “environmental” values have shown to
reliably predict global warming risk perception (e.g., Brody et al., 2008; Milfont, 2012;
Hornsey et al., 2016; Slimak & Dietz, 2006; van der Linden, 2015A).
In conclusion, it should be acknowledged that any attempt to model individual risk
perception inevitably decontextualizes risk from the situation in which it arises.
Accordingly, there is some inherent difficulty in acknowledging the dynamic and
emergent nature of social practice on one hand, and the pursuit to try to represent the
“socio-cultural” as part of the individual, on the other. Nonetheless, over the last decades,
these questions have forced risk scholars to think harder and more carefully about how
culture shapes risk perception and the field would be well-served by further attempts to
bridge the “levels of analysis” divide (Jackson, Allum, & Gaskell, 2006). In part, by clearly
distinguishing and defining conceptual predictors (e.g., ideology, values, culture,
worldviews) so that better standardized comparisons can be conducted of the various
“cultural constructs” used to predict risk perceptions of climate change.
Socio-Demographic Characteristics
With a few exceptions, the weight of evidence on the influence of various socio-
demographic and social-structural factors on climate change risk perception is rather
mixed, as the results tend to vary from sample to sample and from study to study. For
example, while some studies find that higher education predicts stronger risk perceptions
of climate change (Hornsey et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2015; van der Linden, 2015A), other studies
find no education-effect (Akerlof et al., 2013; Brody et al., 2008; Kellstedt et al., 2008; Milfont,
2012; O’Connor et al., 1999 Sundblad et al., 2007) or even an inverse relationship between
higher education and concern about climate change (e.g., Malka et al., 2009; Slimak &
Dietz, 2006). Results are equally inconsistent for age, with some studies revealing a small
negative correlation between (older) age and global warming risk perception (Heath &
Gifford, 2006; Hornsey et al., 2016; Kellstedt et al., 2008; Malka et al., 2009; Milfont, 2012),
whereas others find no significant (Akerlof et al., 2013; O’Connor et al., 1999; Sundblad et
al., 2007) or a positive correlation (e.g., Slimak & Dietz, 2006).
It has been hypothesized that individuals with higher income and resources might have
an increased sense of perceived control and thus view themselves as less vulnerable to
the impacts of climate change. Yet, evidence for this hypothesis is also quite mixed, as the
impact of income on risk perception appears marginal (cf. Akerlof et al., 2013; Hornsey et
al., 2016; Kellstedt et al., 2008; Malka et al., 2009; Milfont, 2012; Smith & Leiserowitz, 2012).
The influence of religion also appears limited (Kellstedt et al., 2008; Milfont, 2012; Smith &
Leiserowitz, 2012) with some U.S. studies finding a small negative effect (Clements, Xiao,
& McCright, 2014; Hamilton & Keim, 2009; Smith & Leiserowitz, 2013) while little is currently
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known about non-Christian denominations. One reason for these inconsistencies is that
cognitive, affective, social, and cultural influences generally trump or mediate much of
the initial effect of socio-demographic characteristics on risk perception (e.g., see Akerlof
et al., 2013; Dietz et al., 1998; Leiserowitz, 2006; van der Linden, 2015A). Accordingly, most
studies generally reveal weak direct effects, with socio-demographics typically explaining
only a small amount of the (unique) variance in global warming risk perception (Hornsey
et al., 2016; Slimak & Dietz, 2006; van der Linden, 2015A).
Nonetheless, some stable patterns have emerged for at least three factors in particular,
namely gender, race, and political ideology. To start with the latter, one robust finding is
that both political ideology (Liberal vs. Conservative) and political identity (Republican
vs. Democrat) consistently predict global warming risk perception, with Conservatives
and Republicans expressing systematically less concern about climate change than
Liberals and Democrats (Dunlap & McCright, 2008; Hamilton, 2011; Hornsey et al., 2016;
Leiserowitz, 2006; McCright & Dunlap, 2011B).
In the United States, this trend is part of a larger growing political divide on
environmental issues (McCright, Xiao, & Dunlap, 2014), which is often thought to be driven
by “party sorting,” a theory which suggests that political party activists fuel a process of
conflict between political elites, which then leads to party sorting within the general
public (McCright & Dunlap, 2011A). Political ideology has also shown to interact with other
factors in shaping risk perceptions of climate change, including knowledge, media
attention, and (lower) trust in climate science (Malka et al., 2009; McCright & Dunlap,
2011B; Leiserowitz et al., 2013). Yet, how important are political views outside of the U.S.
context? Although political ideology has also shown to play some role in driving concern
in many European countries (e.g., McCright, Dunlap, & Marquart-Pyatt, 2016; van der
Linden, 2015A), much less is known about the importance of political beliefs in shaping risk
perception in the rest of the world (Lee et al., 2015).
Another relatively stable finding in the risk perception literature is known as the “white-
male” effect (Finucane et al., 2000), which refers to the finding that compared to white
females and ethnic minorities of both genders, white (conservative) males are generally
less concerned about a wide range of risks, including climate change (McCright &
Dunlap, 2011B). Indeed, studies show that females and nonwhites are generally more
worried about climate change than white males (Bord & O’Connor, 1997; Brody et al., 2008;
Hornsey et al., 2016; Leiserowitz, 2006; Malka et al., 2009; McCright, 2010; O’Connor et al.,
1999; van der Linden, 2015A). In fact, political polarization is also less pronounced among
nonwhites (Schuldt & Pearson, 2016). Aside from any cultural differences, racial minorities
are often thought to have higher risk perceptions because of their increased vulnerability
to negative environmental impacts, stress, and hardship (Mohai & Bryant, 1998; Vaughan
& Nordenstam, 1991). Yet, at the same time, the interaction between race and gender is
complicated, as some studies show that levels of concern between nonwhite males and
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females are generally similar, which renders any biological explanations for the “white
male” effect rather unlikely (Flynn, Slovic, & Mertz, 1994).
Yet, strong evidence for gender socialization theories has also proven elusive. Competing
theories include the “Institutional Trust Hypothesis,” the “Social Roles” and the “Safety
Concern Hypothesis” (Davidson & Freudenburg, 1996). Whereas the first theory posits that
females are generally less trusting and place less confidence in technology and
institutions, the latter two suggest that social roles, such as nurturing and caregiving,
might lead to higher health and safety concerns among females. Although studies have
found some evidence for the Safety Concern Hypothesis (Davidson & Freudenburg, 1996;
Xiao & McCright, 2012), less evidence is found for the theory that females are less trustful
of institutions or that the performance of different societal roles account for gender
differences (Cutter et al., 1992; Xiao & McCright, 2012, 2013).
In short, although results vary, there is some evidence for a socio-demographic “risk
profile” where typically younger, female, higher educated, politically liberal, and racial
minorities express more concern about climate change. Yet, socio-demographics are often
included in models of risk perception without much theorizing as to what their conceptual
relevance is (Dietz et al., 1998). Much like the growing literature examining the interaction
between gender, race, and ideology, climate risk scholars are advised to constructively
add to the literature by more clearly explicating theoretical motivations to include socio-
demographic factors, as opposed to merely reporting on their “statistical significance” (or
lack thereof).
Heuristics and Biases
In addition to cognitive, experiential, socio-cultural, and demographic factors, a number
of key heuristics and biases have also shown to influence climate change risk judgments
in predictable ways. Although the phrase “heuristics and biases” has come to have a
rather negative connotation, I should stress here that reliance on evolved cognitive
shortcuts (“heuristics”) can often be adaptive and lead to more accurate judgments than
more “rational” or deliberative processes (Gigerenzer & Brighton, 2009). However, when
there is a clear mismatch between the environment in which such heuristics evolved and
their application in modern (“global”) contexts, this can cause people to misperceive or
underestimate the risk of climate change in a number of important ways (Gifford, 2011;
van Vugt et al., 2014). I will review five heuristics and biases here that have arguably
proven most relevant to understanding how people form risks judgments about global
warming (van der Linden, Maibach, & Leiserowitz, 2015).
Optimism Bias, Judgmental Discounting, and Psychological Distance
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Humans are optimistic about the future, which is generally a healthy state of mind. It is
often hypothesized that because humans evolved with a unique awareness of their own
mortality, it is adaptive to be unrealistically optimistic about the future (Varki, 2009). At the
same time, however, optimism bias often leads people to systematically overestimate the
likelihood of positive events while underestimating the probability of experiencing
negative life events (Sharot, 2011; Weinstein, 1989). For example, research across nearly 20
nations has revealed that people generally judge environmental risks and the impacts of
climate change to be much more likely and more serious for other people and places than
for themselves (Gifford et al., 2009; Leiserowitz, 2005; van der Linden, 2015A). Part of this
optimism stems from the fact that people tend to heavily discount uncertain future risks
(e.g., climate change impacts) a process known as “intertemporal discounting” (Berns,
Laibson, & Loewenstein, 2007). To some extent, temporal discounting is a natural by-
product of the way in which human psychology evolved; day to day concerns often take
precedent over planning for the future (van Vugt et al., 2014). Accordingly, people mentally
construe future risks differently from those in the present (Trope & Liberman, 2010),
particularly as temporal distance increases, mental representations of risks tend to
become less concrete and increasingly abstract. This process is generally referred to as
the “psychological distance” of climate change (Spence, Poortinga, & Pidgeon, 2012). In
other words, people often underestimate the extent to which climate change is a serious
personal risk, believing it is more likely to happen in the distant future to other people in
other places.
The Local Warming Effect
It is difficult for people to detect global environmental change on a purely perceptual or
sensory level (Pawlik, 1991). Accordingly, for everyday survival, it made good sense for
humans to rely on daily and local weather patterns. Yet, the use of variation in local
weather as a heuristic for climate change is a form of “attribution-substitution,” that is,
individuals rely on simple available information, such as daily temperature, to make
judgments about a more complex and less accessible phenomenon, such as global
warming (Zaval et al., 2014). Accordingly, much research has shown that people are more
concerned about global warming on hot days than on cold days and when exposed to so-
called “heat primes” (Joireman et al., 2010; Lewandowski, Ciarocco, & Gately, 2012; Li,
Johnson, & Zaval, 2011; Risen & Critcher, 2011; Zaval et al., 2014; Schuldt & Roh, 2014). The
problem is that due to the high variation in short-term weather, the local warming
heuristic is an unstable inference tool for forming risk judgments about global warming,
with less concern on cold days and more concern on warmer days. Importantly, recent
research has indicated that the local warming effect may be eliminated by prompting
people to think about trends rather than current or ambient temperature (Druckman,
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The Consensus-Heuristic: Perceived Scientific Agreement
Consensus describes the collective judgment of a group of individuals, such as experts.
People tend to rely on consensus cues when making judgments about social and political
issues (Mutz, 1998; Panagopoulos & Harrison, 2016; van der Linden, Clarke, & Maibach,
2015; van der Linden et al., 2017). In fact, in a complex and uncertain world, relying on
consensus cues is often adaptive because it reduces the cost of individual learning by
harnessing the “wisdom of the crowd” (Surowiecki, 2004), which is most pronounced
among experts, such as climate scientists (Maibach & van der Linden, 2016). Indeed, in
contrast to relying on the opinion of a single expert, people generally prefer to take cues
from the combined judgment of multiple experts (Mannes, Soll, & Larrick, 2014).
Accordingly, in light of the strong scientific consensus on human-caused climate change
(Cook et al., 2016), a growing body of research has found that the public’s perception of
the degree of scientific consensus acts as a so-called “gateway cognition”: influencing
“key” beliefs about climate change, including concern about global warming (Ding et al.,
2011; Hornsey et al., 2016; Malka, Krosnick, & Langer, 2009; McCright et al., 2013; van der
Linden et al., 2015). Moreover, while widespread public misperceptions of the degree of
scientific consensus dampen concern about global warming, recent research has found
that conveying the scientific consensus on human-caused climate change can increase
acceptance of and concern about climate change across the ideological spectrum (e.g.,
Lewandowsky et al., 2013; van der Linden et al., 2015, 2017).
System Justification and Motivated Science Denial
Although people are often biased in favor of the status quo, system justification theory
suggests that some people will not only defend and justify the status quo but also adopt
motivated perceptions to view the current system as stable, fair, just, and legitimate even
when the system may be disadvantageous to others (Jost & Hunyady, 2005). Systematic
justification is distinct from, but related to, free-market ideologies and political
conservatism (Jost et al., 2003). Because global warming and associated mitigation policies
strongly threaten the status quo, much research, particularly in the United States, has
shown that system justification, strong endorsement of free-market capitalism, and
conservatism predict motivated cognitions that result in reduced concern and widespread
climate change denial (Dunlap, 2013; Feinberg & Willer, 2010; Feygina, Jost, & Goldsmith,
2010; Heath & Gifford, 2006; Lewandowsky et al., 2013; van der Linden, 2015B).
Finite Pool of Worry
At the end of the day, people can only worry about so many things at the same time. In an
experimental study with Argentine farmers, Hansen et al. (2004) show that increasing
concern for one political risk (e.g., terrorism), typically reduces concern about another
societal risk (e.g., global warming) even although objectively, the nature of the risk has
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not changed. Moreover, worry is often a draining emotional process. The cost of worry is
therefore likely cumulative so that the more people worry about an issue, the longer it
takes to regenerate (Marx et al., 2007). Unfortunately, many studies show that in light of
issues such as national security, the economy, health care, and other ecological issues
such as water scarcity, global warming generally remains a low priority for most people,
consistently occupying the lower ranks of the finite “pool of worry” (Leiserowitz, 2007;
Lorenzoni & Pidgeon, 2006; Nisbet & Myers, 2007; Motel, 2014).
Measuring Public Risk Perception of Climate
Risk perception is a multidimensional construct (Slovic, Fischhoff, & Lichtenstein, 1982)
and accordingly, a wide range of different items have been used to tap into and measure
how the general public perceives the risk of global warming. For example, some studies
have used “perceived seriousness” as an indicator of risk perception, whereas others
have asked how “concerned” the public is in general about the issue, how likely various
climate change impacts are to occur on varying timescales, how much people personally
“worry” about climate change while still others use a combination of all or some of these
measures (c.f., Akerlof et al., 2013; Brody et al., 2008; Ding et al., 2011; Hidalgo & Pisano,
2010; Malka et al., 2009; McCright, 2010; Milfont, 2012; Kellstedt et al., 2008; Leiserowitz, 2006;
Li et al., 2011; O’Connor et al., 1999; Spence et al., 2012; Sundblad et al., 2007; van der Linden,
This notable lack of consensus on how to measure and operationalize a complex and
multidimensional construct such as global warming risk perception creates two main
challenges for scholars and practitioners. First, it is difficult to systematically quantify
how differences in risk perception measurement influence the observed relationship
between the various cognitive, experiential, socio-cultural, and demographic factors that
predict concern about climate change. For example, if it were the case that most risk
perception measures are highly correlated with each other (and thus “tap” into the same
latent “risk perception” factor), we would expect that differences in measurement would
not bear much on the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
However, empirically, this is often not the case, as correlated measures can still
differentially relate to their predictors (Van Liere & Dunlap, 1981). Second, it is unclear
how different conceptualizations of concern subsequently relate to behavioral responses,
such as support for climate change adaptation and mitigation policies. What is known,
however, is that not all risk perception measures are created equal (van der Linden,
2014B) and indices that combine and tap into the various temporal, spatial, cognitive, and
affective bases of climate change concern are generally more reliable than single-items.
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Particularly, because on average, multi-item measures cancel out item-specific variance
and measurement error (Epstein, 1983).
The Hierarchy of Concern (HoC) Model
To further elaborate on the observation that not all measures of risk perception are
created equal, I have developed a “hierarchy of concern” model that should help inform
future risk perception research (Figure 2). For example, there is a particularly notable
difference between generalized concern for an issue and personal worry. Worry is an
active emotional state that is often closely linked to adaptive behavioral responses aimed
at reducing a particular threat, whereas broad concern is not and can be expressed
without any particular motivational or emotional content (Leiserowitz, 2007; Smith &
Leiserowitz, 2014; van der Linden, 2014B). In fact, a logical “hierarchy of concern” can be
construed using similar reasoning. In short, an individual may think that climate change
(and associated impacts) are likely to occur, but that doesn’t mean that someone also
perceives climate change to be a serious issue. In turn, an individual can perceive climate
change to be a serious issue, but that doesn’t necessarily imply that they are concerned
about it. Finally, although the public may express generalized concern about climate
change, this often does not mean that people also personally worry about the issue or
think it is a high priority (Leiserowitz, 2007; Lorenzoni & Pidgeon, 2006; Nisbet & Myers,
2007; Motel, 2014).
In other words, concern may be a necessary but not sufficient condition for worry and
perceived seriousness and likelihood ratings are in turn components of generalized
concern (Levy & Guttman, 1976). Although public perception may of course not perfectly
abide by such a transitive axiom (likelihood < perceived seriousness < concern <
personal worry), it is a useful heuristic that can help guide researchers conceptualize
measures of risk perception.
Another key finding that
has been neglected in the
literature concerns the
distinction between
“societal” (i.e., other-
regarding) and “personal”-
level risk judgments (Tyler
& Cook, 1984). People are
generally optimistically
biased in the sense that
they believe that global
warming is a serious concern for others, society at-large, and non-human nature, whereas
personal concern and worry is typically much lower (e.g., Leiserowitz, 2005; van der
Linden, 2015A). A direct consequence of this conceptual distinction is that risk perception
Click to view larger
Figure 2. “Hierarchy of Concern” (HoC).
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measures which solely rely on people’s “global” or “societal” level risk judgments are
likely to seriously overestimate public concern. Although this distinction has been
implicitly acknowledged (Bord et al., 2000; Leiserowitz, 2005; Sjöberg, 2012), it has received
scant attention in the literature. In one study, van der Linden (2015A) provides empirical
support for the two-dimensional factor structure of risk perception and further shows that
each dimension may have different antecedents. For example, generalized knowledge
influenced societal but not personal-level risk judgments.
Accordingly, to help guide future research, I have delineated a three-step process of risk
perception measurement (Figure 3). Essentially, any multidimensional risk perception
scale should include both “global” societal-level as well as “personal”-level risk judgments
of global warming in order for researchers to be able to meaningfully compare and
differentiate the two. These two broad dimensions can in turn be broken out by the
different ways in which risk perception can be conceptualized, including likelihood
estimates, measures of perceived seriousness, generalized concern, and personal worry.
Of course, it may not always be feasible for risk scholars to construct multidimensional
risk scales that include a wide range of risk perception measures. For example, opinion
polls typically include single-items asking whether people broadly think that climate
change is a serious issue. Yet, Figure 3 would suggest that the next question to ask is: a
serious issue to whom? Sometimes the purpose of the research might come with practical
restrictions on how many questions or items can be included in a given survey. If the goal
of the research is to describe public opinion, then perceived seriousness or generalized
concern may both be appropriate measures. However, if the goal of the research is to
understand how concern about climate change relates to behavior or policy-support, then
personal worry might be a better indicator to use (e.g., Smith & Leiserowitz, 2014).
Similarly, if researchers only wish to tap into cognitive dimensions of risk, then perceived
“likelihood” is probably a better measure to use than personal “worry.” Nonetheless,
single-item measures are now generally discouraged (Epstein, 1983; Roser-Renouf &
Nisbet, 2008) and more careful consideration of personal vs. other-regarding risk
judgments, the inclusion of multiple items, and how they map onto specific research
questions will likely help improve and standardize future risk perception research.
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Risk Perception, Behavior Change, and
Support for Adaptation and Mitigation Policies
Although people are generally aware of and broadly concerned about the issue of climate
change, scholars have repeatedly noted that deeper behavioral engagement is often still
lacking (e.g., Whitmarsh, Lorenzoni, & O’Neill, 2012; van der Linden, 2014B). Yet, in contrast
to the rich literature on pro-environmental attitudes and behavior, much less is known
about the relationship between public concern about climate change and people’s
intentions and behaviors to address the issue. Having said this, evidence has increased
over the last decade, revealing a clear but inconsistent link between different measures
of climate change concern on one hand, and individual behaviors and support for
adaptation and mitigation policies, on the other. This discrepancy can be explained by
what I will refer to as the “measurement paradox” (Figure 4).
On one hand, studies find that public concern about climate change is broadly related to
adaptation and mitigation measures in consistent and important ways. For example,
Smith and Leiserowitz (2014) find that worry about climate change is one of the strongest
predictors of global warming policy support, such as regulating CO emissions, signing
international treaties, and increasing taxes on gasoline. Similarly, Brody, Grover, and
Vedlitz (2012), O’Connor et al. (1999), and Krosnick et al. (2006) all find that climate change
risk perceptions are predictive of general intentions to implement individual behavior
changes and/or broad policy-support to address the issue. Spence, Poortinga, Butler, and
Pidgeon (2011) also find that concern about climate change influences broad preparedness
to reduce energy use. More generally, there are numerous studies that find robust
evidence for an association between risk perception, broad intentions to address climate
change, and self-reported policy support (e.g., see also Dietz, Dan, & Shwom, 2007; Ding et
Click to view larger
Figure 3. Three-step process of measuring and
operationalizing risk perception.
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al., 2011; Heath & Gifford, 2006; Hidalgo & Pisano, 2010; McCright et al., 2013; Semenza et al.,
2008; van der Linden et al., 2015; Zahran et al., 2006).
Yet, on the other hand, robust evidence for a significant link between risk perceptions of
climate change and specific behavioral actions is much less consistent. For example,
although it is often hypothesized that people might be more willing to implement
adaptation measures due to their greater personal relevance (e.g., Helgeson et al., 2012),
reviews of the role of climate change risk perception in decisions to purchase flooding
insurance (or other protective behaviors) suggest that the relationship is extremely weak
with most studies finding no effect (Bubeck, Botzen, & Aerts, 2012; Kreibich, 2011).
Similarly, in their meta-analysis, Hornsey et al. (2016) find that although climate beliefs
share moderate effect-sizes with broad support for climate policies and behavioral
intentions, the association between climate perceptions and more specific pro-
environmental behaviors is much weaker (about half the magnitude).
Part of the explanation for this discrepancy is rooted in the well-known “gap” between
stated intentions/concern and actual behavior (Sheeran, 2002) but also in an inherent
“measurement paradox.” In particular, there is a notable lack of studies specifically
exploring the role of risk perception in actual adaptation, mitigation, and voting decisions
and behaviors, either self-reported or observed. This is important because of the
conceptual relationship (or lack thereof) that researchers hypothesize between risk
perception and behavior. For example, how are risk perceptions of global warming
conceptually related to climate-friendly behaviors? Whitmarsh (2009) notes that many
specific energy conservation behaviors are generally not performed “out of concern” for
climate change. This makes sense; many personal behaviors, such as running the
dishwasher, changing light bulbs, or even decisions to purchase a fuel-efficient car are
probably driven by considerations specific to those behaviors and contextual
circumstances. For example, in a national study investigating over 20 (low- and high-cost)
climate-friendly behaviors, van der Linden (2016B) developed a causal model of climate
change mitigation behavior known as the Domain-Context-Behavior (DCB) model. The
DCB model reveals that specific actions that help reduce climate change are best
predicted by the specific attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and barriers that are associated
with performing those behaviors.
The logic of the model is based on the notion of “measurement correspondence” (Ajzen &
Fishbein, 1977)—a principle which suggests that predictors of behavior (e.g., risk
perception) should be operationalized at the same level of specificity as the behavior
being predicted (e.g., purchasing green energy). For example, whether an individual
purchases green energy is probably best predicted by behavior-specific determinants,
such as that individual’s particular attitude toward or available resources to purchase
green energy. Nonetheless, van der Linden (2016B) shows that more distal predictors
such as people’s concern about climate change still play an important role by shaping a
general orienting intention to help curb climate change, which, when activated by a
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specific decision-context, can in turn influence behavior-specific determinants to act
environmentally-friendly (van der Linden, 2016B).
The paradox arises from the fact that because many individual actions are often predicted
by the “power of the situation” (Nisbett & Ross, 1991), one way to try to relate a broad
construct such as risk perception to a specific behavioral measure, is by creating an
aggregate index of behavior and policy-support to help equalize the level of specificity
between the predictor and criterion. Aggregation has the desirable property of canceling
out situation-specific variance between different behaviors (Epstein, 1983; Weigel &
Newman, 1976). This allows researchers to examine common variation between public
concern about climate change and a broad range of behaviors. A drawback of this
approach is that it confounds the differential relationship that each individual behavior or
policy-item in the scale bears in relation to the model’s predictors (Van Liere & Dunlap,
1981; Roser-Renouf & Nisbet, 2008). Although this paradox is unlikely to be resolved, risk
researchers would benefit from being (more) mindful of this trade-off.
Nonetheless, a large body of research has established that public risk perception and
concern do consistently co-vary with “good intentions” and broad-stroke policy support.
Yet, at the same time, much less is known about how and in what ways people’s concern
about climate change drives them to adopt specific behaviors or vote for specific policies
in specific situations. In order to learn more about the complex relationship that public
risk perception plays in driving public engagement with climate change, future research
would benefit from more specific investigations, including examining the role of risk
perception in driving real-world adaptation and mitigation behaviors and decisions. In
addition, in order to not overestimate the relationship between concern about climate
change and behavior, researchers should explore the magnitude of the associations when
controlling for other key motivational factors that can be expected to influence specific
low-carbon behaviors and support for climate policy. As illustrated in Figure 4, this will
also further help evaluate whether risk perception primarily acts as a direct or indirect
driver of climate change response behaviors. Although the study of risk perception is
important in its own right, the field would benefit from becoming more decision-focused
(Arvai, 2014) and to this end, there is much work left to be done in terms of exploring risk-
behavior relations.
Click to view larger
Figure 4. The conceptual relationship between risk
perception and behavior prediction.
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Public risk perceptions of climate change are complex and influenced by a multitude of
cognitive, affective, social, cultural, and socio-demographic factors. Overall, experiential
and socio-cultural factors are most influential in driving public risk perceptions of climate
change with negative affect being one of the strongest determinants. Much of the
evidence comes from Western countries, however, and more research is needed from
other parts of the world. There is a notable inconsistency in the measures used to assess
public risk perception, which makes standardized comparisons difficult. Although public
concern is widespread and most people around the world view climate change as a
serious issue, personal worry is typically much lower. Research also shows that the way in
which people judge the risk of climate change for themselves and others frequently
diverge. Overall, while measures of risk perception have shown to influence self-reported
policy-support and general intentions to change behavior, the link between concern about
climate change and real-world adaptation and mitigation decisions remains less clear.
Suggested Readings
Leiserowitz, A. (2006). Climate change risk perception and policy preferences: The role of
affect, imagery, and values. Climatic Change, 77(1–2), 45–72.
van der Linden, S. (2015). The social-psychological determinants of climate change risk
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Reviews: Climate Change, 1(3), 332–342.
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review of empirical research. Psychological Bulletin, 84(5), 888–918.
Akerlof, K., Maibach, E. W., Fitzgerald, D., Cedeno, A. Y., & Neuman, A. (2013). Do people
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Environmental Change, 23(1), 81–91.
Anderegg, W. R., Prall, J. W., Harold, J., & Schneider, S. H. (2010). Expert credibility in
climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(27), 12,107–
Arvai, J. (2014). The end of risk communication as we know it. Journal of Risk Research,
17(10), 1,245–1,249.
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(1.) A notable exception is Kahan et al. (2012). Although it should be mentioned that this
study assessed public science literacy in general rather than domain-specific knowledge
about climate change.
(2.) I should note that the “two systems of reasoning” model is mostly used as a metaphor
(Kahneman, 2011), given that the human brain does not literally have two distinct
“systems”—but since some scholars have proposed an alternative, unified model
(Kruglanski & Gigerenzer, 2011), I feel compelled to highlight this here.
(3.) A notable exception is Smith and Leiserowitz (2012).
(4.) These were derived from Schwartz’s (1992) self-enhancing vs. self-transcending value
(5.) A related measure that is somewhat less U.S.-specific but produces similar results is
known as “free-market ideology” (e.g., see Heath & Gifford, 2006).
(6.) This is so because prediction error is a function of both bias and variance. Although
heuristics are necessarily “biased” by ignoring information, they typically capitalize on
having low variance (Gigerenzer & Brighton, 2009).
(7.) An additional debate revolves around the terms “climate change” vs. “global
warming” where use of the latter may elicit more public concern than the former (c.f.,
Schuldt, Konrath, & Schwarz, 2011; Whitmarsh, 2008b).
(8.) A “healthy” amount of worry is different from the experience of fear. Fear can often
result in so-called “amygdala hijack” (Goleman, 2006), which can interfere with risk
processing and produce maladaptive behavioral responses.
(9.) Of course, similar to criticisms of Maslow’s (1943) “hierarchy of needs,” it is possible
that knowing what the likely impacts of climate change are (bottom) can directly lead to
worry (top) about the issue as well.
(10.) The model is actually drawn in reverse order for conceptual clarity, in a modeling
sense, the societal and personal level variables would be latent factors with the four risk
perception items each being indicators. The two broad risk perception dimensions would
in turn be components of the latent multidimensional risk perception scale.
(11.) To the extent that this is due to differences in measurement, there is some evidence
to suggest that when risk perception is operationalized as personal worry, it bears a
stronger relationship to behavioral measures (Bubeck et al., 2012; Smith & Leiserowitz,
(12.) Notable exceptions include Semenza et al. (2008) and van der Linden (2016b).
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(13.) In the health domain, the link between threat perception and behavior tends to be
more direct, because people are often motivated to “protect” themselves from visceral
health risks (e.g., see Floyd, Prentice-Dunn, & Rogers, 2000).
(14.) Climate beliefs and risk perception also tend to correlate less strongly with more
high-cost behaviors, as these are typically more difficult to implement for people due to
economic and structural barriers (van der Linden, 2016b).
Sander van der Linden
Princeton University
... Pre-existing fears can lead to risks being more easily amplified through media coverage and public debates about the issue [49]. Climate change risk perceptions are an area in which both affective and analytical risk processes play important roles [50,51] and both routes help predict policy support [30,32]. Analytical risk perception processes can be distinguished from affective risk perception, and under the dual processing model, both types of risk perception are used to process climate risk and determine individuals' support or opposition for climate mitigation policies. ...
... This demonstrates that the sense of urgency about immediate risk aligns with emotional responses, whereas rating the likelihood of more distant impacts from their own set of risk perception. Past work on climate change risk perceptions has similarly theorized that worry represents a more emotional state that links more directly to adaptive behavioral responses such as policy support, while ratings of how likely it is for climate-related impacts to occur reflect a more cognitive component with less direct motivational influence [51]. ...
... Other work on psychological distance highlights how perceptions about the temporal and spatial distance of climate change can alter people's risk perceptions and support for climate policies [66,67]. For example, personally experiencing climate change effects through extreme weather events leads to greater concern and support for climate policies (for review, see [51]), perhaps due to the psychological distance from climate change's effects being reduced. Although we cannot determine whether those who scored higher in affective risk perception necessarily experienced climate change impacts directly (nor if those with lower affective risk perception had not), this may be a factor that differentiates individuals' experiences and opinions. ...
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While a flurry of studies and Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) have independently investigated the impacts of switching mitigation policies in response to different climate scenarios, little is understood about the feedback effect of how human risk perceptions of climate change could contribute to switching climate mitigation policies. This study presents a novel machine learning approach, utilizing a probabilistic structural equation model (PSEM), for understanding complex interactions among climate risk perceptions, beliefs about climate science, political ideology, demographic factors, and their combined effects on support for mitigation policies. We use machine learning-based PSEM to identify the latent variables and quantify their complex interaction effects on support for climate policy. As opposed to a priori clustering of manifest variables into latent variables that is implemented in traditional SEMs, the novel PSEM presented in this study uses unsupervised algorithms to identify data-driven clustering of manifest variables into latent variables. Further, information theoretic metrics are used to estimate both the structural relationships among latent variables and the optimal number of classes within each latent variable. The PSEM yields an R2 of 92.2% derived from the “Climate Change in the American Mind” dataset (2008–2018 [N = 22,416]), which is a substantial improvement over a traditional regression analysis-based study applied to the CCAM dataset that identified five manifest variables to account for 51% of the variance in policy support. The PSEM uncovers a previously unidentified class of “lukewarm supporters” (~59% of the US population), different from strong supporters (27%) and opposers (13%). These lukewarm supporters represent a wide swath of the US population, but their support may be capricious and sensitive to the details of the policy and how it is implemented. Individual survey items clustered into latent variables reveal that the public does not respond to “climate risk perceptions” as a single construct in their minds. Instead, PSEM path analysis supports dual processing theory: analytical and affective (emotional) risk perceptions are identified as separate, unique factors, which, along with climate beliefs, political ideology, and race, explain much of the variability in the American public’s support for climate policy. The machine learning approach demonstrates that complex interaction effects of belief states combined with analytical and affective risk perceptions; as well as political ideology, party, and race, will need to be considered for informing the design of feedback loops in IAMs that endogenously feedback the impacts of global climate change on the evolution of climate mitigation policies.
... At this point, understanding public perceptions about the issue becomes vital, as learning about the public's risk perceptions is essential to shape the climate policies of the countries as well as shaping people's attitudes [35,36]. The way individuals or groups perceive and evaluate the dangers associated with climate change, including their opinions, attitudes, and behaviors around these hazards, is known as climate risk perception [37]. Many researchers have developed different models, tested them by using different variables, and tried to understand public risk perception concerning climate change [37][38][39][40][41], and within the scope of this study, CCRP will be evaluated in relation to EIDO, AMDO, and FN. ...
... The way individuals or groups perceive and evaluate the dangers associated with climate change, including their opinions, attitudes, and behaviors around these hazards, is known as climate risk perception [37]. Many researchers have developed different models, tested them by using different variables, and tried to understand public risk perception concerning climate change [37][38][39][40][41], and within the scope of this study, CCRP will be evaluated in relation to EIDO, AMDO, and FN. ...
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The aim of this study is to examine the effects of individuals’ climate change risk perceptions on artificial meat and edible insect diffusion optimism and the mediating role of food neophobia in these effects. The findings of this study are important because of the contribution that the preference behavior of innovative foods for mitigating the impact of climate change and managing climate change-induced food shortages can make within the framework of the Protection Motivation Theory. Türkiye was selected as the research region. The data obtained using quantitative analysis methods were transformed into findings through statistical analysis (such as structural equation modeling). This study revealed that individuals with high climate change risk perception evaluate alternative protein sources such as artificial meat and edible insects more positively. Food neophobia does not play an important role in these trends. This study emphasizes the importance of sustainable food consumption in combating climate change. To promote the spread of alternative protein sources, such as artificial meat and edible insects, individuals’ risk perceptions need to be increased, and food neophobia needs to be reduced. In this context, it is recommended to increase public awareness of climate change and develop educational programs. This study has the potential to contribute to the development of strategies to promote sustainable food consumption behaviors.
... Questions about the influence of weather and climate on humans were among the first research questions in environmental psychology and were already addressed by Hellpach (1977). Van der Linden (2018) stated that experiential factors, like temperature, are some of the most influential ones in driving public risk perception of climate change. Studies show that (perceived) experience with warm daily temperatures and heat waves, either during the survey or before, is associated with concern about global warming (Akerlof et al., 2013;Egan & Mullin, 2014;Hamilton & Stampone, 2013;Risen & Critcher, 2011). ...
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Research on climate change and impacts of natural hazards, such as heat waves, on human health has increased in recent years. Various approaches are used to study people's attitudes and actions in this context, but little is known about the extent to which different modes or other environmental variables influence the results. Therefore, we examined differences between surveys in three German cities, compared survey modes and investigated the influence of the temperature on the day of the survey and the previous days. We conducted two surveys on the topics of climate change risk perception and heat risk perception. In summer and autumn of 2019, in total 1,417 people from the three medium-sized German cities of Potsdam, Remscheid and Würzburg were surveyed via telephone or online. In summer of 2020, 280 people were surveyed face-to-face in public parks in Potsdam. Climate change risk perception, the perception of heat waves as a health threat and the knowledge of heat warnings differed depending on place of residence , survey mode and temperature. Participants of the online survey showed higher scores of risk perception than participants of the telephone and face-to-face surveys, indicating a self-selection bias. Increased temperature was associated with slightly higher levels of respondents' heat wave risk perception and, among participants surveyed outside, climate change risk perception. The finding that both survey mode and environmental factors can influence survey results should be heeded when planning or interpreting and comparing studies.
... Globally, climate change is generally perceived as a significantly higher risk in developing countries [10,11]. Some authors argue that perceptions of climate change are shaped by cultural and individual experiences [12]. ...
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The most visible and well-known consequence of natural and environmental disasters is displacement. The paper analyzes environmentally induced displacement and attitudes towards climate change in Italy between 2013 and 2023. For this purpose, the Gradient Boosting Model (GBM) is used to analyze environmental displacement, while the Fuzzy-Hybrid TOPSIS is implemented to study climate change concerns. The results show that weather-related disasters are the most important casual climate effect on displacement. Furthermore, the issue of climate change is far from uniform and varies significantly across socio-economic factors such as age, education, religion, and income.
... Field surveys [28], sample inventories [29], and ecosystem CS monitoring [30] are used to assess CS. Although traditional methods are accurate, they are difficult to measure large-scale and long time-series areas [31], and are difficult to be widely applied because of the large workload and low efficiency. ...
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Based on the perspective of conflict of interest between low-carbon ecology and economic and social development, this study explores the change mechanism of land use cover change (LUCC) and carbon storage (CS) in the context of “Dual-Carbon” goal and territorial spatial ecological governance, which is of great significance to optimize the construction path of “Dual-Carbon” goal and formulate low-carbon, ecological, high-quality, and sustainable economic and social policies in the urban areas. An integrated framework based on the System Dynamics model, the Patch Generation Land Simulation model, and the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs model was constructed to dynamically simulate the LUCC demand and CS of Wenzhou under four scenarios in 2035, and to analyze the spatial evolution mechanisms of LUCC and CS. The main results of the study show that in the Natural Development Scenario (NDS) and High-speed Urbanization Scenario (HUS), the expansion mechanism is similar, and the area of woodland decreases greatly, which is mainly caused by the rapid expansion of construction land and cultivated land. Under Low-carbon and High-quality Development Scenario (LHDS) and Ecological Safety Governance Scenario (ESGS), woodland and grassland increased significantly, mainly because low-carbon and ecological governance policies strengthened ecological land protection and limited construction land control. By 2035, the prediction results show that LHDS has the highest CS (2.231 × 10⁵ kt), followed by ESGS (2.226 × 10⁵ kt), NDS (2.191 × 10⁵ kt), and HUS (2.142 × 10⁵ kt). The range of increase and decrease was 0.189, −0.149, −1.676, −3.692%, and only in LHDS, CS increased by 42.05 kt. Therefore, in order to achieve the “Dual-Carbon” goal, Wenzhou needs to prioritize the combination of LHDS and ESGS to formulate relevant policies.
... Worry about climate change indicates that they are personally troubled by its effects and are actively and emotionally involved in the matter, which appears to motivate them to take action (Bouman et al., 2020). Accordingly, previous research reported that individuals were more likely to support national energy and climate policy if they have expressed greater worry about climate change (Smith and Leiserowitz, 2014;Van der Linden, 2017;Van der Linden et al., 2019). Furthermore, in a study exploring the relationship between worry about climate change and whether and how it can motivate specific and personal climate actions using data from the European Social Survey Round 8 (44,387 respondents from 23 countries), it was indicated that participants were more likely to support climate policy (Bouman et al., 2020) and display personal energy-saving behaviours including energy curtailment and efficiency behaviours (Gregersen et al., 2021) if they were more worried about climate change. ...
Purpose Consumers’ preferences for more sustainable dietary patterns and more climate-friendly foods can play a significant role in mitigating the effects of climate change. Accordingly, the present cross-sectional study aimed to examine the role of climate change worry and awareness of ecological footprint reduction behaviours in undergraduate consumers’ adherence to the Mediterranean diet and climate-friendly food choices. Design/methodology/approach This cross-sectional study was carried out with 600 healthy undergraduate students, including 255 (42.5%) males and 345 (57.5%) females. They completed the climate change worry scale, the awareness scale for reducing ecological footprint and the Mediterranean diet adherence scale. In addition, participants’ climate-friendly diet scores (CFDS) were calculated to evaluate climate-friendly food choices. Data were analysed using SPSS software. Findings Linear regression models indicated that climate change worry was positively associated with adherence to the Mediterranean diet ( β = 0.121, p = 0.003) and CFDS ( β = 0.087, p < 0.001). Similarly, a positive association was observed between the awareness of ecological footprint reduction behaviours and adherence to the Mediterranean diet ( β = 0.179, p < 0.001) and CFDS ( β = 0.098, p < 0.001). Research limitations/implications The results may indicate that worry about climate change and awareness of ecological footprint reduction behaviours can promote higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet and more climate-friendly food choices, but the observed associations do not imply causality, and further studies are required to determine whether causal links exist. Originality/value This study examined the relationships between climate change worry, awareness of ecological footprint reduction behaviours, adherence to the Mediterranean diet and climate-friendly food choices in a single study on undergraduate students.
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Risk perception, its relationship to preventive health behaviors and other factors (e.g., direct experience of a disease) are important for determining effective targets for disease prevention. Whether these relationships are the same for various diseases has not been well-researched. Drawing on a holistic model of risk perception, this study compares levels of perceived risk for COVID-19 and HIV in a rural Zambian community, examines hypothesized correlates of perceived risk, and evaluates whether higher perceived risk and/or its correlates are associated with practicing preventive behaviors for each disease. The sample included 118 adults participating in a larger study of families affected by HIV. Via surveys, information about risk perception, preventive behaviors, knowledge about, trust in information sources, direct experience and hearing about each disease, and prosociality, were collected. For each disease, perceived risk was not related to its preventive behaviors. Levels of perceived risk for COVID-19 and HIV differed significantly, as did their correlates. Having trusted sources of information about HIV was related to higher perceived risk of HIV. Direct experience of COVID-19 was related to higher perceived risk of COVID-19, but only at a level of interest. Although practicing preventive behaviors for each condition was related to higher levels of knowledge about each disease at a level of interest, willingness to engage in behavior beneficial to others (prosociality) was significantly related only to COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Different diseases provoke different levels of perceived risk and engagement with preventive behaviors and may be correlated with distinct factors. These differences may be due to history of experience with a disease, as well as cultural factors.
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Young people are increasingly distressed by the climate and ecological crises (eco-distress). This has been associated with the failure of people in power to act appropriately, which may cause moral distress and moral injury. We examined this hypothesis by interviewing 13 young adults (19–25 years) in the UK about their climate concerns and perceptions of how State actors and authorities are responding to climate change. Using reflexive thematic analysis, four themes were developed: (1) Climate change is a wicked problem, (2) Moral distress is associated with witnessing acts of omission and commission, (3) Moral distress drives eco-distress, and (4) Opportunities for moral repair. Climate concerns extended to broader concerns about ecological degradation (eco-distress), linked to feelings of moral distress arising from repeatedly witnessing powerful people failing to act on climate change. Eco-distress was also exacerbated by (a) witnessing others in society failing to take appropriate responsibility, (b) realising the limitations of individual action, and (c) being embedded within a culture where personal contribution to climate change is inescapable. In contrast, eco-distress was lessened by seeing authorities engage with the issues morally, and further mitigated by collective, ethical, pro-environmental action. This adds empirical evidence to support the hypothesis that eco-distress involves moral distress and injury arising when State authorities and other powerful bodies engage in wrongful acts and omissions on climate change. We argue that this is affecting the wellbeing of young people and supports the argument that such wrongful (in)action infringes human rights. Clinical implications are discussed. Key learning aims (1) To understand how and why moral distress and moral injury relate to the distress that young people feel about climate change (eco-distress). (2) To consider the clinical implications of formulating eco-distress in a way that includes reference to the violation of core moral codes. (3) To explore what opportunities exist that could reduce moral distress and support young people. (4) To understand how research into moral distress and moral injury in relation to climate change can offer important insight into the relevance of eco-distress to human rights infringements and justice-oriented care. (5) To discuss practical solutions that might support moral repair, both in psychotherapy settings and in broader social policy.
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This book, a member of the Series in Affective Science, is a unique interdisciplinary sequence of articles on the cognitive neuroscience of emotion by some of the most well-known researchers in the area. It explores what is known about cognitive processes in emotion at the same time it reviews the processes and anatomical structures involved in emotion, determining whether there is something about emotion and its neural substrates that requires they be studied as a separate domain. Divided into four major focal points and presenting research that has been performed in the last decade, this book covers the process of emotion generation, the functions of amygdala, the conscious experience of emotion, and emotion regulation and dysregulation. Collectively, the chapters constitute a broad but selective survey of current knowledge about emotion and the brain, and they all address the close association between cognitive and emotional processes. By bringing together diverse strands of investigation with the aim of documenting current understanding of how emotion is instantiated in the brain, this book will be of use to scientists, researchers, and advanced students of psychology and neuroscience.
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The spread of influential misinformation, such as conspiracy theories about the existence of a secret, large-scale atmospheric spraying program (SLAP), is contributing to the politicization of science. In an important recent study, Shearer et al (2016 Environ. Res. Lett. 11 084011) employ a novel methodology to quantify the expert consensus of popular SLAP assertions. The authors find that 99% (76/77) of surveyed experts have not encountered any evidence that would support the existence of such a program. Here we argue that this finding is important because a growing body of research has shown that the public’s perception of expert consensus on key societal issues acts an important ‘gateway’ to science acceptance. Furthermore, communicating normative agreement among experts, such as the strong scientific consensus against the existence of a SLAP, can help limit the spread of misinformation and promote more effective public decision-making about science and society.
This handbook is the first to comprehensively study the interdependent fields of environmental and conservation psychology. In doing so, it seeks to map the rapidly growing field of conservation psychology and its relationship to environmental psychology. The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology includes basic research on environmental perceptions, attitudes, and values; research on specific environments, such as therapeutic settings, schools, and prisons; environmental impacts on human well-being; and ways to promote a more sustainable relationship between people and the natural environment. This handbook presents an extensive review of current research and is a thorough guide to the state of knowledge about a wide range of topics at the intersection of psychology and the physical environment. Beyond this, it provides a better understanding of the relationship between environmental and conservation psychology, and some sense of the directions in which these interdependent areas of study are heading.
People today must make decisions about many health, safety, and environmental risks. Nuclear power, HIV/AIDS, radon, vaccines, climate change, and emerging infectious diseases are just some issues that may face them in the news media, ballot box, or doctor's office. In order to make sound choices they need to get good information. Because their time is limited, that information has to be carefully selected and clearly presented. This book provides a systematic approach for risk communicators and technical experts, hoping to serve the public by providing information about risks. The procedure uses approaches from risk and decision analysis to identify the most relevant information; it uses approaches from psychology and communication theory to ensure that it is understood. This book is written in nontechnical terms, designed to make the approach feasible for anyone willing to try it. It is illustrated with successful communications, on a variety of topics.
Despite extensive efforts at public science education, polling over the past 30 years has consistently shown that about 40 to 45% of Americans believe that humans were supernaturally created in the past 10,000 years ( 1 ). A natural interpretation of this finding is that U.S. science education is failing to reach nearly half of the population, and that widespread belief in recent human origins reflects basic scientific illiteracy. However, the reality is more complex ( 2 ): Many of those who reject evolutionary theory are aware of the scientific consensus on the subject, and such rejection is not always associated with low scientific literacy. Similar results have been found for beliefs regarding anthropogenic climate change ( 3 ). On page 321 of this issue, Friedkin et al. ( 4 ) provide a key step toward understanding this phenomenon by introducing a simple family of models for social influence among individuals with multiple, interdependent beliefs.
It is intuitive to assume that concern about climate change should be preceded by knowledge about its effects. However, recent research suggests that knowledge about climate change has only a limited effect on shaping concern about climate change. Our view is that this counterintuitive finding is a function of how knowledge is typically measured in studies about climate change. We find that if it is measured in a domain-specific and multidimensional way, knowledge is indeed an important driver of concern about climate change - even when we control for human values. Likewise, different dimensions of knowledge play different roles in shaping concern about climate change. To illustrate these findings, we present the results from a survey deployed across six culturally and politically diverse countries. Higher levels of knowledge about the causes of climate change were related to a heightened concern. However, higher levels of knowledge about the physical characteristics of climate change had either a negative or no significant effect on concern. Efforts aimed at improving public knowledge about climate change are therefore not the lost cause that some researchers claim they may be.